late reply but yeah there's actually very few use cases of meditation if you're actually planning to heal yourself back. However it is still used a LOT at higher level gameplay, but just to bait for sob farm
There's literally breaks between every fight to meditate so you can be at full health for the next fight. You literally gain your ability to heal back with every fight. It's much easier than most souls games.
@@noahkrahulec8074 Souls games doesn't have 20 off-screen projectiles come at you all at once lol, NG3RE on UN is 100% harder than all souls games, at least mechanically speaking. A lot of games are harder than Souls titles, their principle is "difficult but fair". Ninja Gaiden 2 and especialy 3RE are NOT fair1
@byeetch There are segments of Souls games where many projectiles are coming at you off screen. Especially in Sekiro. But just like you don't have to play NG3RE on UN, you don't have to do no-hit-runs on Souls games. There are ways to make Souls games easier or harder, just like adjusting the difficulty on NG. Also, the projectiles on NG all have loud audio cues.
I'm on day 7 and I gotta say... Razors Edge is definitely better than the first release. But it's somehow dumber at the same time. Ugh I cant really put my finger on it, I skip all the cutscenes when I play Ninja Gaiden 2 so doing the same for 3 makes the structure of the two games identical. Meaning linear corridors leading to kill rooms. Ill be honest I haven't watched the cut scenes for Ninja Gaiden or even Dark Souls at this point for the past 5 playthroughs. The story in NG3 doesn't really matter. What does matter is the "difficulty" here is essentially the developers playing stupid little games, like usual. The normal mode is arguably harder than NG2 on Warrior, but the Hero mode is easier than Ninja Dog mode for the other games. There is no balanced difficulty for the average player. It's not even "hard" though the game is just cruel by design by not allowing healing items, making enemies damage spongey, and forcing you to fight 100 or more of them in between hp restoring save points. It's... Fun at times before the game realizes "oh shit they might be having fun right now" and then by design it does everything it can to actively frustrate the player by game design while pretending to be like Ninja Gaiden 2. It's frustrating because this is the ONLY game that plays like Ninja Gaiden 2, the graphics are good and the blood looks cool but for every fun moment is a 20 minute slog while you remember how much better Ninja Gaiden 2 is. Overall, yuck. It's the equivalent to sleeping with someone you normally wouldn't just because it's been a very long time. That date would probably go better than NG3RE, tbh
100% agree here man. I just finished the game and it's just a slog. Ninja Gaiden 2 is Actually fairly challenging but Razors Edge is just nonsense. Enemies Will spam grabs if you block they will attack you all at once and some of them are just ridiculous when it comes to blocking foring you to Spam UTs. It can be fun in small doses but I wouldn't really recommend it. Just play 2
@@linkueiavenger4065 blocking is literally useless in this game. You're punished twice because of it. You take damage AND your health bar is shortened. Enemies have near instant grabs and their combo strings are so fucking long it sends them flying at you constantly. At least defense was actually viable option in NGB and NG2 in this game you might as well have your A button taped down while you spam dodge.
wait people disliked this one? Like i didn't care for base 3 but Razor's Edge has always been my favorite NG game. My only complaint was leaving out Rachel. I do also have to say they need to stop flirting with the fact that DOA and Ninja Gaiden are the same universe. I know NG3 happens around DOA 5 where Helena is Still trying to regain control of DOATEC, But you not gonna sit here and tell me that L.O.A is doing all this and Donavan and Helena are not aware. Hell cause of DOA6 we know Donavan was working on a method to revive Raidou he'd 100% be interested in L.O.A's research.
I mean Razors edge definitely improved on the original game, but nowhere near as good as the first two games. They’re both incredible games. I hope we get more Ninja Gaiden games soon!
I played Razor's Edge on WiiU. Objectively better than vanilla 3 but still one of the biggest disappointments of that console generation for me. To this day I am still amazed that they never managed to recreate the combat experience NG: Black gave you
I think it's kind of like how Sega is with 3D Sonic games. They seem to want to constantly reinvent the wheel, and throw away most of what was great about the older ones.
@@ResidentGremlin1 that seems to be the case with a lot of games and movies. No one seems to want to design something that the people buying it actually want. They always seem to do things to satisfy THEIR OWN desire of what the game is to be. Whoever gets their paws on the rights to manage the development. Their ideas and ways get put in Souls has been lucky that dark souls has had the same director for well over 10 years essentially for all their titles. Except one. And all their titles have been legends
@@ResidentGremlin1 he godamn hass it, and he clearly knows what he is talking about unlike many below avergage youtubers who have large followers. I trust this guy, he is worth it to be followed, unfollow all the trash youtube game related channels and follow this emperor.
Well what I mostly like about Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge is The ninja trials,the skull crystal challenge, sometimes the chapter challenge and how ryu hyabusa does that true inferno with the dragon.
The multiplayer aspect was cool it’s definitely not the worst third installment of all time but it has issues some fans are more disappointed than others I knew in razors edge they would fix a lot of issues I have
My hot take is: had we gotten Razor's Edge instead of 3, people would have largely loved it, with a chunk of the fanbase that preferred NG2 and NGB, much like how NG2 was treated on its release.
NG3's story is the one thing a video game story can never be, and that's lame. A story can be ridiculous, insane, stupid, or absurd and still be awesome. But a lame story can only ever be lame.
I mean, kind of? Games can get away with having meh or boring stories, but they have to also make up for it by having stupid fun gameplay. This issue is, NG3's combat is just passable. It's just a very mundane game across the board.
It still sucks, same story, same combat system that is absolute bullshit and random AF, the same input lag issues which is the most agravating for me, im trying to shoot arrows and mf ryu just stands there aiming and doesn't shoot until he gets hit which cancels the shot...Every boss fight is a fucking chore still. Flying bosses are just as bad as they've always been so there's literally zero improverment in a third game (HOW?), the camera gets fucked up so manny times. Steel on Bone is basicly useless because of input lag, 90% of the time Ryu doesn't dodge so i can't get my SoB to work. The healing from SoB is basicly non existent. Any time you're touched you're losing more HP than what you get from healing so the game is just a rush to not get hit at all which considering flying enemies, the constant bomb and rocket spam and the input lag you're definetly going to get hit alot and most of the time it's not even your fault. NGB/NGS can be rough sometimes but it actually feels fair and there's absolutly something you did wrong that made you get hit but in Razor's Edge? you're gonna get it by someguy hidding somewhere throwing some shit at you, you're gonna get hit by fiends jumping on you, you're gonna get hit by some random asshole that times his attack perfectly, you're gonna get counter hit by enemies who dodge faster and better than you and you're gonna get hit by near instant grabs (mostly from bosses). I don't understand why and how you go from NGB, NG2 and even NGS2 to RE, it feels like completly diferent guys made the game and said oh yeah remember NG? Yeah let's pick Ryu Hayabusa and Ayane and put them in a game that isn't NG. A 4/10 feels generous to me.
I just got master collection. 1 is an absolute masterpiece. One of the best games I’ve ever played. 2 is extremely badass and features some of the craziest and most intense fights I’ve seen in gaming to this day. And then there’s shitty gaiden 3… I keep trying to give it a chance but the more I play it the more it pisses me off with how bad it sucks… a stain to what was a masterpiece series… Oh well. At least we will always have 1 and 2!
The Alchemists are actually the good addition to enemies for me. They are only annoying because of one thing.... the game's grab detection is somewhat broken. It's very noticeable when i perfectly dodged the Van Gelf's grab but i was brought back to the spot i came from and suddenly on enemie's hold.
"Never even played a Ninja Gaiden game" YOU MISSED OUT! But it's not too late, get the Master Collection and at least play through the first one. If you can beat the first level or two, you're gonna be fine and it's awesome.
Having beat RE in the hardest difficulty,this was by far the most tedious and boring one in the series,even with the upgrades. Bring back essence,health items and muramasas shop. With those features you were able to at least plan ahead.
The good: combat(very technical and faster than NG1&2), trials, crystal challenge, chapter challenge (it doesn't include most tedious moments in story mode), Female characters actually viable to use for hard difficulty(unlike sigma 1&2). Has fun Coop if you aren't playing the master collection. Music , no more water section in level design. The Bad: Story, the last boss and t-rex especially on high difficulty. Too hard to learn how to play if you don't dig deep enough(once you figured it out, you'll love NG3RE).
The only good thing about ninja Gaiden three Razors edge is the free play mode. I still don’t understand why they were trying to do what they were doing in the story. The fiends are not even really in this one too much. you know the guys who are usually the main antagonist is of every ninja Gaiden game .
another thing to note was the main enemies of the game seem to know all about Ryu and his sword / lore guess the Hayabusa aren't all that well hidden not to mention every game the clan seem to be getting their collective cheeks clap and Ryu as the head of the family seem to be the only one capable of doing anything most of the time
The first and only ninja gaiden game I’ve played was 3’s demo. You know a screwed up when the demo made someone drop the franchise. Probably going to play the first & second one now thou
Ninja gaiden 3 isn't Canon in my mind. Thank god they got platinum games to help with ng4. I dont think they are competent enough, with the people who work there now, to make a good ninja gaiden game.
I just beat this Game and boy this story line is a massive WTF. If I'm not mistaken a boss from two pops up out of nowhere and gives ryu a sword or some shit out of the blue for no reason. Repetitive action, all you do is fight wave after wave of the same people and a unsatisfactory ending.
