I will say this again - you have the best value per minute ratio on the entire gardening YT. I highly appreciate your comprehension, logic and reasoning, explaining not just how to do things but why. And if I may add to the subject, tomatos are a highly adaptive species, and as short as two seasons of growing a variety and saving seeds for yourself, they may start expressing traits in response to the mineral and microbial composition of your specific soil. So, your final point combined with seed saving because of all the reasons you mentioned talking about varieties is a good route to follow. Again, great video, I really enjoyed every bit of it.
Hands down the best veggie garden info channel on YT!! The info, tips, knowledge shared is just amazing for us zone 6 gardeners!! And a HUGE bonus is that you always have chapters available to make it easy to jump to any portion and watch/rewatch. Thank you Jenna!!! ❤
I’ve been gardening for years. I am a master gardener. Love your channel very insightful very instructive. Learn something every time I watch a video. Good job please keep up the good work. Enjoy your content.
Dont forget the aspirin trick. I live in a wet coastal environment and for decades would get all the tomato blights and viruses. Then two seasons ago, I started the one uncoated aspirin dissolved in water spray once every couple weeks. This totally prevented all the leaf diseases i use get, even with the disease prone heirlooms. Its a must for moist climates.
I follow 50 amazing channels that all have excellent videos about gardening and homesteading and your channel is tied for the best! Thank you for your amazing detail; thank you for living in zone 6! Lol.
That’s why we considered you OUR FRIEND, Jen. You’re close to us, so the weather and conditions are close to ours. And you do all the work sorting things out, so that helps. I also watch other streamers as well. I have found the last apples on the tree are the best, at the end of the season, after a few freeze cycles. It sweetens up the apples, but they are crisp, and juicy. The deer like them too.
Still hands down my #1 go to for specific and birds eye view gardening advice. Thank you for taking time out of what must be rather crowded hours to give us these great quality postings.
Don't give up on open pollinated and heirlooms! Last year, for the first time, I had LOADS of heirloom tomatoes, here in Florida, in the land of humidity and bugs and diseases! I learned a lot about growing them from Jess at Roots and Refuge! Your climate might not have a big enough window to grow them, but I want others to keep trying and not be discouraged! Thanks for a lovely video! I am so glad I found you!
Not to worry! I've definitely never given up them, and don't want anyone else to either-- I love them & grow them every year.... and encourage most everyone to do the same. I do think that for gardeners who struggle with heirlooms, trying a good hybrid before they give up on growing tomatoes (or any other veg for that matter) is a must. Once you get the hang of the typically easier to grow hybrids, move on to the more challenging heirlooms. And heirloom/hybrid aside- finding the varieties that are best suited for your individual growing conditions is a must!
Excellent content as usual! I finally have a fenced in vegetable garden so can start growing many more vegetables. I will be following along with you this season. PS to any new gardeners: Jenna's series of month-by-month videos is a very helpful way to understand what the annual gardening cycle consists of -- a lot of vegetable gardening is just a bit of planning ahead. And experimenting is half the fun!
Why are gardening and farming videos so much better in February? Kind of just kidding. Looks like your zone 6a is a lot warmer than my newly appointed 7a where in north Jersey I have snow cover for the first time in a couple years. This time of year I think of the tropics so make purchases such as azomite thinking I can create some magical volcanic soil! At my age you'd think I'd know better.
Adding 20 year old compost to the garden, created a tomato yield that was out of this world. I was getting full paper grocery bags of tomatoes at a time. Adding freshwater seaweed to tomato's created leggy, and quite productive tomato's. A weird combo. Too bad it was planted around the mailbox (lol).
Thanks again for your great video. I am in Ohio as well and I love to plant Cherry tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes, and Early girl. I love the smaller variations. My tomatoes never make it into the kitchen I eat them right off the plant. Last year I had small carrots which I did not pick the year before and they really tasted so good. This year I got Heirloom seeds and I will try to plant them soon. But still, I will get some backup tomato plants from Menard's. Happy Gardening my new friend:)
I agree that hybrids have come a long way over the last 30 years. But I grow bushels of beautiful heirlooms in my Indiana garden. Even with the inevitable blight.
You truley are amazing! The in depth info you give is much appreciated and thank you so, so very much for sharing it with the people in the World who garden & homestead and the ones who are interested in starting. 💚
Yep, I'm guilty of spending to grow tomatoes. I do purchase some starts and always, some amendments. My tomato growing goal is that scrumptious flavor of summertime tomatoes! ...and to keep them as blight-free and pest-free as organically possible. My faves? - the Brandywines and Sun Gold and Indigo Rose cherries.
Omg I'm so excited about Sun Golds. I kept hearing about them last year from many different places so I got some seeds for this year. Fingers crossed I treat them well and get a lovely, super tasty harvest!
Same here! Glad I checked channel - I LOL when Jenna talks about when "Moon is in Jupiter" 🤣🤣 NOW, I have that song "When the Moon is in thaaaa seventh house and Jupiter, aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars..." stuck in my head. As I blend custom seed starting medium for now starting Artichoke, and more Onion seeds! Keep the videos coming Jenna and thank you so much, you're my actual favorite garden vloger because I'm now also in Ohio zone 6a, formerly from 7500 ft elev Colorado, so I need ALL your advice I can absorb!! Colorado is so different a clime, low humidity, short growing season, but I was at a similar latitude there as I am here - 40 +degree North aprox.
Heirloom tomatoes health and production depends on where you live and your climate. I grow both Heirloom and hybrid because I have varieties of both I like but mostly Heirloom and I get between 6 to 25 large tomatoes on slicers and buckets of cherry tomatoes more than I can eat and preserve, but definitely won't grow well everywhere.
You're in michigan. I cut back the asparagus. And removed my trellises. Plan on replacing the trellis is sometime soon. And I did plant lettuces and spinach already. Garlic is coming up really fast. And it is still mulched. I did put down landscape roll. My plan on adding cardboard soon.
I knew that I would find plenty of interesting information here. I can't think of anything to add. OH well there is this, you missed an excellent resource for gardeners, especially us in the NE in zone 6. That, of course, is your channel.
From experience I know soil health and micronutrients makes the difference. I have grown tomato with hydroponic and even when trying to add some micronutrients, the flavor simply doesn't compare to soil grown. For tomato, sun angle is very important I think to develop sweetness. When I grew in South Florida, the Black Cherry variety grew very well (although it is true the variety tolerates humidity better than others) the fruit skin became very dark and some of the fruits were intensely sweet, this is true with other cherry variety. I never get the same level of dark color and sweetness growing it in the Midwest. I believe the even and lower fluctuating night temperature potentially play a role as well.
