Did Krishna Really Help Draupadi? What is the factual story? The Original Mahabharat

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 382

  • @subhasispadhy26
    @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    in the text it was not mentioned who saved devi draupadi she prayed when no one came to help her , but we believe it was krishna because in bhagwat gita he says he is everything even he lives inside the devatas too , so jisne bhi mata draupadi ki raksha ki hogi in one way krishna only helped her ..... because everything is krishna himself .......toh whether mahadev or agni dev jinhone bhi help ki hogi in one way he is krishna only ...... even he said in bhagwat geeta that he is fire water everything he lives in every living beings so definitely it was krishna in some form helped her

    • @aryanraina1932
      @aryanraina1932 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @subhasispadhy26
      @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aryanraina1932 yep

    • @abhinashmallick8895
      @abhinashmallick8895 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No, it's clearly mentioned in the text that when Draupadi chanted "govind" , "krishna", bhagwan Krishna came to help her

    • @subhasispadhy26
      @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@abhinashmallick8895 yeah in some other books , i know it was krishna who came to help her but as mataji was saying this so i took the reference from ved vyas mahabharat and told her about it that in some form krishna only helped her , as in ved vyas mahabharat it was mentioned by vyas muni that dharma protected her shame , so here dharma can be anyone yamraj , yudhistir , vidur or even krishna himself ..... even krishna resides in heart of every living beings so whoever helped ultimately it was krishna who helped her☺☺

    • @subhasispadhy26
      @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abhinashmallick8895 i have also commented some in these video find those comment where i mentioned about krishna came to help her

  • @GitaSeGyaanShorts
    @GitaSeGyaanShorts ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The Original Ved Vyasa Mahabharata is :
    1. Swami Jagishwaranand Saraswati Mahabharat
    2. The original Mahabharat English Translation by Kishori Mohan Ganguly 3. The simplified "Krishnadwaipayankrita Mahabharat" by Rajsekhar Basu.
    4. Several books on Mahabharat by Nrisinghaprasad Bhaduri
    This is from Sabha Parv : Chapter 17 and the Gita Se Gyaan Channel runs a series on all the chapters of Mahabharata
    All your questions will be in these videos, but don’t judge things from one video, watch the previous and next ones
    Even this video has mentioned that more details of this particular story will be in VanParv as well, so have patience while watching and learning things
    Believe it or not, this is what is written in the Ved Vyasa Mahabharata
    I have been reading Mahabharata under a Vedic Gurukul Acharya from Gujarat, and sharing the same 😊
    Bahut Dhanyawaad

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      + Dussana ne Draupadi Ji ke baal kheench kar ghasita toh bas unke sir ka pallu gir gaya, Vastra kheench kar koi Vastrahran nahi hua tha 🙏🏻

    • @user-wy8cs2bb2z
      @user-wy8cs2bb2z ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@GitaSeGyaanarya samj se ho app

    • @viditarora3662
      @viditarora3662 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@user-wy8cs2bb2z nahi vo Arya Samaj Se Nahi Hai

    • @user-wy8cs2bb2z
      @user-wy8cs2bb2z ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@viditarora3662 accha

    • @topgun4071
      @topgun4071 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ji original Mahabharat me Vastra Haran ka prasang hai aur phir Shri Krishna dwara raksha ka bhi. Aur apne acharya par blind faith na kariye, swayam padhiye.

  • @anchalmehta3572
    @anchalmehta3572 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    ​@GitaSeGyaan Ha its correct ki krishna ne waha aakar draupadi ko nhi bachaya but krishna ke naam ne draupadi ki raksha ki kyoki Krishna ke naam aur krishna me koi bhed nhi h and it is mentioned in the shrimad bhagwatam . Mam apne sahi bataya but ye baat bhi to mention karo 🙏🙏 hare Krishna

    • @abhinashmallick8895
      @abhinashmallick8895 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bhai mahabharat me ye clearly mentioned hai ki bhagwan krishna waha pe aaye the aur Draupadi ko bacheye the

    • @anchalmehta3572
      @anchalmehta3572 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@abhinashmallick8895 yes aaye the but bhotik roop se nhi aaye the aur unke naam or unme koi bhed nhi h

    • @abhinashmallick8895
      @abhinashmallick8895 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anchalmehta3572 bhautik roop me v aaye the
      Ye pdhiye
      या￾से￾या वचः ￾ु￾वा कृ
      ￾णो ग￾￾रतोऽभवत् ।
      ￾य￾￾वा श￾याऽऽसनं पद￾्यां कृपालुः कृपया￾यगात् । ।४५ । ।
      ￾णं च ￾व￾णुं च ह￾र￾ नरं च
      ￾ाणाय ￾व￾ोश￾त या￾सेनी ।
      तत￾तु धम￾ऽ￾त￾रतो महा￾मा
      समावृणोद वै ￾व￾वधैः सुव￾￾ैः ् । ।४६ । ।
      ￾पदन￾￾ ￾ दनीक￾ वह क￾ण पुकार सुनकर कृपालु ￾ीकृ￾ण गदगद ् हो गये तथा श￾या
      और आसन छोड़कर दयासे ￾￾वत हो पैदल ही दौड़ पड़े। य￾सेनकुमारी कृ￾णा अपनी
      र￾ाके ￾लये ￾ीकृ￾ण, ￾व￾णु ह￾र और नर आ￾द भगव￾ाम￾को जोर-जोरसे पुकार रही थी।
      इसी समय धम￾￾व￾प महा￾मा ￾ीकृ￾णने अ￾￾￾पसे उसके व￾￾म￾ ￾वेश करके भाँ￾त￾भाँ￾तके सु￾दर व￾￾￾￾ारा ￾ौपद￾को आ￾छा￾दत कर ￾लया । ।४५-४६ । ।
      ￾यमाणे वसने ￾ौप￾ा￾तु ￾वशा￾पते ।
      त￾पमपरं व￾￾ं ￾ा￾रासीदनेकशः ू । ।४७ । ।
      जनमेजय! ￾ौपद￾के व￾￾ ख￾चे जाते समय उसी तरहके ￾सरे-￾सरे अनेक व￾￾ ￾कट
      होने लगे । ।४७ । ।
      नानाराग￾वरागा￾ण वसना￾यथ वै ￾भो ।
      ￾ा￾भ￾व￾￾त शतशो धम￾￾य प￾रपालनात् । ।४८ । ।
      राजन्! धम￾पालनके ￾भावसे वहाँ भाँ￾त-भाँ￾तके सैकड़￾ रंग-￾बरंगे व￾￾ ￾कट होते
      रहे । ।४८ । ।

    • @subhasispadhy26
      @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@anchalmehta3572 yes he was not present physically there , with his leelas and maya he helped her because he is the supreme lord everything happens by his wish .....

