I just watched this movie and wow it was bad. I thought I would enjoy it because I love epic Space Operas. There were too many tropes and the characters sucked. I am still processing how bad it is.
And that's not just me. That's like six or seven of my friends and we are in our late30s early 40s... Currently reading sun eater. Thank you again for that recommendation, and again so glad you saw the light with malazan keep reading the rest. Cheers night
@@xanderoswald297honestly did not understand why people liked the Snyder Cut for JL as much as they did. It seemed like just a longer version of a similar movie with the same quality.
@@maninthecamohat2735 Oh sure, steppenwolf was definitly written better, and on the villian side, things improved, but the overall story didn't seem that much, if at all better than what we already had, imo. Granted, this was back when I was first becoming slowly disallusioned with super hero movies in general, so maybe my memory is a bit tainted.
I will here paraphrase Roger Ebert’s review of Battlefield Earth to describe this movie: “The director, Zack Snyder, has learned from better films that directors sometimes use slow motion, but he has not learned why.”
Loved Sense8, but to be fair regarding budgets and logistics, Sense8 was a series set in locations around the globe and Rebel Moon is just a (long) movie set in front of a green or blue screen.
@alexcruba4928"in the old days" we made fun of movies that didn't make sense, we just didn't have social media where our mockery could reach an audience of millions of people.
@alexcruba4928 Is not bout sense, is bout suspension of desbelief. Most ppl bought that the Death Star could be defeated with one precise shot, others don`t. But when a ship can be destroyed by one man with a spear, wounded, then why bother. Plus the movie is a rip off from other movies and you actually can play bingo with the "references", witch isn`t uncommon. Matrix and OG Star Wars do that, but they put theyr autorial touch and make it fresh.
I'd say Zack Snyder's entire career has screamed "I like various critically praised works of sci fi without understanding why they were actually good".
I commented somewhere else that this literally could be a major reason why he pre-planned for this cut and then a Snyder cut, so he can get the feedback on what people liked/didn't like in this one and try to fix/improve things in the 'Snyder cut.'
@@togepreee it's been a long time since I saw 300, and I never saw the sequels, but isn't that the perfect movie for him? There's not some deep parallels or anything to nail, no subtle subplots, it's just a badass story of 300 dudes against a bigger army. (and by the way, their leader fucks)
Which is why I hate people supporting his Watchmen movie. He clearly did NOT understand ANYTHING about what the comic was trying to say. But people see panels recreated in the movie and go "Oh yeah so faithful to the book" It's just an insult to call it a good adaptation lol
Numbers. Even if its atrocious, more eyeballs are likely to watch this movie because Snyder has name recognition and a borderline cultish fanbase. Dark Crystal just didn't get enough viewership to warrant its expense despite being orders of magnitude better in every way.
@@troikas3353 It seems that a lot of people who are not Snyderists watched it as well. Many in these comments. They had to find out for themselves how bad it was or they ate something and watched the pretty effects. I did not watch because I have no hope that Snyder will produce a work of art.
@@troikas3353 Actually the numbers for this movie are horrible!! Really horrible. Leave the World Behind for example that ran kind of at the same time and had no marketing has I think triple the viewers. Anyway, Netflix greenlit the project when they hired Snyder, they gave him free reign to do whatever he wanted... They do it with a lot of super stars.
The numbers have not been so good for Rebel Moon. "Leave the World Behind" has had twice as many views as Snyder's film in the first four days. @troikas3353
@@pattheplanterI had hope before that he would evolve after the Snycut but it was his zenith and even that was very basic. Now I know to skip part 2 and continue enjoying content about his work instead of the projects themselves
The film immediately lost me after Kora dropped the first part of her lengthy tragic backstory on the farmer guy and said, “I’m only telling you this so you know who I am.” What other reason would you tell someone your backstory if you didn’t want them to know who are? It was one of the most redundant lines I’ve ever heard in film.
I love redundant lines. "I let you live here for free and don't even charge you rent" shows how incompetent Magnifico is despite him thinking he's magnificent. There could have been a subtle irony to Kora, letting her be melodramatic but not realize it, while the writing poked fun at her. But no. It's just played straight cuz that's all he does lmao. It's so basic but not satisfying. Sarah Sharpe from the Sea Beast did it better
Phew…. Just watched it and found this video and read the comments. You guys make me feel sane. I was losing my mind the entire time. I can’t believe this was made and is actually being enjoy and praised by many online.
Yeah it's been cathartic to roast it here when I've seen random comments praising it in their year end reviews. To each their own but like wow the straight male formula can be so frustrating to see be successful with so little effort lmao
I made a joke awhile back that Snyder probably missed all of the commentary in Starship Troopers and just thinks its cool soldiers killing aliens, and i think the Verhoeven quote confirmed it
You can tell Zack is just a really visual guy. The story always comes second to cool imagery, which is why all of his best films are adaptions he didn’t write.
I agree. Zach makes pretty screenshots and loads of slo-mos. It wouldn't be a Snyder movie without a screensaver shot and excessive slow mo in an action sequence. But didn't you get the sensation that Zach is obsessed with the ancient Roman Empire? He just changed the background to futuristic space fantasy. I wish he spent time actually understanding how to make a story because most of the movie should have been encapsulated in about 20 minutes max. It was just the team collecting itself. Tolkien did it better with the dwarves self-inviting themselves to Baggin's home.
kind of crazy how they were hyping this up as the next big scifi thing with tie-in projects like that ttrpg and stuff even before it dropped only for it to be nothing more than just hot air
That was the warning sign for me. You know, apart from being a Snyder project. I can't think of the last time a company made a push this big on anything actually decent. This felt like trying to stir up hype to con more people into watching it.
TTRPG scandal kinda tipped how bad this was going to be. The TTRPG guys were filling in the massive amount of gaps of the whole world and adding the things that make any scifi stand out (thoughtful worldbuilding that enables the exploration of interesting concepts). I just knew that the movie would just be lackluster. I just didn't expect it to be this bad.
@@tylerdurham6091 Usually it's the opposite. Andor worked because it was about a character most people barely remembered and I think both the fans and Disney just forgot about it until its release and let Tony Gilroy do his thing.
I feel like the single biggest thing companies forget i that the job of the first movie in a potential franchise isn't to set up a sequel, it's to EARN a sequel. You can leave some unresolved plot threads for a sequel, but your story should stand on its own. The worst offender I've ever seen is the Warcraft movie (I was on vacation and my dad put it on I didn't pay for it), which reached a reasonable and satisfying conclusion and then skipped that conclusion to continue for another half hour to have a worse ending that set up a sequel. This movie could be worse, but I didn't bother to see it.
No no. The fans and critics did that. Zach just mentioned this was his star wars/seven samurai pitch. I think the hype hurt it. If this was any other directs it would be a success.
I mostly feel bad for Sophia Boutella. She's such a unique and skilled actor, with her storied background in Algeria, then leaving to France in wartime. Then her pre-acting dance career gives her an incredible range of physical tools and physicality. This is on full display in Gaspar Noe's Climax. She has both genuine skills and star quality and this film wastes them. As Dan says, she really puts in 110% in a losing battle.
I am no expert in judging intricacies of acting,but i can tell good acting from bad.This movie is filled with bad acting(which is all Snyder's fault clearly).What is obviously visible, though, is how hard Sofia Boutella tried to make something good out of the horrendous material she was given.Sadly, what could have been a star making vehicle for her, will now push her career back a few steps.
She's a mediocre actress... always has been. A horrible choice for a lead. I mean with the exception of Djimon Hounsou he only cast average actors, no box office draw the lot of them, in theaters this movie would have been one of the biggest bombs of the decade. I mean I like most of them but they're really not great...
@@pepperpepperandbayleaf3025 "Sadly, what could have been a star making vehicle for her, will now push her career back a few steps." I don't actually think so. I want to see her in something good. I think enough people will have that reaction in the business. I think you'll agree that is what should happen anyway.
