Thanks for having Jozef on your show. Jozef is a fellow Texan and someone I am proud to call a personal friend of mine. He and his family epitomize the "Move to Russia" movement. We encourage all who are curious about Russia and who question the Russia bad narrative to visit Russia and discover the truth for yourself.
I am pleased to hear some truthful information about Russia. Americans have a highly distorted picture of Russia. I am Hungarian and Catholic, have PhD in Russian literature and it is my love. Russian culture is deeply religious and religion could survive during the 70 years of Communism. I lived in the Soviet Union and also in Russia, I am very impressed by someone who made this move and started to understand holy Russia. Russia might be the most Christian country now. God bless you.
@@mariapavlovszky4326 Maria, thank you for such a kind and encouraging message. It's so sad that we Americans have allowed ourselves to be molded to have this distorted view. Please God that the Truth will only become more clear to more people. This is a fantastic point you have made and I hope people will see it for what it is.
Russia might be the most Christian country now? Are you serious? "Christian" Russia has among the fewest people who attend church services on Sundays or even Christmas and Easter. It's presently 1-2 percent. Even on Christmas and Easter it doesn't reach 5 percent, and that's counting those who wonder in and out for 5-10 minutes. There's no religious education in schools except to tell students that Russia was always Orthodox and opposed to "evil" western values and religious traditions with its authoritarianism to be the most benevolent in history. On Christmas and Easter you won't virtually hear any holy day greetings in the media as is omnipresent in Ukraine. No Nativity scenes or crosses in public places. Just a few huge churches rebuilt by pseudo Christian or atheist oligarchs or at government expense for the sake of building up a "great Russia." As for "holy Russia" how dare you ignore that in the minds of today's Russians that holiness is based on destroying an entire neighboring country that their fuhrer has declared to be Nazi in the worst propagandistic vein. Holy is bombing hospitals, maternity wards, schools, churches, museums, the homes of old people in villages, not allowing a peaceful celebration of Cjristmas and Easter? How sickly minded can one get? This guy is so reminiscent of the thousands of workers who in the 1930s relocated to the Soviet Union believing it to be a "worker's paradise." Their descendants came to condemn them for the evil they had to suffer for that ignorant, naive move.
Russia might be the most Christian country now? Are you serious? "Christian" Russia has among the fewest people who attend church services on Sundays or even Christmas and Easter. It's presently 1-2 percent. Even on Christmas and Easter it doesn't reach 5 percent, and that's counting those who wonder in and out for 5-10 minutes. There's no religious education in schools except to tell students that Russia was always Orthodox and opposed to "evil" western values and religious traditions with its authoritarianism to be the most benevolent in history. On Christmas and Easter you won't virtually hear any holy day greetings in the media as is omnipresent in Ukraine. No Nativity scenes or crosses in public places. Just a few huge churches rebuilt by pseudo Christian or atheist oligarchs or at government expense for the sake of building up a "great Russia." As for "holy Russia" how dare you ignore that in the minds of today's Russians that holiness is based on destroying an entire neighboring country that their fuhrer has declared to be Nazi in the worst propagandistic vein. Holy is bombing hospitals, maternity wards, schools, churches, museums, the homes of old people in villages, not allowing a peaceful celebration of Cjristmas and Easter? How sickly minded can one get? This guy is so reminiscent of the thousands of workers who in the 1930s relocated to the Soviet Union believing it to be a "worker's paradise." Their descendants came to condemn them for the evil they had to suffer for that ignorant, naive move.
I’m retired military, stayed 30 years because I wasn’t leaving my brothers. Found Tradition after retiring (it was absolutely not available in the Archdiocese of the Military Services). I’ve been retired since ‘18 and in that time I’ve come to regret in a most profound way my time in uniform and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to completely separate from the US and I’ve been seriously considering Russia as an option. Thank you for sharing this tremendous conversation!
I would give anything to be able to go. But I'm 80, and I don't think my retirement would follow me. I understand every word Jozef said. The United States was/is protestant and its decline into chaos is inevitable. Josef's grandchildren will belong to a country with a Christian past. That's a treasure beyond price. May Jozef and his family be well.
Давно подписана на канал Джозефа и в ютубе и телеграмм.. нравится его семья очень, его грамотные рассуждения. Мне сейчас 53 года, пережила 90е годы, никогда не хотела уехать из России, всегда верила в лучшие времена в нашей стране 🙏❤️и вот сейчас приезжают в Россию за лучшей жизнью для своих детей иностранцы.. добро пожаловать хорошим людям🤝🍀
@@Упавшийспечки Нельзя сделать всех счастливыми. Я не буду говорить за кого-то другого. Мы учим дома, чтобы бережно воспитывать наших детей в тесноте. Вы можете стать родителем только один раз... Все должно быть сделано аккуратно.
You are so horrified by Russia's "invasion". And where were your Catholic and Protestant emotions when your country bombed Serbia with depleted uranium and destroyed Iraq and Libya?! And looted. Have you ever wondered where you got such cheap loans? Just analyze yourself more often!
Education in the West is completely different than in the East, and one may think that they're the same, but they're not. Because in the East Education is how to become better person, in the West is how to concore the others . So in the West, one has to become smart and strong to understand that, and it takes time to do so. Some sooner, some later, and sadly, some never get to understand. I'm happy for this young family that they've understood that and have been strong enough to change their lives for something that they over the years understood and believe in. By the way, I know how you feel, and I understand in a way. Because I was born and raised in Yugoslavia. Spent half of my life there (even during the war) and the other half here in North America . So I've seen and understand both sides very well. So my advice to you would be, don't allow anyone or anything to seed your soul with hate towards anyone . Love all, hate none!
