I didn't get what was the purpose of this talk.....yeah u visited Muslim countries...met some Muslim dudes...visited mosques...had diner..then what... bizarre...wasted my time watching..
Emine Songül Çınar Really, how is that.? since he said he's Jewish.. christians, Hindu, Buddhist and even atheist...sorry man.. but that's even more confusing according to my dictionary ...don't know about yours.. you tell me he was judgemental of muslims before he got to know them yes, he even admitted that..but telling me he understand god and muslims ...you'll need a lot more mate than just a diner with some dude somewhere in turkey..!!
Yeah. Not all Muslims are the same. Go figure. There are all different kinds of Christians too. Suuuuuper orthodox ones, super lax. That's kinda common across religions
Makes them lapsed Muslims. Doesn't mean orthodox Muslims ( majority of Muslims in the world) are the same. Just because you may know a bunch of lapsed christians in the west, doesn't mean you know how conservatives christians are.
Dilettante "experiencing shamen, mushrooms, orthodox Israelis , islam... tourist... anthropology as a series of fairground rides.. I learnt NOTHING from this. just his feelings.
Al Alqsa is not a single mosque. Its the entire compound that encompasses three mosques on site. The mosque you're referring to is called Qibly Mosque. Hope that helps.
Everyone and I mean everyone NEEDS to be in a safe healthy setting with an experienced practitioner of psychedelics, that was his catalyst, and it all makes sense. Teacher of LOVE, I LOVE it!
Don't make it complicated. Believe and do good deeds. Period. Everything else is to do as best you can. Allah does not expect anyone to be perfect. Do your best and repent for things you realize are wrong. No earrings, tattoos, etc of course is valid. But it is not in the Quran and just because someone is wearing it does not make them a non-Muslim.
@jemilasalajee9162 if crusaders were offensive why all the crusades happen in christian land of western world except jerusalem.The reason is only because islam is an apartheid invasive strategy devised by cult leader to propagate and other neighboring land from kaffirs.Islam is such a crap ideology that it spread like a cancer even where in the places it conquered.Later the indigenous peole were denied the right to practice their beliefs.
@jemilasalajee9162 what the Muslim did to the Christians, Jews and Pagans before the Crusades. You need to read up on what Muhammad Army did to these people.
But is he really a muslim? I got a feeling he is not. He declared sahadah because he was told to. Not because he wanted to be a muslim. I think hidayah has not come to him yet. But I hope someday it comes to him.
this is my impression as well. Besides, sufism is very often altered because i leads to shirks. Sufism stresses on the saints(awliya) to whom they give divine prerogatves and this is shirk
@@joezingher4770 i do not think he could care less. since he says he is an atheist (but i would define him agnostic) all this fornhim is just a personal human grownt, not a travel into an organized belief system. i would expect him to define himself as a catholic or an orthodox christian too. well this does not take away anything to him as a teacher or as a man.
3:10 no is the second holy place because in the teaching of Islam Honda created the the first two place of worship buil are Masjid Al Haram ie Mecca And Al-Aqsa Mosque
We were born Arab Muslims. We studied the Arabic language and memorized pre-Islamic poetry and hadith. They knew that the Qur’an was infallible and that it was in the preserved Tablet. But when I reached the age of 16, I read the Qur’an several times, and I started to find sentences in it for strokes, such as saying: “Let someone shed blood in it while we praise with your praise ... The blood, while he still did not know Eve or committed a sin ... And other questions, then after this the devil’s saying: Warn me until the day they are resurrected, he said that you are from the theoreticians. ))) How is the Devil with knowledge of the unseen, sin has not been committed yet, Adam and Eve did not give birth to offspring yet, wooooo, etc. Then I began to find grammatical errors, stubbornness and repetition, and when I became very mature and mentally mature, I began to examine the Qur’an using reason and logic.List here some of the contradictions of the writer of the Qur’an, for example Yunus Surat Al-Saffat 141: So we started it in the open, and he was sick, and a tree grew upon him of those who cut him and sent him to a hundred thousand or more)) or more, God here does not know the correct number one hundred thousand or more. هم What is important in Surat Al-Qalam says Al-Hajj Muhammad 47: (So be patient with the judgment of your Lord and not You were like the owner of the whale when he cried while he was oppressed, had it not been met by a blessing from his Lord (here is the correct error: if it had not been a blessing from his Lord), he would have been rejected in the naked while he was blameworthy. ))) The liar forgets. 