Getting old begins our decent into hell. Health issues, tooth issues, no strength , no respect....all the things you once had but now taken away..This is when you realize how everything you ever had was given to you by God. All that remains is our deeds in the water droplet of time we had of life.
My 3 daughters and 8 grandchildren are all in the “world” and do not practice our beautiful Catholic Faith. I pray, cry, and suffer for the salvation of their souls. I know I’m not their messenger because they do not listen to me. However, I know the Trinity, Our Lady, and all the Angels and Saints desire their salvation more than I do. I pray, consecrate them, try and be the best parent I can be, fully Trusting in God’s Holy Will for their lives. I hope to buy your book and give it to my daughters and perhaps your testimony will change their hearts of stone. Thank you for this awesome interview. God bless your ministry. 🙏🎚🙏
Thank you both for this interview. As a Catholic I've watched and read 100's of nde's and have honestly come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what faith you are, as long as you live the best creative life with love you can under the circumstances you're born into God will never forsake you. Jesus is LOVE let's not become tribal about this. Every faith on earth has had these experiences as catholics we're not exclusively priveldged. God bless you all! 🙏❤️
Please pray for me I'm struggling to live on after lifelong effects of childhood abuse I lost évrrhthing due to this fact and no longer see point in living over what they did to me I had no chance to live a good life
@@reg8297 you are being prayed for right now! Please, please seek help and don't struggle on alone. There are qualified people out there who can help you and I promise, you will live a happier life. Please confide in someone but don't do this alone. You are loved ❤️🙏
Well, I'm here to tell you I have never met one muslim who had an encounter with God and stayed in that belief. I searched high and low and even asked them by the 100s but they all have the same response...."we will see God when we die, He doesn't talk to us". They all say this. So i have come to the conclusion there is some deception within islam
God is great and I thank Him daily for the love He has for ALL OF US regardless of our beliefs! I've studied spirituality since 1994 and have come to realize that God created ALL of humanity knowing they would NOT be perfect - SO, He surely never expected us to BE PERFECT! So many people believe that we must suffer here on earth as a way to earn our way to heaven and that is SO WRONG! Jesus came to earth to save us from ourselves so that we wouldn't have to suffer. Problem is, MAN'S ego and fear prevents him from having, understanding, and knowing LOVE and we as humans bring torment on ourselves through our unforgiveness, hatred, envy, strife, and everything else that pertains to negativity toward our fellow man. If we could just realize that we are ALL ONE and we should treat each other as ourselves, then TRUTH and the love of God can be revealed in our lives. So much more to this, BUT know this. God commands us to forgive others and HE has already forgiven YOU! He wishes NO MAN to suffer, BUT as long as the EGO mind controls your actions, then there will be suffering! Let go of the EGO mind and do as Jesus did! LOVE! To love is to be ONE with God and ALL of creation!
I agree, we have been given the gift of Gods Grace, and sometimes we are rejected by this world because of our belief. We project the saviors suffering for the world. You project your suffering. Think about it.
I am a converting Catholic . The traditional words are cliches that have no meaning for young people whereas words like Dimensions , spirits, aliens, energy are what they are familiar with. God Bless Your Efforts.
christians don't have all their prayers answered, and we must carry our cross. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. heaven is beyond comprehension and we must place our trust in God that it was his Will. The way time flies, you will see your son soon. try to hang on to the words, "Jesus I Trust in You." We don't understand so much on this earth, but in the Our Father we pray, "Thy Will be Done."
We are not temporal beings. We are eternal beings. We are god. We are creators. Know thyself. "The kingdom is within you and in your midst. If you do not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and you are poverty." Jesus, Gospel of Thomas "They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure." Jesus, Apocalypse of Peter
Thank you for sharing In the books of Acts Tell us when we receive the holy ghost We will speak in tongues That's how you will know you have the spirit of God But you must repent of your sins and have sins washed away in baptism in the name of Jesus It's Bible we need to obey
The book of Acts is about Israel’s prophecy and the disciples offering them their kingdom if they’d accept their Messiah. It has nothing to do with us today!
hE says the unforgivable sin is sin against the holy Spirit, essentially despair, where we think we are so sinful that he could never forgive us. God's mercy is His greatest attribute. he hates the sin but loves the sinner.
