Yup: As Romans 2 vs 11-16 point out, you CAN (in theory, of course!) save yourself by living a life in accordance with the law. BUT: if you have even sinned once, and you did NOT accept the salvation of Christ, and live in the body of the church, earnestly pursuing a Christlike nature, THEN you are under judgment. Conversely, if you are without sin, you can enjoy eternal life. BUT a) "Where are they, does no one condemn you?" b) "For ALL have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God". Jesus IS the judge, the gatekeeper, THROUGH whom you will pass, to be judged at the Day of Judgment, in order to enter into the eternity with the Father and Son. If you rejected Him, you BETTER have lived a perfect life. "No one comes to the Father, but through me".
@NoFear1979 you clearly have some confusion of the trinity. Three different person’s to one God. Jesus said him self he who has seen Me has seen the Father “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” John 14:6-9 NKJV
@NoFear1979 All authority has been given to Jesus by the Father. The Father and jkesus gave jesus the same attributes that the Father gave Himself and that includes judging.........
This deserves the front of the class. Satan has tricked folks to believe that Jesus taught not to judge, although the saints will be ruling over the earth, judging it and also judging angels......
Matthew 7:1-6 is The Truth. Jesus absolutely taught for the sinner, not to judge Any other sinner. That includes all of us. Read The Gospel Matthew Writes According Too Jesus Christ❤️🙂✝️🩸🙏🏻.
@@michaelschaffran3948 Then we should not preach ether because with preaching comes judgment. So we can't preach about the sin they are commiting against God and them self. So what we should preach, that God and Jesus is love and "rainbows and flowers, and every thing is nice"??? Above love God is just. HE will give everlasting life to the just and fire and brimstone to the unjust.
@@michaelschaffran3948 Matthew 7:3-5 3 Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not notice the log in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the splinter out of your eye,' when you have the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First, take the log out of your own eye; then you will see clearly, so that you can remove the splinter from your brother's eye! Why you judge your brother sin when you are in sin yourself. Don't be hypocrite, confess and repent from your sin first so you can help your brother to be free from his sin.
@@AlstonMurray Whaddya meme another Christian apologetics channel that gives Christian perspective to different things in the media and some politics. It's run by a man named Jon who ends his videos with "So next time someone(something to do with the video topic), what are you gonna say?.....WHADDYA MEME"
John 5:30 I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
@@IBenZik We don’t believe that what you call sins are sins. The reason I’m angry is because of what these beliefs do to people. They drive many to suicide.
I find two things interesting about the woman caught in adultery. First adultery takes two people. They were letting the man go. Mosaic Law calls for stoning Both. Second its a linch mob. Mosaic Law calls for a trial before authority with at least two witnesses.
You're right - Jesus also said, "Go, and sin no more". Remember, everyone of us (me included) are already condemned. As long as we kept sinning and not accept Jesus into our lives and repent, we remain condemned. Let not the world use this "Thou shalt not judge" to coerce us to accept sinful ways.
@Desire Of All Nations Where was the guilty man? Had he been stoned to death already? Or was the woman being used as a sudden application of a long-ignored law (you know, the way a lot of Western governments are suddenly doing) to "send a message" or prove a point?
@Desire Of All Nations It was a lynch mob. Leviticus 20 is a long list of capital offenses. It does not say anything about without trial. The only crime that calls for stoning in that chapter is being a medium or spiritist. Marrying both a mother and daughter was punished by being burned in the fire.
Get the log out of our own eye, BEFORE, addressing the speck of dust in the eye of another. Approach them & address the matter quietly, same as we would want to be approached & reproved. To discern, we have to make an assessment, which is to judge a matter. We're to do that, but to NOT judge a condemnation onto others.
Expressing a truth even if it's condemnation is not to judge as it is not by our authority that a person is judged. However, do not be self-righteous (remove the plank first...).
@@mouselim72 yeah. Some people will say you can't judge if your not perfect yourself. They base their thinking on where where Jesus talks about removing the plank. But, Jesus is talking about hypocrisy and their motive. Jesus isn't saying you need to be a flawless human being before telling others what to do, you just need to get your motives correct.
the letters to the churches in the book of revelation are unmistakable proof that Jesus loves, is merciful, but also judges, as a fair judge whenever man delays or refuses to repent.
Do not misunderstood the meaning "Thou shalt not judge". This is what the world is using to coerce us to accept all its nonsense and we should "love everything".
Jesus said to not condemn and apply harsh measure. But Jesus himself judged in earnest. Most Christians however judge selfishly. Also: the woman in this video is preaching while having her head uncovered. A grave sin and misdemeanor according to Paul. If this woman wears no sign of obedience on her head she is a harlot before God. Its that simple. Gods word is clear on this.
Also, Jesus taught that God allows the wheat and the weeds to grow up together, but they will he separated at the end. This certainly implies that there will be judging going on.
It’s undeniable that Jesus judged and condemned sin. “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.” John 7:7 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18
I agree. I would also like to point out.. Jesus didn't judge in the sense where he was trying to punish sin at that point in time. So when Jesus said "i judge no man" that's what i believe he meant.
'Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. ' 1 John 3:7-8
Jesus judged the ACTIONS of people. That’s what we are supposed to do also. If you saw an adult beating the hell out of a child do you think it’s ‘judging’ to tell them that’s wrong to do? Why do Christians have such issues with this judging thing?
@@saxmanjpr5092 It's funny because atheists struggle with critical thinking as well. For instance, Richard Sosis discovered that religious communes within the 19th century lasted longer than socialist/secular communes. After 20 years, just 6% of the secular communes lasted compared with almost 40% of the religious societies . Next time, maybe you should look at both sides of the coin before forming a conclusion.
@@danielkollin6847 We are talking about two completely different issue. just some critical thinking in my original comment and you will see the difference. "I discern that it is not wise to put my hand on a hot stove". Am I being judgmental for preventing myself from getting a 2nd degree burn?
John 7:24 "Stop judging according to outward appearances; rather judge according to righteous judgment." Jesus said this to a crowd of people who were angry with him for healing on the Sabbath. It is a good example of how we should be judging ourselves and others, specifically those in the church for those outside of it will never see the Laws of God as something to follow.
Thank you for this video! I am rn educating myself exactly on that particular topic more. I am not a progessive Christian, but i find self education so taking action to educate your own self on these topics very important. So thank you ❤
(wow I wrote this before she mentioned the case, the very same one.) If Jesus never judged, he'd never have told the woman "go and sin no more" He did not judge, he judged rightfully giving people chances and hope and letting them on the right path, to God.
Thanks for this! Yeah: important to recall that when Jesus gave the ''judge not' passage, it had a broader context. Matthew 7:1-5 is the whole thing, be sure to read it. Key to it is verse 5: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." In other words, examine yourself and clean yourself up first *so that* you may help your brother, rather than simply refusing to judge at all. We are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, but to examine ourselves first and not condemn people for flaws that we still haven't 'cast out' of our own eyes. I've a long way to go, but Jesus is faithful. ==== Also, I agree with another comment in this section: almost sounded like Alisa was going to say "Whaddo you meme?!" at the end. :P
@@intothekey it's about being a hypocrite. Take the log out of your eye, before you try to take a log out of someone else's. I can't be an adulterer and then condemn the other person of adultery..