Немецкий философ Вальтер Шубарт О РУССКИХ «Западноевропейский человек рассматривает жизнь, как рабыню, которой он наступил ногой на шею… Он не смотрит с преданностью на небо, а, полный властолюбия, злыми враждебными глазами глядит вниз, на землю. Русский человек одержим не волей к власти, а чувством примирения и любви. Он исполнен не гневом и ненавистью, а глубочайшим доверием к сущности мира. Он видит в человеке не врага, а брата». Англичанин хочет видеть мир - как фабрику, француз - как салон, немец - как казарму, русский, - как церковь. Англичанин хочет добычи, француз - славы, немец - власти, русский - жертвы. Англичанин хочет наживаться от ближнего, француз - импонировать ближнему, немец - командовать ближним, а русский ничего от него не хочет. Он не желает превращать ближнего в свое средство. Это братство русского сердца и русской идеи. И это есть Евангелие будущего. Русский всечеловек есть носитель нового солидаризма. Прометеевский человек уже обречен смерти. Наступает эпоха Иоанновского человека - человека любви и свободы. Таково будущее русского народа. Запад движим неверием, страхом и себялюбием; русская душа движима верою, покоем и братством. Именно поэтому будущее принадлежит России… У европейца - человек человеку волк, всяк за себя, всяк сам себе бог; поэтому все против всех и все против Бога; и героичность его есть очень часто эксцесс себялюбия и гордости - личной или национальной. Это корыстный и хищный героизм. Европеец доволен, когда ему завидуют, и терпеть не может, чтобы его жалели, - это унижение. Поэтому он скрытен, притворяется, чопорен, чванлив и театрально надут - и когда русский это видит, то у него щемит на сердце. Русский подходит к своему ближнему непосредственно и тепло. Он сорадуется и сострадает. Он всегда склонен к расположению и доверию. Быстро сближается. Он естествен, и в этом его шарм. Он прост, интимен, склонен к откровенности, стремится быть полезным. Новый человек Европы не заметил, как он прошел через иудаизацию христианства и утратил и Бога и Христа. В России иное понимание Евангелия. Русские были христианами до своего обращения в христианство. Поэтому христианство распространилось в России не мечом, как у Карла Великого, а само, легко и быстро - избранием. Русское сердце было открыто не Ветхому, а именно Новому Завету. Так оно и осталось; в русской душе есть данные, делающие русского человека самым верным сыном Христа. Вот откуда русская национальная идея: спасение человечества придет из России. Это самая глубокая и самая широкая национальная идея из всех, имеющихся у других народов. Основная социальная идея русского народа такова: общество как церковь, как духовная общность, как свободное многообразие в любовном единстве, как мистическое Тело Христа… И ещё замечательно, что русское безбожие - иное, чем на Западе: оно не холодное сомнение, не безразличие, а огненный вызов Богу, трепещущее кощунство, восстание, жалоба на Бога, может быть, тоска по утерянном Боге. Самое безбожие носит у русских характер религиозного неистовства. И самое понимание Евангелия в России иное, чем на Западе: западное христианство болеет властолюбием - оно насильственно обращает в христианство, это воинственное, милитаризованное учение о Боге, дающем победу; это искажение Евангелия Ветхим Заветом и естественный переход от Ветхого Завета к безбожию… Можно сказать, что европеец - человек дела, а русский - человек души и сердца. И Европа есть страна деловитости, а Россия есть родина души. Душевный человек вчувствуется в ближнего и воспринимает его интуитивно и чутко; ему не важно происхождение, образование, партийность, профессия, титул и орден. И замечательно, когда неевропеец впервые приезжает в Россию, он бывает приятно изумлен и обрадован; а когда русский впервые приезжает в Европу - то он чувствует себя отрезвленным и разочарованным. Кто узнает русского лично - тот полюбит его. Пока европейца знаешь по его заслугам - до тех пор он тебе импонирует. Русский человек, может быть, и плохой делец, но братский чело
@@zzzed7286 На Западе всё устроено так, что-бы разделить людей а не объединить! То, что вы пишите расходится с реальностью! Поэтому не надо нам заливать про сплочение! В России всё направлено на сплочение, поэтому в России уживаются люди разных рас и вероисповедания, это заслуга Советского Союза! Запад в этом завидует России!
@Упавшийспечки 😳 You obviously don't know the English language or are not bright enough to understand what was said in my previous comment or your translator doesn't work properly ?! However, I don't need a translator to understand your comment, which, by the way, doesn't make sense! Because I've learned a cirilic long time before I've learned English! 😄 So, to make it as simple as possible for you to understand what I meant in my previous comment, is ? Russia as a country and Russian people have one of the best educational systems in the world ! If you still don't understand my comments, you should use that education more, because it may help you. 😊 Hopefully, your translator will translate this properly for you to understand?😊
@Упавшийспечки by the way, I live in North America and I'm not gonna change my keyboard, which is in English, to cirilic just for you to understand better.
Thank God for families like Joseph's. We in Russia are glad to see people who believe in God. I wish well to the people of the USA, and may my Russia develop and become better. I'm watching a TH-cam channel where a family moved from Canada and built a house in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. I wish everyone who came to Russia thanks to faith in God protection and help from our heavenly father.
Thank you, gentlemen, for this fine dialogue, this was so refreshing! I must say, I heard so much sadness in Joe's final narrative. And I share it, though I'm a Russian living in Moscow most of my life. But I"ve spent 7 years of my teenage period in the USA, came to love this country and it's People, and I pray to God that our governments may coexist on friendly terms in some not too distant future! Once again, thank you both, and God bless!
Спасибо за глубокое, насыщенное интервью! Смотрела видео Джозефа- он заботливый семьянин, умный, эрудированный , красивый обаятельный мужчина. В приоритете которого- семья и духовные ценности. А семья у него- замечательная! Очаровательная супруга, милые дети. Я желаю Джозефу счастья в России, осуществления планов, детям получить хорошее образование. Мира, здоровья, успехов и благополучия! Храни вас Бог!❤😊
I saw them couple times around the Cathedral. Very nice family and the kids would gain a lot by growing in Moscow. Regarding the language Jozeph should ask in the parish. There is a lot of Russian as a foreign language teachers around. I am sure that community will help to figure it out.
