Hux did yell a lot, didn't he? He yelled the entire Space Nahtzee speech. The contrast between Hux holding a rally and screaming to fire Starkiller base and Tarkin's calm order is a bit striking.
@@HolyShitNew I think he was a bit over the top in parts of Episode 7, but he definitely felt like a credible threat. But, yeah, not so much in episode 8.
"Since you are reluctant to provide me with the first rank of the great villains, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on the TH-cam channel of ThorSkywalker."
"You would prefer another target, a different channel? Then grant me the first rank! I grow tired of asking this so it will be the last time: Who is the best villain?"
"You may fire when ready." When I saw that in the comment I was going to read it in Tarkin's voice to myself, but almost laughed out loud when you did it for me Thor. : )
Tarkin is so interesting in the new Thrawn Trilogy, his influence and hatred of other Moffs, truly a fascinating political climber. His addition in The Clone Wars was also great showing how the republic is slowly evolving into the empire (especially in the design of the military facilities)
In the Vader comics there's a story where Vader tasks Tarkin with trying to kill him and test the limits of his suit. Tarkin very nearly succeeds which i think earned Vader's respect in a weird way.
Honestly, Governor Tarkin reminds me of Lord Cuttler Beckett from Pirates Of The Caribbean because of his cunning, ruthless, cold hearted nature and Darth Vader was basically Davy Jones and both of them were basically their muscle.
I remember hearing that Peter Cushing originally wanted to play he part of Obi-Wan. I try to think of a world where Alec Guinness switched roles with Cushing. I'm sure they both could do it, both talented actors with range (I mean Guinness played Hitler, I think he could channel being a villain) but there's just something special about what Cushing brought to Tarkin (and what Guinness brought to Kenobi) I can't imagine anyone doing that part better.
Plus, if Peter Cushing acted as Obi-Wan, then in the prequels, it probably wouldn't have been Ewan Mcgregor playing young Obi-Wan. They would have picked someone who could capture the essence of Peter Cushing.
I find it interesting that only one commenter pointed out that he talked Vader down when Vader went after Motti. Who else in the universe besides Vader's Master has THAT KIND OF POWER
I hate Tarkin but he's a good villain and find him terrifying as hell and that's a good thing. Tarkin is a bastard but that's a true representation of a villain.
I'm just going to point out that I had no problem with Tarkin's portrayal in Rogue One. People who were unfamiliar with Star Wars and the character couldn't even tell he was CG. Impressive. Most impressive.
I read the books, but only use what’s one screen when making any points or arguments about Star Wars, knowing a lot of people don’t. And to a degree I feel if certain information was so important, then it would be on screen.
There isn't a whole lot to read besides new canon's _Tarkin_ and Legends' _Death_Star_ with various references and callbacks here and there. And while it is true that he's a main character in Empire at War, there isn't that much of material about him to be honest.
Given his background in Hammer Films, I wonder if Peter Cushing thought Star Wars was going to be a sci-fi continuation of those pulpy 70's monster flicks. I mean, Darth Vader is basically space Dracula.
I liked his appearance in Rogue One when he (attempted to) take the credit for building the Death Star from Commander Krennic. A good example of how the Imperial Hierarchy functioned under Palpatine (and IRL, too). And he did it wearing carpet slippers (well, in the close ups, anyway)!
Tarkin is really the strict military commander. He's evil, I give him that, but he's also efficient. No excesses, and he also have a certain logic behind his actions, he's not doing it for his own pleasure, but he's doing what he do for pure cold logic from his perspective.
@@jknetwork6211 Christopher Lee actually signed on as Count Dooku because of his respect for his late friend who played Tarkin. They played Dracula and Van Helsing.
The people saying he could have been fleshed out more are insane and have no idea what they are talking about. He didn't need more time. He didn't need more of a backstory. Everything we need to know about him is in A New Hope. His job was to make us root for Luke, Han and Leia. And he did is job ADMIRABLY.
I’m surprised there weren’t any mentions about his appearance in Rogue One. The way he undercut Director Krennic by assuming control of the Death Star (Krennic’s own project) was awesome, conniving, and classic Tarkin.
The fact that many writers and creators decided to keep telling stories with him (Even getting his own novel) after his single appearance in A New Hope is impressive. I really like the fact that he served in the Clone Wars and didn't mind the transition into the Empire. Truly a career, military man.
Here's my comment from the poll: B: What can I say, a menacing character who is well portrayed in 'A new Hope' and he even got more screen time in 'The Clone Wars' where we see, that he always was like that. We also see that Anakin agreed with some of his opinions. I think he's great but I wouldn't put him in A, so a B for me
I thought Tarkin was decent. Basically the OT’s Dooku or something. Wish the sequels had someone like this. Well they had Pryde but he was only in the last film of the Sequel trilogy and seemed competent enough. If he was there since the beginning of TFA instead of Hux things would have gone much smoother for the first order.
