I think his point is it just another big lore dump in the same faction that already had iconic lore. Like aos has traditionally avoided that by splitting armies. Orruk warclans being the exception, but thats becausenof big wagh. Now we are in an era gw are realling piling on some factions thus coming up with new lore ideas and shoving em in the same book. I dont like it personally as imo night goblins + cave dwelling monsters and day goblins with artillery. They should be in different books. If gitz players are happy, though, great, that's all that matters.
lol you expect this guy to actually care about accuracy? he just does things to get people to get offended cause he lives off GW making polarizing decisions. thats how he earns his paycheck. and for some reason the community takes what he says. escribes it on stone and says its nothing but the truth
@@Midgar88as a gitz player, i honestly think its fine. I would much rather have it this way, than not be able to implement fx skragrott in my “sun goblinz”
Cheers Rob! New minis look awesome, some of the best they've ever put out. Do find it odd though, there's no new Manfred or Neferata, arguably the biggest two SB characters. Yet we have Vordrai and also the Wight King on Skeletal steed who had one of the more recent updated minis already. Weird.
I love my khorne bloodhound but I do acknowledge they are some of the first kits released for AoS, I’m building more blood warriors at the moment and the kit holds up in my opinion but its age is showing with the mold lines. I hope they don’t get rid of skull reapers and wrath mongers but I can see them getting updated kits. Skullcrushers are great but are from end times and look great but an update would be nice. Khorgorath needs a standalone release (and an updated warscroll that’s actually scary) along with the heroes from the starter set. For a centrepiece model though khorgus kill has ascended and needs a nice big glow up. Mighty lord of khorne on juggernaut is also an old fantasy mini. Valkia is still a prominent character and she needs an awesome new sculpt. Slaughterbrute should also be added and demon prince. Some kinda khorne possessed mortals would be nice too. I’m very excited
It feels more and more that 2025 is the depth of a divorce between the internal studios. Remaking the Black Knight/Hexwraith box seems to really point to that. Would have to look at each army and see what is left of each faction to have a full separation of sculpts??? Love the vids, keep it up !!!
Bloodletters are super old, cheers Rob given mine are the metal axe welding minis and the original old metal sword ones where about when I started ... I'll just go crumble to dust
I’d hope Idoneth gets some models. They have a well rounded roster, but it’s still essentially just what they had on release. It starts to feel neglected and tiresome after 20 Stormcast releases. I’d love to see more sea monsters, or maybe dismounted Akhelians acting as medium infantry. As for Kharadron, I can see their terrain piece being a type of floating Aether Gold Refinery. Maybe single seat interceptor ships, more flimsy than gun haulers but fast and can be brought in 2-3 model units. A Grundstok Marshal for a new hero, maybe a dredger type ship or even the giant Dreadnought ships
Wonder if the Terrorgheist will be replaced for FEC. As a wish list all I want is the Vordrai treatment for the Carnosaur, make it 500pts but make it the scariest monster in AoS.
The thing that excites me most, is seeing the black knights finally being changed while NH is one of the first new releases! My prediction: they are also finally releasing new hexwraiths! No way that they are going to continue using the aging dual box for these units when one half has already been released. Similarly I can see an FEC "updated terrorgheist" under a new name while the zombie dragon is now SBGL only. If the terrorgheist is gone from the new SBGL book, the death factions will finally be untethered. Although they may not tackle all of them. Vargheists/Crypt horrors/crypt flayers are still one of those super awkward boxes between multiple death factions that linger from the old world... If 4th AoS is going to untether all death factions, that box would still need some replacements (or be scrapped altogether).
My theory for a potential FEC release would be to squat the dual kits they share with Soulblight. Like the new zombie dragon possibly foreshadowing also a new Terrorgheist, with the potential for a FEC exclusive hero version. Maybe also new Flayer and Horror models. But that might necessitate another release just to give the Soulblight their Vargheists as a kit. Though this is all just massive wish listing rather than any realistic expectation, to be fair.
I think my wishlist would be a new terrorgheist or equivalent giant bat creature, update the basic ghoul kit, and a brand new abhorrant ghoul king. I would like the horrors/flayers updated but if I had to pick between then or basic ghouls, I'd pick basic ghouls.
Looks at my Stormcast army I've been happily chipping away at for a little bit under a year tbf I do get like 90% of my enjoyment out of the building and painting and really only look at the game side as a fun game to meet people through
As a KO player, I really hope that when our book comes up to the block we're given more than just a hero & terrain piece, we really need a unit that's more short-range and melee oriented but less fragile than Endrinriggers/Skywardens. Arkanaut companies are okay, but we probably need something more resilient for taking the Objectives, either a Grundstok Breacher Squad sort of thing or some Exo-Suit tanky infantry/Gholem Infantry. Also, whilst I don't think it would be appropriate to give us Priests or Wizards (it's kinda a big part of the faction identity) but we do need more ways to counter Manifestations, so maybe make the Aether-Khemist able to Banish like the Navigator can Unbind.