I watch Joseph and his family on TH-cam with interest. I am glad that people with such high moral standards and religious beliefs have chosen our country to live in. I understand how difficult it is for foreigners to settle in a new unfamiliar country, learn the language, etc. Let English become another of the 196 languages of Russia.
i worked as a contractor for a company and was assigned on a project and spent 5 weeks in Russia in Magadan, Nov/Dec 2005 and i was impressed with the people. There was a snowstorm, and i was quite surprised early next morning the workmen where out and they had a special type of truck - seems like it cut the ice from the road. Since then, i do not buy the general narrative of Russian people. This doesn't mean i want to go and live there though- it was just so cold. But i enjoyed the experience. One thing i also learned, Russia is large and in Magadan, there are people who look like Chinese, but they don't know any Chinese - thoroughly russian! It was fun trying to order food in a restaurant, when we didn't know Russian, and the waiters didn't know English- but there were photographs in the menu! i enjoyed all of this.
Yeah, for example, people from the Tuva Region of Russia sure do look a lot like North Koreans, but they are Russian!!! Just make a note of this when you read your morning news! LOL
I’ll basically repeat what other people said to you. There are places with palm trees in Russia. Not everywhere is as cold as Magadan! It’s a bad idea to judge about the climate in Russia by living in Magadan of all places 😅
В России нет культа публичности веры! Как вы говорите "в Америке все ходят в церкви" это публичная демонстрация своей веры, в России верят в Бога практически все... даже атеисты... просто это сугубо личное. У нас не обязательно ходить в церковь чтобы быть верующим! Мы не считаем что для того чтобы верить в Бога необходимо это демонстрировать публично! Это разница менталитетов! Тем временем у нас в каждом городе и в каждой деревне огромное количество церквей... на что по вашему они содержаться? У нас так же считается не правильным публичная демонстрация финансирования церкви, потому что мы считаем что рекламирование или публичная демонстрация своих пожертвований церкви это грех! И истинно верующий никогда не станет демонстрировать свою приверженность к церкви публично! И уж тем более делать из этого рекламу своей щедрости или бескорыстности! Потому что это как раз означает именно... что человек корыстен в своих помыслах и действиях!
Просто сейчас пошла "мода на веру" . Это как то , что устраивают публично мусульмане в разных странах , делая намазы в огромных количествах где попало .. Это касается любой веры . А сколько истинно верующих людей среди этой толпы ? И когда видишь крутые авто у церкви и лопающиеся лица священников - идти в такую церковь не хочется (да и не обязательно туда ходить) . Как как-то сказал один умный человек "я бы поверил в Бога , да посредники мешают ."😁
Hi gentlemen! Glad to watch you ! As I've understood Josef wife has born child in Russia & this small baby is Russian already!!! Is it true? I admire about you & your family!!! Be happy!!! Excuse me for my English but I had no English practice long time!!!
I cringed at Jimmy Carter, then Bill Clinton, then Barack Obama, now Joe Biden (thankfully he's ending in 4 days and change). Good interview. I knew of Jozef beforehand, but this is the first I've watched of you. I shall subscribe.
I worked on I.B.M. computers midrange and small mainframes for about nine years.Also worked on HSE/ safety projects such s pest control on military bases and hazmat disposal of toxic chemicals on military bases .Also have some security experience in a hotel and Afghanistan,Bagram Air base. Would I be employable in Russia with these skill sets? Also am a practicing Catholic for many years.
Wow, such an impressive career! You can deffenetly find a choice of interesting positions, but you absolutely need to have at least some basic Russian language. And you'll be most welcome here in Mother Russia! God speed!
@@peterliggett5233 IT is hot in Russia. As was already said, work on your Russian but you are already welcome. Companies are learning how to work with English speaking foreigners again but they understably want to see people making effort and progress in their language.
Если взглянуть на историю Америки. Когда-то люди из разных частей Европы, бежали в Новый свет в поисках новой лучшей жизни. На то были разные причины. Возможно настал тот момент, когда пришло время отправится в новое путешествие в поисках лучшего будущего. И этим местом "новым светом" стала Россия.
The best way to learn language is to read books. First for children, than for grown-ups. It will help to learn not only words, but language constructions and so on. There is in Russia so called метод Ильи Франка, Ilya Frank's metod. There are a lot of duo language books, adapted for beginners. But you can read original books in russian language too with a dictionary.
Another good way is sent your kids to school right away, and they will speek any new language in1/2 year. We practiced this metod twice. First we left Poland with 3kids to Germany, they attended school very next week and 1/2 year later they spoke&understood german well. After 1year they were fluent. 3years later we imigrated to Canada same thing happend.
The best way to learn language is to work. When you need to earn money to feed your family you brain turns into a steroid mode and gets new information very quickly.
@@Erdem-x1k Привет! Я работаю над новым видео. Все съемки закончены. Просто у меня уходит много времени на редактирование. Но я работаю над этим! 🙏 У всех хорошо, работа отличная, а Миша - толстяк 😂
@@ОльгаФ-с7и Туристическая виза в США относится к категории B1/B2. Максимальный срок действия - 3 года, но единовременное пребывание не должно превышать 180 дней. Какая виза у Джозефа мы не знаем, поскольку он об этом не говорил, и я ничего про его визу не писал.
Взаимность здесь ни при чём.Трёхлетние визы теперь выдаются гражданам из недружественных стран по идеологическим соображениям,а таких стран в списке не менее двадцати,если не больше.И это,вовсе, не туристическая виза.А какие из этих стран,кроме США, выдают такие визы россиянам?
Уважаемые друзья,наша Россия -это древняя Скифия.Русский народ - это потомки тех древних Готов,Сарматов,Скифов,которые жили на этих территориях многие тысячи лет назад.Вся верхушка Западных стран - это потомки вышедших с территории Русской равнины народов.Так что говорить здесь о великой культуре Америки просто не совсем уместно.Это не умаляет всех тех огромных достижений ,которая Америка принесла всему Миру.Аминь.
Hi Jozel, I saw you on crisis point, Judy, my wife is interested in how you like Russia? what part of Russia are you living in? How does your wife like it? What are you do to make a living? Thank you for any response! ,
"In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world." From The Message of Fatima.
@@bedrosnersesyan6975 we looked at a few places in South America as well as Mauritius. In all cases, there was no other logical country that could not stand up to the War mongering United States Government besides Russia.