Hux was supposed to be the ST Tarkin, were it not for Ruin Johnson. As a result Pryde was brought into replace Hux while being the TFA Hux. So really he was there from the beginning, and was quickly ruined.
0BBY was the worst year for Palpatine. He not only lost the Death Star, but Tarkin and Yularen. He also loses Thrawn on Lothal. On top of that Vader became obsessed with finding Luke. Just the beginning of the end for the Empire
@Lionard Kirsch The Rebels Season 4 Finale "Family Reunion - and Farewell" takes place at 0 BBY shortly before the Battle of Yavin, which it is during those episodes that Thrawn disappears with the Epilogue taking place at 5 ABY. According to official canon.
I'm curious to see the other viewpoints. Maybe highlight some from each tier, if you find any. This has been pretty much just spotlighting (welldeserved) praise of Tarkin, but still
I saw A New Hope in the theater as an early birthday surprise from my brother. Not knowing who Peter Cushing or Alec Guinness were at the time both men created a memorable figure in my then young mind. Sir Alec the want of a right path to start on andbecome great at. But the great Peter Cushing sparked a hate and fear that wanted justice and revenge. Seeing Tarkin in Revenge of the Sith, no matter how poorly the computer animation was, sparked those memories again and wanted to see more of that characters story. Definitely need more of Tarkin in the cannon.
Tarkin is awesome and tbh I feel like Disney has really done well with him, between his appearances in various novels like the new Thrawn trilogy, his own book Tarkin, and Lords of the Sith, Rogue One, Rebels, and the comics
Future Star Wars projects would benefit from having a similar accomplished actor doing a villain so well. Someone like Charles Dance I think can also channel such a gloriously evil vibe.
I think of Tarkin as the main antagonist of A New Hope. The Alliance's victory at the end of that film wasn't just destroying the Death Star, it was taking Tarkin out with it.
The reason revan keeps losing is because Disney declares him non canon (I think) so a lot of people don’t know anything about him. The vote wouldn’t really be fair cause of this. I really want to do eu/legends characters, but I think it will be better if we don’t.
I think the Rise of Skywalker guide or book or whatever made him canon because one of Sith Troopers units is named Revan. So, Revan is canon now (?) Edit: I thought it was a Palpatine ship called Revan, but it’s a Sith Trooper unit.
I still don’t think revan would get a fair vote. I still feel like there would be a lot of d’s and f’s cause people don’t know him, even though he should be getting a b at worst
@Tommaso Stefanelli Hux had so much potential. His speech in TFA in on of my favorite scenes in the movie since it’s one of the only times the First Order feels threatening.
I think in the OT he just wasn`t on screen as much. Even if you don`t see much of him, just the fact that he got into the position he is at the start of a new hope, combined with the fact that he obviously survived in the empire during his rise and after that (since he is rather old) tells you something about his abilities.
I my opinion it s Incredibly Awesome that the two greatest Actors in the Hammer Horror Movies from the late 50's to the Early 70's Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee they starred in over 20 films together and were really good friends the best on screen performances together has to be the Horror of Dracula were Cushing played Van Helsing and Lee was Count Dracula so Star Wars is sort of a Hammer Horror Reunion the only unfortunate thing was that they didn't have any screen time together that's why my Black Series Action Figures of Tarkin and Dooku are on the shelf together
Also have to point out that there's an old interview in which he explains that he filmed most of his scenes in slippers because his boots didn't fit, so for me him interrogating Leia and blowing up alderaan while wearing slippers is definitely headcannon.
Tarkin was cold, calculating, and confident. A menacing villain, to be sure. You don't want to mess with that guy. His very presence demands respect or obedience. His equivalent in the sequel trilogy is a slapstick comedy joke.
after Kylo Ren and... damn I can't remember his name... *Google*... General Hux. It made me appreciate Vader and Tarkin so much more, they don't yell and whine like crazy unstable psychopath, they're calm, efficient, ruthless and cold. (the deep voice of James Earl Jones and the sophisticated British accent from Peter Cushing helps too lol)
He has way, way too many cool lines not to be an ultimate villain... "you're far too trusting" is my fav😈 glad to see a great homage for him in Rogue One, it was amazing to get him back, Sir Peter Cushing would have loved it, I'm sure
Alec Guiness was so magical in his play as Peter Cushing in his, and Ewan McGregor had suceedded in capture that magic and become even more iconic (I mean, the first "hello there" it comes in our minds is Ewan's, Not Alec's). Considering the prequels had a heavier tone and more political nuances than the original trilogy, it was a waste, great mistake to not include Tarkin in the story (let's put aside all the joking theories about Jar Jar. Seriously, what the hell Lucas was thinking by making Jar Jar enhances Palpatine's political powers?! Tarkin was the perfect person to do that, for example). If McGregor honoured Guiness, some good young actor could honour Cushing as well.
It's interesting that only surviving one movie and having limited appearances elsewhere is a complaint that can only really be made about a character in a franchise as expansive as Star Wars. Somewhere there's an alternate universe where only the original film got made, perhaps becoming a cult classic instead of a phenomenon, and it's interesting to think of how we might be ranking characters there.
