Mind Control: Entering Into the Mind of the Jehovah's Witness

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • This is Part 2 of the Series. Jehovah's Witnesses are not like the atheist next door, the 'open-minded' New Ager or the typical unbeliever. It's paramount, in my opinion, to understand why they're so difficult to reach. So what's the 'secret sauce' to the Witnesses undying devotion to their Watchtower Organization?
    Mind Control.
    Yes, it's a real thing. In this video, I break down why and how the Jw's are under spiritual and mental lockdown, and why it's so important to connect with them understanding this perspective. I refer to Steven Hassan's work on this. He's an ex-cult member, now a cult expert. I go over his BITE model: Behavior Control, Information Control, Thought Control, and Emotional Control.
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    Instagram: @melissadougherty77
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    More Watchtower Quotes:
    All of the JW Series:
    Part 1: • Why Bother Reaching Ou...
    Part 2: • Mind Control: Entering...
    Part 3: • Jehovah's Witness Theo...
    Part 4: • Jehovah's Witness Doct...
    Part 5: • How To Discuss the Dei...
    Part 6: • Seed Droppers: Simple ...
    Some of my favorite websites for learning about jw's and how to reach them:
    My video explaining my background with the Jehovah's Witnesses and how God used them in my life: • How God Used the Jehov...

ความคิดเห็น • 637

  • @valeriemckenna4590
    @valeriemckenna4590 4 ปีที่แล้ว +571

    I was raised as a Jehovah Witness, ruined my childhood. When I got out I hated God. I lived anyway I wanted to. I converted to Christianity ✝️ and change my life. I’m glad I am a Christian even though I have struggles

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Amen repented from all false doctrine, amen glory.
      Revelation 3:17💞
      1 John 1:8-9

    • @germaan1
      @germaan1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      Must have been a nightmare....welcome to the freedom that the real Jesus gives you!

    • @anab7177
      @anab7177 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I’m so happy you left! Build a strong network of friends who are also Christian so that you can depend on each other through your struggles! ❤️ May God bless you!

    • @krystalrogers1605
      @krystalrogers1605 2 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness too. It definitely did a lot of damage to me (part of the complex ptsd I’m still dealing with 20 years later). I left when I was 17 feeling like I just was not good enough. I still prayed and loved God but I was terrified to explore any other religion or faith and even went through a period of time where I hated anything remotely religious.
      My husband and I started going to an amazing nondenominational Christian church earlier this year and within just a few months we got baptized together ❤️
      I Love studying my Bible now, going to church, praying to my Heavenly Father, listening to worship music, and overall just drawing close to Jesus every day. I never felt such zeal or peace and joy from the JW’s as I do now at my church and in my own personal study.

    • @verarivadeneira5275
      @verarivadeneira5275 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@krystalrogers1605 beautiful testimony, yes there is freedom and peace in Jesus. Freedom as to follow him and depend only in him, his love, mercy and protection are always there for you. He will never force anything we have free will and we’re equipped with his Holy Spirit to guide us.

  • @KH-yy8cd
    @KH-yy8cd 4 ปีที่แล้ว +346

    I used to be a Jehovah's Witness. It was definitely a rough life. I was depressed for years but couldn't understand why. I was disfellowshipped in 2017 and since I've stopped attending the meetings, my happiness has slowly been increasing.

    • @iamyoutoo1
      @iamyoutoo1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      I too was a depressed Jw. Melissa is correct that many Jws suffer from Fybromyalgia and depression and anxiety are rampant. There is no support for these diseases in the Watchtower. You are considered spiritually weak. Very sad.

    • @stewartking4928
      @stewartking4928 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      iamyoutoo1 yeah, what is it with those Illnesses that seemed so exclusive to JWs.

    • @marwatson7408
      @marwatson7408 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      K H I know what you are saying I suffered from depression too I got disfellowshipped in 1988 walked out the door that night never went back and my depression lifted as soon as I left best thing that happened to me.

    • @yeshuas5172
      @yeshuas5172 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@stewartking4928 Those illnesses are not exclusive to Jehovah's witnesses, they are partially stress related and so will show up more in any situation or community where there is a lot of stress - abusive relationships of any kind and in any place. Not exclusive to JW's.

    • @jesusisgod2953
      @jesusisgod2953 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      The Jehovah's witness religion is false.
      The whole Bible testifies of Jesus being God. Jesus created all of creation, yet they claim he is created which is impossible since all of creation was made by him, not some, not most, but all.
      John 1:1-3,14 KJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM; and without him was not any thing made that was made. [14] And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and DWELT AMONG US,
      John 1:10 KJV HE WAS IN THE WORLD, and THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew him not.
      John 20:28-29 KJV And Thomas answered and said unto him, MY LORD AND MY GOD. [29] Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: BLESSED ARE THEY that have not seen, and yet have BELIEVED.
      Acts 20:28 KJV Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his OWN BLOOD.
      Matthew 1:23 KJV Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD WITH US.
      Isaiah 9:6 KJV For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
      Isaiah 40:3 KJV The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for OUR GOD.
      Isaiah 44:6 KJV Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I AM the first, and I AM THE LAST; and BESIDE ME THERE IS NO GOD.
      Revelation 1:17-18 KJV And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST: [18] I am he that liveth, and WAS DEAD; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
      Revelation 1:8 KJV I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
      Revelation 22:12-13,20-21 KJV And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. [13] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. [20] He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, COME, LORD JESUS. [21] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
      Hebrews 1:8-12 KJV But unto THE SON he saith, Thy throne, O GOD, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. [9] Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. [10] And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: [11] They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; [12] And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
      Exodus 3:14 KJV And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
      John 8:57-59 KJV Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? [58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM. [59] Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

  • @ShoNuffSoulBro1
    @ShoNuffSoulBro1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +312

    There is SO MUCH baggage in this religion. You just scraped the surface. I’m an inactive JW who’s been going down the research rabbit hole. Excellent, spot on video exposé ! ! You’re amazing !

    • @kestrlfalc
      @kestrlfalc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      I am 4 years out

    • @Deepthoughts4ever
      @Deepthoughts4ever 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      Keep up the deprogramming! It takes time. Get to know the God of the Bible ❤️

    • @robw2486
      @robw2486 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I pray you become an ex-JW.

    • @laurao8099
      @laurao8099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Wow! This is only "scraping the surface"! My head is spinning just trying to comprehend what she has said in the first 75 min.
      Praise God you got out and found Jesus!

    • @nigelbews3335
      @nigelbews3335 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Me too, wife still very stubborn and locked in!

  • @cptnstumpy1977
    @cptnstumpy1977 2 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    I was raised a JW and all that you said is true. I finally got out of away from that religion about 7 years ago. I went the spiritual route after my experience. About 2 years ago me, my husband, my son, my daughter and my husband's uncle who died soon after all got baptized together. Hallelujah praise God for getting me out of that mess. He has changed my life totally.

  • @blaccroze9212
    @blaccroze9212 4 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    Coming from an occult-ish Pentecostal church that I grew up in all my life, I find myself unable to embrace God's grace and love since, in my mind, one mistake is enough to sever my relationship with God. It was amazing when God not only embraced me after my mistakes, but showed me the issues with my religious upbringing. I was shamed into pretending to be perfect to protect myself from ridicule from other Christians, only to find out 21 years later that God didn't need me to be perfect to love me.

    • @jennajoseph893
      @jennajoseph893 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Of course remember Jesus Christ loves you too. He died for your sins. He loves you so much. Love you sibling in Christ. 💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙💙

  • @LucianScorpio
    @LucianScorpio 4 ปีที่แล้ว +180

    As a teen at the time, I accepted an invitation from a Jehovah's Witness to come to my house to do Bible Study. My caveat was that I did not intend to join her church, I just wanted to study the Bible. As an inquisitive 15/16-year old, it struck me from the first session, that her responses were scripted because she constantly referred to her little pile of JW textbooks. It further irked me that we could not deviate from said pile of textbooks to discuss topics that were of interest to me. Of course, we did not get past four, or five sessions before I was done with that!
    Decades later, I had needless to say, blossomed into a critically-thinking adult. Having been recently born-again, and hungry for sound Bible study, I deferred to a family friend who was a JW, but this time, I sat down armed with my heavily highlighted and underlined New American Standard Bible (NASB) and my son's King James Version (KJV) for what I thought would be deep discourse and study. First, I was told that we would have to study the themes dictated by the little pile of JW books, whereas I like to read entire chapters and books for context and continuity, then cross-reference the column notes for understanding. I endured the session, but that was that; never me again.
    I later took pleasure in tormenting them with certain thought-provoking, existential questions when they got to my house: Jesus was the One who commissioned men to spread the Gospel and raise up disciples unto Himself (Mathew 28:18-20), then later sent them out as His witnesses (Acts 1:8). At what point did Jehovah ask you to witness on His behalf? Do you have independent Scripture references (not Watchtower publications) to substantiate that? Why does John 1:1 of my three (3) different Bible versions say "...and the Word was God..." while yours says "...and the Word was a god?" Who authorised the addition of that "a"? I have since made friends with 1 specific lady, whose tenacity I admired, because though I was difficult, whatever I'd ask, she would always says that she would have to write down my question, research it, then get back to me with an answer. After a while of getting nowhere with me, however, she stopped coming.