I doubt KO are going to get any priests, and they definitely aren’t getting wizards, so manifestations are out of the question. The best you’ll get with them is having a regiment of renown that has a wizard and bringing a generic manifestation
@mrforgetti6020 Why are manifestations out of the question? Is there some reason you can't have a bombing run manifestation? Or something else that an engineer could produce? It won't be a magical thing conventionally like most of them, but GW has said everybody is getting them and a faction terrain
Great video! But I think most people forget the army box set with box inside. It drops 1 month + before full range. Same with sbgl. There are also 3 to 7 more gitz units. Based on waracroll card numbers
So glad they provided a roadmap for what's coming. I'd like to see some new kits for Idoneth but I'd be surprised if that's the case beyond manifestations. I wonder if we could see a demon prince Khorgos Khul with the Khorne book. Either way excited for what is to come.
I’m really excited for this year, soulblight and blades of khorne are my 2 favourites. Soulblight currently have 40 warscrolls and they’re saying the new book has 55 warscrolls, assuming 3 of those are for manifestations and 1 for faction terrain that means 11 new ones. Would love some vampire infantry on foot with cc and bow options, that would be sick. Kits that might get a revamp, other than the deathrattle, corpse cart, vargheist and necromancer (I would say wight king on foot only he’s in the upcoming spearhead). Curious if the terrorgheist will stay . If the vargheist gets updated I imagine the crypt horrors will when flesh water courts get their book along with a new terrorgheist if the vampire lord on zombie dragon gets removed. I can see Vengorians getting some more units too.
@8:00 I'm pretty sure Idoneth have been put on a teaser of some sort. There was a conspiracy board teaser with "Idoneth?" on it. There's also that rumor that they were getting some sort of shoal of fish herder unit
So many opportunities for KO! What I would like to see is a "wizzard" character that's not realy a wizzard but counts as one for rules purposes. Lore-wise this could be a comm-specialist who sends signals to a mothership floating above the battlefield. And that battleship would be a source of their "magic", i.e. you wanna summon a manifestation? Mothership sends you a drop-pod filled with mechanical or magical things! (remember spell in the bottle?) You wanna unbind a spell? Mothership blasts an enemy wizzard with a repulsion beam (technology used in ironclads). Besides that I want some ground forces - preferably robot chicken, but that's just my nostalgia kicking in for World of Warcraft gnome mounts :P
I think (Hope really but who knows) that because of the new zombie dragon we have just seen for Soulblight, that preview is for FEC and I think (Hope) that this means we'll be getting at the very least a new terrogheist / zombie dragon kit. Zombie dragon might be removed from our army entirely which is a shame, but Terrorgheist is in need of a new kit, along w/ the Ghoul King and the new Soulblight stuff makes me hopeful for FEC wave 2.
@@dalisgalvin21 No, because its Order vs De@th next, not Destruction. Personally, while I love the SCE, I hope that another Order faction gets the starter treatment. Other factions need more units.
I was having a fun time watching the reveal stream, then they showed Deepkin coming after SBGL and my heart SANK. Once again we get an early edition tome that will likely only come with a single pity hero and our rules will probably largely be the same or be randomly nerfed like Orruks.
I am new in the hobby, I noticed you mentioned a few times about copy and paste. In my case do you recommend getting the new books for example I am building skaven and slave to darkness. I already good the book for storm cast. Thanks in advance
So do we think this is financial Q1-Q2-Q3? Am I safe to move forward with getting some fancy tokens for the year for my armies that aren’t represented? I’m thinking so.
Power creep is totally different from more imaginative rules, whether people get it confused or not. Come up with as many rules as you like, just price them fairly to a pre-exisitng benchmark.
Its definitely FEC cause if you look closer it has ghouls down bottom. Pictured model is the Gorewarden. Also definitely new terrorgheist cause new zombie dragon...
Great that they are doing a timeline. Transparency and expectations are great. Also I say this as a massive Nighthaunt player and fan: Please get rid of Ethereal. Please get rid of Ethereal. Please get rid of Ethereal. 🙏 I wanna be the spooky army, not the one that is only known for ignoring rend and annoying everyone because of that
For DOK i really hope for new khenrai and medusae models. For terrain i can see them getting rid of the mobile cauldrons of blood things and just make cauldron of blood as their terrain piece. I can also see them losing the warlock riders. The only army i'm keeping that doesn't already have a book or getting new book really shortly is Maggotkin. I kind of hope they are a bit away. They would get endless spells and hopefully some more kits. If DOK does get what i said in the first part i would start that army, i'm also looking at hedonites but right now i just have the spearhead. I'm also considering SBG, but right now i'm just like eh i don't need a new army project. While i do like the all skeleton style it overall is not grabbing me.
i hope when cities of sigmar get new stuff like steam tank and stuff so moste of the fantasy stuff going and new minis geting added cus that wud be amazing
I’d argue soulblight is the end of copy and paste. Vhordrai is at the very least going up in health wight king and wight lord are different warscrolls and barrow knights have at least a new ability that bring one model back. The rest may well be copy and paste but there’s definitely changes to some of the warscrolls.
Hopefully Blades is focused on their basic units for the next release. The blood thristers look fine as a centre piece, but the Blood letters and a lot of their human units look so dated.