There are two types of judgement in the Bible. Judging to righteousness and judging to condemnation. We are told to judge unto righteousness using god’s word and law. However we are told never to judge to condemnation using our own set of values because man’s values change from year to year. God’s values never change. As Jesus said in Matt7:5…pull the beam out of your own eye, then you may see clearly to remove the speck in your brother’s eye.
I love how you seem to focus less on the act of judgment & more so on the spirit that which drives & inspires the act. Your eyes seems more attune to the spiritual sight.
Well Done, Alisa Childers! Thank You! I see we have intelligent honest Friends writing on the posts! Thank You, my Friends! Condemned Already?! Jesus is directing His Words to those who had been chosen for the original priesthood of God, but lost it! It is because they had the Holy Scriptures and the Truth, and their Christ had visited them and they did not recognize their LORD and Savior, and rejected His and GODS Words, that they, the Jews, were condemned already, having fallen into sin, breaking the Commandments of GOD, because they were selfishly clinging to their evil thoughts and ways and mistreating a man of GOD, and others! Because of their evils, they could not believe in Christ! Those who repented, did believe in Christ and became Christians or a title with Christ’s name attached to theirs! Those who know the Truth, are held to a higher standard of judgement when they depart from being Holy and start to think and behave devilishly! They became High Minded, thinking they were superior to other people, and even today, they still brag that they are the chosen people, but don’t realize that they can only make that claim if they believe in Christ or have been grafted back into the Vine of Christ or the Tree of Life! Much was said specifically for that evil generation, because they were the ones being judged by Christ and GOD, and the 1st part of God’s Wrath fell upon them, as a lesson for the rest of the World to learn from! For those who do not know GOD or Christ, the LORD said, “The way you judge, is the way you will be judged and if you have little or no love in your heart and mind, you are unacceptable to GOD, and if you are Merciful and Forgiving to others, then the LORD will be Merciful and Forgiving to you!” (Paraphrased from Words of GOD)! Only the incorrigibly wicked will be cast in the Lake of Fire! To be incorrigibly wicked is to be unrepentant of past sins, resistant to being retrained, and a hater of GOD and Christ, refusing to ever repent, believing that evil thoughts and actions are permissible! They believe in committing evil, to get ahead of others in life and to satisfy evil urges, even if it hurts other people! They Don’t Care about anyone but themselves or a group, as long as it benefits themselves to be in that group! They will Lie, Cheat, and Steal, even in their own group of evil friends, to benefit themselves! These are incorrigibly wicked souls! A 2nd chance, through a 2nd Life will be available for the rest of the dead, who were not in the 1st resurrection! The 1st Life is a trial run for all humans to learn from, before actually going back to Heaven to be judged by GOD! Read Revelation 20! The evil programming of the human mind needs to be reprogrammed! Are you sinners willing to be reprogrammed?! If not, you are incorrigibly wicked! Love, LORD GOD, Lord Immanuel Christ and Vincent EagleHawk Christ, Amen!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD and Christ) 07-16-2021!
Judging that we shouldn't do is to look at sin in someone's life and assume that we would do any better without the grace of God, or that person has the same level of grace as we do to see the truth and to resist that sin. The main reason people don't point out sin is they are selfish and trying to upholdva image, afraid of confrontation, basically all sin to not point out sin. One cannot say you actually love someone if you do not point out sin in their life when ya see it.
I really like this video and I love how you explain the video . My question is then how do I explain it for my atheist brothers they bring up Matthew 7:1 and Mathew 7:5 thank you.
It's important to note that if someone commits a sin, say they commit adultery, and you point this out to them, you are not judging them by your own standards, but by God's standard. We sometimes call this "righteous judgment". Often times someone will judge another according to personal standards or interpretations. We must not judge according to these personal standards, because doing so means we must also be judged according to someone else's personal standards. In a way, then, we don't actually judge anyone, we simply point out that their action violates God's objective standard. The other thing to note is that we do not actually judge the person, only God can do that. That is, I do not have the power to condemn someone for their sin, our sins condemn us (when I sin, I condemn myself--"the wages of sin is death"). All I can do is say they are doing something wrong. We are not judging the person, we are judging an action. For example, let's take the adulterer. We tell this person it is wrong to commit adultery, but perhaps this person also does volunteer charity work. Does this mean that the adultery is not wrong? Of course not. Does this mean the charity work is wrong? No. We are simply judging the action of adultery, the choice to cheat on his wife. That is what we condemn, the sin. Even when Jesus did not condemn a person, He still condemned the sin: "go and sin no more".
The text 7:1&2 as rendered in the Amplified translation which includes additional English wording in brackets or parenthesis to give a fuller sense of how it is understood the original language was to be taken really sheds light on the issue: "Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge] so that you will not be judged [unfairly]. For just as you [hypocritically] judge others [when you are sinful and unrepentant] so will you be judged; and in accordance with your standard of measurement [used to pass out judgement], judgement will be measured out to you."
I did read your definition of progressive Christians. I couldn't say whether I am one of not, but what I do understand from personal life experience is that as my relationship with jesus has developed it becomes less about rules and more about the understandings that the rules are based on. That isn't to say that the rules are no longer in effect, they're always present, but depth of understanding leads to growth and spans across and between rules according to the individual situation. This is also how it comes about that for example a non believer can look upon a believer and pass false judgements upon them for behaving or speaking in a manner that appears to go against the commandments of God. Only god is good and that which God directs a person to do irrespective and in total disregard for the flimsy views or judgements of onlookers passing by blown on the wind. God is no respector of man. Jesus companionship with us is as individuals on an intimate and personal level just as the situations pertaining to each of our lives are Individual to each of us no matter how, superficially they appear to match those of others. What makes a situation individual is the individual on whom it is centred. This is why the world's systems and ways always fall short and there is no brush that can tar everything the same way, it just doesn't work and never has. So I suppose that In my own long winded way I'm saying be carefull because there is a distinction to be made between those who attempt to twist God's word according t their own fashions and present day flavours and the children who have grown. All those who choose and believe on jesus are his children and whilst the rules will always be true and right deeper understanding elaborates upon and between the rules. As a parent we put rules in place for the youngest so that they might have clear boundaries for the wellbeing and safety of themselves and others. But now, remember how God removed the hedge of protection from around jobs life which initially resulted in losses and suffering but as job grew through these and past his fears, God was able to endow job with far more and better than he could possibly have coped with at the beginning. Remember that all things are possible and all things are permissable with jesus now how could such a thing hold true if like the pharisees and scribes we are forever hung up fixed rigidly upon rules.
