  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • Motor: dvotaktni
    - Zapremina motora: 52 ccm
    - Snaga motora: 2200 W pri 7.500obrtaja/min
    - Broj obrtaja: 10.000 /min
    - Dužina maca: 455 mm
    - Lanac: 21 (korak 0.325", širina vodilice 0.058")
    - Vrsta goriva: bezolovni benzin min 85 oktana
    - Mešavina: 1:25
    - Zapremina rezervoara za gorivo: 0.55 l
    - Zapremina rezervoara za ulje: 0.26 l
    - Sistem protiv vibracija: da
    - Težina: 5.5 kg
    Engine: two-stroke - Engine volume: 52 cc - Engine power: 2200 W at 7,500 revolutions / min - Speed: 10,000 / min - Pulp length: 455 mm - Chain: 21 (step 0.325 ", guide width 0.058") - Fuel type: unleaded petrol min. 85 octane - Mix: 1:25 - Fuel tank volume: 0.55 l - Volume of the oil tank: 0.26 l - Anti-vibration system: yes - Weight: 5.5 kg
    Motorna testera W-KS 2200 B Benzinska lančana Womax Pro Power
    Model: 78422099Reč je o benzinskoj, lančanoj motornoj testeri koja je idealna za upotrebu u dvorištu, dakle, nije namenjena za seču u šumi i za svakodnevni rad. Naravno, s njom možete iseći nekoliko metara drva pred zimu, ali to ne znači da svaki dan možete seći desetine metara šume.Broj obrtaja 10.000 /minDuzina - Mača: 455 mmMotor DvotaktniVrsta goriva: bezolovni benzin min 85 oktana.Mešavina: 1:25.Sistem protiv vibracija.Snaga 2200 W pri 7.500obrtaja/minTezina 5.5 kgZapremina - Rezervoara za gorivo: 0.55 l. - Rezervoara za ulje: 0.26 l.Zapremina motora 52 ccmPaljenje: - Iskustvo pokazuje da se u velikom broju slučajeva greška dogodi već na samom početku - kada treba upaliti motornu testeru. Ukoliko se ne prati ovaj postupak testera neće ni početi da radi. Postupak za paljenje je sledeći: - Izvucite saug (crna plastična ručica smeštena desno od glavne ručke, gde se nalazi kontrola gasa). -Uključite prekidač - ON (nalazi se s leve strane). - Povucite konopac za paljenje (poteznica ili start mehanizam) dva ili tri puta, odnosno dok ne okine (pokuša da se upali) - Pošto ste čuli specifični zvuk motora, vratite ručicu sauga u početni položaj. - Ponovo povucite kanap za paljenje Motorna testera sad je upaljena. Nemojte odmah seći, već sačekajte pet do deset sekundi kako bi se motor zagrejao. - Ako se pogrešno postupa motorna testera neće upaliti. Ne morate je odmah nositi na servis jer problem možete rešiti sami. Testera neće moći da radi jer je zbog greške pri paljenju u motor ušlo previše goriva. Taj višak treba izbaciti i pravilno je upaliti. Da bi ste izbacili višak goriva prvo trebate skinuti zaštitni gornji poklopac i filter, potom treba izvaditi svećicu, koja se nalazi ispod maske, i okrenuti testeru naopako. Gorivo će iscuriti i onda ćete moći da je upalite. Naravno, samo ako poštujete pravila.
    Chainsaw W-KS 2200 B Womax Pro Power Petrol Chain Model: 78422099 This is a gasoline motor chain tester that is ideal for use in the yard, therefore, it is not intended for cutting in the woods and for everyday work. Of course, with it you can cut a few meters of wood before winter, but that does not mean that you can cut tens of meters of wood every day. Speed ​​10.000 / min Length - Sword: 455 mm Engine Two-stroke Fuel type: unleaded petrol min. 85 octane. Mix: 1:25. Anti-vibration system. Power 2200 W at 7,500 revolutions / min Weight 5.5 kg Volume - Fuel tank: 0.55 l. - Oil tank: 0.26 l. Engine volume 52 cc Ignition: - Experience shows that in a large number of cases, the error occurs at the very beginning - when the motor saw is to be started. If this procedure is not followed, the saw will not begin to work. The ignition procedure is as follows: - Pull out the saug (black plastic handle located to the right of the main handle, where the gas control is located). - Turn on the switch - ON (located on the left side). - Pull the ignition cord (clamp or start mechanism) two or three times, or until it snaps (attempts to start) - After you have heard the specific engine sound, restore the brake lever to the starting position. - Re-pull the ignition cord The saw is now on. Do not rush immediately, but wait five to ten seconds for the engine to warm up. - If the chain saw is wrong, it will not turn on. You do not have to carry it to the service right now, because you can fix the problem yourself. The saw will not be able to operate, because the engine failure caused too much fuel to enter the engine. This surplus should be ejected and properly activated. To eject the excess fuel, you first need to remove the protective upper lid and filter, then remove the spark plug underneath the mask, and turn the saw blade upside down. Fuel will leak and then you will be able to turn it on. Of course, only if you respect the rules.

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