    • @divyangupadhyay3106
      @divyangupadhyay3106 ปีที่แล้ว

      Boycott her. I have proof that loaurd Krishna came. drive.google.com/file/d/1oppMUbbfTEYa9pijgp-qrwknNJbdoHBI/view?usp=drivesdk

  • @anandpardeshi3861
    @anandpardeshi3861 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Don't give false information
    " Ambara Avtar" is the term used for Krishna later draupati ask why did u come so late to safe Krishna replied in humorous way by telling u said dwarka dhish I was there only in formless for I went to dwarka then come back again God is omnipresent

  • @Vivekkumar111
    @Vivekkumar111 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    हमे आपसे 2 बात कहनी है। पहला की द्रौपदी को रक्षा के लिए कृष्ण वहा प्रत्यक्ष रूप में आए इसकी कोई आवश्यकता नहीं।
    दूसरी बात अगर ऐसा नहीं है तो फिर, रामानंद सागर, br Chopra, Siddharth tiwary अनलोगो ने ऐसा क्यू दिखाया।
    ऐसा वर्णन किस महाभारत, या पुराण में है। उन्होंने कही से तो वह भाग को लिया होगा। अपने मन से नही दिखाया होगा।

  • @subhasispadhy26
    @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Kunti mentions the incident in Srimad Bhagavatam:
    My dear Kṛṣṇa, Your Lordship has protected us from a poisoned cake, from a great fire, from cannibals, from the vicious assembly, from sufferings during our exile in the forest and from the battle where great generals fought. And now You have saved us from the weapon of Aśvatthāmā. I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths.

    • @yogyafightclub
      @yogyafightclub 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bhagwtam is a commentary made by others . Its not history.

  • @darshika6783
    @darshika6783 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Shree Krishna wasn't present at moment but.. when she tried all the way, asked help from all the great personalities and at last 'she locked a part of her wastra with her teeth and asked help with Shree Krishna at last' then krishna helped her with enough parts of clothes and saved Darupdi. Yes he wasn't actually present at that moment but when she remembered her at very last, Shree Krishna helped her.

  • @SlanderBeast777
    @SlanderBeast777 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Krishna Said that he is everywhere in the universe, of course he is the Supreme
    Then how he couldn't know about Draupadi, when he was in Dwarika

    • @Adi_Anant_Narayan
      @Adi_Anant_Narayan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Arrey she is Arya Samaji! Arya Samaji don't believe in avatars or sakaar god!

  • @exploringideas6260
    @exploringideas6260 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Totally wrong, it is clearly mentioned in bhagvatam that Krishna saved Draupadi and bhagvatam is also written by vyasdev. And all the great great acharyas accept this and glorify even sankarachaya.this is false information.and lack of understanding. If you want to see clear picture about story of sri krishna you have to read both Mahabharata and bhagvatam.

  • @hedwig6643
    @hedwig6643 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    द्रुपदनन्दिनीकी वह करुण पुकार सुनकर कृपालु श्रीकृष्ण गद्गद हो गये तथा शय्या
    और आसन छोड़कर दयासे द्रवित हो पैदल ही दौड़ पड़े यज्ञसेनकुमारी कृष्णा अपनी रक्षाके लिये श्रीकृष्ण, विष्णु हरि और नर आदि भगवन्नामोंको जोर-जोरसे पुकार रही थी। इसी समय धर्मस्वरूप महात्मा श्रीकृष्णने अव्यक्तरूपसे उसके वस्त्रमें प्रवेश करके भाँति-
    भाँति सुन्दर वस्त्रोंद्वारा द्रौपदीको आच्छादित कर लिया
    I have taken this from original mahabharat and it clearly mentions that Krishna saved draupadi...he don't need to be present there physically to save draupadi...yes Dharma saved draupadi and Dharma here is Krishna...you need to read between the lines

    • @project77977
      @project77977 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      so she is misleading arent ?

    • @Ashutoshh608
      @Ashutoshh608 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@project77977she always give half backed knowledge

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      I have mentioned that VanParv will clarify this thing more, be patient for the next few episodes and all your questions will be cleared

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      I have mentioned that VanParv will clarify this thing more, be patient for the next few episodes and all your questions will be cleared
      It feels half because people don’t watch the previous and next episode and question just looking at one

  • @shady203
    @shady203 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    But in the Translation Of KM ganguly...
    Book 2:Sabha Parva : Sisupala-Badha Parva: Section LXVI
    In p.132, When the attire of draupadi was being dragged by duryodhana he cried aloud saying and calling Krishna... And krishna was deeply moved and covered draupadi with excellent cloths of many hues.
    And then bhima take the oath.
    And then when mass of cloths gathered in assemblY dussasana tired ashamed and sat down...
    Please don't give false information for views... 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @Adi_Anant_Narayan
      @Adi_Anant_Narayan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes! In bori version too vastraharan is mentioned! She is Arya namazi spreading her propaganda! These people don't believe in sakaar bhagwan

  • @subrotomukherjee1
    @subrotomukherjee1 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Every one knows lord Krishna was not there.
    Draupadi prays to Krishna. That is the story.
    She doesn't know anything about the story.

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Then kindly
      read the Ved Vyasa Mahabharata

    • @subrotomukherjee1
      @subrotomukherjee1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't need your advice.
      I have read 3 different versions of Mahabharat.

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Still haven’t read
      the original one maybe!

    • @SlanderBeast777
      @SlanderBeast777 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@GitaSeGyaan Where Can I read the Original Mahabharat ??

  • @queensabia8862
    @queensabia8862 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Sorry but I don't believe you, u will say and i will believe nhi. Koun si textbook pdi kya usme koi changings nhi kiye gye. Jise laya hi gya tha sbha mei khich kr tb dhritrashtr kha th. Srf vhi pnne nhi hai jisme Krishna hai. Kalyug hai bhai. Agar unhe nhi ptta toh virat roop kisne liya. Kinhone apna vishal sawroop arjun ko dikhaya. Ar likha toh aisa hai jaise Krishna g ki abhi puch kr aaye ho ki mei toh vha th hi nhi mjhe ptta hota toh mei aise krta jinhe abhimanyu ki mrityu ka ptta th. Bheem ko mardega dhritrashtr gale lgakr ye ptta th. Vo aisi baate bol hi kaise gye.

    • @mK-fq7xi
      @mK-fq7xi ปีที่แล้ว

      Manoj muntasir ki Mahabharata pdh Li hogi isne;
      👉 Reference bhi do #Orginal_Mahabharata ka source kaha se carry Kiya..!?

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Swami Jagishwaranand Sarasvati

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Toh aap bhi
      Original Mahabharata padhe!

  • @viditarora3662
    @viditarora3662 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Jai SiyaRam❣️
    Jai RukminiKrishn 🕉️

  • @LordDajjal432
    @LordDajjal432 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mein gita press ki mahabaharat khol kar check karta hu...??
    Mera pahela sabal bhagban krishna sakar bramh hai to unko pata jaroor hoga....
    Aur unka kahena mein agr waha hota to asa hine nhi deta iska matlab to pura prasang hine se rokne ko lekar karna..
    Aur dropadi bacahne ke liye krishna ko hone ki koi jaroorat nhi saksat ishwar hai..
    Aur bhgaban ka leela(natak) hai hai khud ko logo ke samne potray karna aam manav ki tara halaki ki sabko pata tha krishna kon tha lekin wo log ignorance me the isliye jante hue aan jaan the..