    • @ChildOfGod_JesusRemnant
      @ChildOfGod_JesusRemnant 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      We actually experienced similar things. I never wanted to become a JW EVER I just wanted to study and learn the Bible with someone who claimed to know it so well. You should read my comment I just posted it!!

    • @aurorejonesTV
      @aurorejonesTV 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ChildOfGod_JesusRemnant so many comments can you post your comment here please

    • @idance8300
      @idance8300 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      the worse part is they use scriptures to back it up

    • @gwengwen4535
      @gwengwen4535 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@idance8300 Cherry picked ones, taken out of context, and words twisted though😰

    • @crystalbrundige4236
      @crystalbrundige4236 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I AGREE I had the same experience: "Why does John 1:1 of my three (3) different Bible versions say "...and the Word was God..." while yours says "...and the Word was a god?" Who authorised the addition of that "a"? " I just couldn't get past them telling me to change my bible I quit after that just wanted to try out & make sure what I grew up learning was right or not in some weird way, even though I had plenty spiritual proof that God & Jesus, & the holy spirit was real by actual testimonies not just because I was told so. I got my answer pretty quickly as the tension & heaviness overcame my spirit after meeting w/ them that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I threw out everything & continued to immerse myself in my bible, the WHAT IF factor was gone.

  • @Gilded-girl
    @Gilded-girl 4 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    I had a co worker who was Jehovah Witness. I invited her to my wedding at a 1st Baptist church. She came to the reception but she said she wasn't allowed to go into a church. Later her young son got leukemia. He needed a blood transfusion. She and her husband refused this due to their beliefs. She told us they had made peace that he was going to die. Thankfully, the Dr. took them to court to gain medical custody of her son. As they administered the blood, her son kept banging his head against the bed, trying to fight it. Thinking they were harming him by giving him blood. He is a grown man today because the doctor stepped in to save his life. I never knew how to talk to her about it-she was quite a bit older than me. I hope she has escaped that life and is doing well.

    • @kimburns9839
      @kimburns9839 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Do you know how is the son doing now?

  • @SavedByGrace-oe1ts
    @SavedByGrace-oe1ts 2 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I was led to study the JW religion before I ever started working. I've been working at Chick-fil-A for the passed 2 years and quickly became friends with someone who I found out is JW. It is so hard to talk to him, not because of his theology, but because we stay too busy to have these discussions. The couple times I've tried talking to him about spiritual things have been a rare occasion, but we are definitely able to talk without discomfort. I wish we had more occasions available to talk, but I am watching this series for the sake of my love for this gentleman. He is the kindest person you will ever meet! And I just care so much about him and want him to know Jesus and the love God alone truly has for him!

    • @lasheasimmonspogge2435
      @lasheasimmonspogge2435 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Pray for opportunities to show genuine love that speaks more than words and he will be curious to know that even though you aren't a JW, you being a heathen, lol, you can actually witness to him without saying a word for a season... He cannot deny the actions of love by you without you being a JW. They will know us by our love❤️

  • @lorawilliams346
    @lorawilliams346 4 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    Melissa... thankyou so much for your message and your sincere desire to help JWS... my husband and i were witnesses for over 20 yrs.. he was an elder and we both served as pioneers for a time.. we were not born in but studied and were baptized.. I was 30 and my husband 37..in all our yrs as witnesses we did have 2 people try to help us.. one was a minister of a local non denominational church.. we started calling on him and he sincerely tried to help us.. he even sent a letter to kingdom hall addressed to us .. he knew of no other way to contact us.. it was a beautiful letter.. I kept it because I so appreciated his LOVE for us.. the other man was someone else we met at door and he invited us to come back one evening.. he had Walter Martin's book.. Kingdom of the Cults on his table.. I remember the lovely purple hue of the book.. he started to show us parts of it but the thought stopping kicked in and we left..He had good intentions however it was not the way to engage a JW.. he had no way of knowing that and I do appreciate his efforts.. The rest of the people we met in our ministry who claimed to be Christian either said they were not interested, they have their own relligion or something to that effect.. we also had some that were just outright mean.. screaming at us that we were going to hell... we were part of a cult .. one man even spat in my face! When we met with this type of behavior it merely solidified in our minds that we had "the truth".. I can tell you this for sure.. you would never see a JW treating someone like that.. that was just so un Christlike!! We really could not believe someone claiming to be Christian could be so cruel!! So again I must thankyou for your interest and LOVE for JWs who are largely very good people doing what they believe God wants them to do.. We sincerely love God and Christ and believed wholeheartedly that as JWs we were doing God's will.. Today we are simply followers of Christ and are quite honestly distrusting of religion in general.. we see much good being accomplished in religion but also much hurt and financial gain.. It is so difficult to trust in this arena .. To everyone out there.. I just want to say.. Love is so superior to anger, hate or any other emotion you can have toward anyone or anything in this life.. I really do believe Love wins in the end.. if we can just learn to show love in all we do and treat others the way we would want to be treated we shall live well.. Love is the answer and it is the center of Jesus' message..our motto has become " seek to understand rather than judge".. whoever said "don't judge another man until you have walked a mile in his shoes" was onto something.. we just never know why another does what he/she does or what issues they are dealing with or have dealt with in the past.. and so we pray for them and love them, helping them to whatever extent we are able.. thankyou for your work and please feel free to reach out to me for any assist in your desire to help JWs.. I want to let you and your viewers know that Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience has been reprinted as of 2018 by NULIFE PRESS.. He gifted the copyright to Deborah Dykstra and she had it reprinted.. it was a long arduous task.. i am not sure if "In search of Christian Freedom" has been reprinted yet.. When we left JW in 2015 and I stumbled upon the online version of his books I devoured them.. later I found out that these online versions were an infringement of copyright.. i felt bad about that but i did purchase printed copy when it was available in 2018..at any rate I am so glad they were there when I needed them and am sure that those who made them available on their websites had nothing but good intentions..... Ray Franz was a beautiful and courageous man.. I am so glad he took the time to write these books.. they really helped us work through so much of our struggles in our decision to leave.. if one has never been part of a high control group one cannot possibly understand the extreme difficulties associated with finding yourself again and the extreme Joy's of delighting in true freedom that Christ alone can give.. Love to you all.. Lora

    • @glennjohnston1878
      @glennjohnston1878 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Dear Lora, I am so thankful that you and your husband found the way out. Though I have never been apart of jw’s my heart goes out to them. I once was working in my yard and saw some JW’s coming and the Holy Spirit said show them love and kindness. It did not result in there conversion but I could see that they were relieved to not be assulted by rudeness. I am watching this series so that I can be ready the next time I get a chance to share the love of the real Jesus.

    • @idrishamilton2620
      @idrishamilton2620 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen . I am a Christian myself and i have been married to a jw for 21 years. I love her we pray and read the holy bible. She will not attend church with me. She a good woman. Her brother and dad are witnesses but the do drugs and cheat on their wife's. All people have problems I guess .my wife's family of Jehovah witnesses are different than most others I guess. JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.

    • @idrishamilton2620
      @idrishamilton2620 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I also hate that Christian people treated u so unkindly. The devil is busy people have to live by the Spirit and not the flesh. God BLESSINGS to you and your family

  • @BonBonHassan
    @BonBonHassan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Watching this has convicted me because I still have some of the patterns that I developed as a Muslim and it’s scary. Sometimes I mix that old mess with my journey with God and I have to intentionally seek truth

  • @LavenderFrog
    @LavenderFrog 4 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    This was a really well put together video, and I’m impressed with your level of knowledge about JWs without having been one, which is rare.
    Thank you for putting this together! As someone who was born into the JW religion and raised as one and now is a born again Christian, it is really comforting to hear others that understand the struggle I went through to stand up for what I believe, especially with your family disowning you for it. May the Lord continue to bless your outreach!