@@dfkuz Scripture says it best...I begin with what Jesus taught were the two great commandments. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. “This is the first and great commandment. “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
@@mercyunbound Those commandments were part of the laws that Israel insisted God give them so they could begin a program of pride in their own righteousness. This was their cry of happiness when they got what they wanted: “All the words which the LORD hath said will we do.” This was a sad turn of events for God because he wanted to be their “all in all” and in essence he wrote them blank checks that they didn’t bother cashing! Genesis 22:12-14. Jehovah-Jireh: The meaning of this name is The Lord Who Provides. The name is literally, The Lord Who Sees, or The Lord Who Will See To It. This is what we long for when we have a need that is personal and special; One who will see to our needs and provide for us. This is what Jehovah-Jireh means; the Lord Who will see to it that my every need is met. One Who knows my need because He sees. One Who is able to meet my need and One Who can meet it fully. It probably broke God’s heart when that wasn’t good enough for Israel and they said, in essence, “Look, God, we can do it ourselves!” But the commandments to love God are very sad because after everything God did for them leading them out of brutal captivity, they had to be commanded to love him? Israel held on to their stiff-necked pride in their own righteousness right up to Paul’s final offer of their Messiah and glorious kingdom in Acts 28:28-31! They were like, “WE don’t need no kinsman redeemer! We’re doing just fine by ourselves!” Most believers and even Bible scholars do not understand something vital about Jesus’s ministry to Israel in the gospels- he went around making the laws they had asked for at Sinai HARDER and HARDER - and nearly IMPOSSIBLE to keep because he was trying to get them to realize their need for a Saviour! But they were so full of themselves that it fell on mostly deaf ears (except for his rag tag disciples)! Believers today aren’t under the law; we’re under grace and salvation is freely offered for the taking with no strings attached! There is a huge difference, though, between Israel’s Law Program and our Salvation by grace through faith, and that is, God is not doing any miracles for us - and not even answering prayer! It’s the complete OPPOSITE of his relationship with Israel! All God asks is that we believe Christ died, was buried and rose again for our justification from all sin. I think he’s demonstrating something important to all the inhabitants of heaven - that when he wanted to do everything for his people, they thumbed their noses at such an outrageous offer; but when he simply asks that we trust his Son for what he did for us on the cross - and nothing else - he found some takers! The church which is his body doesn’t have any commandments because there’s only one thing we need to do: believe that Jesus did it all FOR US! We shouldn’t need God to command that we love him! We should simply love him for who his Son is and for the awesome gift he’s holding out to any wretched sinner that accepts it! And our scriptures specifically for and to us are the letters Paul wrote to us after Acts 28: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Another fact not widely known is that these seven letters are the last things written in the Bible; which means that they supersede the Jewish epistles by John, Jude, James, Peter and the Book of Revelation which are all canceled out by Israel’s failure to recognize their Messiah! Paul told us that he fulfilled (completed) the scriptures. (Colossians 1:25-26 KJV) so we all need to stop being “red letter” Christians because Jesus’s words in the gospels were not directed to us! And the Jewish epistles weren’t either. Even Paul’s first seven epistles were written before Acts 28 when Israel was still being offered her kingdom, although God told Paul to invite some Gentiles in to the kingdom program in order to provoke the Jews to jealousy so maybe they’d check it out.
The sole purpose of this life is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. True, if we love God we will obey His commandments. Thankfully we aren't saved by loving God but rather because He first loved us and gave Himself for us. Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation. Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present,and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation. When you have believed on Christ alone for salvation then you have repented unto life. Salvation is absolutely free recieved solely by trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone, and is certainly not conditional upon service to God. Service (discipleship) if you choose it can cost you everything if you go all out in serving God. Our good works, repenting of sins, and obedience, are solely for rewards in Heaven or a lack thereof and have absolutely nothing to do with salvation at all. The only reason anyone will ever be in Heaven is solely by the perfect life, shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ alone. Anything added or subtracted from this is another gospel. We are indeed saved unto good works, not by them, or kept by them, and most importantly neither can they prove our salvation.
I’m going to copy and save what you’ve written here because it’s absolutely perfect and desperately needed today! Please know there are other believers out here that try to get the real gospel of Jesus Christ to those that need it! Thank you!
@@dfkuz No problem sister and please keep up the good work. Our time is short and Satan has many ministers working overtime disguised as sheep. You and I both know who the goats are.