In 2019 I made it a point to be self-sufficient in tomatoes for a year. After two seasons of experimenting, the best yielding (for me) are F1 hybrid determinant Romas. I can and store a year's worth of tomatoes off of 8 plants. Seed variety and where you get them make a difference.
Awesome video with lots of good information. Last year I grew in a brand new garden with lots of space. I grew lots of veggies especially a variety of peppers and tomatoes and saved a lot of seeds for this year. It is very rewarding to watch the seeds you saved grow into seedlings for the upcoming season. Love all your videos. Well done :)
21:27 No! You are supposed to Feel it lol. I remember doing soil testing in Ag class and thot it was dumb at the time and didn't understand it whatsoever. Until I started really trying to understand plants and soil, then it just fell into place. I think it's funny that everyone does this water trick partly bc I picture modern city people contemplating it and some old school farmer walks over and just grabs some soil and then immediately tells them exactly what it is lol.
This is a great channel find. I'm probably just north or you, a couple of miles from the lake. My first and last frost are a little different because of the lake buffer, but it's good to sit and watch another local gardener.
Many thanks for your videos! I really enjoy watching them as a once Ohio zone 6b gardener. I am now a zone 7b vegetable gardener in Germany and order/bring heirloom tomato seeds back with me from the US nearly every year - favorite being Nahuetbula Pink. The secret to growing heirloom tomatoes is providing them with a covering/roof over their heads to protect them from retaining rain/moisture on their leaves. I am fortunate to have a small greenhouse, however their are „pop-up“ small vinyl shelters ranging in size to house a couple plants to quite a lot of plants. These also restrain the warmth at night to keep them warm, which is what they need to ripen. I am certain something like this is available in the US and I am also certain one can make something from scratch as well. Thanks again for your videos!
Dunno what it’s like in the states but in au I have found breeds of things like grapes found in supermarkets have focused too much on brix levels. So they just taste like sugar water and spike glucose levels when eaten. Was in indo the other month and was amazed at the difference in availability of fruit with flavour rather than brix level. If I’m going to eat excessively sugary food I would rather eat chocolate.
Another great, concise yet info packed video. You're simply in a league of your own, thank you as always for sharing your secrets, tips and extensive knowledge with us, Jenna!
Not sure if you've done this? But have you covered how to save seed? Dry seeds I've got down pat. But I read wet seeds like tomatoes need to be fermented???? Never heard of that before. That could be a really helpful video. thanks again, love your channel!!💚💚💚
I saved some cherry tomato seeds the year before last. I'd never heard about fermenting them. I just found a few YT videos about it and followed their instructions. Basically just cleaned all the gooey off them, let them set out for a while to dry, and then stored in a cool, dry place. My summer squash seeds on the other hand, I guess I didn't do those right because those took a hard left into no good land.
That is why I'm not sold on this channel. I save seeds from all of my plants. My tomatoes are NOT "tasteless". I grow zero hybrid tomatoes. I grow zero hybrid plants, period. Some taste great, but I'm not paying to plant food if unnecessary. She also complicates gardening. It isn't that hard, folks.
Hi Jenna! I'm looking forward to gardening along with you again this year! This time I'll be starting in February instead of finding you in July! I am also in zone 6a, or possibly it's now 6b, since they've changed things. Can you please tell me when you start pepper seeds indoors? Thank you!
I was wondering if you would do any video on Walipini or making cold frames. I’ve seen these are large scales. I also have clay soil and I don’t think I could dig that much or that deep. Also love the videos you are amazing. I have been watching you 3 years now.
I had hoped to get a video done on cold frames this winter, but that didn't happen... and I've been dreaming about making a walapini for a while now! I probably won't get it done this season, but maybe by late next winter I'll have something to share.
Great tips! I struggled to grow heirlooms for years & didnt u derstand what I was doing wrong. Then I learned they just arent bred for the disease resistance like hybrids are! & you're so right! A lot of the newer hybrids are disease resistant & still taste good! Agree on tue soil test. For years I was adding a fertilizer containing calcium, not knowing I had waaaay too much calcium in my soil already!
OK now I don't feel bad about not growing hybrid tomatoes this year. A friend recommended jet stars and I tried them last year. So much more productive and a great all-round tomato (canned very well also). I'll still do a few mortgage lifters as they make awesome tomato sandwiches. Thanks for another great video Jenna, you really are a great service to the garden community!!!!!!
One of the things I've been taught to boost flavor and nutritional profiles in your fruits and veggies is to add a well balanced mineral compound to your soil.
I’ve learned so much from you over the past few years! I’m gonna check out some of those sites you mentioned. Thanks for all you do to help us grow our best gardens! Greetings from southern Ohio!!!
Great video Jenna! Yes, a lot of water can water down flavor and things especially onions and radishes can be a bit sharp if grown dry. You explained why I’m finding so many vegetables geared toward ‘sweet’ as when they test they have no idea about flavor, but test for brix scale. That part concerns me as we may lose what a vegetable should taste like. Even more so that I need to find and save varieties we like. Although I’m finding it a bit difficult in my preference for some hybrids. Sigh, I shouldn’t worry about it so much as if it’s only a few and I need to buy hybrid then so be it. Thanks for the variety sites! It makes a lot of sense to check this out. I like trying new varieties, but some may not grow in my short season especially if they weren’t started early as I experienced with Tithonia. Thought it was a weed and just before frost it popped out 2 flowers-Ooooo! 😅 Yes to harvesting carrots in the snow!! They were so crispy and bright orange-just fantastic! I’m a variety snob as well😂 What we discovered is drip emitter irrigation has substantially increased yield and general quality. We just run it manually and have to be careful to not forget it’s on 😉. Vegetables are larger and more tender with even moisture. Last year’s drought forced us to learn how to install -it’s a work in progress. There was no way I could have watered everything in a timely manner before the heat of the day set in. I also discovered it brought a big jump in worm population as we had close to none. Arborist chips are also helping a ton. Thanks again for all the hard work and sharing your knowledge!
