whats wrong with just giving you a debuff in high density areas of a city which prevents mounting and let people mount up in the more open areas (e.g. slum area of eulmore, outside plaza of ratz at han)
@@magtalushonestly it’s wholly unneeded. Aetherytes make traveling these areas effortless, and Even the more open areas will still become flooded with giant whales and other mounts that will make seeing things borderline impossible. Heck, busier aetherytes in the overworld already have that problem during high volume hours.
Maybe not the starting cities, but there was a sense of community back in Stormblood whenever new content dropped a mount or one appeared on the mogstation. Rhalgr's Reach would be flooded with them and it definitely encouraged me to do that content. Idyllshire felt the same, even though I wasn't too attached to FFXIV's endgame at the time. YoshiP's decision to make Eulmore and Radz-At-Han tighter spaces isn't lost on me, and it genuinely makes me sad
@@SuperLoop7209 maybe you think its unnecessary but as stated in the video some people want to show off their mounts in areas with the most traffic, it just makes sense, WoW has had it since launch and they've never felt the need to take that away. Also I've never seen a case of so many mounts being in one place that you can't see an aetheryte unless its a hunt train, both Rhalgr's reach and Idylshire don't have that problem and if they did then as I already said just add give people a dismount debuff in those specific areas and problem solved. So now theres no reason not to bring this back
@@magtalus ok but places like Rhalgr’s Reach and Idyllshire still allow mounts. And idyl is still a very very active location thanks to WT and the like. In fact I see mount parades there almost daily. So I why do we need to flood everywhere else when most hubs are not as open? It’s completely a nonissue. Besides, what’s stopping people from getting together in lower level areas for showcases and such? Summer cord is a fantastic area to do things out in the open since the map is so massive, and even level 1 players are safe to hang out there. Edit because my phone autocorrected incorrectly. Summer cord is supposed to say Summerford. iPhone hates me sometimes.
not being able to use mounts in cities is honestly a good thing for me..I wouldn't want to load in to a very populated Limsa while everyone is riding gigantic mounts (eg. Landerwaffe, Cerberus, and other mounts that get scaled relatively large for larger races) potentially blocking out other people and possibly NPCs/Marketboard..back when Island kicked you out to the ferryman NPC and I didn't know it kicked us out for being afk, I went back to my game while my character was riding Landerwaffe standing right next to the NPC blocking him out and I just felt sorry for the people who had to deal with that while I was afk as for level sync, while they could probably do better with it (maybe adjust skills so we have our basic rotations at low level) I'm glad it exists cuz I didn't feel useless when I was a mere sprout running msq dungeons with my veteran friends, it's usually a dealbreaker to me in an mmo when I have to do a required content as a new player with other people and all I end up doing is running behind the vets trying to keep up while they bulldoze everything
I personally HATE the game's UI and inventory. By UI, I mean interacting with NPC vendors mainly. Having to pick a bunch of vague text boxes to see if the item you want is in that menu is annoying, and Quest UI, mainly for relics, could really do with a slight overhaul to resemble the new crafter relic quests where it actually tells you what stage# that quest is, and add a built in tracker to see what has completed what(or remove the previous quest from appearing if on a class that has completed it). As for inventory, it's just a mess of a bunch of different inventories, fake inventories, and wasted spaces(looking at you Key Item inventory).
As a WoW refugee I'm familiar with what happens when certain people are given free rein to mount up wherever they like. Blocked portals, blocked quest givers, intentional and malicious interference with rp events, visual congestion (you might call it visual pollution). Let's leave cities a place to show off our glamours, and not our mounts.
Yeah but it's one thing to make the space around things players might want to interact with mount-free, another to not be able to mount up in Orgrimmar at all. I certainly prefer WoW's implementation
I used to hate syncing down in daily roulettes but after experiencing the hell that was ESO daily dungeons I have completely backtracked on that. You were unable to do anything but trying to keep up with veteran players who were blasting through the dungeons with endgame gear since there was no level sync. You got to do something once you yourself became that.
Maybe they could do a bit of both? You can choose to keep most of your abilities, but they would be toned down to keep your contribution equal to if you were fully level synced. Abilities that can't be balanced to fit, like the existence of vercure and verraise on RDM, would still have to be disabled.
@@VollkinSea It's not that easy because your overall damage output depends on your kit. A lv 45 BLM doing Sastasha is doing a complete different rotation than a lv 90 BLM in Sastasha. Your lv 90 BLM Fire IV is doing less damage than a lv 45 BLM Fire III. Imagine that.
@@VollkinSeanah, no disabling anything. Just set the stats properly low. Works in gw2. Same result compared to current system. But if you have access to your full skillset it feels soooo much better.
@@Really_Biggah It is the best solution but at the same time it will take some development time since it involves tinkering a lot of potencies and balancing for each dungeon
if mounts were in cities it would just become a problem whenever a new expansion was out or a streamer went through with people blocking story NPCs or other things. This would only work if players were not trolls which they are. A speed increase on foot would be fine though. No one but the person who acquired the gear for their glam or the mount actually cares about your shiny weapon or mount. As for the difficulty gap between normal and savage sure however I would not suggest a increase in difficulty in normal content as someone who runs roulettes a lot I see a ton of people struggle with that content and then you would just filter those people out who would never do raids anyway which would be a loss of money to the game. The best I could suggest for the difficulty gap is more difficult solo content but not hidden within something like Bozja. The divided areas I would suggest keeping having not played WoW but played every other MMO that has no load screens between zones the games servers (even running on better tech than FFXIV) could not handle it and you just got desync, t-pose characters and weird lag or damage that happened 5 minutes later. I prefer the divided areas approach that FFXIV and GW2 use over the lag fest that is a fully open world. As for gearing : I simply do not care for long gearing processes having come from other MMOs that do have that if I wanted that I would just play those games. You know what the best thing they could do is detach Criterion from the gearing process and lower it to a IL that allows you to play it without savage equivalent gear at the time of release.
Honestly, I have never experienced the issue you mentioned about open worlds de-syncing and lagging out. One that's competently made, like the world in WoW, is basically seamless. The only loading screens are when you use a portal or Hearthstone, or when you travel between "continents", and the game world remains perfectly traversable and interactable. And the mounts thing? That was solved by the main MMO where that was an issue, and they did it years ago. WoW just lets you click through other players if there's an NPC on the other side. If they're related to a quest step, they'll have a faint glowing outline too so they're even easier to find and click. XIV also solved this before it even had the potential to be an issue: you're forcibly dismounted upon interacting with an NPC, and you can click their name to select them whether you can actually see their model or not.
@@VeshSneaksHow many of them have you played long term? I hop to other MMOs from time to time and have been to almost everything available translated or even dead games like Elyon/Tera/Solo) Black Desert is among those that has a desync issue along with other issues. WoW is the exception when it comes to it functioning not the rule. You are forced to dismount in XIV when interacting however unless a particular key is configured which if I recall isn't by default if a bunch of people crowd on it with a mount a new player isn't going to know about the optional features they add in a patch unless they update the default control settings and I went ahead and checked you can still cover a NPC with a giant solid mount such as the fat chocobo.
1) I dont think predictability is a bad thing. Its far easier to understand exactly what we are getting and how much we are getting for the money we pay to play the game. Comparing it to lets say other live services games, WoW has issues on if certain things will be put in game, Destiny 2 virtually has players spend 70 dollars with the hope they get content. Knowing that There's going to be 7 primal fights, a 12 boss raid, a 24 man raid and myraid of 8-10 dungeons is not bad standard to uphold. Its not a minimum nor is it overflow. There's also the issue of putting too much on the plate for the player themselves, allowing a FOMO mindset to kick in. This is how WoW and other games play, institute FOMO and allow players to trip over themselves until the new FOMO is ready. 2) Loading Screens, Net Code, Open world = relics of PS3 era. This all starts with Yoshida promising PS3 support for FFXIV, something the previous Dev team did say was going to happen. The big problem was, PS3 was not powerful enough to run the full might of the engine (Luminous Studios), so what XIV got and still has to this day is a stripped down version of the engine. This caused issues...that is loading screens....net code and limiting open world. I'd even argue that modern MMO's as they stand right now still use Loading screens, they are just masked in a way that tricks the player to think its still expansive. If you look at Star Citizen's Persistent Engine streaming, that's true open world tech right there and no other company other than a kickstarter is developing it. The net code has been an issue with the game and its gotten better over time...its not as great as WoW but its far better than it was in 2012-2014. Open World....PS3 legacy issues to this day.....there's a hard limit of how many monsters and players can be in the open world before the instance becomes congested and inaccessible. Again, i'll always stand by this point. bringing the game to console should have never been on the table and XIV would have been in a far better position if it was PC first with console compatibility later. 3) Gearing...just be glad its not live service. Also WoW's gearing system is hit or miss and having to balance everything in that game...no wonder so many classes are 'dead' due to either the gear getting hit with the nerf bat or class getting hit. Having a system not like WoW makes the class balance a lot healthier and while there's a discussion on job uniqueness ect....the amount of jobs to balance is going to be rougher on the dev team to keep everything viable...or is it 100% ok for powercreap to run rampant? Another issue is the RNG on top of the RNG...this was heavily experienced in Diadem 1.0, there was gear in the diadem when it was first introduced. This gear was level 60 with random ilvl + random weapon stat. So you could get a ilvl 190 piece with 200 crit on it, find a ilvl 200 piece with 10 crit...so on. There was even an ilvl weapon that you could do in a random spawn raid (ie those 'loved' random encounters that anyone can eff up) that gave out a weapon, but it was random...it was all random.... So what did team do when the players at the time panned the whole experience, Diadem died....no one went there. The Gearing became what it was because it was easier just to have good stable gear over RNG bullshittery. I Do 100% agree that different gearing avenues need to exist with the expanding roster of classes. I disagree on the RNG bullshit that is trying to hunt down a mob for a specific gear hoping it has a god roll drop. 4) Gameplay Mastery, Mounts and MISC. I honestly like how we dont have to deal with mounts in the city. That's just my personal preference as it takes away from the city and other players....We all know that there'd be a group of people mounted on the largest mounts just to be obnoxious. Gameplay Mastery, from the lil drama that apparently hitting AoE button's is 'elitists'. A healthy chunk of the playerbase is incapable to doing just the basic requirements of their job. So my question is this, would you rather have a hard dungeon and deal with bad tanks & healers that you'd be unable to kick due to them running and opening a chest (that prevents them from being kicked) wiping constantly because neither of them understand how their kit works or....a semi-easy dungeon you can do with 2 potatoes in tow. I rather have the easy dungeon that even a potato can do over the hard one. I remember ARR dungeons with bad tanks and healers that my group had to kick....and waiting 20 minutes for a fill...or begging a friend to que in progress for that dungeon. It was not a nice experience. The consequences of allowing NPC help in offloading que times is easier dungeons fine, the benefit that I don't have to contemplate a 30 min penalty because johnny one thumb is unable to do his 1-2-3 combo in my expert. I would argue this though, making dungeons hard again would breathe life back into FC's as people will just choose to run FC/Friend groups to do roulettes with. Fixing ARR would hamper everything else (just as much as splitting the studio team to make XVI hampered post EW patches) so it serves as a great filter. Oddly enough there are some people who say ARR is ok. Its gotten better (after doing a 2nd run though) but god it was holy hell before the two re-works its gotten.
Well said. I agree with everything you said! Oddly enough, I didn't mind going through ARR. The only thing I hated, at that time, was being forced to do CT because I was terrified of doing Raids and was not mentally prepared. I was a frightened sprout. 🤣
Is the Echo a thing in Dungeons? That way you could make dungeons more difficult but if there is a full party wipe you get a stat boost... though that would be hard to judge outside the boss rooms...
@@anteprs7908 because people do not read their tool tips. Its very easy to spot in normal content. Hell its far easier to spot in normal content because when you're doing a rotation properly it becomes second nature. it allows you to look at what everyone else is doing. From seeing a tank pop 2 cooldowns at the same time (we're talking rampart + their 30% CD) to seeing a healer just stand there with their mouth open as it fills up with water not casting a single damage spell or playing HP hot potato with the tank. To the single target DPS because AoE button...I cant find it, even more worse when you go into normal trial and run into those special DPS who only use AoE attacks. I've pretty much ran into them all, its far less now but in ARR/HW...you never ran expert/dungeon roulettes solo. You brought friends/FC mates because you couldnt trust the randos that populated your party.
There are 2 "cities" that allow mounts: Idyllshire, and Rhalgr's Reach, but the former is a non-human city, and the latter is in the middle of a war zone. The others don't really make sense from a world building perspective; having your mounts there should kind of cause a lot of trouble for the people there.
