I love how he always points to us and say 'this is YOUR Grandpa", in his eyes EVERYBODY is his grandchild and he was put on this earth to feed them. We all love you Grandpa.
Yes... Show poor people, show poor grandpa. Use it to gain mercy views... Dumb Westerners will subscribe and also donate. Use 1 percent of the earnings to create the next video. Pocket the rest. Booze and laugh at the world!
America has fallen in love with Grandpa ♥️. Respect & love to you all. This recipe looks absolutely delicious. Not sure it would come out right made in Smaller batches. Thank you for having such beautiful hearts .
@@xihsan204 Well it still depends on who makes it. I, for example, can single-handedly ruin even my native dishes, so it really isn't of any significance that Afghani Chicken is from non-Indian origins.
wonder how the leaders of their government are going to make jobs to ensure they have a live with food to eat.......... they need jobs, and a stable economy and trade to make their country strive and make their country stable......... or is that just a stupid idea ?>?????????????
@MrCoors68 Are you Indian? If not, then stfu because you are completely unaware of anything about my place. These kids dont depend on this food, its just something that this guy likes to share. These kids are still 1000 times safer than the kids in US schools (shooting arenas of your country), so you better worry about YOUR kids.
@@abhaymishra30 ummm... How do you know lol. If what you say is correct, then just inform them upon their small mistake. No need to call America a "gun arena". You don't even know whether this person is American. They might aswell be British, like me.
I would like to translate Grandpa’ singing for you all. Enjoy👍 “My loneliness is killing me I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I'm not with you I lose my mind Give me a sign Hit me baby one more time”
I love that these guys take the time out of their day to feed these children, not only that but they make amazing, proper meals that are delicious! Much love from California! ♡
Brasileiro aqui 🇧🇷 Uma coisa muito bonita que O Sr. Faz aqui. Fico muito emocionado quando vejo isso, pessoas tentando fazendo um mundo melhor, e com certeza o Sr. Está conseguindo. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho 👏👏 Continue assim, sempre! Ajudando o mundo :D Fique em paz
@@urmike7357 Get lost u arsehole..dick face...we r already on a mission to separate balochistan from porkistan...Entire J&k is an integral part of India..dont u evn dare to think of azadi...f**k off from r Indian channel..!
Can't believe we just throw a perfectly good sandwich in NZ and look here, they have nothing to eat and this awesome grandpa is doing something about it
I don’t care if never met him, ima be bawling like a baby crying my eyes out if something ever happens to this grandpa, channel wouldn’t be the same without him neither would the world! ❤️😭😭😭❤️
May grand pa never die😘😘😘 I love you grandpa like all the people follow you.. thanks for feeding the orphan. Angel is real😇😇😇 GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! Hug and kisses from TAIWAN👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩
So Much Love to you Grandpa! My heart is so very moved by your love and compassion. May God continue to Bless your giving. From the U.S.A, I am cheering from you.
the best part of all the video i like the most is when grandpa does the intro and he giggles makes me really smile and those kids everytime they got their food. its heaven. thanks for the crew in heloing grandpa.
Everytime I watched his video, I feel the love, he and his family are so humble to cook and feed. People who do not like it are Haters, please don't hate. All love.💗💗😘💕
I'm happy that grandpa helping some kids because there so many kid that getting hungry and grandpa feeding them...Lets thank grandpa by subscribing him channel God bless grandpa.
My favourite ingredient from this channel is "MIXWELL"
mohsin khan 😂😂🤘🏼
Mine too!
capsicum and masala
I love how he always points to us and say 'this is YOUR Grandpa", in his eyes EVERYBODY is his grandchild and he was put on this earth to feed them. We all love you Grandpa.
rippingtons: And I would be honored to be his child
@@sandymiller3877 We all are.
He’s a good man. Rip 😥😥😥
@@paychecktyree3473 Really 🤣😀😂😅😂😀😂😅😂😀😂😅😂
@@sonaff4167 effect of being fatherless
He not back with the milk yet
Omg this is amazing we need more people like him. Love from England 🏴
Love from India and god bless you❤
Greeting 💐
Greetings to British people who killed our ancessters
@@Shubham_Pawar14 past is past let's spread love and peace✌ that's all our ancestors wanted!!
Yes... Show poor people, show poor grandpa. Use it to gain mercy views... Dumb Westerners will subscribe and also donate. Use 1 percent of the earnings to create the next video. Pocket the rest. Booze and laugh at the world!
I'm watching this after grandpa passed away, really missing him saying " this is your grandpa."😔
very bad
He was a very sweet good hearted person with a saints personality who helped the orphans wnd he will truly be missed 😪😪
Me too
Start saying me
Iam an Afghan and i loves grandpa and I love india🇮🇳🤝🇦🇫❤️🤴🤴
Namak haram afgandu
Majin VEGETA why namak haram
Majin VEGETA what they do to indian tell that please
Majin VEGETA English
Grandpa got some cool glasses 😎 and feels like singing! How cute!