You know what's interesting? Even those who are evaluating for flavor (not just brix) are selecting for sweeter & sweeter every breeding cycle. It's because the average consumer's palette (especially Americans), leans towards the sweet the better. My dad complained of these early on in the evolution of sweet corn breeding-- the newer hybrids were just too sweet for him and didn't even taste like corn. I thought he was crazy at first, but any more I feel the same way!
About Heirloom tomatoes I agree that (especially in southern Maryland) they are a challenge. But I graft a few Cherokee Purple tomato seedlings onto Maxifort rootstock and they do amazingly well. Just a FYI, I have Fusarium oxysporum (confirmed by University of Maryland lab many years ago) in my soil. So the rest of my tomatoes need to be F1 and F2 tolerant. I find cherry tomatoes do just fine. And my new favorite is Rubee dawn from Totally Tomatoes. Early, prolific and tastes really good for an early tomato. Supposed to be a compact indeterminate but bigger than I expected last year.
I'm glad you brought up grafting-- definitely an option for folks who struggle with growing their favorite heirlooms! And I agree on the Rubee Dawn- grew it last year for the first time and was impressed with it, my plants also got larger than I expected!
I grew stuff i didn't like for yrs . And i still do got plenty of turnups lol! But besides stuff and stapels im growing 90% watermelon every year same location no problem over the yrs compost makes no need to rotate crops. Orange crisp and 2 or 3 other species this year.
Thank You for all the great resources, your channel is a real gem. Harvested carrots in Jan for the 1st time this year, you are so correct on the amazing flavor. I rely on worm castings, compost, leaf mold and comfrey tea for my plant nutrients, nitrogen is the only supplement I need from time to time, usually in the form of blood meal. Weather is totally crazy in WI. Had a tornado 10 days ago 35 miles south of me, getting close to 60F on Thursday. I have had to cover some sprouting garlic 3 times with leaves this winter. Stay Well!!!
I'm so glad you got to harvest some January carrots!! And OH MY... this weather!! I'm glad the tornado didn't get any closer to you... but these temps being allover the place (and so warm for this time of year) really makes me wonder what this gardening season holds for us!
@@GrowfullywithJenna I covered some soil with clear plastic for broccoli yesterday, it was still mostly frozen from the mulch I applied in the fall, with that removed and some clear plastic, when the soil temp reaches 40F I am planting broccoli! Think I will cut the bottoms out of some plastic gallon jugs to give them their own little greenhouse. As You know, we will get what we get, hopefully we can respond in time to keep things growing. You and your channel are a real treasure, Stay Well!!!
Thank you, Jenna. Great recap and summaries. Your teaching style is so clear and natural! Fertilizers are very confusing to me, and even though I have pretty good basic knowledge of soils science from college, NPK and plant physiology, I get completely lost when it comes to knowing which type of fertilizer to add and when, much less what is the most cost effective way to go about it from an input perspective. Seems like a real art…?
It's so nice to hear this- thank you! And yes, I believe fertilizer application (and so many other things garden-related), is as much as art as a science. Given your background, you're probably much advanced beyond the info that I offer in this video, but just in case it helps, I do have a video on my approach to fertilizer: th-cam.com/video/Z2exgyjzr5c/w-d-xo.htmlsi=_Oops38l4fxa3Fpb
@@GrowfullywithJenna This does help a lot. So you use the same powdered fertilizer for all seedling types as well as garlic and onions top dressing, etc? I see so many crop specific types on Pine Tree and Gurney’s, etc.
Thanks Jenna you are a wealth of information. Too late this year but I will definitely be using that seed link site next year to hep me decide on varieties. I just picked the last of my winter carrots last week and you are so right about the sweetness of winter carrots. I'm glad I started doing that. One tip maybe if possible about too much water for strawberries. I noticed they really lose their flavor if it gets too wet when they are ripening and since they are so close to the ground it may be possible to put a plastic cover over to shield them from too much rain. It would be easy if you already have a structure in place to for netting to keep the birds out.
Hi Jenna, I also live in Ohio and I'm wondering if you grow asparagus, and if so, do you have a video about starting an asparagus bed or any tips for me?
I give over half away and always hear mine are better maybe because they are free but yes fresh is better even our salsa is better than the Mexican restaurant that where we learn to love salsa. I'm now getting early, and later season radishes as you have suggested they are better as you teach. Melons vine ripped are almost impossible to buy unless you live out in the country Your son makes quick trips working hard 💪 Your favorite Midnight Snack is everyone. I've tested at least 30 people new favorite My favorite slicer is Black Brandywine for all beefy burgers you try them Thanks Lady 👍
If you do raise Black Brandywine, try on burgers off the grill or steak burger. You know everyone not agree with anything, but Black Brandywine holds its juice after the cut, but when you're crunching down, that's their time to release them juicy tomato moisture. I love those so much. ❤
Great info Jenna. One thing I wanted to tell you earlier...I've seen great results myself as well as others online with a product called Gopher Hawk. I know they have been a problem for you in the past. I'm less likely to use it on moles as they are grub eaters, but for chipmunks and gophers eating my strawberries I think it's a game changer (I'm not a sponsor) . Kind Regards. Craig g
Main tip is to gently place trap in tunnel. You should be able to feel this when it happens. Don't try to anchor the tip of the trap forcefully in the bottom of the tunnel. If no success in 24-36 hours,...relocate trap. Remember that gophers and chipmunks always have 2 entrances to their underground den. As a child I would trap them and release them. (This was easily done by finding both entrances and covering one of them with an empty quart glass jar inverted over the hole and placing 1-2 quarts of water in the other hole. The gopher/chipmunk would actually go up into the inverted jar and look around and when it was doing this you can easily place the lid over the inverted jar opening.) Because of the two tunnels, two Tomahawk traps improve success (One in each tunnel) Note that the two tunnels are usually 90-180 degrees from each other. Craig d@@GrowfullywithJenna
This is great! And I highly recommend a humorous book "The $64 tomato" by Bill Alexander. It's an autobiographical fiction of his quest to start vegetable gardening - trials and tribulations over a few years and ultimately figuring his cost to achieve succes :)
Unfortunately here near Lisbon in Portugal we rarely have a frost, this year we didn’t get any day below 2°C. I would love to try carrots and kale after frosts, but our winters are getting hotter. 😢
As always a fantastic lot of information presented beautifully. I recently discovered that I'm able to get a soil test for free thanks to our state Environmental Protection Agency... the focus is more on contaminates but should give me an idea as to the mineral levels present. Do you have any tips for growing watermelon? I'm giving it a try for the second time... last time they started forming fruit but seemed to stop after they reached a bit less than squash ball size. I may not have watered them enough is my thought?