@@andrewheath5948 That is because Christian teachings were distorted by the time the NT was assembled. What I learned from NDE's (also from non-religious people) is that God is pure love and does not care if we believe in certain teachings
You cannot have a near death experience or an out of body experience unless you are currently DEMON-POSSESSED! The only remedy is placing faith in Christ! These experiences make people so full of pride that they were singled out that it makes it almost impossible to reach them with the true gospel, but it’s never too late to trust Jesus Christ alone and not anything you have done or think you are, and be saved. Otherwise the demons that possess you will accompany you into the Lake of Fire!
@@alfa5243 Because I’ve been there; met my demons telepathically, but I had just enough discernment to figure out who they are! My written testimony can be accessed from my YT channel page if you ever want to see how that played out.
@@mercyunbound Indoctrination is to blame for that. Do you believe baby’s are born into sin? That’s very disturbing your religion is. Jesus is no different than you or me. Your just scared of going to hell so you are saying what you can to get into heaven. God sees right through you, if you aren’t genuine he will know. The kingdom of heaven is within. Jesus tells you this. Don’t be scared to meditate and be spiritual.
@@mercyunbound Amen, Bryan! But it is the Person of Jesus Christ that we must place our faith in for salvation, without adding one single drop of our own righteousness. Trust Jesus Christ this moment and be eternally saved.
Why do Catholics feel that they can add to their salvation with suffering? We suffer for the cause of the gospel. Why should Jesus heal if we need to suffer in our bodies to add to our salvation. He has defeated his grace if you must add to our salvation.
Our aim in life should be a mirror image of Christ's love for mankind. We must try to be a reflection of His image. We have suffering - all of us. Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow me. forgiveness, trust in God, being merciful, and carrying our cross are all part of the journey.
@@mercyunbound if you suffer for the gospel it is usually because you show the WAY is thru Christ. We mirror what he told us about the Kingdom. Your suffering and making it an addendum to your salvation is Pride.
The idea that suffering is something that God wants and asks of us is not true. Read the Course in Miracles to learn what Christ's mission was and why He died.
Catholics don't believe that at all, your statement is erroneous. in Scripture Jesus said, "pick up your cross and follow Me." We all have trials and sufferings; we can use them to become bitter, or we can use them to become better and draw nearer to Christ.
I was a superstitious Catholic as well and demons played me and plagued me all my life until I woke up and finally trusted Christ alone and not my work’s righteousness or “Mother Church.” All “miracles” today are the devil’s doing because we have God’s word and have no need for signs as Jesus said the Jews did. Ask fir a sign snd Satan will answer - not God, Jesus or Mary!
Go back and learn the true Catholic faith started by Jesus and handed on for 2000 years. You would have no way to know Jesus if the Church didn't exist (the Bible came from the church)
@@Rita-ic9tv I feel for you; I really do! Roman Catholicism is a powerful seducer what with all the saints looking all holy in paintings of them, and the most seductive of all, Holy Mary, Mother of God! The Bible was penned by Jews from start to finish, so I'm not sure why you'd think the RCC had anything to do about it, except maybe to adulterate it and try to control it like they do everything else! I actually do believe that Jews infiltrated the Catholic hierarchy in order to escape the Spanish Inquisition, but even if they did, they probably weren't saved believers in Jesus Christ either. My demons tried to get me to stay Catholic, and that was what tipped me off to the scam and I went to the Parish Pastor and officially resigned. I said, "I wouldn't want you to think that it's because I don't like you, because I do; but I must find a church that preaches salvation by faith alone in Christ alone and not be works of righteousness that we do. I hope you'll do ourself a favor and trust Jesus Christ completely (Ephesians 2:8, 9 KJV) and accept God's free gift of eternal life!
Read the church fathers. You have it wrong. God bless you always! I love my Faith. I could never leave the entire treasury and banquet for a few crumbs. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ!
@@Rita-ic9tv You have the right to do that! If you would be so kind, will you share with me how you know you’re saved and if it’s possible to lose your salvation? Thank you!
He doesn't mention having met Chjrist in heaven. He saw divine light and assumed it was Christ. Buddha, Krishna, Abraham, Zoroaster, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha''u'llah are also Messengers of God. But of course the Christ will see the divine light and say it's Christ; the Buddhist will say it's Buddha, the Muslims will say it's Muhammad, etc. The truth is there is more than a single path to God. It's disingenuous to ask people to believe in one Prophet and then disbelieve the near death accounts of people of other faiths. They are all "the way, the truth and the life" because They are all One.