  • @dcrockett30
    @dcrockett30 4 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    I have been witnessing to a JW for a while now and he is open to discussing many different topics. This video has given me some great ideas on how to share Christ more effectively!

  • @lynnef9330
    @lynnef9330 4 ปีที่แล้ว +107

    Wow, I’m shocked with the number of consistencies between the LDS & JW religions. The reason why it was easier for me to leave the LDS religion versus the people in my Ward was because I wasn’t born into it, I was converted. I moved to Utah from back east at the age of 19, so they couldn’t use family members and friends back home against me. I’m currently in a Bible study that teaches how to witness to Mormons in love.

    • @wylolister3218
      @wylolister3218 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Mormons and JWs and 7th Days formed just 300 miles away from each other on a planet that is 24,000+ miles round.

    • @davidhill8565
      @davidhill8565 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Most of those who left JW were born into it. It’s also a challenge to leave the religion if your parents converted to it during your early childhood.

    • @kholofelomokebe1035
      @kholofelomokebe1035 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I saw alsp the SDA has more similarities to JW too I once sat in a church service of the SDA and heard the theory of a friend of mine whose dad was an SDAs leader/preacher...

    • @millyriley178
      @millyriley178 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Would love some insight into this. Have been wanting some information on witnessing to LDS

  • @QuatMan
    @QuatMan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I love your channel so much! I study with JWs here in Brazil. They are more relaxed here, as I have been studying with them for 4 years. They are smart and their hearts are in the right place BUT they are definitely brainwashed into thinking everything will end tomorrow and they are not allowed to think too much. THANK YOU for your hard work!

  • @mandihodges3154
    @mandihodges3154 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I was raised in the belief that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the truth. I never understood that by calling their religion “The Truth” I was saying they had the messiah fully in their buildings. I grew up in the mindset of “JWs are perfect by their works and everyone else is doomed”. The books they use in their studies, and the magazines they hand out, always made me feel like “if I commit any sin I’m doomed and I have to get it perfect before judgement day arrives”. I didn’t realize that when we put all of our belief in the Messiah that we have already passed thru the judgement and we live in the spirit. They use the scripture where Jesus says “your forgiven now sin no more” to say your only forgiven IF you sin no more. I didn’t realize Jesus was saying “now go and sin no more because next time they might follow thru with stoning you to death”, and that’s what he meant by saying something worse will come upon you. I was never truly happy. I would purposely not be friends with anyone not in the religion because getting attached to them is not good, since they will not be going into the Kingdom. I still live with PTSD from this cult. I was raised to believe that Jesus is not God in the flesh and that if he was God he would have been able to answer the question asked by the disciples “when is the end of all of these things”. Jesus saying “only the Father knows” was he way of saying “this decision is in his time and not your own”. The movie you use to explain the JW mindset is spot on. They truly believe the Kingdom Hall is Gods organization here on earth. What I realized 4 years ago was that they had to call themselves an organization in order to get the 501c/B2B organization tax exemptions. Yet they preach completely against the government and UN. JWfacts has a great breakdown of all of the abuse inside the organization that’s been covered up and hidden. It’s heartbreaking. I left the religion standing up for Jesus and left because of a covered up child molestation right here in Montana 😢. They told me “you have to stand up for Jehovah”. I said “standing up for the Son is standing up for the Father and NO ONE gets to the Father without the Son period”. Yes shunning is absolutely promoted in the organization. I am shunned and lost my best friend when I left the organization in 2017. It was the book of John that got me to wake up. The JWs came out with a new Bible about 10 years ago. They changed quite a few scriptures and removed some. The one that broke my heart was John 1:1. They changed it to “the word was A god”. This helps them promote Jesus is a created arch angel. They don’t understand Jesus created the angels when he created the heavens. All things were done through the word and without him NOTHING was created. They don’t see that Jesus created the heavens and Angelic beings equally with the Father and the Holy Spirit as ONE. I still don’t feel comfortable with holidays because it was really nailed into my brain that if I do them, then I back the Catholics doctrines. Recently I realized that Hanukkah wasn’t a commanded feast day to remember and we didn’t see the Messiah tell the Jews they couldn’t celebrate that did we? Sorry this is so long but it is something I felt I must share in hopes that someone questioning leaving the religion will get the strength to follow through. The “Truth” our Messiah, will truly set you free ♥️

    • @jennajoseph893
      @jennajoseph893 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hey Sister in Christ, oddly enough JW bible studies helped me reprogram from Catholic brainwashing. I never joined, I couldn't put in the time they needed. Also I had promised my husband I would never join. So, after the deprogramming, the bible studies ended and I got a full relationship with Jesus Christ. All I know is my own experience. I had no idea this is how they view Jesus Christ. .... So confusing...

    • @jennajoseph893
      @jennajoseph893 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @wynejazz
    @wynejazz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +146

    After spending over 15 years as a witness, and being the “go to” substitute speaker for several years, I can say one thing positive about the Witnesses. They have the PERFECT recipe for creating Atheist.
    This is not a flippant statement, but a fair observation. They strongly malign all other religions, so most people who leave or are disfellowshipped will likely not look at other religions. Second, they do learn to study. Now granted, the pool of resource material is limited, mainly to the material produced by the Watchtower, but the technique of study is universal. So when one leaves, they often undergo a diligent and critical study of the core foundation of faith based belief systems.
    The recipe places the Witnesses as the most successful producer of Atheists.

    • @vj563
      @vj563 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      That's really sad. :(

    • @tw8457
      @tw8457 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12


    • @brucerobertson2466
      @brucerobertson2466 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You're right.

    • @audreyhess5287
      @audreyhess5287 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      wynejazz I have said this very thing and it is heart breaking. Renewing your mind with the truths of scripture is essential. Once a JW has rejected the god of watchtower it is so difficult for them to ever trust again. It’s like any abusive relationship. Remembering the Holy Spirit can and does do the work and as believers in the God of the Bible ( father son spirit) we are commanded to pray for the lost and look for opportunities to share our own story, or witness, about the saving grace of God. Hardening of hearts leads to atheism and is a typical result of watchtower followers. Once they convince followers that Jesus is just a man, it’s easy to dismiss him and lump him to to a group of other moral teachers. This the desired result of the watchtower. They want to be the lord and king of the jw’s and have to reduce Jesus in order to achieve this result. As followers of King Jesus we are called to tell about the supremacy and the sufficiency of Christ. Faith in the person of Jesus alone , his work and not our own.

    • @justinthyme3396
      @justinthyme3396 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      So true I'm an ex jw of 46years in this horrendous belief system,

  • @JennyLopez2024
    @JennyLopez2024 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I was always told as a JW Bible student to Never look at apostate material. I’m so glad I was never baptized as a JW. And realized how much I was controlled and also me and a married brother in a bad marriage were accused of adultery, but really we never did anything. I left along with several others I am friends with who were disfellowshipped. I wasn’t baptized but like them, the JW’s now view me as an apostate. I still got love for them and pray for them, despite how much I get persecuted/hated by them. And people you think were you’re friends will be snitches If you confide in them. But like the Bible says.. “ Love your enemies” and “pray for those who persecute you.”

  • @5star64
    @5star64 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    You did an awesome job on your video Melissa. I am an ex JW. I have watch thousands of ex JW activist video's. I clicked on your video planning on watching for about 10 minutes. But ended up watching the whole video. You really exposed the Watchtower in a calm skillful manner.

  • @brandonbarker8640
    @brandonbarker8640 4 ปีที่แล้ว +132

    I’m going to try my best to keep this short, I am an Ex JW, I have started my own TH-cam channel called “Born Again Ex JW” and I cannot thank you enough that you have pointed out multiple times to have compassion towards witnesses and not spit venom at them as false teachers. It breaks my heart when professing Christians say horrible things to witnesses that come to their door and then brag about it in the comment section or make videos of them “showing” the witnesses how little they know. Thank you for your work and is there a Online Seminary you would recommend?

    • @MelissaDougherty
      @MelissaDougherty  4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      Yes!! It breaks my heart when I see those videos. Like... Don't you understand their world? Do you care about how lost and in need of love right now? I'm so glad you're reaching out to them as well 🙏🙏
      And yes, I like Dallas theological seminary (though I admittedly don't know if they have an online curriculum), western seminary is great, and I currently am going to Southern Evangelical Seminary.

    • @lashturner
      @lashturner 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I have found Jason Zelda to have a wealth of information.