2- Surat Al-Mursalat, Sentence No. 34..Woe to those who deny it. This is a day that they do not speak and they are not given the call to prayer, so they apologize.I include here some of the contradictions of the writer of the Qur’an, for example, Yunus in Surat Al-Saffat 141: So we started him outdoors while he was sick, and we planted a tree on him who was pumped and sent him to a hundred thousand or more)) or more, God here does not know the correct number of one hundred thousand or more. Al-Hajj Muhammad 47: (So be patient with the judgment of your Lord, and do not be like the owner of the whale when he cried while he was oppressed, had it not been for him to be met by a blessing from his Lord. And in the pen he was not rejected because he was caught by the mercy of his Lord.))) The liar forgets. 2- Surat Al-Mursalat, Sentence No. 34..Woe to those who deny it. This is a day that they do not speak and they are not given the call to prayer, so they apologize. Errors, copies, and contradictions in the skull of the Qur'an god who deceives, deceives and deceives and performs the same work that Satan does, even though the idea of Satan is an invention of human ignorance. Whoever misleads God, then does not have a guide(quoran) .... Did you not see that I sent demons to the unbelievers to comfort them (quoran)..... etc. ..... God of Muhammad is the Devil, both of them are doing the same vile work. A god who loves bloodshed, slave-marriage, oaths, the marriage of pleasure, the marriage of minors, those who did not have a child, hoor al-'ayn, and co-Arabs, etc. ... scandals, lack of modesty, spoils, anfal, and khums, add to all these contradictions, and copying, And scientific errors, about the sun, the universe, and (quoran said):the stars, are the rays of demons, and 7 heavens 😅😅😅 and 7 lands 😅😅😅. The god of Muhammad does not know that there are galaxies in the billions and that there is no sky nor they mourn. ((And the sky holds that it falls on the earth ))🤣🤣🤣🤣 (quoran)An idea that was prevalent among the ancient Greeks. The Qur’an is a farce,(quoran said):( and if it was from other than God, they would have found a lot of difference in it. )Oh .... the difference in barrels and tons. So the Qur’an is a human industry and there is no need to swindle and deceive the weak in thinking and reason. Do not follow the life of Muhammad lying, conquest, captivity and bloodshed under the cover of jihad for the sake of the Quranic Devil of Muhammad. Beware of conscience and be ashamed if you fear the punishment of conscience if you have a conscience. But despite your knowledge that the Qur’an are copies, contradictions, grammatical, linguistic, astronomical errors, and errors in inheritance And mistakes in the period of pregnancy and weaning, once he says: and weaning him for two full years for those who wanted to breastfeed, i.e. 24 months. The miskeen says in any other: his pregnancy and his schizophrenia are 30 months) a fatal mistake: schizophrenia two full years, according to what he said, meaning 24 months, plus the period of pregnancy 9 months, the total: 33 months, not 30 months. But in the poetry of the rhyme Muhammad Fadl, the rhyme for the beauty of speech over the calamity and scandal in the period of pregnancy and weaning. The liar always forgets 😅😅😅😅 The four Gospels are also contradictory, especially about the lineage of Christ, that is, Jesus of Nazareth, and also about the story of the Resurrection contradictory with its contradictory events. Crime books Man-made criminals, true God does not need to kill servants as their creator. It is impossible if there was a god that he commanded evil, killing and plunder. Impossible, logic rejects this kind of artificial deity. It is impossible for the god of Muhammad to be the deceiver, the cunning and the Hadi of the same sect. If he is deceiving servants, then he is a demon The god of religions does not settle on any doctrine, state and circumstance, each time having a different and contradictory mood, so in summary, the religion made stupid human beings. There are errors about historical events in the Quran like: 1) The Virgin Mary: In the chapter of Prohibition (Sura At-Tahrim) 12: "And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who knew how to preserve her chastity." And in the chapter of Mary (Sura Maryam) 27, 28: "So she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man who committed adultery, nor was your mother a fornicator. . " So the Qur'an says that Mary, the mother of Christ, was the daughter of Imran and the sister of Aaron. The Holy Bible says that Mary is the daughter of Joachim. Muhammad confused Mary the prophetess, Aaron's sister, who was mentioned in Exodus 15; 20, with Mary, the mother of Christ. The Holy Bible says in the first book of Chronicles 6; 3: “The children of Amram: Aaron and Moses, and Mary. The sons of Aaron: Nadab and Abiu, Eleazar and Ithamar ", thus, Mary was the daughter of Amram according to history and the Holy Bible. So he changed Amram's name to Imran and considered the Virgin Mary to be Mary, the sister of Aaron and Moses, and the daughter of Imran, although she was not the same person. How can Mary, the mother of Christ, be the daughter of Imran and the sister of Aaron and Moses when there are 1,500 years between the Virgin Mary and the time of Aaron? Is God Wrong When Talking About History? THIS IS BIG PROOF THAT QUORAN IS FROM CLEVER AND PIRATE MAN NOT MORE. HIS ALLAH DIDN'T KNOW WHO IS MARI ????..