  • @kidforkidslearning1891
    @kidforkidslearning1891 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Before explaining the false statements, just go thoroughly into all Scriptures.
    Don't spread such false statements about Bhagwan Shri Krishna, if you have studied all the Scriptures very carefully, you will definitely realise your fault.A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. So many Saints, Vaishnab Achayas , Devotees have also written the same that Bhagwan Shri Krishna only saved Draupadi. Please don't spread these false messages without knowing nothing 🙏
    If you are a real Devotee of Bhagwan Shree Krishna, please delete this video, it hurts so many Devotees.
    Hare Krishna 🙏❤️❤️🙏

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes it might hurt you because truth hurts, but if you read the Original Mahabharata, this is a true fact
      I’m not following any particular association or Sampradhaya
      This is what Ved Vyasa
      has written in Shri Krishna
      I won’t delete this video because I don’t want to delete the truth
      The whole intention of this channel is not to spread the wrong or false information and say what has been actually written by carefully reading it under Vedic Gurukul & Acharya
      Thank You ❤️😊

    • @kidforkidslearning1891
      @kidforkidslearning1891 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Because false knowledge and spreading is a punishable offence, you will surely be published by the Supreme God as per Bhagwat Gita, those people who spread or speak ill of God, ultimately fall & you will definitely get your consequences as per the Bhagwat Gita.
      Pride & vanity makes people to do stupid things & due to you people our Sanatan Dharma has been losing its dignity.
      Earning of money by spreading ill of God is a great sin, remember this.

    • @kidforkidslearning1891
      @kidforkidslearning1891 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Read "punished" instead of "publish"

    • @kidforkidslearning1891
      @kidforkidslearning1891 ปีที่แล้ว

      Because false knowledge and spreading is a punishable offence, you will definitely be punished by the Supreme God & as per the Bhagwat Gita those who are speaking or spreading ill of God ultimately will fall, spreading ill of the Supreme God only to earn money via social media is a great offence.
      Pride and vanity makes people to do stupid things like you.
      You should go through the entire Holy scriptures written by the same Maharishi Veda Vyas Ji who has mentioned this & it is not a dramatic incident as you have mentioned. Shame on you 😡 with out knowing anything, you prepared a video to just earning money!

    • @Ashutoshh608
      @Ashutoshh608 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ​@@GitaSeGyaanso what do you want to say?all those vaishnab acharyas were liars and you are the only one saying truth????and after giving half backed gyan dont put a stubborn statement"truth is bitter"its just your arrogance speaking

  • @GitaSeGyaan
    @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The Original Ved Vyasa Mahabharata is :
    1. Swami Jagishwaranand Saraswati Mahabharat
    This is from Sabha Parv : Chapter 17 and the Gita Se Gyaan Channel runs a series on all the chapters of Mahabharata
    All your questions will be in these videos, but don’t judge things from one video, watch the previous and next ones
    Even this video has mentioned that more details of this particular story will be in VanParv as well, so have patience while watching and learning things
    Dussana ne Draupadi Ji ke baal kheench kar ghasita toh bas unke sir ka pallu gir gaya, Vastra kheench kar koi Vastrahran nahi hua tha 🙏🏻
    Believe it or not, this is what is written in the Ved Vyasa Mahabharata
    I have been reading Mahabharata under a Vedic Gurukul Acharya from Gujarat, and sharing the same 😊
    Bahut Dhanyawaad

    • @subhasispadhy26
      @subhasispadhy26 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      didi vastraharan hua tha and even vyas dev said her shame was protected by dharma

    • @mpattanaik7
      @mpattanaik7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are wrong or you dint understand the context. it is mentioned in Srimad bhagavat mahapuran 1.8.24. This is creation of vedvyas himself.
      Everyone knows Shri krishna was not there during disrobing of Draupadi. Even all those at the sabha also didnot see krishna but entire sabha saw somehow draupadi didnot get complete disrobed. Bhagwan ko dhidhora pitne ki jaroorat nahin hei.
      Myth busting aa gaye stupids🤓🤓

    • @Aninfer
      @Aninfer ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Most accurate Mahabharat is bori ce

    • @divyangupadhyay3106
      @divyangupadhyay3106 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have providing proof that She is miss leading to people. Please Boycott her.
      Sree Loard Krishna always saves people who asks for help of him. Loard Sree Krishna saved Draupadi is 100% true.

    • @kidforkidslearning1891
      @kidforkidslearning1891 ปีที่แล้ว

      You follow Sarala Mahabharat, where it's clearly mentioned regarding Vastra Haran. Even it's clearly mentioned in Bramha Vaibarta Puran, Srimad Bhagwatam Maha Puranam & also in so many Puranas, all are written by Maharasi Veda Vyas. Even Adi Shankaracharya, Sur Das, Kabir Das, Bhakt Salabeg, Bhakt Ras Khan, Tulasi Das, Saint Tukaram, Saint Vallabhacharya & so one so forth have mentioned regarding this.
      So, don't fool us by giving false messages.
      Fool woman tries to fool innocent only for money. It's a sin, remember. Your knowledge is very little, hence don't do this😡

  • @KrishnaSingh-fd1ly
    @KrishnaSingh-fd1ly ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ha shi ha Krishna ko aane ke kya jarurt ha
    Nam he to nami ha 🙏😁
    Krishna Aaj v unko protect krte ha Jo unko yaad krta ha 😀😀😀

  • @shivendusuryavanshi441
    @shivendusuryavanshi441 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    You cleared the myth of Draupadi Vastraharan very well. Till now, we used to think Dhritrashtra remained silent and did nothing to save Draupadi's honour. But hearing the truth that Dhritrashtra actaually stopped it and scolded Duryodhan proved he had some goodness in him. Well done in debunking the myth. Jai Shri Krishna 🙏

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes! He was good
      Par putr moh mein hone ke karan woh aisa karte the, aur Mahabharat hui
      Bahut Dhanyawaad

  • @uchitsikhyaodia
    @uchitsikhyaodia ปีที่แล้ว +6

    jay sri krishna 🙏 ❤ ❤

  • @vivank_sng
    @vivank_sng ปีที่แล้ว +20

    You explain so clearly....Jai shree krishna ❤

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bahut Dhanyawaad ❤️

  • @sanskriti5463
    @sanskriti5463 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Knowing about the real texts is bit sad and disappointing but satya toh kadwa hi hota hai
    Hare krishna ☸️💛

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Exactly! A lot of people will still believe the TV serial and will not read the original text and yes, Satya kadwa hota hain, aur hona bhi chayiye

    • @nilayvarma8003
      @nilayvarma8003 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's true, and I guess it will always be like this until people allow themselves to be free from their conditioning .