My expectation is that FEC with get a new Terrorgheist sculpt that's unique to them like the dragon is for Soulblight now - and then I hope we get a new Horror kit with updated Character kits and maybe a Morbheg character?
Speculating on the teaser image, to me this really looks like FEC, because the wings are damaged and worn-out. I doubt this aesthetic fits with Khinerais as although they are winged in a similar way, they aren't damaged like this. Also, taking into consideration that this is the illustration of the book, they like to put basic troops on the front now. This could potentially mean that this is a flayer character and COULD mean a resculpt of those disgusting models. That's my take. Curious to hear your thoughts.
I wish they had an estimated date. Adepticon is coming up and I was planning on playing Nighthaunt. If the book comes out right before adepticon, you run into two issues. In order to use the app, you need the book. The book may take too long to ship and you won't have it in time. If it's too close to adepticon, they may mention that they are keeping the old rules, then you're dealing with keeping track of the old rules. Also, these tomes being written awhile ago, I really hope there aren't even more nerfs. We haven't even seen the impact of the last nerfs and we'll probably be paying $60 to get some nerfs. I think that would be even worse than what some of the previous tomes got. I may need to finish my Slaanesh army for Adepticon
That being said, I would love new units for NH. They have lackluster shooting and aside from Nagash, have no Monsters. I would love a unit that does more than 1 damage. or a unit that shoots decent and could be worth shooting with in your opponents turn. Give us some build diversity. I'm fine with the nerfs we've had as long as they give us other options to use.
Idoneth vs Nighthaunt Warcry? 👀 We do not have an Idoneth Warcry tet so it could happen. Really hope it does, some (under)water terrain would be awesome
Ugh Rob it just seems so inefficient for the first batch of books to be so lackluster and lazy. Even if they decide to actually put effort into the books like you say for "gen 2" for the summer books like you said is possibly 5 years out with the gamers being incredibly unhappy. Some might even stop playing which would hurt sales a bit but it just feels that the model for releasing is not working.
Really looking forward to this too, it's been hinted he will ascend in some form for ages now. Considering he was the first "named" villain specific for AoS I think he deserves it
KORGHUS KUL DAEMON PRINCE im hoping for since his story got a good power boost for him. If it could be flesh eater courts, could be a new scupt for terrorgheist cause we havent seen anything on that cause the vampire dragon and terrorgheist is in the same kit.
JUST RELEASE THE RULES FOR FREE (on the app)! The markup on the models is phenomenal (well over 100%), charging nearly £40 for a book of rules is just predatory. Additionally changing the rules under the guise of “improvement” just to force people to have to buy new things is sneaky and amoral. Their business model absolutely sucks.
Timeline is great news. I'm hoping we get a substantial shift away from index copy paste soon, my soulblight i really want to play but they're a tad boring atm
You know, i am a bit sad, that GW seems to have forgotten about the Ossiarch Bonereapers, which were the one undead faction in AoS that felt totally new. Gravelords are just the classic Vampire Counts with all new models. FECs are the ghouls of old just expanded on - and with this one clever twist, that they think of themselves as noble knights. And Nighthaut are just a faction made out of ghosts. Yeah, i am an OsB fan and a bit sad, that all undead factions seem getting their books soon, while the Bonereapers feel forgotten. As for the Daughters of Khaine: If GW keeps them as a seperate faction (i think they will cause they are still quite popular) we will finally see new Witch Aelves for sure since i guess GW will finally want to get rid of the last WFB models in the AoS range - and they will take the chance to give them more cloths and armor, like what they did with their underworlds warband. And maybe new cavalry, finaly discontinuing the ugly doomfire warlocks.
imo most of the old miniatures will be replaced. But only ones beein in TOW. So Khorne yes (they claim in the OW that there is only chaos undivided there) but NH and FEC old models yes. KO and DoK need models. Bot just terrein, models. KO have 3 infantry kits and 3 boats that is 2 little. Same with DoK. And tbh same with IDK. If those factions remain sad and in the dust for yet ANOTHER edition i have no idea what is GW plan. Like we have Goblins with 5 or more subfactions and DoK, IDK, KO and FS have just what they have? I realy hope neglected factions will get some love. Also tbh i dont get how can we think about FEC wave 2 and not KO/DoK/IDK/OBR? Like FEC just got a wave. Why not the others?
I hope nighthaunt get some sort of big monster model and a new hexwraith kit. I want a big centerpiece that hopefully doesn't hang 2ft off its base, (looking at you black coach)
AOS 4.0 has been great for minis and a monumental failure in terms of faction specific rules. Index reprints for battletome’s are a joke and AoR’s and RoR’s are the weakest consolation imaginable. As a gamer I have 0 interest in playing a predetermined list with no choices (AoR) and RoR shouldn’t even be in my book as they are of 0 significance to me. I’m viewing 4.0 as a purely hobby edition while GW gets their shit together… expectations from GW being so low that minimal information timelines feeling like a rare gift is a sad state of affairs.