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer. -Surah An-Nisa', Ayah 1
Islam does not deny evolution. In fact it says the opposite. God, in the Quran (1:2), is described as "rub" meaning the creator who created in stages - the Evolver.
What a joke. Islam is not what you introduced here. Why don't you tell these poor people to watch your debates with Muslims. they may get a better picture of what Islam is about.
Thank you for going to Jerusalem. Thank you for going to the Western Wall. I am glad someone understands my culture. I get people automatically assuming that I am a Christian or Catholic. When I am in a synagogue, people think that I am Jewish. I used to have stupid thoughts that were given by ignorant people to me. Like the Jewish religion is dying. Some man said that is crazy. If Christians are allowed to talk too much about their religion, why do I have to be silent? I rarely say anything about it. Constantly, people tell me Happy Eater and Merry Christmas. And after I was called a skinhead from some strangers who I never saw, I am sick of being judged as that I follow a religion became of my looks. Skinhead is not a religion. No. I am not offensive. But I don’t like it when someone tells me to change into another religion only to be accepted by non Jews and to get more respect than I do here in the United States. Heh, professor, why don’t you go to Afghanistan. It is not safe. Russia is not either. I would never want to go to the Ukraine for vacation.
I think is good idea to have conversations young Muslim people with non Muslim and have debates, I think we have to start real conversations on the media to find peace! I personally believe : there are just to nationals in world: women and men!
First that mosque in Turkey just represent what Mohammed is and his califsphates took over Turkey that mosque was built by CHRISTIAN'S invaded and made into a mosque when really it isn't there's intruders in that mosque witch really is a church it wasn't given to them they took it because there a religion of peace .
i am an arab muslim from Oman . first of all islam dose not allow to conveert a church in to a mosque . secondly in my opinion when muslims toolover istanbul all of christains left th city , having said that the Sultan pyrchased it by paying alot of money . coming back to the subject i think you should go to Espain and see around our mosques , what did they do after the killing of muslims and burning them life in thier houses . i think you should a shamed of that history . We didnt do the same my friend , Islam dose not allow that to take place , please read the islamic take over of the holly city of JIourosalam so that you would explored what islam is .
@@husainzafar8993 The Hagia Sophia wasn't purchased by a Sultan. How ludicrous! Constantinople was invaded, captured and pillaged by the Muslims in 1453, it was the seat of the Eastern Roman Empire. The city was captured and the Muslims turned into a mosque. Bought? LMAO
Dr. Sam, you can't be both muslim and a buddhist and everything else, they can't all be true. Either they are all wrong or one of the religion is right. Study what the islamic scripture teaches and you will realise it is a false religion and immoral to its core. Dr. Sam, you are misleading all these students of yours, muslim people can be lovely but what islam teaches is not.
you completely have no idea about Islam except cherry-picked quotes repeated after those who hate Islam, I really advise you to read it yourself but read the original scripture, or at least the approved translation of it, but first, prepare yourself to be sincerely objective, then you be the judge, but when you come across something you may consider bad, try first to read the whole thing about it, not stop in the middle and make your judgement, unless you are already one of those who hate Islam and have been raised to hate it without a reasonable reason except the bad claims you grew up learning about it.
@@UnattendedNarrative If you say i cherry pick, then you admit those verses are in the quran. Hamza, OK then, tell me one good thing about Islam, and why it is good.