Most of this is from not understanding how the game and enemies work. Your first playthrough yes, you would think the combat is cruel and random. And it is cruel, and it is kind of random, but it does work when you know what's going on. 1. Yes, the bosses are bad. Not going to argue with that especially how they made Alexei and Genshin constantly dodge out of combos which they didn't do like this in 2. Genshin didn't get new weapon in 2 though, he just kept spawning his goons and then got that annoying teleport when he became a fiend. 2. Regular merc, commando, cloaked dagger, cloaked tonfa, Black Spider Ninja, Claw Ninja, tactical ninja (these appear throughout the game on higher difficulties, not just on Day 5), small purple fiends, artificial fiends. Alchemists and fencer alchemists. Dogs (stop putting dog enemies in games please). Three types of chimera, Van Gelfs. Not as much as 2, but more than you think and I'm certainly not crying for the exclusion of those Strogg cyborgs from the Daedalus mission in Ninja Gaiden 2. 3. Enemies blocking. This is mainly the claw ninja, heavy rocket launcher ninja, and the cloaked enemies. Black Spider Ninja can block single attacks but not combos. You can get through their guard not just with heavy attacks, but with the heavy attacks IN light combos (XXYY, et cetera). It also makes them susceptible to Flying Swallow as hitting a blocking enemy will stagger them for an Izuna Drop. This also means certain combos are guaranteed against them because heavy attacks will break their guard, for example: YYY(hold and release) is a guaranteed launcher into Izuna Drop against claw ninjas. You need to figure out the best combos for each enemy type (and hold heavy attacks, claws in particular have extremely strong combo enders). Ryu is ALSO invincible during certain moves, so as long as you can get certain combos started you don't need to worry about anything (katana XXXYYY). Commandos and artificial fiends will dodge your attacks, which for commandos means you need to use extended or tracking combos like XX>YYY (same combo sequence works well with both katana or dual katana), and artificial fiends are very weak to counterattacks. It has a very high chance of instantly delimbing them, and it's not hard to time because their combos are so fast. Or just use level 3 Lunar because the multihits will interrupt their dodge. Hyper armor. Counterattack will interrupt them, or dodge away and start your own combo as they finish. This is pretty normal action game stuff and if you could bust out of every situation by mashing buttons I don't get what the point would be. If you're surrounded (which you will be, constantly) that's what 360 heavy attacks are for, or Wind Path to get away. It's only a big issue with the brute chimera, basically be careful when their back is turned or they'll do a fast and armored turnaround attack. 4. Ultimate Technique. Simple, your dual katana weren't upgraded. Level 3 dual katana with a red UT will kill every currently spawned enemy including Chimera, it's one of the strongest Ultimate Techniques in the entire series. 5. Alchemists. Only two will ever attack at the same time, while the third charges his shield or throws projectiles. An alchemist with glowing hands will be staggered after hitting him with a heavy attack, which means you can either A. Flying Swallow, forward Y to Izuna Drop, or B. Heavy attack, heavy attack (hold) to charge a UT which is guaranteed to land (don't get hit in the back by fireballs from the third alchemist though). They will always dodge away after 2 attacks and do a jumping kick or the ninpo-steal grab. Quick combos that track them can actually continue hitting them after they dodge (dual katana XX>YYY again, easily that weapon's best combo), but generally you'll want to just change target and get an easy Izuna Drop on the alchemist who's currently standing around charging. They're extremely tedious but work by pretty simple rules you can exploit.
While I didn’t find myself replaying NG3 like I replayed NG2 (a LOT) I still liked NG3 a lot. It was definitely the last time I touched ninja gaiden up until now. I haven’t played Razor’s Edge yet but I definitely will soon.
So, just another "different equals bad" review. Uhm, you do know that NG2 was significantly different from NG1, right? But still both are apparently great. So, NG3 was different again and everybody screams bloody murder. Yeah, makes sense. I admit the original NG3 was seriously lacking in gameplay but everything was fixed with NG3:RE. I've watched many gameplay videos of so called NG pros playing NG2 on Master Ninja. So, were they really good players who perfectly understood the rythm of the combat loop: evading, attacking, dismembering and obliterating? Nope, they just spammed UT until all enemies were dead. NG3 removed the essence so you can't just rely on UT anymore and everbody was pissed because they took your cheap move away. And the original NG2 was just an unbalanced mess anyway. The removal of healing items is fine too because they gave you other ways to replenish your health.
Thw essences Uts were a staple and didn't need to be changed. Not everything has to be balanced. These games are about the absolute insanity that is blendering your enemies. Every hack n slash has something broken in them. It adds to the charm. Essences was also your currency in the original games. The trade off was a stronger attack over money for items. It was another case of the devs changing something for the sake of changing it. Ng3re got rid of weapon variety, enemy variety, shops, equipment and the set pieces are bland af. Delimbing enemies is inconsistent af. The same grunt can either take 2 hits to delimb or 7 hits. Enemies have endless strings that send them flying towards you constantly. They wasted money forcussing on the story instead of gameplay cause they wanted to chase trends. No one plays these for the story. There's a reason the story for Ng2 and Black were relegated to short cutscenes and lore items in game (books). This game has the longest cut scenes in the 3d series. Did you even play ng3? The scythe 360Y breaks the entire game. All bosses and enemies can be 100-0 within seconds. Ninpo and s o b don't make up for not having healing items. Especially since their healing properties are absolutely negligible.
I think you're missing the point a bit. Sure, NG2 was different to NG:B, but it kept most of its identity intact from a mechanical standpoint. NG3 removed most of what made NG what it was and while yes RE attempted to fix the issues it felt like putting a plaster on a gaping wound. I would like to take you on the whole UT thing. Now, was UT balanced? Absolutely not. But what it was was fun. While it required no real input from the player it made you feel like a badass blendering through enemies. Other character action games have absolutely busted moves that completely bork balance (See Distortion Impact from DMC4 and Royalguard from 5) but no one has an issue with it because these games are genuinely about the spectacle, the sheer insanity of everything you could and in that regard, at least to me, NG3/RE came up short. Also, RE has Steel on Bone which I'd honestly say is almost as brain off and UT was in Black and 2. Thanks for watching though!
@@ResidentGremlin1 if you think UTs are brain off in either 1 or 2, it's immensely clear you haven't played anything past normal or did a karma run in any capacity or do you understand the risk rewards UTs have. do a karma run in survival in ng2 and tell me UTs are brainless, please.
I can address a lot of your gameplay points later, some are at either missing the point or straight up lies. The dual katana UT in ng3re is a massive room clearer, way more powerful than the ng2 counterpart. Baiting SOB is easy, doesnt mean the game doesn't give you freedom to do ther things. Hyper armor and dodging enemies are most cases predictable behavior you can control well with your crowd control options. Ninpo as a healing mechanic works well, is not tied to number of enemies hit, but damage dealt, the game asks you to know how to use ninpo effectively for healing, which makes sense. Meter/Ki generation is also a thing to manage. I am almost at the end and you havent mentioned the new mechanics like the heavy attack hold followups, or cicada surges. Ninja Gaiden 3 razor's edge has one of the best if not the best combat system in the series.
I'll have to take your word for it on Dual Katana. I personally didn't feel that great unless everyone in the room was stood right on top of you. You don't HAVE to use SOB, true, but it's arguably the most optimal way to do it as it generates Ki faster than standard combos, outside of the Lunar Staff that can't actually SOB. I can see your point with hyper armour and dodging to an extent, but at no point do I think that makes the Alchemists OK in the slightest. As a solo miniboss maybe, but as a gank it's just frustrating. I'll be honest with you, I had no idea heavy attack hold followups were even a thing. Where does the game tell you about them? If it's listed in the weapon combos then I completely missed them, partly because there are way too many. Partly because I never felt incentivised to dig all that deep. And with Cicada Surge, it just felt like a dodge with a cost. I don't really want to get into an argument. I did primarily do this for entertainment rather than a complete deep dive into the game. If you enjoyed it, that's great! But I frankly found it really awkward.
@@ResidentGremlin1 the dual katana Ninpo sends shockwaves with no range limit. About alchemists, I find fighting them incredibly fun, there is many ways to mess around with them. NG3RE is one of my favorite games and my favorite ninja gaiden, Playing it at higher levels is incredibly fun and rewarding. If you're interested i could link some good material of it. Also I respect the video and the effort you took on it, but it is the same surface points i've seen brought up again and again.
@@Sotherius I'd love to see higher level gameplay. I love the series but have always been little more than a casual fan, which has coloured my opinion on NG3RE a lot, I'll admit. I will say though, typically when the same points are brought up a lot, there is always some amount of truth to them. To the casual gamer, or even those without the time or attention span to really get into meat and gravy of the game, the game getting good after XYZ is a bit of difficult sell, especially when the game doesn't seem to incentivise doing so. Again, could just be me though.
@@ResidentGremlin1 here are some links from some of my favorites, But I also have some gameplay of my own in my channel Also, while dont liking at a surface level is fine, Shouldn't a review be in depth?
@Stylish DY.D. A fair point. However the vast majority of people that play ANY game aren't going to deep dive into it before deciding if it's good or not. It's kind of like the MMO argument of "it gets good after X hours!" That's all well and good, but if the game isn't making me want to play until that point, them I'm probably not going to. Also, I remembered getting very deep into NG2 back in the day. Got a good chunk through path of the Master Ninja because I genuinely found the game fun from the get go and it made me want to go deeper and learn everything I could. NG3RE never got me in the same way.
I like the alchemist they where tough with barely any heals biggest let down was lack of weapons and the ultimate always being the same enemy types were a issue I didn’t notice till you pointed it out along with the heals
I really hope the franchise isn’t dead. I hope they make a new one in the near future, and when/if they do I hope they would look at what was great about the first two games, and expound on them. I was so looking forward to seeing how they would have introduced Hyate’s (don’t know if that’s how his name is spelt) character in Razor’s edge, but instead all we got was a message through Ayane, and his borrowed sword. We get Kasumi which was great but she was limited to just being a playable character, and didn’t have any part in the story. Ninja Gaiden doesn’t have to be a story masterpiece, but the story should flow well while introducing as well as expounding on the world the game takes place in. And of course the combat should be fun along with being challenging. I loved the combat of the first game because I was able to learn as well as use the techniques of each weapon in combat. Some moves were easier to use than others, and each weapon had more different learning curves when using them but overall I enjoyed the combat of the first. The second was way more fast paced which for me was challenging but the epicness of the many techniques as well the vast number of extra weapons introduced, and upgrades made to the combat made me enjoy the game even more. 3 felt like a step back in a lot of ways. They tried something new which I appreciate, but in doing so they took away a lot of what made the first two NGs great. The stealth part in the first mission of NGRE they added I think was really cool, and I would have liked to have seen that explored as well as used more within the story, but it needed a lot more work.
So glad there are others who saw the same issues with the gameplay i did back when i first played it weeks ago. The health regen system in both versions of NG3 are complete dogshit like what were they thinking by removing healing items AKA the MOST PROMINENT thing in all games that involve general combat and making it only possible to regain any bit of health via tedious methods. Boss fights are unnecessarily hard cuz of this as i would be going into fights with not even at half health due to screwing up earlier fights by being careless such as being grappled by a delimbed enemy and severely damaged via kamikaze attack cuz he was off screen and i never saw him sneaking up on me as a result. All these reasons are why i preferred Ninja Gaiden 2 on all versions compared to the first and third game
I would be of that opinion, but hack & slash games have made more effort on story in recent years, and NG3/RE put such a spotlight on it. It's hard to really ignore.
The devs apparently cared enough to focus a good bit of the budget around it. Has the best combat that's pulled down by the environment, enemies, and bizarre changes to items and equipment.
If that combat mainly consists of abusing Steel on Bone being the only strategy to defeat the cheap enemies instead of using... Oh don't know... actual combos that don't explain their usage, then the game clearly fails in its design since the dominant strategy is just wait for enemies to glow red and push a button to watch a cutscene of you killing enemies over and over. Ninja Gaiden 3 the Razor's Edgiest game of all time.
Let be honest, last bosses in Ninja Gaiden sux. And the giant female gal with boobas - is better than giant insect skeketon, OK?)) Also, the Evil Ryu, imo, one of the best boss fight in all Ninja Gaiden games. It's just great.