I agree with you and my biggest complaint in the list is the world feeling empty. I was exploring the new regions in EW and the moon looks amazing too bad it's a dead place filled with number sacks for you to hit, empty, non-interactive areas, invisible walls and boring FATEs
@@5000562 Yeah, it's a horrible idea, and don't need to think too much to come to that conclusion. It was at this point in the video that I came to the conclusion that most of these criticisms here in this video, are empty! a large part of what he criticized in the current game is what makes the game good, casual friendly and different from other MMOs. (like the synced Roullettes, and Gear Process) Maybe it just doesn't suit his personnal taste i guess...
@@noisyguy4013 I agree with him on the sync'd part in that, if they at least let us keep our skills/toolkit, but adjust potency accordingly based on sync, it'd both be much more enjoyable to run and maybe give people who aren't high level a bit of a glimpse of the full kit at work(or at least most the skills) and maybe make them look forward to unlocking that next ability or try that job. Not saying it's bad as is, but it'd definitely make it less jarring. I always go in and forget what skills are locked as I try to do my rotations naturally lol.
@@magtalus Why would you say something like that to the guy? lol I believe he didn't express himself so well, but i get his point and yeah he forgot to mention the fact that there is space for improvement in all these features but apart from that, he got it right, he's not wrong. I believe that most XIV fans are happy with the way most things are, including the devs, otherwise they would have to feel bad about almost the entire game being bad right now, since this video mentions almost everything that is important in the structure of the MMO, but this is not the case. many of the things this video mentioned as possible "problems" are actually the reasons why I migrated from WoW to XIV in the first place. some of them don't really need radical changes, just adjustments. Peace ✌
As someone who has recently returned to FFXIV and is starting from scratch more or less, there are some things in this video i can agree with; but, the biggest "shock" I've experienced is that FFXIV has lost its MMO aspect. When i first played FFXIV: the chat channels were full of players talking about the game, FCs sending recruiting messages, and players actually helping each other or helping other players with content. Now: FFXIV seems more like a dating sim, a "venue" hopping, or full of anything other than actually playing the game itself. Added to the fact that now certain things can be done with a group of NPCs only further removes the MMO aspect. While i do understand why this change was made: FFXIV is a MMO for humans to play. If I personally wanted to play a game with no human interactions: I could just play Solitaire or some other built in Windows game. Part of what made FFXIV the success it is revolves around the game itself and the game's community. Recent changes seem to be puahing the community aspect away and becoming a solo experience. Again, i understand why this was done and how it can benefit people who enjoy solo play. However, most people who play a MMO do so with the understanding that they will be interacting with other people. People can post what they don't like about things in the game; but, my fear is that given FFXIV's direction now versus how it was over a year ago: the part that made FFXIV so great (the community) will become so further divided, so us vs them, so sprout vs veteran vs high raider, players will eventually get pushed away. An example: over a year ago, if a sprout got frustrated with something in ARR, other players would rally around them, encourage them, and help them figure what was going wrong. Now: its do it yourself, get gud, wait until max level to solo x content, that is side content to skip, a streamer openly berating other players online, or being so "specialized" that sprouts lose the incentive to see going through what is ARR. IMHO: FFXIV and its community needs to return to its pre-Endwalker days before a calamity floods the game and it os lost to history.
I have 4500 hrs into this game. I still enjoy it, but I never seem to stick with it for more than a month after the end of an expansion. Leveling and experiencing the story and raids for the first time is still one of my favorite gaming moments. But now that I've done almost everything in the game at least once, I've been findings myself more and more disappointed with the game. I haven't really been able to articulate why, but this video describes it perfectly, especially the games predictability and lack of open world content. We know almost for certain what is coming in Dawntrail, just a reskin of previous expansion. New jobs, new story, with a couple of new zones and dungeons that become irrelevant immediately after you finish the story in that zone. Followed by the endgame which consists of a 24 man raid , 2 trails, and savage raids. I don't do savage because I don't have time for a weekly static, so that leaves me with like 90% of the end game progression out for me. I just wish the devs would take a couple more risks, because I've come to the realization that even though I love ffxiv's lore (the world is enchanting, the characters are amazing, the story is one of if not the best I have ever played) the game itself and the systems that support it are terrible.
I know that the game is easy but when I started out I didn't feel that way. My crafter-main friend still struggles with alliance raid content despite completing the game and whatnot... and hates doing roulettes because they aren't confident in their skills. Not everyone is a Giga Chad raider, mechanics and rotations just don't come as naturally as for you. For many FFXIV can be their first MMORPG experience. It took me months to be comfortable with tanking while healing is as natural to me as breathing air. I have ADHD and I noticed what an obstacle that disability already is for extreme trials lol. I struggled with keeping up in Seat of Sacrifice back in Post Shadowbringer. I think the way MSQ is and the difficulty level of MSQ content is, especially the normal raids, fair. I'd appreciate more "midcore" content that would allow me to even get into high-end content easier in the first place without needing to gather 7 unknown players from PF. I was hoping criterion is gonna be in that field but i heard its really shit and idk :/ I'm not there yet to check.
2.0 fixes for stuff like that is a reasonable excuse for stuff like that... up until the 7.0 graphics rework comes out... Then there will be no excuse. Stuff like that should be overhauled and fixed. I really hope that at the very least the 3 starter cites become one instance. I know that overworld stuff will always have loading screens between them. Its just how the game is put together. But there is no excuse anymore for cities and most dungeons to be still doing it.
This was a great list and touched on a lot of things I find frustrating about the game, myself. I think the thing I like about FFXIV the least, though, is one you didn’t touch on: the game’s almost complete lack of self-expression in their job (i.e. class) design. There’s no talents, no optional abilities, nothing you can do to make a job more suited to your playstyle or preferences. I can’t think of any other MMO I’ve ever played - not WoW, not GW2, not LotRO, not City of Heroes - where this has been true, and I think the game’s design really suffers for it. There are so many jobs where I love the aesthetic or the fantasy but don’t find the gameplay compelling, and being able to even make small changes to how they play would go a long way toward increasing my enjoyment of them.
Regarding the point on savage, there is a difficulty called extreme which is like the entry point to high end raiding. It helps introduce players to party roles, raiding know-how, etc. Personally i recommend people going to extremes first to get a feel of harder difficulty raids rather then going expert which doesnt help at all 😅
@@MrCarlWax the good thing about extremes though is that it teaches harder variation of mechs or faster version of mechanics. While extremes are varied in difficulty i agree, at least it forces the player to get better and start sharpen some raid sense Again better than nothing 😂 rather than the example of doing expert dungeons.
@@migurusu-saint9160 My point is that some extremes or on par with savage fights or even harder at times. They aren't really preparing anyone, they are about as hard and is dead on pf when the raid is out. I agree that experts aren't helping even the slightest. I'd even argue that old low level dungeons are harder than any expert dungeon. The game just overall lacks any stepping stone to get into savage. You kinda just have to throw yourself in the deep end and try to stay afloat.
i wanna quickly say that i'd hesitate to draw negative conclusions regarding the game's profitability among its competition simply because it demonstrably can and does compete with them successfully
or to put it another way, if it was me writing this video i personally wouldn't cite 'profitability/competition' as my reasoning behind my suggestions, since the game is profitable/competitive already as we all saw during EW launch. i'd cite my personal preferences or other reasons of taste but the comp argument rings hollow when the game is already doing great in that aspect
I don’t recall even writing the word “profitable” in the script, but I could be wrong. I certainly discussed competitiveness, but I have no knowledge of Square’s internal finances.
Agree with all of your points except the mounts one. They’re not a big deal. Being synced down all the time and losing abilities and skills really does suck. But I couldn’t think of any way to fix this because even with a stat squish and keeping abilities there’s still the obvious fact that there’ll be a lower level player that doesn’t have access to the same abilities and some form of unbalance will be unavoidable. And even if they somehow manage to equal their output, it won’t be a lot of fun to watch for the newer player how the higher level one gets to dish out so many skills and abilities. Similar to this there’s the issue with MSQ locked content which has it’s pros, and cons, and one of them is a bit subjective I guess, something that bothers me. I feel bad whenever I ask for someone to join me in a duty, say, levels 70-90 and I get answered by players that are still in Heavensward or getting into Stormblood and simply can’t join. ARR to let’s say ShB is such a long journey that those players will always be like “aw, haven’t got there yet, I guess some other time” and you basically will never get to play with them outside of duty roulettes, running content that isn’t exciting to you (nor to them). It’s a complicated situation, it feels shitty. There’s this wholesome player in my FC that started a couple months ago, he’s super involved and he just can’t run shit with us other than a couple roulettes everyday, I can notice he’s incredibly bored and discouraged and only keeps playing because he likes the people and the game’s world but ultimately, you play MMOs to run content with others, and feel excited about it. That doesn’t happen a lot and it takes such a long time to finally be caught up with other players, that by the time you get there, you may either feel fucking exhausted or those players you wanted to run with may not be around anymore or in a hiatus. Again, this also doesn’t seem to have a feasible way to be addressed. It is how it is. It’s a take it or leave it I guess. I’d also wish leveling jobs after you’ve got a couple to 90 was easier. It sucks balls to level up a job from level 1 at such a slow pace after you’ve been playing like 7 different ones at 90. Going through those ARR-HW dungeons over and over again to push it further because 1-2 levels a day is just not enough. Sorry for such a long rant.
I'm not expecting FF14 to swap engines or be able to do much to improve their netcode, but I also feel if there was a group of devs that would passionately push for that, it would be CBU3.
I'm coping hard for this, too. I want to be able to hit "Interject" and feel like the game is responding to my command as I press it, rather than a half second afterwards.
Not having mounts in the cities is honestly a good thing. I don't want the mount clutter in the main cities. I would rather see the characters and different glams/gear. I really wish criterion dungeons could be the midcore content for players. The gap from normal raids to savage is pretty large for most players. I agree with most of the other points here though. It would require a substantial overhaul to the game but I think it is something SE needs to consider in order to keep the game relevant going into the future.
I don't think mounts in cities are a technical limitation. I just think the devs don't want people crashing from the insane lag, or finding themselves unable to make out any discernible detail of their surroundings because the tsunami of mounts has suffocated the area. Also, I'd be careful referencing WoW's trinkets and set bonuses. Have you looked at the class balance in that game recently? I agree that it can be fun, I quite enjoyed BLASTING as a Fire Mage in BFA, but I would never wish that state of the game upon FFXIV. One of WoW's biggest issues with balancing is all the STUFF classes can get their hands on. It becomes an exponential problem which leads to Guardian Druids doing millions of DPS with corruptions, Fire Mages melting DPS meters with their fancy trinket and azerite pieces, and I could go on. This is the silver lining of FFXIV's "boring gear," and honestly, I kinda hope they don't change it too much. Or, if they do, don't add more gear and make it an exponential nightmare. I'd also, ALSO be extra careful referencing M+. Whereas yes, it's cool, don't forget the extremely rough negatives that comes with it. If you aren't one of the meta specs, don't expect to get a group. Run your own? Prepare to reach key level 9 and then brace as it gets nuke down to 7. The reward for your troubles? Slightly higher numbers on pointless gear. The challenge? Enemies with slightly higher stats, and after certain milestones, another modifier gets added (which has, historically, only ever been a headache). I forget the exact pairing, but remember the kite meta during SL? I do as a prot pally main, I don't want that for FFXIV. Predictability is not bad. Warlords of Draenor REALLY shook up the content that players got, remember that? Or, shook up isn't the exact phrasing I would use, but you know what I mean. Knowing what we're getting is one of the most reassuring things, and really helps with expectations. Honestly... It kinda sounds like you need to take a break. I'm gonna guess you have a LOT of hours logged in-game, as I only ever hear arguments such as yours from people who have sunk thousands of hours, if not literally a year+ of time into the game. When you reach that point, things get stale and you begin wanting big changes. You want to continue enjoying the game, you want the game to suck you back in and drain another couple thousand, but that's not the right decision for the majority. I feel as though I can speak on this, I don't want to openly admit how many hours I happily gave to WoW. And, at the end of the day, FFXIV seems to be more of a casual game. Yes, there are monumental grinds and crazy hard content, but it isn't designed to keep you hooked year round. I believe Yoshi P himself even told us to take breaks and to play different games. I feel you, but I don't think a lot of these points are right for FFXIV. I agree some things will need to change and evolve if it's to stay relevant, but given how many things you referenced back to WoW, I don't think copying WoW's systems would be a good idea. I mean, hell, it isn't even a good idea for WoW right now. They're still clawing themselves out of the crater left by BFA and SL!
One thing about glamour is that while a lot of pieces look great, the actual "system" is garbage. I first started saving everything I could only to realize later I didn't have the space for half of it, and to top it off if you want ANY alts for any reason you have to hunt for those pieces again. I love the game but this list does a great job summarizing my issues with it.