Rebel Moon is essentially that one episode of Family Guy where Brian took Stewie's Ritalin and thought he created the greatest fantasy epic but really he only combined Star Wars, GoT and LOTR.
"I am a child of war. To truly love and be loved, I don’t know if I’m capable of either. The very idea of love, of family was beaten out of me. I was taught that love is weakness. And I don’t know how that will ever change." - Kora - Such a 12yo fanfic edgelord character moment 😂
@@gpanthony yes. It was really stupid. I watched it because I had to understand how stupid some of my family members were. Pretentious speaking styles. Pretty pictures. Poor pacing. Non-existent character development. Too much slow motion. A mish mash of various sci fi/fantasy movies that were a poor attempt to explain Zach Snyder's ancient roman empire fantasy. I felt bad for the actors. I'm pretty sure a porno has better character development and story line. This was not a movie. This is the problem with us and the public and everybody. Zach makes long winded miniseries that he pretends are movies. Think of that Justice League movie. It was SIX HOURS. The man doesn't understand good story telling.. It's just ponderous and superficial. He needs a writer to reign him in.
This is where I stopped watching. God the heavy handedness made me want to die. Shouldn’t professional writers know how to do subtext??? I learn how when I was like 14!
How is it that not a single person on the writing team pointed out that having the entire climax hinge on the villain literally handing the protagonists the key to their cages might not be the best storytelling choice?
I am surprised the shuttle in the beginning didn't land on a puppy in case 40k stand ins werent evil enough. Ironically they are never referred to as rebels but the insurgency.
I think its all as simple as the fact that Snyder is a technician not a storyteller. His art is looking at something and saying "thats cool", not examining what any of it means or why someone would think its cool. I genuinely don't think he understands any of the basics of how stories work. His biggest hits were all just existing stories that he adapted so he didn't have to worry about that. But the success of those things has made him think he actually has creative talent.
and it's worth noting that *every one* of Snyder's adapted works wildly miss the point of the original piece, and in the case of Watchmen did so so badly that the film version glorifies what the original graphic novel condemned.
@@tompadfoot3065 how is this glorification if the main scapegoated getting the fascist glorification card is literally obliterated at the end of the movie? as well as in the novel. how is this glorification and the boys is nuanced critique? tell me
Me and my friends decided to watch it this last weekend. I don't think we have ever been as mad at a movie as we were at rebel moon. We all came to the conclusion that Snyder might have been on a bender and in a drunken haze must have Copy and pasted elements from Seven Samurai. Star wars, and couple of other great properties and just filed the Serial numbers off of them and pasted them badly into a script. We started loosing our minds when we realized that they kept on saying that this village was going to be giving out grain and then there was one scene where all the sudden they started saying rice instead of grain. Like Snyder forgot to change that section from rice to grain.
Snyder wasn't drunk. This is just the real Snyder. The one where he's not bound to adapting a property someone else has already put effort into giving substance.
You know what the sad thing is? Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven in Space is a decent enough idea to work. Heck, you could even make it a comedic space western a la Trigun, and still seem pretty different. Not original, but different enough to make it entertaining. This had just so little to offer that it's boring.
I was shocked with how horribly written this was. I don't usually DNF because my curiosity wins out, but I DNFd this because it felt like a massive waste of time.
Jesus... OPs use of acronyms is awful. "I don't usually did not finish"? When there's a simple word called "drop"? Like in "I don't usually drop movies".
Did you see the random Native American dude who completely out of nowhere, jumped into Avatar for 10 minutes? Because after laughing your ass off at that random jump, You can just shut the movie down.
Rebel Moon is a great storyboard of a great movie that's yet to be made. It shows all the main story beats, shows the conflict for each beat and how it resolves, and leaves the parts in-between to be fleshed out later. You can see the struggles that the characters are supposed to overcome but they overcome them too easily. Like the relationship troubles between Kora and Gunnar or convincing General Titus to return, if fleshed out, could be really impactful but they're not. A perfect example of this is them leaving the initial planet to go recruit the other members. There is a battleship in orbit guarding the planet, how will they be able to get off the planet? They go get on a ship and fly off. No challenge to why they are leaving, no subterfuge to distract the ship while they sneak off, and it's not even hard to find a ship to defy the empire; nope just get in the ship and head out. "super easy barely an inconvenience" (to quote another channel) is the response to all the struggles in this movie.
There's that (might be a good TV show), but you still have to figure out how they are planning to run a ground war against an orbiting space ship that can just glass them from the stratosphere.
Agree 100%. I watched this movie when it first came out. Ungodly amount of slow motions, too much exposition and a poorly written story. He needs to hire a good writer, editor and someone to tell him no from time to time. He can make good special effects but that is pretty much all he is good at.
I honestly loved it in a "so bad it's good," kind of way. There were so many scenes that were "because Star Wars," or "because 40k," or "because Seven Samurai.". There is even a scene where a Magic Native American dude jumps into Avatar for a minute. It's amazing. Though I watched it at work, while doing paperwork. So maybe its worse than I thought.
No, you're completely on the money. I watched it by myself, 100% focused, completely sober, and had an absolute blast. I'm not joking when I say I was laughing pretty much non-stop for the first 40 minutes straight. The space vagina portal in the first 10 seconds alone sent me into hysterics. The movie consistently made me laugh with how clumsy and nonsensical it was and how blatantly it was ripping everything off. The people who're comparing it to fanfiction or saying the script reads like a first draft are insulting both fanfiction and first drafts. Rebel Moon's script is an outline, drunkenly scribbled on the back of a bar napkin 5 beers in, and Netflix went "eh, good enough". I can't wait for part 2 if it lives up to the travesty of part 1.
Thank you for pointing out the Avatar moment. That's when I knew I had found an incredible film ..... to practice roasting! That's not an ikran, buddy, but he was pretending anyway 💀
there are movies that ARE actually so bad they're good, but this wasn't one. Movies like Galaxy Quest are like that. You can tell Galaxy Quest doesn't take itself seriously and that makes it a great movie. RM takes itself seriously which keeps it from being a good movie
@@GummeeH3 dude I don't know what the heck you're on movies that take themselves too seriously are the perfect "so bad it's good," movies. It's fun laughing at a director who genuinely thinks he's making something good when he just makes something terrible. It's fun pointing at the dumb stuff and going "This is in the movie because it was in a much better movie." The only reason The Room is fun is because the creator thought he was genuinely making an artistic statement. Also, what are you talking about? Galaxy quest isn't a "so bad it's good," movie. It's just a good movie. You know it's a comedy right?
4:00 I agree about the actors but there's only so much they can do. I thought Charlie Hunman did a good job making Kai interesting and the costume department made good decisions just making him unique with his mouth piece and he probably had the best dialogue of all the characters because he was the only dynamic one with an arc. Djimon Hounsou is such a talented actor and was so underutilized in this movie it hurt.
Completely agree with you, as it turns out Firefly did more to establish "an evil central empire" in episode 1 than Rebel Moon did in this film, a letdown for many of us. Love your videos, thank you!
Zack Snyder thought he made his Star Wars, but he actually made his Jupiter Ascending. There's one shot at the start of the movie that's actually quite beautiful (where she is working the soil with the red background), which actually made me think this movie might be good, but alas, it was all downhill from there.
Rebel Moon is an ensemble story that spent precisely no time developing its characters. There was just too much that needed to be fit into its already extended run time for it too work; it should have been a novel.
Remember when people hated the Star Wars movies for having even just one sequence about a side mission? This is like 5 in a row as the main plot hahahaha. Literally Wizard of Oz but in space without the heart and whimsy
My idea exactly. Long form ambitious stories need a competent writer to make everything work within the span of one movie. Otherwise, I believe stories like these would work better as a tv show, comic, novel, or anything more suted to long form storytelling
In a video where Snyder was giving his genuine advice to upcoming directors or whatever was basically "get a nice camera and use equipment like a dolly" and closed it out with "make use of slo-mo" like this guy is as deep as a puddle of water
The first point to remember of a creator of a consumer product industry is that the consumer decides what is good or bad products If the creator produces a flop it failed because they didn’t know their target audience
The worst part about this is its yet another nail in the coffin for original IPs in an industry where every big movie is either a remake, a sequel, a prequel, a spinoff or a biography.