Aside from the trash story, the gameplay was frustrating and not fun, the BOW monsters you fight and the alchemists together put me off from replaying the game. They block every attack and are not designed around the mechanics.
this gameplay analysis is so bad. 3 is my least favorite but there's so much misinformation on it. your second point is false, not all enemies have hyper armor like the military grunts or beret guys. some of the fiends, yes but you can still hit them after an attack, you're just flailing mindless with no thought as shown you your gameplay. the only real exception are van gelfs and even then, you have options to deal with still like cicada surge or guard reset or just dodging. and Alchemists have a specific way to fight them, break their shield, hit them with say, a forward Y to launch them into a combo, this isn't new to NG, play against Berserkers in NG1 and you'll see what I mean. God forbid enemies require different tactics to fight. your third point is wrong, NG1 didn't have NG2's health system, so it's clear you didn't play NG1. Also heal upgrades can act as a heal like in NG1 and NG2 and if youre barely making through the level with a quarter life even on normal when, that's your skill issue quite literally since you keep flailing about mindlessly from your gameplay clips. And ninpo heals and scales on level and enemies types hit and killed point four is so stupid and insane. the UT with the dual sword comparison was just in coolness factor when you didn't even have the dual swords at level 3 in NG3RE??? and even then, the Dual swords UT in NG2 lacks invul frames in the transition part of the second attack making it not great despite the game. NG3RE is the best in the game due to it being a tracking projectile that kills a lot of enemies, especially in bloody rage. SoB isn't that game breaking considering the 1. amount of enemies thrown at you, 2. some enemies just blocking it like alchemists and 3. being the best way to accumulate points for upgrading and score in general, you don't do it, you don't get upgrades. And the bosses, i mean, that's the point? you go in with if there's an opening, hit them with a combo and do so again. Some bosses require some different ways of punishing certain strings, you can't just punish every string, your punishes are the same in NG3 compared to prior games with the windows differing on higher difficulties but you make it sound like it's awful since it isn't DMC3-5 styling type shit. Also NG2/NG1 bosses still follow the rules of the game? Minus Alexei who is over tuned. And the Regent gets multiple new moves in each fight minus the last one, he gets multiple new strings you have to pay attention to and 2 new grabs and a launcher combo. Yea i'll concide that some of the bosses are overly simple and boring but not the man-sized bosses and greater fiends. This just from a gameplay analysis, is completely awful. crazy how you know about DMC tech but nothing on Ninja Gaiden like on landing UTs, on landing Jumps, guard reset, shuriken cancels, guard buffers or even stuff in the previous games like essence staggers and OT juggles or even stuff exclusive to this game like dash cancels and izuna drop on landing cancels, come on.
Surprised this video is still getting these replies but from the top; 1. This was based on my observation while playing the game. Enemies would routinely power through attacks that they wouldn't in the previous titles. There periods of vulnerability were awkwardly timed after their animations ended. With the Alchemists, they'd be fine on their own, but when it's 3 of them covering for each other it just becomes tedious. Also, sidebar. The gameplay you see is primarily short ass clips, so you can't really judge the overall quality of my gameplay from them alone. 2. Sorry, but what of earth do you mean? NG1 and NG2 have the same degrading health bar system, same health item system, same Live of a Thousand Gods. What exactly am I missing here? Also, in case you missed the INCREDIBLY SUBTLE hints I was making, the ninpo heal being tied to enemies hit, whilst also requiring enemies to die to build it up AND being lost on the fight ending is absurdly counter-intuitive and I have no idea how anyone through it made a lick of sense. Another sidebar, but drop the gatekeeping BS. It's crap like that people don't get into these types of games. 3. I think in your attempt to dunk on me you missed the point a bit. UT in NG2 is just head and shoulders more effective than in RE. It's faster to charge, does more damage and even at lower weapon levels is so much cooler than it is here. Also, those were fully upgraded dual swords. I'm not joking. But the main thing is the charge time absolutely kills its usability in most cases. Meanwhile, I literally have to press on button to activate SoB and instantly kill a guy. On the score front, never really struggled for upgrades in my SoB binge due to the combo build up off of all those kills. 4. That's not the point though is it? A boss fight should be a highlight of the game. You should be able to be proactive with it. Most games have managed to make boss fights fun, rather just waiting around until they do one of a handful of vaguely punishable attacks as you very slowly whittle down the the health bar. And sure, the Regent gets new moves, but they may as well be the same as before because they all looked the same! Seeing as you love bringing up how I bring it, Vergil in DMC3 adds something drastically new every fight, while the Regent is just on his same BS every fight. There was no "oh shit" moment. There was just what felt like the exact same encounter 3 times. 5.Now, this is going to come across as pretty dickish, but maybe I know more about DMC's various combat systems because the game actually respects my time and gives me big jigsaw pieces to stick together how I want, rather than an ever growing list of pointlessly long combo strings that feel exactly the same. Thanks for watching though. Appreciate it!
@@ResidentGremlin1 NG1 you didnt have regen health after battle like NG2. only with the armlet of tranquilty which is only available in mission mode if it isn't NG04 and even then it was incremently over time versus instant after battle. And no you literally didn't have the dual swords at level 3, it has 3 parts to it and it would of ended with a single shockwave that tracks and i stated why it's better in 3RE than in 2. UT's are fine in NG3RE, they track once they hit generally and god forbid the longer it takes the charge the more damage it does. game is jank as fuck but so is NG2 so lol. and if you think the combo strings are all the same in NG, you're just bad and don't want to learn the various outcomes they also have like in dmc. xxy with the dragon sword is immensely different from lunar xxy in NG1 and NG2 with the way it delimbs plus the stagger from the DS vs the knockdown you get with the lunar and that's just one string. same can apply in NG3RE, weapons have different delimb properties and knock back/down properties. i can say the same for DMC, lock on forward is always just a forward advancing move and back is always a launcher for every weapon, but you know that ain't true. you just don't pay attention to NG's, there's a reason why it's held in similar regard to DMC. you don't know shit.
Never played NG3 only razors edge and damn is it awful I just stopped after a few chapters in. NG1 is amazing 2 Sigma is also very good but felt lacking compared to 1. Havent played NG Black but hope to get it one day also havent played NG2 but finally have it and look forward to giving it a go. Really hoping NG4 is a return to form.
Play it on ultimate ninja. There is a significant challenge. & With 4 characters to use in combat it can be pretty fun. Keep in mind all of the previous games required patience and diligence. & this one does too.
Its real bad, I tried to play it again when I got the master collection and I just couldnt finish it, not fun, and I still play ng black and ng2 still from time to time
I think 3s combat was terrible cause it was made with the ps move in mind from the start. Razors edge I feel fixed what the original lacked…. Combat. Story is unredeemable
And that's fine. Truly is. I honestly wish I could too, but yeah, my stance on this entry is pretty clear. It's the games you want to love that you criticise the most I guess.
Yeaaaahhh in terms of ninja gaiden you dont play for the story you play for the large amount of murder you cause. Kinda expected it sinc ethe first two game’s narrative wasnt all that great either so i have no clue why they decided to focus on story for this one…Oh wait I actually do. Early 2010’s/ late 2000’s also the fact that japanese devs were suffering during the ps3/360 generation. When desperate copy the competition. Good thing team ninja bounced back with Nioh.
They did yeah, though I personally have some gripes with Nioh (mainly stat overload). To be fair to them, a number of prominent character action games have had decent stories going back to DMC3, they just aren't as in your face about it as NG3's is. If they made it more set dressing like NG2's was, maybe it would have come across a lot better.
@@ResidentGremlin1 it was unfortunately one of those times where a game series is just not the same without its creator. At least we know that Team Ninja has moved on and had their redemption arc. Hyped for Wo long and way of the ronin.
Ninja Gaiden 1-2 vanilla are honestly both probably my favorite games ever, second only to RDR 1-2. I also love sigma 1...sigma 2 lit a fire in my ass with its idiotic edited(?) gore. Just a side here- it's censored...but you can still dismember enemies, throw them on their knees and behead them...but it's okay, because there is purple anime smoke mixed in with the blood 🫠. Okay, fine. Sigma 2 is still a great looking game. The "Venice" levels still look beautiful in 2024. The engine they used for those games and the Dead or Alive Games (4-5) is awesome. It really is. Ninja Gaiden 3 vanilla was trash. I was relieved when I saw that they were making a "3 Sigma", ie Razor's Edge. But. Mistake 1 was the fact that the game was first a Wii U exclusive title. Great choice- develop for Nintendo's worst system possibly ever, and dumb down the graphics engine so it can run on the archaic hardware. To be fair, some parts of Razor's Edge look fine. The deserts are strikingly realistic, The markets in London, Tokyo at the has its moments. But there are some rrrrreally bad looking levels. The dinosaur lab and the Dino's themselves look like ps1 fare. The characters all have these ugly hard lines now instead of the smooth hi-tech anime effect of the first two titles. And then there are the enemies. To be blunt, most of them are just obnoxious. You get stuck in sections of levels that are really just arenas that are way too small. And the bosses. Good Lord. Try beating that g.d. T-Rex on hard and try not to heave your console into the wall or yet it out the window. It's just cheap. In fact, I swear that some of the bosses are designed to "Allow" you to beat them after a certain number of deaths...somewhere around 30? My least favorite enemies in the game, however, are the awful pink mutant "spinning ogres", and the stupid whip arm snake men. You basically can't stop them unless you use the fully charged "ultimate technique"...which takes almost a minute to achieve. Another big blow was that the "flying swallow" technique is basically useless in this game. That am the "Izuna Drop" were my go to attacks in "2". I won't even talk about the removal of the little Japanese Guy's shop that everyone loved from 1-2. They actually had the nerve to tease you into believing it was going to appear in this game by playing the snazzy little electric guitar riff theme and showing the shop sign...with a CLOSED sign beneath it. I grabbed the Master Collection. It looks awesome on PS5, and was only $30 on holiday sale last year. The ninja trials and chapter challenges that let you play as some of the dead or alive girls were added to Razor's Edge, and they are actually the only part of that game that I ever find myself playing. Ninja Gaiden is closed.
the idea on paper was good. but in the end ,what they did , was not THE succses . combos with dragon sword cant be xhanged that hard. on landing and triangle should be a horizontal ,instaed of a vertical slash,. alone THAT pissed me of ,to much. in a way ,a good game, but to much change . its good,fluid but lacks the perfekted combat system of 1and 2 . but i have to say,that the steel on bone mechanic was a good idea ! going in on max danger, to counter the attack to get max reward was good. they lack the right leader to direct that game to perfektion. itegaki understand what was good about Ninja gaiden and perfekted it. im still convinced itegaki made THE perfekt action game ,that the world wasnt ready for . continue the system to an max ,and it would blast at least 2 decades like OG NG 1+2
i just found out yesterday if you get grabbed by a armless/legless enemie you can spam butttons and get out of the grab without exploading....if only i knew that before rage quitting the game several times XD
Game is great, wait a second is he checking the story? Well, I guess that makes some Sense tô soneone who has not played a hack and slash. Video starts at 8:05. 11:28 you have parries for that, you have throws, the ultimate technique, shurikens to interrupt their attacks and specially the slide. 13:28 this example is pretty deceitful dual blades have the shortest animation after the Scythe, Lunar Staff or Kusarigama or Claws are quite different, but it is not the animation but the damage what matters and the longest the animation lesser is the gameplay. I think that you kind of have a point somewhere, specificaly on the healing, yeah, that's hard, specially on hard difficulty and beyond, good call, the game will be a lot different with healing, there are a few ways for healing you did not really mention or take into account, there are 5 ways to heal, saving with a Hawk, Ninpo, Steel and Bone increasing your health and exchanging meter for health but that option Is really slow. You completely missed the extra characters that play different they all have different weapons and playstyles also but I can tell that the enemy variety could be improved, however, soldiers have also bazookas or fly, or are invisible, enemy ninjas have arrows, or claws or dual swords or straight Ninpo, I think you have a point with the enemy variety but it is not that lacking, tanks however are horrible to fight.