Not only did Jesus judge, but he also turned a dinner gathering that he was invited too into a plot against him. Luke 11:37-54. He first started in on the guy that invited him to dinner and the others like him that were present, because of their adherence to the traditions of men and neglect of God's word. He then turned on the scribes. If that wasn't enough and then he turned on the lawyers that were present. Before it was all over, the other guests were plotting a way to trap him so they could accuse him. I'm sure murder was on the menu right about this moment. How many of us would be willing to say the hard truth, that would seem in our eyes to be super disrespectful considering we were invited to dinner and lay into practically everybody at the dinner get-together?? This story fascinates me. Jesus said yes to the dinner invitation because he had something to say.
It is a tricky situation because Jesus does not condemn, the laws, and a person's own sin has condemned them. Jesus came to give us all forgiveness and salvation. It doesn't mean that he does not judge us, as he does judge everyone, but he wants to forgive us, pardon us of our sins, and give everyone salvation thru Grace, not let us condemn ourselves thru denial of that Grace and so die because of our sins.
There's a letter in the Bible, wrote by one of the Christians after Jesus has risen to heaven. And I can't find it to show it you, but who knows it will point it out for me. One of the Christians say we should help other Christians and gently point them out if they are constantly sinning. But of course, in a quiet and kind way. So, yes, as Christians, we should help other Christians if we see they're falling, BUT, this doesn't we as Christians should point out other people religion and beliefs and tell them they're wrong and they'll go to hell. This is EXACTLY what makes people avoid Christians and Christianity, let us attract these people by being kind and accepting them, instead of judging other religions and philosophies. And this kindness will draw many and many. So, in part, I agree with this meme, as an example, it's already happened that a Christian simply pointed out a tattoo on my brother's arm of an image of a fake being called "Baphomet" Which in History, it isn't even real, but a made up symbolical image. And this Christian looked at my brother and said "You have the devil on your arm." Well, I refuse to believe this is Christianity. So, The meme is not true, but not all false about Church's judgment with the people outside.
3:26 "Jesus is saying the PURPOSE for which he came was not to condemn, but to offer eternal life to all those who would believe. But that doesn't mean that he WON'T condemn." Couldn't have said it better myself!
The believer in Christ and His finished work is not condemned, never by God! However, brothers and sisters are quick to condemn a brother and sister 🤣😘
I remember hearing somewhere that Jesus actual wrote in the ground/stone. It was something about how leading up to the temple was typically stone. And by writing in the stone further implied he was God in the flesh because only the finger of God could do so. Wish I could find the sermon
The thing about the woman caught in adultery was that the woman was being used as an example of sin by people that were sinning in thier abuse if this woman, which was the greater sin. They didn't seek to help, but condemn. Jesus let her go in her adultery, but also told her to sin no more...most likely in the sin of adultery.
Matthew 7:1 does mention how people should not judge. The Bible verse "Thou shall not judge" doesn't mean people should never judge other people. "Thou shall not judge" doesn't mean people should never be held accountable for their actions, people should never be punished, etc. People deserve to be punished when they rape someone, abuse a child, assault someone, steal, commit fraud, etc. "Thou shall not judge" means you should get to know someone before you judge them, you shouldn't jump to conclusions about people, etc. There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth about sin to people. Ephesians 4:15 mentions how we should speak the truth about sin to people in loving, kind, and firm ways instead of mean, hateful, and unloving ways.
i mean the son of man did come not to condemn the world, but to save it. the word condemn has implications of judgement without saving, which is critical, even if we know better
Jesus wants you to be with him in heaven. He knows mens hearts and he knows what the father can do to evil. Like when people were weeping when he was on the cross.. He said don't weep for me, weep for yourselves.
Condemn = to punish, refuse to forgive, and/or send to hell. Not condemning does *NOT* mean approving of or permitting someone’s actions. In the verse you quoted, Jesus says, “Neither do I [condemn you]; go and sin no more.” Progressive Christians like the first part but tend to forget the second part. “Go and sin no more” acknowledges that she did, in fact, sin. Jesus does not punish her for committing adultery-He forgives her-but that doesn’t mean He permits her to be an adulteress; quite the opposite.
Thou shalt not judge is half of a quote, just using that verse alone is like me saying someone said to me "I hate a lot...", When the person said fully "I hate a lot of the injustices that occur in the world."
Even in the passage of the adulterous women used as an example Jesus still warns her of being condemned in that IF she sins again, by saying “Go and sin no more” this proclaims that if she sins she will be condemned by God. Repentance is a way of life for Christians not just one act.
I thought the meme you presented meant that when Jesus say's He won't condemn you, the church a lot of times, does condemn people, when the bible clearly says the church should not. Do not judge, lest you be judged. Isaiah 33:22 Verse Concepts For the Lord is our judge, The Lord is our lawgiver, The Lord is our king; He will save us-
In the account of the women caught in adultery, Jesus tells the Pharisees, "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone." In so doing, Jesus is already judging and condemning the Pharisees. Though Jesus told the woman the He does not condemn her, Jesus ends with, "... go and sin no more. " By this Jesus has already judged her as having sinned and warns her to not continue in her life of sin. The implication is that if she continues in sin, she will be condemned. Jesus forgives the repentant but He is never afraid to condemn the unrepentant. Blessings.
Jesus judged people to their face in order to correct their errors. He is The Lord and is full of valor and love. Also, He will rebuke anyone for a greater purpose.
Good word sister. If I say you look good today that was a judgement, we spend too much time today correcting bible passages for those who are not christans because the church today is filled with non believers, too many churches are trying to fill their church other than grow, all christians are to judge, Matt 7 is all about not judging someone if your being a hypocrite
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”” John 7:24 “You judge me by human standards, but I do not judge anyone.” John 8:15 NLT Where do these Christians get this idea from, that we leave everyone alone and are not to offer correction or reproof? Judging a man by their fruits means judging their actions and the impact they produce. Judging what kind of morality they are exhibiting. Like for example, a bunch of Christians including me have had a problem with a Lecrae and Andy Mineo going more secular with their song “coming in hot”. I had a huge problem with them reacting to people, most notably women dancing in more revealing clothing to their song. Both didn’t have a problem with it but other Christians thought it was highly inappropriate for two saved saints to be indulging in worldly videos like that. Especially two married men. Yet many of us got called Pharisees? Why?
Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son [pay homage to Him in purity], lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for soon shall His wrath be kindled. O blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are all those who seek refuge and put their trust in Him!
Jesus didn't stone the woman because: 1. In the case of adultery, it is up for the elders at the city gates to cast judgement according to the old testament, not a 30 year old carpenter. 2. The man who the woman committed adultery with was to also be present. 3. There were supposed to be 2 or 3 witnesses of the act of them committing adultery. 4. They were supposed to tell her what she's being accused of. The men who were trying to trick Jesus transgressed all of these laws, so they sinned. He who is without sin cast the first stone.
I think she's referring to some of the oldest copies of the NT manuscripts. Some of the oldest known were missing some pieces, as were later copies. Copies were canonically tested against themselves for accuracy, word by word, letter by letter. This isn't the same as later or forged manuscripts that were fraudulent and gnostic in origin, or those that never met the canonical tests' requirements to begin with. I hope that helps. God Bless!
All you have to do is know and follow Torah to know why the situation with the adulterous woman played out that way. But the church has thrown out 2/3 of the Bible. Then they wonder why progressive Christianity has risen up.