I love you veralisa🥰🥰
New glasses and a new gold ring ...bless him for all his efforts
Veralisa: I immediately noticed the glasses, also
you are so cute.sister
@@akuyangda5682 yo that's weird bro. You could be a grown man that shits weird.
I love it when he says "Hello Guys how are you. This is your Grandpa".
Great Gentleman doing great things. X
America has fallen in love with Grandpa ♥️. Respect & love to you all.
This recipe looks absolutely delicious. Not sure it would come out right made in Smaller batches.
Thank you for having such beautiful hearts .
What if i told you it was an afghan reciepe
@@xihsan204 stop killing non muslims!
@@xihsan204 Well it still depends on who makes it. I, for example, can single-handedly ruin even my native dishes, so it really isn't of any significance that Afghani Chicken is from non-Indian origins.
@@pratikdutta676 Ah shit. Here we go again. A racist guy who targets muslims.
Mossouri: From Las Vegas, Nv
This is what you call a good man..god bless him feeding the needy..
when will he be recognized by the Indian Government and the UN
Kush Singh the Indian government sucks dick lol that’s why we say God bless AMERICA!!!
He has over 5m subscribers he has to be noticed
Only if he does stuff for already rich United Nations groups to get tax breaks.
How do you explain this?
@@Gymrat16789 we say god bless america because america sucks even bigger dick lol.
@@wolfy4734 noice!
The meaning of the song he sang-the world is a better place. Everyone should do something or the other to make others happy.
thank you!
Which language
3:31 when grandpa starts to sing ❤️
It's so wholesome
He aint say shit doe lol
@@NAYBAHOOD_NINJA you forgot something in your user not*
@@sethchong1641 naw you just forgot to get you a life foh
I love how he says “SUPER”
ahmad hajji yesh👍👍🙏💖
This channel deserves 100M subscribers
Mis u grandpa
I m Love you India, from Afghanistan 🇦🇫🇮🇳👍
Those kids are so bless that they have you!!!
I’m so happy those kids don’t have to go each day wondering and worrying about what they’re going to eat!
wonder how the leaders of their government are going to make jobs to ensure they have a live with food to eat..........
they need jobs, and a stable economy and trade to make their country strive and make their country stable......... or is that just a stupid idea ?>?????????????
Are you Indian?
If not, then stfu because you are completely unaware of anything about my place.
These kids dont depend on this food, its just something that this guy likes to share.
These kids are still 1000 times safer than the kids in US schools (shooting arenas of your country), so you better worry about YOUR kids.
@@abhaymishra30 ummm... How do you know lol. If what you say is correct, then just inform them upon their small mistake. No need to call America a "gun arena". You don't even know whether this person is American. They might aswell be British, like me.
So you asking them to stop commenting about your country while commenting about another?
@@abhaymishra30 they don't use kids as slaves.
Who's hungry now?
I love you Grandpa!!!!!
This is a stolen comment
Granpa wifi psw: "super"
We love you Grandpa, respect from Italy
I would like to translate Grandpa’ singing for you all. Enjoy👍
“My loneliness is killing me
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time”
Which language song??
@@k.priyabrat2954 Telugu
@ MCALAX 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣screw u!! 😂🤣🤣🤣
He’s singing about a festival called ugadi btw.
Love from Canada 🇨🇦 Afghanistan 🇦🇫
شكرا لك انت تمدنا بالطاقة الإيجابية ♥
Thank you I am from Algeria
ولاد بلادي
اي والله
Love from India ❤🇮🇳
Sofiane Feghouli ! Galatasaray 🇹🇷💪
The natural sounds in this vid is so relaxing in some way.. keep it up 🙂
It takes a Grandpa to feed a village!!!
Dislike???no humanity..grandpa is the best kitchen i ever seen...the best then gordon gargoyle ramsay..
Grandpa needs his own restaurant😬🤗.
Sahi main
Wow Grandpa in high spirits. We love you Grandpa.
4.6 Million subscribers is not a joke.Great job grandpa and the gang.May you all be blessed
Dear grandpa, I think that you are the one of the best cheaf . Keep doing and keep rocking. This love from SanJana Sri from your country
One of my favorite channels of all time! I love you guys and everything you stand for!! ❤️❤️❤️
Amy Suphapha 💖💖💖🙏🙏
He better be getting the maximum amount of ad-cent cause this is the most heartwarming thing ever 😇😭
May Allah (Almighty God )protect, bless and give strength to Grandpa and his helpers for showing great effort in feeding children and other. Ameen 🤲
Stop killing non muslims. Grandpa doesn't follow allah. Stop thinking everybody in this world are muslims!