    • @kirstenornelas881
      @kirstenornelas881 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Most do not understand the reality of the fact that most of the witnesses now are several generations born into the organization and it is so so hard to not believe things that are pounded into your head from literally infancy. They even push to "teach your children from infancy" and constantly say so from the platform. Then, you have those who are waking up or who have completely woken up but cannot find the oomph to leave just yet because they will be alone. You don't have a clue what that's like until you go through it. You're kept from anyone outside the organisation your entire life so no friends there and any family outside you don't even know because you were kept from them due to them being "worldly" so no connections there and on top of that you would instantly lose everyone you love and care about within the organization and you are completely alone. That brings a lot of fear and anxiety. It does get better as you make friends and raise what bs you were fed your entire life but it is a struggle at first.

    • @michaelwiddis5997
      @michaelwiddis5997 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wonderful! Thank you very much!

    • @wylolister3218
      @wylolister3218 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Agree and disagree. Ephesians 5:11 ESV Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, *but instead expose them.* How do we feel about a mother who ignores her own child, ignores all the evidence, that the child is being sexually assaulted by her father or stepfather or someone else? Do we act meek, understanding or are we disgusted and want to shake her to the terrible reality of whats going on so that it can stop? Not talking about physically shaking but making her realize this is BAD.
      Same with JWs on their Bible view and the sexual abuse claims, they need shaken up. If they aren't shaken then they are complacent and continue with the excuses and denials. Will some dig in their heels? Yes but they have the mentality that will probably make that so. I use both methods depending on what the age I can determine that they are but they need a strong truth to break through to them IMO. Maybe they get mad or are insulted but hopefully they will think on this. It's a hard thing to break their own boastfulness and arrogance. I have no problem calling them false teachers, false prophets and a member of a cult. Most often it's a mental war and not a discussion over coffee here on youtube. Face to face you can be gentle but here? I prefer the back in your face "here's what your literature says", "here's the truth of your religion".
      Besides the conversations here on youtube are viewed by others. I don't feel like I will most likely change a JWs viewpoints but if someone is reading in then maybe I stop someones interest or drive the stake home on who JWs really are. Down the road truth is more important to me than feelings. There are several JWs here that probably are just counting time or are totally indoctrinated. I don't think that I will change them, I don't expect to.
      I've had at least one young girl who left and thanked me for helping, she seemed sincere. And I've had 3 or 4 who were studying who said I gave them something to think about or said they would research more. Not very many I know of in the 8 years I've been on here, hopefully more down the line.
      Who really knows the right way to get through to them. Best wishes.

  • @williamgould3284
    @williamgould3284 4 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    I pray God can reach everyone where they are at. And bring them to Jesus loving arms and forgive them for their sins

    • @TheGrowingChristianLady
      @TheGrowingChristianLady 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      God reaches people through us. So go out there and boldly share the Truth with the losts

    • @Lovealwayswins1
      @Lovealwayswins1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen Jesus is the way

  • @mr.highlandpark3137
    @mr.highlandpark3137 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Ex JW here. Loved the video

  • @dutyforce233
    @dutyforce233 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I have an elderly couple who are JW that I've known for about 12 years.
    When I first met them we had many interesting conversations but they didn't push me at all to get into their religion. We stayed friends. Then one day I asked if I could do a Bible study with them because although I'd been brought up as a non denominational Christian I was too lazy to read the Bible by myself. Of course they happily agreed.
    So we've been doing this Bible study now for last 10 years or so. I go to their place for dinner & then we talk after or visa versa. I've often been in disagreement with what they teach but it's been ok & we have great conversations all the time. However they refuse to change their point of view at all. They have the 'truth'.
    I've always believed there are many truths out there & that not any one religion has it all right. I like to listen to others points of view & discern for myself what I see as the truth.
    Also I've not been pushed by my friends to join JW although I know they really want me to. They are truly a wonderful loving couple, he is an elder, & they treat me with love & respect always. The only thing that constantly irks me is that they try to encourage me to give up smoking tobacco & I'm a heavy smoker & enjoy it. I just get sick of their well meaning lectures. It also bothers me that we've never really read the Bible. Just sentences here & there.
    I have this phrase constantly in my head "get out of her my people" meaning religious organisations. The main reason I won't join JW. They are as closed minded as Catholics & others in their own way.
    I frequently listen to many utoob channels that speak on various subjects & show how many things correlate to Christian beliefs.
    I myself do believe in God our Creator & Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ our one & only Saviour, & also Satan & his fallen angel demons who are powerful entities who want nothing more than to make us believe God doesn't exist & that we are gods in ourselves (wrong) & continually wants to tempt us into sinful acts & ultimately destroy us.
    I like to research how this world is constantly being manipulated by demons who use such ppl as the illuminati as their puppets to control the world & ppl for power & greed. I've been down all the rabbit holes imaginable & the bottom line always comes down to there is a spiritual war happening between God & Satan & that ultimately we the ppl need to choose which side we're on & stand up for what we believe. No more fence sitting. It's all so complex. Nothing is simple as many religions make it out to be.
    Even all of this plandemic & c v vac cination business.
    Oh dear, sorry but I could write for hours on my views but I won't bore you to death. LOL. I just want to let it be known that in my humble opinion JWs only have a tunnel vision idea of what the truth really is.
    As for myself, I'm forever learning. God bless you all.

  • @_krisandrory_
    @_krisandrory_ 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I am so glad this video is available. My father and one my sisters are so deep into the religion. Generational deep in. All I want is for them to be free from the deception. I’m happy to review over these videos and pray to God about it. Letting the Holy Spirit guide me with nothing but love and compassion towards JWs…

  • @vadinandez
    @vadinandez 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Wow, Melissa. This is the most accurate exposition about Jehovah's Witnesses from someone who wasn't once a member. Well-meaning Christians have tried, but they get a lot of things wrong. You nailed it!

  • @wendynorman7921
    @wendynorman7921 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hi Melissa
    I grew up in the J.W.'s... all your saying is so true. Thank God the Lord saved me from this cult after being raised up in it then when to the streets, sex, drugs n witchcraft and New Age big time... which ended for me with a 4 yr Prison term in which will in there found my Pecious Savior and Lord Jesus Christ n today 9 yrs. later I have 9 yrs clean off Meth and I'm 43 yrs old n just Graduated High school and am enrolled in college for Spring of next year to become a drug n alcohol counselor. The LORD showed the Truth and the Life which is Him... and truly Healed my Mind, Body and Soul so much that I truly know my Purpose and Calling In life which is to Peach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and soon I will be a counselor to help get people get clean which was the first step for me for the Lord to truly work in my life..
    I'm truly a new creature in Christ
    Lol... You are amazing I've been watching all your J.W videos taking advice on how to share the Gospel with them because my mother is still In the Devils grip in that cult and her whole family is hard core J.W.s they disowned me many times.. I brought up Jesus several times which she viciously shoots down which has in the past led to many verbal arguments with her over the Lord.
    So please keep giving us more info how to get thru to them. God bless you and your family sweetie.
    Thanks, I love Doreen also that's how I found ya.. Give her my love and know that I'm Praying for you and her and your beautiful ministries.

  • @msjperkins3653
    @msjperkins3653 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Thank you, your love for them really shines through
    God bless this ministry,
    I pray He draws the rest of my family out soon

  • @cicelyryan4402
    @cicelyryan4402 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    This was my first time hearing you, Melissa. I felt your love as you spoke and so appreciated your insights from your higher education classes. I am struggling a lot right now with knowing how to move forward. I am a 4th generation born in JW. I have read Ray Franz’s books and listened to countless hours of video on TH-cam. From ExJW activists. I believe I am fully woken up to the fact that the Governing Body is not God’s channel and that they have lied to us and manipulated us for their own ends of power and control. But I love my family so much. I cannot live independently of them. Just the thought of them treating my as though I was dead has me on my knees bawling my heart out- and I am 57 years old. I feel so trapped.

    • @xoxococo120
      @xoxococo120 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If this doesn’t scream cult I don’t know what does. I’m in the same boat as you, except I don’t have much family in. I do have many many friends and my mother and oldest daughter are still heavily in. I recently stopped attending meetings and they found out just a few weeks ago that I haven’t been logging into meetings. I simply do not talk about it. We still have a relationship, although slightly weird with my mother bc she literally has no other conversation than JW stuff, but I provide no answers except I’m busy and I’m an adult who makes the decisions for my family. I’m just trying not be be dissociated so I can have my relationship with my mom and daughter. But it’s definitely hard.