Well for a start,The term judgement is a general term that is misunderstood and constantly misused as if pertaining to condemnation which it does not neccesarirly. Also condemnation, the spirit of is a demon. Jesus's way is to convict unto righteousness, at least for those who come to repentance and not to condemn and accuse. Satan is the accuser and the source of all condemnation.
Jesus did say I don't condemn you but the holy spirit is a different person and He does come to condemn. Condemn just means strong disapproval of. Convict is a similar word.
1 Peter 4:5 but they will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. When Jesus judges, its so he can set you free or keep you set free. If you want to look at Jesus in a way that he judges for the sake of it like people do, then you don't know our lord very well...
Jesus doesn’t condemn the person per se, he condemns the sin. That’s why he came to forgive people of their sins. The woman caught in adultery, he condemned the accusers because of their own neglect of their sins. And then for gave the woman of her sins!
Judge righteous judgement (gods judgement) God does not condemn only convicts to righteousness and whether a person chooses to listen and follow is on their own head.
The woman is a representation of Israel and how Christian replacement theology is trying to replace Israel but God saves them like it says in his word. Jesus bending down writing in the ground is him claiming to be God working his people as his word says that he wrote.
God will judge sin regardless of who we are the only way we can be saved is through faith in Christ alone. Just as Christ showed kindness towards us to turn us away from sin(for that is the purpose for kindness, romans 2:4) we should do the same thing God was wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient with us all (romans 2:4) So we should also follow that example
Christians must be able to judge others that profess to be Christians. The idea is to have a relationship well enough with others to be able to judge whether or not another should be called out on living in sin. If there is an obvious/convicted pedophile in your Church who calls themselves a Christian you'll need to be able to judge them in order to decide whether or not to allow them to volunteer in the kids department. Rule of thumb is not to tempt someone by putting them in a position to be tempted. You'll have to judge them in order to do so. Basically, Christians should definitely judge other close Christians to keep them accountable. They should not judge non-Christians unless again it deals with a position in the church. Obviously, you wouldn't want a non-Christian as a pastor of the church. The other type of judging that shouldn't be done is whether or not someone has accepted salvation. This type of judgement is the one God is talking about when He says judge not lest you be judged also. No-one can know the heart and mind of another accept for God. That is why He alone will judge all of us in the end. Yes, I realize when judging whether or not someone is qualified for a position like the pastor you're doing your best to determine if they are indeed a Christian. However, you're not saying the indeed have or have not accepted salvation and therefore are going to heave or are not. Rather, you're looking for fruits of their salvation. Like what is their profession of faith? Have they been baptized? Who was a witness to their baptism? Where did they study for seminary? etc. You're still not judging them and saying yes they will or won't go to heaven.
One thing to consider: In the passage in John's gospel, Jesus acknowledges the woman's sin, and forgives her for that sin. He is in no way brushing that sin aside. This is evident when He tells the woman, "Go and sin NO MORE." With that one sentence He tells her He knows what she did was sinful, but forgivable. He then admonishes her to don't go it again. It can be implied that had she disobeyed, she would have been condemned.
@@droe2570 that depends on the (he) your referring too. What jesus is not saying (if you sin again I will condemn you too hell,he's saying now go and sin no more, or like stay out of trouble)
@@bubba4944 Yes, but how does adding in the part where He says "he who is without sin cast the first stone" change the meaning of "go and sin no more"?
@@bubba4944 I disagree. When Jesus told her to go and sin no more, it was implicit in the admonition that there were consequences for her sin, if she failed to obey. Otherwise, why tell her not to do it again? Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, but that does not negate the consequences. Her sin brought her to shame before the elders and Jesus. Yes, they were hypocrites, but nevertheless she was shamed. Sin brings shame among other things as a natural , inescapable consequence.
We should be careful in judging others. Matthew 7:1-5 New International Version Judging Others 7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
I honestly think there's a lack of patients to the whole judging thing. It's like yes there's merit for judging but so many are so eager without looking at the warnings. Judging gives a form of power to individuals but they also have a warning temptation, pride. In a lot of cases, holding judgement till you get the full story is much more useful than running power hungry to tell your Christians they're allowing sin. Thanks for the passages.
Jesus does judge. He IS the judge on Judgement Day! "No one can go to the FATHER except through me."
Yup: As Romans 2 vs 11-16 point out, you CAN (in theory, of course!) save yourself by living a life in accordance with the law. BUT: if you have even sinned once, and you did NOT accept the salvation of Christ, and live in the body of the church, earnestly pursuing a Christlike nature, THEN you are under judgment. Conversely, if you are without sin, you can enjoy eternal life. BUT a) "Where are they, does no one condemn you?" b) "For ALL have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God".
Jesus IS the judge, the gatekeeper, THROUGH whom you will pass, to be judged at the Day of Judgment, in order to enter into the eternity with the Father and Son. If you rejected Him, you BETTER have lived a perfect life.
"No one comes to the Father, but through me".
@NoFear1979 you clearly have some confusion of the trinity. Three different person’s to one God. Jesus said him self he who has seen Me has seen the Father
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”
John 14:6-9 NKJV
@NoFear1979 All authority has been given to Jesus by the Father. The Father and jkesus gave jesus the same attributes that the Father gave Himself and that includes judging.........
@NoFear1979 Jesus’s has all Authority over Salvation.( Eternal Life). Our Father God accepts whatever choice His Son Makes. John 17:2.
@NoFear1979 You are out of context on the issue of Salvation✝️🩸🙏🏻❤️
I thought she was gonna do the “What do you meme!?” Out-tro for a second lol. Love the video!!
Whaddo you meeeeeeeeme?!
My wife and I actually said what do you meme before reading your comment so I had the thumbs up!
I came here to say the same thing. Hahaha
I was hoping for it😄
He didn't teach not to judge but how to and when to judge and He has all the right to judge because He has no log in His eyes.
EXACTLY! Never being able to judge would mean that we cannot exercise discernment. The way in which we judge can be problematic.
This deserves the front of the class. Satan has tricked folks to believe that Jesus taught not to judge, although the saints will be ruling over the earth, judging it and also judging angels......
Matthew 7:1-6 is The Truth. Jesus absolutely taught for the sinner, not to judge
Any other sinner. That includes all of us. Read The Gospel Matthew Writes According Too Jesus Christ❤️🙂✝️🩸🙏🏻.
Then we should not preach ether because with preaching comes judgment.
So we can't preach about the sin they are commiting against God and them self.
So what we should preach, that God and Jesus is love and "rainbows and flowers, and every thing is nice"???
Above love God is just. HE will give everlasting life to the just and fire and brimstone to the unjust.
Matthew 7:3-5
3 Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not notice the log in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the splinter out of your eye,' when you have the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First, take the log out of your own eye; then you will see clearly, so that you can remove the splinter from your brother's eye!
Why you judge your brother sin when you are in sin yourself.
Don't be hypocrite, confess and repent from your sin first so you can help your brother to be free from his sin.
When she said "So the next time" at the end of the video, I thought we were going to get a "Whaddo you meme!?!?!?"