I know it's a meme that hack & slash games have bad stories, but they have been getting a lot better over the years. Hell, even DMC3's plot was solid all the way back on the PS2. Also, and this might just be a personal opinion, but it's hard to ignore a plot when they put this much of a spotlight on it. My issue with UT is just that outside of using bloody rage, it just takes way too long to charge to be all that useful, especially I assume at higher difficulties. I was waiting for someone to call me out on not mentioning the extra characters! The reason I didn't include them (outside of focusing on the story mode), is that I didn't feel like they added all that much to the game. They weren't different enough in my eyes to be slightly above a character reskin, and Ayane's sections in the story were just kind of...there. I mean, the plot was dismal anyway, but it felt like it was just shoehorned in, purely because they did it for all the rereleases. I am glad you enjoyed the game though, and will never hold that against anyone. I just really couldn't get on with it.
The girls are actually really fun to play as… well at least Ayane is. Ayane has some weird tech involving her exploding kunai that lets her cancel strings by doing a hold attack, throwing a kunai at the right time after the attack hits, and then immediately performing another action. This basically lets you do infinite attack strings as every single one of her strings (except launchers) ends in a hold attack, on lower difficulties (I’ve never tried it on higher difficulties but I know it works on hard) she can pin down Alchemists with constant attacks leaving them completely helpless, the triple Alchemist fight is a complete joke if you make good use of this tech. Her kunai can also speed up her dash in a similar way giving her insane movement, these two things turn her into a complete speed demon and that combined with her extremely high delimb rate make her really fun to play as. I actually like the Ayane chapters because they’re nice break from the rest of the game, something I think NG3 desperately needed.
I have played this game exstensively (the 360 version, not the MC one) now so I will give my 2 cents. First, let me say that I love it. Nonetheless, I have found some things that are a little bit annoying. Starting with the alchemists. Seriously, these guys are the thing I hate the most in the whole game, far and wide! They are so annoying to fight it's not even funny. They constantly jump around, and I can never tell if their shield is actually up or down. It seems to recharge very fast. I always resort to UT spam, or launch them for an air combo wherever I can, but still. I know you can SoB them but that is not going to happen if their shield is up. Charging an UT away from them is a no-no, as they will often just stop and charge their wave or whatever that is. Other enemies I have found a little bit annoying were the Black Spider rocket guys. You cannot take them out quickly, they will just block your projectlies. And the Van Gelfs which sometimes tank through my hits and grab me. That said, I do not mind fighting them. They do not come close to the alchemists, I seriously hate these guys. I'd rather fight literally anything else!! The railway fight on Day 2, on Ultimate Ninja, was an absolute nightmare. That is... until I have found out that you can slow time down when aiming with the bow. This was truly a godsend for me. Thing is... why hasn't the game told me I could do that? It would have saved me so much time and frustration. As for the "SoB dimension", yeah I agree. I used to fight normally in these sections, but then I started noticing how the enemies will almost always try to grab you. I started exploiting that and soon enough these sections turned into complete SoBfests. I am not complaining, just saying. The bosses... well. The dinosaur on Day 3 was... dumb from the ground up, but I will leave that aside. The thing is, he can potentially run around the arena for several minutes without ever getting down. I spent so much time running, waiting for him to do that, but he didn't. I thought he bugged out, but researching online, I have found that if you jump around trying to avoid him, he will be less likely to get down. Simply dashing with no jumps brings him down much quicker for some reason. This must be a flaw in the game, as I doubt this was intended behaviour by the developers. There is no way I could have ever known that by simply fighting against him. The Regent is exploitable. Just spam rotate Y with the Scythe and he's done. Same thing with the Spider Bots on Day 7. Rotate Y with the Scythe can do wonders sometimes. Cliff on Day 8 is also exploitable. Just tapping X with the Claws stunlocks him, and you can repeat this process until he goes into phase 2. Then I just bait him for the grabs and SoB him until he dies. Beaten him on Ultimate Ninja by just using level 1 Claws, super lol. There is also one bug I came across regarding the Crystal Skull challenges. I was doing the first trial with Kasumi on Day 1, on Ultimate Ninja, and at some point every enemy and myself froze in their idle animations. There was literally nothing I could do about it other than shutting down the game and restart it. I thought it was funny at first, and laughed it off. But then it started happening repeatedly, over and over again. I thought maybe the Day 1 challenge was completely bugged, but then the same happened on the Day 3 one. As a result, I cannot practice them and it's a shame. I am not sure if it happens on other difficulties, I only tried UN. At least those challenges are optional, but still, this is a serious bug :/ This game is flawed but I love it. It is definitely better than vanilla 3 for sure. SoB in vanilla 3 seemingly activated at random, no collectibles, story is what it is, no gore, no other playable characters and you only have the sword and the bow for the whole game (idk what they were thinking on that one). RE improved where it could.
"As for the "SoB dimension", yeah I agree. I used to fight normally in these sections, but then I started noticing how the enemies will almost always try to grab you. I started exploiting that and soon enough these sections turned into complete SoBfests. I am not complaining, just saying. " Considering that you're health is constantly draining in those sections (and the first time it happens, it acts as an SoB tutorial), I'm pretty sure spamming SoB is the intended method of getting out of those sections alive.
Lets be honest: Fans consider RE still bad, cause its not like Itagakis NG2,which is...lots of overly aggressive enemies who dont know block or dodge, but spam off screen explosives, essence system to chain overly too much "Ryu, stop, he is dead already" OP ultimates, ninpo, which is enough to blow whole world to ashes and healing items to cover your ass when you fok up. Also lets be honest: RE gives it's own unique NG gameplay and which is,by far, most connected, fluid and overall best hack & slash experience you will ever get in terms of difficulty, but cause opinion that NG2 gameplay is more popular, who cares for fact, right. Personal preference of things is always fine and respected, but saying that RE is not in same league as predecessor (in terms of gameplay?), seems just "grass before was greener" moment. Still great work with vid, agree on everything else, but gameplay.
@@dc7981 you can see clear as day NG2 was unpolished and definitely unfinished. Notice how a lot of extra features were immediately turned into dlc. NGB/Sigma remains their most polish Ninja gaiden to date.
@@doclouis4236 They did make Ninja Gaiden Z (which was done by a different developer), though that flopped too. And Team Ninja did state that they want to make NG4 one day.
Just finished it, played on hard mode for my first playthrough. The final stretch with 6 chimeras, a 4th regent mask boss, then to one of the shittiest bosses in gaming, should be put in a history book and studied. Final boss was the shit cherry on top of an already horrible game. Baffled how that got cleared through development.
Definitely. I'll grant there was an honest attempt to fix 3 with it, but without a complete overhaul/remake, it was never going to be anywhere close to Black or NG2.
Yeah I hated this game. First and second were so great overall .. ninja games. First I heard about London... I hated it.. same with Onimusha3 Paris... I were like please.. they somehow choose to kill their own franchises
A lot better. It's very rough around the edges though and bosses and some encounters can be very tedious, but overall it's a more polished experience than 3 ever was.
God...i type "Ninja Gaiden" in the youtube search bar for the first time in months and i am immediately greeted by nothing but Literal Who's hot takes on it for content. I can't even bring myself to watch your video because just from the title i know it's just gonna be an annoying tidal wave of ignorance.
Don't forget you can regain health by meditating...oh yea that takes 15 minutes. Just to start that process
Thats why it’s called MEDITATION
late reply but yeah there's actually very few use cases of meditation if you're actually planning to heal yourself back. However it is still used a LOT at higher level gameplay, but just to bait for sob farm
There's literally breaks between every fight to meditate so you can be at full health for the next fight. You literally gain your ability to heal back with every fight. It's much easier than most souls games.
@@noahkrahulec8074 Souls games doesn't have 20 off-screen projectiles come at you all at once lol, NG3RE on UN is 100% harder than all souls games, at least mechanically speaking. A lot of games are harder than Souls titles, their principle is "difficult but fair". Ninja Gaiden 2 and especialy 3RE are NOT fair1
@byeetch There are segments of Souls games where many projectiles are coming at you off screen. Especially in Sekiro. But just like you don't have to play NG3RE on UN, you don't have to do no-hit-runs on Souls games. There are ways to make Souls games easier or harder, just like adjusting the difficulty on NG. Also, the projectiles on NG all have loud audio cues.
I'm on day 7 and I gotta say... Razors Edge is definitely better than the first release. But it's somehow dumber at the same time. Ugh I cant really put my finger on it, I skip all the cutscenes when I play Ninja Gaiden 2 so doing the same for 3 makes the structure of the two games identical. Meaning linear corridors leading to kill rooms. Ill be honest I haven't watched the cut scenes for Ninja Gaiden or even Dark Souls at this point for the past 5 playthroughs. The story in NG3 doesn't really matter.
What does matter is the "difficulty" here is essentially the developers playing stupid little games, like usual. The normal mode is arguably harder than NG2 on Warrior, but the Hero mode is easier than Ninja Dog mode for the other games. There is no balanced difficulty for the average player. It's not even "hard" though the game is just cruel by design by not allowing healing items, making enemies damage spongey, and forcing you to fight 100 or more of them in between hp restoring save points. It's... Fun at times before the game realizes "oh shit they might be having fun right now" and then by design it does everything it can to actively frustrate the player by game design while pretending to be like Ninja Gaiden 2. It's frustrating because this is the ONLY game that plays like Ninja Gaiden 2, the graphics are good and the blood looks cool but for every fun moment is a 20 minute slog while you remember how much better Ninja Gaiden 2 is. Overall, yuck. It's the equivalent to sleeping with someone you normally wouldn't just because it's been a very long time. That date would probably go better than NG3RE, tbh
100% agree here man. I just finished the game and it's just a slog. Ninja Gaiden 2 is Actually fairly challenging but Razors Edge is just nonsense. Enemies Will spam grabs if you block they will attack you all at once and some of them are just ridiculous when it comes to blocking foring you to Spam UTs. It can be fun in small doses but I wouldn't really recommend it. Just play 2
@@linkueiavenger4065 blocking is literally useless in this game. You're punished twice because of it. You take damage AND your health bar is shortened. Enemies have near instant grabs and their combo strings are so fucking long it sends them flying at you constantly.
At least defense was actually viable option in NGB and NG2 in this game you might as well have your A button taped down while you spam dodge.