@@yourquestion6335 My English is not very good but I will try my best to answer you, Cherry-picking things and presenting them out of their context can make anything look bad to those who are new to the concept, everything haters of Islam try to convey about Islam is out of its context, everything about Islam when given in its context will not look as bad as they try to convey. Islam is the fastest grown (with new converts) religion in the world, thousands are reverting back to Islam every year all over the world despite the amount of directed false accusation against it in the media. (I said reverting because we believe that everyone is born a Muslim) there must be many things driving that amount of people to revert back to Islam!. as stated by some of those reverts: - Closer Relationship with the Creator than any other religion. - More Positive Outlook on Life than any other religion. - the Purest and Clearest Concept of God compared to other religions. - Emphasises Both Evidence and Faith, encourages seeking evidence using science or any other means (compare to other religions). - Accountability and Ultimate Justice, everyone will be held accountable for his deeds, more logical concept about the Forgiveness of Sins. - Practical and Balanced Way of Life. - Universal and Timeless Message. - Everything is writing in one unchanged scripture that has been saved, nothing changed in the Quran even one letter, it still the same as it was revealed 1400 years ago the same clear message that still drives thousands of people to revert back. It has given everything a reasonable description that conforms with its nature, given women their rights in a time the church (till recently) was arguing whether a woman has a soul or not. many of the rights and solutions that the world is addressing in the 21st century, Islam has addressed them 1400 years ago and it still providing solutions to the problems that haven't been addressed yet... - Islam's message is not different from the previous messages delivered by the previous prophets (Ibraheem, Jesus, Mosses, ... etc) down to Mohamed the last prophet, Islam states that they all came with the same one message from the same one God that created and sent them, we believe them all, we don't differentiate between any of them, although we believe that people have introduced false things to their message and corrupted its purity, they all were Muslims = submitters to God, and Islam as the final message has come to correct and purify what has been falsely introduced to their message, and we believe that this time with Islam, God himself took the charge to keep and save Quran from anything falsely introduced to it by people so what happened to the previous religions won't happen to Islam. look man I can go on and on for days talking about each point I stated above and about the good things in Islam, but I tried to cut short to the point and you or anyone interested can look for details regarding each point on the internet.
@@yourquestion6335 I don't recall I am not the accuser, Islam states that the accuser should present his accusations not the other way around. and actually, everything you would present there are thousands of people that have answered it on the web thousands of times, if you are really just and interested in truth and nothing else, you would look for it
What a beautiful story. Just one thing you don't be muslim by saying the phrase you become Muslim by believing in it and then saying it😉
True.. Dr. Sam is so unclear
I assume that was his younger self speaking. Surely he knows better today.
He needs to be practicing d faith.
I didn't get what was the purpose of this talk.....yeah u visited Muslim countries...met some Muslim dudes...visited mosques...had diner..then what... bizarre...wasted my time watching..
His understanding of God has changed through this mosque visit,which is actually great issue
Emine Songül Çınar Really, how is that.? since he said he's Jewish.. christians, Hindu, Buddhist and even atheist...sorry man.. but that's even more confusing according to my dictionary ...don't know about yours.. you tell me he was judgemental of muslims before he got to know them yes, he even admitted that..but telling me he understand god and muslims ...you'll need a lot more mate than just a diner with some dude somewhere in turkey..!!
@@latfiazi1440 🤣
I had Muslim housemates from Morocco. They aren't religious at all. They hardly pray, fast during Ramadan and drink beer.
Yeah. Not all Muslims are the same. Go figure.
There are all different kinds of Christians too. Suuuuuper orthodox ones, super lax. That's kinda common across religions
Makes them lapsed Muslims. Doesn't mean orthodox Muslims ( majority of Muslims in the world) are the same.
Just because you may know a bunch of lapsed christians in the west, doesn't mean you know how conservatives christians are.
Dilettante "experiencing shamen, mushrooms, orthodox Israelis , islam... tourist... anthropology as a series of fairground rides.. I learnt NOTHING from this. just his feelings.
That golden dome is not al aqsa mosque
Further behind, earthy color dome, IS al aqsa mosque
Al Alqsa is not a single mosque. Its the entire compound that encompasses three mosques on site. The mosque you're referring to is called Qibly Mosque. Hope that helps.
Build on top of of the Jewish Temple Mount, just goes to show how Islam is a cheap knock off
The entire compound consisting of Al Aqsa and Done of the Rock is Al Aqsa compound ...
Everyone and I mean everyone NEEDS to be in a safe healthy setting with an experienced practitioner of psychedelics, that was his catalyst, and it all makes sense. Teacher of LOVE, I LOVE it!
and just to add on a true Muslim man don't wear earrings because earrings is for women only
Wearing earrings is man made
@@786swe earnings is Haram for a Muslim man. There is a "ijm'a" by the scholars.
