Just saying but I would love to see a video on the tuatara and also a video on a genus of birds and the genus of birds is the genus falco and the genus is part of the family Falconidae and the genus falco is a genus of predatory birds and the genus includes species like the American kestrel, Gyrfalcon, Prairie Falcon, the Peregrine falcon and the New Zealand falcon which is the country's most threatened bird of prey, with only around 3000-5000 breeding pairs remaining.
Great video, even greater accent😊
Great vid
Just saying but I would love to see a video on the tuatara and also a video on a genus of birds and the genus of birds is the genus falco and the genus is part of the family Falconidae and the genus falco is a genus of predatory birds and the genus includes species like the American kestrel, Gyrfalcon, Prairie Falcon, the Peregrine falcon and the New Zealand falcon which is the country's most threatened bird of prey, with only around 3000-5000 breeding pairs remaining.
Great suggestions!