One of my pet peeves is when people look at any whole genre (sff and romance tend to get the short end of the stick most frequently in my experience) and act as if it has no intellectual value and people only like it if they don’t care about anything past a surface level. Very disheartening to see people actually creating and funding stories in the sff space who seem to take that same stance
I found I had more empathy for the robotic villain and I got his character. The good guys were so quickly thrown together I had no time to feel anything for any of them ....and they were stereotypical.
Looking back I genuinely don’t believe that Zack Snyder understands symbolism or parallels. I can’t think of a single time he’s successfully used them.
I think Rebel Moon is the perfect example of "All sizzle, no steak". It wasn't absolute dogshit, but it would've really benefited from having characters and a story, rather than just explosions and slow-mo.
Feeling like I was being insulted is the right description for how I felt when I watched it and how I feel every time I remember it exists. The movie will be forgotten fast. But if it wasn't.... people could write full books about the many ways he absolutely did not understand the task.
I watched it the first day it came out, and the Light Saber lady said when you fight for vengeance you end up dead or something like that, and then the Blood Axe guy joined for Vengence and died, and it haunts me that I didn't know if that was intentional or just lucky foreshadowing.
My sister was so adamant to watch this, “Who cares if they said its bad, why cant we form our own opinions” letting her win that argument was one of the most painful mistakes of my life, I still don’t understand the point behind recruiting Tarzan. Movie really felt like the old suicide squad introduction scenes followed by a sloppy cgi mess at the end.
@@michaelknox3715 Sometimes you just know when critics right or not even before you watch a movie. I already had a "meh" feeling about Rebel Moon watching the trailers.
It's true, but goddammit I trust certain reviewers because I know they have similar tastes to myself and sometimes you really can tell beforehand that this is gonna be bad
Does he get that the violence in RoboCop was supposed to be a bad thing? It may have been necessary due to how corrupt the world had become, but it wasn't meant to be the goal. The movie was about reclaiming humanity in a violent, mechanized, corporate world led by power hungry people. It's why his partner keeps calling him "Murphy".
When the main character was like, "I've only known war so long I don't know if I can experience love" (paraphrasing), the shallow trope-knitting (and eyerolling) began. I only made it through about 30 minutes.
I went from reading & watching DUNE into watching Rebel Moon and...... yea I think it took me about 8 minutes to completely forget Rebel Moon and dive back into DUNE Messiah 🤣
The slogan: There are no heroes, only rebels. MAKES ME SOOOOO MAD! Rebels can be heroes, heroes can be rebels... OR NOT! They are NOT mutually exclusive!
Rebel Moon had a really talented cast, and a fine premise- I wish he steered more into his seven samurai influence and just made it closer to a one to one shot of it in space instead of this movie because the complete lack of characterization for every member of the heroe's team made it difficult to get through. I thought Kai was by far the most well done character in that he had a legitimate set up and pay off that felt satisfying but other than that everyone else was developed entirely by dialogue with the worst examples being Kora's voice over flashbacks and the All is Lost beat when everyone is captured and the villain approaches them individually to read off their biography for the audience. The trailer for the second movie looks good and I'll watch it cause I want it to be good but I don't have my hopes up at the moment.
Zack Snyder has never made a movie that worked for me, so I stopped watching Zack Snyder movies after Man of Steel. How people still think that Zack has any grasp on theme, allegory, or even just applicability instead of just employing imagery because “thing looks cool” baffles me.
When I saw them mention that there was going to be a Synder-cut of this movie with more gore and tits I was puzzled to say the least, because none of the structural flaws in this film are a consequence of tame action or neutered sex scenes. I find it really telling thay Zack Snyder's interpretation of mature sci-fi seems to be gratuitous violence rather than something like Andor, which genuinely explores the human components of a fascistic galactic empire in a more complex way.
Thanks for this, I finally understand exactly what felt missing from the movie. What's funny though is that I do legitimately want a second, specifically because I want history answers. If I could just get a history book about all the characters backstories and how the war started, I'd be happy
Another commenter here sums it up nicely: "Rebel Moon is a great storyboard of a great movie that's yet to be made. It shows all the main story beats, shows the conflict for each beat and how it resolves, and leaves the parts in-between to be fleshed out later."
The sad thing is, there were some interesting aesthetic choices that were clearly from a loving background staff. The blue tinged blade from repeated heating, like a wok, on the pseduo lightsabers. The whole space korean aesthetic is amazing. Badguy's cane is a human femur, cmon , that's cool. The scale of the villain's ship entering upper orbit is an awesome moment. There were some really nice attention-to-detail moments... Just absolutely ruined by the narrative expositing to the audience throughout the entire movie. Genuinely laughed out loud when the villain re-recaps the hero's backstories an hour and forty five minutes in!
It's crazy how much talent & effort went into the special effects, costumes, set designs, etc. Only to be let down by the writing. It reminds me of the new Star Wars movies
Even the CGI was bad though. We are in a weird future where CGI is getting worse, because the passion of the artists is nonexistent, instead of getting better as it has done every other point in history. This movie is a text book example of that.
I watched this movie and was flabbergasted at how bad it was while still being visually captivating. It looked pretty cool and that’s about all it had going for it.
I watched this after my last shift before Christmas break, I got a bottle of wine and was looking for something dumb and loud to watch while getting wasted after an entire day deepfrying my brain working in retail. That's a pretty low bar, and yet this still didn't even meet those expactations.
I love seeing every creator I enjoy and value absolutely slam dunking on the train wreck that is Rebel Moon NBA Jam style. It's yet another project where Zack Snyder shows his whole ass and reveals that he has no concept of media literacy and allegory.
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU Daniel! I am somebody who likes almost every movie I watch, with few exceptions (Bad Batch [with Jason Momoa], Wonderwell, a few others), but I just couldn't force myself to like this.. Then I heard from Heavy Spoilers that they're coming out with a Director's Cut, and I heckin' LOST it. Why did I just watch 3 hours of garbage if they're coming out with a better version in a few months!? Also, I doubt it's going to be any better than this one anyways. Sex and gore, as you said, are NOT what this needs. I hated the stereotyping as they went around collecting their merry band.. Oh, a Native American character who is the only one capable of "breaking a horse"? Wow, so original. Oh, here's an Asian lady who's really good with a sword, cool.. The dialogue is AWFUL. I don't know if he used AI to write it, or a 5-year-old, but good golly is it weak. Oh, then there's the way too obvious "I'll set you free" being villain code for him going to kill the guy.. WTF! Was there anybody who didn't know exactly what was going to happen with that??? -_- GAH!
My unfortunate first exposure to Rebel Moon was Zack Snyder getting on stage at Gamescom to show a trailer and announce the game tie in and ever since then it's lived in my head rent free as this weirdly generic sci fi thing that was trying too hard and yet I can't stop thinking about how hard they're trying. For some reason it's just satisfying to hear that I'M not the crazy one after all of this time.
The only memorable thing in the movie is the sounds the guns make. It's like they shoot rounds three calibres above their size. Actually, now that i think of it, I can't quite remember how Rebel moon's guns sound anymore. What was the main characters name? Does anyone know the name of the Pound Shop Han Solo's ship? Me neither.
I agree. I think the director/producers of Rebel Moon think we are all dummies. Or, they only care about cash grab. Netflix prepaid it - that's all that mattered to them.
My wife and I honestly laughed while watching Rebel Moon. At some parts we just looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. I also remember absolutely nothing about the story, 0 meaning to any character.