    • @citlalytrejo543
      @citlalytrejo543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ask for Jesus to guide you he is the life the way the truth only he can free you you will be in my prayers

    • @rosebud8646
      @rosebud8646 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I know this is an older comment, but just thinking about your situation just breaks my heart. I am going to start praying for you every night. I have faith that God will make a way for you. ❤️

  • @PhilGeissler
    @PhilGeissler 4 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I lost my best friend to the JW's. We had coffee one morning where he came out and told me that he could no longer be my friend anymore. Apparently, JW's teach an extreme separatist view.

    • @snowwhite2709
      @snowwhite2709 4 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      You are correct. I grew up as one,they want complete separation from non believers. They feel that if you hangout with non believers,you will pickup bad habits, and non Christian views,habits,etc.

    • @perpetuant5452
      @perpetuant5452 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yup, they do. But jut like other false religions they buy your faith.

    • @umsiee
      @umsiee 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@snowwhite2709 isn't that what Paul says? Thou shall not fellowship with unbelievers??

    • @eladiocofresi5202
      @eladiocofresi5202 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I remember when my father was a Watchtower (I refuse to use the term JW,) I was the one who had to call him on the telephone, and as soon as someone showed up, he had to hang up. Family pictures were removed from the house, and placed in the closet. From what I heard there were attempts to have him throw them away.

    • @cindygibbons635
      @cindygibbons635 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@snowwhite2709 so you left because you wanted to hang out with non believers?

  • @Janice-d-witnessing
    @Janice-d-witnessing 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    I really appreciate the perspective you are presenting this from. Christians can and must reach out to JWs, and this is a great help for showing them how. Looking forward to more of these.

  • @bazzadebear8012
    @bazzadebear8012 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi Melissa. I'm in England. I have a JW living next door. She is going through a very hard time. She tried to end her life twice now! I wish I could help her and show her Jesus. Her fellow JW friends visit her nearly evey day. I don't know if they care for her, or are keeping up the mind control. I'll see how the Lord leads me on this.... Bless you...Barry.

  • @jessicaj8148
    @jessicaj8148 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I was born into it. Suffered a lot of mental trauma. Fear of being sent to a concentration camp since that was discussed a lot in our congregation. I remember being spanked by my father during a talk at Kingdom Hall. I was guilty of fidgeting too much. But I remember all eyes on me getting spanked over my dad’s knee.
    My mother stopped us going when my father (an elder) was disfellowshipped. But at 13 the damage was done already. I also feel it damaged my relationship with my father. I can also see how my mother’s depression was made worse with being a JW. I rebelled greatly as a teen. I wanted so desperately to be Catholic like everyone else in my town. I always felt like God hated me. I always felt judged by people too since I was the oddball not allowed to celebrate anything or do the morning pledge to the flag.
    Turned to new age, then Catholicism, later dabbled a little with born again Christians, Turned back to new age again and finally this year I’m rediscovering and rebuilding my faith in Jesus as my savior. It’s been a long and bumpy ride for me. I am not sure what God has planned for me. I really wish I didn’t have that JW experience from birth to age 13, but it’s shaped me into who I am…which is extremely imperfect and a little ptsd. But I guess God will work on that with me.
    Everything you’ve been saying sounds like what I remember. My mother would get herself exhausted by taking care of two kids, going door to door with us. And then she also created posters for talks at Kingdom Hall
    This discussion brings back so many memories.

    • @lonigroves7202
      @lonigroves7202 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I too remember being terrified of concentration camps, Being pinched til I was bruised for fidgeting, treated horribly by my Mom for daring to ask questions etc. Never did I feel I could live up to Jehovahs standards. My Mom, Aunt, cousins and 1 daughter are still JW. PTSD is a very real condition for children that were born into this religion.

  • @nahbro9477
    @nahbro9477 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Watched the entire video. Love this so much. Everything you said explains my life experience. Thank you for having compassion for them. I was bitter for so long but listening to you makes me more sympathetic for those who are where I once used to be. Thank you for caring about them.

  • @LuluBre02
    @LuluBre02 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This was highly helpful thanks Melissa! I've been coming across some Jehovah Witnesses in my life lately and they said some things that didnt seem right. Like how Jesus isn't God and that hell doesnt exist and that God will just kill off your soul if you dont make heaven. I'm excited to watch the rest of this series. Thanks so much for all the work you put into these!!!🙏🙏🙏

  • @gmandofgod
    @gmandofgod 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    This is one of the best teachings on the BITE model used by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Thank God for you and your ministry! May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you and be your strength.

  • @tinamemering7795
    @tinamemering7795 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Enjoy your teaching. You make me laugh. Not always easy to do. (Although, this past Saturday, GOD set me from 46yrs of severe clinical depression so, it should be easier to laugh!) would be interested in hearing your take on Catholicism. Thanks for being faithful and sharing. GOD bless you and yours!

  • @vcooper8992
    @vcooper8992 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I was a JW for the first 20 years of my life. Every thing said in this video is all very true. I never let them totally brainwash me , but to a certain extent I was. Everything changed when you start asking questions and I started asking questions lol. That's a huge no no to the elders. I'm glad I had the common sense I.e. the Holy Spirit, to see through all the JW bullshit.

  • @slee7991
    @slee7991 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you for bringing up American gospel on multiple videos in the past. Finally watched it and it was eye opening and wonderful! ❤

  • @rollingdowntheblvd
    @rollingdowntheblvd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It is so insidious how cults can mentally suck you in to their world, not just JW. And often times because they appear so bright and happy on the surface. I just moved to a new city 2000 miles away from my family, had recently cut out a couple friendships, and didn't know anyone when I got here. This bible study group invited me to a womens meeting and then a Thanksgiving get together. I had previously experienced a cult 6ish years ago and immediately recognized the signs. I left so fast but felt the mental distress after only 2 meetings. It's a scary thing. I almost fell for a job offer from one of them because it was unrelated to the church and right as I was considering accepting, a previous job that I'd gotten (unrelated to cult) sent me my work schedule. The hand of God was ABSOLUTELY at work at just the right time. Stay away from any church by the name of (City name) International Christian Church.
    I know this is about JW, but felt like I needed to share

  • @shalayne9054
    @shalayne9054 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yes you are so on the spot when you said a person who is looking for truth and wants a relationship with God joins the JW. Also, about the community. I found the community to be very comforting. It was hard to leave them, you actually think your breaking up with God. I am so glad I'm born again and saved now.

  • @jaysanders1794
    @jaysanders1794 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It was long but it was good, fruitful and beneficial. IT WAS TIME WELL SPENT! Bless you sister.

  • @beebee5807
    @beebee5807 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Dear Melissa, after being 44 years in the JW I could say with some authority that everything you have mentioned in this video is absolutely true, I can't fault you in anything. I am sharing this video with my community of exJW as a fantastic tool to help more JW to come out and find Jesus Christ. I still have my boys in this organization, so please may I ask you to pray for them

  • @tw8457
    @tw8457 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you Melissa. God bless you! Let’s keep praying for Jehovahs witnesses!

  • @Silversparkles
    @Silversparkles 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Great video! You have a very good grasp of what a JW thinks. I left their organization 16 years ago. I am so thankful for the respectful people who helped me out of there.

  • @thegoodfight365
    @thegoodfight365 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm going to pray that I can reach my sister with the help of this new information. Thank you. May our LORD Jesus the Christ continue to bless you and your ministry.

  • @HH-lr2zt
    @HH-lr2zt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    The amount of gentle, polite sass in this video is INCREDIBLE.

    • @LoveYourNeighbour.
      @LoveYourNeighbour. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Melissa is all for "destroying arguments & every lofty opinion raised up against the knowledge of God" (2 Corinthians 10:5). But sometimes to more effectively do that, one must FIRST learn to "be all things to all men, so that by all possible means we might save some: (1 Corinthians 9:22). (I noticed God's Not Dead by Newsboys in your playlist, Hannah. The movie's one of my all times faves!

  • @robinlazulite3167
    @robinlazulite3167 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I watched this video all the way through. I appreciate how you really aim to make the information easy to understand. Looking forward to the next video!! 😊

    • @LoveYourNeighbour.
      @LoveYourNeighbour. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Me too. I personally think I'll probably end up liking THIS one over her subsequent ones though... Because I just don't see how she could top this one. It went uniquely IN DEPTH, into the mind of the average Jehovah's Witness. Unlike some of the more shallow J.W. videos out there.