As someone who played wow since 2004 I can confidently say that ARR's leveling experience is MILES ahead of what WoWs leveling experience has been for many years now. Though what you said about exploring a world with a sense of danger and teaches you to become a better applies to the early versions of the game (which we saw a resurgence of in classic), the retail leveling experience is a horrible confusing boring slop that not only makes you bored but it actively makes you a worse player if you are completely new to the game. Unlike in ffxiv it is a reason why by boosting your character in WoW is not only adviced but encouraged by the company itself. You even get a free boost since everyone knows that everything outside of the current expansion is completely worthless and inconsequential. There was a meme going around for years that the best leveling guide in Retail WoW is to turn on Netflix on your second monitor.
You're _technically_ right about the mount speed, but both speeds are _static._ That's what I mean when I say "variable". As far as Ultimates go, not yet. That is an ambition that I want to undertake for the sake of a longform video, although I'm in the middle of publishing one about my last 500 hours in World of Warcraft, so it'll be a while.
I don't care that much about not having mounts in cities. However, not being able to sprint with all jobs indefinitely there really grinds my gears. If you have to visit multiple merchants or NPCs for quests, your are guaranteed to run out of fuel unless you have a ranged dps. Having mounts could solve this, but I would much rather have sprint. Or, a redesign of the layouts so that you do not have to walk between your grand company and your hotel room. Legends say 1.0 did not have loading screens. They also say it was changed so that the game could be ported to PS3. I quite frankly do not care about this. Even if they removed it now, the game was designed around etherytes and fast travel. No one ever walks out of a main city. You always TP anyway. Past the novelty, people would just go back to TP again. The one point I will fully agree with you is that riding / flying mounts is boring as hell. I would be nice to have some kind of dash. Or at least some kind of mini-game to have something to do while on one.
Gearing being so boring is why I can't take 14 seriously, and slow. Wow's upgrade system got limited in 10.2 and yet it STILL feels faster and like it respects my time more (minus bullshit drops of course, GIVE MY FUCKING MIRRIOR RISE OF MURZOND) then 14's slow progress that also locks you out of gearing if you just aren't interested in savage like me. The difficulty of 14 also has no in between of normal vs savage, so what you end up with is you make a jump akin to the jump between heroic and mythic in wow....between extreme and savage. Gearing feels more with tier sets and trinkets, Stats are also just more interesting in wow due to their direct affect on gameplay. Literally the only stat that affects the feeling of gameplay in 14, skill/spell speed, is typically a stat almost all classes now avoid, meaning most classes I've seen just play on the same GCD. Meanwhile, in wow, you have haste, the equivalent of Skillspeed, being the most dynamic and enjoyable stat in the whole game....
Also, on the topic of content draughts, I find it absoutlely comedical how blizz does them better then 14. At least wow has started to give us fated seasons and a bunch of events and buffs to make sure we get evreything we want from the current xpack. It gives you something to do
You’re absolutely right, I remember reading as much as I could about stat allocation in XIV when I started raiding, only to find that it largely affects nothing as far as gameplay feel.
I've been saying about the loading screen since ARR. Back then, the excuses I've heard was the game supports PS3 with its limited 256MB of RAM. Which explains the weird loading area for the first Alliance Raid.
I don't fault them for load screens due to age and possible engine limitations, ARR is still dog water, the netcode is really bad, I'm casual and I'm already reminded of this every time I try to do a hit and run tanking then miss 1 or 2 enemies i clearly hit before we even had the fall guys event, gearing is boring i agree with needing more variation and stat choices / bonuses or something to make more build variety, however i don't want any extra unnecessary rng required between me and achieving my gear, mounts in cities and hubs i couldn't care less as long as i get around easy, not being able to go faster on mounts is kinda crappy and feels slow sprinting outside of battle on the main world should also have no cooldown in my opinion, or even be a toggle outside of duties, fights, fates etc..., i also wish the seasonal stuff was more involved then talk to a bunch of people and get reward, they play the game really safe but i guess it's better than each expansion being an added broken system you might never revisit.
Mounts: Will say keep mounts outta cities for now, is already cluncky as is and has too many players swarming specific npcs to target things properly. Instead needs renovation to make it more fun to fly around, cities honestly should go the pvp route where you can always apply running nonstop, unless you cast actions. Netcode: everyone agrees on... too darn harsh on all players and it hurts my enjoyment of PVP. Loading screens/openworld: is a bit subjective I guess, given how people already teleport all over the place, that level of loading/instant gameplay may break given this game is old. It can also shrink the feel of the game if done poorly, since the zones already feel a bit empty. ARR to HW: is a bit tedious if you aren't into the story or have done it two times already... Needs a level crunch from 1 - 30 to 1- 15(you can basically spam through most things at this point). They need to up the ground mount speed at start and remove the mount quest grind. The revamp of old dungeons helps a lot but probably needs a split route that helps you skip some of the bloat.(say current route canon A route is you following Alphinaud, and b route is Alisae but its you foiling Ascian plots with the scions B team and Alisae, say you do half of the content(dungeons/trials of arr) of MSQ with Alphinaud and the other half with Alisae on the MSQ barring the important quests. Then you remerge with Pipin after entering HW) Old zones need a few new things, maybe give them eureka\bozja\event actions with fates with new reward to spice up the enjoyment in each zone that all players benefit from equally. Maybe add a few quests that help you get another teleport aetheryte to the larger zones(looking at the cloud sea, southern thanalan etc...). I'd also say I hate the alt grind that locks certain rewards behind beast tribes, if you could level your beast tribes on all accounts while doing alts would be great (also adaptive leveling quests 1-50 for all the ARR beast tribes would help a lot). Synced roulette: is easy on casuals, but harsh on people who just want to do fresher dungeons past 65+. I know a few who struggle with easy dungeons so making more mandatory hard ones is may turn them away. Gearing honestly is very subjective, but Im part of the mid casual audience since I only do raids for glams. so my input here doesnt add much, outside of wishing there was a mode where it was less die instantly cuz one person wipes the whole team due to a misstep and more your individual rewards for dying are lesser. Predictibility: I'd say that they do need to include a surprise factor seperate from the announcements. Like this expansion has "2 more trials","2 more alliance raids","one new mode that brings everyone together", "here's a new permanent thing in gold saucer to mess with friends." Gameplay mastery wise: I realize the majority players only know to press buttons and gcds, outside of hardcore players... Honestly right now I'd say guildhests, old zones fates and mentor system need a new revamp for both pvp and pve.
I agree with you on so many things here. I decided to try a different MMO after watching your video on Lost Ark and realizing how bored i was in FF. I looked into a few different MMOs but i ended up trying GW2 and I've been in love with the game so far. I actually have a desire to log in because there's items i can chase, an amazing open world and it genuinely feels like an MMO in the open world. FF's open world is so empty with no one around but even in the beginner zones I was constantly finding people in GW2. I don't hate FF14 either but there's so many things it could do better or improve and it's dissapointing to see that it'll probably continue to stay the same since the devs seem commited to a rigid schedule for the game. I wouldn't mind mounts in the city but what i think they should actually do is just make sprint unlimited out of combat. It would help a lot for new players so the game doesn't feel so slow at first and it would make getting around the cities better
@embersarcade Damn that's commitment to try out all these MMO's lol it would be cool to see your perspective on the differences/similarities or pros/cons for all the MMOs you decide to play Looking forward to check out your vids on each of those 👌
@PenguinNoodleSoup Mmm I had the same thoughts when I used to play it but I'm at around 3700 hours now? There's basically no reason to log in for me now. I've done all the content i enjoyed or what I could do, got to BIS for the most recent tier and realized I can't really use my gear for anything except more raids or criterion (lol). I get that some people enjoy the release schedule but it kind of hit a point for me where it feels like I'm paying 15 dollars a month to get a few hours of content every 4 months and to not have my house demod. They also didn't add anything to work towards like relics which are just tome grinds this expac. There's a lot of valid complaints from people in recent time over the game. I'm not even burnt out on FF. I'm just bored. I'd like to play the game but I got nothing to do so I'll just let my house be demod and resub when dawntrail comes out to see if they add something to hold my attention.
Over 9200 hours in FFXIV and believe me the game has problems. Video did a good job at mentioning all of it. On side note, tried Guild War 2 and just left with disappointment over ffxiv openworld and mount system alone.
Biggest issue is definitely the Savage raiding. I don’t think it should be easier but damn if you can’t get it down the first 13 tries your basically shit out of luck. I’m basically stuck at Ilvl 645 rn just grinding comedy tomestones
I don't mean to come off negative but honestly every thing you list as bad things I consider positives, except the net code issue. I prefer worlds that are heavily instanced and made smaller as a result. Having to travel manually all over the place does allow for more exciting exploration, but at the end of the day I want to get content done and making the world heavily instanced based allows me to actually complete things at a reasonable pace. Content gearing being only as valuable as you personally choose to make it is a huge benefit and helps prevent the game from becoming as toxic as other games where players don't let you into groups for basic dungeons and raids unless you have some arbitrary state they made up. The game already provides that baseline through item level and while that system could use some improvement due to old gear on prior expansions, it still successfully serves its intended purpose. Syncing is one of the main reasons I decided to stick with the game when I started back in HW. Knowing that there was little way for high level players to ruin my experience by killing everything helped so much in my first time experience. Getting synced down now just means I'm on the other side of that but I'm getting a currency bonus for the new person. Mounts absolutely should not be allowed in the hub cities. Quests can already be hard enough to see with just character models crowding an area and you want to introduce giant whales and dragons to that mix? Your comment about XIV not surprising people with content is one I would consider fair, though I still disagree. I like knowing that there is a baseline amount of content that will be delivered per expansion and has a consistent road map for what that looks like. However I do think you are somewhat wrong with the comment of no surprises. They do take chances with new types of content, Eureka, Deep Dungeon, Criterion, Island Sanctuary are all examples of chances they took that either paid off or didn't in their respective expansions. I'm having a hard time seeing the issue other than a lot of people find Island Sanctuary boring.
I like the Savageraids design. But the only thing I actually dont like are the 8+min doorbosses + a 10 min 2nd phase every 4th turn. I dont understand why... The doorboss feels like a burden you need to do every Lockout. The doorbosses in dsr or o4 are well designed in my opinion. (the only one I really did was dsr tho) A doorboss should be a short (max 5min) fight with mechs that introduce you to the 2nd phase with a very tight dps check (in my opinion). But these rn are just too much for me.
I can't say I really agree with the sync hate. The real problem I have with it is that some of the dungeons sync gear down too much. In particular at level 50/60/70/80/90 each has a variety of dungeons that cap Ilvl. This wouldn't be such a problem if they capped the ilvl appropriately, but usually they will tune gear down to a point that it really doesn't make the content much easier than it was the first time around. Stuff still hurts too much and damage is nerfed down so you can't skip too much in the fight. For example, The dead ends requires ilvl 540 to enter, but caps at 570 where as the other two requiring this bare min of 540 caps at 600. They always make that first 50/60/70/80/90 dungeon cap too low to artificially keep its difficulty, which is more annoying than it should be.
@@embersarcade I get it, but again...that is a lower level for you. Have all jobs at cap, any of them I play in lower level dungeons suck, some much more so than others. Sage is downright miserable at anything under 70 because the best parts of their kit is learned in the last 20 levels, and pretty much useless at anything under 40 just due to how much of the kit is stripped away.
The upside of sync is that you can mostly know what everyone else has and play around accordingly. This is more relevant for DPS utility abilities (e.g. "does that RDM have Verraise in case we screw up?"), tank survivability tools (e.g. "does that WAR have Bloodwhetting to cheese through big pulls?"), and healing tools. For pure DPS skills and abilities, yes, I agree, just remove the skill sync and let us go ham, balance be damned.
@@MattoropaelI disagree. I wouldn't want to go through a dungeon as a new player with someone with a full kit basically making my contribution to the dungeon null and void it wouldn't make me actually know how to use my abilities accordingly through the leveling process
My problem is the gear design. Seriously the design team is absolutely lazy with how it designs gear and how they market gear. So if you do an even (wake doctor for example) and you miss out on that gear, they'll sell it to you in the store for a premium; but if you go the market board you literally build the same set from old gear sets. Amazing isn't it? All the money 14 brings in and they choose to not invest in the right places.
The questing sucks ass, it's probably the worst questing I've ever experienced in any mmo, I've played up to endwalker and I find myself really struggling to continue with the msq, the game is putting you in a cutscene left right and fucking centre talking about made up scientific bullshit, it's sooooooo boring, and it follows the same shit formula, go to purple circle and kill 3 mobs that can't hurt you, open world mobs may as well not even be there, they aggro, can barely hurt you, and if you run 10 ft away from them they ignore you, who the fuck designed this bullshit? I honestly think this game might be hot trash and might just cancel my sub, I'm playing ffxi which is a 20 year old game that's way more immersive, hard to learn, but god damn could they not make it more like that in ffxiv but keep it modernised so it doesn't necessarily turn players off?