I sat down with beers and a hankering for fun dumb action. 2 beers in and slightly buzzed I turned to my wife and said…”this is just too dumb.” My wife nodded silently and my 11 year old was just like “yeah way too dumb.” We turned it off and just gave up.
And then they cancelled Inside Job. Like, if they said, "hey, we're losing money, and if we lose too much we can't make season 3 of Inside Job, so we need to put in some password-sharing-limiting policies to raise the money for Inside Job season 3", that would be... acceptable, but their policy is to cancel good shows after 2 seasons because the algorithm says season 1 brings in viewers and season 2 retains them but after that they become less profitable.
Just thank you for your honest review! This movie just became the top 1 on our families' list of: "Trash movies, which we speak through without pause about all the nonsenses, illogical decisions and wtf moments" list
I found out, several years ago, that Snyder's dream project is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Knowing that's his starting point explains so much about how his movies make me feel, and the fact that all of his films rely on overt messianic allegories while also being so edgy and anti-collectivism/pro-individualist (hard to pin down exactly what I mean but this is close) just... yeah. He is the perfect film maker for Ayn Rand, aesthetic is all that matters and his heroes fight the shadows of his horrors and win solely because he needs them to win.
Zack Snyder is the worst director. All he does is fan service and visuals. He can’t tell a story line for shit. Rebel moon sits at a 22% critic and 66% audience score on rotten tomatoes. That means it’s utter dogshit. Usually audiences are easily impressed simps so if they grade this so low, you can imagine how bad this movie is.
I hope this finally shows people that Zack Snyder is just an awful director. I have saying it for a long time but people just don't get it. He does not understand themes and characters, he just like to do stuff because is "cool". I thought it was really obvious he does not understand how a characters or themes work when he made Watchmen and the DC movies, but people still defend him.
To me, the funniest things about Rebel Moon is watching all the hard-core Snyder fans gaslighting each other into not only acting like it's the best sci-fi film ever, but who likes it more on social media. From watching it on repeat all day on several devices, buying every copy of the book they can find, or going to Forever 21 and maxing out credit cards purchasing all the Rebel Moon branded clothes.
My take away from when the wife and I sat down to watch Rebel Moon was that I kept doing a kind of double take to myself as if asking a bigger audience 'does no one else see this'? As a 62 year old lover of science fiction I *immediately* and constantly kept thinking 'BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS', which this movie most reminded me of. Yes, there was a lot of other stuff thrown in (and I mean THROWN) but generally this seemed to be a rip off of the 1980 sci-fi adventure, which itself was a reimagining of 'THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN', *which* was a reimagining of Akira Kurosawa's classic 1954 'THE SEVEN SAMURAI'! ...This was so plaintiff to me that I could not get beyond this and take in anything else about Rebel Moon. Lucas always said that Star Wars was a science fiction take on classic legends and fairy takes, and the most constant thing about fairy tales are they are *allegories* of one type or another, they have a meaning and as Daniel Greene rightly says Rebel Moon was devoid of meaning. It was style over substance and I found it vapid.
I gave it a 6/10. It's clear the movie has been edited down and just jumps from one story beat to the next. It's not absolute garbage like some people here and online seem to be saying. I really think they should've just released the rated R directors cut instead of making this PG-13 version. It really hurt the movie. If the Director's cut doesn't focus on the characters then it'll be a failure for sure. I'm holding out hope for the rated R version.
Ah yes, the Firefly/40K/StarWars/7 Samurai knockoff... Gods I wish this had been good, it could have been SO good... if someone else had been in charge
So this movie wasn't for me.
Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this video! Head to keeps.com/danielgreene to get a special offer.
Usually you've been over the top UNcritical IMO. And I worried it was to make sure you could get interviews. Sorry, I said it. Your intro prompted me.
I just watched this movie and wow it was bad. I thought I would enjoy it because I love epic Space Operas. There were too many tropes and the characters sucked. I am still processing how bad it is.
Thank you thank you very thank you. It was so bad. Couldn't even finish it
And that's not just me. That's like six or seven of my friends and we are in our late30s early 40s... Currently reading sun eater. Thank you again for that recommendation, and again so glad you saw the light with malazan keep reading the rest. Cheers night
Hmm thinking people are dumb is usually a recipe for success
Rebel Moon was right to assume I was dumb considering I took time out of my life to watch Rebel Moon
He can't keep getting away with it!
Once I seen Zack Synder attached to it, I rightly assumed this movie would be bad.
@@xanderoswald297honestly did not understand why people liked the Snyder Cut for JL as much as they did. It seemed like just a longer version of a similar movie with the same quality.
Not completely true. Compare the old Stepppenwolf to the Snyder cut version. You'll see a difference.
@@maninthecamohat2735 Oh sure, steppenwolf was definitly written better, and on the villian side, things improved, but the overall story didn't seem that much, if at all better than what we already had, imo. Granted, this was back when I was first becoming slowly disallusioned with super hero movies in general, so maybe my memory is a bit tainted.
I will here paraphrase Roger Ebert’s review of Battlefield Earth to describe this movie:
“The director, Zack Snyder, has learned from better films that directors sometimes use slow motion, but he has not learned why.”
It maddening to think that Netflix executives thought that Rebel Moon was good enough to fund but not Sense8 or 1899.
Quality hasn't been on their list of priorities for years now.
I hate that you made me remember the travesty that became Sense8’s canceling.
I’m gonna go have a nice cry now.
Sense8 sucked so much literally no charachter was deep.
1899 cancelation still hurts.😢
Loved Sense8, but to be fair regarding budgets and logistics, Sense8 was a series set in locations around the globe and Rebel Moon is just a (long) movie set in front of a green or blue screen.
Even my wife, who generally does not care about the story not making sense, looked at me half way through the movie with a “wtf are we watching” face.
@alexcruba4928"in the old days" we made fun of movies that didn't make sense, we just didn't have social media where our mockery could reach an audience of millions of people.
@alexcruba4928 Is not bout sense, is bout suspension of desbelief. Most ppl bought that the Death Star could be defeated with one precise shot, others don`t. But when a ship can be destroyed by one man with a spear, wounded, then why bother. Plus the movie is a rip off from other movies and you actually can play bingo with the "references", witch isn`t uncommon. Matrix and OG Star Wars do that, but they put theyr autorial touch and make it fresh.
@alexcruba4928 Sorry but even in the old days a story had to be coherent with logic! Rebel Moon is not.
@alexcruba4928 that's a damn lie!
Stop it.
In the "good old days" movies had more story. It wasn't just moving pictures.
I'd say Zack Snyder's entire career has screamed "I like various critically praised works of sci fi without understanding why they were actually good".
I commented somewhere else that this literally could be a major reason why he pre-planned for this cut and then a Snyder cut, so he can get the feedback on what people liked/didn't like in this one and try to fix/improve things in the 'Snyder cut.'
while i agree that he doesn't understand the DC universe, i'd argue that he did the 300 comic justice
Snyder is completely media illiterate, he should direct only commercials. His films are crimes against art.
@@togepreee it's been a long time since I saw 300, and I never saw the sequels, but isn't that the perfect movie for him? There's not some deep parallels or anything to nail, no subtle subplots, it's just a badass story of 300 dudes against a bigger army. (and by the way, their leader fucks)
Which is why I hate people supporting his Watchmen movie. He clearly did NOT understand ANYTHING about what the comic was trying to say. But people see panels recreated in the movie and go "Oh yeah so faithful to the book"
It's just an insult to call it a good adaptation lol
Rebel Moon felt like watching a Pinterest board for a sci-fi/space ✨ aesthetic ✨
This. I have to give it to the production designers, they busted their asses more than they should've for this shitty movie.
omg NAILED IT. 😂
omg you're actually so right
I love this comment!
Yeah but at least the pictures on Pinterest are usually look good. Rebel Moon was so ugly... bad camerawork and even the colours were terrible.