That's a great resource- hopefully other folks have the same in their states! There are a few reasons watermelon don't size up. Improper pollination, disease or insufficient nutrients can all be leading causes. Do you recall what variety you tried last year?
@@GrowfullywithJennaI don't remember, sorry. It wouldn't have been anything fancy... most likely whatever Mr Fothergill's standard seed was. I'm guessing my previous failure was I neglected to water it as much as needed. Thanks for the information :D
I love your videos. You have so much knowledge. May I ask your background or education in agriculture? I hope it isn't too personal of a question. I am asking because I have seriously been considering a career change and can really see myself being involved in gardening/agriculture somehow even though I have no formal education in it. I would be starting from scratch and am not sure where to start. I love research though and you mentioned being involved in seed trials and that really fascinates me.
Thank you! And definitely not too personal-- I feel like that's a fair question to ask of anyone who is posing as an 'expert' on social media!! I did not go to school for agriculture (graduated with a BA), but was hired shortly out of college by a home gardening catalog company and worked in various parts of the horticultural industry (merchandising, marketing and R&D) for over 15 years before starting my own consulting/trialing business. I had a lot of on the job training, but I attribute the majority of my basic knowledge to growing up in a family of avid gardeners! Many of the folks that I know in the industry who have followed similar career paths do have a educational background in horticulture, agriculture, botany etc. but some, like me, have totally unrelated backgrounds and have learned on the job.
@GrowfullywithJenna I wondered if your background was from growing up in agrculture because in one episode I saw you mentioned, and may have even been on, your parents' property. Your knowledge is amazing even if your BA is in a different field. You are very well spoken and explain things so well and thoroughly do your research. It is actually nice to know there could be other pathways into this field if one has the desire to learn. I love that you started the cosulting/seed trialing business. That is so fascinating. I really do appreciate your response. Thanks so much!
Thank you Jenna! The information you provide in your videos is truly helpful! Wondering if you can answer this question. I live on the east coast of Canada and for years have grown the Juliet F1 hybrid grape tomato in my small urban garden where it produced wonderfully. This year, when trying to order seed from a large US company, it has been banned from being shipped to Canada. Any ideas why this might be? or where I could look for that information? Thanks again.
I'm not sure about Canada, but I know in the United States, individual states will put restrictions on certain plant material restricting shipment into the state. This is most often due to restrict the potential movement of harmful plant pests, diseases, and noxious weeds... though I've never heard of a tomato being restricted before!
I will say this again - you have the best value per minute ratio on the entire gardening YT. I highly appreciate your comprehension, logic and reasoning, explaining not just how to do things but why. And if I may add to the subject, tomatos are a highly adaptive species, and as short as two seasons of growing a variety and saving seeds for yourself, they may start expressing traits in response to the mineral and microbial composition of your specific soil. So, your final point combined with seed saving because of all the reasons you mentioned talking about varieties is a good route to follow. Again, great video, I really enjoyed every bit of it.
I couldn’t agree more. Well said!!
Welcome ! Your video about different varieties of vegetables their flavours thank you
I agree!❤
So we're just not gonna talk about her munching that carrot straight from the ground😂😂. Now that's a true gardener!! Bravoooo!!!
Best way to eat them! 😆
My parents had a garden and me and my brother eat carrots straight out of the soil:)
Well now I have to try it. First one I pull this year is going down the hatch!
Hands down the best veggie garden info channel on YT!! The info, tips, knowledge shared is just amazing for us zone 6 gardeners!! And a HUGE bonus is that you always have chapters available to make it easy to jump to any portion and watch/rewatch. Thank you Jenna!!! ❤
Wow, thank you!
AGREE!!! Sooooo true!
I pick YOU for my teacher!!! ❤
Just logged into TH-cam and a new Growfully video was just posted?! My lucky day =)
Yes, gardening season is around the corner. Advice for the next season, just in the nick of time.
I’ve been gardening for years. I am a master gardener. Love your channel very insightful very instructive. Learn something every time I watch a video. Good job please keep up the good work. Enjoy your content.
Thank you so much!
I devote 100% of my time dreaming about my #1 obsession 😂 im growing carrots for the first time this year thank you for this one
Best of luck on those carrots!!
OMG! I love this channel! All useful info! Ty c u soon. Lol
Yay! Thank you!
Dont forget the aspirin trick. I live in a wet coastal environment and for decades would get all the tomato blights and viruses. Then two seasons ago, I started the one uncoated aspirin dissolved in water spray once every couple weeks. This totally prevented all the leaf diseases i use get, even with the disease prone heirlooms. Its a must for moist climates.
I follow 50 amazing channels that all have excellent videos about gardening and homesteading and your channel is tied for the best! Thank you for your amazing detail; thank you for living in zone 6! Lol.
Wow, thank you so much!!
That’s why we considered you OUR FRIEND, Jen. You’re close to us, so the weather and conditions are close to ours. And you do all the work sorting things out, so that helps. I also watch other streamers as well.
I have found the last apples on the tree are the best, at the end of the season, after a few freeze cycles. It sweetens up the apples, but they are crisp, and juicy. The deer like them too.
Very true about the apples!
Still hands down my #1 go to for specific and birds eye view gardening advice. Thank you for taking time out of what must be rather crowded hours to give us these great quality postings.
I'm so glad to hear this-- thank you!!
Don't give up on open pollinated and heirlooms! Last year, for the first time, I had LOADS of heirloom tomatoes, here in Florida, in the land of humidity and bugs and diseases! I learned a lot about growing them from Jess at Roots and Refuge! Your climate might not have a big enough window to grow them, but I want others to keep trying and not be discouraged! Thanks for a lovely video! I am so glad I found you!
Not to worry! I've definitely never given up them, and don't want anyone else to either-- I love them & grow them every year.... and encourage most everyone to do the same.
I do think that for gardeners who struggle with heirlooms, trying a good hybrid before they give up on growing tomatoes (or any other veg for that matter) is a must. Once you get the hang of the typically easier to grow hybrids, move on to the more challenging heirlooms. And heirloom/hybrid aside- finding the varieties that are best suited for your individual growing conditions is a must!
Your videos are always so dense with info, and I love having a fellow Ohioan sharing her knowledge with me. Thanks, Jenna!
Awesome! Thank you!
