elitefts.com - So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- Welcome to the long-awaited follow-up to www.elitefts.com advisor Matt Wenning's popular "SYTYCS" series. This time, Matt targets the pull in the same expert fashion that he did with the squat. We brought in loyal elitefts™ customer and amateur strongman competitor Ryan Minney as our training subject. His form is broken down, analyzed and a thorough plan to improve his deadlift is laid-out.
Wenning covers:
1) Ryan's weaknesses found while performing conventional deadlifts in Part 1
2) How to attack hips and fire the posterior chain
3) Sumo deadlift carry-over to conventional pulls
4) Sumo deadlift in a wide stance
Ryan completes one set of wide stance sumo deadlifts in 45 seconds. In the 45-second time frame, Matt pinpoints where and when Ryan's form begins to break down.
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Wenning is my guy. Love his information and attention to staying healthy first and foremost.
This is Elitefts. Home of world record breakers. He knows his shit.
I feel like I have similar issues with the deadlift. Thanks for the great series of videos.
Great job and good info. I train my son and i have always instructed him to not throw his head back and look at the ceiling. I have him pull his Chin back into his neck which helps eliminate improper upper back arch and helps to create a que to use his body as lever. Small point but seems to help him.
You can see really well in this vid that he NEVER arches his low-back; he just hyperextends his neck and subsequently arches his upper back alone.
Cool stuff! I had exactly the same problem and this is also how I'm trying to improve right now. The for sharing!
nope. mentioned his numbers to explain how he stalled with conventional and he used the sumo to help bump up his conventional. if youre built for sumo your sumo will be higher.
what about his neck, he's trying to look straight up at the ceiling. I've seen guys like dave tate actually look more downwards to keep head in line with spine.
Yay part 2! But why only 5 minutes long when part 1 was 18 minutes long? :(
thank you guys for putting up these vids, i've learned SO MUCH from watching them!!!
Is anyone going to point out that he says you want to take the quadriceps out of the movement when pulling sumo, when in reality you should be using them more than in a conventional pull? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.
I can deadlift 545 conventional yet a 225 sumo feels heavy and awkward. I feel like I'm too tight to do them properly
I'm so digging the buccaneer music!
I specifically looked for head position comments.
is it okay to look at the ceiling as he does?
awesome video
Great deadlift vid
I agree completely, this is the only error I've found in what Matt has said. However, it's a large one. The Sumo deadlift is absolutely more knee (and therefore quad) dominant than the conventional.
I am 6ft5" to 6ft6" and I really struggle with rounding in the back. I am at a point where I am afraid to increase weight as it might mess up my form and lead to injury. I do have a history of back problems from bad posture. Are there any tips you could give me? Great videos, already learned a lot here!
I'd love to see this reply. I just started lifting at 37. I'm 6'8", so I worry about this as well. From part one, going to really focus on my back arch and hip thrust.
work on thoracic extension mobility and get your bent rows/good mornings up
If I were you now I'm only 6 ft but generally getting a stronger core I chose weighted planks as a main mover of getting a stronger core cause it is completely 3 dimensional works all of the layers of your core and works on stabalizing the lower spine now things such as bent over rows with barbells and dumbells are also great search eric bugenhagen post less db row it's a great new way of doing db row that is quite effective but alot of rowing with the barbells bell and what ever form of free weights you want front squats both paused and non pause and stiff legged deadlift and rdl while keep a neutral back will build up spinal stabilizers and help fight against round
Sumo Deadlifts - He looks up at the ceiling when he does the 45 seconds. Isn't that bad/dangerous?
Was about to say the same! it looks waay too excesive. he's looking at the ceiling..
thank you
That head position though.... neutral spine, dont put a crick in the athletic chain
So if I dl 590 sumo I switch to conventional in theory I should pull more?
I don't do my sumo this wide, what does this mean?
the guy who wenning is helping, really needs it. like dude, what the fuck.
The intro/outro is fucking catchy
damn, looks like his neck is about to snap as he deadlifts.
Hmm I was really looking forward to this one but have to say i was a bit disappointed.
They should have used somebody who's good at deadlifting. If you have people deadlifting like this guy, you're looking at people trying to emulate whats realistically, a pretty shitty deadlift. People don't learn with each other, but from each other.
If you're starting a sumo pull with your legs anywhere near a stiff-legged position, you are pulling sumo wrong. If your quadriceps are not active during a sumo pull, you're pulling sumo wrong.
How is nobody pointing out that he's hyperextending his cervical spine? Dear lord... so much right and then that glaring technique flaw just out there like a sore thumb.
When pulling sumo you're basically starting in a more stiff legged position, therefore will recruit the posterior chain more - particularly the glutes. So yes you are taking crazy pills.
that head position can't be right. shouldn't the head be in line with the spine to create an even sheet of tensed muscle throughout the spine?
Being strong does not automatically qualify you to teach people how to lift. Especially when you're giving blatantly incorrect information. It's stupid to tell someone to take the quads out of the sumo pull when the sumo pull is inherently more reliant on the quads than conventional pulls are.
He deadlifts 800 pounds and world record squats. Anything you think you know needs to be thrown out and replaced with what he tells you to know.
i think he was doing it because he was a noob and it made it harder for him to round out
his problem is that he pulls his head too far back. i think he needs to learn to deadlift with the back of his head, shoulder blades, and butt in line
Sounds like some Gladiator shit.
Head position yikes
You have to lose that crossfit PEZ neck! Very bad for your spine, and not to mention it puts your shoulders too far forward over the bar on the initial lift off.
Except some of what he says is physiologically incorrect, so guess not.
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when he basically drops the barbell on the ground after every rep? Let it down with some control, especially when he can handle the weight.
You must be new to powerlifting lol dropping and throwing deadlifts is the most satisfying thing in the world