    • @nilayvarma8003
      @nilayvarma8003 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@GitaSeGyaan Yes tabhi toh jhakta lagega aur ankhein khulengi :)

    • @jaydutta7711
      @jaydutta7711 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nilayvarma8003 This is not the real texts what she had shown. This video owner is lying with her false translation of Mahabharata. Here is the description of Krishna saving Draupadi form being disrobed the Sabha Parva of the Mahabharata:
      When the attire of Draupadi was being thus dragged, the thought of Hari, (And she herself cried aloud, saying), 'O Govinda, O thou who dwellest in Dwaraka, O Krishna, O thou who art fond of cow-herdesses (of Vrindavana). O Kesava, seest thou not that the Kauravas are humiliating me. O Lord, O husband of Lakshmi, O Lord of Vraja (Vrindavana), O destroyer of all afflictions, O Janarddana, rescue me who am sinking in the Kaurava Ocean. O Krishna, O Krishna, O thou great yogin, thou soul of the universe, Thou creator of all things, O Govinda, save me who am distressed,--who am losing my senses in the midst of the Kurus.'
      Even in the Translation Of KM ganguly...
      Book 2:Sabha Parva : Sisupala-Badha Parva: Section LXVI
      In p.132 clearly says:
      When the attire of draupadi was being dragged by duryodhana he cried aloud saying and calling Krishna... And krishna was deeply moved and covered draupadi with excellent cloths of many hues.
      And then bhima take the oath.
      And then when mass of cloths gathered in assemblY dussasana tired ashamed and sat down.
      So tell her not to give false information about Draupadi & Lord Krishna for views 😠

    • @jaydutta7711
      @jaydutta7711 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      *@sanskriti5463* Excuse me, Sanskriti. These are not the real texts what this girl had shown us. This video owner is lying with her false translation of Mahabharata. Here is the description of Krishna saving Draupadi form being disrobed the Sabha Parva of the Mahabharata:
      When the attire of Draupadi was being thus dragged, the thought of Hari, (And she herself cried aloud, saying), 'O Govinda, O thou who dwellest in Dwaraka, O Krishna, O thou who art fond of cow-herdesses (of Vrindavana). O Kesava, seest thou not that the Kauravas are humiliating me. O Lord, O husband of Lakshmi, O Lord of Vraja (Vrindavana), O destroyer of all afflictions, O Janarddana, rescue me who am sinking in the Kaurava Ocean. O Krishna, O Krishna, O thou great yogin, thou soul of the universe, Thou creator of all things, O Govinda, save me who am distressed,--who am losing my senses in the midst of the Kurus.'
      Even in the Translation Of KM ganguly...
      Book 2:Sabha Parva : Sisupala-Badha Parva: Section LXVI
      In p.132 clearly says:
      When the attire of draupadi was being dragged by duryodhana he cried aloud saying and calling Krishna... And krishna was deeply moved and covered draupadi with excellent cloths of many hues.
      And then bhima take the oath.
      And then when mass of cloths gathered in assemblY dussasana tired ashamed and sat down.
      So tell her not to give false information about Draupadi & Lord Krishna for views 😠

  • @blissful_Life111
    @blissful_Life111 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dear sister, whom you are making fool ?? Original Ved vyas mahabharat kabse swami jagiswaranand ki mahabharat ho gayi ??
    Dont spread misinformation !

  • @dumplings-yukoo
    @dumplings-yukoo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are not understanding the deep meaning of Mahabharata!!! Yeah in original mahabharat dharma protected draupadi not krishna himself but... but but.......When Krishna is everything then There is no difference between Krishna and Dharma !!! And In another scriptures draupadi clearly asked krishna that why he did late to protect her ?!??? Even vishnu puran cleary says that krishna protected draupadi in the form of dharma !!!Is not these books written by ved vyas !!! So at first understand who is krishna then make video !!!!! There are many scriptures that was written by deva !!!! You should study at first nonsense!!!

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      This perspective works,
      I have read Mahabharata and understood it under a Guru
      Thank You So Much! ❤️

    • @dumplings-yukoo
      @dumplings-yukoo ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan then Vishnu Puran, bhagwat puran is totally fake !!!! Krishna is same as Dharma ---- this is also fake !!! Ok....thanks for making people fool with your half knowledge!!!

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Did I said that or mentioned that ?
      Why to judge people without event knowing the whole thing :)

    • @SSJB992
      @SSJB992 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@GitaSeGyaan then go and first you read all the books and give information.. adhe adhure gyane par kripaya baat mat kariye... Sirf guru ke under ek book padhakar logon ko mislead karna band karo.. qki kuch log yaha aise jinhone apse bhi jyada padha hai.. original mahabharat main ek jag kunti khud kehti hai aapne hum un sabha se bachaya to uska matlab bhi batao.. pehle aap khud saare granth padho. Verify Karo aur fir Gyan do

  • @user-gx7fd8kp1n
    @user-gx7fd8kp1n ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You are a great example of why everyone is not eligible to translate ved puran. If someone really want to understand Ved then listen to eligible dharam guru. Knowledge of ved is passed from guru to disciple. Please stop spreading lies just because this is what you understood….But that what Kalyug is about. Jai shree Krishna!

    • @Nature-i1n
      @Nature-i1n ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you know how this material world was created as per srimad bhagavatam..the first canto ???

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank You for the tag :)
      Well before knowing if I have read things under a teacher or not, no one should be judged
      This knowledge
      is taken from a Acharya and I have read Mahabharata and Scriptures under a Guru 🙏🏻❤️

    • @jaydutta7711
      @jaydutta7711 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan Here is the description of Krishna saving Draupadi form being disrobed the Sabha Parva of the Mahabharata:
      When the attire of Draupadi was being thus dragged, the thought of Hari, (And she herself cried aloud, saying), 'O Govinda, O thou who dwellest in Dwaraka, O Krishna, O thou who art fond of cow-herdesses (of Vrindavana). O Kesava, seest thou not that the Kauravas are humiliating me. O Lord, O husband of Lakshmi, O Lord of Vraja (Vrindavana), O destroyer of all afflictions, O Janarddana, rescue me who am sinking in the Kaurava Ocean. O Krishna, O Krishna, O thou great yogin, thou soul of the universe, Thou creator of all things, O Govinda, save me who am distressed,--who am losing my senses in the midst of the Kurus.'
      Even in the Translation Of KM ganguly...
      Book 2:Sabha Parva : Sisupala-Badha Parva: Section LXVI
      In p.132 clearly says:
      When the attire of draupadi was being dragged by duryodhana he cried aloud saying and calling Krishna... And krishna was deeply moved and covered draupadi with excellent cloths of many hues.
      And then bhima take the oath.
      And then when mass of cloths gathered in assemblY dussasana tired ashamed and sat down.
      So don't give false information for views 😠

    • @exploringideas6260
      @exploringideas6260 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@GitaSeGyaan then change your false guru 😂

  • @PetofHDGSrilaPrabhupadaji
    @PetofHDGSrilaPrabhupadaji ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dude Naam Prabhu saved Draupadi Maiyaa … and naam aur naami mai bhed nahi

  • @Sahilrajpurani
    @Sahilrajpurani ปีที่แล้ว +3

    हरे कृष्णा ❤

  • @majugoswami
    @majugoswami ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Radhe Radhe ❤🙏

  • @subhasatyamandal6534
    @subhasatyamandal6534 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your speech just like snake tested milk. Every time hear from pure vaishnav not this type of youtuber.