Jesus Christ is the only way to God and salvation! The other ways are anti-Christ, especially the Catholic Church because it’s a powerful lookalike that stumbles millions every day to miss true salvation by a simple faith in Christ!
You sound like an Evangelical. Where does Yeshua/Jesus ask to be worshipped ? You suffered/suffer. None pass through this world without suffering. “Be certain in the religion of Love there are no believers or unbelievers. Love embraces all.”
Thanks for being a faithful witness! God bless you!
Powerful! Amazing interview! This really helps build one’s faith! Thank you both!
Thank you both - so encouraging and inspiring 🙏🙏🙏
Getting old begins our decent into hell. Health issues, tooth issues, no strength , no respect....all the things you once had but now taken away..This is when you realize how everything you ever had was given to you by God. All that remains is our deeds in the water droplet of time we had of life.
All that remains is the answer to the question, “Did you put your faith in Jesus Christ and what he did for us at Calvary?”
My 3 daughters and 8 grandchildren are all in the “world” and do not practice our beautiful Catholic Faith. I pray, cry, and suffer for the salvation of their souls. I know I’m not their messenger because they do not listen to me. However, I know the Trinity, Our Lady, and all the Angels and Saints desire their salvation more than I do. I pray, consecrate them, try and be the best parent I can be, fully Trusting in God’s Holy Will for their lives. I hope to buy your book and give it to my daughters and perhaps your testimony will change their hearts of stone. Thank you for this awesome interview. God bless your ministry. 🙏🎚🙏
Thanks for your sharing. Many of us are in the same boat! Let us pray for one another, Bryan
I echo this
Thank you both for this interview. As a Catholic I've watched and read 100's of nde's and have honestly come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what faith you are, as long as you live the best creative life with love you can under the circumstances you're born into God will never forsake you. Jesus is LOVE let's not become tribal about this. Every faith on earth has had these experiences as catholics we're not exclusively priveldged. God bless you all! 🙏❤️
Fr Richard Rohr is a wonderful Franciscan who writes very eloquently about the evolution of spirituality 🙏
Please pray for me I'm struggling to live on after lifelong effects of childhood abuse I lost évrrhthing due to this fact and no longer see point in living over what they did to me I had no chance to live a good life
@@reg8297 you are being prayed for right now! Please, please seek help and don't struggle on alone. There are qualified people out there who can help you and I promise, you will live a happier life. Please confide in someone but don't do this alone. You are loved ❤️🙏
Well, I'm here to tell you I have never met one muslim who had an encounter with God and stayed in that belief. I searched high and low and even asked them by the 100s but they all have the same response...."we will see God when we die, He doesn't talk to us". They all say this. So i have come to the conclusion there is some deception within islam
That’s not the Catholic faith.
Very informative testimony. Thanking you both for taking the time to publish this.
Glad you enjoyed it!
thank you for your testimony! Praised be Jesus Christ!
God is great and I thank Him daily for the love He has for ALL OF US regardless of our beliefs! I've studied spirituality since 1994 and have come to realize that God created ALL of humanity knowing they would NOT be perfect - SO, He surely never expected us to BE PERFECT! So many people believe that we must suffer here on earth as a way to earn our way to heaven and that is SO WRONG! Jesus came to earth to save us from ourselves so that we wouldn't have to suffer. Problem is, MAN'S ego and fear prevents him from having, understanding, and knowing LOVE and we as humans bring torment on ourselves through our unforgiveness, hatred, envy, strife, and everything else that pertains to negativity toward our fellow man. If we could just realize that we are ALL ONE and we should treat each other as ourselves, then TRUTH and the love of God can be revealed in our lives. So much more to this, BUT know this. God commands us to forgive others and HE has already forgiven YOU! He wishes NO MAN to suffer, BUT as long as the EGO mind controls your actions, then there will be suffering! Let go of the EGO mind and do as Jesus did! LOVE! To love is to be ONE with God and ALL of creation!
I love how well you know the Bible. Admirable.
I agree, we have been given the gift of Gods Grace, and sometimes we are rejected by this world because of our belief. We project the saviors suffering for the world. You project your suffering. Think about it.