AoS 4 is great! Much more dependant on how you actually play what you have in your list on the board than the list itself. I've been playing warhammer for 23 years (and Warmahordes, BB, Legion, Infinity). Never played AoS until I read the 4th Ed rules. And I can say that AoS 4is by far the best GW game I've played rules wise. It's a condender for best ruleset I've ever played.. AoS 4 is great!
I would like to point out, these books we have issues with were written OVER a YEAR ago, so the index rules are based off of those books that were playtested. So if anything the books they don’t have already printed will have new, as people are calling it, ‘non-copy paste rules’, but then we’ll all complain about power creep :/. It’s a situation where GW either needs to not preemptively write books before a new edition, and just write them after an edition release, meaning they’d have to keep editions around longer. ORRRRR, they be more transparent with us.
Brother sun and sister moon is a classic theme. Try are related soI have no problem with moon znd sun gobbles in same book. Bit like 40k ork clans really.
Love the roadmap, hate its content... now i know at least there will be 0 product for me and i can save money... the only interesting thing might be nighthaunt IF they get a battleforce box. If not, guess ill save money for 2026 😂
I play this hobby for the narrative and models. Rules are wind in GW's case so why waste $60.00 on a book with zero longevity. I strongly believe that Blades of Khrone will have a Khorgus Khul ascended into a demon prince model. He ascended during the Dawnbringer crusade and plus their models are extremely old. As long as there new models I buying them and not giving shit about the rules.
Disagree with the idea of Gitz being different armies as I think Destruction should be made up of 100 different tribes coming together to smash stuff up.
I guessed before, but I think FEC might now even more so, be the 5th edition bad guy. If they keep the rotation of Chaos, Death, Destruction, then death is next. For the bad guys, they like to put in chaf models. Blood reaves, chainrasps, hobgrots, and clan rats are all the lowest tier fighters in their armies. Which Death faction has a low teir/horde unit that needs an update? FEC. Which Death army has big, idk, rat ogre sized models that could use an update? FEC. Obviously could be way wrong, but it seems plausible and not sure how much GW is going to be updating and fleshing out armies in 1 edition, let alone, 1 calendar year
Rob, they don't worship the sun, they are trying to catch it for bullying the moon.
Sooo many streamers have made the same mistake.
I think his point is it just another big lore dump in the same faction that already had iconic lore. Like aos has traditionally avoided that by splitting armies. Orruk warclans being the exception, but thats becausenof big wagh.
Now we are in an era gw are realling piling on some factions thus coming up with new lore ideas and shoving em in the same book.
I dont like it personally as imo night goblins + cave dwelling monsters and day goblins with artillery. They should be in different books.
If gitz players are happy, though, great, that's all that matters.
lol you expect this guy to actually care about accuracy? he just does things to get people to get offended cause he lives off GW making polarizing decisions. thats how he earns his paycheck. and for some reason the community takes what he says. escribes it on stone and says its nothing but the truth
@@Midgar88as a gitz player, i honestly think its fine. I would much rather have it this way, than not be able to implement fx skragrott in my “sun goblinz”
They're gonna eat it
The third teaser image is literally a cropped FEC art from the core book. It's not in doubt.
Can’t wait for Demon Prince Korghus Khul for Khorne
oh..... ooooooh....
Cheers Rob! New minis look awesome, some of the best they've ever put out. Do find it odd though, there's no new Manfred or Neferata, arguably the biggest two SB characters. Yet we have Vordrai and also the Wight King on Skeletal steed who had one of the more recent updated minis already. Weird.
I love my khorne bloodhound but I do acknowledge they are some of the first kits released for AoS, I’m building more blood warriors at the moment and the kit holds up in my opinion but its age is showing with the mold lines. I hope they don’t get rid of skull reapers and wrath mongers but I can see them getting updated kits. Skullcrushers are great but are from end times and look great but an update would be nice. Khorgorath needs a standalone release (and an updated warscroll that’s actually scary) along with the heroes from the starter set. For a centrepiece model though khorgus kill has ascended and needs a nice big glow up. Mighty lord of khorne on juggernaut is also an old fantasy mini. Valkia is still a prominent character and she needs an awesome new sculpt. Slaughterbrute should also be added and demon prince. Some kinda khorne possessed mortals would be nice too. I’m very excited
Thanks Rob for keeping the hype alive. You're the best.
It feels more and more that 2025 is the depth of a divorce between the internal studios. Remaking the Black Knight/Hexwraith box seems to really point to that. Would have to look at each army and see what is left of each faction to have a full separation of sculpts??? Love the vids, keep it up !!!
well the Zombiedragon is a duel kit for Ghouls also as it also builds the Terrorgheist.
so we are almost set to getting new models for those also.
Bloodletters are super old, cheers Rob given mine are the metal axe welding minis and the original old metal sword ones where about when I started ... I'll just go crumble to dust
I’d hope Idoneth gets some models. They have a well rounded roster, but it’s still essentially just what they had on release. It starts to feel neglected and tiresome after 20 Stormcast releases. I’d love to see more sea monsters, or maybe dismounted Akhelians acting as medium infantry.