To flesh out Tarkin's backstory may not actually be the best thing to do. His screen time was brief but left a lasting impression. He was so cold, calculating, ruthless and efficient he is more machine than Vader himself. But to humanise him with a backstory might detract from his frigid menace and make him appear a more sympathetic character. Peter Cushing did an absolutely incredible job with Tarkin,. He was so minimalist in his portrayal yet at the same time conveyed the whole ethos of the Empire. I would give Tarkin an A+.
He's definitely the best non Force sensitive villain in Star Wars. No powers but extreme intelligence, ruthlessness, and confidence combined. He shows no fear and that shot of him completely stone faced before the Death Star blows up is ICONIC.
Tarkin should not be below Thrawn. Thrawn is no where near the level of intimidation and control that is exerted by Tarkin. He is cold, ruthless, and intelligent. He has so much control, that he even puts Darth Vader into check. Tarkin is arguable the main antagonist of A New Hope, and has so much more importance then Thrawn. Tarkin has a real impact in the Star Wars universe, while Thrawn is just some back character. It is a shame that Tarkin got so low and thrawn got so high.
Personally i saw tarkin prosecuting ashoka completely within his character. He even states prior to all this, in the citadel arc, that he finds the jedi too restrictive as generals. Any chance to remove one, would br taken by him. Anakin even shared the sentiment that the jedi were not good generals. So i have no idea why anyone would consider him being in the clone wars a bad thing. Other than him prosecuting ashoka. Which as i said, i never saw out of his character at all. Tarkin is a very cold, hard, and calculating man. Any way to increase the republic's efficiency is what he would have gone for. If that means removing 1 jedi, and eventually all of them, so be it. Nothing he did was out of character. Nor much of anything he said. In fact i thought it was super cool that they put him in the show. But, to each their own i guess. (That's like needlessly being mad about yoda meeting chewie in the prequels. Looking at you, eckheartsladder. Lol)
Tarkin gets a solid B from me. He’s a good example of a noncomplex villain who serves his role in the story with just enough screentime. In just one movie, he was established and solidified as a villain which can be difficult to do. As much as it pains me to say this, he was better utilized than Count Dooku despite being more one note. I don’t think he needed more material to work with. However, they are nice in fleshing him and the workings of the empire. His presence in Rouge One makes complete sense and fits his characterization established from ANH. As for The Clone Wars and Rebels, I’m neutral because I haven’t watched the episodes he appeared in. It’s nice that they set him up. However, I’m not exactly sure if Darth Vader respects him or not other than accepting his (Tarkin) rule over his (Tarkin) flagship. Based on what I’ve read, Anakin and Tarkin seem to respect each other. However, Darth Vader dislikes the Death Star that Tarkin takes responsibility for. While he’s a good villain, I wouldn’t call him a smart villain. Sure, a death star or planet sounds nice. However, it was a bloated project that arguably, wasn’t worth the effort. It seemed more like a short term gamble than anything. That and they’d risking loosing planets full of valuable resources. That’s why I don’t consider him a smart villain but maybe his novel addresses that. He seems like a villain caught up in a possible vision than considering if it’s practical or not. Or he’s doubtful that it is but is willing to gamble on it to further his career.
Relative to A New Hope, he was the perfect character at the right time. He helped set the tone, and that's what is great about the OT. Not knowing everything about a particular character was a huge draw to the series. I remember me and my friends sitting around talking about Star Wars for hours, as if somehow the universe actually existed somewhere out there. I miss the mystique of it.
Sheev Palpatine may be a master schemer, but Wilhuff Tarkin excels at running a dictatorial government on an everyday basis. Sidious and Vader have their hands full dealing enemies of supernatural or superhuman level, but Tarkin concentrates on enemies on a more grounded level. He had to deal with the likes of Mon Mothma and Bail Organa on a daily basis. But he upset the balance when he murdered Bail Organa and billions of Alderaanians. Tarkin may not have supernatural abilities but he is an amazing military/political genius whose one fatal mistake was the Death Star itself.
Personally I love Tarkin...I don't know exactly what that says about me ;) He just seems like a classic baddie who oozes cool and has a nice accent. Peter Cushing is THE MAN!
Yep, in the grand scheme of things he's just a guy on the side of the empire. There's nothing irreplaceable about him and I don't care about the books exaggerating him into something better than what was shown in the OT. He's just a bad guy with a military rank. He's got a menacing look and evil aura about him but to be above an actual good Sith lord i.e. Dooku is daft in my opinion. These comments about him controlling Vader etc are blown way out of proportion. Vader is his superior and Tarkin just commands the crew on the ship which Vader does half the time anyway. He's Sidious' puppet at the end of the day and a C grade is all you can really give someone with such little screen time, effect on the plot, and with such little character development. I don't dislike him, it's just clear bias as you mentioned.