If you have any questions, please contact the Consulate of the Russian Federation in your country. Common private visa (shared values) In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 19.08.2024 No. 702 "On the provision of humanitarian support to persons sharing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" (hereinafter referred to as the Decree), the persons mentioned in paragraph 1 of the Decree may be issued single-entry ordinary private visas (purpose of travel - "private") for a period of up to three months. The said visas are issued for entry into the Russian Federation for the purpose of subsequently applying to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with an application for a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of its legislation. Visas in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Decree may only be issued to citizens of the following countries included in the list of foreign states and territories implementing policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2024 No. 2560-r: Australia, Austria, Albania, Andorra, Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain (including the British Crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories), Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Micronesia, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, Slovenia, United States of America, Taiwan (China), Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Japan. To avoid unforeseen complications when submitting documents to a territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for a temporary residence permit (TRP) without considering the quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language, history, and basics of Russian legislation (hereinafter referred to as TRP under the Decree), it is necessary to obtain, prior to entering the Russian Federation, a document from the competent authorities of the country of citizenship and permanent residence confirming the presence or absence of a criminal record. Such a document must be attached to the application for the TRP under the Decree. The document must be apostilled, or if issued by a foreign country that is not a party to the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, it must be legalised unless otherwise specified by an international treaty of the Russian Federation. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the document must be submitted in its original form with a notarised translation into Russian, including all pages, marks, stamps, and seals. The accuracy of the translation or a translator's signature must be certified by an authorised employee of a Russian consular office or a notary in Russia in accordance with Russian notarial legislation. Failure to comply with these requirements, or if more than 3 (three) months have passed since the issuance of the criminal record document by the date of submitting the TRP application, may result in the application being denied. Additionally, the following conditions are mandatory for obtaining TRP under the Decree: - Submission of medical documents within 30 days of entry into Russia, either in paper form or as an electronic document, to a territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Such documents must confirm the absence of drug or psychotropic substance use without a doctor’s prescription, absence of new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, and the absence of infectious diseases that pose a danger to others, as well as a certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection. The documents and certificate must be issued based on a medical examination conducted in medical institutions located in Russia, in accordance with Order No. 1079N of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 19 November 2021. If there are valid documented reasons, such medical documents and certificates may be submitted later, but no later than 30 days after the reasons have been resolved. - Completion of state fingerprint registration and photographing at the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation where TRP under the Decree is issued. - Payment of a state fee in the amount established by subparagraph 22, paragraph 1, article 333.28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as of November 2024, the fee is 1,920 Rubles) before the TRP issuance.
Если Вы имеете в виду список стран, из которых могут приезжать люди, так он очень большой. Практически из всех стран. Главное традиционные ценности приезжающих.
The beginning of religious awakening in Russia is invariably accompanied by a loss of trust and faith in Communism-Communism not first of all as a political and economic system, but as a faith. Belief in God naturally is bound up with disbelief in atheism and Communism, and that is why the religious awakening in Russia today is not merely something personal, but takes on the character of a national movement.
Where do you get this BS from?, where I live we always have had a church and all the time we were going there , nobody prohibited you to believe in God😂
Aren't you irritated that churchmen in Russia have started to interfere in everything, including politics? And when there is a law on the protection of "the rights of believers" - for some reason they forget about the rights of those who do not believe in God... 🤔
With Stalin's personal permission, we were allowed to build a huge Buddhist monastery in the Republic of Buryatia in the East Siberian region of Russia right after the war. Yes, you heard right - a Buddhist monastery.
Greece 🇬🇷 , one of the main sources of European civilization, is also an Orthodox country. The Orthodox Christianity came to Russia from Greece centuries ago.
You are wrong there. Orthodox Chistianity was brought to Russia by Knyaz Vladimir from Byzantium and more specifically from Constantinople. The modern Russian alphabet does have some similarities with the Greek and saints Cyril and Methodius who were born in Thessalonica province of Byzantium, which is in today's Greece, played a significant role in introducing that alphabet and translating the Scripture to old Slavic. But it would be a mistake to say that it was them who brought Christianity to Russia or that they came to Russia from Greece!
@@andreyche193 Κωνσταντινούπολις (Constantinople) was a Greek city. It was founded as Byzantium by Greek settlers in the 7th century BC and became a prominent center of Greek culture and civilization. Even after the Roman conquest and its designation as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, it retained its Greek character and language for centuries. Orthodox Christianity did spread to Russia from the Byzantine Empire, of which Constantinople was the capital. Greece after IV century was part of the Byzantine Empire. Most of the priests and monks in the Byzantine Empire were Greeks. They played a key role in spreading Orthodoxy among other peoples of the empire. Greek language: The New Testament was written in Greek, and early Church services were also conducted in Greek. This established Greek as the language of theology and liturgy in the Orthodox tradition. Greek philosophy: Greek philosophy, with its emphasis on reason, logic, and the pursuit of truth, profoundly influenced the development of Christian theology. Byzantium as a Greek-speaking empire: Although multi-ethnic, the Byzantine Empire retained Greek language and culture as the foundation of its identity. This facilitated the spread of the Orthodox faith in its Greek form. Missionary activity: Byzantine missionaries, many of whom were Greek, actively preached Orthodoxy among other peoples, including the Rus'. Thus, it can be said that the "waters of Orthodoxy" indeed flowed to Russia from a Greek source, passing through Byzantium. Greek language, culture, and theology played a key role in shaping the Orthodox tradition, which was then embraced by other peoples.
@amare_naturam Ethiopia became Orthodox somewhere around 1500. In general, the first Christian country that exists today is Armenia. And the first Orthodox countries are the Byzantine Empire, the Georgian Kingdom, Bulgaria, Serbia and Rus'.
