It’s interesting to listen to this recording and the other F-D recording that’s floating around on YT. The other recording has a faster tempo and I would argue that the diction is “cleaner” or “more correct” in terms of textbook German diction. In this recording, however, a lot of the glottal stops are either very soft or dropped altogether. The color of how he interprets the song is, IMO, more caressing and sensitive here - and closer to what I think Brahms intended with many of his lieder. Both interpretations are beautifully done; Fischer-Dieskau truly was the master of lieder interpretation.
Very touching.Very beautiful.
simply exquisite
sooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful....
It’s interesting to listen to this recording and the other F-D recording that’s floating around on YT. The other recording has a faster tempo and I would argue that the diction is “cleaner” or “more correct” in terms of textbook German diction. In this recording, however, a lot of the glottal stops are either very soft or dropped altogether. The color of how he interprets the song is, IMO, more caressing and sensitive here - and closer to what I think Brahms intended with many of his lieder. Both interpretations are beautifully done; Fischer-Dieskau truly was the master of lieder interpretation.
Qué hermoso canto a la alondra. Tenía talento el de las luengas y blancas barbas.
¡Hasta luengggo!