  • @pnwliving4504
    @pnwliving4504 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have a such a heart go the LDS church, and I can see you have a huge heart for JWs, too. Keep making these videos. These religions teach such deception, but the Love of Jesus can make a difference in their hearts if we pursue them with love and grace and truth. ❤️

  • @vj563
    @vj563 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I pray that this video series helps me reach my friend that's a JW. I get this feeling that she doesn't want to be, but I'm not 100% sure on that feeling and I want to learn how to reach her where I won't push her away. She's such a sweet and caring person. I want to see her, and her family, saved. Thank you Melissa for doing these. I learn a lot from your JW videos. You explain them really well.

  • @ms.robinmurphy3514
    @ms.robinmurphy3514 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your voice is so soothing. I started listening to you while sitting on my chair. I have a wooded table that folds up to store directly in front of my chair and I sat my phone on it to watch you. I sat down at 1:30am and just now woke up at 3:23am.

  • @threadsofhope1435
    @threadsofhope1435 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    FANTASTIC! Listened twice (lol) Not only do I enjoy the content of your posts, I enjoy your presentation as well. I can't wait for your next post. I enjoy learning about various religions and belief systems. It sometimes sends me back to my Bible to further clarify and fine-tune my own beliefs and I find it strengthens my faith. Thanks for all the time you spent researching and taping this. It is appreciated!! God Bless

  • @christophernelson9289
    @christophernelson9289 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What you said about the witness view of Christian music is so true! I grew up a 4th gen JW. When I was a teenager, my cousin (who never got baptized but his dad was an elder and I still hung out with him a lot) and one of my best friends (whose dad was an elder but was considered sorta fringe) invited me to go to a Creed concert with them and I was so excited.. but since I lived at home I had to ask my parents’ permission. I said it was a rock concert at first and my parents were opposed to me going. Then, I tried to reason that it was a Christian rock group and my dad said that that was even worse! The JW paranoia about other religions is extreme. All that said, this is a great video! It is long but everything you said is so important to understand what a witness mind is subjected to. It’s the first video of yours I’ve seen and I’m already subscribed. Thank you for your hard work!

  • @bloopz3212
    @bloopz3212 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I can't wait for the next one. I like speaking with them. I've had pleasant JW come thru and have respectful chats, but then they never come back. I guess I make them cringe by saying I believe Jesus as Lord. This was very insightful. I have a questions, but I guess it might be answered in the next. If they can't have fellowship or establish a relationship with the "world" what do they expect when they witness? Do they believe they can convert a person by visiting their door once? Or is their goal to invite you to the hall and hope you go?
    It makes me sad when Christians mistreat JW and act like they're purposely trying to promote Antichrist doctrine. Much needed grace and compassion.
    Thank you for the info, Melissa!

    • @ErinStaff
      @ErinStaff 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Often Witnesses will stop "calling on" or regularly visiting a person they don't feel they are making head way with. That is often the case when they speak to Christians that know there Bible well. Also fellowship with non witnesses is kept to a bare minimum and are always a means to an end, namely JWs will establish a friendly rapport with a person in the hopes that yes they can get the person to come to the Kingdom Hall or begin studying their publications.

  • @brucerobertson2466
    @brucerobertson2466 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Once you wake up and look back, its amazing what you believed unquestionably

    • @musicdude6939
      @musicdude6939 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah.. Im in the process of waking up and realizing how dare i believed those stuff

    @ZUGTFO 4 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    LOVE that you have DR WALTER MARTIN's book THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS on your shelf, great book and I think important reading for any Christian to understand how cults twist scripture to attack Christianity.

    • @LoveYourNeighbour.
      @LoveYourNeighbour. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I've followed closely the work of the research organization Dr. Walter Martin founded back in 1960. And even subscribed to its Christian Research Journal. The man left a truly powerful legacy!

  • @bernibern5948
    @bernibern5948 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My husband who was a follower of Jesus when I met him and still is preached to me for over 20 years about the religion. It took a long, long time because I had been brainwashed since the age of 6 until I was 27. We are both followers of Jesus and waiting for his return. Don’t give up I’m not saying it’ll take as long as my experience but it may happen for you or your loved ones as well. God bless...

  • @mommy2lou
    @mommy2lou 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Omgosh! The Fiber mayalgia comment...
    I had a friend, loved her dearly, she was a Jehovah Witness and she had it!
    She and her family "shunned " my family when it was clear I wasn't going to convert to the cult. 😥

  • @hamerac
    @hamerac 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    So great you put this up. I just received a letter from a JW organization with a nice large "Awake" tract in. They use verses from "a" Bible, not the Holy Bible to lure you in and even speak of Jesus as a man who will hold a "Heavenly Government" in the end day's. But no mention of His Diety, His death on the Cross and absolution for our Sins. No mention of Him being God, and part of the Holy Trinity. No mention of Him being King of King's and Lord of Lord's. They even had verses from the Amplified Bible, but still, such deceit and untruth in the message. But enough to trick the masses. Ughh!

  • @deidreekelley
    @deidreekelley 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow! This video really helped me understand so many things about Jehovah’s witnesses that I’d never realized before. Such great info. Thank you! 🙏💙🙏

  • @lauraholzner637
    @lauraholzner637 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You are an actual answer to a prayer I'd prayed for, how do I talk to my neighbor, I started to talk about him coming over to watch a J D Farag prophecy episode and now I know why he wasn't interested. I am so grateful to you and Our Lord, I found you yesterday... about 3 hours after you posted this. Thank you so much.

  • @kaseycorliss7282
    @kaseycorliss7282 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've noticed a pattern in the devils tactics. Don't think about it to much just go with what we say or else. This makes me love biblical Christianity even more each day. Thank God I'm free from the bondage that people following a false gospel are in. I pray they find their way to Jesus and not religion

  • @truegemrn
    @truegemrn 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    What is their end goal? The leaders must know they’re covering up the truth. What is their purpose for this?

  • @kmwilkerson04
    @kmwilkerson04 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am an ex JW and it is still a painful journey of trust, loyalty, and life in general on a daily basis (years after being disfellowshipped/shunned). Thank you for this video.

    • @kmwilkerson04
      @kmwilkerson04 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m now towards the end of your video and in tears, after all these years I can still honestly say that the world is a scary place and you’ve hit the nail on the head. It took me a VERY long time to watch stuff like this...and even harder while raising a special needs child. Most likely affected more by the Watchtower than I would like to admit. His nightmares began at 5.

  • @andymoon5752
    @andymoon5752 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    4th generation faded POMO for last year, here. Dude...U NAILED IT!!!👏🏼👏🏼

  • @angiewhitlock9818
    @angiewhitlock9818 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Excellent information, thank you so very much for educating us. I wish I had known this when I worked with a Jehovah’s Witness 😔

    • @jennajoseph893
      @jennajoseph893 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I outright asked them when I was working with them, how they are different from a cult. So I never got all this added information about their organization.

    • @jennajoseph893
      @jennajoseph893 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I appreciate them because they helped me be deprogramed from Catholic brainwashing, new age brainwashing, and occult brainwashing.
      I never joined their organization.

  • @threadsofhope1435
    @threadsofhope1435 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I have my reminders set ... hopefully I won't miss it LIVE. Never seem to be around my computer whenever any of my favorites go live... always have to settle for viewing later. Keep those posts coming! I enjoy learning from you.

  • @CiliPB
    @CiliPB 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This has been eye opening and helpful. Also thought about how Jesus would step into situations, over and over, saying don’t fear. These tactics and so many others today use fear to trap people. Thank you for your boldness in being willing to teach on this.

  • @billiamnotbob
    @billiamnotbob 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    A friend of my sisters is a JW. I was over their place, her and her husband, to drop something off and noticed her Bible. The JW Bible is different. There are words added and/or changed. So in order to do a Bible study, this needs to be addressed. Looking forward to watching this series! Thanks. Maybe with what I learn here, I can reach them. They are good people, by mans standards, and I love them very much.

    • @jennajoseph893
      @jennajoseph893 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      When you get the time, can you tell me besides John 1:1, what else I need to note the change in my bible. And a translation that is super clear because I Can not understand anything in king James bible.

  • @LavenderFrog
    @LavenderFrog 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    One thing about JW definition of apostates are not just that they are former members, but they also speak against the religion. They also teach that this is the unforgivable sin. Even though the Bible says to know Jesus and the Holy Spirit but to speak against Him in order to corrupt someone else’s relationship with God, the JW religion teaches that the unforgivable sin is to know “the truth” (they call themselves the truth) and speak against them, Jehovah will never forgive you. So if a member speaks to an apostate, oh you might as well be speaking to the devil himself.