Don't make it complicated. Believe and do good deeds. Period. Everything else is to do as best you can. Allah does not expect anyone to be perfect. Do your best and repent for things you realize are wrong.
No earrings, tattoos, etc of course is valid. But it is not in the Quran and just because someone is wearing it does not make them a non-Muslim.
The quran says nothing about that.
turkey wasnt always fully muslim
great professor doesnt know what those wonderful muslims did to all the christians
What Christians did to the rest of the world....
Sure you right what the crusaders did do muslims
@jemilasalajee9162 if crusaders were offensive why all the crusades happen in christian land of western world except jerusalem.The reason is only because islam is an apartheid invasive strategy devised by cult leader to propagate and other neighboring land from kaffirs.Islam is such a crap ideology that it spread like a cancer even where in the places it conquered.Later the indigenous peole were denied the right to practice their beliefs.
@jemilasalajee9162 what the Muslim did to the Christians, Jews and Pagans before the Crusades. You need to read up on what Muhammad Army did to these people.
But is he really a muslim? I got a feeling he is not. He declared sahadah because he was told to. Not because he wanted to be a muslim. I think hidayah has not come to him yet. But I hope someday it comes to him.
this is my impression as well. Besides, sufism is very often altered because i leads to shirks. Sufism stresses on the saints(awliya) to whom they give divine prerogatves and this is shirk
Passing judgements is not good bro
@@achakmachak to whom are you answering?
Prasangka buruk adalah perbuatan tercela.
Wrong Al Aqsa if you referring to the Golden Dome mosque
6:47 This should be a meme lol.
I saw the prayer and shahada coming 😂😂😂
What an amazing experience this man had ! That is what I call living and not just surviving life
May God bless him
As a muslim, the story is very uninspiring at all.
Personal experiences are not very islamic.
Probably because Islam can’t inspire. It’s a bloody, murderous, death cult
Islam is also uninspiring. muhammad used to get sodomized by donkeys and enjoyed it.
Having spoken the Shahada, isn't he now an apostate for saying he's still Christian, etc?
@@joezingher4770 i do not think he could care less. since he says he is an atheist (but i would define him agnostic) all this fornhim is just a personal human grownt, not a travel into an organized belief system. i would expect him to define himself as a catholic or an orthodox christian too. well this does not take away anything to him as a teacher or as a man.
Keep searching, hopefully you’ll find what you are looking for. And when you do, you’ll thirst no more.
That golden dome is not Al-Aqsa
that was my sign that this man is a douchebag
I wish he was a prof at my uni
I have a question is this professor muslim?
3:10 no is the second holy place because in the teaching of Islam Honda created the the first two place of worship buil are Masjid Al Haram ie Mecca And Al-Aqsa Mosque
No third most holy after Makkah and Madinah Shareef. The Salaah at Madinah Shareef has more reward than Al Aqsa
We were born Arab Muslims. We studied the Arabic language and memorized pre-Islamic poetry and hadith. They knew that the Qur’an was infallible and that it was in the preserved Tablet. But when I reached the age of 16, I read the Qur’an several times, and I started to find sentences in it for strokes, such as saying: “Let someone shed blood in it while we praise with your praise ... The blood, while he still did not know Eve or committed a sin ... And other questions, then after this the devil’s saying: Warn me until the day they are resurrected, he said that you are from the theoreticians. ))) How is the Devil with knowledge of the unseen, sin has not been committed yet, Adam and Eve did not give birth to offspring yet, wooooo, etc. Then I began to find grammatical errors, stubbornness and repetition, and when I became very mature and mentally mature, I began to examine the Qur’an using reason and logic.List here some of the contradictions of the writer of the Qur’an, for example Yunus
Surat Al-Saffat 141: So we started it in the open, and he was sick, and a tree grew upon him of those who cut him and sent him to a hundred thousand or more)) or more, God here does not know the correct number one hundred thousand or more. هم What is important in Surat Al-Qalam says Al-Hajj Muhammad 47: (So be patient with the judgment of your Lord and not You were like the owner of the whale when he cried while he was oppressed, had it not been met by a blessing from his Lord (here is the correct error: if it had not been a blessing from his Lord), he would have been rejected in the naked while he was blameworthy. ))) The liar forgets. 2- Surat Al-Mursalat, Sentence No. 34..Woe to those who deny it. This is a day that they do not speak and they are not given the call to prayer, so they apologize.I include here some of the contradictions of the writer of the Qur’an, for example, Yunus in Surat Al-Saffat 141: So we started him outdoors while he was sick, and we planted a tree on him who was pumped and sent him to a hundred thousand or more)) or more, God here does not know the correct number of one hundred thousand or more. Al-Hajj Muhammad 47: (So be patient with the judgment of your Lord, and do not be like the owner of the whale when he cried while he was oppressed, had it not been for him to be met by a blessing from his Lord. And in the pen he was not rejected because he was caught by the mercy of his Lord.))) The liar forgets. 2- Surat Al-Mursalat, Sentence No. 34..Woe to those who deny it. This is a day that they do not speak and they are not given the call to prayer, so they apologize.
