This looks like old info from a year ago. Why is it showing up now? Her graph shows the spot price up to about January of this year, when it reached a peak before falling to current levels. Note her comments about supply don't appear to be accurate as the spot price went down throughout 2024, so clearly there was supply that was meeting demand. I'm sure that supply will start to dry up, but it's interesting to see how Uranium bulls can be wrong looking back.
6:26 ".... pre discover explorers haven't moved yet..."' Many juniors with a discovery, but not yet a formal resource definition, also have not moved. And yes, juniors with nothing but ambition are totally flat.
This looks like old info from a year ago. Why is it showing up now? Her graph shows the spot price up to about January of this year, when it reached a peak before falling to current levels. Note her comments about supply don't appear to be accurate as the spot price went down throughout 2024, so clearly there was supply that was meeting demand. I'm sure that supply will start to dry up, but it's interesting to see how Uranium bulls can be wrong looking back.
6:00 The Cameco slide has a date at the bottom: December 19, 2023. So yeah, it looks like your right.
6:26 ".... pre discover explorers haven't moved yet..."' Many juniors with a discovery, but not yet a formal resource definition, also have not moved. And yes, juniors with nothing but ambition are totally flat.
Great stuff, thanks again!
Lets go! 🎉
A timeless piece 🤷🏻🤣
Who is this woman?
Resource Maven. Use to have a newsletter but now works for a company or a few of them.
Gwen Preston