@@goldfishprime Sorry, next time I won't express my opinion on the internet. You may live in the midst of an oppressive regime, but I live in a country where it's okay to express such things. ;P
Peter Cushing was pretty much a god and therefore effortlessly gave Tarkin a menacing, commanding presence that felt no need to scream like an idiot the way Disney's villains do. He was a rare classic...he even looked the part without a bunch of silly makeup. In my book only Vader is more iconic.
I'm with Grimzilla. Tarkin is a solid, urbane sort of baddie, but Cushing is so good he really elevates the character. Rogue One really showed what he brought to the character in full, honestly. The Rogue One version had none of the sly intelligence and cold charm that Cushing brought to the role. Instead, he just came across as a bully.
One of those comments said that Tarkin was one of the few people that could control Vader. That is false, the only reason Vader listened to him in a new hope is because he outranked Vader when it came to the Death Star because Sideous put Tarkin in control of that place and told Vader that he had to obey him. So Vader was obeying Sideous NOT Tarkin.
Respond to this comment with your nomination for our next character... or vote with a thumbs up if they're already listed.
Baby Yoda
Jango Fett
Cal kestis
2%: _Give Tarkin an F_
Me: You may fire when ready.
Who does it best:
Tarkin: "You may fire when ready."
Palpatine: "Fire at will commander!"
Palpatine of course.
Hux did yell a lot, didn't he? He yelled the entire Space Nahtzee speech. The contrast between Hux holding a rally and screaming to fire Starkiller base and Tarkin's calm order is a bit striking.
There's also that Final Order commander. *"Fire"* in the most cold, monotone way possible.
False Profiteer yeah i liked hux in episode 7
sadly he just failed in 8
@@HolyShitNew I think he was a bit over the top in parts of Episode 7, but he definitely felt like a credible threat. But, yeah, not so much in episode 8.
"Since you are reluctant to provide me with the first rank of the great villains,
I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on the TH-cam channel of ThorSkywalker."
"You would prefer another target, a different channel? Then grant me the first rank! I grow tired of asking this so it will be the last time: Who is the best villain?"
"You may fire when ready." When I saw that in the comment I was going to read it in Tarkin's voice to myself, but almost laughed out loud when you did it for me Thor. : )
He’s the original SW military bad guy who laid the way for Thrawn, Grievous, Trench, Hux and the guy in TROS
You mean Pride?
random shit yes, I forgot his name
@@ontasbulent5709 he is so forgettable
@random shit Pryde is just the Force Awakens version of Hux
you forgot Gideon from Mando
Tarkin is so interesting in the new Thrawn Trilogy, his influence and hatred of other Moffs, truly a fascinating political climber. His addition in The Clone Wars was also great showing how the republic is slowly evolving into the empire (especially in the design of the military facilities)
Original Thrawn Trilogy > New Thrawn Trilogy
@@RevanMartinez both are really good, sadly the old one isn't canon anymore.
Canon = Revisionist history.
In the Vader comics there's a story where Vader tasks Tarkin with trying to kill him and test the limits of his suit. Tarkin very nearly succeeds which i think earned Vader's respect in a weird way.
Revan losing really close in the poll is a meme now
I hope this meme will end soon I can’t wait for his video by Thor
Jordan Kuttler You have to wait a bit longer how it seems he will lose again
Öntas Bülent 😔😩
Revan will get his moment... But who will replace him once he gets his spotlight?
TheLPRnetwork His friend Malak? His master Kreia? 😄
Honestly, Governor Tarkin reminds me of Lord Cuttler Beckett from Pirates Of The Caribbean because of his cunning, ruthless, cold hearted nature and Darth Vader was basically Davy Jones and both of them were basically their muscle.
Derek Lopez well “it’s just good business.”
@@jknetwork6211 Lord Beckett: It's just good business
Governor Tarkin: You may fire when ready.
*”Bloody hell there’s nothing left”*
@@tyranusarchive6984 Jones is a loose cannon, sir.
Not Only That, but Tarkin and Beckett both died a Captain's Death. A True Captain Goes Down With His Ship and/or Planet-Busting Battle-Station! 🧐
9:05 Lmao thank you for using the M. Bison line from the film. That was genius.
CG Tarkin in Rogue One is probably one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen.
Lionard Kirsch it’s like they freakin used necromancy
Hollywood doesn't use extras anymore.
His first scene was VERY odd, lighting and texture wise, but he was pretty good, after that.
I remember hearing that Peter Cushing originally wanted to play he part of Obi-Wan. I try to think of a world where Alec Guinness switched roles with Cushing. I'm sure they both could do it, both talented actors with range (I mean Guinness played Hitler, I think he could channel being a villain) but there's just something special about what Cushing brought to Tarkin (and what Guinness brought to Kenobi) I can't imagine anyone doing that part better.
Plus, if Peter Cushing acted as Obi-Wan, then in the prequels, it probably wouldn't have been Ewan Mcgregor playing young Obi-Wan. They would have picked someone who could capture the essence of Peter Cushing.