As for Kharadron, I can see their terrain piece being a type of floating Aether Gold Refinery. Maybe single seat interceptor ships, more flimsy than gun haulers but fast and can be brought in 2-3 model units. A Grundstok Marshal for a new hero, maybe a dredger type ship or even the giant Dreadnought ships
A plesiosaur or mosasaur monster would be insane to add alongside the leviadon
Over in the tga forms it's been hinted that IDK will get something. Not sure how huge but it will be more than a single foot hero.
Timeline's are great.
Wonder if the Terrorgheist will be replaced for FEC.
As a wish list all I want is the Vordrai treatment for the Carnosaur, make it 500pts but make it the scariest monster in AoS.
I really like the carno kit lol. Id rather just get a new monster kit. One that can be taken without the rider as an option which the carno lacks
@@Midgar88Now that would also be good.
The thing that excites me most, is seeing the black knights finally being changed while NH is one of the first new releases!
My prediction: they are also finally releasing new hexwraiths! No way that they are going to continue using the aging dual box for these units when one half has already been released. Similarly I can see an FEC "updated terrorgheist" under a new name while the zombie dragon is now SBGL only. If the terrorgheist is gone from the new SBGL book, the death factions will finally be untethered.
Although they may not tackle all of them. Vargheists/Crypt horrors/crypt flayers are still one of those super awkward boxes between multiple death factions that linger from the old world... If 4th AoS is going to untether all death factions, that box would still need some replacements (or be scrapped altogether).
My theory for a potential FEC release would be to squat the dual kits they share with Soulblight. Like the new zombie dragon possibly foreshadowing also a new Terrorgheist, with the potential for a FEC exclusive hero version. Maybe also new Flayer and Horror models. But that might necessitate another release just to give the Soulblight their Vargheists as a kit. Though this is all just massive wish listing rather than any realistic expectation, to be fair.
I approve of this wishlist 😊
I think my wishlist would be a new terrorgheist or equivalent giant bat creature, update the basic ghoul kit, and a brand new abhorrant ghoul king. I would like the horrors/flayers updated but if I had to pick between then or basic ghouls, I'd pick basic ghouls.
GW has not revealed all of Soulblight nee models yet so I think there is a possibility of new Vargheists.
I'd be really happy if that were the case. Doubly so since one of my buddies wants to get into AoS with Soulblight.
Looks at my Stormcast army I've been happily chipping away at for a little bit under a year tbf I do get like 90% of my enjoyment out of the building and painting and really only look at the game side as a fun game to meet people through
same! iv built and painted 2 armies looking to start soulblight and havnt even played a game haha
@@Cal12517 You and I are speaking the same language! These little guys are so fun to customize and make your own!
@@beebeebees 100%!
As a KO player, I really hope that when our book comes up to the block we're given more than just a hero & terrain piece, we really need a unit that's more short-range and melee oriented but less fragile than Endrinriggers/Skywardens. Arkanaut companies are okay, but we probably need something more resilient for taking the Objectives, either a Grundstok Breacher Squad sort of thing or some Exo-Suit tanky infantry/Gholem Infantry. Also, whilst I don't think it would be appropriate to give us Priests or Wizards (it's kinda a big part of the faction identity) but we do need more ways to counter Manifestations, so maybe make the Aether-Khemist able to Banish like the Navigator can Unbind.
@@40KWill Why not both ? :B
Don't worry bro, your guaranteed to get more than a hero and a terrain piece, your bound to get a set of manifestations too 🤣🤣🤣
KO, Fyreslayers, Idoneth, and Ogors all need more units the most.
I doubt KO are going to get any priests, and they definitely aren’t getting wizards, so manifestations are out of the question. The best you’ll get with them is having a regiment of renown that has a wizard and bringing a generic manifestation
@mrforgetti6020 Why are manifestations out of the question? Is there some reason you can't have a bombing run manifestation? Or something else that an engineer could produce? It won't be a magical thing conventionally like most of them, but GW has said everybody is getting them and a faction terrain
I expect at least endless spells for IDK, but rumors says it will be more
Great video! But I think most people forget the army box set with box inside. It drops 1 month + before full range.
Same with sbgl.
There are also 3 to 7 more gitz units.
Based on waracroll card numbers
Also gits should be getting a 2nd terrain piece, why? Well why would a moon rock effect sun gits.. Also khorne will get the ascended korgos khul
It's also fec. They are all 3.0 book covers or index cards covers. Top left fec cover
I may have zero interest in AoS 4.0, but boy am I excited for some potential new IDK models!
So glad they provided a roadmap for what's coming. I'd like to see some new kits for Idoneth but I'd be surprised if that's the case beyond manifestations. I wonder if we could see a demon prince Khorgos Khul with the Khorne book. Either way excited for what is to come.
I’m really excited for this year, soulblight and blades of khorne are my 2 favourites. Soulblight currently have 40 warscrolls and they’re saying the new book has 55 warscrolls, assuming 3 of those are for manifestations and 1 for faction terrain that means 11 new ones. Would love some vampire infantry on foot with cc and bow options, that would be sick. Kits that might get a revamp, other than the deathrattle, corpse cart, vargheist and necromancer (I would say wight king on foot only he’s in the upcoming spearhead). Curious if the terrorgheist will stay . If the vargheist gets updated I imagine the crypt horrors will when flesh water courts get their book along with a new terrorgheist if the vampire lord on zombie dragon gets removed. I can see Vengorians getting some more units too.