Errors, copies, and contradictions in the skull of the Qur'an god who deceives, deceives and deceives and performs the same work that Satan does, even though the idea of Satan is an invention of human ignorance. Whoever misleads God, then does not have a guide(quoran) .... Did you not see that I sent demons to the unbelievers to comfort them (quoran)..... etc. ..... God of Muhammad is the Devil, both of them are doing the same vile work. A god who loves bloodshed, slave-marriage, oaths, the marriage of pleasure, the marriage of minors, those who did not have a child, hoor al-'ayn, and co-Arabs, etc. ... scandals, lack of modesty, spoils, anfal, and khums, add to all these contradictions, and copying, And scientific errors, about the sun, the universe, and (quoran said):the stars, are the rays of demons, and 7 heavens 😅😅😅 and 7 lands 😅😅😅. The god of Muhammad does not know that there are galaxies in the billions and that there is no sky nor they mourn. ((And the sky holds that it falls on the earth ))🤣🤣🤣🤣 (quoran)An idea that was prevalent among the ancient Greeks. The Qur’an is a farce,(quoran said):( and if it was from other than God, they would have found a lot of difference in it. )Oh .... the difference in barrels and tons. So the Qur’an is a human industry and there is no need to swindle and deceive the weak in thinking and reason. Do not follow the life of Muhammad lying, conquest, captivity and bloodshed under the cover of jihad for the sake of the Quranic Devil of Muhammad. Beware of conscience and be ashamed if you fear the punishment of conscience if you have a conscience. But despite your knowledge that the Qur’an are copies, contradictions, grammatical, linguistic, astronomical errors, and errors in inheritance And mistakes in the period of pregnancy and weaning, once he says: and weaning him for two full years for those who wanted to breastfeed, i.e. 24 months. The miskeen says in any other: his pregnancy and his schizophrenia are 30 months) a fatal mistake: schizophrenia two full years, according to what he said, meaning 24 months, plus the period of pregnancy 9 months, the total: 33 months, not 30 months. But in the poetry of the rhyme Muhammad Fadl, the rhyme for the beauty of speech over the calamity and scandal in the period of pregnancy and weaning. The liar always forgets 😅😅😅😅 The four Gospels are also contradictory, especially about the lineage of Christ, that is, Jesus of Nazareth, and also about the story of the Resurrection contradictory with its contradictory events. Crime books Man-made criminals, true God does not need to kill servants as their creator. It is impossible if there was a god that he commanded evil, killing and plunder. Impossible, logic rejects this kind of artificial deity. It is impossible for the god of Muhammad to be the deceiver, the cunning and the Hadi of the same sect. If he is deceiving servants, then he is a demon The god of religions does not settle on any doctrine, state and circumstance, each time having a different and contradictory mood, so in summary, the religion made stupid human beings. There are errors about historical events in the Quran like:
1) The Virgin Mary:
In the chapter of Prohibition (Sura At-Tahrim) 12: "And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who knew how to preserve her chastity."
And in the chapter of Mary (Sura Maryam) 27, 28: "So she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man who committed adultery, nor was your mother a fornicator. . "
So the Qur'an says that Mary, the mother of Christ, was the daughter of Imran and the sister of Aaron.
The Holy Bible says that Mary is the daughter of Joachim.
Muhammad confused Mary the prophetess, Aaron's sister, who was mentioned in Exodus 15; 20, with Mary, the mother of Christ.
The Holy Bible says in the first book of Chronicles 6; 3: “The children of Amram: Aaron and Moses, and Mary. The sons of Aaron: Nadab and Abiu, Eleazar and Ithamar ", thus, Mary was the daughter of Amram according to history and the Holy Bible.
