Didn’t realise the washing machine is now six years old. Still going strong no problems. I had one online exactly the same and they replaced it immediately for me. Because the ballbearings had gone that was a dodgy one. And they give me a bigger drum out of courtesy. And that was with Argos. Since they replaced this machine from the dodgy one I’ve had no issues for six years. And I also have my Zanussi washing machine still online. It’s in white and that went for over 12 years
Excellent video xx Nice washing machine xx
Didn’t realise the washing machine is now six years old. Still going strong no problems. I had one online exactly the same and they replaced it immediately for me. Because the ballbearings had gone that was a dodgy one. And they give me a bigger drum out of courtesy. And that was with Argos. Since they replaced this machine from the dodgy one I’ve had no issues for six years. And I also have my Zanussi washing machine still online. It’s in white and that went for over 12 years