@OluenRival Both Greece and Ethiopia adopted Christianity in the 4th century. However, there's a crucial difference in which branch of Christianity they embraced: Greece: In the 4th century, Greece became part of the Byzantine Empire, where Chalcedonian Christianity prevailed, which later became the basis for Eastern Orthodoxy. Ethiopia: In the 4th century, Ethiopia adopted Miaphysite Christianity, which differs from Chalcedonian Christianity in its understanding of the nature of Christ. After the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD, Miaphysite churches separated from Chalcedonian churches and developed independently. Therefore, although both Greece and Ethiopia adopted Christianity around the same time, they belonged to different branches of Christianity. Greece became part of Eastern Orthodoxy, while Ethiopia became part of Oriental Orthodoxy. What is the difference between Chalcedonian and Miaphysite Christianity? Chalcedonian Christianity (professed by Eastern Orthodox churches, including the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches) asserts that Christ has two natures - divine and human - united "unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably". Miaphysite Christianity (professed by Oriental Orthodox churches, including the Ethiopian Orthodox Church) maintains that in Christ, the two natures are united into one divine-human nature. This difference in Christology led to the separation of the churches in the 5th century and persists to this day. Therefore, when speaking of "Orthodoxy" in the context of Greece and Ethiopia, it is important to remember these differences. Although both countries have ancient Christian traditions, they belong to different branches of Christianity.
What’s happening with the video when he touches his eye with his fingers? Does he use some app to make his eyes look nicer or something? What’s that about?
It's my video card messing up. I use Nvidia broadcast because it makes production easy. But it has this annoying AI feature that I don't know how to turn off.
The Vatican has approved new guidelines for Italy that say that an applicant for the seminary cannot be rejected simply because he is gay, as long as he remains celibate.
@@ssgomad whoa that's super weird. I'm think that's must have been an AI artifiact from my graphics card software. Thanks for calling that out, I'll have to check that out
Не говорите ерунду. Россия многоконфессиональная страна. У меня друзья разной веры: есть католики, есть мусульмане и даже один индуист. Никто из моих друзей не поменял свою религию на православную и не собирается это делать.
The thing is Russia needs to pump their birth rates up and the church is clearly one of the pillars of that strategy. Trump will take on any ideological position and form to get votes. It's not that funny
Putin’s real crime is that he has refused to play by the rules of globalization. In fact, he has done something rather remarkable, indeed, unheard of these days in most Western countries-he has sought to pursue policies that truly are in Russia’s interest. Unlike Rick and Hillary, Putin is uninterested in neocon Wilsonian crusades in the Middle East, undermining his own economy with suicidal free-trade pacts, driving down wages with Third World immigration, or turning over Russia’s beloved oil and gas assets to Goldman Sachs and multinational corporations. Putin is doing what he was elected to do: protect Russia.
Putin was never “head of the KGB,” he served as a mid-level intelligence bureaucrat who sat at a desk in Dresden, East Germany, where he was stationed with his family for several years before returning to Leningrad. His job was to analyze data. Contemporary American intelligence reports confirm this fact. During the abortive Communist coup by the old hands at the KGB in August 1991. Putin, was serving as deputy mayor to pro-American Leningrad mayor, Anatoly Sobchak, one of the fiercest critics of the KGB and the old Soviet system. It was Putin who organized the local Leningrad militia to oppose the attempted KGB coup and protect Mayor Sobchak and the forces of democratic reform. This signal failure in Russia’s second city doomed the attempted KGB coup and assured the final collapse of the Soviet system and eventual transition of Russia away from Communism. It was Vladimir Putin, then, who was largely responsible for defeating and preventing the return of Communism in Russia. It is very hard to see how a secret supporter of the KGB would take such action, if he were actually favoring the return of Communism.
He knows too little about Vladimir. Under his rule, although he did not have the right to be elected more than twice, we have: 1) Russians are dying out at the rate of a million every year, not counting the war. 2) He issued a decree on migration in 2014, where the term "replacement migration" is literally used, as a result of which the oligarchs lobbied for a visa-free regime with Muslim countries, more than 20 million Wahhabis have already officially arrived. The crime rate and child rape have increased many times over. Yesterday, the mayor of the city gave an apartment to a Wahhabi family, where the husband has two wives and seven children. Putin publicly kissed the Koran. 3) Russia has the largest gap between rich and poor, the oligarchy has merged with the government. 4) Russia is the leader in the number of suicides. And this is only a part of the iceberg of Putin's rule. You know nothing about this devil.
Agree, Catholics can live in Russia normal life untill wil not involved in real russian life. You are not local there, and that's why your reality will be different
В России более 200 католических церквей. В России более 195 народов, они говорят на 250 языках и диалектах. В России официально в законе равны все мировые религии. В Православной России есть буддистские регионы, мусульманские, есть еврейский автономный округ и так же есть округа где придерживаются шаманизма. И конечно католики. Хотя, вы не в курсе всего этого. Ведь люди с запада такие образованные и знают все на свете, даже лучше чем местные, которые живут на местах😊
The fact is that if Russia goes to war, then this fate will not bypass anyone, including you. Do you think you will stay away if Russia goes to war? He has a better chance of survival than you do.
No, Eric is interviewing his guest and letting him speak with his own voice. They actually talked about what was good, bad, or just different about Russia. I think that you would call anything that doesn't condemn Russia as being pro-Russian.
2020 Total alcohol per capita (>= 15 years of age) consumption (litres of pure alcohol) (21st place) Russia -10.5 litres (29th place) U.S.A - 9.9 litres World Health Organization Data
@@david-nt3cz the LGBT agenda is a real problem in America. Which would you rather deal with? I'll take a natural vice over an unnatural one... Every day of the week.
