In Alaska Fish Farming was banned decades ago, Now who has the biggest and best wild fish populations? ALASKA We do have fish hatcheries where salmon are raised to smolt size and released to the wild, where they live out their life eating wild food in their natural habitat. But in a fish farm they are fed pellets with dye to maintain the red meat color. And fed antibiotics due to the amounts of diseases present in a Fish farm environment. Washington, British Columbia,Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and many other places in the world had there wild fish populations decimated only after the introductions of fish farms.
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Many many thanks my colleagues for very important ve effective work.
Hlo sir.....
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In Alaska Fish Farming was banned decades ago, Now who has the biggest and best wild fish populations? ALASKA We do have fish hatcheries where salmon are raised to smolt size and released to the wild, where they live out their life eating wild food in their natural habitat. But in a fish farm they are fed pellets with dye to maintain the red meat color. And fed antibiotics due to the amounts of diseases present in a Fish farm environment. Washington, British Columbia,Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and many other places in the world had there wild fish populations decimated only after the introductions of fish farms.
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