Excellent content as usual! I finally have a fenced in vegetable garden so can start growing many more vegetables. I will be following along with you this season. PS to any new gardeners: Jenna's series of month-by-month videos is a very helpful way to understand what the annual gardening cycle consists of -- a lot of vegetable gardening is just a bit of planning ahead. And experimenting is half the fun!
Thank you!
Why are gardening and farming videos so much better in February? Kind of just kidding. Looks like your zone 6a is a lot warmer than my newly appointed 7a where in north Jersey I have snow cover for the first time in a couple years. This time of year I think of the tropics so make purchases such as azomite thinking I can create some magical volcanic soil! At my age you'd think I'd know better.
They're definitely better in February... the season of dreaming about the garden 😄
Adding 20 year old compost to the garden, created a tomato yield that was out of this world. I was getting full paper grocery bags of tomatoes at a time. Adding freshwater seaweed to tomato's created leggy, and quite productive tomato's. A weird combo. Too bad it was planted around the mailbox (lol).
Ooohh! What’s that tent? I want that! (You are unzipping it at 3:50)
The place I got it from no longer has it in stock, but I believe this is the same one: amzn.to/49pu2ou
Thank you for this thoughtful video! It was very informative with respect to seed type, selection, resources, and seed companies to choose from.
Thank you so much for another very informative and superb quality video! You are truly the best gardener on TH-cam!
Wow, thank you!
Thanks again for your great video. I am in Ohio as well and I love to plant Cherry tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes, and Early girl. I love the smaller variations. My tomatoes never make it into the kitchen I eat them right off the plant. Last year I had small carrots which I did not pick the year before and they really tasted so good. This year I got Heirloom seeds and I will try to plant them soon. But still, I will get some backup tomato plants from Menard's. Happy Gardening my new friend:)
Happy gardening to you as well!!
I just saw you on a Gurney seed commercial. Awesome!
Awww...! What a cutie pie! Happily helping his mama. He reminds me of one of my little ones. Always want to help. 😊❤
He's my little helper! That kid loves to work 😄
I agree that hybrids have come a long way over the last 30 years. But I grow bushels of beautiful heirlooms in my Indiana garden. Even with the inevitable blight.
I do still love growing heirloom varieties. But I do a mix of hybrid and heirlooms every year.
I'm excited to investigate some of the rating sites!
I hope you find them useful!
You truley are amazing! The in depth info you give is much appreciated and thank you so, so very much for sharing it with the people in the World who garden & homestead and the ones who are interested in starting. 💚
Wow, thank you!
Yep, I'm guilty of spending to grow tomatoes. I do purchase some starts and always, some amendments. My tomato growing goal is that scrumptious flavor of summertime tomatoes! ...and to keep them as blight-free and pest-free as organically possible. My faves? - the Brandywines and Sun Gold and Indigo Rose cherries.
Omg I'm so excited about Sun Golds. I kept hearing about them last year from many different places so I got some seeds for this year. Fingers crossed I treat them well and get a lovely, super tasty harvest!
Thank you so much for this amazing and informative video. I have become a better gardener because of you!
Same here! Glad I checked channel - I LOL when Jenna talks about when "Moon is in Jupiter" 🤣🤣 NOW, I have that song "When the Moon is in thaaaa seventh house and Jupiter, aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars..." stuck in my head. As I blend custom seed starting medium for now starting Artichoke, and more Onion seeds! Keep the videos coming Jenna and thank you so much, you're my actual favorite garden vloger because I'm now also in Ohio zone 6a, formerly from 7500 ft elev Colorado, so I need ALL your advice I can absorb!! Colorado is so different a clime, low humidity, short growing season, but I was at a similar latitude there as I am here - 40 +degree North aprox.
AQUARIUS 🎶🎼🎵🎤A QUA RI USSS😂😂😂😂. You got the ear worm! Agree about Jenna’s videos!
I think some of my plants were aligned more with Uranus last year. Need to watch more Jenna tips.
@brianczuhai8909 😂 some of mine were too
Haha- I'm glad you can appreciate my weirdness 😆
Heirloom tomatoes health and production depends on where you live and your climate. I grow both Heirloom and hybrid because I have varieties of both I like but mostly Heirloom and I get between 6 to 25 large tomatoes on slicers and buckets of cherry tomatoes more than I can eat and preserve, but definitely won't grow well everywhere.
Very true, and very dependent on the variety of heirloom too.
You're in michigan. I cut back the asparagus. And removed my trellises. Plan on replacing the trellis is sometime soon. And I did plant lettuces and spinach already. Garlic is coming up really fast. And it is still mulched. I did put down landscape roll. My plan on adding cardboard soon.
I knew that I would find plenty of interesting information here. I can't think of anything to add. OH well there is this, you missed an excellent resource for gardeners, especially us in the NE in zone 6. That, of course, is your channel.
duh! that's why johnny seeds in Maine never fails in my NJ garden! Thanks
A great company!
From experience I know soil health and micronutrients makes the difference. I have grown tomato with hydroponic and even when trying to add some micronutrients, the flavor simply doesn't compare to soil grown. For tomato, sun angle is very important I think to develop sweetness. When I grew in South Florida, the Black Cherry variety grew very well (although it is true the variety tolerates humidity better than others) the fruit skin became very dark and some of the fruits were intensely sweet, this is true with other cherry variety. I never get the same level of dark color and sweetness growing it in the Midwest. I believe the even and lower fluctuating night temperature potentially play a role as well.
Spot on!! And great point about temperature fluctuations- this can absolutely affect flavor!
In 2019 I made it a point to be self-sufficient in tomatoes for a year. After two seasons of experimenting, the best yielding (for me) are F1 hybrid determinant Romas. I can and store a year's worth of tomatoes off of 8 plants. Seed variety and where you get them make a difference.
TY. Oh my goodness, I love your videos.
I'm so glad!
Thank you for the links to All American Selections winners and Seedlinked!
You bet!
Thank you for giving us small scale gardeners such wealth of information.
Best video I’ve watched in months! 🏆
I'm so glad to hear this- thank you!
I am planning my first ever garden and there are not enough words to say how helpful this video is!!!! Thank you for all the great information 🤍
I am so glad to hear you're planning your first ever garden! Best wishes for an excellent growing season!
You’re AWESOME,thanks and keep em coming
Thanks- will do!
amazing resource! Thank you for the different seed resources. Can't wait to check it out!!! Amazing video!
Glad it was helpful!