This interview reminds me of Vice President Kamala Harris’s interview by Reverend Al Sharpton. No hard questions asked. If I remember correctly, Mr Sammons is critical of those who see Franco’s Spain as some Catholic utopia. And he is right in being critical of criminal actions taken by the Nationalists against the Republicans. Some Catholics in the 60s moved to Spain, such as the Brent Bozell family of Triumph magazine, and my own, when my father took a year sabbatical there. Mr. Schutzman’s is just another search by Catholics again for a better place to live out the Faith. Franco’s Spain by the 60s was a mild authoritarian regime, compared to Russia today. In Spain, opposition politicians, and journalists were not being pushed out of windows to their death. Why were not hard questions asked? Franco’s Spain is gone, but Mr. Sammons could warn those who are seeking the next religious utopia? As a Ukrainian Greek Catholic, there is a strong sense that the Roman rite Catholics of America (Pope Francis could be thrown in with you) have betrayed the Ukrainian nation, in their blindness to the real Russia, beyond its facade. Why not such questions concerning: The persecution of the Catholic Church, especially the Greek rite, in Russian-occupied Ukraine, within Russia and Russia’s evil twin sister, Lukashenko’s Belarus? The proclamation of the Knights of Columbus in Russian-occupied Ukraine, as an illegal organization? The rampant corruption, chauvinism, and brutality of the Russian state? What will Mr Schutzman do, when the Russian state requires his sons to serve in their military, where there is brutal hazing of new recruits beyond anything most can imagine? Will Mr. Schutzman teach his children that Stalin was an evil dictator and that communism in Russia destroyed the nation, which could get Mr. Schutzman fined or imprisoned? Will he sit by and watch his children take part in the glorification of Stalin parades and march with the hammer and sickle flags? What will he do, when he spends years trying to get legal documents for property he bought and when he does, some local oligarch takes it away? I smiled when he spoke about how Russians seek "true friends." I remember how “Soviet Blat” was the norm in Ukraine (“Blat” is a Russian term that refers to a system of informal agreements, exchanges of favors, and personal connections that people use to get ahead. It can also refer to a form of corruption). That is the friendship I picture. One of corruption that invades even your so-called “friendships”. Of course, perhaps his “Blat” through friends will help him avoid the daily corruption most Russians face from their government bureaucracy. Being a Moscow resident, he can like all the ”upper class” Russians, avoid having his sons conscripted. Moscow, and any large Russian city, are mere modern “Potemkin villages” not the real Russia of grinding poverty, pollution, drunkenness, and a brutal life with few comforts. What do Mr Sammons and Mr Schutzman think of Putin’s regime and war in Ukraine? Nearly 1,000,000 dead or wounded Russians, the brutal killing of Ukrainian prisoners, civilians? The total destruction of civilian buildings, hospitals, and churches? Where in this discussion are any questions concerning Catholic Social Teaching lived out in Russia? I could go on with much more, such as compared to the USA, where abortion, divorce, and alcoholism are much more rampant. God protect the Schutzmans. I really doubt they and their children will live there forever.
Ukraine (in Russian - on the edge) - toponymic name of the area - near the edge. Ukrainians have never been such a people. There was Kievan Rus - there were never any Ukrainians.
I love that you think that this conversation between Eric and myself should have been some sort of interrogation. This is my experience and yes I live in Moscow, but I have had plenty of experiences outside of Moscow. It's funny you should bring up Franco, I just met a very kind Russian Orthodox gentleman on Sunday who is a somewhat famous Orthodox author who actually wrote a book praising Franco. It's just a side note and funny that you should bring it up. Sadly, it's clear that there is a lot of anger that is built up here (I'm not exactly sure where it comes from), but all Ukrainians do not agree with you, in fact the greater portion of the eastern block would disagree with you. Imagine for a moment that Washington D.C. was bombing Texas for years (Like Kiev bombed the Donbass for years)'s really not a way to improve your nationalist pride across the country. They have their own opinions that completely contradict yours. I have friends who go to the Donbass, one of them, the father of 10 children who has been there 17 times on humanitarian missions. These people in places like the Donbass are all Ukrainians that despise the Kiev government and corruption. These people get 1 hour of water a day then it has to be preserved and turned off. They are hungry and cold. These are the victims and the Russians take care of them. Destruction is all around them...and they were getting bombed by their own people since 2014. Yet, I hear nothing about this. If you are an independent person, you should probably reconsider your position but it doesn't sound to me like you are exactly on the ground in Ukraine but just reading (perhaps even listening to homilies about things happening in Ukraine from the Nationalist perspective). I am not going to deconstruct the litany of complaints that you have but it is a minefield of fallacies and you really should do some research (the claim for example that 1,000,000 Russians have died or wounded is wildly inaccurate), maybe some independent media consumption could help. I am familiar with most of these talking points and they just don't hold water. In fact, we are at a turning point that more and more people everyday are realizing that these accusations are not only inaccurate but are inversely characteristic of the Ukrainian Government & AFU. I'm not saying there aren't bad actors everywhere, there are. But these accusations are symptomatic and permeate throughout the Ukraine. If you were planning on convincing anybody about Russia's faults you should have at least started by pointing out the blatant disregard for human life, sending children to fight a man's war. You should have been outraged by America and the UK stopping Zelensky from making peace (which is why he won a landslide election because he promised to make peace with Putin....this is why the UKRAINIANS voted him in) Regardless of what you think of Eric and myself independently, nobody is claiming religious utopia...there is no such thing. Paradise is the next life. I am sure you love your country in which you do not live, but many many of the Ukrainians live there think of themselves as victims of their own government...not Russia. So I'm really quite tired of the persecution complex and all the untruths that follow that. There is a war, it's certain. It's a sad civil war that American and the West created and promised to continue sending money to Ukraine till Ukrainians were exterminated. It's a scenario wherein evil Western corporations working with the Military Complex to come in and steal the land and resources from Ukraine. It's a destroyed country, and the true enemy of Ukraine has clearly been Western governments. I came here to escape that and I am truly humbled and grateful to find refuge for my family here. In closing you should stay close to the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima, continue to pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the end, Her Immaculate Heart WILL triumph. Till then, expect more perversions and destruction not only of the body but more importantly of the immortal souls throughout the world that are being lost in the most unnatural ways that are protected and promoted by Western Governments.
In 2020 number of abortions in Russia was 450 000, which per capita was higher than in USA. Don't forget about that side of Russia.
A legacy of Soviet-era thinking, and a mixture of modern consumerism ("Oh kids are so *expensive* mentality). There is certainly not a culture of abortion among real Russians outside of the big cities, unlike in the USA where it's prevalent everywhere.
Thanks for having Jozef on your show. Jozef is a fellow Texan and someone I am proud to call a personal friend of mine. He and his family epitomize the "Move to Russia" movement. We encourage all who are curious about Russia and who question the Russia bad narrative to visit Russia and discover the truth for yourself.
Amen Eddie!