  • @PibathaBhagavatam
    @PibathaBhagavatam หลายเดือนก่อน

    Draupadi yelled "Govindaaa" in that sabha and the sarees came
    You can find this slogan in Mahabharat
    govinda dvārakāvāsin kṛṣṇa gopī-jana-priya
    kauravaiḥ paribhūtāṁ māṁ kiṁ na jānāsi keśava
    he nātha he ramānātha vrajanāthārti-nāśana
    kairavārṇava-bhagnāṁ mām uddharasva janārdana
    kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa mahāyogin viśvātman viśva-bhāvana
    prapannāṁ pāhi govinda kuru-madhye ’vasīdatīm
    (Mahābhārata: Sabhā-parva, 67.82-3)
    She not only called Govinda, but many other names of Krishna. And suddenly the sarees came. The slogans have deep meaning, learning it from a right guru will help.
    Pls talk with slogan references and don't mislead the crowd!

  • @queensabia8862
    @queensabia8862 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Well jitna mjhe ptta hai hindu scriptures itne purane hai ki alag alag dharam ke logo ne isme bht changing kiye hai

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Haan bahut changes hue hain
      lekin aaj bhi Original Scriptures hain

    • @queensabia8862
      @queensabia8862 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan well kitabo se nhi itihaas mei jude hue connected incidents inhe btayenge.

  • @KrlePdai
    @KrlePdai ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Please mention chapter no. Verse no. Shlok no.

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sabha Parv : Chapter 17
      Ved Vyasa Mahabharata

  • @sangameshmath7704
    @sangameshmath7704 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Then the pandavas didn't go to vanvaas and agyatvaas?????
    A whole new version of Mahabharata 😅

    • @user-bw7pw9ev6y
      @user-bw7pw9ev6y ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes i have same question she did not include those question i think she is spitting lies

    • @Nature-i1n
      @Nature-i1n ปีที่แล้ว

      Asking you two ..do you know how this material world was created according to srimad bhagavatam canto 1?

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Abhi aage yeh prasang aayega
      Vanvaas ka prasang bhi aayega,
      keep watching the episodes :)

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait for the next episodes
      to clarify
      the things

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Not a new version,
      but a original Mahabharata

  • @conimedestruction6907
    @conimedestruction6907 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If dritrasthya allowed Pandavas to do their dharma and go to indraprast, then what happened to the 14 years vanvas and 1 year agyatvas, basically the Mahabharat war happened after that or you are trying to say the Mahabharata war never actually happened.

  • @doctorsahab4749
    @doctorsahab4749 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    my question please answer this ........then who saved draupadi , if not krishna .....were kauravas successful in removing her cloths ??????
    please answer u increased my curiosity X1000 times....

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Cheerharan nahi hua!
      Dussana ne baal kheenchakar Draupadi ko ghasita, Duryodhan ne apni jhaang ka kapda hata har ishara kiya tha lekin Dussana ne Vastra nahi kheencha
      Watch Previous Episode!

    • @NidhiKini
      @NidhiKini ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@GitaSeGyaandid karn call her vaishya and asked dushasan to do vastraharan?

    • @doctorsahab4749
      @doctorsahab4749 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@GitaSeGyaan thanks and i will definetly watch

    • @popcornexpress3283
      @popcornexpress3283 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@GitaSeGyaan last 2 episodes mein bhi aapne ye clear nahin kia ki asal mein vastra utare gaye ki nahin. kab clear karenge woh part? aagar serials ghalat hain toh aap bhi kaha clear information de rahi ho!

  • @radheshyam16108
    @radheshyam16108 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Krishan doesn't have to personally be there to help Draupadi. Krishna and His Holy Name is Non-different, and therefore, the Holy Name of Krishna protected Draupadi. Krishna at that time, was fighting Shalva, who came to attack Dwarka. i humbly request you to study the Shastras under the guidance of Spiritual Masters and Acharyas who have decided the Shastras for us very nicely. We don't need anyone else to try to put their own opinions on this. Shastras, especially Mahabharat, and Puranas can never be translated on external basis, they have deeper meanings too, and that only Guru can help us churn the meaning out of all of them and give it to us.
    And I am not the one who's making the claim that we should study the scriptures under the guidance of Guru. Krishna Himself said this in 4.34 of the Bhagavad Gita- "tad viddhi pranipaatena pari prashnena sevaya, upadekshanti te jnanam jnaaninaas tattva darshinah."
    Therefore, please encourage your audience to learn the Vedas, Scriptures form High Authorities, from Acharyas, who have presented them so nicely. If you read their commentary, you will be astonished.
    Radhe Radhe!!

  • @AbhishekSingh-wq4cb
    @AbhishekSingh-wq4cb ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Jai shree krishna 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jaydeepdas9417
    @jaydeepdas9417 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Radhe Radhe Sister 🙏🙏🙏

  • @saraanshv.tanoria1835
    @saraanshv.tanoria1835 หลายเดือนก่อน

    द्रौपदी वस्त्रहरण हुआ था। गीता प्रेस गोरखपुर महाभारत खंड 1 सभा पर्व पढ़ें। इसमें स्पष्ट रूप से उल्लेख किया गया है कि कैसे द्रौपदी का वस्त्रहरण हुआ और श्रीकृष्ण ने उनकी रक्षा की। गलत शोधित जानकारी न फैलाएं।

  • @captabhimanyubhat
    @captabhimanyubhat ปีที่แล้ว +1

    मेने तेरा video देखा नहीं title ही आपत्तिजनक था UP मैं तेरे खिलाफ FIR होगी आज

  • @KrlePdai
    @KrlePdai ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Didi please shlok or chapter no. Bhi mention kia kare taki hum bhi kisi ko btaye to proof de sake

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Already mentioned hain
      Video ke top right corner mein dekhiye

    @SANATANITara ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jai shri RadheKrishna🌼🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @exploringideas6260
    @exploringideas6260 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lack of understanding.😢

  • @sourabh2017
    @sourabh2017 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Madam jab video banay to kripya pura banay me aapse janana chahta hu ki yadi bhagwan shrikrishna ne save nahi kiya to kisne kiya, jaha tak me bhagwan shrikrina ko jana hu wo is tarah ke sabd hamesha use kare he taki koi unke ishwar na mane kyoki manvatar me the, aur unko kisi ko save karne ke liy kahi jane ki v jarurat nahi he unhone shrimadbhagvad gita me kaha he me sabme hu aur sab mujhme he. Lagata he aapko answer mil gaya hoga

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Aage ka episode dekhiye
      Puri Mahabharat ek video mein nahi cover kar sakte hain
      Jaise kisi Web Series mein episodes hote hain, waise hi yaha hota hain aage aur pehle ke prasang dekhte rahiye

  • @anusuya340
    @anusuya340 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To matlab draupadi ka vastraharan kabhi hua hi nhi?ya phir hua tha??

