How BARBIE Is Misunderstood...

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 48

  • @ZombiBunni_
    @ZombiBunni_ ปีที่แล้ว +39

    the movie is SO misunderstood, I was shocked and then very quickly "not-at-all-shocked" when I saw and then read all of the 1 star audience reviews.

  • @lil_bored111
    @lil_bored111 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    *Mild Spoiler Alert* I did really enjoy this movie and I think it had a very strong message in terms of women's rights and criticizing those issues in society today. However, I wish it came to a stronger conclusion. In the end Barbie world kind of chose just to live with it. They didn't offer any solutions to these issues of patriarchal standards (the same ones that were just reversed in their world) but instead perpetuated them by using it as a running joke through the end. I just don't see why Barbie world couldn't model a more ideal society at the end of the movie. Not just a world in the best interest of men or of women but a world built for everyone. I only wish this film had concluded in a way that brought men and women together while still acknowledging and celebrating our differing experiences. I won't go as far as saying it was "anti-male" because that's ridiculous. But I do wish the final message was more "pro-people" instead of being so polarized.

    • @ScribeGirl10
      @ScribeGirl10 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      But that was the whole point of the last ten minutes of the film. That Ken doesn't have to define himself through Barbie. That he can shine as he is. Ken is wearing the "Ken-enough" sweat shirt at the end. When he appreciates himself he is "enough" or Kenough!

    • @lil_bored111
      @lil_bored111 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@ScribeGirl10 yea I see how they tried to hit that home but I think they could pushed it a little more. Maybe if ken had had a bit more character development before the end they could’ve ended in a more unifying way where the Barbie’s and kens leas together

    • @jonathanbowers8964
      @jonathanbowers8964 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I agree I feel that it failed to stick the landing. It also could have critiqued Mattel a bit more and how capitalism is at the heart of patriarchy, but then again Mattel owns the IP and Greta Gerwig had to fight to get as much as she got for the film.

    • @professorbutters
      @professorbutters ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I got the impression that they were slowly working their way towards it. The Kens were going to have jobs other than “beach,” and I hope they were going to have some Mojo Dojo Casa Houses of their own. As for Stereotypical Ken: I wasn’t so sanguine about his ability to be Kenough. Maybe if someone from Mattel got him a horse, but the guy needs someone or something to love.

  • @dotdotdotdotdotdotdottod
    @dotdotdotdotdotdotdottod ปีที่แล้ว +20

    people are forgetting that JHON CENA was in this movie and if this movie truely hated men i dont think beef cake manly man girrr protien shake jhon cena would even show up to this movie expecially since greta was clear with speaking and being open to everyone about suggjestions and critques from her cast

    • @dualnon6643
      @dualnon6643 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      A lot of guys dislike John Cena. He’s not really seen as a symbol of masculinity anymore. Especially among the right wing /manosphere who think he’s cucked

    • @Larrie_045
      @Larrie_045 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@dualnon6643WTF 😂

  • @PloverTechOfficial
    @PloverTechOfficial ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I did watch barbie, I quite enjoyed it and found it’s message about gender (specifically) quite compelling and interesting, it resonated with me in a way that made me think “not many movies have done this before, in fact I think they were too afraid to challenge it.” I would of course love to make a video essay on the topic, but that’ll take a while for me to compose so, maybe, maybe not? Possible spoilers for the movie ahead?
    Anyway, the message with equality was really good. Although it didn’t challenge the binary which is the only thing I think it could have expanded on. Or maybe my enby bias is too strong. Anyway, very good movie, I won’t make you read too much.

  • @DanGamingFan2406
    @DanGamingFan2406 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    Greta Gerwig never disappoints. I absolutely love this film, it's comedy, and just how true to the original intent of the Barbie doll it is.

    • @MrPro2121
      @MrPro2121 ปีที่แล้ว

      she's one of the shittiest director lol..she doesn't know how to characterise a man and woman together

    • @left4deadR
      @left4deadR ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @hikawagetsbitches
    @hikawagetsbitches ปีที่แล้ว +17

    while watching the movie, it felt like barbie was put in place as representing a young girl or AFAB person growing up at a middle-school age and seeing that childhood bubble pop before your eyes, and even how as adults, we don’t lose that part of ourselves through ferrera’s character. even the way that ken brought “patriarchy” into barbieland felt juvenile, like that’s what a young kid thinks surface-level masculinity is, without the deep-seeded problems (ESPECIALLY with the horses bit, that felt like a horse girl thing). i like that twist where barbie’s human wasn’t the kid but the mom. spiderverse was my top movie for this year, but barbie is an EXTREMELY close second.
    i also hate those complaints about this movie being “anti-men.” they clearly showed the problems with the kens pre-patriarchy, and we all saw that bit when ken brought patriarchy over. in the end, he wanted barbie’s attention and he used the concept of male power in the real world (albeit on a surface-level scale) to get it and also be respected and recognized and it failed. the barbies ruled barbieland, but did they really? everyday was the same for them, the only doll who had their life to decide for themselves were freaking Allen and Weird Barbie, the outcasts. every barbie had their brand and their title, but that’s really all they were.