True, and McGregor’s Obi-Wan was one of the best parts of the prequels.
I find it interesting that only one commenter pointed out that he talked Vader down when Vader went after Motti. Who else in the universe besides Vader's Master has THAT KIND OF POWER
I hate Tarkin but he's a good villain and find him terrifying as hell and that's a good thing. Tarkin is a bastard but that's a true representation of a villain.
So it's a love-to-hate thing.
He is very menacing and he shows what the Empire is
@Lionard Kirsch yep he is
I'm just going to point out that I had no problem with Tarkin's portrayal in Rogue One. People who were unfamiliar with Star Wars and the character couldn't even tell he was CG.
Impressive. Most impressive.
The people who didn’t give Tarkin an A don’t read.
I read the books, but only use what’s one screen when making any points or arguments about Star Wars, knowing a lot of people don’t. And to a degree I feel if certain information was so important, then it would be on screen.
Oh, come on. It is an honor and a tribute to Peter Cushing to call him a B villain. Perhaps even the ultimate B villain.
i just havent found the book yet
There isn't a whole lot to read besides new canon's _Tarkin_ and Legends' _Death_Star_ with various references and callbacks here and there. And while it is true that he's a main character in Empire at War, there isn't that much of material about him to be honest.
Given his background in Hammer Films, I wonder if Peter Cushing thought Star Wars was going to be a sci-fi continuation of those pulpy 70's monster flicks. I mean, Darth Vader is basically space Dracula.
I always chuckle when revan get second every time. Lol
That has me so mad, no way tarkin or chewie should go before him
yea lol it happens every time
It drives me crazy. Revan deserved better.
He should have been on this list for a long time now
@@tobiasbusse79 Yes.. she does!!
I liked his appearance in Rogue One when he (attempted to) take the credit for building the Death Star from Commander Krennic. A good example of how the Imperial Hierarchy functioned under Palpatine (and IRL, too). And he did it wearing carpet slippers (well, in the close ups, anyway)!
Tarkin is really the strict military commander. He's evil, I give him that, but he's also efficient. No excesses, and he also have a certain logic behind his actions, he's not doing it for his own pleasure, but he's doing what he do for pure cold logic from his perspective.
Tarkin. A vicious hunter, politician, military leader, and vampire hunter. Feared by many and respected by the few elite.
Crisis Among Infinite Darths AC basically their count dooku?
@@jknetwork6211 Christopher Lee actually signed on as Count Dooku because of his respect for his late friend who played Tarkin. They played Dracula and Van Helsing.
Crisis Among Infinite Darths AC oh wow that’s cool lol.
The people saying he could have been fleshed out more are insane and have no idea what they are talking about.
He didn't need more time. He didn't need more of a backstory. Everything we need to know about him is in A New Hope. His job was to make us root for Luke, Han and Leia. And he did is job ADMIRABLY.
I’m surprised there weren’t any mentions about his appearance in Rogue One. The way he undercut Director Krennic by assuming control of the Death Star (Krennic’s own project) was awesome, conniving, and classic Tarkin.
These videos are golden. Love it dude, keep up the good work.
This is Darth Bullsith of the Galactic Notification Empire! All wings, report in!
Bullsith, standing by!
Blue 420 standing by
XDlMFAO69 standing by
Tarkin was such a menacing character, even Vader did his bidding. The book was awesome too!
The fact that many writers and creators decided to keep telling stories with him (Even getting his own novel) after his single appearance in A New Hope is impressive. I really like the fact that he served in the Clone Wars and didn't mind the transition into the Empire. Truly a career, military man.
Talking was in one scene at the end of Revenge of the Sith. He was played by Wayne Pigrim (who played Scorpius on Farscape).
A clear case of a character not being all that much on the page, but Cushing brought so much to the character.
One of my favourite Star Wars characters & even though the CGI is not perfect, he makes Rogue One so much better by just being in it.
Fun fact: his First Name is Wilhuff. Making his full name Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.
Grand Moff is his rank.
Grand Moff is a title.
It is like calling Donald Trump "President Donald Trump".
Here's my comment from the poll:
B: What can I say, a menacing character who is well portrayed in 'A new Hope' and he even got more screen time in 'The Clone Wars' where we see, that he always was like that. We also see that Anakin agreed with some of his opinions. I think he's great but I wouldn't put him in A, so a B for me
That Street Fighter movie reference, though.
When Tarkington visited your planet it was the greatest day of their lives.... but for him it was a Tuesday.
I'd like to see Wedge. I always liked how Lucas had him in all of the major battles in the OT.
I thought Tarkin was decent. Basically the OT’s Dooku or something. Wish the sequels had someone like this. Well they had Pryde but he was only in the last film of the Sequel trilogy and seemed competent enough. If he was there since the beginning of TFA instead of Hux things would have gone much smoother for the first order.