Its god not shitty allah!
Hello Grandpa , we love your cooking very much .from Saudi Arabia🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦
اي والله
Why do you saudi muslims hate non muslims?
Pratik Dutta why are you so racist muslims don’t say anything to non Muslims unlike u
Salutations from The United States of America. So Cal baby... Keep up gods good work.
They cook pounds of food and never ONCE showed him struggle. A true hero
i like @cookingwiththeogs they make fire food have u watched them?
We all think giving is loosing but we believe more you give more you prosper.
EveryBody Please Watch The Adverts So This Great And Thoughtful Man Would Get Paid For His Wonderful Achievements And Actions
YOUR A GAY IF YOU READ THIS u just called me gay
i agree with u but he’s being paid with youtube
his DEAD!! and they have patreon anyway !!!
someone use grandpa's mixwell line in a rap song with the ingredients along the lyrics RESPECT GRANDPA love from east los angeles
Your cooking and you is funtabulus....we love it. But please wear gloves while mixing anything don't use hands and specially left hand
Rizwana Azghar it is more cleaner to use hands actually
Its more cleaner if u use your feet
May fans din plang pinoy pinoy ako hehe
@@samgamer8408 opo...fans po kme ni grandpa..pinapanood nmin ng mga bata😊😊😊..taga saan po kyo☺
God bless Grandpa and family
Lemery batangas po
@@samgamer8408 taga tondo manila nmn po kme ...nakaka good vibes c grandpa 😊
Hello Grandpa, love the cooking. Wish you could be in our town, keep the video coming. Much Love from Australia ❤💛💗
This is so cute and wholesome. miss grandpa so much 🥺 how can anyone dislike ??!!!!??
All he do is have positive energy ,vibes and that’s wat we need in life now 😍😍
God bless you Grandpa! Kisses from Brazil.
Is brasil*
@@guilhermelinsanselmo8856 basil*
I always felt hope and peace after watching Grandpa 💕💕
thank you Grandpa!
kimberly carreon me toooo💖💖🙏🙏🙏
Let's clean chicken. Thank you Granpa, greetings from Puerto Rico USA
Grandpa is such a hardworking guy, whatever he cooks turns out to be delicious and mouth watering.
He unfortunately passed away.
People who disliked it were probably chickens...
Purple_artzz UwU thank u for make me laugh😂😂💖🙏
so if you're a chicken yould you like this kind of videos?
orang tidak suka itu mungkin ayam
Yup, like cook chicken in front of the alive chicken🤔 sounds no respect at all 😂 poor chicken.
Just love Grandpa Blessings to u and ur family
Please subscribe😊😊
عاشت ايديك يا جدنا العظيم ..اتمنى من بعض المسلمين الاغنياء ان يأخذوا دروسا بلانسانه من هؤلاء الطيبين
ان الاشخاص الذين تعنينهم ليس بمسلمين ولا يمثلون الاسلام. فالاسلام اعلى منهم بكثير.
It's sad to see that the topcomments here just likefishing.
whatever.. I wish the Team of Grandpa Kitchen love and power to continue!
TelefonBÄRmann hgfdml
You need an inflatable donut to sit on? You seem pretty butthurt.
Although I kind of agree with you
May Allah give food them who are hungry. Amin
I love that these guys take the time out of their day to feed these children, not only that but they make amazing, proper meals that are delicious! Much love from California! ♡
ماشاء الله عليكم بالعافية😍❤️
عراقيه صح
ماشاء الله
سعوديه صح
Brasileiro aqui 🇧🇷
Uma coisa muito bonita que O Sr. Faz aqui. Fico muito emocionado quando vejo isso, pessoas tentando fazendo um mundo melhor, e com certeza o Sr. Está conseguindo.
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho 👏👏
Continue assim, sempre! Ajudando o mundo :D
Fique em paz
Um Br aleluia!!!
Braziliam here 🤮
I hate brazil
Grandpa is God's angel
Love frm jammu
So what you think about Jammu's independence from India ?
@@urmike7357 no, Jammu is in India :(
@@urmike7357 Get lost u arsehole..dick face...we r already on a mission to separate balochistan from porkistan...Entire J&k is an integral part of India..dont u evn dare to think of azadi...f**k off from r Indian channel..!
Can't believe we just throw a perfectly good sandwich in NZ and look here, they have nothing to eat and this awesome grandpa is doing something about it
“This is YOUR grandpa” damn my whole heart melted ✊🏾❤️
Truely a grandpa who takes care of all his children
the best of health, wealth and life in general for OUR grandpa💜
This recipe is awesome and healthy, I LOVE your mixing of ingredients together, your cooking is awesome, am from Zambia
I m from Missouri ( United States) & I so enjoy grandpa & his sidekicks especially smilie ! 👍👍🙏🙏
So happy that Grandpa’s legacy and feeding of the children is continuing! LOVING, CARING, SHARING!!