You won’t have Gods grace until you put your faith completely in Christ and not in your works, your righteousness or your church.
Amazing NDE thank you for sharing 🙏❤️
I am a converting Catholic .
The traditional words are cliches that have no meaning for young people whereas words like Dimensions , spirits, aliens, energy are what they are familiar with.
God Bless Your Efforts.
Wow!!!! Thank
You!! I love Jesus!!! This was beautiful ❤️
Many people prayed for my 21 year old son who passed from sudden cardiac arrest. What is your answer to that?
christians don't have all their prayers answered, and we must carry our cross. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. heaven is beyond comprehension and we must place our trust in God that it was his Will. The way time flies, you will see your son soon. try to hang on to the words, "Jesus I Trust in You." We don't understand so much on this earth, but in the Our Father we pray, "Thy Will be Done."
We are not temporal beings.
We are eternal beings. We are god. We are creators.
Know thyself.
"The kingdom is within you and in your midst. If you do not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and you are poverty."
Jesus, Gospel of Thomas
"They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure."
Jesus, Apocalypse of Peter
Thank you for sharing
In the books of Acts
Tell us when we receive the holy ghost
We will speak in tongues
That's how you will know you have the spirit of God
But you must repent of your sins and have sins washed away in baptism in the name of Jesus
It's Bible we need to obey
The book of Acts is about Israel’s prophecy and the disciples offering them their kingdom if they’d accept their Messiah. It has nothing to do with us today!
Very hard to find Charismatic Mass in Phx AZ. The Church really needs to offer this special gift to the people.
Pam L. Check Renewal Ministries to find Charismatic prayer meetings on-line. There are some on Zoom.
Hard to find Charismatic mass anywhere these days.
Does God forgive ALL sins in Christ? Are there any sins God will not forgive, even if we confess and ask for forgiveness?
hE says the unforgivable sin is sin against the holy Spirit, essentially despair, where we think we are so sinful that he could never forgive us. God's mercy is His greatest attribute. he hates the sin but loves the sinner.
very inspiring. thank you.
You are so welcome!
God bless you both sweet souls 🙏
This man’s pride is keeping him from salvation by simple faith in Christ! 🥲
He is a humble man and you are erroneous in your judgment
@@mercyunbound Would you be so kind as to flesh that out for me a little? Is being humble all it takes to be saved?
@@dfkuz Scripture says it best...I begin with what Jesus taught were the two great commandments. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. “This is the first and great commandment. “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
@@mercyunbound Those commandments were part of the laws that Israel insisted God give them so they could begin a program of pride in their own righteousness. This was their cry of happiness when they got what they wanted: “All the words which the LORD hath said will we do.” This was a sad turn of events for God because he wanted to be their “all in
all” and in essence he wrote them blank checks that they didn’t bother cashing! Genesis 22:12-14. Jehovah-Jireh: The meaning of this name is The Lord Who Provides. The name is literally, The Lord Who Sees, or The Lord Who Will See To It. This is what we long for when we have a need that is personal and special; One who will see to our needs and provide for us. This is what Jehovah-Jireh means; the Lord Who will see to it that my every need is met. One Who knows my need because He sees. One Who is able to meet my need and One Who can meet it fully. It probably broke God’s heart when that wasn’t good enough for Israel and they said, in essence, “Look, God, we can do it ourselves!” But the commandments to love God are very sad because after everything God did for them leading them out of brutal captivity, they had to be commanded to love him? Israel held on to their stiff-necked pride in their own righteousness right up to Paul’s final offer of their Messiah and glorious kingdom in Acts 28:28-31! They were like, “WE don’t need no kinsman redeemer! We’re doing just fine by ourselves!” Most believers and even Bible scholars do not understand something vital about Jesus’s ministry to Israel in the gospels- he went around making the laws they had asked for at Sinai HARDER and HARDER - and nearly IMPOSSIBLE to keep because he was trying to get them to realize their need for a Saviour! But they were so full of themselves that it fell on mostly deaf ears (except for his rag tag disciples)! Believers today aren’t under the law; we’re under grace and salvation is freely offered for the taking with no strings attached! There is a huge difference, though, between Israel’s Law Program and our Salvation by grace through faith, and that is, God is not doing any miracles for us - and not even answering prayer! It’s the complete OPPOSITE of his relationship with Israel! All God asks is that we believe Christ died, was buried and rose again for our justification from all sin. I think he’s demonstrating something important to all