@@kazoomer4373 don't forget they block everything 🤣
If could give you 1000 likes I would🤣🤣🤣
Yeah I remember I had to spam grab in this game or wait for them to attack so you can
So basically this video aged like milk since we're getting 3 new games this year
I just played it. It’s actually pretty awesome.
wait people disliked this one? Like i didn't care for base 3 but Razor's Edge has always been my favorite NG game. My only complaint was leaving out Rachel. I do also have to say they need to stop flirting with the fact that DOA and Ninja Gaiden are the same universe. I know NG3 happens around DOA 5 where Helena is Still trying to regain control of DOATEC, But you not gonna sit here and tell me that L.O.A is doing all this and Donavan and Helena are not aware. Hell cause of DOA6 we know Donavan was working on a method to revive Raidou he'd 100% be interested in L.O.A's research.
I too really like ng3re the only issue i have with the game is that there are no healing items to replenish health, like in ng1 and 2
I'm watching this now, your opening line got a genuine chuckle out of me!
Ninja Gaiden 3: The Phantom of the Opera
I mean Razors edge definitely improved on the original game, but nowhere near as good as the first two games. They’re both incredible games. I hope we get more Ninja Gaiden games soon!
I played Razor's Edge on WiiU. Objectively better than vanilla 3 but still one of the biggest disappointments of that console generation for me.
To this day I am still amazed that they never managed to recreate the combat experience NG: Black gave you
I think it's kind of like how Sega is with 3D Sonic games. They seem to want to constantly reinvent the wheel, and throw away most of what was great about the older ones.
Because 2 was rushed and 3 had a different director
@@ResidentGremlin1 that seems to be the case with a lot of games and movies. No one seems to want to design something that the people buying it actually want. They always seem to do things to satisfy THEIR OWN desire of what the game is to be. Whoever gets their paws on the rights to manage the development. Their ideas and ways get put in
Souls has been lucky that dark souls has had the same director for well over 10 years essentially for all their titles. Except one. And all their titles have been legends
just saying this now. You sir have wonderful commentary skills. I hope to see your channel grow!
Thanks, my guy. Appreciate it!
@@ResidentGremlin1 he godamn hass it, and he clearly knows what he is talking about unlike many below avergage youtubers who have large followers.
I trust this guy, he is worth it to be followed, unfollow all the trash youtube game related channels and follow this emperor.
Well what I mostly like about Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge is The ninja trials,the skull crystal challenge, sometimes the chapter challenge and how ryu hyabusa does that true inferno with the dragon.
I hated most of what you listed in that game lol. Doing Steel on Bone was the only fun part for me.
The multiplayer aspect was cool it’s definitely not the worst third installment of all time but it has issues some fans are more disappointed than others I knew in razors edge they would fix a lot of issues I have
In my opinion the combat mechanics were the best in Razor's Edge. I don't judge the rest of it because mostly in games I'm focused on combat.
My hot take is: had we gotten Razor's Edge instead of 3, people would have largely loved it, with a chunk of the fanbase that preferred NG2 and NGB, much like how NG2 was treated on its release.
NG3's story is the one thing a video game story can never be, and that's lame. A story can be ridiculous, insane, stupid, or absurd and still be awesome. But a lame story can only ever be lame.
I mean, kind of? Games can get away with having meh or boring stories, but they have to also make up for it by having stupid fun gameplay. This issue is, NG3's combat is just passable. It's just a very mundane game across the board.
It still sucks, same story, same combat system that is absolute bullshit and random AF, the same input lag issues which is the most agravating for me, im trying to shoot arrows and mf ryu just stands there aiming and doesn't shoot until he gets hit which cancels the shot...Every boss fight is a fucking chore still. Flying bosses are just as bad as they've always been so there's literally zero improverment in a third game (HOW?), the camera gets fucked up so manny times. Steel on Bone is basicly useless because of input lag, 90% of the time Ryu doesn't dodge so i can't get my SoB to work. The healing from SoB is basicly non existent. Any time you're touched you're losing more HP than what you get from healing so the game is just a rush to not get hit at all which considering flying enemies, the constant bomb and rocket spam and the input lag you're definetly going to get hit alot and most of the time it's not even your fault.
NGB/NGS can be rough sometimes but it actually feels fair and there's absolutly something you did wrong that made you get hit but in Razor's Edge? you're gonna get it by someguy hidding somewhere throwing some shit at you, you're gonna get hit by fiends jumping on you, you're gonna get hit by some random asshole that times his attack perfectly, you're gonna get counter hit by enemies who dodge faster and better than you and you're gonna get hit by near instant grabs (mostly from bosses).
I don't understand why and how you go from NGB, NG2 and even NGS2 to RE, it feels like completly diferent guys made the game and said oh yeah remember NG? Yeah let's pick Ryu Hayabusa and Ayane and put them in a game that isn't NG.
A 4/10 feels generous to me.
I just got master collection. 1 is an absolute masterpiece. One of the best games I’ve ever played.
2 is extremely badass and features some of the craziest and most intense fights I’ve seen in gaming to this day.
And then there’s shitty gaiden 3… I keep trying to give it a chance but the more I play it the more it pisses me off with how bad it sucks… a stain to what was a masterpiece series…
Oh well. At least we will always have 1 and 2!
Hey Guys i don't know if you realised but....
*Hitting Ennemies With Nimpo Will Heal You...*
Or you can save health upgrades for critical moments. I think average players forget ninpo is there.
If only they rebalanced razers edge with that in mind, instead it feels more difficult in a frustrating way.... Also fuck those cube wizards.
It's amazing how similar this game is to Dead Space 3 which is just a testament to how bad it is.
The Alchemists are actually the good addition to enemies for me. They are only annoying because of one thing.... the game's grab detection is somewhat broken. It's very noticeable when i perfectly dodged the Van Gelf's grab but i was brought back to the spot i came from and suddenly on enemie's hold.
Great video! Never even played a Ninja Gaiden game lol, but I still found this interesting all the way through
Glad you liked it. Sometimes it's nice (or not) to see what happened to a series, even if you aren't an fan.
"Never even played a Ninja Gaiden game"
YOU MISSED OUT! But it's not too late, get the Master Collection and at least play through the first one. If you can beat the first level or two, you're gonna be fine and it's awesome.
@@TheMisterGuyThe master collection is dogshit. Get the original Ninja Gaiden Black and the original Ninja Gaiden 2.
I wasn't really a fan of meditating to regain health so i would just hit enemies with Ninpo to heal me
Having beat RE in the hardest difficulty,this was by far the most tedious and boring one in the series,even with the upgrades.
Bring back essence,health items and muramasas shop. With those features you were able to at least plan ahead.
Essence made the game worse imo at least when it came to UTs
Why did you complete the game in the hardest difficulty if you were not having fun with it?
Not having essence was definitely a thing since that has nothing to do with the dragon sword
The good: combat(very technical and faster than NG1&2), trials, crystal challenge, chapter challenge (it doesn't include most tedious moments in story mode), Female characters actually viable to use for hard difficulty(unlike sigma 1&2). Has fun Coop if you aren't playing the master collection. Music
, no more water section in level design.
The Bad: Story, the last boss and t-rex especially on high difficulty. Too hard to learn how to play if you don't dig deep enough(once you figured it out, you'll love NG3RE).
very nice flavor to an analysis, great pacing and humor, keep up the nice work!
The only good thing about ninja Gaiden three Razors edge is the free play mode.
I still don’t understand why they were trying to do what they were doing in the story.
The fiends are not even really in this one too much.
you know the guys who are usually the main antagonist is of every ninja Gaiden game .
another thing to note was
the main enemies of the game seem to know
all about Ryu and his sword / lore
guess the Hayabusa aren't all that well hidden
not to mention every game the clan seem to be
getting their collective cheeks clap
and Ryu as the head of the family seem to be the only one
capable of doing anything most of the time
The first and only ninja gaiden game I’ve played was 3’s demo. You know a screwed up when the demo made someone drop the franchise.
Probably going to play the first & second one now thou
It was the first NG without Itagaki. Of course, it was gonna be trash. They need to stick with his formula. Hopefully, NG4 sticks to his formula.
Ninja gaiden 3 isn't Canon in my mind. Thank god they got platinum games to help with ng4. I dont think they are competent enough, with the people who work there now, to make a good ninja gaiden game.
Ironic since people were just questioning Platinum's competence
I just beat this Game and boy this story line is a massive WTF. If I'm not mistaken a boss from two pops up out of nowhere and gives ryu a sword or some shit out of the blue for no reason. Repetitive action, all you do is fight wave after wave of the same people and a unsatisfactory ending.
hey ninja guiden 4 is coming hope you're excited
The shadow popping in 2:58 is **chef's kiss**, marvelous!
Great analysis. How could they possibly botch the combat after what they achieved on NG2 vanilla? if it ain't broke...
Most of this is from not understanding how the game and enemies work. Your first playthrough yes, you would think the combat is cruel and random. And it is cruel, and it is kind of random, but it does work when you know what's going on.
1. Yes, the bosses are bad. Not going to argue with that especially how they made Alexei and Genshin constantly dodge out of combos which they didn't do like this in 2. Genshin didn't get new weapon in 2 though, he just kept spawning his goons and then got that annoying teleport when he became a fiend.
2. Regular merc, commando, cloaked dagger, cloaked tonfa, Black Spider Ninja, Claw Ninja, tactical ninja (these appear throughout the game on higher difficulties, not just on Day 5), small purple fiends, artificial fiends. Alchemists and fencer alchemists. Dogs (stop putting dog enemies in games please). Three types of chimera, Van Gelfs. Not as much as 2, but more than you think and I'm certainly not crying for the exclusion of those Strogg cyborgs from the Daedalus mission in Ninja Gaiden 2.
3. Enemies blocking. This is mainly the claw ninja, heavy rocket launcher ninja, and the cloaked enemies. Black Spider Ninja can block single attacks but not combos. You can get through their guard not just with heavy attacks, but with the heavy attacks IN light combos (XXYY, et cetera). It also makes them susceptible to Flying Swallow as hitting a blocking enemy will stagger them for an Izuna Drop. This also means certain combos are guaranteed against them because heavy attacks will break their guard, for example: YYY(hold and release) is a guaranteed launcher into Izuna Drop against claw ninjas. You need to figure out the best combos for each enemy type (and hold heavy attacks, claws in particular have extremely strong combo enders). Ryu is ALSO invincible during certain moves, so as long as you can get certain combos started you don't need to worry about anything (katana XXXYYY). Commandos and artificial fiends will dodge your attacks, which for commandos means you need to use extended or tracking combos like XX>YYY (same combo sequence works well with both katana or dual katana), and artificial fiends are very weak to counterattacks. It has a very high chance of instantly delimbing them, and it's not hard to time because their combos are so fast. Or just use level 3 Lunar because the multihits will interrupt their dodge.