Or just don't destroy Hux in Episode 8 lol
jim42078 that too
Hux was supposed to be the ST Tarkin, were it not for Ruin Johnson. As a result Pryde was brought into replace Hux while being the TFA Hux.
So really he was there from the beginning, and was quickly ruined.
It’s weird because in a new hope he gives an order to Vader ("release him!") so it looks like he’s ranked higher than Vader in the empire
Yup, Vader even responds with “As you Wish”
0BBY was the worst year for Palpatine. He not only lost the Death Star, but Tarkin and Yularen. He also loses Thrawn on Lothal. On top of that Vader became obsessed with finding Luke. Just the beginning of the end for the Empire
@Lionard Kirsch The Rebels Season 4 Finale "Family Reunion - and Farewell" takes place at 0 BBY shortly before the Battle of Yavin, which it is during those episodes that Thrawn disappears with the Epilogue taking place at 5 ABY. According to official canon.
Bro in one scene Tarkin told some officers that Vader was all that’s left of the Jedi....
Could you do a video talking about which books or comics are the best ones to start with if you’ve never read one of the books?
I'm curious to see the other viewpoints. Maybe highlight some from each tier, if you find any. This has been pretty much just spotlighting (welldeserved) praise of Tarkin, but still
I saw A New Hope in the theater as an early birthday surprise from my brother. Not knowing who Peter Cushing or Alec Guinness were at the time both men created a memorable figure in my then young mind. Sir Alec the want of a right path to start on andbecome great at. But the great Peter Cushing sparked a hate and fear that wanted justice and revenge. Seeing Tarkin in Revenge of the Sith, no matter how poorly the computer animation was, sparked those memories again and wanted to see more of that characters story. Definitely need more of Tarkin in the cannon.
Tarkin is awesome and tbh I feel like Disney has really done well with him, between his appearances in various novels like the new Thrawn trilogy, his own book Tarkin, and Lords of the Sith, Rogue One, Rebels, and the comics
Far above Smoke, Cry-lo, Captain Asthma and Pox.
Thor - For Tarkin, it was merely a Tuesday.
Me- Did Thor just make an allusion Raul Julia from Street Fighter?!? 🤣
I liked Tarkin's presence in Rogue One
Future Star Wars projects would benefit from having a similar accomplished actor doing a villain so well. Someone like Charles Dance I think can also channel such a gloriously evil vibe.
I think of Tarkin as the main antagonist of A New Hope.
The Alliance's victory at the end of that film wasn't just destroying the Death Star, it was taking Tarkin out with it.
“I will tell the emperor that IIII will take control of the battle station I first spoke of years ago effective immediately...”
What. A. D*ck. Lmfaoo
The reason revan keeps losing is because Disney declares him non canon (I think) so a lot of people don’t know anything about him. The vote wouldn’t really be fair cause of this. I really want to do eu/legends characters, but I think it will be better if we don’t.
I think the Rise of Skywalker guide or book or whatever made him canon because one of Sith Troopers units is named Revan. So, Revan is canon now (?)
Edit: I thought it was a Palpatine ship called Revan, but it’s a Sith Trooper unit.
Oh. But he was still deemed non canon by Disney for years, and that’s a very obscure reference
But surely most viewers of this channel know who he is? I don't game much anymore but the KOTOR series hold a special place for me.
I still don’t think revan would get a fair vote. I still feel like there would be a lot of d’s and f’s cause people don’t know him, even though he should be getting a b at worst
Anyone can agree that Tarkin is 10x better than whatever Hux was in TLJ and TROS
@Tommaso Stefanelli Hux had so much potential. His speech in TFA in on of my favorite scenes in the movie since it’s one of the only times the First Order feels threatening.
I think in the OT he just wasn`t on screen as much.
Even if you don`t see much of him, just the fact that he got into the position he is at the start of a new hope, combined with the fact that he obviously survived in the empire during his rise and after that (since he is rather old) tells you something about his abilities.
I my opinion it s Incredibly Awesome that the two greatest Actors in the Hammer Horror Movies from the late 50's to the Early 70's Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee they starred in over 20 films together and were really good friends the best on screen performances together has to be the Horror of Dracula were Cushing played Van Helsing and Lee was Count Dracula so Star Wars is sort of a Hammer Horror Reunion the only unfortunate thing was that they didn't have any screen time together that's why my Black Series Action Figures of Tarkin and Dooku are on the shelf together
Also have to point out that there's an old interview in which he explains that he filmed most of his scenes in slippers because his boots didn't fit, so for me him interrogating Leia and blowing up alderaan while wearing slippers is definitely headcannon.
Spot on for me.
Nice Raul Julia/M Bison reference!