Awesome video with lots of good information. Last year I grew in a brand new garden with lots of space. I grew lots of veggies especially a variety of peppers and tomatoes and saved a lot of seeds for this year. It is very rewarding to watch the seeds you saved grow into seedlings for the upcoming season. Love all your videos. Well done :)
Glad to hear you had lots of space to grow-- that's awesome!
Probably one of the most educational videos I’ve seen. Thank you!
Glad to hear this- thank you!
I've never had success with carrots but am going to try the August sowing you mentioned. Another great video!
I hope that the August planted carrots do great for you!
Love these high level, deep discussions Jenna. This is well timed and well done.
I'm so glad!
Garden harvest yield looked gracefully & grandly! 💚🥕👍
Love your channel. Keep up the great work. Growing in zone 7 DEC.
Awesome! Thank you!
oh! Your garden looks just like mine does right now. Can't wait to get things in the ground
Thank you for sharing!!!!!!
21:27 No! You are supposed to Feel it lol. I remember doing soil testing in Ag class and thot it was dumb at the time and didn't understand it whatsoever. Until I started really trying to understand plants and soil, then it just fell into place. I think it's funny that everyone does this water trick partly bc I picture modern city people contemplating it and some old school farmer walks over and just grabs some soil and then immediately tells them exactly what it is lol.
This is a great channel find. I'm probably just north or you, a couple of miles from the lake. My first and last frost are a little different because of the lake buffer, but it's good to sit and watch another local gardener.
It's great to hear from a fellow Ohioan!
that is an interesting looking broadfork.
It's a modified broadfork- great for heavy soil!
Many thanks for your videos! I really enjoy watching them as a once Ohio zone 6b gardener. I am now a zone 7b vegetable gardener in Germany and order/bring heirloom tomato seeds back with me from the US nearly every year - favorite being Nahuetbula Pink. The secret to growing heirloom tomatoes is providing them with a covering/roof over their heads to protect them from retaining rain/moisture on their leaves. I am fortunate to have a small greenhouse, however their are „pop-up“ small vinyl shelters ranging in size to house a couple plants to quite a lot of plants. These also restrain the warmth at night to keep them warm, which is what they need to ripen. I am certain something like this is available in the US and I am also certain one can make something from scratch as well.
Thanks again for your videos!
Thanks for the tip on growing heirlooms! And I'll have to check out Nahuetbula Pink!
I'm late.
Thank you Jenna for all this great information and idea's.
You are welcome!
Dunno what it’s like in the states but in au I have found breeds of things like grapes found in supermarkets have focused too much on brix levels. So they just taste like sugar water and spike glucose levels when eaten. Was in indo the other month and was amazed at the difference in availability of fruit with flavour rather than brix level. If I’m going to eat excessively sugary food I would rather eat chocolate.
It's like this in the states too!
well thought out and put together video. Appreciate the links and tip for checking local reviews.
Thanks for watching!
Another great, concise yet info packed video. You're simply in a league of your own, thank you as always for sharing your secrets, tips and extensive knowledge with us, Jenna!
I appreciate that!
I like hearing about the breeding of plants. I’d even like to see a tour of one of those facilities if you ever got the chance
I'll try to do that at some point!
New subscriber. 💚👍🏻
Thanks for subbing and welcome to the channel!
What fabulous information! Thanks so very much. Love your channel, as always!
Can you let us know what kind of zip up cover/mini greenhouse that was covering your greens?
The place I got it from no longer has it in stock, but I believe this is the same one: amzn.to/49pu2ou
@@GrowfullywithJenna Thank you!
Not sure if you've done this? But have you covered how to save seed? Dry seeds I've got down pat. But I read wet seeds like tomatoes need to be fermented???? Never heard of that before. That could be a really helpful video. thanks again, love your channel!!💚💚💚
Seconding this!
I saved some cherry tomato seeds the year before last. I'd never heard about fermenting them. I just found a few YT videos about it and followed their instructions. Basically just cleaned all the gooey off them, let them set out for a while to dry, and then stored in a cool, dry place. My summer squash seeds on the other hand, I guess I didn't do those right because those took a hard left into no good land.
I haven't yet! But will try to get some information out there soon!
@@GrowfullywithJennayes please
That is why I'm not sold on this channel. I save seeds from all of my plants. My tomatoes are NOT "tasteless". I grow zero hybrid tomatoes. I grow zero hybrid plants, period. Some taste great, but I'm not paying to plant food if unnecessary. She also complicates gardening. It isn't that hard, folks.
Hi Jenna! I'm looking forward to gardening along with you again this year! This time I'll be starting in February instead of finding you in July! I am also in zone 6a, or possibly it's now 6b, since they've changed things. Can you please tell me when you start pepper seeds indoors? Thank you!
Hi there and glad to hear you'll be gardening along!
I start peppers here in mid-March.
Best wishes for a wonderful gardening season!
Very helpful information I never even thought about! Thank you for the time you spent giving it to us little home gardeners.
I'm glad it was helpful!!
So glad you mentioned the Delicata squash. This is my first year growing it.
Hope you enjoy it!
@@GrowfullywithJenna Thank you.
I need someone to create a variety that's squash vine borer resistant squash/zucchini. That thing is my absolute nemesis!
Don't we all!
I was wondering if you would do any video on Walipini or making cold frames. I’ve seen these are large scales. I also have clay soil and I don’t think I could dig that much or that deep. Also love the videos you are amazing. I have been watching you 3 years now.
I had hoped to get a video done on cold frames this winter, but that didn't happen... and I've been dreaming about making a walapini for a while now! I probably won't get it done this season, but maybe by late next winter I'll have something to share.
Great tips! I struggled to grow heirlooms for years & didnt u derstand what I was doing wrong. Then I learned they just arent bred for the disease resistance like hybrids are! & you're so right! A lot of the newer hybrids are disease resistant & still taste good!
Agree on tue soil test. For years I was adding a fertilizer containing calcium, not knowing I had waaaay too much calcium in my soil already!
Same! My soil test showed high in calcium too, which I was not expecting!
Oh my i harvested some carrots in January for first time was so sweet like nothing I ever tasted.
I'm so glad you got to taste them!
OK now I don't feel bad about not growing hybrid tomatoes this year. A friend recommended jet stars and I tried them last year. So much more productive and a great all-round tomato (canned very well also). I'll still do a few mortgage lifters as they make awesome tomato sandwiches. Thanks for another great video Jenna, you really are a great service to the garden community!!!!!!