@8:00 I'm pretty sure Idoneth have been put on a teaser of some sort. There was a conspiracy board teaser with "Idoneth?" on it. There's also that rumor that they were getting some sort of shoal of fish herder unit
Idk has such endless potential for unique and cool design. It'd be an absolute waste if they don't expand the model range.
So many opportunities for KO! What I would like to see is a "wizzard" character that's not realy a wizzard but counts as one for rules purposes. Lore-wise this could be a comm-specialist who sends signals to a mothership floating above the battlefield. And that battleship would be a source of their "magic", i.e. you wanna summon a manifestation? Mothership sends you a drop-pod filled with mechanical or magical things! (remember spell in the bottle?) You wanna unbind a spell? Mothership blasts an enemy wizzard with a repulsion beam (technology used in ironclads). Besides that I want some ground forces - preferably robot chicken, but that's just my nostalgia kicking in for World of Warcraft gnome mounts :P
11:38 as a FEC player I want split custody of Fell Bats and Dire Wolves! Er... I mean the Royal Hunting Hounds and Royal Hawks
Haha that's fair
Of course I just started Nighthaunt so brought the copy pasta book upon us. I'm sorry my fellow bed sheets.
I think (Hope really but who knows) that because of the new zombie dragon we have just seen for Soulblight, that preview is for FEC and I think (Hope) that this means we'll be getting at the very least a new terrogheist / zombie dragon kit. Zombie dragon might be removed from our army entirely which is a shame, but Terrorgheist is in need of a new kit, along w/ the Ghoul King and the new Soulblight stuff makes me hopeful for FEC wave 2.
Wow! Ogor Mawtribes are being ignored big time!
BIG things come to those that wait?
Old models are going to old world - big monsters will most likely stay and some new sculpts
Does anyone think they may be the army against Stormcast in 5th edition?
@@dalisgalvin21 No, because its Order vs De@th next, not Destruction. Personally, while I love the SCE, I hope that another Order faction gets the starter treatment. Other factions need more units.
@@stephenjenkins7971 yeah I thought it was cyclical. They have to have a big refresh at some point this edition. They're screaming for an update.
I don't even play AoS but I enjoy watching your videos
Oh thanks! What do you play?
I was having a fun time watching the reveal stream, then they showed Deepkin coming after SBGL and my heart SANK. Once again we get an early edition tome that will likely only come with a single pity hero and our rules will probably largely be the same or be randomly nerfed like Orruks.
I am new in the hobby, I noticed you mentioned a few times about copy and paste. In my case do you recommend getting the new books for example I am building skaven and slave to darkness. I already good the book for storm cast. Thanks in advance
Yeah if you are getting into the game now grab a book for those armies. They were copy and pasted from the free rules
I expect most of these releases to just be a new hero + terrain and manifestations.
What would you call KO “spells” aethermatic machines? Anyone else got a good idea?
So do we think this is financial Q1-Q2-Q3? Am I safe to move forward with getting some fancy tokens for the year for my armies that aren’t represented? I’m thinking so.
Power creep is totally different from more imaginative rules, whether people get it confused or not. Come up with as many rules as you like, just price them fairly to a pre-exisitng benchmark.
Its definitely FEC cause if you look closer it has ghouls down bottom. Pictured model is the Gorewarden. Also definitely new terrorgheist cause new zombie dragon...
It defo is you are right
Great that they are doing a timeline. Transparency and expectations are great.
Also I say this as a massive Nighthaunt player and fan: Please get rid of Ethereal. Please get rid of Ethereal. Please get rid of Ethereal. 🙏
I wanna be the spooky army, not the one that is only known for ignoring rend and annoying everyone because of that
That's the Flesh Eaters Court Index cover art. I hope we'll have a new Terrorgheist / new bat monster dual kit.
Lmao I remember having waited like 9 years to get a new 40k orks book, 2 full editions, 2/3 of the way into 7e, and for it to be copy paste.
For DOK i really hope for new khenrai and medusae models. For terrain i can see them getting rid of the mobile cauldrons of blood things and just make cauldron of blood as their terrain piece. I can also see them losing the warlock riders. The only army i'm keeping that doesn't already have a book or getting new book really shortly is Maggotkin. I kind of hope they are a bit away. They would get endless spells and hopefully some more kits.
If DOK does get what i said in the first part i would start that army, i'm also looking at hedonites but right now i just have the spearhead. I'm also considering SBG, but right now i'm just like eh i don't need a new army project. While i do like the all skeleton style it overall is not grabbing me.
i hope when cities of sigmar get new stuff like steam tank and stuff so moste of the fantasy stuff going and new minis geting added cus that wud be amazing
I’d argue soulblight is the end of copy and paste. Vhordrai is at the very least going up in health wight king and wight lord are different warscrolls and barrow knights have at least a new ability that bring one model back. The rest may well be copy and paste but there’s definitely changes to some of the warscrolls.
