Pretty good specs. I came from the other channel, but I do know a bit about tech (I worked at a PC boutique place for 3 years, building and RMA). I do want to know what kind of temps the CPU is getting on that tiny box. It looks like it punches decently, and I like how you're not just using easy games. But temps are what I'd be worried about.
Ole Kelvin didn't look too hot!
Poor Kelvin! Man, I love that game! ;) Ive been considering reviving the gameplay vids.. Not sure if folks are interested though :)
THanks Brother!
Pretty good specs. I came from the other channel, but I do know a bit about tech (I worked at a PC boutique place for 3 years, building and RMA). I do want to know what kind of temps the CPU is getting on that tiny box. It looks like it punches decently, and I like how you're not just using easy games. But temps are what I'd be worried about.
Thanks Brother! I'm trying to get this one up and running. alas, time is not always my friend. :)