Hey Eddie! Hurry back and keep creating excellent content!
Jozef is absolutely one of the good guys in Russia. ☝🏻 wishing him and
His family great health sending love from Siberia to my brother🙏🏻
@@Wild-Siberia thanks Danny! God bless you brother!! 🙏🙏🙏
У тебя Дэн тоже давно подписана. Желаю тебе и супруге удачи.
I am pleased to hear some truthful information about Russia. Americans have a highly distorted picture of Russia. I am Hungarian and Catholic, have PhD in Russian literature and it is my love. Russian culture is deeply religious and religion could survive during the 70 years of Communism. I lived in the Soviet Union and also in Russia, I am very impressed by someone who made this move and started to understand holy Russia. Russia might be the most Christian country now. God bless you.
@@mariapavlovszky4326 Maria, thank you for such a kind and encouraging message. It's so sad that we Americans have allowed ourselves to be molded to have this distorted view. Please God that the Truth will only become more clear to more people. This is a fantastic point you have made and I hope people will see it for what it is.
@@mariapavlovszky4326 God bless you also Maria!
Interested to know your thoughts on Putin kissing the Koran and
Patriarch Kirill giving one of Russia highest awards to a Muslim
Russia might be the most Christian country now? Are you serious? "Christian" Russia has among the fewest people who attend church services on Sundays or even Christmas and Easter. It's presently 1-2 percent. Even on Christmas and Easter it doesn't reach 5 percent, and that's counting those who wonder in and out for 5-10 minutes. There's no religious education in schools except to tell students that Russia was always Orthodox and opposed to "evil" western values and religious traditions with its authoritarianism to be the most benevolent in history. On Christmas and Easter you won't virtually hear any holy day greetings in the media as is omnipresent in Ukraine. No Nativity scenes or crosses in public places. Just a few huge churches rebuilt by pseudo Christian or atheist oligarchs or at government expense for the sake of building up a "great Russia."
As for "holy Russia" how dare you ignore that in the minds of today's Russians that holiness is based on destroying an entire neighboring country that their fuhrer has declared to be Nazi in the worst propagandistic vein. Holy is bombing hospitals, maternity wards, schools, churches, museums, the homes of old people in villages, not allowing a peaceful celebration of Cjristmas and Easter? How sickly minded can one get?
This guy is so reminiscent of the thousands of workers who in the 1930s relocated to the Soviet Union believing it to be a "worker's paradise." Their descendants came to condemn them for the evil they had to suffer for that ignorant, naive move.
Russia might be the most Christian country now? Are you serious? "Christian" Russia has among the fewest people who attend church services on Sundays or even Christmas and Easter. It's presently 1-2 percent. Even on Christmas and Easter it doesn't reach 5 percent, and that's counting those who wonder in and out for 5-10 minutes. There's no religious education in schools except to tell students that Russia was always Orthodox and opposed to "evil" western values and religious traditions with its authoritarianism to be the most benevolent in history. On Christmas and Easter you won't virtually hear any holy day greetings in the media as is omnipresent in Ukraine. No Nativity scenes or crosses in public places. Just a few huge churches rebuilt by pseudo Christian or atheist oligarchs or at government expense for the sake of building up a "great Russia."
As for "holy Russia" how dare you ignore that in the minds of today's Russians that holiness is based on destroying an entire neighboring country that their fuhrer has declared to be Nazi in the worst propagandistic vein. Holy is bombing hospitals, maternity wards, schools, churches, museums, the homes of old people in villages, not allowing a peaceful celebration of Cjristmas and Easter? How sickly minded can one get?
This guy is so reminiscent of the thousands of workers who in the 1930s relocated to the Soviet Union believing it to be a "worker's paradise." Their descendants came to condemn them for the evil they had to suffer for that ignorant, naive move.
Been watching a large Canadian family that moved to Russia. TH-camrs Countryside Acres. Very interesting!
I'm also watching them! They are awesome!
They are wonderful. Such a good family.
Beautiful family i love them
I love the Fienstra Family, I share their Experience buildinfg a Farm, on Facebook, almost every day.
Я тоже смотрю их выпуски. С самого начала их приезда. 👍
I’m retired military, stayed 30 years because I wasn’t leaving my brothers. Found Tradition after retiring (it was absolutely not available in the Archdiocese of the Military Services). I’ve been retired since ‘18 and in that time I’ve come to regret in a most profound way my time in uniform and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to completely separate from the US and I’ve been seriously considering Russia as an option. Thank you for sharing this tremendous conversation!
@@wVc5150 God bless you sir!
Cheering for Jozef to succeed in Russia. Keeping bridges is really needed.
@@george-d7m3h 🙏
I would give anything to be able to go. But I'm 80, and I don't think my retirement would follow me. I understand every word Jozef said. The United States was/is protestant and its decline into chaos is inevitable. Josef's grandchildren will belong to a country with a Christian past. That's a treasure beyond price. May Jozef and his family be well.
Thank you, Janet! God bless you!
u could transfer your bank account money into Russia and live from there and that would be ok since prices are much lower in Russia
This is an amazing interview! Questions were organized and thorough! So Interesting! Thank you. God Bless you all.
You’re brave Man, you love truly your children and wife!
Russia is the best place for family and kids!
Wishing you all the best!🍀🍀🍀
🙏🙏🙏 Many thanks!
Давно подписана на канал Джозефа и в ютубе и телеграмм.. нравится его семья очень, его грамотные рассуждения. Мне сейчас 53 года, пережила 90е годы, никогда не хотела уехать из России, всегда верила в лучшие времена в нашей стране 🙏❤️и вот сейчас приезжают в Россию за лучшей жизнью для своих детей иностранцы.. добро пожаловать хорошим людям🤝🍀
@@Talisman-c4q 🙏❤️
Зачем они тут ..?
@@Упавшийспечки Нельзя сделать всех счастливыми. Я не буду говорить за кого-то другого. Мы учим дома, чтобы бережно воспитывать наших детей в тесноте. Вы можете стать родителем только один раз... Все должно быть сделано аккуратно.
@@Упавшийспечки Мы учили наших детей дома, в США. Меня учили дома, в США. Пожалуйста, не нужно грубить. Моя жена тоже дома ходила в школу.