That's funny. I watched this vid straight after watching Clone Wars S03E18/19/20 The Citadel featuring Captain Tarkin
Hell... this 2 characters even agree in lot's of stuff in the Clone Wars show
Was that a street fighter movie reference you made? 😁
Tarkin was cold, calculating, and confident. A menacing villain, to be sure. You don't want to mess with that guy. His very presence demands respect or obedience. His equivalent in the sequel trilogy is a slapstick comedy joke.
after Kylo Ren and... damn I can't remember his name... *Google*... General Hux. It made me appreciate Vader and Tarkin so much more, they don't yell and whine like crazy unstable psychopath, they're calm, efficient, ruthless and cold. (the deep voice of James Earl Jones and the sophisticated British accent from Peter Cushing helps too lol)
The military leaders of the first order are a joke compared to the brilliance and sophistication of the empire.
I have a feeling that Rey will never leave that last place spot. Even Jar Jar, with his Sith Mastery, would score better.
He has way, way too many cool lines not to be an ultimate villain... "you're far too trusting" is my fav😈 glad to see a great homage for him in Rogue One, it was amazing to get him back, Sir Peter Cushing would have loved it, I'm sure
Alec Guiness was so magical in his play as Peter Cushing in his, and Ewan McGregor had suceedded in capture that magic and become even more iconic (I mean, the first "hello there" it comes in our minds is Ewan's, Not Alec's). Considering the prequels had a heavier tone and more political nuances than the original trilogy, it was a waste, great mistake to not include Tarkin in the story (let's put aside all the joking theories about Jar Jar. Seriously, what the hell Lucas was thinking by making Jar Jar enhances Palpatine's political powers?! Tarkin was the perfect person to do that, for example). If McGregor honoured Guiness, some good young actor could honour Cushing as well.
“I’ve been looking forward to this”
My powers have doubled since we last met count.
@@pretentiousplum Good. Two times zero is still zero.
@Pinnacle Pan Good. Twice the pride double the fall
so wholesome that he and Christopher Lee were best friends irl
It's interesting that only surviving one movie and having limited appearances elsewhere is a complaint that can only really be made about a character in a franchise as expansive as Star Wars. Somewhere there's an alternate universe where only the original film got made, perhaps becoming a cult classic instead of a phenomenon, and it's interesting to think of how we might be ranking characters there.
To flesh out Tarkin's backstory may not actually be the best thing to do. His screen time was brief but left a lasting impression. He was so cold, calculating, ruthless and efficient he is more machine than Vader himself. But to humanise him with a backstory might detract from his frigid menace and make him appear a more sympathetic character.
Peter Cushing did an absolutely incredible job with Tarkin,. He was so minimalist in his portrayal yet at the same time conveyed the whole ethos of the Empire. I would give Tarkin an A+.
He was for me one of the more memorable characters in SW. That's very good in my book.
Can u make the ranking have pics of the characters so it is prettier to look at?
I didn't see Leia on the top 20 list, have u done her yet? would she knock the current 20th?
9:05 "merely a Tuesday"
He's definitely the best non Force sensitive villain in Star Wars. No powers but extreme intelligence, ruthlessness, and confidence combined. He shows no fear and that shot of him completely stone faced before the Death Star blows up is ICONIC.
Tarkin should not be below Thrawn. Thrawn is no where near the level of intimidation and control that is exerted by Tarkin. He is cold, ruthless, and intelligent. He has so much control, that he even puts Darth Vader into check. Tarkin is arguable the main antagonist of A New Hope, and has so much more importance then Thrawn. Tarkin has a real impact in the Star Wars universe, while Thrawn is just some back character. It is a shame that Tarkin got so low and thrawn got so high.
Yeah the people in these polls will hop on the bandwagon for obscure characters like Fives.
Who's excited for The Mandaloian season 2 trailer?
This is the way.
I have spoken
How long ??
Personally i saw tarkin prosecuting ashoka completely within his character. He even states prior to all this, in the citadel arc, that he finds the jedi too restrictive as generals. Any chance to remove one, would br taken by him.
Anakin even shared the sentiment that the jedi were not good generals.
So i have no idea why anyone would consider him being in the clone wars a bad thing. Other than him prosecuting ashoka.
Which as i said, i never saw out of his character at all.
Tarkin is a very cold, hard, and calculating man. Any way to increase the republic's efficiency is what he would have gone for.
If that means removing 1 jedi, and eventually all of them, so be it.
Nothing he did was out of character. Nor much of anything he said.
In fact i thought it was super cool that they put him in the show.
But, to each their own i guess.
(That's like needlessly being mad about yoda meeting chewie in the prequels. Looking at you, eckheartsladder. Lol)
Can we do Finn? I really like the idea of his character, and I’m curious to see what other fans think
Won't be positive at all. Everything will be like "Had potential, character was used a comedy and didn't matter to the plot."
The idea of his character was great, but the execution wasn’t. He was relegated to a token ethnic check mark and a background prop....
It'll be a similar comments section to what Rey had
I thought Tarkin in R1 was great and yes he needed to be in it
Tarkin gets a solid B from me. He’s a good example of a noncomplex villain who serves his role in the story with just enough screentime. In just one movie, he was established and solidified as a villain which can be difficult to do. As much as it pains me to say this, he was better utilized than Count Dooku despite being more one note.