Hyper armor. Counterattack will interrupt them, or dodge away and start your own combo as they finish. This is pretty normal action game stuff and if you could bust out of every situation by mashing buttons I don't get what the point would be. If you're surrounded (which you will be, constantly) that's what 360 heavy attacks are for, or Wind Path to get away. It's only a big issue with the brute chimera, basically be careful when their back is turned or they'll do a fast and armored turnaround attack.
4. Ultimate Technique. Simple, your dual katana weren't upgraded. Level 3 dual katana with a red UT will kill every currently spawned enemy including Chimera, it's one of the strongest Ultimate Techniques in the entire series.
5. Alchemists. Only two will ever attack at the same time, while the third charges his shield or throws projectiles. An alchemist with glowing hands will be staggered after hitting him with a heavy attack, which means you can either A. Flying Swallow, forward Y to Izuna Drop, or B. Heavy attack, heavy attack (hold) to charge a UT which is guaranteed to land (don't get hit in the back by fireballs from the third alchemist though). They will always dodge away after 2 attacks and do a jumping kick or the ninpo-steal grab. Quick combos that track them can actually continue hitting them after they dodge (dual katana XX>YYY again, easily that weapon's best combo), but generally you'll want to just change target and get an easy Izuna Drop on the alchemist who's currently standing around charging. They're extremely tedious but work by pretty simple rules you can exploit.
While I didn’t find myself replaying NG3 like I replayed NG2 (a LOT) I still liked NG3 a lot. It was definitely the last time I touched ninja gaiden up until now. I haven’t played Razor’s Edge yet but I definitely will soon.
So, just another "different equals bad" review. Uhm, you do know that NG2 was significantly different from NG1, right? But still both are apparently great. So, NG3 was different again and everybody screams bloody murder. Yeah, makes sense.
I admit the original NG3 was seriously lacking in gameplay but everything was fixed with NG3:RE. I've watched many gameplay videos of so called NG pros playing NG2 on Master Ninja. So, were they really good players who perfectly understood the rythm of the combat loop: evading, attacking, dismembering and obliterating? Nope, they just spammed UT until all enemies were dead. NG3 removed the essence so you can't just rely on UT anymore and everbody was pissed because they took your cheap move away. And the original NG2 was just an unbalanced mess anyway. The removal of healing items is fine too because they gave you other ways to replenish your health.
Thw essences Uts were a staple and didn't need to be changed.
Not everything has to be balanced. These games are about the absolute insanity that is blendering your enemies. Every hack n slash has something broken in them. It adds to the charm. Essences was also your currency in the original games. The trade off was a stronger attack over money for items.
It was another case of the devs changing something for the sake of changing it. Ng3re got rid of weapon variety, enemy variety, shops, equipment and the set pieces are bland af.
Delimbing enemies is inconsistent af. The same grunt can either take 2 hits to delimb or 7 hits. Enemies have endless strings that send them flying towards you constantly.
They wasted money forcussing on the story instead of gameplay cause they wanted to chase trends. No one plays these for the story. There's a reason the story for Ng2 and Black were relegated to short cutscenes and lore items in game (books). This game has the longest cut scenes in the 3d series.
Did you even play ng3? The scythe 360Y breaks the entire game. All bosses and enemies can be 100-0 within seconds. Ninpo and s o b don't make up for not having healing items. Especially since their healing properties are absolutely negligible.
I think you're missing the point a bit. Sure, NG2 was different to NG:B, but it kept most of its identity intact from a mechanical standpoint. NG3 removed most of what made NG what it was and while yes RE attempted to fix the issues it felt like putting a plaster on a gaping wound.
I would like to take you on the whole UT thing. Now, was UT balanced? Absolutely not. But what it was was fun. While it required no real input from the player it made you feel like a badass blendering through enemies. Other character action games have absolutely busted moves that completely bork balance (See Distortion Impact from DMC4 and Royalguard from 5) but no one has an issue with it because these games are genuinely about the spectacle, the sheer insanity of everything you could and in that regard, at least to me, NG3/RE came up short. Also, RE has Steel on Bone which I'd honestly say is almost as brain off and UT was in Black and 2.
Thanks for watching though!
@@ResidentGremlin1 if you think UTs are brain off in either 1 or 2, it's immensely clear you haven't played anything past normal or did a karma run in any capacity or do you understand the risk rewards UTs have. do a karma run in survival in ng2 and tell me UTs are brainless, please.
I can address a lot of your gameplay points later, some are at either missing the point or straight up lies.
The dual katana UT in ng3re is a massive room clearer, way more powerful than the ng2 counterpart.
Baiting SOB is easy, doesnt mean the game doesn't give you freedom to do ther things.
Hyper armor and dodging enemies are most cases predictable behavior you can control well with your crowd control options.
Ninpo as a healing mechanic works well, is not tied to number of enemies hit, but damage dealt, the game asks you to know how to use ninpo effectively for healing, which makes sense.
Meter/Ki generation is also a thing to manage.
I am almost at the end and you havent mentioned the new mechanics like the heavy attack hold followups, or cicada surges.
Ninja Gaiden 3 razor's edge has one of the best if not the best combat system in the series.
I'll have to take your word for it on Dual Katana. I personally didn't feel that great unless everyone in the room was stood right on top of you.
You don't HAVE to use SOB, true, but it's arguably the most optimal way to do it as it generates Ki faster than standard combos, outside of the Lunar Staff that can't actually SOB.
I can see your point with hyper armour and dodging to an extent, but at no point do I think that makes the Alchemists OK in the slightest. As a solo miniboss maybe, but as a gank it's just frustrating.
I'll be honest with you, I had no idea heavy attack hold followups were even a thing. Where does the game tell you about them? If it's listed in the weapon combos then I completely missed them, partly because there are way too many. Partly because I never felt incentivised to dig all that deep. And with Cicada Surge, it just felt like a dodge with a cost.
I don't really want to get into an argument. I did primarily do this for entertainment rather than a complete deep dive into the game. If you enjoyed it, that's great! But I frankly found it really awkward.
@@ResidentGremlin1 the dual katana Ninpo sends shockwaves with no range limit. About alchemists, I find fighting them incredibly fun, there is many ways to mess around with them.
NG3RE is one of my favorite games and my favorite ninja gaiden, Playing it at higher levels is incredibly fun and rewarding. If you're interested i could link some good material of it.
Also I respect the video and the effort you took on it, but it is the same surface points i've seen brought up again and again.
@@Sotherius I'd love to see higher level gameplay. I love the series but have always been little more than a casual fan, which has coloured my opinion on NG3RE a lot, I'll admit.
I will say though, typically when the same points are brought up a lot, there is always some amount of truth to them. To the casual gamer, or even those without the time or attention span to really get into meat and gravy of the game, the game getting good after XYZ is a bit of difficult sell, especially when the game doesn't seem to incentivise doing so. Again, could just be me though.
@@ResidentGremlin1 here are some links from some of my favorites, But I also have some gameplay of my own in my channel
Also, while dont liking at a surface level is fine, Shouldn't a review be in depth?
@Stylish DY.D. A fair point. However the vast majority of people that play ANY game aren't going to deep dive into it before deciding if it's good or not. It's kind of like the MMO argument of "it gets good after X hours!" That's all well and good, but if the game isn't making me want to play until that point, them I'm probably not going to.
Also, I remembered getting very deep into NG2 back in the day. Got a good chunk through path of the Master Ninja because I genuinely found the game fun from the get go and it made me want to go deeper and learn everything I could. NG3RE never got me in the same way.
Dan, this was the only one I played and I thought it was awesome 😅 guess I need to try the ninja Gaiden 2
100% correct. Thanks for putting how I felt about it into a video.
I loved Razors Edge. I played it over and over again.
to be honest ryu seems to be a magnet for pmc mooks. especially in the reboot trilogy.
Tbh 3 was better than 1 in my opinion cuz 1 had me stressing like hell and had me pissed of in every situation i was in even on normal mode
Only cuts scene i want it Ryu doing something cool, saying something cool, or looking cool
Randomly recommended. Great review, bro.
Cheers man
I like the alchemist they where tough with barely any heals biggest let down was lack of weapons and the ultimate always being the same enemy types were a issue I didn’t notice till you pointed it out along with the heals
omd got me in stitches this is too funny XD. Humour aside I absolutely agree with you; good stuff!
Razor's Edge wasn't bad at all. It was excellent. It was vanilla 3 that had issues.
Ninja Gaiden 3 is the most British action game ever mate, tea and biscuits mate, fish and chips mate. Swords, Ninjas and Man United mate.
Bro wa da hell,this game is awesome
I really hope the franchise isn’t dead. I hope they make a new one in the near future, and when/if they do I hope they would look at what was great about the first two games, and expound on them. I was so looking forward to seeing how they would have introduced Hyate’s (don’t know if that’s how his name is spelt) character in Razor’s edge, but instead all we got was a message through Ayane, and his borrowed sword. We get Kasumi which was great but she was limited to just being a playable character, and didn’t have any part in the story. Ninja Gaiden doesn’t have to be a story masterpiece, but the story should flow well while introducing as well as expounding on the world the game takes place in. And of course the combat should be fun along with being challenging. I loved the combat of the first game because I was able to learn as well as use the techniques of each weapon in combat. Some moves were easier to use than others, and each weapon had more different learning curves when using them but overall I enjoyed the combat of the first. The second was way more fast paced which for me was challenging but the epicness of the many techniques as well the vast number of extra weapons introduced, and upgrades made to the combat made me enjoy the game even more. 3 felt like a step back in a lot of ways. They tried something new which I appreciate, but in doing so they took away a lot of what made the first two NGs great. The stealth part in the first mission of NGRE they added I think was really cool, and I would have liked to have seen that explored as well as used more within the story, but it needed a lot more work.
So glad there are others who saw the same issues with the gameplay i did back when i first played it weeks ago. The health regen system in both versions of NG3 are complete dogshit like what were they thinking by removing healing items AKA the MOST PROMINENT thing in all games that involve general combat and making it only possible to regain any bit of health via tedious methods. Boss fights are unnecessarily hard cuz of this as i would be going into fights with not even at half health due to screwing up earlier fights by being careless such as being grappled by a delimbed enemy and severely damaged via kamikaze attack cuz he was off screen and i never saw him sneaking up on me as a result. All these reasons are why i preferred Ninja Gaiden 2 on all versions compared to the first and third game
didnt they fire the guy that made the first 2 ninja gaiden?
Nah, NG3RE has the best combat system in the series. Who cares about story in a hack n slash.
I would be of that opinion, but hack & slash games have made more effort on story in recent years, and NG3/RE put such a spotlight on it. It's hard to really ignore.
The devs apparently cared enough to focus a good bit of the budget around it. Has the best combat that's pulled down by the environment, enemies, and bizarre changes to items and equipment.
If that combat mainly consists of abusing Steel on Bone being the only strategy to defeat the cheap enemies instead of using... Oh don't know... actual combos that don't explain their usage, then the game clearly fails in its design since the dominant strategy is just wait for enemies to glow red and push a button to watch a cutscene of you killing enemies over and over. Ninja Gaiden 3 the Razor's Edgiest game of all time.