  • @rohithraj7161
    @rohithraj7161 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful story narration thank you

  • @rajeshkumar98769
    @rajeshkumar98769 หลายเดือนก่อน

    She is trying to BELITTLE SHREE KRISHNA
    It’s clearly mentioned that BHAGWADGITA knowledge is not to be given to those who are jealous or envious of SHREE KRISHNA… even otherwise they will not get any benefit from it… DHRITRASHTRA learned nothing even when SANJAY was telling him everything !!! Even ARJUNA forgot most of it, when ABHIMANYU got killed !!!

  • @sandeepkumar-xb8hc
    @sandeepkumar-xb8hc หลายเดือนก่อน

    Draupadi ki raksha us k krmo ki vajah se huyi thi kyuki unone pichle janam me ek Brahman ko dubne se bachane k liye apni saadi ka pallu utaar k diya tha fir Brahman ne une ye vardaan diya tha

  • @govindpawar2888
    @govindpawar2888 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Ma'am please make a playlist of these all prasang so that i could easily see all the story in sequence ma'am pleeease 😊

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It’s in Sequence and
      you can check the Playlist

    • @govindpawar2888
      @govindpawar2888 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan I will definitely see 🙂

    • @queensabia8862
      @queensabia8862 ปีที่แล้ว

      Saath mei ye bhi pdna ki vo search shi bhi kr rhi hai ya bdli hui scriptures pd rahi hai.serials ne aise kiya jodha bhai ke time pr aisa hi hua hoga unhe kisne btaya tha. Muslim and Britishers ne hmare ved bighad diye hai ar ye madam trp keliye kuch bhi pdi ja rahi hai.
      Waise father of the constitution of India galat kitab pd skte hai toh ye toh kuch bhi nahi hai unke samne.follow hyper quest

  • @dp_1512
    @dp_1512 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Exactly 💯, Shree Krishn ji wasn't there to save her.
    This story is just a later addition in Mahabharat🙏🏼
    Thank you for providing us this information soo beautifully🙏🏼

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bahut Dhanyawaad ❤️✨

    • @kabiravtar
      @kabiravtar ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@GitaSeGyaan aap ek baar sant rampal ji maharaj ke satsang jaroor sunkar dekho tab aapko pata chalega saccha gyaan kya hai aur parmatma kaun hai jo sabka maalik hai

    • @abhinashmallick8895
      @abhinashmallick8895 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sri Krishna ji was there. He came to help her

    • @dp_1512
      @dp_1512 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abhinashmallick8895 Read Mahabharat sabhaparv Adhyay 13 onwards😃🙏🏼

    • @mpattanaik7
      @mpattanaik7 ปีที่แล้ว

      ye haalelujah fake jesugod are actually asses

  • @vikramrathi4909
    @vikramrathi4909 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    jai shri krishna di

  • @sadiaoyshi1576
    @sadiaoyshi1576 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What kind of husband yudhishtira was! His wife got humiliated badly and he told his brother to forget it?
    Bheema is the one who actually loved draupadi

  • @join2manish
    @join2manish ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Superficial People: No you are wrong, this video is shallow
    Spiritual People: Will pick up Mahabharat written by Maharishi Ved Vyas ji Maharaj and read it to increase knowledge
    Thank you kid, I am going to revisit the holy mahabharat

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Bahut Dhanyawaad ❤️✨

  • @ChaitrikaShinde007
    @ChaitrikaShinde007 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you di.. ❤

  • @bholenathk_18
    @bholenathk_18 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    जय श्री कृष्णा 🌺❤

  • @bholenathk_18
    @bholenathk_18 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    हमारी ठकुरानी श्री राधिका रानी 🌺❤
    श्रीजी 🌺
    केशव माधव 🌺❤

      @SHIV_AUM_SHIV ปีที่แล้ว


    • @bholenathk_18
      @bholenathk_18 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SHIV_AUM_SHIV 😄

      @SHIV_AUM_SHIV ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bholenathk_18 Jai maa rukmini krishna 🙏

  • @omprateek0111
    @omprateek0111 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Exactly lekin logo ye smj nhi ayega khud nhi padte the bas serials se gyan lete hai 🙂

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes! TV SERIAL is very different what the ORIGINAL MAHABHARATA TEXT is

  • @itz.akash_yt
    @itz.akash_yt ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jai shree Krishna 🙏😌😇

  • @JKds83
    @JKds83 ปีที่แล้ว

    श्री कृष्ण द्रौपदी को नहीं बचाए तो द्रौपदी बची कैसे मैं ये नहीं बोल रहा कि आप गलत जानकारी दे रहे हों लेकिन जानकारी अधूरी है कृप्या ये भी बताइए कि द्रौपदी का वस्त्रहरण कैसे टला ।

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Read Original Mahabharata
      Ek Ek Karke Prasang ke or aage badh rahe hain, sabhi pichle videos bhi dekhe
      Yeh SabhaParv Chapter
      chal raha hain

  • @psbopinion4882
    @psbopinion4882 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good gyan..👌👍🙏🚩😊

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Bahut Dhanyawaad ❤️

  • @vivank_sng
    @vivank_sng ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You should start podcast soon ...:)

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Currently focusing
      on TH-cam & Instagram, let’s see if I can do Podcast maybe sometime in future

    • @AkhileshKumar-pi2xo
      @AkhileshKumar-pi2xo ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Recommending a similar thing As Podcasts can boost your channel ✅

  • @SSJB992
    @SSJB992 ปีที่แล้ว

    Answer me then who provided clothes to Draupadi ?

  • @peacefuldeath2026
    @peacefuldeath2026 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Did karn really said that😢 ki draupadi ko vastra hin kar diya jay?

    • @rdj1712
      @rdj1712 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes! Read the Original Mahabharata

  • @abhinashmallick8895
    @abhinashmallick8895 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ye galat hai, bhagwan krishna aaye the Draupadi ko bachane aur ye baat Mahabharat me v mentioned hai

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Ved Vyasa Mahabharata mein nahin hain

    • @abhinashmallick8895
      @abhinashmallick8895 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan mam to phir kya gita press wala edition glt hai??

  • @rajeshkumar98769
    @rajeshkumar98769 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Even the present politicians and military generals are focused more on MAHABHARATA and WORLD WAR TACTICS, rather than BHAGWADGITA and THE HOLY BIBLE TEACHINGS… it’s kaliyuga, only the chosen few reach VAIKUNTHA, others go to 60,000 lives

  • @zilooo
    @zilooo ปีที่แล้ว

    HI CAN U MAKE VIDEO ON KARNA PLEASE KARNA IS GRAY CHARECTER OF MAHABHARAT was it unfair for karna jho sab deserve kartha hai uuske itna unfair q hua?