I don’t think he needed more material to work with. However, they are nice in fleshing him and the workings of the empire. His presence in Rouge One makes complete sense and fits his characterization established from ANH.
As for The Clone Wars and Rebels, I’m neutral because I haven’t watched the episodes he appeared in. It’s nice that they set him up. However, I’m not exactly sure if Darth Vader respects him or not other than accepting his (Tarkin) rule over his (Tarkin) flagship. Based on what I’ve read, Anakin and Tarkin seem to respect each other. However, Darth Vader dislikes the Death Star that Tarkin takes responsibility for.
While he’s a good villain, I wouldn’t call him a smart villain. Sure, a death star or planet sounds nice. However, it was a bloated project that arguably, wasn’t worth the effort. It seemed more like a short term gamble than anything. That and they’d risking loosing planets full of valuable resources. That’s why I don’t consider him a smart villain but maybe his novel addresses that. He seems like a villain caught up in a possible vision than considering if it’s practical or not. Or he’s doubtful that it is but is willing to gamble on it to further his career.
I learned about my favorite character Natasi Daala by learning about Tarkin.
The duel with vader in the comics was so great in my opinion, I had to give him an a for it
9:08 I understood that reference
Relative to A New Hope, he was the perfect character at the right time. He helped set the tone, and that's what is great about the OT. Not knowing everything about a particular character was a huge draw to the series. I remember me and my friends sitting around talking about Star Wars for hours, as if somehow the universe actually existed somewhere out there. I miss the mystique of it.
I still can’t believe Fives is higher than, well... just about everyone.
I missed the vote for this one
Sheev Palpatine may be a master schemer, but Wilhuff Tarkin excels at running a dictatorial government on an everyday basis. Sidious and Vader have their hands full dealing enemies of supernatural or superhuman level, but Tarkin concentrates on enemies on a more grounded level. He had to deal with the likes of Mon Mothma and Bail Organa on a daily basis. But he upset the balance when he murdered Bail Organa and billions of Alderaanians.
Tarkin may not have supernatural abilities but he is an amazing military/political genius whose one fatal mistake was the Death Star itself.
I wouldn't put it past Disney to make a ANH remake, and if that happens I think Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) would be perfect for the role.
Personally I love Tarkin...I don't know exactly what that says about me ;) He just seems like a classic baddie who oozes cool and has a nice accent. Peter Cushing is THE MAN!
I feel like bias is what resulted in Tarkin being above Dooku. OT bias.
Wouldn't your own bias make you think that?
Yep, in the grand scheme of things he's just a guy on the side of the empire. There's nothing irreplaceable about him and I don't care about the books exaggerating him into something better than what was shown in the OT. He's just a bad guy with a military rank. He's got a menacing look and evil aura about him but to be above an actual good Sith lord i.e. Dooku is daft in my opinion. These comments about him controlling Vader etc are blown way out of proportion. Vader is his superior and Tarkin just commands the crew on the ship which Vader does half the time anyway. He's Sidious' puppet at the end of the day and a C grade is all you can really give someone with such little screen time, effect on the plot, and with such little character development. I don't dislike him, it's just clear bias as you mentioned.
@@goldfishprime That's why I said "I feel like" that's the case. Read the whole comment. It's not that long.
@@inarencommander4663 So what was the point of your comment? "I feel that other people feel." Okay.
@@goldfishprime Sorry, next time I won't express my opinion on the internet.
You may live in the midst of an oppressive regime, but I live in a country where it's okay to express such things. ;P
Tarkin's title in the Empire is Grand Moff Tarkin. But I have a question..what is a Grand Moff?
governor of an oversector
Oh man, I never realized that Tarken died in a new hope...
Peter Cushing was pretty much a god and therefore effortlessly gave Tarkin a menacing, commanding presence that felt no need to scream like an idiot the way Disney's villains do. He was a rare classic...he even looked the part without a bunch of silly makeup. In my book only Vader is more iconic.
Is it too late to point out the street fighter live-action movie reference?
What about General Pryde from Rise of Skywalker but be died in 1 movie and it’s doesn’t show him that much
I'm with Grimzilla. Tarkin is a solid, urbane sort of baddie, but Cushing is so good he really elevates the character. Rogue One really showed what he brought to the character in full, honestly. The Rogue One version had none of the sly intelligence and cold charm that Cushing brought to the role. Instead, he just came across as a bully.
Honestly it's some of Peter Cushing's best acting. He's usually playing kind of a shallow character.
I want Charles dance to play an imperial officer
Charming to the last.
One of those comments said that Tarkin was one of the few people that could control Vader. That is false, the only reason Vader listened to him in a new hope is because he outranked Vader when it came to the Death Star because Sideous put Tarkin in control of that place and told Vader that he had to obey him. So Vader was obeying Sideous NOT Tarkin.
Vader respected him because he’s legit. He didn’t hesitate to destroy a planet just to make a point.