I dont get it
@@AlstonMurray look up 'whaddo you meme' channel if you haven't.
@@AlstonMurray Whaddya meme another Christian apologetics channel that gives Christian perspective to different things in the media and some politics. It's run by a man named Jon who ends his videos with "So next time someone(something to do with the video topic), what are you gonna say?.....WHADDYA MEME"
John 5:30
I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
People hate to be called out for their sins, because they're trying to justify their actions by validating themselves by teaching others its okay.
Eph 2:9
1 Cor 1:29
Progressive Christianity loves to find ways to justify or excuse their sins of choice.
To be fair no one likes to be called out by random people who don't know you.
@@OrdinaryVizionary You don't have to know them, you just have to observe their sin to call them out.
@@IBenZik We don’t believe that what you call sins are sins. The reason I’m angry is because of what these beliefs do to people. They drive many to suicide.
Refreshing, such a breath of fresh air to hear doctrine on this topic. You hardly ever hear it in churches.
I find two things interesting about the woman caught in adultery. First adultery takes two people. They were letting the man go. Mosaic Law calls for stoning Both. Second its a linch mob. Mosaic Law calls for a trial before authority with at least two witnesses.
You're right - Jesus also said, "Go, and sin no more".
Remember, everyone of us (me included) are already condemned. As long as we kept sinning and not accept Jesus into our lives and repent, we remain condemned.
Let not the world use this "Thou shalt not judge" to coerce us to accept sinful ways.
Exactly so, Mark. This is so often overlooked. Jesus was refusing to react as the Pharisee's wanted/expected.
@Desire Of All Nations Where was the guilty man? Had he been stoned to death already? Or was the woman being used as a sudden application of a long-ignored law (you know, the way a lot of Western governments are suddenly doing) to "send a message" or prove a point?
@Desire Of All Nations It was a lynch mob. Leviticus 20 is a long list of capital offenses. It does not say anything about without trial. The only crime that calls for stoning in that chapter is being a medium or spiritist. Marrying both a mother and daughter was punished by being burned in the fire.
Ppl who cite this also forget Jesus told her to NOT SIN AGAIN..... A clear instruction against a sinful lifestyle
Get the log out of our own eye, BEFORE, addressing the speck of dust in the eye of another. Approach them & address the matter quietly, same as we would want to be approached & reproved. To discern, we have to make an assessment, which is to judge a matter. We're to do that, but to NOT judge a condemnation onto others.
Expressing a truth even if it's condemnation is not to judge as it is not by our authority that a person is judged. However, do not be self-righteous (remove the plank first...).
@@mouselim72 yeah. Some people will say you can't judge if your not perfect yourself. They base their thinking on where where Jesus talks about removing the plank. But, Jesus is talking about hypocrisy and their motive. Jesus isn't saying you need to be a flawless human being before telling others what to do, you just need to get your motives correct.
the letters to the churches in the book of revelation are unmistakable proof that Jesus loves, is merciful, but also judges, as a fair judge whenever man delays or refuses to repent.
Do not misunderstood the meaning "Thou shalt not judge". This is what the world is using to coerce us to accept all its nonsense and we should "love everything".
Yes, people forget or choose to ignore what the rest of that chapter says.
Jesus said to not condemn and apply harsh measure. But Jesus himself judged in earnest. Most Christians however judge selfishly.
Also: the woman in this video is preaching while having her head uncovered. A grave sin and misdemeanor according to Paul.
If this woman wears no sign of obedience on her head she is a harlot before God. Its that simple.
Gods word is clear on this.
@@a-sheep-of-christ yeah she did wrong because she is being immodest for not using veil,but not exactly a whore you crazy
Also, Jesus taught that God allows the wheat and the weeds to grow up together, but they will he separated at the end. This certainly implies that there will be judging going on.
John 7:24
"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
It’s undeniable that Jesus judged and condemned sin.
“The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.” John 7:7
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18
I agree.
I would also like to point out.. Jesus didn't judge in the sense where he was trying to punish sin at that point in time.
So when Jesus said "i judge no man" that's what i believe he meant.
He "Judged RIGHTEOUSLY." Which is proclaimed in the book
of JOHN.
'Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. '
1 John 3:7-8
Jesus judged the ACTIONS of people. That’s what we are supposed to do also. If you saw an adult beating the hell out of a child do you think it’s ‘judging’ to tell them that’s wrong to do? Why do Christians have such issues with this judging thing?
That is because they do not understand the difference between judging and discernment. Nor do they use critical thinking.
@@saxmanjpr5092 It's funny because atheists struggle with critical thinking as well. For instance, Richard Sosis discovered that religious communes within the 19th century lasted longer than socialist/secular communes. After 20 years, just 6% of the secular communes lasted compared with almost 40% of the religious societies . Next time, maybe you should look at both sides of the coin before forming a conclusion.
@@danielkollin6847 We are talking about two completely different issue. just some critical thinking in my original comment and you will see the difference. "I discern that it is not wise to put my hand on a hot stove". Am I being judgmental for preventing myself from getting a 2nd degree burn?
@@saxmanjpr5092 the real question here is is it wrong to put your head on a hot stove
@@maow9240 Or even sit on a hot stove
John 7:24 "Stop judging according to outward appearances; rather judge according to righteous judgment." Jesus said this to a crowd of people who were angry with him for healing on the Sabbath. It is a good example of how we should be judging ourselves and others, specifically those in the church for those outside of it will never see the Laws of God as something to follow.
Jesus is the ultimate judge! Amen.
Thank you for this video! I am rn educating myself exactly on that particular topic more. I am not a progessive Christian, but i find self education so taking action to educate your own self on these topics very important. So thank you ❤
Thank you for this video. I really learned a lot. God bless!
(wow I wrote this before she mentioned the case, the very same one.)
If Jesus never judged, he'd never have told the woman "go and sin no more"
He did not judge, he judged rightfully giving people chances and hope and letting them on the right path, to God.
... and showed mercy, to illustrate what His divine intervention in your judgment case will be like!
@@bolshoefeodor6536 absolutely. Agreed.
Well said Dear Sister!! God bless you for your ministry!!
You've been a good and faithful servant,is what you want to hear from God one day!
Alisa seems a very good pointer outer!
Thanks for this!
Yeah: important to recall that when Jesus gave the ''judge not' passage, it had a broader context. Matthew 7:1-5 is the whole thing, be sure to read it.
Key to it is verse 5: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
In other words, examine yourself and clean yourself up first *so that* you may help your brother, rather than simply refusing to judge at all. We are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, but to examine ourselves first and not condemn people for flaws that we still haven't 'cast out' of our own eyes.
I've a long way to go, but Jesus is faithful.
Also, I agree with another comment in this section: almost sounded like Alisa was going to say "Whaddo you meme?!" at the end. :P
Great explanation 👏
Very insightful. I learned again. Great full. Thank you
"Judge not lest ye be judged" is probably the most over used and taken out of context verse by non Christians out there.
Exactly this verse is about being forgiving not about see no evil speak no evil hear no evil 🙈
@@intothekey it's about being a hypocrite.