Warclans had a new unit added and some things tweaked. I'd still argue it was a copy paste tho. There'd need to be some more drastic changes
Hopefully Blades is focused on their basic units for the next release. The blood thristers look fine as a centre piece, but the Blood letters and a lot of their human units look so dated.
My expectation is that FEC with get a new Terrorgheist sculpt that's unique to them like the dragon is for Soulblight now - and then I hope we get a new Horror kit with updated Character kits and maybe a Morbheg character?
Speculating on the teaser image, to me this really looks like FEC, because the wings are damaged and worn-out. I doubt this aesthetic fits with Khinerais as although they are winged in a similar way, they aren't damaged like this.
Also, taking into consideration that this is the illustration of the book, they like to put basic troops on the front now. This could potentially mean that this is a flayer character and COULD mean a resculpt of those disgusting models.
That's my take. Curious to hear your thoughts.
I wish they had an estimated date. Adepticon is coming up and I was planning on playing Nighthaunt. If the book comes out right before adepticon, you run into two issues. In order to use the app, you need the book. The book may take too long to ship and you won't have it in time. If it's too close to adepticon, they may mention that they are keeping the old rules, then you're dealing with keeping track of the old rules.
Also, these tomes being written awhile ago, I really hope there aren't even more nerfs. We haven't even seen the impact of the last nerfs and we'll probably be paying $60 to get some nerfs. I think that would be even worse than what some of the previous tomes got.
I may need to finish my Slaanesh army for Adepticon
That being said, I would love new units for NH. They have lackluster shooting and aside from Nagash, have no Monsters.
I would love a unit that does more than 1 damage. or a unit that shoots decent and could be worth shooting with in your opponents turn. Give us some build diversity. I'm fine with the nerfs we've had as long as they give us other options to use.
I love roadmaps untill my army isn’t on there 😂
Idoneth vs Nighthaunt Warcry? 👀 We do not have an Idoneth Warcry tet so it could happen. Really hope it does, some (under)water terrain would be awesome
Ugh Rob it just seems so inefficient for the first batch of books to be so lackluster and lazy. Even if they decide to actually put effort into the books like you say for "gen 2" for the summer books like you said is possibly 5 years out with the gamers being incredibly unhappy. Some might even stop playing which would hurt sales a bit but it just feels that the model for releasing is not working.
I agree 100% and I've said this several times
I really hope we get a mini wave for the Idoneth, they need it! Have loved them for ages but they need more units
Can't wait for Khorne and to see the new Korghos Khul in his ascended form!
Ditto! Would love to see more videos on khorne
Really looking forward to this too, it's been hinted he will ascend in some form for ages now. Considering he was the first "named" villain specific for AoS I think he deserves it
@harriettubmangaming9792 he did ascend at the end of the dawnbringer crusade books. Finally got the last skull he needed!
Khorne definitely needs a bit of love after the nerf we got
KORGHUS KUL DAEMON PRINCE im hoping for since his story got a good power boost for him.
If it could be flesh eater courts, could be a new scupt for terrorgheist cause we havent seen anything on that cause the vampire dragon and terrorgheist is in the same kit.
A heavy infantry (5 man maybe) for IDK would be cool. I don't think they need a single hero release.
JUST RELEASE THE RULES FOR FREE (on the app)! The markup on the models is phenomenal (well over 100%), charging nearly £40 for a book of rules is just predatory. Additionally changing the rules under the guise of “improvement” just to force people to have to buy new things is sneaky and amoral. Their business model absolutely sucks.
For Khorne, I think we will get Khul Ascended, as he finally reached demonhood at the end of the Dawnbringer Crusade.
I expect a book a month, I doubt they will do two books a month like they did last edition. Gitz will be out mid/late Feb.
I believe it'll be fec over dok, as the wing has the same three holes as the abhorrent gorewarden from the fec art
Timeline is great news. I'm hoping we get a substantial shift away from index copy paste soon, my soulblight i really want to play but they're a tad boring atm
Would love to see a Ship Dock for the KO
When do you think we will see Cities - they also don't have a scenery bit or their own manifestation?
Dont forget, the new Zombie Dragon also means new terrorgheist.
It’s time Rob to make a deal with some of the GW insider and so you could become our AoS Valrak!! We need rumors! 😉
You know, i am a bit sad, that GW seems to have forgotten about the Ossiarch Bonereapers, which were the one undead faction in AoS that felt totally new. Gravelords are just the classic Vampire Counts with all new models. FECs are the ghouls of old just expanded on - and with this one clever twist, that they think of themselves as noble knights. And Nighthaut are just a faction made out of ghosts. Yeah, i am an OsB fan and a bit sad, that all undead factions seem getting their books soon, while the Bonereapers feel forgotten.
As for the Daughters of Khaine: If GW keeps them as a seperate faction (i think they will cause they are still quite popular) we will finally see new Witch Aelves for sure since i guess GW will finally want to get rid of the last WFB models in the AoS range - and they will take the chance to give them more cloths and armor, like what they did with their underworlds warband. And maybe new cavalry, finaly discontinuing the ugly doomfire warlocks.