I watched it, genuinely felt nothing, and immediately forgot it until this video. It was like a fugue state.
The story is so bad, what I like about the movie was only the aesthetic. Which is apart from the writing departement😂
Legit in the EXACT same boat.
Apart from the name nemesis I cannot remember a single planet/location or other character names
so basically the viewing experience for Suckerpunch.
that time I left the theater with nothing but a vague sense of irritation.
@@suppie8106 kai korah kappa duppa harjarbinks
I cannot believe that Netflix greenlit this project, and yet had the audacity to cancel The Dark Crystal. How in the hell?
Numbers. Even if its atrocious, more eyeballs are likely to watch this movie because Snyder has name recognition and a borderline cultish fanbase. Dark Crystal just didn't get enough viewership to warrant its expense despite being orders of magnitude better in every way.
@@troikas3353 It seems that a lot of people who are not Snyderists watched it as well. Many in these comments. They had to find out for themselves how bad it was or they ate something and watched the pretty effects. I did not watch because I have no hope that Snyder will produce a work of art.
@@troikas3353 Actually the numbers for this movie are horrible!! Really horrible. Leave the World Behind for example that ran kind of at the same time and had no marketing has I think triple the viewers. Anyway, Netflix greenlit the project when they hired Snyder, they gave him free reign to do whatever he wanted... They do it with a lot of super stars.
The numbers have not been so good for Rebel Moon. "Leave the World Behind" has had twice as many views as Snyder's film in the first four days. @troikas3353
@@pattheplanterI had hope before that he would evolve after the Snycut but it was his zenith and even that was very basic. Now I know to skip part 2 and continue enjoying content about his work instead of the projects themselves
It genuinely feels like a checklist rather than a genuine story.
Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay.
The film immediately lost me after Kora dropped the first part of her lengthy tragic backstory on the farmer guy and said, “I’m only telling you this so you know who I am.” What other reason would you tell someone your backstory if you didn’t want them to know who are? It was one of the most redundant lines I’ve ever heard in film.
I love redundant lines.
"I let you live here for free and don't even charge you rent" shows how incompetent Magnifico is despite him thinking he's magnificent.
There could have been a subtle irony to Kora, letting her be melodramatic but not realize it, while the writing poked fun at her. But no.
It's just played straight cuz that's all he does lmao. It's so basic but not satisfying.
Sarah Sharpe from the Sea Beast did it better
I think like 20% of the lines I was either like “okay but why did you need to spend time saying that” or “why did you say it that way” lol
And a segment of Snyder’s fans on social media are insisting that the film was getting “review bombed” by critics that were paid off by WB. Seriously.
So... how would one get some of that sweet, sweet WB money? (Asking for a friend.)
Phew…. Just watched it and found this video and read the comments. You guys make me feel sane. I was losing my mind the entire time. I can’t believe this was made and is actually being enjoy and praised by many online.
Yeah it's been cathartic to roast it here when I've seen random comments praising it in their year end reviews. To each their own but like wow the straight male formula can be so frustrating to see be successful with so little effort lmao
I made a joke awhile back that Snyder probably missed all of the commentary in Starship Troopers and just thinks its cool soldiers killing aliens, and i think the Verhoeven quote confirmed it
Everything from Watchmen to Man of Steel takes all the action, and none of the substance
@@jamesmeow3039 Agreed on Man of Steel, less so on Watchmen. There was some of the substance left.
@@Alresu I assure you any substance in watchmen was purely accidental
He is the guy who watches Schindler's List and goes "if I make my movies black and white, they will be as good or even better than this"
You can tell Zack is just a really visual guy. The story always comes second to cool imagery, which is why all of his best films are adaptions he didn’t write.
i didn't think the visuals were that great and if you look at his most beloved movie... he wasn't even the cinematographer
He's not just a visual guy, he's completely media illiterate. He should direct only commercials and nothing else, his films are crimes against art.
I agree. Zach makes pretty screenshots and loads of slo-mos. It wouldn't be a Snyder movie without a screensaver shot and excessive slow mo in an action sequence.
But didn't you get the sensation that Zach is obsessed with the ancient Roman Empire? He just changed the background to futuristic space fantasy. I wish he spent time actually understanding how to make a story because most of the movie should have been encapsulated in about 20 minutes max. It was just the team collecting itself. Tolkien did it better with the dwarves self-inviting themselves to Baggin's home.
@@jenniferhunter4074and then styled the villains after Nazis just cuz lol they aren't even super racist they're just white and cruel lmao
@@nailinthefashion And notice how Snyder sexualizes the "evil general"? There's something weird about how he does it.
kind of crazy how they were hyping this up as the next big scifi thing with tie-in projects like that ttrpg and stuff even before it dropped only for it to be nothing more than just hot air
That was the warning sign for me. You know, apart from being a Snyder project. I can't think of the last time a company made a push this big on anything actually decent. This felt like trying to stir up hype to con more people into watching it.
TTRPG scandal kinda tipped how bad this was going to be. The TTRPG guys were filling in the massive amount of gaps of the whole world and adding the things that make any scifi stand out (thoughtful worldbuilding that enables the exploration of interesting concepts). I just knew that the movie would just be lackluster.
I just didn't expect it to be this bad.
@@tylerdurham6091 Usually it's the opposite. Andor worked because it was about a character most people barely remembered and I think both the fans and Disney just forgot about it until its release and let Tony Gilroy do his thing.
I feel like the single biggest thing companies forget i that the job of the first movie in a potential franchise isn't to set up a sequel, it's to EARN a sequel. You can leave some unresolved plot threads for a sequel, but your story should stand on its own. The worst offender I've ever seen is the Warcraft movie (I was on vacation and my dad put it on I didn't pay for it), which reached a reasonable and satisfying conclusion and then skipped that conclusion to continue for another half hour to have a worse ending that set up a sequel. This movie could be worse, but I didn't bother to see it.
No no. The fans and critics did that. Zach just mentioned this was his star wars/seven samurai pitch. I think the hype hurt it. If this was any other directs it would be a success.
I mostly feel bad for Sophia Boutella. She's such a unique and skilled actor, with her storied background in Algeria, then leaving to France in wartime. Then her pre-acting dance career gives her an incredible range of physical tools and physicality. This is on full display in Gaspar Noe's Climax. She has both genuine skills and star quality and this film wastes them. As Dan says, she really puts in 110% in a losing battle.
I am no expert in judging intricacies of acting,but i can tell good acting from bad.This movie is filled with bad acting(which is all Snyder's fault clearly).What is obviously visible, though, is how hard Sofia Boutella tried to make something good out of the horrendous material she was given.Sadly, what could have been a star making vehicle for her, will now push her career back a few steps.
She's a mediocre actress... always has been. A horrible choice for a lead. I mean with the exception of Djimon Hounsou he only cast average actors, no box office draw the lot of them, in theaters this movie would have been one of the biggest bombs of the decade. I mean I like most of them but they're really not great...
the film wastes literally every single actor in it. The extras in the scenes are wasted.
@@pepperpepperandbayleaf3025 "Sadly, what could have been a star making vehicle for her, will now push her career back a few steps." I don't actually think so. I want to see her in something good. I think enough people will have that reaction in the business. I think you'll agree that is what should happen anyway.
@@archvaldorI agree, I hope you are right
Rebel Moon is what happens when you tell an AI to generate a "cool science fiction story."
AI would have generated a far better output.
I would bet money on it eventually coming out that it was partially written via AI
Rebel Moon is essentially that one episode of Family Guy where Brian took Stewie's Ritalin and thought he created the greatest fantasy epic but really he only combined Star Wars, GoT and LOTR.
Just you wait, the Premium Directors Cut - Ultimate Edition Part 1.5 will fix everything
Nah, gotta wait for the Redux Deluxe Edition.
Nah. Gotta wait for the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix version.
It’s going to be like 12 hours long too, just watch.
When will the 24 hours Snyder cut release?