  • @briannehill7583
    @briannehill7583 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I have a few jehovah's witness friends from my teenage years ( I'm 40 now) and what's funny Is every one of them was into drinking heavily and worldly music. Some of them smoked pot and most were very sexually active. With multiple partners. I worked with on girl who actually made a plan with another jehovah's witness friend of hers to see who could get pregnant first. And then when she did she trapped that guy into marriage. Now they are divorced. It always really confused me. They were definitely afraid of being shunned. But thet just didnt think they would get caught I guess. I'm not judging the mistakes they made when they were young. I totally have my own baggage. But as someone who really had not found my religious beliefs yet it just really left me puzzled that they would engage on these things while simultaneously preaching against them in a religion that would excommunicate them and shun them if they were caught.

  • @daniellindquist4632
    @daniellindquist4632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Was raised in the JW religion but found my own path to Christ, I will say being in a cult and through the grace of god getting out opens your eyes to the many so called Christian denominations out there.

  • @rochelle_johnston2703
    @rochelle_johnston2703 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I Love how you say "witness to the jehovah's witness"!. Also can I just say that you have explained everything brillantly. Thank-you.

  • @dc0145a
    @dc0145a 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I need help. My father is being drawn into this cult. He's older and a lot of his friends have passed. These people showed up at his door showed him some 'love' and before we knew it, he was attending the weekly JW Hall. He's now meeting 3x a week. I asked him 'dad, have you questioned any of these teachings? It goes against everything you used to believe. His answer: 'why should I question; I have no need to question'? Help I don't want to ostracize him or cause him to distance from our relationship.

    • @BlissfulMartini
      @BlissfulMartini 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      dc0145a What’s helped me is praying. A LOT. And going to their website (JW.org) and reading their 15 core beliefs. They have the scriptures with each of their points and when you look most of them up they have nothing to do with the belief itself. Cross reference it with their NWT bible (they have an app too) and a KIng James Holy Bible and show him the discrepancies. Try not to make it about proving him wrong, but try to plant seeds to spark a question.

  • @tgiese209
    @tgiese209 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm only 28 min into this, and this sounds like the independent Baptist church I grew up it. They dictated everything. If you brought a friend to church they would judge your friend and label you a bad Christian based off who you brought to church. Isn't church a place for sinners to go??? Looking back I see how backwards that was... there were many other things that were red flags. I also felt like the tangled movie was how my childhood was. I felt like I was sinning by even listening to a song with drums or wearing a tank top. My husband still struggles with being in a church with more contemporary worship music because we were brainwashed that if you don't use a hymm book and a KJV Bible your sinning. We also grew up KJV onlyiest.
    Anywyas God has been working, I actually got saved 2 years ago, praise God for waking me up! My family who are still in this church are having a hard time with the fact I just got saved. I'm praying God can use our lives to bring more to Christ and out of religion.

  • @joytotheworld6804
    @joytotheworld6804 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm very grateful for this...A JW approached me on the beach, with a pamphlet, on the beach yesterday, during my exercise hour during lockdown yesterday

    • @anonymousone2843
      @anonymousone2843 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lockdown? Exercise hour? WHERE do live that you have a lockdown and "exercise hour? And are you foced to only exercise for just one hour? Be strong, stay united and God Bless 🥰

  • @libertylovesjesus3563
    @libertylovesjesus3563 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Watching this made me so nauseous and completely triggered me. Bravo!!! A+
    The only thing you missed was the high number of suicides, homosexuality and child abuse...this religion almost took my soul to hell. Thank you Jesus for saving me.

  • @rickygilbert8626
    @rickygilbert8626 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Melissa.. great insights. The depth of the mind control is so deep. I thought I was dead in 1975 in Armageddon.. can you imagine as a child growing up with that weight

  • @ericfisher1360
    @ericfisher1360 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I think a big part of the control of time and massive amounts of door to door is to serve a single primary purpose;
    By controlling their time, you wear people down mentally. The more broken down they are the more submissive they become, because they dont have the energy to WANT to think for yourself.
    It's not unlike being a POW and being forced to march for miles and miles or working in a Labor Camp.
    The idea is to force you to think about anything other than the problems with the doctrine.
    Quiet time tends to breed introspection. Introspection leads to critical thought.
    In most Cults the process is started by the love bombing technique, to get you on the hook. Then the demands for works begin at the risk of losing that love. Like an addiction and a dealer you have to do more and more to get the same "fix" that hooked you to begin with. By way of the use of works the JW doesn't have the will to think about "addiction" recovery.

  • @carbon273
    @carbon273 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    For anybody interested, I studied with the witnesses for almost 2 years.
    The question that I would use for JWs is this:
    “For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son”?”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    Since they believe Jesus is a created being called the Archangel Michael, they would be able to find scripture that can directly answer this question. If they can, then they’re right. Despite all the other issues that they have, it wouldn’t matter since we would believe in a false Christ. (I believe Jesus is God manifested in Flesh)
    There is another question I would ask them:
    Do they believe that they are saved or justified before God, now? I’ve never heard the full gospel when I studied with them. Once I learned it, I left to follow Christ and never had a reason to turn back.

    • @Kaynmiya
      @Kaynmiya 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That’s a good scripture for them.
      I would add to ask if they are polythiests. Because John 1:1 talks about Jesus being a god.
      So they believe in 2 gods. How stupid.

    • @essieaku9462
      @essieaku9462 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you for this! :-)

    • @iamyoutoo1
      @iamyoutoo1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This will only work if you can get them to accept the NKJV. Remember they have their own translation of the bible.

    • @lashturner
      @lashturner 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I wouldn't use nkjv only kjv.

    • @doyuknowhoiam
      @doyuknowhoiam 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I just read from the NIV and to me the context is clearly talking about two, The Father and the son also not an angel but superior to angels . So when it makes sense that Heb 1:5 would say to Wich angel but Jesus is no angel. .

  • @curiousman1672
    @curiousman1672 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Didn't Kathy Bates play Molly Brown, AKA "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"?

  • @BlissfulMartini
    @BlissfulMartini 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I just found your channel today and I’m so happy you popped up in my recommended! My ex was raised JW and as he got older and started reading the Bible for himself he started to realize A LOT of what he was taught didn’t add up. My regret is that I wasn’t reading my Bible enough to help him navigate his questions. Unfortunately we don’t talk anymore, but now an old classmate from school and I have started talking again and surprise surprise he was raised Jw too. So NOW that I’m reading my Bible more I actually feel like I have some footing here. I’ve been doing the research to figure out exactly what they believe and how that lines up with God’s Word and BOY DO I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! It’s reminding me of all the times Jesus was trying to talk to the Pharisees and Sadducees and how resistant they were to the REAL Truth. It’s like JW are trying to live by the law of Moses and refuse to listen to Jesus himself telling them what’s right!

  • @fanny3553
    @fanny3553 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You seriously do a good job in using illustrations to explain

  • @josephherrera6590
    @josephherrera6590 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What a blessing that this video was....it was not critical and harsh and was straight to the point....with upmost respect and caring ...great job....one of the best videos ever....you have a natural gift...keep it up....can't wait for another video of yours 👍🙏♥️

  • @Pooki-z6x
    @Pooki-z6x 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Melissa I met a JW when walking my dog today. I really wish that I could have done better at witnessing but he kept firing random scripture at me.
    I said that i would have to read the scripture in context from my Bible. I gave him time to explain some things but then he started to back away from me when i said that all scripture was God breathed. He said that it was moses who wrote Genesis and i agreed with him and i added that the Bible was written by the Holy Spirit using prophets etc. It was at this point he started backing away. I was trying to explain about the types and shadows in the OT and how the whole Bible is about Christ and God's plan of redemption.
    I explained that i was out of independent churches(nar) for a couple of years now and shared how God had drawn me to read the scripture and not to think that I could buy my salvation through following rules or good works. That it was a free gift from God that all who would believe in Messiah Yeshua and repent of their sins could be saved.
    He told me that there is no hell and i tried to explain that tge Bible is very clear about hell. He moved further away from me which is unusual for a JW. He told me that he was was forgetting a lot of answers because he hadn't been doing door to door because of covid. But explained that he was a leader for 50 years in tge Kingdom Halls. He told me to keep reading my Bible and left.
    Sorry for the long message. I'm glad that I've found your videos on JW and I've ordered one of the books that you recommended. If people have problems getting them, i got mine on kindle.
    I do have a heart for JW and Mormons as coming out of NAR was like leaving a cult. I'm not great at reading lots of books and i struggle to remember things but I'm praying that the next time i have the pleasure of meeting JW that i will be better prepared and not scare anyone off. Although from what you've been saying, it all makes sense as to why he did that. Thanks for everything Melissa x

  • @gholts777
    @gholts777 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’m married to JW I am a born again believer in my Lord and savior Jesus Christ we have been married for a very long and difficult 13 years she is fully indoctrinated and baptized as a JW I feel like there is no hope it is going to take an act of God to open her eyes! We have a 10 year old son together who I have been raising in the word and in the real “TRUTH” of God please keep me in prayer and if you have any advice please share. Thank you for what you are doing in teaching people about this false religion!