…The edition just started, dude.
Nothing has been ‘forgotten.’
Waiting a dragon for lumineth. Must be one !
IDK did have some rumour engine possible teases so more units isnt impossible
Korgus khull assended so think that’s a firm idea 💡 for a new faction
imo most of the old miniatures will be replaced. But only ones beein in TOW. So Khorne yes (they claim in the OW that there is only chaos undivided there) but NH and FEC old models yes. KO and DoK need models. Bot just terrein, models. KO have 3 infantry kits and 3 boats that is 2 little. Same with DoK. And tbh same with IDK. If those factions remain sad and in the dust for yet ANOTHER edition i have no idea what is GW plan. Like we have Goblins with 5 or more subfactions and DoK, IDK, KO and FS have just what they have? I realy hope neglected factions will get some love.
Also tbh i dont get how can we think about FEC wave 2 and not KO/DoK/IDK/OBR? Like FEC just got a wave. Why not the others?
I hope nighthaunt get some sort of big monster model and a new hexwraith kit. I want a big centerpiece that hopefully doesn't hang 2ft off its base, (looking at you black coach)
Nagash is there to use
@agentsmithmememe my locals play at 1500 so he's to expensive
AOS 4.0 has been great for minis and a monumental failure in terms of faction specific rules. Index reprints for battletome’s are a joke and AoR’s and RoR’s are the weakest consolation imaginable. As a gamer I have 0 interest in playing a predetermined list with no choices (AoR) and RoR shouldn’t even be in my book as they are of 0 significance to me. I’m viewing 4.0 as a purely hobby edition while GW gets their shit together… expectations from GW being so low that minimal information timelines feeling like a rare gift is a sad state of affairs.
Me and my mates just see AOS as new old world releases atm
AoS 4 is great! Much more dependant on how you actually play what you have in your list on the board than the list itself. I've been playing warhammer for 23 years (and Warmahordes, BB, Legion, Infinity). Never played AoS until I read the 4th Ed rules. And I can say that AoS 4is by far the best GW game I've played rules wise. It's a condender for best ruleset I've ever played..
AoS 4 is great!
I just got started in AoS, and I have been really enjoying it. I get the criticisms, but let's not be hyperbolic here.
I would like to point out, these books we have issues with were written OVER a YEAR ago, so the index rules are based off of those books that were playtested. So if anything the books they don’t have already printed will have new, as people are calling it, ‘non-copy paste rules’, but then we’ll all complain about power creep :/. It’s a situation where GW either needs to not preemptively write books before a new edition, and just write them after an edition release, meaning they’d have to keep editions around longer. ORRRRR, they be more transparent with us.
@@connoroneill221 Glad OW is alive where you're at. Pretty much disappeared after 2 months where I'm from.
Brother sun and sister moon is a classic theme. Try are related soI have no problem with moon znd sun gobbles in same book. Bit like 40k ork clans really.
Personally I feel like this much copy pasting indicates that they should perhaps slow down releases a bit and stretch the edition a tad longer.
I think it’s most likely a coin flip to see what faction gets an update between Idoneth and Nighthaunt
Love the roadmap, hate its content... now i know at least there will be 0 product for me and i can save money... the only interesting thing might be nighthaunt IF they get a battleforce box. If not, guess ill save money for 2026 😂
I'm on my knees, GW. Please, release more units for Idoneth. They deserve a release as big as the Gloomspite Gitz or the Soulblight Gravelords have.
my firned will be very happyy ;]
It will be a lot for FEC losing all the sbgl dual kits
Please for the love of Old world pick a army for me to play in Old world. I can't pick
2 of Ironjaws are in top 10 at LVO.
What kind of lists are they running?
how many of those lists have kragnos?
I play this hobby for the narrative and models. Rules are wind in GW's case so why waste $60.00 on a book with zero longevity. I strongly believe that Blades of Khrone will have a Khorgus Khul ascended into a demon prince model. He ascended during the Dawnbringer crusade and plus their models are extremely old. As long as there new models I buying them and not giving shit about the rules.
My condolences to anyone getting a new tome.
I dont know if my wallet can handle more FEC releases so soon
Disagree with the idea of Gitz being different armies as I think Destruction should be made up of 100 different tribes coming together to smash stuff up.
I guessed before, but I think FEC might now even more so, be the 5th edition bad guy. If they keep the rotation of Chaos, Death, Destruction, then death is next. For the bad guys, they like to put in chaf models. Blood reaves, chainrasps, hobgrots, and clan rats are all the lowest tier fighters in their armies. Which Death faction has a low teir/horde unit that needs an update? FEC. Which Death army has big, idk, rat ogre sized models that could use an update? FEC.
Obviously could be way wrong, but it seems plausible and not sure how much GW is going to be updating and fleshing out armies in 1 edition, let alone, 1 calendar year
I admire your optimism, but i dislike 4ed. It is flawed from the get-go and i dont think that anything they can do eill fix it.
Just happy we don’t see ogres
New flaggelants plz