Can’t wait to sit for 5 hours to watch it 😍
"I am a child of war. To truly love and be loved, I don’t know if I’m capable of either. The very idea of love, of family was beaten out of me. I was taught that love is weakness. And I don’t know how that will ever change."
- Kora -
Such a 12yo fanfic edgelord character moment 😂
30 minutes later: we were fighting for our lovers...
.....that's an actual line in the film?
Sounds like she's in an AA meeting and this is her intro speech.
@@gpanthony yes. It was really stupid. I watched it because I had to understand how stupid some of my family members were. Pretentious speaking styles. Pretty pictures. Poor pacing. Non-existent character development. Too much slow motion. A mish mash of various sci fi/fantasy movies that were a poor attempt to explain Zach Snyder's ancient roman empire fantasy.
I felt bad for the actors. I'm pretty sure a porno has better character development and story line.
This was not a movie. This is the problem with us and the public and everybody. Zach makes long winded miniseries that he pretends are movies. Think of that Justice League movie. It was SIX HOURS. The man doesn't understand good story telling.. It's just ponderous and superficial. He needs a writer to reign him in.
This is where I stopped watching. God the heavy handedness made me want to die. Shouldn’t professional writers know how to do subtext??? I learn how when I was like 14!
How is it that not a single person on the writing team pointed out that having the entire climax hinge on the villain literally handing the protagonists the key to their cages might not be the best storytelling choice?
I am surprised the shuttle in the beginning didn't land on a puppy in case 40k stand ins werent evil enough.
Ironically they are never referred to as rebels but the insurgency.
Im surprised that thete isnt a weapon in 40k that user orphan baby seals as ammo
@@yuvalgabay1023 Yet. Rebel Moon Part 2 is coming.
@@thatHARVguyNot yet though, we're still getting Rebel Moon Part 1 2
I think its all as simple as the fact that Snyder is a technician not a storyteller. His art is looking at something and saying "thats cool", not examining what any of it means or why someone would think its cool. I genuinely don't think he understands any of the basics of how stories work. His biggest hits were all just existing stories that he adapted so he didn't have to worry about that. But the success of those things has made him think he actually has creative talent.
He's an ai bro
and it's worth noting that *every one* of Snyder's adapted works wildly miss the point of the original piece, and in the case of Watchmen did so so badly that the film version glorifies what the original graphic novel condemned.
I dont think technician is the right Word tho, like most or all artists are technicians including writers
It's technical knowledge about how to tell a story and why elements that work work
@@tompadfoot3065 how is this glorification if the main scapegoated getting the fascist glorification card is literally obliterated at the end of the movie? as well as in the novel. how is this glorification and the boys is nuanced critique? tell me
Me and my friends decided to watch it this last weekend. I don't think we have ever been as mad at a movie as we were at rebel moon. We all came to the conclusion that Snyder might have been on a bender and in a drunken haze must have Copy and pasted elements from Seven Samurai. Star wars, and couple of other great properties and just filed the Serial numbers off of them and pasted them badly into a script. We started loosing our minds when we realized that they kept on saying that this village was going to be giving out grain and then there was one scene where all the sudden they started saying rice instead of grain. Like Snyder forgot to change that section from rice to grain.
Snyder wasn't drunk. This is just the real Snyder. The one where he's not bound to adapting a property someone else has already put effort into giving substance.
You know what the sad thing is? Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven in Space is a decent enough idea to work. Heck, you could even make it a comedic space western a la Trigun, and still seem pretty different. Not original, but different enough to make it entertaining.
This had just so little to offer that it's boring.
I was shocked with how horribly written this was. I don't usually DNF because my curiosity wins out, but I DNFd this because it felt like a massive waste of time.
What's a DNF?
I want to like this comment a million times because yeah!
DNF - did not finish
And I say that while . Little boring it had something good until the cantine scene then it lost any semblance of a plot
Jesus... OPs use of acronyms is awful.
"I don't usually did not finish"? When there's a simple word called "drop"? Like in "I don't usually drop movies".
Did you see the random Native American dude who completely out of nowhere, jumped into Avatar for 10 minutes?
Because after laughing your ass off at that random jump, You can just shut the movie down.
Your description of bad writing is so cathartic ❤ thank you
Rebel Moon is a great storyboard of a great movie that's yet to be made. It shows all the main story beats, shows the conflict for each beat and how it resolves, and leaves the parts in-between to be fleshed out later. You can see the struggles that the characters are supposed to overcome but they overcome them too easily. Like the relationship troubles between Kora and Gunnar or convincing General Titus to return, if fleshed out, could be really impactful but they're not. A perfect example of this is them leaving the initial planet to go recruit the other members. There is a battleship in orbit guarding the planet, how will they be able to get off the planet? They go get on a ship and fly off. No challenge to why they are leaving, no subterfuge to distract the ship while they sneak off, and it's not even hard to find a ship to defy the empire; nope just get in the ship and head out. "super easy barely an inconvenience" (to quote another channel) is the response to all the struggles in this movie.
There's that (might be a good TV show), but you still have to figure out how they are planning to run a ground war against an orbiting space ship that can just glass them from the stratosphere.
@cyrocloud also, if they destroy that ship... earth will problably send another ten to figure out how that one was destroyed
Rebel Moon might think I’m dumb, but I reciprocate that sentiment.
Agree 100%. I watched this movie when it first came out. Ungodly amount of slow motions, too much exposition and a poorly written story. He needs to hire a good writer, editor and someone to tell him no from time to time. He can make good special effects but that is pretty much all he is good at.
I honestly loved it in a "so bad it's good," kind of way. There were so many scenes that were "because Star Wars," or "because 40k," or "because Seven Samurai.". There is even a scene where a Magic Native American dude jumps into Avatar for a minute. It's amazing.
Though I watched it at work, while doing paperwork. So maybe its worse than I thought.
No, you're completely on the money. I watched it by myself, 100% focused, completely sober, and had an absolute blast. I'm not joking when I say I was laughing pretty much non-stop for the first 40 minutes straight. The space vagina portal in the first 10 seconds alone sent me into hysterics. The movie consistently made me laugh with how clumsy and nonsensical it was and how blatantly it was ripping everything off. The people who're comparing it to fanfiction or saying the script reads like a first draft are insulting both fanfiction and first drafts. Rebel Moon's script is an outline, drunkenly scribbled on the back of a bar napkin 5 beers in, and Netflix went "eh, good enough".
I can't wait for part 2 if it lives up to the travesty of part 1.
@@bartholen I'm glad I'm not the only one that called the portal a space vagina, 🤣
Thank you for pointing out the Avatar moment. That's when I knew I had found an incredible film ..... to practice roasting! That's not an ikran, buddy, but he was pretending anyway 💀
there are movies that ARE actually so bad they're good, but this wasn't one. Movies like Galaxy Quest are like that. You can tell Galaxy Quest doesn't take itself seriously and that makes it a great movie. RM takes itself seriously which keeps it from being a good movie
@@GummeeH3 dude I don't know what the heck you're on movies that take themselves too seriously are the perfect "so bad it's good," movies. It's fun laughing at a director who genuinely thinks he's making something good when he just makes something terrible. It's fun pointing at the dumb stuff and going "This is in the movie because it was in a much better movie." The only reason The Room is fun is because the creator thought he was genuinely making an artistic statement.
Also, what are you talking about? Galaxy quest isn't a "so bad it's good," movie. It's just a good movie. You know it's a comedy right?
4:00 I agree about the actors but there's only so much they can do. I thought Charlie Hunman did a good job making Kai interesting and the costume department made good decisions just making him unique with his mouth piece and he probably had the best dialogue of all the characters because he was the only dynamic one with an arc.
Djimon Hounsou is such a talented actor and was so underutilized in this movie it hurt.
I'm convinced Honsou's agent hates him. He's talented but has only been in a couple of good movies. It's painful.