    • @mutetimunyambu
      @mutetimunyambu 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @gholts777 praying for you brother.

  • @michaelcorder4205
    @michaelcorder4205 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great Job! One of the best videos yet! You are a natural.

  • @danielanikolic4337
    @danielanikolic4337 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you very much for this compilation of information. Very well done. I heard from an ex witness testimony that they don’t have the same bible. They have their own translation of the Bible which is fallacious with no official translater mentioned.
    Another point is that I have observed all the characteristics you mentioned about the watchtower embodied by their followers. From my perspective, I observed that most of them are not purely “victims” but rather covert manipulative people who have been trained to wear that mask and to apply all those manipulation technics you described very well. Especially with the so called “double” speech and fake calmness. I am just saying that so that people do not believe that all JW are so innocent and do not know what they do. They are also plenty of people belonging to this cult who clearly know what they are doing

    • @xoxococo120
      @xoxococo120 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They definitely put on a front. I’m a very recent ex witness and your comment is spot on. They are very well trained narcissistic manipulators. Be careful

  • @donna8365
    @donna8365 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This is a great lesson of love. I've been learning a lot from your videos. Thank ya kindly.

  • @tionbai6087
    @tionbai6087 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much, Melissa! This is a huge blessing and help for understanding JW's, their experiences and to increase empathy with them. God bless you and your ministry, and I pray that Jesus Christ leads others to this video to lead JW's to the truth of Christ our savior, and also other believers who can witness to them effectively.

  • @TheMidnightModder
    @TheMidnightModder 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    14:30 Honestly, one of the greatest things about God is That we can question Him. We can even scream at Him and it won't hurt Him.
    God is Holy and He allows His immature little children to throw tantrums until we run out of steam, and then He picks us up with love and truth.
    I'm thankful that I can question God and I'm thankful that He can answer my questions.

  • @danielmorales7461
    @danielmorales7461 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This helped me understand how they failed to brainwash me completely as a kid and how if those factors that where missing where there then I likely would have been fully brainwashed.

  • @handcrafted_forhisglory
    @handcrafted_forhisglory 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Can you do one on how to talk to Scientologists? I’ve been trying to reach my brother but whenever I talk about the Christian faith he laughs, dismisses me and/or gets defensive :(

    • @guadalupesalgado5604
      @guadalupesalgado5604 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      They are almost identical to jws so use the same method

    • @LoveYourNeighbour.
      @LoveYourNeighbour. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I don't intend to sound insensitive to you or your brother... but maybe a good approach would be to fully inform him about "the deep things" of Scientology. Make sure he fully understands its foundational teachings - eg. the space alien Xenu brought people to earth billions of years ago, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. The foundational teachings of Scientology get so bizarre & outlandish, that recruiters usually don't WANT their new recruitees to know about them, until they're already knee deep into the organization. Lay it on him NOW, before he's gotten to the point at which he'll be willing to believe almost anything. This is a suggestion that comes to mind.

    • @LoveYourNeighbour.
      @LoveYourNeighbour. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@guadalupesalgado5604 Scientology is very different from Jehovahs Witnesses, actually. Both are indeed considered cults though.

    • @laydeeleshay5897
      @laydeeleshay5897 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Look into Ravi Zacharias. He passed away this year but he was an intellect that debated and defended Christ with atheist all the time and silenced their questions often. Especially from and intellectual view point

    • @christianajohnston6594
      @christianajohnston6594 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@LoveYourNeighbour. typically if you bombard someone in a cult with the truth it can push them further away. I bet there are ways to drop the truth like seeds though, cause you're right, the truth needs to be shared!

  • @katalynbabe
    @katalynbabe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been going to JW zoom meetings twice a week for years, pray & study Bible Daily.
    I grew up as one but left in my teens through most my adult life.
    As the Kingdom Halls are reopening & I was getting ready to go this past Sunday
    Everything in my life went wrong.
    I started being harassed by police, my finances fell apart, my daughter started acting out, my phone was hacked & spiritual demonic attacks & day/night before meeting I was baited & setup for negative reactions upset & drained by an associate to where I couldn't function & was up late therefore missing the reopening of the Kingdom Hall....etc
    Nonstop attacks the week before & it's getting close to celebration of the Passover Jesus Death
    This makes me feel that I was on the right path
    & Satan is pulling all the stops to stop me!!!
    Everytime I'd be even joining a zoom meet friends/family etc would pop up distracting me from attending!!
    & I've been skeptical & haven't jumped all the way into all their beliefs.
    I've experienced preaching & teaching the word & continued associations with
    Friends, family, associates that are open sinners
    & it has been detrimental because Satan uses those open vessels to sway attack mock you & harm you....
    & they work hard to get you to sin also
    So I see why they want you to cut bad associates even family!!
    Yes Jesus ate with sinners but he preached & healed them
    He didn't sin with them & they weren't making changes he didn't continue around them coexisting
    I've been attacked, shunned, smeared, rejected, & sabotaged. List goes on by unbelievers that are friends, family, & associates.
    That I'm studying Bible with, helping heal, doing good by & not sinning with.
    Longterm it's not worth it & had to separate myself.
    The Keys are to have a 1on1 relationship with Jehovah God Jesus & Holy Spirit daily Bible reading & prayer
    Repentance & forgiveness daily
    We are all sinners & backslide
    That erases any fears or guilt about where you're at with God
    🙏 Amen
    You don't need to be accepted by any group people or religion to be in good standing with God & Jesus
    & I still celebrate some Holidays. Not all.
    God says not to be unequally yoked
    & anyone you call a brother who is sinning
    You get away from them
    & believe me you do need to

  • @GoatlikePersonality
    @GoatlikePersonality 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Subscribed. I know several JW that woke up from watching my video on the "overlapping generation" 😂

    • @aby6176
      @aby6176 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @goatlikepersonality I remember that... It was soo hilarious🤣

  • @pamelawomack1674
    @pamelawomack1674 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Please pray for Patricia Kinder, a local J.W.

  • @everbejoyful
    @everbejoyful 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This reminds me a lot of my growing up experience. My mom qnd dad both came from generations of Mennonites. When my dad tried to bring our family out of it, things got ugly. He offered his daughters the personal choice to wear a covering or not. When my grandparents found out, my grandpa told me I'd go to hell if I didn't put one on. There were a lot of situations like this. They didnt shun us the way JWs do, but they did treat us differently and viewed us as inferior in our understanding.

  • @faithykitty
    @faithykitty 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you very much for this video! It's incredibly helpful and informative. Can't wait to watch more of your videos!

  • @fitcwebb
    @fitcwebb 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    "In Search of Christian Freedom" by Raymond Franz, which is his second book, is a must read for anyone trying to figure out the JW's. It really goes into depth, which is necessary to get past the mind control. Read "Crisis of Conscience" first, but don't forget about his second book, which really expands on his experience with them

  • @rafaeliacsity5315
    @rafaeliacsity5315 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This video almost made me cry. My heart breaks for all the witnesses trapped in the religion who do not know the Gospel and how Jesus is out Sabbath, our rest from all the works and that when we get saved we enjoy the unconditional love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, where we reside spiritualy (Romans 8:38-39, Ephesians 2:6), also we enjoy eternal life (John 3:16) and we have more promises from God that tell us that we are eternally secure.
    I hope that all of them wake up and trust Jesus to save them, by believing that He died for their sins, was buried and rose again (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Ephesians 1:13).

  • @Hannah11235
    @Hannah11235 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for making this video! Absolutely fascinating and educational. I had no idea JW was like that. Heartbreaking

  • @eladiocofresi5202
    @eladiocofresi5202 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I attended a Watchtower study in 2014, and they literally read out of the magazine verbatim. And they answered questions based on the content of what they read, and nothing else.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yup. And you _better_ have it all underlined! Otherwise people will assume you haven't been doing your studying, and are dangerous to be around

    • @kholofelomokebe1035
      @kholofelomokebe1035 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      YUP that's what I questioned too.