After seeing many vids with similar points of discussion 2 things I would add. 1st an observation from playing since beta for 2.0 is the discourse around ARR not being good only became a prominent talking point since around stormblood. Mostly because of the rise in content creators/streamers engaging with the game. Not saying people people didn't have problems since day 1, but it really has only been in the later half of FF14's life span that it appears to be everyones talking point of being very bad. 2nd I would have to say almost nobody is mentioning how the game really needs to change when abilities are available during leveling. The current way is utter garbage, especially when level sync in accounted for. Not having acces to over half your kit until lvl70 is quite rediculous at this point. It is always lower level skills that get gutted with each expansion to make room for new skills. Hopefully with the new expansion it change to where most of your skills could be unlocked sooner and that would give a better experience to new players and level sync content.
I was thinking, what if old savage raid gave rewards for all previous savage gears. Just like how poetics became a currency for all previous vendor gears. We need a unified books like a poetics but for savage gear. Imagine being to clear ARR savage to earn Alexander omega raid gear. People would start farming more raids. Of course there should be a rule like you'll need ilevel sync and echo off to get the currency or something.
Load screens are because the game also came out on the Playstation 3 and it couldnt handle open world maps. It also helps with performance with people who play on laptops.
Final Fantasy XIV is doing great, truly. There are things about it that I wish would improve, but it isn't true to say that the game has "fallen down".
I left the game and haven't looked back. There's little I miss about it, I was trying to like it because everyone else did. MSQ didn't do it for me, combat didn't do it for me, community was weird asf and that was probably the most shining aspect. It felt more like second life relationship drama while I was trying to goof around and play the game. Went from really fun goofing around with strangers to avoiding limsa so some fucker doesn't emote at me and stand there for 2 hours again.
Eureka and Bozja served as areas where you would show off mounts. They also served as PvE content that made end-game gearing actually relevant for non-raiders. Endwalker just dropped the ball on this unfortunately.
I'd want to play FFXIV but whenever I see how much grind it requires, the UI, HUD and the gameplay and combat system I'm just happy there is a community that enjoys the game but I know it's not for me sadly.
As an Mmo andy if you wanna talk about predictabily Wow just committed that sin,we already know all 3 expansions and basically what the story leads to and everything included with at least the first one,which was a turn off for me,i was excited but as soon metzen said 3 expansions i was turned off immediately, the open world in wow is really the only thing that keeps me playing but raids and story nah man theyve been kinda bad especially Df i just cant handle the disney feel its been going and since its the same team doing the next 3 i just got no hope just gonna keep on huffing the "a realm reborn" type of reset copium but hey man if youre excited for Tww more power to ya hope im wrong but i have no faith in blizz
If they add anything like Mythic + to FFXIV, I will quit hands down that day. Savage raids is plenty for me, I dont want to "raid" everyday I play content in FFXIV because all the content is raid level hard.
Hmm Dawntrail needs to step up a lot of things regarding the main story. Other than that the game will be the same 2 extremes, 1 raid tier, new hairstyles. I know they talked about the graphical update but this was long overdue. Hmm what else? Oh yes the typical "new gold saucer activities, new treasure hunts"
The only thing I dont like about the game is gearing, everything else doesn't bother me at all. Gearing In this game is boring as hell lmao, I didn't feel any excitement or powerful when I got by BiS, the only thing that kinda comes close to that is relic weapons. I really wish that in the Dawntrail expansion, they would do something about it, because everything right now is too linear and doesn't have any freedom in terms of gears progression at all.
@@embersarcade the worst part is one of the major selling points of the game is playing all the jobs, but gearing more than 1 job to bis is the most miserable experience ever with all the limits on you that last entirely way too long. There's no reason the savage should be locked until the next odd numbered patch, and 450 tomes a week is still just miserable.
Show off mounts, thank god they don't. My biggest issues are paying 5 fking euros to change my eye or skin colour 0.0... boss fights that are repetitive light shows that feel more like memory tests devoid of actual complex AI. Bag space locked behind a paywall. Bots, gold sellers and """buyers""" they need to use AI engines designed to find them (their engine is just pathetic at controlling them) and crush them.
as a player of wow since it began, you have to realise they are trying to change stuff in the new expansion BECUASE the games shite right now... the games at an all time low after the last few exp being total garbage.... WoW has a butt load offlaws and gripes that epople hate.... i bet the lists alot longerthan FF downsides thats fpr sure. Classic wow is keeping the numbers floating imo modern wow shit the bed, and continues to do so. So all these "inovasions" with the warwithin .... they are a outcome of the shit previous exp causing everyone to ditch the game.
Oddly enough, a lot of what you mentioned does give me fits. The netcode especially gives me conniption along with the games bipolar RNG system. That said though I would love if the game went open world yes. Any Bethesda game suffers from this same problem, loading screen simulations. It would be much more interesting if cities like Gridania, Ishgard, Uldah, Limsa Lominsa, Kugane, Crystarium etc., were actually in the game world instead of being locked in a loading screen grid.
Can you imagine logging into Limsa Lominsa, seeing a world event happening in a nearby territory, then mounting up and flying directly to the destination? That’d be a dream.
you must have a super bad pc or console if loading screen is one of the things you hate, my loading screens arent even 2 secs theres worse than that (imagine each loading is 30 sec....) than i would hate it too i personally hate the inventory management i want a material gathering bag and bait bag for fisher.... XD loading screens lols XD sry but yeah lol
@@MrCarlWax maybe it's cause I've been playing for about 8 years now, but I've just gotten used to it and it really feels like second nature now knowing how to dodge things and how to accommodate for it
I would add the horrendous skin (glamour) management system, or lack thereof, as you have to have a physical copy of the item that has the skin in one of many inventories that are of course limited in size, and then you cant keep every single skin you have obtained indefinitely if you want to get more. So why farm skins when you cant keep them for later use?
M+ is the most toxic dung sistem . Gearing is meant to be a choice. There is variant,crit,deep dung and extreme as content between normal dung and savage.
I cannot understand this mentality about Mythic+ in World of Warcraft. I have been neck-deep in Mythic+ this season and I have had zero negative interactions while pugging.
@embersarcade no like. The first time I did crystal tower I was so overwhelmed I literally started crying. It's a fucking miracle I actually managed to continue playing this game.
Good video, you can add clunky UI and horrible Glamour system. From what I've seen for 8 years, they're not gonna change anything, because of japanese mentality.
@@embersarcade Might be, they don't have whole world of programmers to invite, because their team strictly speaks only Japanese. Also, as I said, japanese mentality, I have perfect example with the raid token npc exchanger and the wall of text he producing at the and of expansion, when they have better solution in game already, they don't change it still. Looks horrible
I agree with most things in this list. I would love for the world to load seamlessly without load screens, I would love a mythic + system and I would love more dynamic mounts and dragon riding system implemented. The things I am ok with however are things such as synching down because I feel it’s necessary to keep the content evergreen. It’s also a nice way to practice when starting a new job. I don’t mind not having mounts in major cities but I would love an overhaul to the glamour system. WoW’s transmog system is vastly superior and I would love for FFXIV to adopt it. Lastly, I don’t mind the cadence of content release, but because the game lacks truly hard mid core content, I don’t like the seasonal feel of the game, which I feel something like a mythic + system would address.
Sounds like someone should be playing WoW. lol WoW is litterally copying and pasting FFXIV into their game and you are trying to tell me it's a better game. WTH?
@Thorn97 To be fair, FF doesn't based everything off WoW, it surely gets stuff from it, but in fact, the opposite effect happened, FFXIV started to remove a lot of things that they "copy" from WoW that wasn't working well (in both games lol), has been like this since 1.0, and a large part of FFXIV is actually from another MMO called FFXI and also other games from the FF franchise, like FF12 for example.
@Thorn97 I would push hard back on you on Quest design. Most of WoWs quest designs are meaningless while FF14's quests genuinely add interesting tidbits of lore to whatever zone they are in. AND they are entirely side quests; meaning you never have to do them in order to level your first class to maximum during the MSQ. Character Creation is even between the two games. Gameplay would have to be broken down into its' component elements as there are elements of gameplay where WoW excels but there are elements that FF14 does better. FF14 allows you to do every class and every profession. Your statement that FF14 is FAR behind WoW is so wrong its staggering. It's why WoW had to make the changes they made in DF and now with Seasons of Discovery, Classic and with the upcoming 3 expacs; they were being shellacked by FF14 and the other games in the space...
@Thorn97 Man you doth protest too much. You know what they say about people who protest too much about a thing....must mean that thing ain't true. WoW has little to no story. It's new player experience (for retail) is abysmal. That's why everyone's playing Classic, because that's when the game was good. The WORLD in FF14 is the whole point of the game. The First, the Thirteenth and the Source are all fleshed out places. WoW has a sword they've never explained that has had NO IMPACT AT ALL ON THE WORLD AT ALL. Come on man, get your copium out of your system.
@Thorn97 Lol you say there's no content. Here's content: Hildebrand, Gold Saucer, Hunts, Achievement grind, Blue Mage, FATE rep for Bicolor, PVP, Variant and Criterion, Shiny Weapon Grinds of different varieties, Bojza, Diadem and Skybuilders, Eureka, Chocobo Racing, Mahjong, the Fall Guys collab, Island Sanctuary, Beast Tribes, Shiny Profession weapons, Triple Triad, raids and trial series, etc. MOST OF WHICH serve to extend the lore of the world. But again, maybe you wouldn't get that because you don't read or blitz through the text. It's ok to huff copium. And speaking of copium, you must be huffing a bunch of it if you think that Metzen and co. had any such aspirations for the sword when it was thrust in the planet. Why haven't the tides changed because of the sword? Why hasn't a new town sprung up around the sword? Why hasn't there been a single significant event occurred because of the sword? Your world NEEDS TO CHANGE because of what happens within the confines of the game. You stab a sword in the planet, shit has got to change. The sword was "Oh this will be cool" and had no other fore-thought attached to it.
@@embersarcade like if he grew up talking that way np he's fine but naaa he chose to change his way of speaking intentionally. idk he just seems like such a pretentious douche bayg. and my god its the only guy whos dialouge i skip. like an example xD regular person: im gonna go make a PB and J sandwhich urianger: i go to grabbeth thine bread so that i may spread mine jelly upon thine bread then swiftly follow by spreading mine peanut butter upon thine other slice of spread before bringing them together in holy sandwich matrimony.
I'm glad people can't use mounts in cities. Last thing I want is the aetheryte Plaza to be filled to the brim with mounts
whats wrong with just giving you a debuff in high density areas of a city which prevents mounting and let people mount up in the more open areas (e.g. slum area of eulmore, outside plaza of ratz at han)
@@magtalushonestly it’s wholly unneeded. Aetherytes make traveling these areas effortless, and
Even the more open areas will still become flooded with giant whales and other mounts that will make seeing things borderline impossible. Heck, busier aetherytes in the overworld already have that problem during high volume hours.
Maybe not the starting cities, but there was a sense of community back in Stormblood whenever new content dropped a mount or one appeared on the mogstation. Rhalgr's Reach would be flooded with them and it definitely encouraged me to do that content. Idyllshire felt the same, even though I wasn't too attached to FFXIV's endgame at the time. YoshiP's decision to make Eulmore and Radz-At-Han tighter spaces isn't lost on me, and it genuinely makes me sad
@@SuperLoop7209 maybe you think its unnecessary but as stated in the video some people want to show off their mounts in areas with the most traffic, it just makes sense, WoW has had it since launch and they've never felt the need to take that away. Also I've never seen a case of so many mounts being in one place that you can't see an aetheryte unless its a hunt train, both Rhalgr's reach and Idylshire don't have that problem and if they did then as I already said just add give people a dismount debuff in those specific areas and problem solved. So now theres no reason not to bring this back
@@magtalus ok but places like Rhalgr’s Reach and Idyllshire still allow mounts. And idyl is still a very very active location thanks to WT and the like. In fact I see mount parades there almost daily. So I why do we need to flood everywhere else when most hubs are not as open? It’s completely a nonissue.
Besides, what’s stopping people from getting together in lower level areas for showcases and such? Summer cord is a fantastic area to do things out in the open since the map is so massive, and even level 1 players are safe to hang out there.
Edit because my phone autocorrected incorrectly. Summer cord is supposed to say Summerford. iPhone hates me sometimes.
not being able to use mounts in cities is honestly a good thing for me..I wouldn't want to load in to a very populated Limsa while everyone is riding gigantic mounts (eg. Landerwaffe, Cerberus, and other mounts that get scaled relatively large for larger races) potentially blocking out other people and possibly NPCs/Marketboard..back when Island kicked you out to the ferryman NPC and I didn't know it kicked us out for being afk, I went back to my game while my character was riding Landerwaffe standing right next to the NPC blocking him out and I just felt sorry for the people who had to deal with that while I was afk
as for level sync, while they could probably do better with it (maybe adjust skills so we have our basic rotations at low level) I'm glad it exists cuz I didn't feel useless when I was a mere sprout running msq dungeons with my veteran friends, it's usually a dealbreaker to me in an mmo when I have to do a required content as a new player with other people and all I end up doing is running behind the vets trying to keep up while they bulldoze everything
I personally HATE the game's UI and inventory. By UI, I mean interacting with NPC vendors mainly. Having to pick a bunch of vague text boxes to see if the item you want is in that menu is annoying, and Quest UI, mainly for relics, could really do with a slight overhaul to resemble the new crafter relic quests where it actually tells you what stage# that quest is, and add a built in tracker to see what has completed what(or remove the previous quest from appearing if on a class that has completed it).