  • @hl1342
    @hl1342 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I swear, if the barbies are portrayed as stupid instead of the kens, no conservative will complain, even the female ones will defend it.

    • @purplenutria1351
      @purplenutria1351 ปีที่แล้ว

      ? literally everyone could complain if that happen, every single ''bimbo'' is now see as some horrible product in movies, the problem is not ken being a himbo, the problem is ken being the one getting all the horrible life and still being portrait as the bad one, and dont come whit the ''hes not the bad hes kenought'' naa hes the antagonist because the parody of barbieland is compared to the 2023 real world, every girl is intelligent/whitty/brave/give a ''great message'' and ken +males are stupid, rude or capable of nothing, the sexual harrasment part whas literally not true, as avictim of sexual harrament and sexual assault it make me want to trow hands.
      barbie is beautyfull visual movie, have a good soundtrack, amazing performances of ryan and margot they where the best part of the movie. on other side the dialog and preaching is more misses than hits.

    • @hl1342
      @hl1342 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@purplenutria1351 I said conservatives wouldn't complained if the barbies were portrayed as stupid, not people in general.

  • @samuelmercelina9407
    @samuelmercelina9407 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a man I got a few nuggets of wisdom from ken. That the movie hates men is just used to not engage with the movie and to do some self reflection.

  • @Dr.Beetlejuice110
    @Dr.Beetlejuice110 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    The movie was just ok. It wasn't meant for me. I was jiving with it until all of the ken stuff. I didnt understand why none of the kens lived with their barbies as well as none of them were ever with their barbies. Since ken was created specifically for barbie. Showing that women can have it all, the career, the husband and the family. I thought ken should have been the trophy husband that was pushed to the side as an accessory because thats what the product was in real life. An accessory. I think it was a missed opportunity for the husband to the human mother in the film that helped barbie to not have joined in on the adventure and end up talking to ken and showing ken how to be a better support to barbie. If the goal of the film was for barbie to stand alone and go to the real world. Ken should also go to the real world and find his happy ending as well. Though personally i would like for him to stay with barbie because ken was created to be perfect for barbie. It also makes narrative sense that sense she went to the real world and changed, he should go to the real world and change as well. I think the film served to seperate and not bring people together which i think is needed. We need films that bring us together men and women and not tear us apart. The patriarchy stuff, I totally agree with. It was awesome seeing all of the women running the show. I also think that it is an interesting choice, maybe intentional to not showcase the pregnant barbie. I dont like that but i understand where they were going at which seemed to be shucking everything traditional as the enemy. Which i dont jive with the totality of that message but i do agree with parts of that message.

    • @bryanna5924
      @bryanna5924 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With the kens it was trying to portray the idea that the matriarchy can still be a negative (which is why the original barbieland didn't work in the first place) because to be truly equal we have to show how the idea of a matriarchy wouldn't progress or help society either. The film was trying to show extremes of both sides so in the end we can conclude that neither society putting one genre above the other ends up working out, or at least that is how I interpreted it. They also didn't showcase pregnant barbie because they are trying to show women in light outside of the traditions of being a mother, they weren't trying to show it in a negative light but moreover trying to expand what a girl/women can be in the minds of people outside of being just a mother. The thing is that is does shuck some traditional things because those things are rooted in sexism and misogyny. To endorse them would be hypocritical, so rather then doing that they make it a point to not put everything about being a mother in a negative light but rather the idea that every women has to end up being a mother. Also the reason they separate barbie and ken is because for ken's character arc he has to understand and learn who he is as in individual outside of his identity with barbie.

    • @Dr.Beetlejuice110
      @Dr.Beetlejuice110 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@bryanna5924 thank you for this. I don't think they accomplished what they set out to say the way you portrayed it. It's all perception of course. I think it's interesting that they were trying to portray or lump marriage and everything pregnant represents as misogynistic and against the viewpoints of the movie. I think having Barbie be on her own and the kens and Barbies on their own at the end of the movie says something and represents what I am saying, which is more of a divide between men and women. Yes, the kens were able to move up in a way within the barbie society but it wasn't in a positive light. This is shown with issa's character when she corrects herself about allowing the kens to have more of a say and more of a part within the society. Her face said it all. It wasn't positive, it was forced. No one wants to be a part of a society where they are not welcomed. I also found it interesting that only barbie was effected by the portal and not Ken as well since was made for barbie. It was looked at in that kind of light, that it's negative that Ken would do what he was made to do which was love and want to be with Barbie. It's interesting that she had that sort of awareness of Ken before the portal opened and she started getting images of the human family that would help her in the future. Why would she have an awareness of Ken not being his own person before she was getting "awareness" through the portal. I think trying to portray your points is what they did for sure, but they were not successful. I think if they wanted to portray that, they should have kept Ken married to barbie and treated him like a second class citizen. That way they could have had the same story beats and in the end Ken and Barbie go into the real world together and find who they are, but they stay connected through the family that helped barbie.