the inhabitants of heaven - that when he wanted to do everything for his people, they thumbed their noses at such an outrageous offer; but when he simply asks that we trust his Son for what he did for us on the cross - and nothing else - he found some takers! The church which is his body doesn’t have any commandments because there’s only one thing we need to do: believe that Jesus did it all FOR US! We shouldn’t need God to command that we love him! We should simply love him for who his Son is and for the awesome gift he’s holding out to any wretched sinner that accepts it! And our scriptures specifically for and to us are the letters Paul wrote to us after Acts 28: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Another fact not widely known is that these seven letters are the last things written in the Bible; which means that they supersede the Jewish epistles by John, Jude, James, Peter and the Book of Revelation which are all canceled out by Israel’s failure to recognize their Messiah! Paul told us that he fulfilled (completed) the scriptures. (Colossians 1:25-26 KJV) so we all need to stop being “red letter” Christians because Jesus’s words in the gospels were not directed to us! And the Jewish epistles weren’t either. Even Paul’s first seven epistles were written before Acts 28 when Israel was still being offered her kingdom, although God told Paul to invite some Gentiles in to the kingdom program in order to provoke the Jews to jealousy so maybe they’d check it out.
I agree, 🙄
The sole purpose of this life is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
True, if we love God we will obey His commandments.
Thankfully we aren't saved by loving God but rather because He first loved us and gave Himself for us.
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present,and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.
When you have believed on Christ alone for salvation then you have repented unto life.
Salvation is absolutely free recieved solely by trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone, and is certainly not conditional upon service to God.
Service (discipleship) if you choose it can cost you everything if you go all out in serving God.
Our good works, repenting of sins, and obedience, are solely for rewards in Heaven or a lack thereof and have absolutely nothing to do with salvation at all.
The only reason anyone will ever be in Heaven is solely by the perfect life, shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ alone.
Anything added or subtracted from this is another gospel.
We are indeed saved unto good works, not by them, or kept by them, and most importantly neither can they prove our salvation.
@@fourgrans Thanks for the reply sister.
I appreciate the positive feedback.
I am so used to being attacked by works salvation heretics.
I’m going to copy and save what you’ve written here because it’s absolutely perfect and desperately needed today! Please know there are other believers out here that try to get the real gospel of Jesus Christ to those that need it! Thank you!
@@dfkuz No problem sister and please keep up the good work.
Our time is short and Satan has many ministers working overtime disguised as sheep.
You and I both know who the goats are.
This is a Christian sermon, not an NDE experience.
@@lavette916 Many NDE standard outcomes, (including unconditional love life reviews ) is not consistent with Christian teachings.
@@andrewheath5948 That is because Christian teachings were distorted by the time the NT was assembled. What I learned from NDE's (also from non-religious people) is that God is pure love and does not care if we believe in certain teachings
Amazing how some people can receive advanced medical care without even asking and people in some communities can't .
Like baby formula? Yet, people on the border are receiving formula.
You cannot have a near death experience or an out of body experience unless you are currently DEMON-POSSESSED! The only remedy is placing faith in Christ! These experiences make people so full of pride that they were singled out that it makes it almost impossible to reach them with the true gospel, but it’s never too late to trust Jesus Christ alone and not anything you have done or think you are, and be saved. Otherwise the demons that possess you will accompany you into the Lake of Fire!
WOW. You have all the simple answers. Congratulations
@@alfa5243 Because I’ve been there; met my demons telepathically, but I had just enough discernment to figure out who they are! My written testimony can be accessed from my YT channel page if you ever want to see how that played out.
If you want knowledge than read the emerald tablets of Thoth. It explains everything about the spirit realm and how it functions.
Trust Christ or you will cease to exist when you die.
There is no name on earth greater than the name of Jesus Christ.
@@mercyunbound Indoctrination is to blame for that. Do you believe baby’s are born into sin? That’s very disturbing your religion is. Jesus is no different than you or me. Your just scared of going to hell so you are saying what you can to get into heaven. God sees right through you, if you aren’t genuine he will know. The kingdom of heaven is within. Jesus tells you this. Don’t be scared to meditate and be spiritual.