As for inventory, it's just a mess of a bunch of different inventories, fake inventories, and wasted spaces(looking at you Key Item inventory).
I almost included this in the list.
As a WoW refugee I'm familiar with what happens when certain people are given free rein to mount up wherever they like. Blocked portals, blocked quest givers, intentional and malicious interference with rp events, visual congestion (you might call it visual pollution). Let's leave cities a place to show off our glamours, and not our mounts.
Yeah but it's one thing to make the space around things players might want to interact with mount-free, another to not be able to mount up in Orgrimmar at all. I certainly prefer WoW's implementation
Hahaha brontosaurus blocking the mailbox…. Well at least I can browse the AH.
I used to hate syncing down in daily roulettes but after experiencing the hell that was ESO daily dungeons I have completely backtracked on that. You were unable to do anything but trying to keep up with veteran players who were blasting through the dungeons with endgame gear since there was no level sync. You got to do something once you yourself became that.
Maybe they could do a bit of both? You can choose to keep most of your abilities, but they would be toned down to keep your contribution equal to if you were fully level synced. Abilities that can't be balanced to fit, like the existence of vercure and verraise on RDM, would still have to be disabled.
@@VollkinSea It's not that easy because your overall damage output depends on your kit. A lv 45 BLM doing Sastasha is doing a complete different rotation than a lv 90 BLM in Sastasha. Your lv 90 BLM Fire IV is doing less damage than a lv 45 BLM Fire III. Imagine that.
@@VollkinSeanah, no disabling anything. Just set the stats properly low. Works in gw2. Same result compared to current system. But if you have access to your full skillset it feels soooo much better.
ya I agree with this. Seems like the best solution to the problem. Access to all spells but severely nerfed stats. @@DevilSeiji
@@Really_Biggah It is the best solution but at the same time it will take some development time since it involves tinkering a lot of potencies and balancing for each dungeon
if mounts were in cities it would just become a problem whenever a new expansion was out or a streamer went through with people blocking story NPCs or other things. This would only work if players were not trolls which they are. A speed increase on foot would be fine though. No one but the person who acquired the gear for their glam or the mount actually cares about your shiny weapon or mount.
As for the difficulty gap between normal and savage sure however I would not suggest a increase in difficulty in normal content as someone who runs roulettes a lot I see a ton of people struggle with that content and then you would just filter those people out who would never do raids anyway which would be a loss of money to the game. The best I could suggest for the difficulty gap is more difficult solo content but not hidden within something like Bozja.
The divided areas I would suggest keeping having not played WoW but played every other MMO that has no load screens between zones the games servers (even running on better tech than FFXIV) could not handle it and you just got desync, t-pose characters and weird lag or damage that happened 5 minutes later. I prefer the divided areas approach that FFXIV and GW2 use over the lag fest that is a fully open world.
As for gearing : I simply do not care for long gearing processes having come from other MMOs that do have that if I wanted that I would just play those games. You know what the best thing they could do is detach Criterion from the gearing process and lower it to a IL that allows you to play it without savage equivalent gear at the time of release.
Honestly, I have never experienced the issue you mentioned about open worlds de-syncing and lagging out. One that's competently made, like the world in WoW, is basically seamless. The only loading screens are when you use a portal or Hearthstone, or when you travel between "continents", and the game world remains perfectly traversable and interactable.
And the mounts thing? That was solved by the main MMO where that was an issue, and they did it years ago. WoW just lets you click through other players if there's an NPC on the other side. If they're related to a quest step, they'll have a faint glowing outline too so they're even easier to find and click. XIV also solved this before it even had the potential to be an issue: you're forcibly dismounted upon interacting with an NPC, and you can click their name to select them whether you can actually see their model or not.
@@VeshSneaksHow many of them have you played long term? I hop to other MMOs from time to time and have been to almost everything available translated or even dead games like Elyon/Tera/Solo) Black Desert is among those that has a desync issue along with other issues. WoW is the exception when it comes to it functioning not the rule. You are forced to dismount in XIV when interacting however unless a particular key is configured which if I recall isn't by default if a bunch of people crowd on it with a mount a new player isn't going to know about the optional features they add in a patch unless they update the default control settings and I went ahead and checked you can still cover a NPC with a giant solid mount such as the fat chocobo.
1) I dont think predictability is a bad thing. Its far easier to understand exactly what we are getting and how much we are getting for the money we pay to play the game. Comparing it to lets say other live services games, WoW has issues on if certain things will be put in game, Destiny 2 virtually has players spend 70 dollars with the hope they get content. Knowing that There's going to be 7 primal fights, a 12 boss raid, a 24 man raid and myraid of 8-10 dungeons is not bad standard to uphold. Its not a minimum nor is it overflow. There's also the issue of putting too much on the plate for the player themselves, allowing a FOMO mindset to kick in. This is how WoW and other games play, institute FOMO and allow players to trip over themselves until the new FOMO is ready.
2) Loading Screens, Net Code, Open world = relics of PS3 era. This all starts with Yoshida promising PS3 support for FFXIV, something the previous Dev team did say was going to happen. The big problem was, PS3 was not powerful enough to run the full might of the engine (Luminous Studios), so what XIV got and still has to this day is a stripped down version of the engine. This caused issues...that is loading screens....net code and limiting open world. I'd even argue that modern MMO's as they stand right now still use Loading screens, they are just masked in a way that tricks the player to think its still expansive. If you look at Star Citizen's Persistent Engine streaming, that's true open world tech right there and no other company other than a kickstarter is developing it. The net code has been an issue with the game and its gotten better over time...its not as great as WoW but its far better than it was in 2012-2014. Open World....PS3 legacy issues to this day.....there's a hard limit of how many monsters and players can be in the open world before the instance becomes congested and inaccessible. Again, i'll always stand by this point. bringing the game to console should have never been on the table and XIV would have been in a far better position if it was PC first with console compatibility later.
3) Gearing...just be glad its not live service. Also WoW's gearing system is hit or miss and having to balance everything in that game...no wonder so many classes are 'dead' due to either the gear getting hit with the nerf bat or class getting hit. Having a system not like WoW makes the class balance a lot healthier and while there's a discussion on job uniqueness ect....the amount of jobs to balance is going to be rougher on the dev team to keep everything viable...or is it 100% ok for powercreap to run rampant? Another issue is the RNG on top of the RNG...this was heavily experienced in Diadem 1.0, there was gear in the diadem when it was first introduced. This gear was level 60 with random ilvl + random weapon stat. So you could get a ilvl 190 piece with 200 crit on it, find a ilvl 200 piece with 10 crit...so on. There was even an ilvl weapon that you could do in a random spawn raid (ie those 'loved' random encounters that anyone can eff up) that gave out a weapon, but it was random...it was all random.... So what did team do when the players at the time panned the whole experience, Diadem died....no one went there. The Gearing became what it was because it was easier just to have good stable gear over RNG bullshittery.
I Do 100% agree that different gearing avenues need to exist with the expanding roster of classes. I disagree on the RNG bullshit that is trying to hunt down a mob for a specific gear hoping it has a god roll drop.
4) Gameplay Mastery, Mounts and MISC. I honestly like how we dont have to deal with mounts in the city. That's just my personal preference as it takes away from the city and other players....We all know that there'd be a group of people mounted on the largest mounts just to be obnoxious.
Gameplay Mastery, from the lil drama that apparently hitting AoE button's is 'elitists'. A healthy chunk of the playerbase is incapable to doing just the basic requirements of their job. So my question is this, would you rather have a hard dungeon and deal with bad tanks & healers that you'd be unable to kick due to them running and opening a chest (that prevents them from being kicked) wiping constantly because neither of them understand how their kit works or....a semi-easy dungeon you can do with 2 potatoes in tow. I rather have the easy dungeon that even a potato can do over the hard one. I remember ARR dungeons with bad tanks and healers that my group had to kick....and waiting 20 minutes for a fill...or begging a friend to que in progress for that dungeon. It was not a nice experience. The consequences of allowing NPC help in offloading que times is easier dungeons fine, the benefit that I don't have to contemplate a 30 min penalty because johnny one thumb is unable to do his 1-2-3 combo in my expert. I would argue this though, making dungeons hard again would breathe life back into FC's as people will just choose to run FC/Friend groups to do roulettes with.
Fixing ARR would hamper everything else (just as much as splitting the studio team to make XVI hampered post EW patches) so it serves as a great filter. Oddly enough there are some people who say ARR is ok. Its gotten better (after doing a 2nd run though) but god it was holy hell before the two re-works its gotten.
Well said. I agree with everything you said!
Oddly enough, I didn't mind going through ARR. The only thing I hated, at that time, was being forced to do CT because I was terrified of doing Raids and was not mentally prepared. I was a frightened sprout. 🤣
While i agree i also find it sad how you shit on ppl most players can do normsl dung easy but dont want harder content
Is the Echo a thing in Dungeons? That way you could make dungeons more difficult but if there is a full party wipe you get a stat boost... though that would be hard to judge outside the boss rooms...
@@KirillBry Echo is only forTrial and Raid iirc
@@anteprs7908 because people do not read their tool tips. Its very easy to spot in normal content. Hell its far easier to spot in normal content because when you're doing a rotation properly it becomes second nature. it allows you to look at what everyone else is doing. From seeing a tank pop 2 cooldowns at the same time (we're talking rampart + their 30% CD) to seeing a healer just stand there with their mouth open as it fills up with water not casting a single damage spell or playing HP hot potato with the tank. To the single target DPS because AoE button...I cant find it, even more worse when you go into normal trial and run into those special DPS who only use AoE attacks. I've pretty much ran into them all, its far less now but in ARR/HW...you never ran expert/dungeon roulettes solo. You brought friends/FC mates because you couldnt trust the randos that populated your party.
There are 2 "cities" that allow mounts: Idyllshire, and Rhalgr's Reach, but the former is a non-human city, and the latter is in the middle of a war zone.
The others don't really make sense from a world building perspective; having your mounts there should kind of cause a lot of trouble for the people there.
I agree with you and my biggest complaint in the list is the world feeling empty. I was exploring the new regions in EW and the moon looks amazing too bad it's a dead place filled with number sacks for you to hit, empty, non-interactive areas, invisible walls and boring FATEs
wait, mounts in cities? somebody's never had a fat Chocobo ass in their face at the quest giver npc on patch day 😆
Yeah, mounts in cities sounds like a horrible idea for trolls.
Yeah, it's a horrible idea, and don't need to think too much to come to that conclusion.
It was at this point in the video that I came to the conclusion that most of these criticisms here in this video, are empty!
a large part of what he criticized in the current game is what makes the game good, casual friendly and different from other MMOs. (like the synced Roullettes, and Gear Process)
Maybe it just doesn't suit his personnal taste i guess...
@@noisyguy4013 I agree with him on the sync'd part in that, if they at least let us keep our skills/toolkit, but adjust potency accordingly based on sync, it'd both be much more enjoyable to run and maybe give people who aren't high level a bit of a glimpse of the full kit at work(or at least most the skills) and maybe make them look forward to unlocking that next ability or try that job.
Not saying it's bad as is, but it'd definitely make it less jarring. I always go in and forget what skills are locked as I try to do my rotations naturally lol.
@@noisyguy4013 thank god your not a dev on this game with those opinions
Why would you say something like that to the guy? lol
I believe he didn't express himself so well, but i get his point
and yeah he forgot to mention the fact that there is space for improvement in all these features
but apart from that,
he got it right, he's not wrong.
I believe that most XIV fans are happy with the way most things are,
including the devs, otherwise they would have to feel bad about almost the entire game being bad right now, since this video mentions almost everything that is important in the structure of the MMO, but this is not the case.
many of the things this video mentioned as possible "problems" are actually the reasons why I migrated
from WoW to XIV in the first place.
some of them don't really need radical changes, just adjustments.
Peace ✌
As someone who has recently returned to FFXIV and is starting from scratch more or less, there are some things in this video i can agree with; but, the biggest "shock" I've experienced is that FFXIV has lost its MMO aspect. When i first played FFXIV: the chat channels were full of players talking about the game, FCs sending recruiting messages, and players actually helping each other or helping other players with content. Now: FFXIV seems more like a dating sim, a "venue" hopping, or full of anything other than actually playing the game itself. Added to the fact that now certain things can be done with a group of NPCs only further removes the MMO aspect. While i do understand why this change was made: FFXIV is a MMO for humans to play. If I personally wanted to play a game with no human interactions: I could just play Solitaire or some other built in Windows game. Part of what made FFXIV the success it is revolves around the game itself and the game's community. Recent changes seem to be puahing the community aspect away and becoming a solo experience. Again, i understand why this was done and how it can benefit people who enjoy solo play. However, most people who play a MMO do so with the understanding that they will be interacting with other people.