Let be honest, last bosses in Ninja Gaiden sux. And the giant female gal with boobas - is better than giant insect skeketon, OK?))
Also, the Evil Ryu, imo, one of the best boss fight in all Ninja Gaiden games. It's just great.
Aside from the trash story, the gameplay was frustrating and not fun, the BOW monsters you fight and the alchemists together put me off from replaying the game. They block every attack and are not designed around the mechanics.
I like the alchemist they where tough with barely any heals biggest let down was lack of weapons and the ultimate always being the same
Ryus weird characterization stems from the dub. In japanese acts more like how he does in 2
You speaking for yourself cause personally i enjoyed this game
I will forever beat the drum for RE6.
this gameplay analysis is so bad. 3 is my least favorite but there's so much misinformation on it.
your second point is false, not all enemies have hyper armor like the military grunts or beret guys. some of the fiends, yes but you can still hit them after an attack, you're just flailing mindless with no thought as shown you your gameplay. the only real exception are van gelfs and even then, you have options to deal with still like cicada surge or guard reset or just dodging. and Alchemists have a specific way to fight them, break their shield, hit them with say, a forward Y to launch them into a combo, this isn't new to NG, play against Berserkers in NG1 and you'll see what I mean. God forbid enemies require different tactics to fight.
your third point is wrong, NG1 didn't have NG2's health system, so it's clear you didn't play NG1. Also heal upgrades can act as a heal like in NG1 and NG2 and if youre barely making through the level with a quarter life even on normal when, that's your skill issue quite literally since you keep flailing about mindlessly from your gameplay clips. And ninpo heals and scales on level and enemies types hit and killed
point four is so stupid and insane. the UT with the dual sword comparison was just in coolness factor when you didn't even have the dual swords at level 3 in NG3RE??? and even then, the Dual swords UT in NG2 lacks invul frames in the transition part of the second attack making it not great despite the game. NG3RE is the best in the game due to it being a tracking projectile that kills a lot of enemies, especially in bloody rage. SoB isn't that game breaking considering the 1. amount of enemies thrown at you, 2. some enemies just blocking it like alchemists and 3. being the best way to accumulate points for upgrading and score in general, you don't do it, you don't get upgrades.
And the bosses, i mean, that's the point? you go in with if there's an opening, hit them with a combo and do so again. Some bosses require some different ways of punishing certain strings, you can't just punish every string, your punishes are the same in NG3 compared to prior games with the windows differing on higher difficulties but you make it sound like it's awful since it isn't DMC3-5 styling type shit. Also NG2/NG1 bosses still follow the rules of the game? Minus Alexei who is over tuned. And the Regent gets multiple new moves in each fight minus the last one, he gets multiple new strings you have to pay attention to and 2 new grabs and a launcher combo. Yea i'll concide that some of the bosses are overly simple and boring but not the man-sized bosses and greater fiends.
This just from a gameplay analysis, is completely awful. crazy how you know about DMC tech but nothing on Ninja Gaiden like on landing UTs, on landing Jumps, guard reset, shuriken cancels, guard buffers or even stuff in the previous games like essence staggers and OT juggles or even stuff exclusive to this game like dash cancels and izuna drop on landing cancels, come on.
Surprised this video is still getting these replies but from the top;
1. This was based on my observation while playing the game. Enemies would routinely power through attacks that they wouldn't in the previous titles. There periods of vulnerability were awkwardly timed after their animations ended. With the Alchemists, they'd be fine on their own, but when it's 3 of them covering for each other it just becomes tedious. Also, sidebar. The gameplay you see is primarily short ass clips, so you can't really judge the overall quality of my gameplay from them alone.
2. Sorry, but what of earth do you mean? NG1 and NG2 have the same degrading health bar system, same health item system, same Live of a Thousand Gods. What exactly am I missing here? Also, in case you missed the INCREDIBLY SUBTLE hints I was making, the ninpo heal being tied to enemies hit, whilst also requiring enemies to die to build it up AND being lost on the fight ending is absurdly counter-intuitive and I have no idea how anyone through it made a lick of sense.
Another sidebar, but drop the gatekeeping BS. It's crap like that people don't get into these types of games.
3. I think in your attempt to dunk on me you missed the point a bit. UT in NG2 is just head and shoulders more effective than in RE. It's faster to charge, does more damage and even at lower weapon levels is so much cooler than it is here. Also, those were fully upgraded dual swords. I'm not joking. But the main thing is the charge time absolutely kills its usability in most cases. Meanwhile, I literally have to press on button to activate SoB and instantly kill a guy. On the score front, never really struggled for upgrades in my SoB binge due to the combo build up off of all those kills.
4. That's not the point though is it? A boss fight should be a highlight of the game. You should be able to be proactive with it. Most games have managed to make boss fights fun, rather just waiting around until they do one of a handful of vaguely punishable attacks as you very slowly whittle down the the health bar.
And sure, the Regent gets new moves, but they may as well be the same as before because they all looked the same! Seeing as you love bringing up how I bring it, Vergil in DMC3 adds something drastically new every fight, while the Regent is just on his same BS every fight. There was no "oh shit" moment. There was just what felt like the exact same encounter 3 times.
5.Now, this is going to come across as pretty dickish, but maybe I know more about DMC's various combat systems because the game actually respects my time and gives me big jigsaw pieces to stick together how I want, rather than an ever growing list of pointlessly long combo strings that feel exactly the same.
Thanks for watching though. Appreciate it!
@@ResidentGremlin1 NG1 you didnt have regen health after battle like NG2. only with the armlet of tranquilty which is only available in mission mode if it isn't NG04 and even then it was incremently over time versus instant after battle.
And no you literally didn't have the dual swords at level 3, it has 3 parts to it and it would of ended with a single shockwave that tracks and i stated why it's better in 3RE than in 2. UT's are fine in NG3RE, they track once they hit generally and god forbid the longer it takes the charge the more damage it does. game is jank as fuck but so is NG2 so lol. and if you think the combo strings are all the same in NG, you're just bad and don't want to learn the various outcomes they also have like in dmc. xxy with the dragon sword is immensely different from lunar xxy in NG1 and NG2 with the way it delimbs plus the stagger from the DS vs the knockdown you get with the lunar and that's just one string. same can apply in NG3RE, weapons have different delimb properties and knock back/down properties. i can say the same for DMC, lock on forward is always just a forward advancing move and back is always a launcher for every weapon, but you know that ain't true. you just don't pay attention to NG's, there's a reason why it's held in similar regard to DMC. you don't know shit.
@@EvilHouseOfRyuG 👍
@@ResidentGremlin1 So, you're admitting that you're full of shit when you made this video?
This vid is goofy asl😂
Never played NG3 only razors edge and damn is it awful I just stopped after a few chapters in. NG1 is amazing 2 Sigma is also very good but felt lacking compared to 1. Havent played NG Black but hope to get it one day also havent played NG2 but finally have it and look forward to giving it a go. Really hoping NG4 is a return to form.
5:40 she is considered pure because.....
the seal hasn't been broken yet if you know what i mean
Play it on ultimate ninja. There is a significant challenge. & With 4 characters to use in combat it can be pretty fun. Keep in mind all of the previous games required patience and diligence. & this one does too.
Its real bad, I tried to play it again when I got the master collection and I just couldnt finish it, not fun, and I still play ng black and ng2 still from time to time
I think 3s combat was terrible cause it was made with the ps move in mind from the start. Razors edge I feel fixed what the original lacked…. Combat. Story is unredeemable
Game is better without a storyline
Except the smooth combat gameplay and alot of variety of moves everything is pure horrible experience. It's by far one of the worst sequels ever.
The only thing wrong with razors edge is the health system. The rest of it is fine.
Razor's edge is more fun than the first version despite the story having only 8 missions it is still good. The best of the series.
11:00 this is why this game is better
I love Razor Edge
And that's fine. Truly is. I honestly wish I could too, but yeah, my stance on this entry is pretty clear.
It's the games you want to love that you criticise the most I guess.
My take on ng3 razors edge is this its not a bad game for its time my only issue is the not being ble to target a enemy
Yeaaaahhh in terms of ninja gaiden you dont play for the story you play for the large amount of murder you cause. Kinda expected it sinc ethe first two game’s narrative wasnt all that great either so i have no clue why they decided to focus on story for this one…Oh wait I actually do. Early 2010’s/ late 2000’s also the fact that japanese devs were suffering during the ps3/360 generation. When desperate copy the competition. Good thing team ninja bounced back with Nioh.
They did yeah, though I personally have some gripes with Nioh (mainly stat overload).
To be fair to them, a number of prominent character action games have had decent stories going back to DMC3, they just aren't as in your face about it as NG3's is. If they made it more set dressing like NG2's was, maybe it would have come across a lot better.
@@ResidentGremlin1 it was unfortunately one of those times where a game series is just not the same without its creator. At least we know that Team Ninja has moved on and had their redemption arc. Hyped for Wo long and way of the ronin.
Razor's edge is just so unfair
Ninja Gaiden 1-2 vanilla are honestly both probably my favorite games ever, second only to RDR 1-2. I also love sigma 1...sigma 2 lit a fire in my ass with its idiotic edited(?) gore. Just a side here- it's censored...but you can still dismember enemies, throw them on their knees and behead them...but it's okay, because there is purple anime smoke mixed in with the blood 🫠.
Okay, fine. Sigma 2 is still a great looking game. The "Venice" levels still look beautiful in 2024. The engine they used for those games and the Dead or Alive Games (4-5) is awesome. It really is.
Ninja Gaiden 3 vanilla was trash. I was relieved when I saw that they were making a "3 Sigma", ie Razor's Edge.
Mistake 1 was the fact that the game was first a Wii U exclusive title. Great choice- develop for Nintendo's worst system possibly ever, and dumb down the graphics engine so it can run on the archaic hardware.
To be fair, some parts of Razor's Edge look fine. The deserts are strikingly realistic, The markets in London, Tokyo at the has its moments.
But there are some rrrrreally bad looking levels. The dinosaur lab and the Dino's themselves look like ps1 fare. The characters all have these ugly hard lines now instead of the smooth hi-tech anime effect of the first two titles.
And then there are the enemies. To be blunt, most of them are just obnoxious. You get stuck in sections of levels that are really just arenas that are way too small.
And the bosses. Good Lord. Try beating that g.d. T-Rex on hard and try not to heave your console into the wall or yet it out the window. It's just cheap. In fact, I swear that some of the bosses are designed to
"Allow" you to beat them after a certain number of deaths...somewhere around 30?
My least favorite enemies in the game, however, are the awful pink mutant "spinning ogres", and the stupid whip arm snake men. You basically can't stop them unless you use the fully charged "ultimate technique"...which takes almost a minute to achieve.
Another big blow was that the "flying swallow" technique is basically useless in this game. That am the "Izuna Drop" were my go to attacks in "2".
I won't even talk about the removal of the little Japanese Guy's shop that everyone loved from 1-2. They actually had the nerve to tease you into believing it was going to appear in this game by playing the snazzy little electric guitar riff theme and showing the shop sign...with a CLOSED sign beneath it.