So he changed Amram's name to Imran and considered the Virgin Mary to be Mary, the sister of Aaron and Moses, and the daughter of Imran, although she was not the same person.
How can Mary, the mother of Christ, be the daughter of Imran and the sister of Aaron and Moses when there are 1,500 years between the Virgin Mary and the time of Aaron?
Video on ancient Eygpt please
Im glad i found this chanel❤ my god guid you to comfort and peace.
Yay am from afghanistan and am Muslim 🇦🇫
😂 You don't have to give up Evolution. You just have to keep up those belief that is contradicting with Islam.
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.
-Surah An-Nisa', Ayah 1
Wait Islam believes in evolution, we don't deny science. I'm glad this guy had this wonderful experience, but something's a bit off.
several Islamic countries ban the teaching of evolution.
we don’t believe that adam was a descendant of an ape though
You believe in revolution not evolution, radical religious with nothing new to it
That's not Christianity, going from one religion to another and being comfortable about it.
Muslims know how to show women their true place in society.
What a flower child.
Count the me, me, me, I, I, I, my, my, mys. A great many of them.
Islam does not deny evolution. In fact it says the opposite. God, in the Quran (1:2), is described as "rub" meaning the creator who created in stages - the Evolver.
Out of smart. Learn more from Sheikh Uthman in San Diego. He has YT channel One Message Foundation
Aren't you now under the threat of death because you took the Shahada and are still professing other beliefs?
Wait. You see him converting you to Islam without your knowledge or consent as a good thing?
And now you're an apostate and should be judged as one?
This guy is so chaotic fr ....
Everytime i see his video he talks a lot without saying anything
Sufism is not Islam.
A man who is exploring different faiths. He has no beliefs and all the big life questions are taken lightly, except may be evolution!
My thoughts exactly!
May ALLAH SWT always guide us...Aamiin Ya Rabb
What a joke. Islam is not what you introduced here. Why don't you tell these poor people to watch your debates with Muslims. they may get a better picture of what Islam is about.
Jack shit!
So you know islam from CNN & FOX ? stupid jack
Pretty sure Jesus paid with his life to touch his tomb
Thank you for going to Jerusalem. Thank you for going to the Western Wall. I am glad someone understands my culture. I get people automatically assuming that I am a Christian or Catholic. When I am in a synagogue, people think that I am Jewish. I used to have stupid thoughts that were given by ignorant people to me. Like the Jewish religion is dying. Some man said that is crazy. If Christians are allowed to talk too much about their religion, why do I have to be silent? I rarely say anything about it. Constantly, people tell me Happy Eater and Merry Christmas. And after I was called a skinhead from some strangers who I never saw, I am sick of being judged as that I follow a religion became of my looks. Skinhead is not a religion. No. I am not offensive. But I don’t like it when someone tells me to change into another religion only to be accepted by non Jews and to get more respect than I do here in the United States. Heh, professor, why don’t you go to Afghanistan. It is not safe. Russia is not either. I would never want to go to the Ukraine for vacation.
But people will love you from other countries.
what a confused comment. whats your point?
0:07 I'm not a dawg! I'm a meown!
Not interested.
This guy just likes to hear himself talk
I think is good idea to have conversations young Muslim people with non Muslim and have debates, I think we have to start real conversations on the media to find peace! I personally believe : there are just to nationals in world: women and men!
Well, if you would like to have an experience with The God who muslims pray, you gotta read the Qur'an.
Qur'an , the story how a self obsessed narcist lost himself to power to end up as a demagog worshipped by foolish people .
Allah الله
pedofile childrapist
Such BS
Crazy professor 😂
Jerusalem is in Palestine
Am Yisrael Chai!! 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
Do you see any women in the Blue Mosque? 😂
Not in that clip
First that mosque in Turkey just represent what Mohammed is and his califsphates took over Turkey that mosque was built by CHRISTIAN'S invaded and made into a mosque when really it isn't there's
intruders in that mosque witch really is a church it wasn't given to them they took it because there a religion of peace .
The blue mosque was not a church before. I think you are confusing that with Hagia Sophia which was purchased by the sultan
@@husainzafar8993 you our right
i am an arab muslim from Oman . first of all islam dose not allow to conveert a church in to a mosque . secondly in my opinion when muslims toolover istanbul all of christains left th city , having said that the Sultan pyrchased it by paying alot of money . coming back to the subject i think you should go to Espain and see around our mosques , what did they do after the killing of muslims and burning them life in thier houses . i think you should a shamed of that history . We didnt do the same my friend , Islam dose not allow that to take place , please read the islamic take over of the holly city of JIourosalam so that you would explored what islam is .