People can post what they don't like about things in the game; but, my fear is that given FFXIV's direction now versus how it was over a year ago: the part that made FFXIV so great (the community) will become so further divided, so us vs them, so sprout vs veteran vs high raider, players will eventually get pushed away. An example: over a year ago, if a sprout got frustrated with something in ARR, other players would rally around them, encourage them, and help them figure what was going wrong. Now: its do it yourself, get gud, wait until max level to solo x content, that is side content to skip, a streamer openly berating other players online, or being so "specialized" that sprouts lose the incentive to see going through what is ARR.
IMHO: FFXIV and its community needs to return to its pre-Endwalker days before a calamity floods the game and it os lost to history.
HARD disagree with you on mounts in cities. That would be dumb as hell. You make some other valid points, though.
I have 4500 hrs into this game. I still enjoy it, but I never seem to stick with it for more than a month after the end of an expansion. Leveling and experiencing the story and raids for the first time is still one of my favorite gaming moments. But now that I've done almost everything in the game at least once, I've been findings myself more and more disappointed with the game. I haven't really been able to articulate why, but this video describes it perfectly, especially the games predictability and lack of open world content.
We know almost for certain what is coming in Dawntrail, just a reskin of previous expansion. New jobs, new story, with a couple of new zones and dungeons that become irrelevant immediately after you finish the story in that zone. Followed by the endgame which consists of a 24 man raid , 2 trails, and savage raids. I don't do savage because I don't have time for a weekly static, so that leaves me with like 90% of the end game progression out for me.
I just wish the devs would take a couple more risks, because I've come to the realization that even though I love ffxiv's lore (the world is enchanting, the characters are amazing, the story is one of if not the best I have ever played) the game itself and the systems that support it are terrible.
I know that the game is easy but when I started out I didn't feel that way. My crafter-main friend still struggles with alliance raid content despite completing the game and whatnot... and hates doing roulettes because they aren't confident in their skills. Not everyone is a Giga Chad raider, mechanics and rotations just don't come as naturally as for you. For many FFXIV can be their first MMORPG experience. It took me months to be comfortable with tanking while healing is as natural to me as breathing air. I have ADHD and I noticed what an obstacle that disability already is for extreme trials lol. I struggled with keeping up in Seat of Sacrifice back in Post Shadowbringer. I think the way MSQ is and the difficulty level of MSQ content is, especially the normal raids, fair. I'd appreciate more "midcore" content that would allow me to even get into high-end content easier in the first place without needing to gather 7 unknown players from PF. I was hoping criterion is gonna be in that field but i heard its really shit and idk :/ I'm not there yet to check.
For loading screens at least 1.0 had full cities, but optimization on those was bad enough the 2.0 gave us the current versions as a fix
2.0 fixes for stuff like that is a reasonable excuse for stuff like that... up until the 7.0 graphics rework comes out... Then there will be no excuse. Stuff like that should be overhauled and fixed. I really hope that at the very least the 3 starter cites become one instance. I know that overworld stuff will always have loading screens between them. Its just how the game is put together. But there is no excuse anymore for cities and most dungeons to be still doing it.
@VioletShinobi I like it being desperate instances. It allows me to avoid the spammers in chat
This was a great list and touched on a lot of things I find frustrating about the game, myself. I think the thing I like about FFXIV the least, though, is one you didn’t touch on: the game’s almost complete lack of self-expression in their job (i.e. class) design. There’s no talents, no optional abilities, nothing you can do to make a job more suited to your playstyle or preferences. I can’t think of any other MMO I’ve ever played - not WoW, not GW2, not LotRO, not City of Heroes - where this has been true, and I think the game’s design really suffers for it. There are so many jobs where I love the aesthetic or the fantasy but don’t find the gameplay compelling, and being able to even make small changes to how they play would go a long way toward increasing my enjoyment of them.
Anyone know the name of the short dress @2:18 please? The one on the right? Been looking for hours but can't seem to find it. Many thanks
The dress is the 2B appearance from the Shadowbringers alliance raid with one of the darker red dyes.
Regarding the point on savage, there is a difficulty called extreme which is like the entry point to high end raiding. It helps introduce players to party roles, raiding know-how, etc. Personally i recommend people going to extremes first to get a feel of harder difficulty raids rather then going expert which doesnt help at all 😅
Extremes are inconcistent in it's difficulty and dies as soon as the savage tier is released. It's not a good stepping stone
@@MrCarlWax the good thing about extremes though is that it teaches harder variation of mechs or faster version of mechanics. While extremes are varied in difficulty i agree, at least it forces the player to get better and start sharpen some raid sense
Again better than nothing 😂 rather than the example of doing expert dungeons.
@@migurusu-saint9160 My point is that some extremes or on par with savage fights or even harder at times. They aren't really preparing anyone, they are about as hard and is dead on pf when the raid is out.
I agree that experts aren't helping even the slightest. I'd even argue that old low level dungeons are harder than any expert dungeon.
The game just overall lacks any stepping stone to get into savage. You kinda just have to throw yourself in the deep end and try to stay afloat.
i wanna quickly say that i'd hesitate to draw negative conclusions regarding the game's profitability among its competition simply because it demonstrably can and does compete with them successfully
or to put it another way, if it was me writing this video i personally wouldn't cite 'profitability/competition' as my reasoning behind my suggestions, since the game is profitable/competitive already as we all saw during EW launch. i'd cite my personal preferences or other reasons of taste but the comp argument rings hollow when the game is already doing great in that aspect
I don’t recall even writing the word “profitable” in the script, but I could be wrong. I certainly discussed competitiveness, but I have no knowledge of Square’s internal finances.
Agree with all of your points except the mounts one. They’re not a big deal.
Being synced down all the time and losing abilities and skills really does suck. But I couldn’t think of any way to fix this because even with a stat squish and keeping abilities there’s still the obvious fact that there’ll be a lower level player that doesn’t have access to the same abilities and some form of unbalance will be unavoidable. And even if they somehow manage to equal their output, it won’t be a lot of fun to watch for the newer player how the higher level one gets to dish out so many skills and abilities.
Similar to this there’s the issue with MSQ locked content which has it’s pros, and cons, and one of them is a bit subjective I guess, something that bothers me. I feel bad whenever I ask for someone to join me in a duty, say, levels 70-90 and I get answered by players that are still in Heavensward or getting into Stormblood and simply can’t join. ARR to let’s say ShB is such a long journey that those players will always be like “aw, haven’t got there yet, I guess some other time” and you basically will never get to play with them outside of duty roulettes, running content that isn’t exciting to you (nor to them).
It’s a complicated situation, it feels shitty. There’s this wholesome player in my FC that started a couple months ago, he’s super involved and he just can’t run shit with us other than a couple roulettes everyday, I can notice he’s incredibly bored and discouraged and only keeps playing because he likes the people and the game’s world but ultimately, you play MMOs to run content with others, and feel excited about it. That doesn’t happen a lot and it takes such a long time to finally be caught up with other players, that by the time you get there, you may either feel fucking exhausted or those players you wanted to run with may not be around anymore or in a hiatus.
Again, this also doesn’t seem to have a feasible way to be addressed. It is how it is. It’s a take it or leave it I guess. I’d also wish leveling jobs after you’ve got a couple to 90 was easier. It sucks balls to level up a job from level 1 at such a slow pace after you’ve been playing like 7 different ones at 90. Going through those ARR-HW dungeons over and over again to push it further because 1-2 levels a day is just not enough.
Sorry for such a long rant.
I'm not expecting FF14 to swap engines or be able to do much to improve their netcode, but I also feel if there was a group of devs that would passionately push for that, it would be CBU3.
I'm coping hard for this, too. I want to be able to hit "Interject" and feel like the game is responding to my command as I press it, rather than a half second afterwards.
Not having mounts in the cities is honestly a good thing. I don't want the mount clutter in the main cities. I would rather see the characters and different glams/gear. I really wish criterion dungeons could be the midcore content for players. The gap from normal raids to savage is pretty large for most players. I agree with most of the other points here though. It would require a substantial overhaul to the game but I think it is something SE needs to consider in order to keep the game relevant going into the future.
I don't think mounts in cities are a technical limitation. I just think the devs don't want people crashing from the insane lag, or finding themselves unable to make out any discernible detail of their surroundings because the tsunami of mounts has suffocated the area.
Also, I'd be careful referencing WoW's trinkets and set bonuses. Have you looked at the class balance in that game recently? I agree that it can be fun, I quite enjoyed BLASTING as a Fire Mage in BFA, but I would never wish that state of the game upon FFXIV. One of WoW's biggest issues with balancing is all the STUFF classes can get their hands on. It becomes an exponential problem which leads to Guardian Druids doing millions of DPS with corruptions, Fire Mages melting DPS meters with their fancy trinket and azerite pieces, and I could go on. This is the silver lining of FFXIV's "boring gear," and honestly, I kinda hope they don't change it too much. Or, if they do, don't add more gear and make it an exponential nightmare.
I'd also, ALSO be extra careful referencing M+. Whereas yes, it's cool, don't forget the extremely rough negatives that comes with it. If you aren't one of the meta specs, don't expect to get a group. Run your own? Prepare to reach key level 9 and then brace as it gets nuke down to 7. The reward for your troubles? Slightly higher numbers on pointless gear. The challenge? Enemies with slightly higher stats, and after certain milestones, another modifier gets added (which has, historically, only ever been a headache). I forget the exact pairing, but remember the kite meta during SL? I do as a prot pally main, I don't want that for FFXIV.
Predictability is not bad. Warlords of Draenor REALLY shook up the content that players got, remember that? Or, shook up isn't the exact phrasing I would use, but you know what I mean. Knowing what we're getting is one of the most reassuring things, and really helps with expectations.
Honestly... It kinda sounds like you need to take a break. I'm gonna guess you have a LOT of hours logged in-game, as I only ever hear arguments such as yours from people who have sunk thousands of hours, if not literally a year+ of time into the game. When you reach that point, things get stale and you begin wanting big changes. You want to continue enjoying the game, you want the game to suck you back in and drain another couple thousand, but that's not the right decision for the majority. I feel as though I can speak on this, I don't want to openly admit how many hours I happily gave to WoW. And, at the end of the day, FFXIV seems to be more of a casual game. Yes, there are monumental grinds and crazy hard content, but it isn't designed to keep you hooked year round. I believe Yoshi P himself even told us to take breaks and to play different games. I feel you, but I don't think a lot of these points are right for FFXIV. I agree some things will need to change and evolve if it's to stay relevant, but given how many things you referenced back to WoW, I don't think copying WoW's systems would be a good idea. I mean, hell, it isn't even a good idea for WoW right now. They're still clawing themselves out of the crater left by BFA and SL!
One thing about glamour is that while a lot of pieces look great, the actual "system" is garbage. I first started saving everything I could only to realize later I didn't have the space for half of it, and to top it off if you want ANY alts for any reason you have to hunt for those pieces again. I love the game but this list does a great job summarizing my issues with it.
As someone who played wow since 2004 I can confidently say that ARR's leveling experience is MILES ahead of what WoWs leveling experience has been for many years now.
Though what you said about exploring a world with a sense of danger and teaches you to become a better applies to the early versions of the game (which we saw a resurgence of in classic), the retail leveling experience is a horrible confusing boring slop that not only makes you bored but it actively makes you a worse player if you are completely new to the game.
Unlike in ffxiv it is a reason why by boosting your character in WoW is not only adviced but encouraged by the company itself. You even get a free boost since everyone knows that everything outside of the current expansion is completely worthless and inconsequential. There was a meme going around for years that the best leveling guide in Retail WoW is to turn on Netflix on your second monitor.
there are riding maps that give variable mount speed and have you done an ultimate?
You're _technically_ right about the mount speed, but both speeds are _static._ That's what I mean when I say "variable".
As far as Ultimates go, not yet. That is an ambition that I want to undertake for the sake of a longform video, although I'm in the middle of publishing one about my last 500 hours in World of Warcraft, so it'll be a while.
I don't care that much about not having mounts in cities. However, not being able to sprint with all jobs indefinitely there really grinds my gears. If you have to visit multiple merchants or NPCs for quests, your are guaranteed to run out of fuel unless you have a ranged dps. Having mounts could solve this, but I would much rather have sprint. Or, a redesign of the layouts so that you do not have to walk between your grand company and your hotel room.
Legends say 1.0 did not have loading screens. They also say it was changed so that the game could be ported to PS3. I quite frankly do not care about this. Even if they removed it now, the game was designed around etherytes and fast travel. No one ever walks out of a main city. You always TP anyway. Past the novelty, people would just go back to TP again.