Take the log out of your eye, before you try to take a log out of someone else's.
I can't be an adulterer and then condemn the other person of adultery..
Especially when applying God's word to their lifestyles and behaviors.
@@smithcubs exactly
@@smithcubs It's take the log out of your eye, then you can see clearly to remove the SPLINTER from your brother's eye.
There are two types of judgement in the Bible. Judging to righteousness and judging to condemnation. We are told to judge unto righteousness using god’s word and law. However we are told never to judge to condemnation using our own set of values because man’s values change from year to year. God’s values never change.
As Jesus said in Matt7:5…pull the beam out of your own eye, then you may see clearly to remove the speck in your brother’s eye.
I love how you seem to focus less on the act of judgment & more so on the spirit that which drives & inspires the act. Your eyes seems more attune to the spiritual sight.
@@youtubecommenter7927 that is my aim. I love the saying I heard as a child: except for the grace of god, there goes I.
Keep doing what you are doing sister Alisa, God bless you.
Everyone here and myself thought after she said "so the next time" that she was gonna end with "What do you Meme?", Shout out to Jon McCray lol.
Well Done, Alisa Childers! Thank You! I see we have intelligent honest Friends writing on the posts! Thank You, my Friends! Condemned Already?! Jesus is directing His Words to those who had been chosen for the original priesthood of God, but lost it! It is because they had the Holy Scriptures and the Truth, and their Christ had visited them and they did not recognize their LORD and Savior, and rejected His and GODS Words, that they, the Jews, were condemned already, having fallen into sin, breaking the Commandments of GOD, because they were selfishly clinging to their evil thoughts and ways and mistreating a man of GOD, and others! Because of their evils, they could not believe in Christ! Those who repented, did believe in Christ and became Christians or a title with Christ’s name attached to theirs! Those who know the Truth, are held to a higher standard of judgement when they depart from being Holy and start to think and behave devilishly! They became High Minded, thinking they were superior to other people, and even today, they still brag that they are the chosen people, but don’t realize that they can only make that claim if they believe in Christ or have been grafted back into the Vine of Christ or the Tree of Life! Much was said specifically for that evil generation, because they were the ones being judged by Christ and GOD, and the 1st part of God’s Wrath fell upon them, as a lesson for the rest of the World to learn from! For those who do not know GOD or Christ, the LORD said, “The way you judge, is the way you will be judged and if you have little or no love in your heart and mind, you are unacceptable to GOD, and if you are Merciful and Forgiving to others, then the LORD will be Merciful and Forgiving to you!” (Paraphrased from Words of GOD)! Only the incorrigibly wicked will be cast in the Lake of Fire! To be incorrigibly wicked is to be unrepentant of past sins, resistant to being retrained, and a hater of GOD and Christ, refusing to ever repent, believing that evil thoughts and actions are permissible! They believe in committing evil, to get ahead of others in life and to satisfy evil urges, even if it hurts other people! They Don’t Care about anyone but themselves or a group, as long as it benefits themselves to be in that group! They will Lie, Cheat, and Steal, even in their own group of evil friends, to benefit themselves! These are incorrigibly wicked souls! A 2nd chance, through a 2nd Life will be available for the rest of the dead, who were not in the 1st resurrection! The 1st Life is a trial run for all humans to learn from, before actually going back to Heaven to be judged by GOD! Read Revelation 20! The evil programming of the human mind needs to be reprogrammed! Are you sinners willing to be reprogrammed?! If not, you are incorrigibly wicked! Love, LORD GOD, Lord Immanuel Christ and Vincent EagleHawk Christ, Amen!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD and Christ) 07-16-2021!
Do not judge is one of the most misunderstood scriptures in the Bible
This is a great teaching
I believe JESUS have the power of judgement.
Very informative video
thank you!! everything said here is true
Very well said
Amen, Context matter. Blessings and Shalom O:)
Judging that we shouldn't do is to look at sin in someone's life and assume that we would do any better without the grace of God, or that person has the same level of grace as we do to see the truth and to resist that sin. The main reason people don't point out sin is they are selfish and trying to upholdva image, afraid of confrontation, basically all sin to not point out sin. One cannot say you actually love someone if you do not point out sin in their life when ya see it.
Many people simply do not believe that certain activities are sins, thus the argument 'don't judge'
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Amen!
Judge... but judge rightly.
I really like this video and I love how you explain the video . My question is then how do I explain it for my atheist brothers they bring up Matthew 7:1 and Mathew 7:5 thank you.
It does not actually say not to judge, but to be very careful in doing that. You may be judging someone for something you are yourself guilty of.
Matthew 7:1-5 is not a prohibition of judging, but tells us how to judge and help our brothers and sisters, which is not hypocritically.
It's important to note that if someone commits a sin, say they commit adultery, and you point this out to them, you are not judging them by your own standards, but by God's standard. We sometimes call this "righteous judgment". Often times someone will judge another according to personal standards or interpretations. We must not judge according to these personal standards, because doing so means we must also be judged according to someone else's personal standards.
In a way, then, we don't actually judge anyone, we simply point out that their action violates God's objective standard.
The other thing to note is that we do not actually judge the person, only God can do that. That is, I do not have the power to condemn someone for their sin, our sins condemn us (when I sin, I condemn myself--"the wages of sin is death"). All I can do is say they are doing something wrong. We are not judging the person, we are judging an action. For example, let's take the adulterer. We tell this person it is wrong to commit adultery, but perhaps this person also does volunteer charity work. Does this mean that the adultery is not wrong? Of course not. Does this mean the charity work is wrong? No. We are simply judging the action of adultery, the choice to cheat on his wife. That is what we condemn, the sin. Even when Jesus did not condemn a person, He still condemned the sin: "go and sin no more".
The text 7:1&2 as rendered in the Amplified translation which includes additional English wording in brackets or parenthesis to give a fuller sense of how it is understood the original language was to be taken really sheds light on the issue: "Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge] so that you will not be judged [unfairly]. For just as you [hypocritically] judge others [when you are sinful and unrepentant] so will you be judged; and in accordance with your standard of measurement [used to pass out judgement], judgement will be measured out to you."
1 Peter 5:6
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
And Jesus wrote in the sand...."Those without sin cast the 1st stone" as the crowd was condemning the woman....