@@husainzafar8993 The Hagia Sophia wasn't purchased by a Sultan. How ludicrous! Constantinople was invaded, captured and pillaged by the Muslims in 1453, it was the seat of the Eastern Roman Empire. The city was captured and the Muslims turned into a mosque. Bought? LMAO
No living person (likely no dead one either) knows a single fact about god.
Dr. Sam, you can't be both muslim and a buddhist and everything else, they can't all be true. Either they are all wrong or one of the religion is right. Study what the islamic scripture teaches and you will realise it is a false religion and immoral to its core. Dr. Sam, you are misleading all these students of yours, muslim people can be lovely but what islam teaches is not.
you completely have no idea about Islam except cherry-picked quotes repeated after those who hate Islam, I really advise you to read it yourself but read the original scripture, or at least the approved translation of it, but first, prepare yourself to be sincerely objective, then you be the judge, but when you come across something you may consider bad, try first to read the whole thing about it, not stop in the middle and make your judgement, unless you are already one of those who hate Islam and have been raised to hate it without a reasonable reason except the bad claims you grew up learning about it.
@@UnattendedNarrative If you say i cherry pick, then you admit those verses are in the quran. Hamza, OK then, tell me one good thing about Islam, and why it is good.
@@yourquestion6335 My English is not very good but I will try my best to answer you, Cherry-picking things and presenting them out of their context can make anything look bad to those who are new to the concept, everything haters of Islam try to convey about Islam is out of its context, everything about Islam when given in its context will not look as bad as they try to convey.
Islam is the fastest grown (with new converts) religion in the world, thousands are reverting back to Islam every year all over the world despite the amount of directed false accusation against it in the media. (I said reverting because we believe that everyone is born a Muslim) there must be many things driving that amount of people to revert back to Islam!. as stated by some of those reverts:
- Closer Relationship with the Creator than any other religion.
- More Positive Outlook on Life than any other religion.
- the Purest and Clearest Concept of God compared to other religions.
- Emphasises Both Evidence and Faith, encourages seeking evidence using science or any other means (compare to other religions).
- Accountability and Ultimate Justice, everyone will be held accountable for his deeds, more logical concept about the Forgiveness of Sins.
- Practical and Balanced Way of Life.
- Universal and Timeless Message.
- Everything is writing in one unchanged scripture that has been saved, nothing changed in the Quran even one letter, it still the same as it was revealed 1400 years ago the same clear message that still drives thousands of people to revert back.
It has given everything a reasonable description that conforms with its nature, given women their rights in a time the church (till recently) was arguing whether a woman has a soul or not.
many of the rights and solutions that the world is addressing in the 21st century, Islam has addressed them 1400 years ago and it still providing solutions to the problems that haven't been addressed yet...
- Islam's message is not different from the previous messages delivered by the previous prophets (Ibraheem, Jesus, Mosses, ... etc) down to Mohamed the last prophet, Islam states that they all came with the same one message from the same one God that created and sent them, we believe them all, we don't differentiate between any of them, although we believe that people have introduced false things to their message and corrupted its purity, they all were Muslims = submitters to God, and Islam as the final message has come to correct and purify what has been falsely introduced to their message, and we believe that this time with Islam, God himself took the charge to keep and save Quran from anything falsely introduced to it by people so what happened to the previous religions won't happen to Islam.
look man I can go on and on for days talking about each point I stated above and about the good things in Islam, but I tried to cut short to the point and you or anyone interested can look for details regarding each point on the internet.
@@UnattendedNarrative Like what? Can you give me an example of something that is taken out of context?
@@yourquestion6335 I don't recall I am not the accuser, Islam states that the accuser should present his accusations not the other way around. and actually, everything you would present there are thousands of people that have answered it on the web thousands of times, if you are really just and interested in truth and nothing else, you would look for it
hi alipers
Nope no other God escept De Lord Jesus
What rot
'took enough theology classes to realize god wasnt real.' So you were a poor student and needed to use drugs to understand that god exists? Lmao
lol how cute!
Jerusalem is in Palestine 🇵🇸
No it's in Israel
🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
☪️ = ☠️
Death cult
😮😅 I don't think you know many mus ppl