The one point I will fully agree with you is that riding / flying mounts is boring as hell. I would be nice to have some kind of dash. Or at least some kind of mini-game to have something to do while on one.
Gearing being so boring is why I can't take 14 seriously, and slow. Wow's upgrade system got limited in 10.2 and yet it STILL feels faster and like it respects my time more (minus bullshit drops of course, GIVE MY FUCKING MIRRIOR RISE OF MURZOND) then 14's slow progress that also locks you out of gearing if you just aren't interested in savage like me. The difficulty of 14 also has no in between of normal vs savage, so what you end up with is you make a jump akin to the jump between heroic and mythic in wow....between extreme and savage. Gearing feels more with tier sets and trinkets, Stats are also just more interesting in wow due to their direct affect on gameplay. Literally the only stat that affects the feeling of gameplay in 14, skill/spell speed, is typically a stat almost all classes now avoid, meaning most classes I've seen just play on the same GCD. Meanwhile, in wow, you have haste, the equivalent of Skillspeed, being the most dynamic and enjoyable stat in the whole game....
Also, on the topic of content draughts, I find it absoutlely comedical how blizz does them better then 14. At least wow has started to give us fated seasons and a bunch of events and buffs to make sure we get evreything we want from the current xpack. It gives you something to do
You’re absolutely right, I remember reading as much as I could about stat allocation in XIV when I started raiding, only to find that it largely affects nothing as far as gameplay feel.
I've been saying about the loading screen since ARR. Back then, the excuses I've heard was the game supports PS3 with its limited 256MB of RAM. Which explains the weird loading area for the first Alliance Raid.
I don't fault them for load screens due to age and possible engine limitations, ARR is still dog water, the netcode is really bad, I'm casual and I'm already reminded of this every time I try to do a hit and run tanking then miss 1 or 2 enemies i clearly hit before we even had the fall guys event, gearing is boring i agree with needing more variation and stat choices / bonuses or something to make more build variety, however i don't want any extra unnecessary rng required between me and achieving my gear, mounts in cities and hubs i couldn't care less as long as i get around easy, not being able to go faster on mounts is kinda crappy and feels slow sprinting outside of battle on the main world should also have no cooldown in my opinion, or even be a toggle outside of duties, fights, fates etc..., i also wish the seasonal stuff was more involved then talk to a bunch of people and get reward, they play the game really safe but i guess it's better than each expansion being an added broken system you might never revisit.
Man, missing one or two enemies as you run by them as a tank is one of the worst feelings in the game.
Almost 2024 and the netcode is still such a mess? No wonder following someone in a raid to avoid mechanics doesn't work.
Mounts: Will say keep mounts outta cities for now, is already cluncky as is and has too many players swarming specific npcs to target things properly. Instead needs renovation to make it more fun to fly around, cities honestly should go the pvp route where you can always apply running nonstop, unless you cast actions.
Netcode: everyone agrees on... too darn harsh on all players and it hurts my enjoyment of PVP.
Loading screens/openworld: is a bit subjective I guess, given how people already teleport all over the place, that level of loading/instant gameplay may break given this game is old. It can also shrink the feel of the game if done poorly, since the zones already feel a bit empty.
ARR to HW: is a bit tedious if you aren't into the story or have done it two times already... Needs a level crunch from 1 - 30 to 1- 15(you can basically spam through most things at this point). They need to up the ground mount speed at start and remove the mount quest grind. The revamp of old dungeons helps a lot but probably needs a split route that helps you skip some of the bloat.(say current route canon A route is you following Alphinaud, and b route is Alisae but its you foiling Ascian plots with the scions B team and Alisae, say you do half of the content(dungeons/trials of arr) of MSQ with Alphinaud and the other half with Alisae on the MSQ barring the important quests. Then you remerge with Pipin after entering HW) Old zones need a few new things, maybe give them eureka\bozja\event actions with fates with new reward to spice up the enjoyment in each zone that all players benefit from equally. Maybe add a few quests that help you get another teleport aetheryte to the larger zones(looking at the cloud sea, southern thanalan etc...). I'd also say I hate the alt grind that locks certain rewards behind beast tribes, if you could level your beast tribes on all accounts while doing alts would be great (also adaptive leveling quests 1-50 for all the ARR beast tribes would help a lot).
Synced roulette: is easy on casuals, but harsh on people who just want to do fresher dungeons past 65+. I know a few who struggle with easy dungeons so making more mandatory hard ones is may turn them away.
Gearing honestly is very subjective, but Im part of the mid casual audience since I only do raids for glams. so my input here doesnt add much, outside of wishing there was a mode where it was less die instantly cuz one person wipes the whole team due to a misstep and more your individual rewards for dying are lesser.
Predictibility: I'd say that they do need to include a surprise factor seperate from the announcements. Like this expansion has "2 more trials","2 more alliance raids","one new mode that brings everyone together", "here's a new permanent thing in gold saucer to mess with friends."
Gameplay mastery wise: I realize the majority players only know to press buttons and gcds, outside of hardcore players... Honestly right now I'd say guildhests, old zones fates and mentor system need a new revamp for both pvp and pve.
Well, from these points I can honestly say I'm glad you're not developing FFXIV. You're free to your opinion of course.
what part of this video is wrong in your opinion
Maybe he's a fan of bad netcode and loading screens.
I agree with you on so many things here. I decided to try a different MMO after watching your video on Lost Ark and realizing how bored i was in FF. I looked into a few different MMOs but i ended up trying GW2 and I've been in love with the game so far. I actually have a desire to log in because there's items i can chase, an amazing open world and it genuinely feels like an MMO in the open world. FF's open world is so empty with no one around but even in the beginner zones I was constantly finding people in GW2.
I don't hate FF14 either but there's so many things it could do better or improve and it's dissapointing to see that it'll probably continue to stay the same since the devs seem commited to a rigid schedule for the game.
I wouldn't mind mounts in the city but what i think they should actually do is just make sprint unlimited out of combat. It would help a lot for new players so the game doesn't feel so slow at first and it would make getting around the cities better
I’ll get around to doing a similar “500 hour” video on Guild Wars 2, but I’m in the middle of one on World of Warcraft.
@embersarcade Damn that's commitment to try out all these MMO's lol it would be cool to see your perspective on the differences/similarities or pros/cons for all the MMOs you decide to play
Looking forward to check out your vids on each of those 👌
Ngl ff14 seems near perfect to me with over 1200 hours in. That being said taste is highly subjective.
@PenguinNoodleSoup Mmm I had the same thoughts when I used to play it but I'm at around 3700 hours now? There's basically no reason to log in for me now. I've done all the content i enjoyed or what I could do, got to BIS for the most recent tier and realized I can't really use my gear for anything except more raids or criterion (lol).
I get that some people enjoy the release schedule but it kind of hit a point for me where it feels like I'm paying 15 dollars a month to get a few hours of content every 4 months and to not have my house demod.
They also didn't add anything to work towards like relics which are just tome grinds this expac. There's a lot of valid complaints from people in recent time over the game. I'm not even burnt out on FF. I'm just bored. I'd like to play the game but I got nothing to do so I'll just let my house be demod and resub when dawntrail comes out to see if they add something to hold my attention.
Over 9200 hours in FFXIV and believe me the game has problems. Video did a good job at mentioning all of it. On side note, tried Guild War 2 and just left with disappointment over ffxiv openworld and mount system alone.
Biggest issue is definitely the Savage raiding. I don’t think it should be easier but damn if you can’t get it down the first 13 tries your basically shit out of luck. I’m basically stuck at Ilvl 645 rn just grinding comedy tomestones
I’m working on a massive video recording my journey through the Savage tier as a solo player, so I hope you look forward to that.
I don't mean to come off negative but honestly every thing you list as bad things I consider positives, except the net code issue.
I prefer worlds that are heavily instanced and made smaller as a result. Having to travel manually all over the place does allow for more exciting exploration, but at the end of the day I want to get content done and making the world heavily instanced based allows me to actually complete things at a reasonable pace.
Content gearing being only as valuable as you personally choose to make it is a huge benefit and helps prevent the game from becoming as toxic as other games where players don't let you into groups for basic dungeons and raids unless you have some arbitrary state they made up. The game already provides that baseline through item level and while that system could use some improvement due to old gear on prior expansions, it still successfully serves its intended purpose.
Syncing is one of the main reasons I decided to stick with the game when I started back in HW. Knowing that there was little way for high level players to ruin my experience by killing everything helped so much in my first time experience. Getting synced down now just means I'm on the other side of that but I'm getting a currency bonus for the new person.
Mounts absolutely should not be allowed in the hub cities. Quests can already be hard enough to see with just character models crowding an area and you want to introduce giant whales and dragons to that mix?
Your comment about XIV not surprising people with content is one I would consider fair, though I still disagree. I like knowing that there is a baseline amount of content that will be delivered per expansion and has a consistent road map for what that looks like. However I do think you are somewhat wrong with the comment of no surprises. They do take chances with new types of content, Eureka, Deep Dungeon, Criterion, Island Sanctuary are all examples of chances they took that either paid off or didn't in their respective expansions. I'm having a hard time seeing the issue other than a lot of people find Island Sanctuary boring.
Different strokes!
I like the Savageraids design. But the only thing I actually dont like are the 8+min doorbosses + a 10 min 2nd phase every 4th turn. I dont understand why... The doorboss feels like a burden you need to do every Lockout. The doorbosses in dsr or o4 are well designed in my opinion. (the only one I really did was dsr tho)
A doorboss should be a short (max 5min) fight with mechs that introduce you to the 2nd phase with a very tight dps check (in my opinion). But these rn are just too much for me.
I can't say I really agree with the sync hate. The real problem I have with it is that some of the dungeons sync gear down too much. In particular at level 50/60/70/80/90 each has a variety of dungeons that cap Ilvl. This wouldn't be such a problem if they capped the ilvl appropriately, but usually they will tune gear down to a point that it really doesn't make the content much easier than it was the first time around. Stuff still hurts too much and damage is nerfed down so you can't skip too much in the fight. For example, The dead ends requires ilvl 540 to enter, but caps at 570 where as the other two requiring this bare min of 540 caps at 600. They always make that first 50/60/70/80/90 dungeon cap too low to artificially keep its difficulty, which is more annoying than it should be.
Playing my RPR without my Enshroud window is _miserable._
@@embersarcade I get it, but again...that is a lower level for you. Have all jobs at cap, any of them I play in lower level dungeons suck, some much more so than others. Sage is downright miserable at anything under 70 because the best parts of their kit is learned in the last 20 levels, and pretty much useless at anything under 40 just due to how much of the kit is stripped away.
The upside of sync is that you can mostly know what everyone else has and play around accordingly. This is more relevant for DPS utility abilities (e.g. "does that RDM have Verraise in case we screw up?"), tank survivability tools (e.g. "does that WAR have Bloodwhetting to cheese through big pulls?"), and healing tools.
For pure DPS skills and abilities, yes, I agree, just remove the skill sync and let us go ham, balance be damned.
@embersarcade this just seems like a you issue. Why should you get your whole kit at a level 15 dungeon balance wise it would be a mess
@@MattoropaelI disagree. I wouldn't want to go through a dungeon as a new player with someone with a full kit basically making my contribution to the dungeon null and void it wouldn't make me actually know how to use my abilities accordingly through the leveling process
My problem is the gear design. Seriously the design team is absolutely lazy with how it designs gear and how they market gear.
So if you do an even (wake doctor for example) and you miss out on that gear, they'll sell it to you in the store for a premium; but if you go the market board you literally build the same set from old gear sets.
Amazing isn't it? All the money 14 brings in and they choose to not invest in the right places.
One thing that i definitely dont like is having a cool down for running. Ive never understood that
The questing sucks ass, it's probably the worst questing I've ever experienced in any mmo, I've played up to endwalker and I find myself really struggling to continue with the msq, the game is putting you in a cutscene left right and fucking centre talking about made up scientific bullshit, it's sooooooo boring, and it follows the same shit formula, go to purple circle and kill 3 mobs that can't hurt you, open world mobs may as well not even be there, they aggro, can barely hurt you, and if you run 10 ft away from them they ignore you, who the fuck designed this bullshit? I honestly think this game might be hot trash and might just cancel my sub, I'm playing ffxi which is a 20 year old game that's way more immersive, hard to learn, but god damn could they not make it more like that in ffxiv but keep it modernised so it doesn't necessarily turn players off?
Couldn’t agree more, questing is the worst.
After seeing many vids with similar points of discussion 2 things I would add.
1st an observation from playing since beta for 2.0 is the discourse around ARR not being good only became a prominent talking point since around stormblood. Mostly because of the rise in content creators/streamers engaging with the game. Not saying people people didn't have problems since day 1, but it really has only been in the later half of FF14's life span that it appears to be everyones talking point of being very bad.