I take a similar approach-- a mix of hybrids and heirloom/open pollinated each year!
I meant not growing heirloom@@GrowfullywithJenna
One of the things I've been taught to boost flavor and nutritional profiles in your fruits and veggies is to add a well balanced mineral compound to your soil.
Like what specifically?
Especially true in soils that are depleted of minerals!
so informative (: thank you
I'm glad you found it informative!
I’ve learned so much from you over the past few years! I’m gonna check out some of those sites you mentioned. Thanks for all you do to help us grow our best gardens! Greetings from southern Ohio!!!
Great to hear!
Thanks for the great advice!!!
You are so welcome!
You're such a wealth of knowledge!
Wonderful content! All the links will come in handy. Thank you 🎉
You are welcome!
So helpful. I will have to watch it again and take notes. Thank you for sharing your passion!
Glad it was helpful!
Great video Jenna!
Yes, a lot of water can water down flavor and things especially onions and radishes can be a bit sharp if grown dry.
You explained why I’m finding so many vegetables geared toward ‘sweet’ as when they test they have no idea about flavor, but test for brix scale. That part concerns me as we may lose what a vegetable should taste like. Even more so that I need to find and save varieties we like. Although I’m finding it a bit difficult in my preference for some hybrids. Sigh, I shouldn’t worry about it so much as if it’s only a few and I need to buy hybrid then so be it.
Thanks for the variety sites! It makes a lot of sense to check this out. I like trying new varieties, but some may not grow in my short season especially if they weren’t started early as I experienced with Tithonia. Thought it was a weed and just before frost it popped out 2 flowers-Ooooo! 😅
Yes to harvesting carrots in the snow!! They were so crispy and bright orange-just fantastic!
I’m a variety snob as well😂
What we discovered is drip emitter irrigation has substantially increased yield and general quality. We just run it manually and have to be careful to not forget it’s on 😉. Vegetables are larger and more tender with even moisture. Last year’s drought forced us to learn how to install -it’s a work in progress. There was no way I could have watered everything in a timely manner before the heat of the day set in. I also discovered it brought a big jump in worm population as we had close to none. Arborist chips are also helping a ton.
Thanks again for all the hard work and sharing your knowledge!
You know what's interesting? Even those who are evaluating for flavor (not just brix) are selecting for sweeter & sweeter every breeding cycle. It's because the average consumer's palette (especially Americans), leans towards the sweet the better. My dad complained of these early on in the evolution of sweet corn breeding-- the newer hybrids were just too sweet for him and didn't even taste like corn. I thought he was crazy at first, but any more I feel the same way!
About Heirloom tomatoes I agree that (especially in southern Maryland) they are a challenge. But I graft a few Cherokee Purple tomato seedlings onto Maxifort rootstock and they do amazingly well. Just a FYI, I have Fusarium oxysporum (confirmed by University of Maryland lab many years ago) in my soil. So the rest of my tomatoes need to be F1 and F2 tolerant. I find cherry tomatoes do just fine. And my new favorite is Rubee dawn from Totally Tomatoes. Early, prolific and tastes really good for an early tomato. Supposed to be a compact indeterminate but bigger than I expected last year.
I'm glad you brought up grafting-- definitely an option for folks who struggle with growing their favorite heirlooms!
And I agree on the Rubee Dawn- grew it last year for the first time and was impressed with it, my plants also got larger than I expected!
Wow! Lots of great advice! Thank you!
You're welcome!
I grew stuff i didn't like for yrs . And i still do got plenty of turnups lol! But besides stuff and stapels im growing 90% watermelon every year same location no problem over the yrs compost makes no need to rotate crops. Orange crisp and 2 or 3 other species this year.
Thank You for all the great resources, your channel is a real gem.
Harvested carrots in Jan for the 1st time this year, you are so correct on the amazing flavor.
I rely on worm castings, compost, leaf mold and comfrey tea for my plant nutrients, nitrogen is the only supplement I need from time to time, usually in the form of blood meal.
Weather is totally crazy in WI. Had a tornado 10 days ago 35 miles south of me, getting close to 60F on Thursday. I have had to cover some sprouting garlic 3 times with leaves this winter.
Stay Well!!!
I'm so glad you got to harvest some January carrots!!
And OH MY... this weather!! I'm glad the tornado didn't get any closer to you... but these temps being allover the place (and so warm for this time of year) really makes me wonder what this gardening season holds for us!
@@GrowfullywithJenna I covered some soil with clear plastic for broccoli yesterday, it was still mostly frozen from the mulch I applied in the fall, with that removed and some clear plastic, when the soil temp reaches 40F I am planting broccoli!
Think I will cut the bottoms out of some plastic gallon jugs to give them their own little greenhouse.
As You know, we will get what we get, hopefully we can respond in time to keep things growing.
You and your channel are a real treasure, Stay Well!!!
Thank you, Jenna. Great recap and summaries. Your teaching style is so clear and natural! Fertilizers are very confusing to me, and even though I have pretty good basic knowledge of soils science from college, NPK and plant physiology, I get completely lost when it comes to knowing which type of fertilizer to add and when, much less what is the most cost effective way to go about it from an input perspective. Seems like a real art…?
It's so nice to hear this- thank you!
And yes, I believe fertilizer application (and so many other things garden-related), is as much as art as a science. Given your background, you're probably much advanced beyond the info that I offer in this video, but just in case it helps, I do have a video on my approach to fertilizer: th-cam.com/video/Z2exgyjzr5c/w-d-xo.htmlsi=_Oops38l4fxa3Fpb
@@GrowfullywithJenna This does help a lot. So you use the same powdered fertilizer for all seedling types as well as garlic and onions top dressing, etc? I see so many crop specific types on Pine Tree and Gurney’s, etc.
the food out of my garden tastes 10 times better than the food they sell at the grocery store.
Great video! Where did you get that awesome zip up frost cover for your raised bed? I need those!! Thanks ❤
The place I got it from no longer has it in stock, but I believe this is the same one: amzn.to/49pu2ou
Thanks Jenna you are a wealth of information. Too late this year but I will definitely be using that seed link site next year to hep me decide on varieties.
I just picked the last of my winter carrots last week and you are so right about the sweetness of winter carrots. I'm glad I started doing that.
One tip maybe if possible about too much water for strawberries. I noticed they really lose their flavor if it gets too wet when they are ripening and since they are so close to the ground it may be possible to put a plastic cover over to shield them from too much rain. It would be easy if you already have a structure in place to for netting to keep the birds out.
