眾神之橋 | 排除萬難奔波而來!PCT Days | Bridge of the Gods | 四散各地的hiker再次相聚 | D104-108 | 太平洋屋脊步道 | 穿越瀑布

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • 1:25 Tunnel Falls!
    2:03 Cascade Locks
    2:53 由於衣服太破,喜獲Kaboom的原味sun hoodie
    3:10 Bridge of the Gods
    5:39 PCT Days!
    7:33 過眾神之橋的真實反應
    PCT Days 是hiker trash們盛大的節日,大家想辦法從各地奔波而來參加這場饗宴,各大戶外用品品牌也丟出誘人的折扣、贈品、彩券!
    眾神之橋-奧勒岡州與華盛頓州的交界處,也是《Wild / 那時候,我只剩下勇敢》Cheryl 結束旅程的地方。
    PCT Days is a big day for hiker trash, where people make efforts to come from various places to participate in this feast. Major outdoor gear brands also offer enticing discounts, giveaways, and raffles! However, the most precious thing is the opportunity to reunite with trail buddies who haven't been seen for several months.
    The Bridge of the Gods, located at the border of Oregon and Washington states, is also the place where Cheryl, in the book/movie "Wild," concludes her journey.
    🔸太平洋屋脊步道長約4270公里,橫跨美國西岸三大州:加州、奧勒岡州和華盛頓州 (美墨邊境-美加邊境)
    🔸海拔高度的從最低34公尺(眾神之橋附近)到最高4009公尺(內華達山脈的Forester Pass)
    🔹The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is 2,653 mi (4,270 km) long, passes through the states of California, Oregon, and Washington. (from Mexico-United States borde to Canada-US border)
    🔹Ranges in elevation from roughly 110 feet (34 m) above sea level near the Bridge of the Gods on the Oregon-Washington border to 13,153 feet (4,009 m) at Forester Pass in the Sierra Nevada.
    🔹The route passes through 25 national forests and 7 national parks.
    #那時候我只剩下勇敢 #眾神之橋 #wild #bridgeofthegods #border #pct #pct2022 #hiking #hikertrash #trail #happytrails

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