2nd I would have to say almost nobody is mentioning how the game really needs to change when abilities are available during leveling. The current way is utter garbage, especially when level sync in accounted for. Not having acces to over half your kit until lvl70 is quite rediculous at this point. It is always lower level skills that get gutted with each expansion to make room for new skills. Hopefully with the new expansion it change to where most of your skills could be unlocked sooner and that would give a better experience to new players and level sync content.
I was thinking, what if old savage raid gave rewards for all previous savage gears. Just like how poetics became a currency for all previous vendor gears. We need a unified books like a poetics but for savage gear. Imagine being to clear ARR savage to earn Alexander omega raid gear. People would start farming more raids. Of course there should be a rule like you'll need ilevel sync and echo off to get the currency or something.
Load screens are because the game also came out on the Playstation 3 and it couldnt handle open world maps. It also helps with performance with people who play on laptops.
FF14 has fallen down a lot in the last 2 years, and even the community these days is one of the worst among the big MMORPGs
Not even close to true. It’s just fine.
Final Fantasy XIV is doing great, truly. There are things about it that I wish would improve, but it isn't true to say that the game has "fallen down".
I left the game and haven't looked back. There's little I miss about it, I was trying to like it because everyone else did. MSQ didn't do it for me, combat didn't do it for me, community was weird asf and that was probably the most shining aspect. It felt more like second life relationship drama while I was trying to goof around and play the game. Went from really fun goofing around with strangers to avoiding limsa so some fucker doesn't emote at me and stand there for 2 hours again.
Eureka and Bozja served as areas where you would show off mounts. They also served as PvE content that made end-game gearing actually relevant for non-raiders. Endwalker just dropped the ball on this unfortunately.
Endwalker is missing that crucial aspect, for sure.
I'd want to play FFXIV but whenever I see how much grind it requires, the UI, HUD and the gameplay and combat system I'm just happy there is a community that enjoys the game but I know it's not for me sadly.
The story is magical.
As an Mmo andy if you wanna talk about predictabily Wow just committed that sin,we already know all 3 expansions and basically what the story leads to and everything included with at least the first one,which was a turn off for me,i was excited but as soon metzen said 3 expansions i was turned off immediately, the open world in wow is really the only thing that keeps me playing but raids and story nah man theyve been kinda bad especially Df i just cant handle the disney feel its been going and since its the same team doing the next 3 i just got no hope just gonna keep on huffing the "a realm reborn" type of reset copium but hey man if youre excited for Tww more power to ya hope im wrong but i have no faith in blizz
If they add anything like Mythic + to FFXIV, I will quit hands down that day. Savage raids is plenty for me, I dont want to "raid" everyday I play content in FFXIV because all the content is raid level hard.
Hmm Dawntrail needs to step up a lot of things regarding the main story. Other than that the game will be the same 2 extremes, 1 raid tier, new hairstyles. I know they talked about the graphical update but this was long overdue. Hmm what else? Oh yes the typical "new gold saucer activities, new treasure hunts"
These reasons and a few more are why I only play at the start of an FF14 expansion, then quit until the next one.
The only thing I dont like about the game is gearing, everything else doesn't bother me at all. Gearing In this game is boring as hell lmao, I didn't feel any excitement or powerful when I got by BiS, the only thing that kinda comes close to that is relic weapons. I really wish that in the Dawntrail expansion, they would do something about it, because everything right now is too linear and doesn't have any freedom in terms of gears progression at all.
I couldn’t agree more. The first time I managed to earn my BiS during the first tier of Endwalker, I felt absolutely nothing.
@@embersarcade the worst part is one of the major selling points of the game is playing all the jobs, but gearing more than 1 job to bis is the most miserable experience ever with all the limits on you that last entirely way too long. There's no reason the savage should be locked until the next odd numbered patch, and 450 tomes a week is still just miserable.
@bananagher7555 i agree even tho I'm just a casual player the lock of 450 a week is just dumb.
Show off mounts, thank god they don't. My biggest issues are paying 5 fking euros to change my eye or skin colour 0.0... boss fights that are repetitive light shows that feel more like memory tests devoid of actual complex AI. Bag space locked behind a paywall. Bots, gold sellers and """buyers""" they need to use AI engines designed to find them (their engine is just pathetic at controlling them) and crush them.
Dawntrail is coming out in summer of 2024 not 2024
Got ‘em.
@@NoaaaAaaAAa-iw9xyNah very warranted to point out bruh my heart sank for a minute there
as a player of wow since it began, you have to realise they are trying to change stuff in the new expansion BECUASE the games shite right now... the games at an all time low after the last few exp being total garbage.... WoW has a butt load offlaws and gripes that epople hate.... i bet the lists alot longerthan FF downsides thats fpr sure. Classic wow is keeping the numbers floating imo modern wow shit the bed, and continues to do so. So all these "inovasions" with the warwithin .... they are a outcome of the shit previous exp causing everyone to ditch the game.
Oddly enough, a lot of what you mentioned does give me fits. The netcode especially gives me conniption along with the games bipolar RNG system. That said though I would love if the game went open world yes. Any Bethesda game suffers from this same problem, loading screen simulations. It would be much more interesting if cities like Gridania, Ishgard, Uldah, Limsa Lominsa, Kugane, Crystarium etc., were actually in the game world instead of being locked in a loading screen grid.
Can you imagine logging into Limsa Lominsa, seeing a world event happening in a nearby territory, then mounting up and flying directly to the destination?
That’d be a dream.
you must have a super bad pc or console if loading screen is one of the things you hate, my loading screens arent even 2 secs theres worse than that (imagine each loading is 30 sec....) than i would hate it too
i personally hate the inventory management i want a material gathering bag and bait bag for fisher.... XD
loading screens lols XD sry but yeah lol
That’s not what I said. It’s not the time it takes to load, it’s that it has to load at all.
My issue with this game is it that feels more like an offline RPG with online tacked on than an actually MMO.
It’s an MMO that seems ashamed of being an MMO.
@@embersarcade That's another way of looking at it. Great point of view.
I don't like how vieras can't wear hats :( . I just want my bunboi to look good wearing hats
Is this being addressed in Dawntrail?
@@embersarcadeNothing about it yet
maybe im just a fangirl, but i actually disagreed with like literally every single point you made in this video xD
That’s totally fine, it’s just an opinion.
I'm curious how you can disagree with the netcode being bad.
@@MrCarlWax maybe it's cause I've been playing for about 8 years now, but I've just gotten used to it and it really feels like second nature now knowing how to dodge things and how to accommodate for it
The need to update game engine and end PS4 support to evolve ffxiv
I completely agree, but it won't happen.
I would add the horrendous skin (glamour) management system, or lack thereof, as you have to have a physical copy of the item that has the skin in one of many inventories that are of course limited in size, and then you cant keep every single skin you have obtained indefinitely if you want to get more. So why farm skins when you cant keep them for later use?
points well put together ❤
2025? So it's already delayed a year?
Look closer.
@@embersarcade "And with Dawntrail coming out in 2025" - you.
_Look closer._
M+ is the most toxic dung sistem .
Gearing is meant to be a choice.
There is variant,crit,deep dung and extreme as content between normal dung and savage.
I cannot understand this mentality about Mythic+ in World of Warcraft. I have been neck-deep in Mythic+ this season and I have had zero negative interactions while pugging.
@@embersarcade that because you arent a casual or normal player but a raider for you m+ is nice and easy or fun
miss ya bud! NTHE forever lol
Whoa, who’s this?!
@@embersarcade Atlas :D
Hey, Atlas! I was just thinking about you recently!
Crystal tower made me cry and I'm not joking
I cry every time World of Darkness comes up in Alliance Roulette, too.
@embersarcade no like. The first time I did crystal tower I was so overwhelmed I literally started crying. It's a fucking miracle I actually managed to continue playing this game.
Good video, you can add clunky UI and horrible Glamour system. From what I've seen for 8 years, they're not gonna change anything, because of japanese mentality.
“It would be difficult.”
@@embersarcade Might be, they don't have whole world of programmers to invite, because their team strictly speaks only Japanese. Also, as I said, japanese mentality, I have perfect example with the raid token npc exchanger and the wall of text he producing at the and of expansion, when they have better solution in game already, they don't change it still. Looks horrible
Got another one.
Seriously looks like most WoW player
The UI. Nuff said.
Just imagining a mass of whale mounts in ul'dah makes me cringe
whats with the ffxvi hate train
I love FFXIV, but I’m offering some critical feedback, which I hope inspires some interesting discussions.
I agree with most things in this list. I would love for the world to load seamlessly without load screens, I would love a mythic + system and I would love more dynamic mounts and dragon riding system implemented.
The things I am ok with however are things such as synching down because I feel it’s necessary to keep the content evergreen. It’s also a nice way to practice when starting a new job. I don’t mind not having mounts in major cities but I would love an overhaul to the glamour system. WoW’s transmog system is vastly superior and I would love for FFXIV to adopt it.
Lastly, I don’t mind the cadence of content release, but because the game lacks truly hard mid core content, I don’t like the seasonal feel of the game, which I feel something like a mythic + system would address.
Another x WOW player got it
FFXIV is my main game, I assure you.
Top 1 : Miqo'te
Pls rip off gw2 down scaling T.T
Ripping off Guild Wars 2’s open world content would be a great idea, too.
Another video crapping on FFXIV
No negativity in the dojo, right?
Sounds like someone should be playing WoW. lol WoW is litterally copying and pasting FFXIV into their game and you are trying to tell me it's a better game. WTH?
Are they _literally_ copying and pasting Final Fantasy XIV into World of Warcraft?
Are they _literally?_
To be fair, FF doesn't based everything off WoW, it surely gets stuff from it, but in fact, the opposite effect happened,
FFXIV started to remove a lot of things that they "copy" from WoW that wasn't working well (in both games lol),
has been like this since 1.0, and
a large part of FFXIV is actually from another MMO called FFXI
and also other games from the FF franchise, like FF12 for example.
@Thorn97 I would push hard back on you on Quest design. Most of WoWs quest designs are meaningless while FF14's quests genuinely add interesting tidbits of lore to whatever zone they are in. AND they are entirely side quests; meaning you never have to do them in order to level your first class to maximum during the MSQ. Character Creation is even between the two games. Gameplay would have to be broken down into its' component elements as there are elements of gameplay where WoW excels but there are elements that FF14 does better. FF14 allows you to do every class and every profession.
Your statement that FF14 is FAR behind WoW is so wrong its staggering. It's why WoW had to make the changes they made in DF and now with Seasons of Discovery, Classic and with the upcoming 3 expacs; they were being shellacked by FF14 and the other games in the space...
@Thorn97 Man you doth protest too much. You know what they say about people who protest too much about a thing....must mean that thing ain't true. WoW has little to no story. It's new player experience (for retail) is abysmal. That's why everyone's playing Classic, because that's when the game was good. The WORLD in FF14 is the whole point of the game. The First, the Thirteenth and the Source are all fleshed out places. WoW has a sword they've never explained that has had NO IMPACT AT ALL ON THE WORLD AT ALL. Come on man, get your copium out of your system.
@Thorn97 Lol you say there's no content. Here's content: Hildebrand, Gold Saucer, Hunts, Achievement grind, Blue Mage, FATE rep for Bicolor, PVP, Variant and Criterion, Shiny Weapon Grinds of different varieties, Bojza, Diadem and Skybuilders, Eureka, Chocobo Racing, Mahjong, the Fall Guys collab, Island Sanctuary, Beast Tribes, Shiny Profession weapons, Triple Triad, raids and trial series, etc. MOST OF WHICH serve to extend the lore of the world. But again, maybe you wouldn't get that because you don't read or blitz through the text. It's ok to huff copium.
And speaking of copium, you must be huffing a bunch of it if you think that Metzen and co. had any such aspirations for the sword when it was thrust in the planet. Why haven't the tides changed because of the sword? Why hasn't a new town sprung up around the sword? Why hasn't there been a single significant event occurred because of the sword? Your world NEEDS TO CHANGE because of what happens within the confines of the game. You stab a sword in the planet, shit has got to change. The sword was "Oh this will be cool" and had no other fore-thought attached to it.
my most hated things in ff xiv are
1 urianger
2 urianger
3 urianger
4 urianger
5 urianger
6 urianger
7 urianger
8 urianger
9 urianger
10 urianger
how dare you
Thou art a hater.
@@embersarcade like if he grew up talking that way np he's fine but naaa he chose to change his way of speaking intentionally. idk he just seems like such a pretentious douche bayg. and my god its the only guy whos dialouge i skip. like an example xD
regular person: im gonna go make a PB and J sandwhich
urianger: i go to grabbeth thine bread so that i may spread mine jelly upon thine bread then swiftly follow by spreading mine peanut butter upon thine other slice of spread before bringing them together in holy sandwich matrimony.
I wish FAMFRIT wasnt crowded wit afk dancing idiots in Limsa