They found BEAUTIFUL talent and then the dialog let's them down so bad. Even the fight choreo is just so depressing
The one good thing I can say about Rebel Moon is it prevented my sci-fi universe from making the same writing and world-building mistakes.
Completely agree with you, as it turns out Firefly did more to establish "an evil central empire" in episode 1 than Rebel Moon did in this film, a letdown for many of us.
Love your videos, thank you!
Zack Snyder thought he made his Star Wars, but he actually made his Jupiter Ascending.
There's one shot at the start of the movie that's actually quite beautiful (where she is working the soil with the red background), which actually made me think this movie might be good, but alas, it was all downhill from there.
Rebel Moon is an ensemble story that spent precisely no time developing its characters. There was just too much that needed to be fit into its already extended run time for it too work; it should have been a novel.
Remember when people hated the Star Wars movies for having even just one sequence about a side mission? This is like 5 in a row as the main plot hahahaha. Literally Wizard of Oz but in space without the heart and whimsy
A long ensemble movie from Snyder that spends no time developing its characters? Again?
Aren’t there at least two classic movies that do the “ let’s get the band together and fight the menace “ in a reasonable amount of time ?
My idea exactly. Long form ambitious stories need a competent writer to make everything work within the span of one movie. Otherwise, I believe stories like these would work better as a tv show, comic, novel, or anything more suted to long form storytelling
In a video where Snyder was giving his genuine advice to upcoming directors or whatever was basically "get a nice camera and use equipment like a dolly" and closed it out with "make use of slo-mo" like this guy is as deep as a puddle of water
The first point to remember of a creator of a consumer product industry is that the consumer decides what is good or bad products
If the creator produces a flop it failed because they didn’t know their target audience
The worst part about this is its yet another nail in the coffin for original IPs in an industry where every big movie is either a remake, a sequel, a prequel, a spinoff or a biography.
It was intended to be the start of another franchise. So even its success would have been a nail in the coffin of originality.
One of my pet peeves is when people look at any whole genre (sff and romance tend to get the short end of the stick most frequently in my experience) and act as if it has no intellectual value and people only like it if they don’t care about anything past a surface level. Very disheartening to see people actually creating and funding stories in the sff space who seem to take that same stance
I found I had more empathy for the robotic villain and I got his character. The good guys were so quickly thrown together I had no time to feel anything for any of them ....and they were stereotypical.
I was kind of tempted to just do a complete re-write of the story after having watched the movie
Looking back I genuinely don’t believe that Zack Snyder understands symbolism or parallels. I can’t think of a single time he’s successfully used them.
He accidentally did it in 300 and Watchmen, but only because he duplicated "cool" scenes from the comics that actually did contain that stuff.
I think Rebel Moon is the perfect example of "All sizzle, no steak". It wasn't absolute dogshit, but it would've really benefited from having characters and a story, rather than just explosions and slow-mo.
The sizzle also sucks though, the action scenes are terrible.
Feeling like I was being insulted is the right description for how I felt when I watched it and how I feel every time I remember it exists.
The movie will be forgotten fast. But if it wasn't.... people could write full books about the many ways he absolutely did not understand the task.
I watched it the first day it came out, and the Light Saber lady said when you fight for vengeance you end up dead or something like that, and then the Blood Axe guy joined for Vengence and died, and it haunts me that I didn't know if that was intentional or just lucky foreshadowing.
The best description of Rebel Moon I have read is "Battle Beyond the Stars with a huge budget and no soul"
My sister was so adamant to watch this, “Who cares if they said its bad, why cant we form our own opinions” letting her win that argument was one of the most painful mistakes of my life, I still don’t understand the point behind recruiting Tarzan. Movie really felt like the old suicide squad introduction scenes followed by a sloppy cgi mess at the end.
Your sister still has a good point thought. Sometimes you should try things for yourself instead of trusting strangers online.
@@michaelknox3715 It goes both ways unfortunately
@@michaelknox3715 Sometimes you just know when critics right or not even before you watch a movie. I already had a "meh" feeling about Rebel Moon watching the trailers.
It's true, but goddammit I trust certain reviewers because I know they have similar tastes to myself and sometimes you really can tell beforehand that this is gonna be bad
Does he get that the violence in RoboCop was supposed to be a bad thing? It may have been necessary due to how corrupt the world had become, but it wasn't meant to be the goal. The movie was about reclaiming humanity in a violent, mechanized, corporate world led by power hungry people. It's why his partner keeps calling him "Murphy".
When the main character was like, "I've only known war so long I don't know if I can experience love" (paraphrasing), the shallow trope-knitting (and eyerolling) began. I only made it through about 30 minutes.
Even that was contradicted half an hour later
this genuinely felt like a fanfic someone wrote in one sitting at 2am
Zack Snyder should stick to cinematography, and leave "writing", "editing" and "directing" to better suited people
After the slomo-fest, maybe he should stick to producing.
@@hellgast0honestly maybe he should just stay out of movies entirely
What makes you think I am that stupid, Rebelmoon?
You watched me!
... touché.
I went from reading & watching DUNE into watching Rebel Moon and...... yea I think it took me about 8 minutes to completely forget Rebel Moon and dive back into DUNE Messiah 🤣
The slogan: There are no heroes, only rebels.
Rebels can be heroes, heroes can be rebels... OR NOT!
They are NOT mutually exclusive!
Rebel Moon had a really talented cast, and a fine premise- I wish he steered more into his seven samurai influence and just made it closer to a one to one shot of it in space instead of this movie because the complete lack of characterization for every member of the heroe's team made it difficult to get through. I thought Kai was by far the most well done character in that he had a legitimate set up and pay off that felt satisfying but other than that everyone else was developed entirely by dialogue with the worst examples being Kora's voice over flashbacks and the All is Lost beat when everyone is captured and the villain approaches them individually to read off their biography for the audience. The trailer for the second movie looks good and I'll watch it cause I want it to be good but I don't have my hopes up at the moment.
Zack Snyder has never made a movie that worked for me, so I stopped watching Zack Snyder movies after Man of Steel. How people still think that Zack has any grasp on theme, allegory, or even just applicability instead of just employing imagery because “thing looks cool” baffles me.
When I saw them mention that there was going to be a Synder-cut of this movie with more gore and tits I was puzzled to say the least, because none of the structural flaws in this film are a consequence of tame action or neutered sex scenes. I find it really telling thay Zack Snyder's interpretation of mature sci-fi seems to be gratuitous violence rather than something like Andor, which genuinely explores the human components of a fascistic galactic empire in a more complex way.
Thanks for this, I finally understand exactly what felt missing from the movie. What's funny though is that I do legitimately want a second, specifically because I want history answers. If I could just get a history book about all the characters backstories and how the war started, I'd be happy
Which one of yall told Zach that he correctly understands the characters and their motivations of the IPs he directs/writes? Because…wheeww
Invoking Samwise is always the right choice.
Another commenter here sums it up nicely: "Rebel Moon is a great storyboard of a great movie that's yet to be made. It shows all the main story beats, shows the conflict for each beat and how it resolves, and leaves the parts in-between to be fleshed out later."
Rebel Moon gave me a fever dream high I haven't felt since the Rise of Skywalker, it was incredible, highly recommend.
The sad thing is, there were some interesting aesthetic choices that were clearly from a loving background staff.
The blue tinged blade from repeated heating, like a wok, on the pseduo lightsabers.
The whole space korean aesthetic is amazing.
Badguy's cane is a human femur, cmon , that's cool.
The scale of the villain's ship entering upper orbit is an awesome moment.
There were some really nice attention-to-detail moments...
Just absolutely ruined by the narrative expositing to the audience throughout the entire movie.
Genuinely laughed out loud when the villain re-recaps the hero's backstories an hour and forty five minutes in!
So Netflix gives money to this, but not 1899. Right.