We need grandpa to do a Q and A 👍🏼
We need to get a Ouija.
Wow i love the is because my from in Afghan❤️❤️🇦🇫
yaSsi GAm yes im muslim
@@omarzaisana8692 😃 l also
yaSsi GAm yes🇦🇫
I can't understand what granpa sang but enjoy it😊😊😊😊love from Tripura
I m also from Tripura
Can we be frds and more. I want to visit tripura.. will u be my buddy
Awwww Grandpa looks so handsome with his glasses on I love him so much I think he is just so precious ❤️🥰❤️
I'm Afghan and I love you grandpa and all Indians 🇦🇫❤️🇮🇳
الله يوفقه والله رجال يستحق كل التقدير والاحترام
The only channel on TH-cam that inspires me
One love grandpa
Wish all men were like uh!💖💖
Love from Somalia 🇸🇴🌍
Missing grandpa's signature line " this is your grandpa"
Grandpa was too adorable when he suddenly broke into song. Put a smile on everyone's face.
I don’t care if never met him, ima be bawling like a baby crying my eyes out if something ever happens to this grandpa, channel wouldn’t be the same without him neither would the world! ❤️😭😭😭❤️
Always an awesome food, Grandpa... Respect from Vietnam 🇻🇳
May God bless you, Grandpa & crew!! Happy Eid, love from Singapore 🧡
He isn't muslim, he doesn't celebrate isis holiday like eid!
Isis holiday ??More like ignorant .
@@pratikdutta676 how more stupid you can be. :(.
Xxxsky_queenXxx Imaan bruh we can literary make their god melt with a freaking lighter 😂💔
/god/ dude tell me why what you said is so dam true😂😂😂😂😂
Would look the recipe for the homemade masala!!! Love Grandpa - his laugh makes me laugh!
You know your making the best content on TH-cam when basically no one dislikes the vid. Keep it up grandpa we all love you
جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا ورزقك من فضله لانك تطعم الفقراء
I can't understand how people unlike the sweet and nice video 🤔
Let's just call them Vegans.
Tasneem Fatima People are animals
U re right 🙏🙏💖💖
LOVE from Mizoram
Great combination of Friday night and Non veg recipe !! Thanks for the video , love you from USA !!
May grand pa never die😘😘😘
I love you grandpa like all the people follow you.. thanks for feeding the orphan. Angel is real😇😇😇 GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! Hug and kisses from TAIWAN👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩👩❤️💋👩
Mashaa Allah ... Allah give you a more blessings . Until akhirah .. your such a inspiring people grand pa .. from philippines 🇵🇭
التيا اسمعيل Allah bless you
Who miss grandpa😫😩
lovely sound
best like ( from saudi araiba ).
the best job I seen for beautiful children
81 dislikes why love this man he feeds kids kids ok godbless u grandpa your food looks good love u💜💛💙💝💖🌹💐💐🌺
I'm from Georgia . Very love your country and grandpa ❤
So Much Love to you Grandpa! My heart is so very moved by your love and compassion. May God continue to Bless your giving. From the U.S.A, I am cheering from you.
you are a great person, and im proud to call you my grandpa :)
Haha you got a blender, beautiful. Bless you grandpa from Los Angeles . I will try to make this recipe
They have everything ... But they like to cook in traditional way
Godbless you grandpaaaa. Love from the philippines
Love from India ❤🇮🇳
Salam Aleykum from Azerbaijan🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿❤❤🇵🇰🇵🇰
the best part of all the video i like the most is when grandpa does the intro and he giggles makes me really smile and those kids everytime they got their food. its heaven. thanks for the crew in heloing grandpa.
Nice job, your master of all out side kitchen chef's, I love see to eating children,
They all eat so naturally, it's so beautiful.
Ganesh: I bet the outdorr cooks love him, too
The World need more like this man, thank you grandpa♥️♥️
I love GRANDPA iam from Germany
Love from india and god bless you❤
Grandpa Is in full mood..........at this age also grandpa was cooking for so many kids.
you are a very honest man grandpa
I'm korean fan~!! Nice video thank you so much!!
that awkward moment you're doing epic meal prep and grandpa breaks out into a funky tune 😂
111455 😂
Long live granda! Another amazing food made by you!
Love From Philippines
Everytime I watched his video, I feel the love, he and his family are so humble to cook and feed. People who do not like it are Haters, please don't hate. All love.💗💗😘💕
I'm happy that grandpa helping some kids because there so many kid that getting hungry and grandpa feeding them...Lets thank grandpa by subscribing him channel God bless grandpa.