    • @raghavanvk2909
      @raghavanvk2909 ปีที่แล้ว

      Honestly, Karna is no gray character. Nothing unfair happened to him ever except Devi Kunti giving him away into Ganga. Nothing else. Infact it is he who did u fair things always. Evil and cruel things actually. He always hurt everyone except Duryodhana. He was always part of Shakunis killing plans for Pandavas. He had all the vikaras in him, and was as evil as duryodhana. Kindly read the original Mahabharata to understand better

  • @eyeguy5679
    @eyeguy5679 ปีที่แล้ว

    Draupodi Once stopped bleeding hand of shri Krishna and shree krishna had told her that he would return her favour
    Thats why saree didn't could not pulled by dushasan

  • @devjeetacharjee7567
    @devjeetacharjee7567 ปีที่แล้ว

    Actually you have gone through its one side only ..not whole ... Mahabharat and Ramayan we are reading and listening in current is not complete...its infinite and it has infinite incidents which cannot be presented in one book ...thats why Ramayan of different ( Sant Rishis) express different incidents ....same goes with our Mahabharat texts . If we read shani chalisa there comes a shlok .."Bachi Draupadi hoti Udhari". and according to Mahabharat During that time Shree Krishna is in war saving her dwarka ....from there only he took the roop of vastra and protect Draupadi .
    So ...to clear this confusions of our scriptures we have to not just read them but go deep inside and live them ..then only we can know the truth .

  • @OmBhakat-wc6ew
    @OmBhakat-wc6ew 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ek bhagavat Gita publication suggest kro

  • @ninadmadhab
    @ninadmadhab ปีที่แล้ว

    Next video content info:
    We attach ourselves to our job. And from these jobs we start desiring things. And when these desires don't get fulfilled we start getting angry and loose patience. Our wit fails to function and we get angry instead.

  • @ShantiBhaktiFacts
    @ShantiBhaktiFacts ปีที่แล้ว

    Good enformation ❤

  • @adityakiran1980
    @adityakiran1980 ปีที่แล้ว

    Read carefully before spreading the myth....it's clearly mentioned both in mahabharat(by kishore mohan ganguly) and shrimad bhagwatam......aise video bnane se acha phle pdh Liya kro.....views and likes k liye mat banaya kro......mahabharat Mei aur bhi bht kuch likha Hai wo knowledge share kro krni Hai to.....directly mentioned Hai colorful sarees se devi draupadi ki saree bdti jaa rahi thi jb unhone shree krishna ko smaran kia.....and it's also clearly mentioned in bhagwatam ki kaliyug mei pakhandi guru bn jaenge, you are proving the same.....hare krishna

  • @prabhatranjan1584
    @prabhatranjan1584 ปีที่แล้ว

    You left the story in suspense🙁

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      No! Here is the link :

  • @vedicsanatan417
    @vedicsanatan417 ปีที่แล้ว

    aap ek baar satyarth prakash pdha jo maharishi dyanand saraswati g duara likhwai gyi hai.padhiyaga jarur.

  • @mr.shubham1016
    @mr.shubham1016 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ye juth nahi hai or agar juth sabit karna hai to maharishi vedVyas likhi mahabhart padh lijiye sayad apaka man badal jaye ,🙏🏻
    Yess video batai gai batt sahi hai zyada vistar se nahi par juth nahi hai . Kyu ki ke Mahabharat jo tv me dikhya hai actually utana dramatic nahi hai thoda simple but bohot kuchh sikhane ko milata hai .. 🙏🏻 please kisi ke achhe kam ko appreciate nahi kar sakte to kuchh bura bhi matt kahiye . Pehale read kijiye fir tark- vitarak kariye .🙏🏻

  • @AS-Amritasya_putrah
    @AS-Amritasya_putrah ปีที่แล้ว

    there are so many such things that never happened in mahabharata

  • @user-cd3yz4hg8i
    @user-cd3yz4hg8i ปีที่แล้ว

    Aap shayad yaha galat ho
    Kyunki maine abhi geetapress ki Mahabharat dekhi jaha dhutprav mein iska varnan h ki shri krishna ne unhe bachaya
    But waha krishna naam directly nhi tha waha bhagvan se refer tha
    Waise main confirm nhi hu

  • @JayShankarTiwari-yo2gc
    @JayShankarTiwari-yo2gc ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jay shree Krishna didi 🙏🌻🌻🙏🌻🌹🌹

  • @akshpatel01
    @akshpatel01 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @naveennavee9417
    @naveennavee9417 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Before im watching this video im in a transe that lord krishna saved mata draupadi thanks madam for exact situation with correct parv slokas in Mahabharata 🙏

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Bahut Dhanyawaad
      This is what happens when we believe whatever we see or listen, it’s important we read the correct and original Mahabharata or any other text

    • @naveennavee9417
      @naveennavee9417 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan definitely i will

    • @jaydutta7711
      @jaydutta7711 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@naveennavee9417 Don't believe everything you see on the internet blindly. This video owner is lying with her false translation of Mahabharata. Here is the description of Krishna saving Draupadi form being disrobed the Sabha Parva of the Mahabharata:
      When the attire of Draupadi was being thus dragged, the thought of Hari, (And she herself cried aloud, saying), 'O Govinda, O thou who dwellest in Dwaraka, O Krishna, O thou who art fond of cow-herdesses (of Vrindavana). O Kesava, seest thou not that the Kauravas are humiliating me. O Lord, O husband of Lakshmi, O Lord of Vraja (Vrindavana), O destroyer of all afflictions, O Janarddana, rescue me who am sinking in the Kaurava Ocean. O Krishna, O Krishna, O thou great yogin, thou soul of the universe, Thou creator of all things, O Govinda, save me who am distressed,--who am losing my senses in the midst of the Kurus.'
      Even in the Translation Of KM ganguly...
      Book 2:Sabha Parva : Sisupala-Badha Parva: Section LXVI
      In p.132 clearly says:
      When the attire of draupadi was being dragged by duryodhana he cried aloud saying and calling Krishna... And krishna was deeply moved and covered draupadi with excellent cloths of many hues.
      And then bhima take the oath.
      And then when mass of cloths gathered in assemblY dussasana tired ashamed and sat down.
      So tell her not to give false information about Draupadi & Lord Krishna for views 😠

  • @ithinkofphotography
    @ithinkofphotography ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Why are we being taught a lie?
    One of the most iconic and known incidents in the Mahabharat is a lie?
    It's really sad to know how our history is presented to us.

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I don’t know why the TV serial makes did this and not just them, everyone who have read the misrepresentation of Mahabharata
      But I recommend to read the Original Ved Vyasa Text, not just Mahabharata
      Even Ramayan, Gita
      every other Arsh Text

    • @ithinkofphotography
      @ithinkofphotography ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@GitaSeGyaan Didi, you should make a video of original texts, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Upnishands, Ved, Gita, etc
      Like mention which publication and writers you would suggest for our books of glorious history.

    • @Traderjames9
      @Traderjames9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@ithinkofphotographyYe khud jhuth bol rhi h yrr jb samrat yudhishthir ko aise hi chor Diya gya to fr van kyu gye 13 saal ke liye & duryodhana ghhritrashtra ka itna hi bat manta tha to wo ye sab hone hi kyu Diya

    • @popcornexpress3283
      @popcornexpress3283 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Traderjames9 This is my question also. Yaha ke kahani sunke to lag raha hain udhar shanti se hi sab lipat gaye asani se.

    • @govindpawar2888
      @govindpawar2888 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan ye sabhi to didi sanskriti mai hoga then first we have to learn sanskriti n

  • @biswaranjankar1493
    @biswaranjankar1493 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ye toh sab ko pata hai. Aapne Naya kuchh nahin kaha hai. Bhagwan Krishna dur hoke v bhakt Droupadi ko bastra deke naked hone se bachaya tha.