I did read your definition of progressive Christians. I couldn't say whether I am one of not, but what I do understand from personal life experience is that as my relationship with jesus has developed it becomes less about rules and more about the understandings that the rules are based on. That isn't to say that the rules are no longer in effect, they're always present, but depth of understanding leads to growth and spans across and between rules according to the individual situation. This is also how it comes about that for example a non believer can look upon a believer and pass false judgements upon them for behaving or speaking in a manner that appears to go against the commandments of God. Only god is good and that which God directs a person to do irrespective and in total disregard for the flimsy views or judgements of onlookers passing by blown on the wind. God is no respector of man. Jesus companionship with us is as individuals on an intimate and personal level just as the situations pertaining to each of our lives are Individual to each of us no matter how, superficially they appear to match those of others. What makes a situation individual is the individual on whom it is centred. This is why the world's systems and ways always fall short and there is no brush that can tar everything the same way, it just doesn't work and never has. So I suppose that In my own long winded way I'm saying be carefull because there is a distinction to be made between those who attempt to twist God's word according t their own fashions and present day flavours and the children who have grown. All those who choose and believe on jesus are his children and whilst the rules will always be true and right deeper understanding elaborates upon and between the rules. As a parent we put rules in place for the youngest so that they might have clear boundaries for the wellbeing and safety of themselves and others. But now, remember how God removed the hedge of protection from around jobs life which initially resulted in losses and suffering but as job grew through these and past his fears, God was able to endow job with far more and better than he could possibly have coped with at the beginning. Remember that all things are possible and all things are permissable with jesus now how could such a thing hold true if like the pharisees and scribes we are forever hung up fixed rigidly upon rules.
Not only did Jesus judge, but he also turned a dinner gathering that he was invited too into a plot against him. Luke 11:37-54. He first started in on the guy that invited him to dinner and the others like him that were present, because of their adherence to the traditions of men and neglect of God's word. He then turned on the scribes. If that wasn't enough and then he turned on the lawyers that were present. Before it was all over, the other guests were plotting a way to trap him so they could accuse him. I'm sure murder was on the menu right about this moment. How many of us would be willing to say the hard truth, that would seem in our eyes to be super disrespectful considering we were invited to dinner and lay into practically everybody at the dinner get-together?? This story fascinates me. Jesus said yes to the dinner invitation because he had something to say.
I actually thought it was a house that was supposed to be condemned, I didn’t realize it was a church till you pointed it out
It is a tricky situation because Jesus does not condemn, the laws, and a person's own sin has condemned them. Jesus came to give us all forgiveness and salvation. It doesn't mean that he does not judge us, as he does judge everyone, but he wants to forgive us, pardon us of our sins, and give everyone salvation thru Grace, not let us condemn ourselves thru denial of that Grace and so die because of our sins.
He is the judge and can do it at any time. We are called to be like Jesus, with his authority not our own.
There's a letter in the Bible, wrote by one of the Christians after Jesus has risen to heaven. And I can't find it to show it you, but who knows it will point it out for me. One of the Christians say we should help other Christians and gently point them out if they are constantly sinning. But of course, in a quiet and kind way. So, yes, as Christians, we should help other Christians if we see they're falling, BUT, this doesn't we as Christians should point out other people religion and beliefs and tell them they're wrong and they'll go to hell. This is EXACTLY what makes people avoid Christians and Christianity, let us attract these people by being kind and accepting them, instead of judging other religions and philosophies. And this kindness will draw many and many. So, in part, I agree with this meme, as an example, it's already happened that a Christian simply pointed out a tattoo on my brother's arm of an image of a fake being called "Baphomet" Which in History, it isn't even real, but a made up symbolical image. And this Christian looked at my brother and said "You have the devil on your arm." Well, I refuse to believe this is Christianity.
So, The meme is not true, but not all false about Church's judgment with the people outside.
Bang on the head! I so agree with you please.
3:26 "Jesus is saying the PURPOSE for which he came was not to condemn, but to offer eternal life to all those who would believe. But that doesn't mean that he WON'T condemn." Couldn't have said it better myself!
The believer in Christ and His finished work is not condemned, never by God! However, brothers and sisters are quick to condemn a brother and sister 🤣😘
I remember hearing somewhere that Jesus actual wrote in the ground/stone. It was something about how leading up to the temple was typically stone. And by writing in the stone further implied he was God in the flesh because only the finger of God could do so. Wish I could find the sermon
Jesus is love & great judge.
The thing about the woman caught in adultery was that the woman was being used as an example of sin by people that were sinning in thier abuse if this woman, which was the greater sin. They didn't seek to help, but condemn. Jesus let her go in her adultery, but also told her to sin no more...most likely in the sin of adultery.
John 7:24 says we should judge righteous judgment
Matthew 7:1 does mention how people should not judge. The Bible verse "Thou shall not judge" doesn't mean people should never judge other people. "Thou shall not judge" doesn't mean people should never be held accountable for their actions, people should never be punished, etc. People deserve to be punished when they rape someone, abuse a child, assault someone, steal, commit fraud, etc. "Thou shall not judge" means you should get to know someone before you judge them, you shouldn't jump to conclusions about people, etc.
There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth about sin to people. Ephesians 4:15 mentions how we should speak the truth about sin to people in loving, kind, and firm ways instead of mean, hateful, and unloving ways.
i mean the son of man did come not to condemn the world, but to save it. the word condemn has implications of judgement without saving, which is critical, even if we know better
Righteous judgement is what the Bible teaches. Judging in humility and not doing what the person you are judging is doing.
Jesus wants you to be with him in heaven. He knows mens hearts and he knows what the father can do to evil. Like when people were weeping when he was on the cross.. He said don't weep for me, weep for yourselves.
Jesus said, how many times, "Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!"? Be thankful and have a good day!
Condemn = to punish, refuse to forgive, and/or send to hell.
Not condemning does *NOT* mean approving of or permitting someone’s actions. In the verse you quoted, Jesus says, “Neither do I [condemn you]; go and sin no more.” Progressive Christians like the first part but tend to forget the second part. “Go and sin no more” acknowledges that she did, in fact, sin. Jesus does not punish her for committing adultery-He forgives her-but that doesn’t mean He permits her to be an adulteress; quite the opposite.
Thou shalt not judge is half of a quote, just using that verse alone is like me saying someone said to me "I hate a lot...", When the person said fully "I hate a lot of the injustices that occur in the world."
I believe that the only people who can point out the wrong in life should be a true Christians. But obviously Jesus is the final judge.
Jesus had a right to judge, we can only use His teaching to discern right from wrong.
Even in the passage of the adulterous women used as an example Jesus still warns her of being condemned in that IF she sins again, by saying “Go and sin no more” this proclaims that if she sins she will be condemned by God. Repentance is a way of life for Christians not just one act.
God warns ones but doesn't add insult to injury.
Some people have suggested that what Jesus was writing in the sand was a list of sins committed by the men who were ready to stone the woman.
I thought the meme you presented meant that when Jesus say's He won't condemn you, the church a lot of times, does condemn people, when the bible clearly says the church should not.
Do not judge, lest you be judged.
Isaiah 33:22
Verse Concepts
For the Lord is our judge,
The Lord is our lawgiver,
The Lord is our king;
He will save us-
How do we apply John 8:7?
In the account of the women caught in adultery, Jesus tells the Pharisees, "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone." In so doing, Jesus is already judging and condemning the Pharisees. Though Jesus told the woman the He does not condemn her, Jesus ends with, "... go and sin no more. " By this Jesus has already judged her as having sinned and warns her to not continue in her life of sin. The implication is that if she continues in sin, she will be condemned. Jesus forgives the repentant but He is never afraid to condemn the unrepentant. Blessings.
Jesus judged people to their face in order to correct their errors. He is The Lord and is full of valor and love. Also, He will rebuke anyone for a greater purpose.