It's crazy how much talent & effort went into the special effects, costumes, set designs, etc. Only to be let down by the writing. It reminds me of the new Star Wars movies
at least new Star Wars movies are actual movies
Even the CGI was bad though. We are in a weird future where CGI is getting worse, because the passion of the artists is nonexistent, instead of getting better as it has done every other point in history.
This movie is a text book example of that.
Was on the fence about watching this one, thanks for the confirmation!
I watched this movie and was flabbergasted at how bad it was while still being visually captivating. It looked pretty cool and that’s about all it had going for it.
I watched this after my last shift before Christmas break, I got a bottle of wine and was looking for something dumb and loud to watch while getting wasted after an entire day deepfrying my brain working in retail. That's a pretty low bar, and yet this still didn't even meet those expactations.
I love seeing every creator I enjoy and value absolutely slam dunking on the train wreck that is Rebel Moon NBA Jam style. It's yet another project where Zack Snyder shows his whole ass and reveals that he has no concept of media literacy and allegory.
40k doesn't just border on satirical, it IS satirical. But a lot of fans don't even catch the possibility of satire, so good on you for that!
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU Daniel! I am somebody who likes almost every movie I watch, with few exceptions (Bad Batch [with Jason Momoa], Wonderwell, a few others), but I just couldn't force myself to like this.. Then I heard from Heavy Spoilers that they're coming out with a Director's Cut, and I heckin' LOST it. Why did I just watch 3 hours of garbage if they're coming out with a better version in a few months!? Also, I doubt it's going to be any better than this one anyways. Sex and gore, as you said, are NOT what this needs. I hated the stereotyping as they went around collecting their merry band.. Oh, a Native American character who is the only one capable of "breaking a horse"? Wow, so original. Oh, here's an Asian lady who's really good with a sword, cool.. The dialogue is AWFUL. I don't know if he used AI to write it, or a 5-year-old, but good golly is it weak. Oh, then there's the way too obvious "I'll set you free" being villain code for him going to kill the guy.. WTF! Was there anybody who didn't know exactly what was going to happen with that??? -_- GAH!
My unfortunate first exposure to Rebel Moon was Zack Snyder getting on stage at Gamescom to show a trailer and announce the game tie in and ever since then it's lived in my head rent free as this weirdly generic sci fi thing that was trying too hard and yet I can't stop thinking about how hard they're trying. For some reason it's just satisfying to hear that I'M not the crazy one after all of this time.
It's like the people who thought Got was popular because it had "dragons and tits" in it
The only memorable thing in the movie is the sounds the guns make. It's like they shoot rounds three calibres above their size.
Actually, now that i think of it, I can't quite remember how Rebel moon's guns sound anymore. What was the main characters name? Does anyone know the name of the Pound Shop Han Solo's ship? Me neither.
I agree. I think the director/producers of Rebel Moon think we are all dummies. Or, they only care about cash grab. Netflix prepaid it - that's all that mattered to them.
My journey with this show:
Me: *sees random ad clip on tv* Huh, fantasy, sci-fi epic. Seems interesting.
Ad: Zack Snider
Me: *sigh* I’ll pass.
My wife and I honestly laughed while watching Rebel Moon. At some parts we just looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. I also remember absolutely nothing about the story, 0 meaning to any character.
I sat down with beers and a hankering for fun dumb action. 2 beers in and slightly buzzed I turned to my wife and said…”this is just too dumb.” My wife nodded silently and my 11 year old was just like “yeah way too dumb.” We turned it off and just gave up.
When Netflix started charging for password sharing their subscriber numbers went up. THAT'S what we did to make Netflix think we're dumb.
And then they cancelled Inside Job. Like, if they said, "hey, we're losing money, and if we lose too much we can't make season 3 of Inside Job, so we need to put in some password-sharing-limiting policies to raise the money for Inside Job season 3", that would be... acceptable, but their policy is to cancel good shows after 2 seasons because the algorithm says season 1 brings in viewers and season 2 retains them but after that they become less profitable.
Wow I was wondering why this was so hyped up in advance then silence upon release. You haved me 2+ hrs of my life. Thank you!
At some point, we'll all just accept that Zac Snyder is just inherently a bad director.
I’d say it’s like junk food, but eating junk food actually brings me joy
Just thank you for your honest review! This movie just became the top 1 on our families' list of: "Trash movies, which we speak through without pause about all the nonsenses, illogical decisions and wtf moments" list
I found out, several years ago, that Snyder's dream project is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Knowing that's his starting point explains so much about how his movies make me feel, and the fact that all of his films rely on overt messianic allegories while also being so edgy and anti-collectivism/pro-individualist (hard to pin down exactly what I mean but this is close) just... yeah.
He is the perfect film maker for Ayn Rand, aesthetic is all that matters and his heroes fight the shadows of his horrors and win solely because he needs them to win.
Zack Snyder is the worst director. All he does is fan service and visuals. He can’t tell a story line for shit. Rebel moon sits at a 22% critic and 66% audience score on rotten tomatoes. That means it’s utter dogshit. Usually audiences are easily impressed simps so if they grade this so low, you can imagine how bad this movie is.
The movie is 7 Samurai in space, and rushed the 7 Samurai part.
Thanks for saving me from ever thinking about watching this 🙏🙏
It felt like a speed run of an JRPG, collecting the team etc and for that, I liked it a lot.
I hope this finally shows people that Zack Snyder is just an awful director. I have saying it for a long time but people just don't get it. He does not understand themes and characters, he just like to do stuff because is "cool". I thought it was really obvious he does not understand how a characters or themes work when he made Watchmen and the DC movies, but people still defend him.
He's so good at taking something beloved, don't understanding it and making it hollow.
To me, the funniest things about Rebel Moon is watching all the hard-core Snyder fans gaslighting each other into not only acting like it's the best sci-fi film ever, but who likes it more on social media.
From watching it on repeat all day on several devices, buying every copy of the book they can find, or going to Forever 21 and maxing out credit cards purchasing all the Rebel Moon branded clothes.
2 hours and 14 minutes long wallpaper slideshow.
PS: You can say that about almost all of Zack Snyder's movies.
My take away from when the wife and I sat down to watch Rebel Moon was that I kept doing a kind of double take to myself as if asking a bigger audience 'does no one else see this'? As a 62 year old lover of science fiction I *immediately* and constantly kept thinking 'BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS', which this movie most reminded me of. Yes, there was a lot of other stuff thrown in (and I mean THROWN) but generally this seemed to be a rip off of the 1980 sci-fi adventure, which itself was a reimagining of 'THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN', *which* was a reimagining of Akira Kurosawa's classic 1954 'THE SEVEN SAMURAI'! ...This was so plaintiff to me that I could not get beyond this and take in anything else about Rebel Moon. Lucas always said that Star Wars was a science fiction take on classic legends and fairy takes, and the most constant thing about fairy tales are they are *allegories* of one type or another, they have a meaning and as Daniel Greene rightly says Rebel Moon was devoid of meaning. It was style over substance and I found it vapid.
I gave it a 6/10. It's clear the movie has been edited down and just jumps from one story beat to the next. It's not absolute garbage like some people here and online seem to be saying. I really think they should've just released the rated R directors cut instead of making this PG-13 version. It really hurt the movie. If the Director's cut doesn't focus on the characters then it'll be a failure for sure. I'm holding out hope for the rated R version.
Ah yes, the Firefly/40K/StarWars/7 Samurai knockoff... Gods I wish this had been good, it could have been SO good... if someone else had been in charge
Netflix has demonstrated that streaming is not imune to the "fuck you its January," rule.
They did just release The Brothers Sun. That was entertaining.
300 and owls of gahoole remain the only two zack snyder things I remember liking and find worth defending, and even with those there's a limit
Saying that Rebel Moon is derivative is imbuing it with too much originality!! 😂
To be fair the Witcher producer saying people are too dumb on Netflix is probably why this got made 😂
Yeah, I never considered wasting my time. Still, my arrogance aside, I've lost my taste for movies with villains and good guys.