I'm so glad you got to enjoy some winter carrots!
And great tip about the strawberries- thanks for sharing!
Hi Jenna, I also live in Ohio and I'm wondering if you grow asparagus, and if so, do you have a video about starting an asparagus bed or any tips for me?
Hello! I love growing asparagus (one of my favorite veggies) and I do have a video here: th-cam.com/video/uNdGpaNI9Xo/w-d-xo.htmlsi=_zA_TWrStMSzpdL_
I just discovered your site. Winter carrots : what about the field mices, which lack food in winter?
I give over half away and always hear mine are better maybe because they are free but yes fresh is better even our salsa is better than the Mexican restaurant that where we learn to love salsa.
I'm now getting early, and later season radishes as you have suggested they are better as you teach.
Melons vine ripped are almost impossible to buy unless you live out in the country
Your son makes quick trips working hard 💪
Your favorite Midnight Snack is everyone. I've tested at least 30 people new favorite
My favorite slicer is Black Brandywine for all beefy burgers you try them
Thanks Lady 👍
Ooh- I've not tried Black Brandywine yet!
If you do raise Black Brandywine, try on burgers off the grill or steak burger.
You know everyone not agree with anything, but Black Brandywine holds its juice after the cut, but when you're crunching down, that's their time to release them juicy tomato moisture. I love those so much. ❤
Great info Jenna. One thing I wanted to tell you earlier...I've seen great results myself as well as others online with a product called Gopher Hawk. I know they have been a problem for you in the past. I'm less likely to use it on moles as they are grub eaters, but for chipmunks and gophers eating my strawberries I think it's a game changer (I'm not a sponsor) . Kind Regards. Craig
Thanks Craig! I actually bought a Gopher Hawk a few years back... but I've had zero luck with it. Do you have any tricks to making it work?
Main tip is to gently place trap in tunnel. You should be able to feel this when it happens. Don't try to anchor the tip of the trap forcefully in the bottom of the tunnel. If no success in 24-36 hours,...relocate trap. Remember that gophers and chipmunks always have 2 entrances to their underground den. As a child I would trap them and release them. (This was easily done by finding both entrances and covering one of them with an empty quart glass jar inverted over the hole and placing 1-2 quarts of water in the other hole. The gopher/chipmunk would actually go up into the inverted jar and look around and when it was doing this you can easily place the lid over the inverted jar opening.) Because of the two tunnels, two Tomahawk traps improve success (One in each tunnel) Note that the two tunnels are usually 90-180 degrees from each other. Craig
Thank you!
Holy smokes! What a ton of information. Have you tried KNF?
I've started researching it, but have not yet tried it in my own garden.
This is great! And I highly recommend a humorous book "The $64 tomato" by Bill Alexander. It's an autobiographical fiction of his quest to start vegetable gardening - trials and tribulations over a few years and ultimately figuring his cost to achieve succes :)
Thanks for the recommendation-- I'll have to check it out!
Terrific information, enjoyed the video.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Where did you get that broadfork?
My brother-in-law made it... it's a 'modified' broadfork (great for extra heavy soil). As of yet, I've not been able to find one for sale anywhere.
@@GrowfullywithJenna it looks so cool
Unfortunately here near Lisbon in Portugal we rarely have a frost, this year we didn’t get any day below 2°C. I would love to try carrots and kale after frosts, but our winters are getting hotter. 😢
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We're definitely getting warmer here too, but still get some cold spells.
great video!
As always a fantastic lot of information presented beautifully. I recently discovered that I'm able to get a soil test for free thanks to our state Environmental Protection Agency... the focus is more on contaminates but should give me an idea as to the mineral levels present.
Do you have any tips for growing watermelon? I'm giving it a try for the second time... last time they started forming fruit but seemed to stop after they reached a bit less than squash ball size. I may not have watered them enough is my thought?
That's a great resource- hopefully other folks have the same in their states!
There are a few reasons watermelon don't size up. Improper pollination, disease or insufficient nutrients can all be leading causes. Do you recall what variety you tried last year?
@@GrowfullywithJennaI don't remember, sorry. It wouldn't have been anything fancy... most likely whatever Mr Fothergill's standard seed was. I'm guessing my previous failure was I neglected to water it as much as needed. Thanks for the information :D
I love your videos. You have so much knowledge. May I ask your background or education in agriculture? I hope it isn't too personal of a question. I am asking because I have seriously been considering a career change and can really see myself being involved in gardening/agriculture somehow even though I have no formal education in it. I would be starting from scratch and am not sure where to start. I love research though and you mentioned being involved in seed trials and that really fascinates me.
Thank you! And definitely not too personal-- I feel like that's a fair question to ask of anyone who is posing as an 'expert' on social media!!
I did not go to school for agriculture (graduated with a BA), but was hired shortly out of college by a home gardening catalog company and worked in various parts of the horticultural industry (merchandising, marketing and R&D) for over 15 years before starting my own consulting/trialing business. I had a lot of on the job training, but I attribute the majority of my basic knowledge to growing up in a family of avid gardeners! Many of the folks that I know in the industry who have followed similar career paths do have a educational background in horticulture, agriculture, botany etc. but some, like me, have totally unrelated backgrounds and have learned on the job.
@GrowfullywithJenna I wondered if your background was from growing up in agrculture because in one episode I saw you mentioned, and may have even been on, your parents' property. Your knowledge is amazing even if your BA is in a different field. You are very well spoken and explain things so well and thoroughly do your research. It is actually nice to know there could be other pathways into this field if one has the desire to learn. I love that you started the cosulting/seed trialing business. That is so fascinating. I really do appreciate your response. Thanks so much!
Nice dear ❤
Thank you Jenna! The information you provide in your videos is truly helpful! Wondering if you can answer this question. I live on the east coast of Canada and for years have grown the Juliet F1 hybrid grape tomato in my small urban garden where it produced wonderfully. This year, when trying to order seed from a large US company, it has been banned from being shipped to Canada. Any ideas why this might be? or where I could look for that information? Thanks again.
I'm not sure about Canada, but I know in the United States, individual states will put restrictions on certain plant material restricting shipment into the state. This is most often due to restrict the potential movement of harmful plant pests, diseases, and noxious weeds... though I've never heard of a tomato being restricted before!
@@GrowfullywithJenna Thank you!