  • @Sharanyagattepalli4586
    @Sharanyagattepalli4586 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can you please suggest the books to read which are original Mahabharata and ramayana plsss🙏🙏

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I recommend :
      Swami Jagishwaranand Sarasvati

    • @Sharanyagattepalli4586
      @Sharanyagattepalli4586 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@GitaSeGyaan Thank you...
      I want to share one thing to you that daily I take a class in bhagavadgita from Geetha parivaar...they teach in clear pronunciation in different languages and we can choose any language we are comfortable. I just want to tell you is pls recommend about Geetha parivaar to learn Bhagavad Gita to people.🙏

  • @visheshgupta4990
    @visheshgupta4990 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I like this that you go in depth and Bring Truth Great Work 👏👏 , Subscribed 👍

  • @AnimeshDas108
    @AnimeshDas108 ปีที่แล้ว

    Waiting for Sumedh-Mallika fans to come and say all this is fake.

  • @user-se2kc9yx1i
    @user-se2kc9yx1i ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jab cheer haran hua hi nhi to Mahabharat kyu hui fir

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Dussana ne baal kheenchakar Draupadi ko ghasita, Duryodhan ne apni jhaang ka kapda hata har ishara kiya tha lekin Dussana ne Vastra nahi kheencha
      Watch Previous Episode!
      Abhi aage Vanvaas bhi hoga

  • @mukesbisht
    @mukesbisht ปีที่แล้ว

    These days it is very easy to spread wrong information. Privide relevate documents, book references, verses etc. If you are a Hindu, just study before making a video. Thanks

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Then read the
      Original Mahabharata

    @RUTUJADISLE ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Agar sab thik ho gaya tha to Mahabharat hui hi kyu?

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sab thik nahi hua!
      Abhi aage yeh prasang aayega
      Vanvaas ka prasang bhi aayega,
      keep watching the episodes :)

      @RUTUJADISLE ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GitaSeGyaan dhritirastra agar itane hi acche the jinko draupdi ka pativrat dikhai Diya to unhone starting main hi duryodhan aur padavo ko kyu nahi roka ?

  • @Agnet_Faze
    @Agnet_Faze ปีที่แล้ว

    Stop lying 😂 Draupadi even asked Krishna why was he late in saving her?? Krishna is everywhere...He knew also that Draupadi needed her help....He himself said that everything happens because he is the cause of everything...Therefore your video is biased as hell....

  • @meerapattar6158
    @meerapattar6158 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Chalo bhai aur ek naya kahani ek kahani ke dus dus kahaniya ab ye bhi kahiye droupadi ka paanch patiya nahi the ek he pati Arjun the 🤦‍♀️🙆‍♀️jab bhi puran shastra par kalankh lagraha hota hain toh aur ek manghadant naya story jodna 😮hamhare puran mein bhi ajeeb stories hain koi mendkh se koi kheer se koi zameen se hiran se paida hote hain actually dritrastra pandu ke pita vyaasji the na jaane koun kiska pita samjh nahi aata insan ya jaanwar 😢😮

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Haan Druapadi ka ek hi pati hain, Yudhishthir yeh bhi Mahabharat mein likha hain, padhe aur jaane

  • @myeyes108
    @myeyes108 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @architabanerjee9455
    @architabanerjee9455 26 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @souravrana7242
    @souravrana7242 ปีที่แล้ว

    So u wanna say Draupadi ka Vastraharan hua hi nahi, then war kisliye hua??

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Abhi aage yeh prasang aayega
      Vanvaas ka prasang bhi aayega,
      keep watching the episodes :)

  • @knowyourculture8171
    @knowyourculture8171 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ye shi nhi hai. aap bas ek hi book ka content promote kar rahi hai. wo book main bhi padhta hu, aur usme to kaee jagah shlok hi change kar diye gye hai, author ki baat ko sach karne ke liye jaise dhritrashtra ki das patniyon wala shlok, karn ko marne wala shlok. SDS wali mahabharat me hai ki Karn ka sir dhadh se alag ho gya aur gitapress me hai ki karn ko chhati me baan laga tha to kaise koi bharosa kar le. dono ko mila ke padhe tabhi pata chalega ki kisme kaun si baat kaise di hui hai jaise Abhimanyu yudhh ke samay 18 saal ke nhi the, iska praman rajsuy yagya ke dauran milta hai jab ye kaha jata hai ki draupadi ke putra aur abhimanyu aaye huye atithiyon ko chhodne gye to wo chij dono mahabharat me hai, ek aur example ki Draupadi ne "andhe ka putra andha" kaha tha ya nhi to ye baat dono mahabharat me nhi hai. jo aap padh rahi hai usme bhi aur gitapress me bhi.

    • @knowyourculture8171
      @knowyourculture8171 ปีที่แล้ว

      aur rahi baat Shri Krishna ke iss vakya ki ki agar main yahan hota to ye hota hi nhi to ye unhone Maharaj Yuddhisthir se bola tha ki agar main yahan hota to aap iss sankat me nhi padte

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sach naa maane ko jab hum tyaar na ho toh hum keh dete hain yeh galat hain

  • @DeepakKumarShukla-xe4ku
    @DeepakKumarShukla-xe4ku ปีที่แล้ว

    Toh phir vastraharan ruka kaise tha mtlb vastraharan ka pray as toh hua h tha na

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Vastra haran hua nahi
      Dussana ne Draupadi Ji ke baal kheench kar ghasita toh bas unke sir ka pallu gir gaya, Vastra kheench kar koi Vastrahran nahi hua tha 🙏🏻

    • @selonphilesparrow
      @selonphilesparrow หลายเดือนก่อน

      Keval itna ke liye mahabharat ho gaya 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
      Pallu se mahabharat ​@@GitaSeGyaan

  • @bholenathk_18
    @bholenathk_18 ปีที่แล้ว

    कुशोरी जु 🌺❤🙏

  • @studybugsbunny4211
    @studybugsbunny4211 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fir war q hua jab indraprastha unhe dritrashtra ne de diya to ??

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Aage yeh prasang aayega! 🙏🏻

  • @shankarghosh1956
    @shankarghosh1956 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your interpretation and understanding of that scene of mahabartha is not deep. it is superficial. Nobody will accept this mighty wrong analysis.

    • @GitaSeGyaan
      @GitaSeGyaan  ปีที่แล้ว

      Not accepting it
      doesn’t makes it wrong

  • @blissful_Life111
    @blissful_Life111 ปีที่แล้ว

    Remove this video asap..
    The source you have mentioned is not authentic source of Mahabharat ! Some wrongs have been done in history.. and we need to accept that and make sure that such wrongs do not happen again ! Thats what differentiate us ( Bhartiya) from pakistanis... we Sanatanis accept our past mistake and learn from it !
    #NIA please investigate her why she is propagating false information and for whom she is working !

  • @Odia_Paramparika_giti_natya
    @Odia_Paramparika_giti_natya ปีที่แล้ว

    Normalize dhrutarashtras charecter