I grabbed the Master Collection. It looks awesome on PS5, and was only $30 on holiday sale last year.
The ninja trials and chapter challenges that let you play as some of the dead or alive girls were added to Razor's Edge, and they are actually the only part of that game that I ever find myself playing.
Ninja Gaiden is closed.
NG3 in all it's variations is not a ninja gaiden game.
And now ng 4 coming out this year
Razors edge wasn't bad
Vanilla 3 was just fuckin awful
the idea on paper was good. but in the end ,what they did , was not THE succses .
combos with dragon sword cant be xhanged that hard.
on landing and triangle should be a horizontal ,instaed of a vertical slash,.
alone THAT pissed me of ,to much.
in a way ,a good game, but to much change .
its good,fluid but lacks the perfekted combat system of 1and 2 .
but i have to say,that the steel on bone mechanic was a good idea !
going in on max danger, to counter the attack to get max reward was good.
they lack the right leader to direct that game to perfektion.
itegaki understand what was good about Ninja gaiden and perfekted it.
im still convinced itegaki made THE perfekt action game ,that the world wasnt ready for .
continue the system to an max ,and it would blast at least 2 decades like OG NG 1+2
i just found out yesterday if you get grabbed by a armless/legless enemie you can spam butttons and get out of the grab without exploading....if only i knew that before rage quitting the game several times XD
how bad it was?, not bad at all actually, definitively the worst one in the trilogy but pretty decent game overall
I really love this game.
Game is great, wait a second is he checking the story? Well, I guess that makes some Sense tô soneone who has not played a hack and slash.
Video starts at 8:05.
11:28 you have parries for that, you have throws, the ultimate technique, shurikens to interrupt their attacks and specially the slide.
13:28 this example is pretty deceitful dual blades have the shortest animation after the Scythe, Lunar Staff or Kusarigama or Claws are quite different, but it is not the animation but the damage what matters and the longest the animation lesser is the gameplay.
I think that you kind of have a point somewhere, specificaly on the healing, yeah, that's hard, specially on hard difficulty and beyond, good call, the game will be a lot different with healing, there are a few ways for healing you did not really mention or take into account, there are 5 ways to heal, saving with a Hawk, Ninpo, Steel and Bone increasing your health and exchanging meter for health but that option Is really slow.
You completely missed the extra characters that play different they all have different weapons and playstyles also but I can tell that the enemy variety could be improved, however, soldiers have also bazookas or fly, or are invisible, enemy ninjas have arrows, or claws or dual swords or straight Ninpo, I think you have a point with the enemy variety but it is not that lacking, tanks however are horrible to fight.
I know it's a meme that hack & slash games have bad stories, but they have been getting a lot better over the years. Hell, even DMC3's plot was solid all the way back on the PS2. Also, and this might just be a personal opinion, but it's hard to ignore a plot when they put this much of a spotlight on it.
My issue with UT is just that outside of using bloody rage, it just takes way too long to charge to be all that useful, especially I assume at higher difficulties.
I was waiting for someone to call me out on not mentioning the extra characters! The reason I didn't include them (outside of focusing on the story mode), is that I didn't feel like they added all that much to the game. They weren't different enough in my eyes to be slightly above a character reskin, and Ayane's sections in the story were just kind of...there. I mean, the plot was dismal anyway, but it felt like it was just shoehorned in, purely because they did it for all the rereleases.
I am glad you enjoyed the game though, and will never hold that against anyone. I just really couldn't get on with it.
The girls are actually really fun to play as… well at least Ayane is. Ayane has some weird tech involving her exploding kunai that lets her cancel strings by doing a hold attack, throwing a kunai at the right time after the attack hits, and then immediately performing another action. This basically lets you do infinite attack strings as every single one of her strings (except launchers) ends in a hold attack, on lower difficulties (I’ve never tried it on higher difficulties but I know it works on hard) she can pin down Alchemists with constant attacks leaving them completely helpless, the triple Alchemist fight is a complete joke if you make good use of this tech. Her kunai can also speed up her dash in a similar way giving her insane movement, these two things turn her into a complete speed demon and that combined with her extremely high delimb rate make her really fun to play as. I actually like the Ayane chapters because they’re nice break from the rest of the game, something I think NG3 desperately needed.
I just tried to get into NG3:RE for the third time... It is utter trash!
I have played this game exstensively (the 360 version, not the MC one) now so I will give my 2 cents.
First, let me say that I love it. Nonetheless, I have found some things that are a little bit annoying.
Starting with the alchemists. Seriously, these guys are the thing I hate the most in the whole game, far and wide! They are so annoying to fight it's not even funny. They constantly jump around, and I can never tell if their shield is actually up or down. It seems to recharge very fast. I always resort to UT spam, or launch them for an air combo wherever I can, but still. I know you can SoB them but that is not going to happen if their shield is up. Charging an UT away from them is a no-no, as they will often just stop and charge their wave or whatever that is.
Other enemies I have found a little bit annoying were the Black Spider rocket guys. You cannot take them out quickly, they will just block your projectlies. And the Van Gelfs which sometimes tank through my hits and grab me. That said, I do not mind fighting them. They do not come close to the alchemists, I seriously hate these guys. I'd rather fight literally anything else!!
The railway fight on Day 2, on Ultimate Ninja, was an absolute nightmare. That is... until I have found out that you can slow time down when aiming with the bow. This was truly a godsend for me. Thing is... why hasn't the game told me I could do that? It would have saved me so much time and frustration.
As for the "SoB dimension", yeah I agree. I used to fight normally in these sections, but then I started noticing how the enemies will almost always try to grab you. I started exploiting that and soon enough these sections turned into complete SoBfests. I am not complaining, just saying.
The bosses... well. The dinosaur on Day 3 was... dumb from the ground up, but I will leave that aside. The thing is, he can potentially run around the arena for several minutes without ever getting down. I spent so much time running, waiting for him to do that, but he didn't. I thought he bugged out, but researching online, I have found that if you jump around trying to avoid him, he will be less likely to get down. Simply dashing with no jumps brings him down much quicker for some reason. This must be a flaw in the game, as I doubt this was intended behaviour by the developers. There is no way I could have ever known that by simply fighting against him.
The Regent is exploitable. Just spam rotate Y with the Scythe and he's done. Same thing with the Spider Bots on Day 7. Rotate Y with the Scythe can do wonders sometimes.
Cliff on Day 8 is also exploitable. Just tapping X with the Claws stunlocks him, and you can repeat this process until he goes into phase 2. Then I just bait him for the grabs and SoB him until he dies. Beaten him on Ultimate Ninja by just using level 1 Claws, super lol.
There is also one bug I came across regarding the Crystal Skull challenges. I was doing the first trial with Kasumi on Day 1, on Ultimate Ninja, and at some point every enemy and myself froze in their idle animations. There was literally nothing I could do about it other than shutting down the game and restart it. I thought it was funny at first, and laughed it off. But then it started happening repeatedly, over and over again. I thought maybe the Day 1 challenge was completely bugged, but then the same happened on the Day 3 one. As a result, I cannot practice them and it's a shame. I am not sure if it happens on other difficulties, I only tried UN. At least those challenges are optional, but still, this is a serious bug :/
This game is flawed but I love it. It is definitely better than vanilla 3 for sure. SoB in vanilla 3 seemingly activated at random, no collectibles, story is what it is, no gore, no other playable characters and you only have the sword and the bow for the whole game (idk what they were thinking on that one). RE improved where it could.
"As for the "SoB dimension", yeah I agree. I used to fight normally in these sections, but then I started noticing how the enemies will almost always try to grab you. I started exploiting that and soon enough these sections turned into complete SoBfests. I am not complaining, just saying. "
Considering that you're health is constantly draining in those sections (and the first time it happens, it acts as an SoB tutorial), I'm pretty sure spamming SoB is the intended method of getting out of those sections alive.
Honestly ? Skill issue if you think this game is bad at all 😂😂 I didn’t get pissed off whatsoever with this game I really enjoy it and I still do
It's just fanboys of ng2 that hate it
@@MILDMONSTER1234Am not like that and 2 is my favourite one
Lets be honest: Fans consider RE still bad, cause its not like Itagakis NG2,which is...lots of overly aggressive enemies who dont know block or dodge, but spam off screen explosives, essence system to chain overly too much "Ryu, stop, he is dead already" OP ultimates, ninpo, which is enough to blow whole world to ashes and healing items to cover your ass when you fok up. Also lets be honest: RE gives it's own unique NG gameplay and which is,by far, most connected, fluid and overall best hack & slash experience you will ever get in terms of difficulty, but cause opinion that NG2 gameplay is more popular, who cares for fact, right. Personal preference of things is always fine and respected, but saying that RE is not in same league as predecessor (in terms of gameplay?), seems just "grass before was greener" moment. Still great work with vid, agree on everything else, but gameplay.
This, people like to act like 2 is a polished game when it’s anything but. Itagaki admitted the game had some trouble in development
@@dc7981 you can see clear as day NG2 was unpolished and definitely unfinished. Notice how a lot of extra features were immediately turned into dlc. NGB/Sigma remains their most polish Ninja gaiden to date.
If RE had such good gameplay then why didn't it get a sequel... Oh that's right, because nobody liked it and it didn't sell well.
@@doclouis4236 They did make Ninja Gaiden Z (which was done by a different developer), though that flopped too. And Team Ninja did state that they want to make NG4 one day.
Just finished it, played on hard mode for my first playthrough. The final stretch with 6 chimeras, a 4th regent mask boss, then to one of the shittiest bosses in gaming, should be put in a history book and studied. Final boss was the shit cherry on top of an already horrible game. Baffled how that got cleared through development.
NG3RE has some of the best combat ive ever played. youll have to actually learn how to play though
I love razors edge
Very good
Razors edge is so bad it’s painful
Definitely. I'll grant there was an honest attempt to fix 3 with it, but without a complete overhaul/remake, it was never going to be anywhere close to Black or NG2.
Yeah I hated this game. First and second were so great overall .. ninja games. First I heard about London... I hated it.. same with Onimusha3 Paris... I were like please.. they somehow choose to kill their own franchises
Ngre combat system is best in the series
Ninja Gaiden 3 Brits vs Ninjas
I really liked it sigma 1 was so annoying with the camera angles I raged. 2 was very fun but easier and 3 was hard but somehow the most fun for me.
Razors edge is it better than ninja Gaiden three
A lot better. It's very rough around the edges though and bosses and some encounters can be very tedious, but overall it's a more polished experience than 3 ever was.
Skill issue
Touching Grass issue
God...i type "Ninja Gaiden" in the youtube search bar for the first time in months and i am immediately greeted by nothing but Literal Who's hot takes on it for content. I can't even bring myself to watch your video because just from the title i know it's just gonna be an annoying tidal wave of ignorance.
You're welcome, my guy.
I played this game it was good nothing bad about it
RE is a good game
Nobody cares.
And now ng 4 coming out this year