@@mercyunbound Amen, Bryan! But it is the Person of Jesus Christ that we must place our faith in for salvation, without adding one single drop of our own righteousness. Trust Jesus Christ this moment and be eternally saved.
Jesus is the only way to heaven. Humble your selves and ask he will answer you
That is not the conclusion of most NDE's...
Why do Catholics feel that they can add to their salvation with suffering? We suffer for the cause of the gospel. Why should Jesus heal if we need to suffer in our bodies to add to our salvation. He has defeated his grace if you must add to our salvation.
Our aim in life should be a mirror image of Christ's love for mankind. We must try to be a reflection of His image. We have suffering - all of us. Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow me. forgiveness, trust in God, being merciful, and carrying our cross are all part of the journey.
@@mercyunbound if you suffer for the gospel it is usually because you show the WAY is thru Christ. We mirror what he told us about the Kingdom. Your suffering and making it an addendum to your salvation is Pride.
@@alfa5243 To suffer out of love of God and to offer it up to God is not pride; we are not talking about making it an "addendum" to salvation.
The idea that suffering is something that God wants and asks of us is not true. Read the Course in Miracles to learn what Christ's mission was and why He died.
Catholics don't believe that at all, your statement is erroneous. in Scripture Jesus said, "pick up your cross and follow Me." We all have trials and sufferings; we can use them to become bitter, or we can use them to become better and draw nearer to Christ.
Nde starts at 13 mins
I was a superstitious Catholic as well and demons played me and plagued me all my life until I woke up and finally trusted Christ alone and not my work’s righteousness or “Mother Church.” All “miracles” today are the devil’s doing because we have God’s word and have no need for signs as Jesus said the Jews did. Ask fir a sign snd Satan will answer - not God, Jesus or Mary!
ah, all your comments make sense now, you worship Satan. Sorry you threw the baby out with the bath water.
Go back and learn the true Catholic faith started by Jesus and handed on for 2000 years. You would have no way to know Jesus if the Church didn't exist (the Bible came from the church)
@@Rita-ic9tv I feel for you; I really do! Roman Catholicism is a powerful seducer what with all the saints looking all holy in paintings of them, and the most seductive of all, Holy Mary, Mother of God! The Bible was penned by Jews from start to finish, so I'm not sure why you'd think the RCC had anything to do about it, except maybe to adulterate it and try to control it like they do everything else! I actually do believe that Jews infiltrated the Catholic hierarchy in order to escape the Spanish Inquisition, but even if they did, they probably weren't saved believers in Jesus Christ either. My demons tried to get me to stay Catholic, and that was what tipped me off to the scam and I went to the Parish Pastor and officially resigned. I said, "I wouldn't want you to think that it's because I don't like you, because I do; but I must find a church that preaches salvation by faith alone in Christ alone and not be works of righteousness that we do. I hope you'll do ourself a favor and trust Jesus Christ completely (Ephesians 2:8, 9 KJV) and accept God's free gift of eternal life!
Read the church fathers. You have it wrong. God bless you always! I love my Faith. I could never leave the entire treasury and banquet for a few crumbs. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ!
@@Rita-ic9tv You have the right to do that! If you would be so kind, will you share with me how you know you’re saved and if it’s possible to lose your salvation? Thank you!
He doesn't mention having met Chjrist in heaven. He saw divine light and assumed it was Christ. Buddha, Krishna, Abraham, Zoroaster, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha''u'llah are also Messengers of God. But of course the Christ will see the divine light and say it's Christ; the Buddhist will say it's Buddha, the Muslims will say it's Muhammad, etc. The truth is there is more than a single path to God. It's disingenuous to ask people to believe in one Prophet and then disbelieve the near death accounts of people of other faiths. They are all "the way, the truth and the life" because They are all One.
People of different faiths have very similar recorded experiences from the literature I read.
Divine light that's God
Jesus Christ is the only way to God and salvation! The other ways are anti-Christ, especially the Catholic Church because it’s a powerful lookalike that stumbles millions every day to miss true salvation by a simple faith in Christ!
You sound like an Evangelical. Where does Yeshua/Jesus ask to be worshipped ? You suffered/suffer. None pass through this world without suffering.
“Be certain in the religion of Love there are no believers or unbelievers. Love embraces all.”
He said you call me Lord and Master and it is true