    • @bryanna5924
      @bryanna5924 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Dr.Beetlejuice110 I understand where you are coming from but another thing to take into consideration is the fact is that if Ken and Barbie were closer (married or in a relationship) the movie wouldn't have a good motivation for ken's action. Him going to the real world and learning about patriarchy was also shown through the fact that the real world made him feel wanted and purposeful. Ken's arc was about self love. He originally put his self worth based on Barbie sp if she were to treat him with more value to her life, it wouldn't have the same impact for him to go into the real world and find out he is treated better and with respect just for being a man. Also, Gloria (the mom) stated that Sasha never had a Ken dall so with that information it explains why sterotypical Barbie never had any interest for him, because Sasha as a kid never had an interest or want to have a Ken doll.

    • @Dr.Beetlejuice110
      @Dr.Beetlejuice110 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@bryanna5924 I get that last part about Sasha. I don't agree that the motivation wouldn't be there because Ken would be treated like a trophy husband. He still would be treated like they showed in the movie. He wants time with her and she keeps brushing him off. Stuff happens all of the time in the real world with trophy wives and husbands and the women feels disrespected etc. Like Ken does in this movie.

    • @bryanna5924
      @bryanna5924 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Dr.Beetlejuice110 that’s fair, I didn’t consider that idea

  • @alfahoer8420
    @alfahoer8420 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    5:20 Greta is so cool 😢

  • @rainbowtoyfunrandomess1982
    @rainbowtoyfunrandomess1982 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The new Barbie Movie looks pretty cool and interesting. Barbie has been around for years and now they have a live action movie!🤩

  • @EricaVain
    @EricaVain ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Love love love your review and I agree wholeheartedly!

  • @alpha8bluewolf441
    @alpha8bluewolf441 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Cant wait to check out this movie, it sounds like a really good film ^^

  • @ohkaygoplay
    @ohkaygoplay ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I liked it. Gave my own review. And I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw a different movie.

  • @XenoTeeth3
    @XenoTeeth3 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I just watched it last Friday and to be honest i thought it was just oke. I had a fun time with it but after all the hype it got and after everything people said about Barbie , i just thought it was oke . I don't know , i kinda had a feeling something was missing .

  • @jonahmartinez5975
    @jonahmartinez5975 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great video!

  • @graceshulas8773
    @graceshulas8773 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Fun fact: if you know Marilyn Monroe she was the inspiration for the first ever Barbie doll

    • @alicek5178
      @alicek5178 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Not true. She was modeled after the Lilli dolls of Germany. Barbie was named for the founder's daughter.

    • @graceshulas8773
      @graceshulas8773 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alicek5178 oh my bad sorry 😅

  • @carbootstudios2459
    @carbootstudios2459 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So what solution does it give and offer?

  • @jordanosman
    @jordanosman ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The fact that the usual suspects are the ones the most upset by this movie proves the whole point of the film haha. Great video!

  • @RedHeatEnt.
    @RedHeatEnt. ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I saw the movie yesterday and I really enjoyed it.

  • @grimm516
    @grimm516 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lol you really go in to this review very awesome

  • @Mr-Armas
    @Mr-Armas ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Fua wacho 😎🤑

  • @oisin543
    @oisin543 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel like this film..was a commercial work. It literally was an ad for Chevrolet and Mattel. The mother daughter dynamic had little to no resolve, the monologues were endless and said very little that was in anyway new or original musings and resulted in just feeling like lots of telling and not showing. The ideals of modern feminism those ideals being equality, redistribution not retribution, an end to gender conformity, women embracing and loving themselves, men freeing themselves from the toxic masculinity soup and finding a new masculinity etc etc these all were dropped for the easy “men sex hulking idiots do war women make baby and house sit” stereotypes played to the max with only the Barbies getting a true resolve from this cliché stereotype archetype bullshittery that is the patriarchy. Also Alan veered dangerously close to being just a cheap gay stereotype.

  • @Beerbaby
    @Beerbaby ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It's a tale of misandry for women that have all the advantages but still want to view themselves as victims.

    • @ghengis423
      @ghengis423 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      This doesn't make you seem bitter and awful to be around at all, keep it up

    • @Beerbaby
      @Beerbaby ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@ghengis423 A woman points out something that is blatantly sexist and misogynistic and she's a hero.
      A man points on something that's blatantly sexist and misandrist and he's attacked immediately.
      Hope she sees this bro.

    • @Larrie_045
      @Larrie_045 ปีที่แล้ว

      But the movies has a lot of truth though, a lot of asian, europe (especially balkan ones) countries, women/young teenage girls are constantly told to shut themselves up, heavy stereotypes, shamed by most men/guys because of feminine girly of us, p*rn addiction high rates and onlyfans watcher by MALES/GUYS, don't deny this urghhh

  • @laszlokortvelyessy1999
    @laszlokortvelyessy1999 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just saying, ken is a better and funnier character in a Barbie movie

  • @oliveranderson928
    @oliveranderson928 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm giving a dislike despite enjoying the video bc I feel the title is misleading. This video doesn't really discuss how Barbie is misunderstood. It's more of a general review of the movie. It's a good review, but I felt disappointed that I didn't get what I felt was promised with that title.