He judged the non believing Jews when he said if you do not believe that I am the son of God then you will die in your sins .
Jesus is THE Judge.
Good word sister. If I say you look good today that was a judgement, we spend too much time today correcting bible passages for those who are not christans because the church today is filled with non believers, too many churches are trying to fill their church other than grow, all christians are to judge, Matt 7 is all about not judging someone if your being a hypocrite
Why do people say they progressive christians yet still hold or acknowledge the cross😹🤦🏾♂️
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.””
John 7:24
“You judge me by human standards, but I do not judge anyone.”
John 8:15 NLT
Where do these Christians get this idea from, that we leave everyone alone and are not to offer correction or reproof? Judging a man by their fruits means judging their actions and the impact they produce. Judging what kind of morality they are exhibiting.
Like for example, a bunch of Christians including me have had a problem with a Lecrae and Andy Mineo going more secular with their song “coming in hot”. I had a huge problem with them reacting to people, most notably women dancing in more revealing clothing to their song. Both didn’t have a problem with it but other Christians thought it was highly inappropriate for two saved saints to be indulging in worldly videos like that. Especially two married men. Yet many of us got called Pharisees? Why?
We judge people every day
There will be judgement, but there is no condemnation
Uh no there are several parts through out the Bible where God/Jesus condemned people. Hell is a thing for a reason.
@@eddiy335 could you give a specific reference? I’m open to change my mind or better explain my comment.
Romans 8:1🙂
Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son [pay homage to Him in purity], lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for soon shall His wrath be kindled. O blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are all those who seek refuge and put their trust in Him!
Jesus didn't stone the woman because:
1. In the case of adultery, it is up for the elders at the city gates to cast judgement according to the old testament, not a 30 year old carpenter.
2. The man who the woman committed adultery with was to also be present.
3. There were supposed to be 2 or 3 witnesses of the act of them committing adultery.
4. They were supposed to tell her what she's being accused of.
The men who were trying to trick Jesus transgressed all of these laws, so they sinned. He who is without sin cast the first stone.
What does she mean that the the scripture about the adultery verse is not found in the early manuscripts???
I think she's referring to some of the oldest copies of the NT manuscripts. Some of the oldest known were missing some pieces, as were later copies. Copies were canonically tested against themselves for accuracy, word by word, letter by letter. This isn't the same as later or forged manuscripts that were fraudulent and gnostic in origin, or those that never met the canonical tests' requirements to begin with. I hope that helps. God Bless!
All you have to do is know and follow Torah to know why the situation with the adulterous woman played out that way. But the church has thrown out 2/3 of the Bible. Then they wonder why progressive Christianity has risen up.
Well for a start,The term judgement is a general term that is misunderstood and constantly misused as if pertaining to condemnation which it does not neccesarirly. Also condemnation, the spirit of is a demon. Jesus's way is to convict unto righteousness, at least for those who come to repentance and not to condemn and accuse. Satan is the accuser and the source of all condemnation.
Jesus did say I don't condemn you but the holy spirit is a different person and He does come to condemn. Condemn just means strong disapproval of. Convict is a similar word.
1 Peter 4:5
but they will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
When Jesus judges, its so he can set you free or keep you set free. If you want to look at Jesus in a way that he judges for the sake of it like people do, then you don't know our lord very well...
Jesus doesn’t condemn the person per se, he condemns the sin. That’s why he came to forgive people of their sins. The woman caught in adultery, he condemned the accusers because of their own neglect of their sins. And then for gave the woman of her sins!
Godly rightnessnous and the self rightnessnous of man could not be more different
Judge righteous judgement (gods judgement) God does not condemn only convicts to righteousness and whether a person chooses to listen and follow is on their own head.
The woman is a representation of Israel and how Christian replacement theology is trying to replace Israel but God saves them like it says in his word. Jesus bending down writing in the ground is him claiming to be God working his people as his word says that he wrote.
God will judge sin regardless of who we are the only way we can be saved is through faith in Christ alone.
Just as Christ showed kindness towards us to turn us away from sin(for that is the purpose for kindness, romans 2:4) we should do the same thing
God was wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient with us all (romans 2:4)
So we should also follow that example
Christians must be able to judge others that profess to be Christians. The idea is to have a relationship well enough with others to be able to judge whether or not another should be called out on living in sin. If there is an obvious/convicted pedophile in your Church who calls themselves a Christian you'll need to be able to judge them in order to decide whether or not to allow them to volunteer in the kids department. Rule of thumb is not to tempt someone by putting them in a position to be tempted. You'll have to judge them in order to do so. Basically, Christians should definitely judge other close Christians to keep them accountable. They should not judge non-Christians unless again it deals with a position in the church. Obviously, you wouldn't want a non-Christian as a pastor of the church. The other type of judging that shouldn't be done is whether or not someone has accepted salvation. This type of judgement is the one God is talking about when He says judge not lest you be judged also. No-one can know the heart and mind of another accept for God. That is why He alone will judge all of us in the end. Yes, I realize when judging whether or not someone is qualified for a position like the pastor you're doing your best to determine if they are indeed a Christian. However, you're not saying the indeed have or have not accepted salvation and therefore are going to heave or are not. Rather, you're looking for fruits of their salvation. Like what is their profession of faith? Have they been baptized? Who was a witness to their baptism? Where did they study for seminary? etc. You're still not judging them and saying yes they will or won't go to heaven.
One thing to consider: In the passage in John's gospel, Jesus acknowledges the woman's sin, and forgives her for that sin. He is in no way brushing that sin aside. This is evident when He tells the woman, "Go and sin NO MORE." With that one sentence He tells her He knows what she did was sinful, but forgivable. He then admonishes her to don't go it again. It can be implied that had she disobeyed, she would have been condemned.
Sure interesting you left out the important context of jesus( Let he that is without sin cast the first stone)
@@bubba4944 How does that change what he said?
@@droe2570 that depends on the (he) your referring too. What jesus is not saying (if you sin again I will condemn you too hell,he's saying now go and sin no more, or like stay out of trouble)
@@bubba4944 Yes, but how does adding in the part where He says "he who is without sin cast the first stone" change the meaning of "go and sin no more"?
@@bubba4944 I disagree. When Jesus told her to go and sin no more, it was implicit in the admonition that there were consequences for her sin, if she failed to obey. Otherwise, why tell her not to do it again? Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, but that does not negate the consequences. Her sin brought her to shame before the elders and Jesus. Yes, they were hypocrites, but nevertheless she was shamed. Sin brings shame among other things as a natural , inescapable consequence.
Where was the man in the story of the woman caught in adultery? Takes two to tango if you know what I mean.
We should be careful in judging others.
Matthew 7:1-5
New International Version
Judging Others
7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
I honestly think there's a lack of patients to the whole judging thing. It's like yes there's merit for judging but so many are so eager without looking at the warnings. Judging gives a form of power to individuals but they also have a warning temptation, pride. In a lot of cases, holding judgement till you get the full story is much more useful than running power hungry to tell your Christians they're allowing sin. Thanks for the passages.