@ Ясно,понял.
You are so horrified by Russia's "invasion". And where were your Catholic and Protestant emotions when your country bombed Serbia with depleted uranium and destroyed Iraq and Libya?! And looted. Have you ever wondered where you got such cheap loans? Just analyze yourself more often!
Education in the West is completely different than in the East, and one may think that they're the same, but they're not. Because in the East Education is how to become better person, in the West is how to concore the others . So in the West, one has to become smart and strong to understand that, and it takes time to do so. Some sooner, some later, and sadly, some never get to understand. I'm happy for this young family that they've understood that and have been strong enough to change their lives for something that they over the years understood and believe in.
By the way, I know how you feel, and I understand in a way. Because I was born and raised in Yugoslavia. Spent half of my life there (even during the war) and the other half here in North America . So I've seen and understand both sides very well. So my advice to you would be, don't allow anyone or anything to seed your soul with hate towards anyone .
Love all, hate none!
Немецкий философ Вальтер Шубарт О РУССКИХ
«Западноевропейский человек рассматривает жизнь, как рабыню, которой он наступил ногой на шею… Он не смотрит с преданностью на небо, а, полный властолюбия, злыми враждебными глазами глядит вниз, на землю. Русский человек одержим не волей к власти, а чувством примирения и любви. Он исполнен не гневом и ненавистью, а глубочайшим доверием к сущности мира. Он видит в человеке не врага, а брата».
Англичанин хочет видеть мир - как фабрику, француз - как салон, немец - как казарму, русский, - как церковь. Англичанин хочет добычи, француз - славы, немец - власти, русский - жертвы.
Англичанин хочет наживаться от ближнего, француз - импонировать ближнему, немец - командовать ближним, а русский ничего от него не хочет. Он не желает превращать ближнего в свое средство. Это братство русского сердца и русской идеи. И это есть Евангелие будущего. Русский всечеловек есть носитель нового солидаризма. Прометеевский человек уже обречен смерти. Наступает эпоха Иоанновского человека - человека любви и свободы. Таково будущее русского народа.
Запад движим неверием, страхом и себялюбием; русская душа движима верою, покоем и братством. Именно поэтому будущее принадлежит России…
У европейца - человек человеку волк, всяк за себя, всяк сам себе бог; поэтому все против всех и все против Бога; и героичность его есть очень часто эксцесс себялюбия и гордости - личной или национальной. Это корыстный и хищный героизм. Европеец доволен, когда ему завидуют, и терпеть не может, чтобы его жалели, - это унижение. Поэтому он скрытен, притворяется, чопорен, чванлив и театрально надут - и когда русский это видит, то у него щемит на сердце.
Русский подходит к своему ближнему непосредственно и тепло. Он сорадуется и сострадает. Он всегда склонен к расположению и доверию. Быстро сближается. Он естествен, и в этом его шарм. Он прост, интимен, склонен к откровенности, стремится быть полезным.
Новый человек Европы не заметил, как он прошел через иудаизацию христианства и утратил и Бога и Христа. В России иное понимание Евангелия.
Русские были христианами до своего обращения в христианство. Поэтому христианство распространилось в России не мечом, как у Карла Великого, а само, легко и быстро - избранием.
Русское сердце было открыто не Ветхому, а именно Новому Завету. Так оно и осталось; в русской душе есть данные, делающие русского человека самым верным сыном Христа.
Вот откуда русская национальная идея: спасение человечества придет из России. Это самая глубокая и самая широкая национальная идея из всех, имеющихся у других народов.
Основная социальная идея русского народа такова: общество как церковь, как духовная общность, как свободное многообразие в любовном единстве, как мистическое Тело Христа…
И ещё замечательно, что русское безбожие - иное, чем на Западе: оно не холодное сомнение, не безразличие, а огненный вызов Богу, трепещущее кощунство, восстание, жалоба на Бога, может быть, тоска по утерянном Боге. Самое безбожие носит у русских характер религиозного неистовства.
И самое понимание Евангелия в России иное, чем на Западе: западное христианство болеет властолюбием - оно насильственно обращает в христианство, это воинственное, милитаризованное учение о Боге, дающем победу; это искажение Евангелия Ветхим Заветом и естественный переход от Ветхого Завета к безбожию…
Можно сказать, что европеец - человек дела, а русский - человек души и сердца. И Европа есть страна деловитости, а Россия есть родина души.
Душевный человек вчувствуется в ближнего и воспринимает его интуитивно и чутко; ему не важно происхождение, образование, партийность, профессия, титул и орден.
И замечательно, когда неевропеец впервые приезжает в Россию, он бывает приятно изумлен и обрадован; а когда русский впервые приезжает в Европу - то он чувствует себя отрезвленным и разочарованным.
Кто узнает русского лично - тот полюбит его. Пока европейца знаешь по его заслугам - до тех пор он тебе импонирует.
Русский человек, может быть, и плохой делец, но братский чело
@@zzzed7286 На Западе всё устроено так, что-бы разделить людей а не объединить! То, что вы пишите расходится с реальностью! Поэтому не надо нам заливать про сплочение! В России всё направлено на сплочение, поэтому в России уживаются люди разных рас и вероисповедания, это заслуга Советского Союза! Запад в этом завидует России!
@Упавшийспечки 😳
You obviously don't know the English language or are not bright enough to understand what was said in my previous comment or your translator doesn't work properly ?!
However, I don't need a translator to understand your comment, which, by the way, doesn't make sense! Because I've learned a cirilic long time before I've learned English! 😄
So, to make it as simple as possible for you to understand what I meant in my previous comment, is ?
Russia as a country and Russian people have one of the best educational systems in the world ! If you still don't understand my comments, you should use that education more, because it may help you. 😊
Hopefully, your translator will translate this properly for you to understand?😊
@Упавшийспечки by the way, I live in North America and I'm not gonna change my keyboard, which is in English, to cirilic just for you to understand better.
Thank God for families like Joseph's. We in Russia are glad to see people who believe in God. I wish well to the people of the USA, and may my Russia develop and become better. I'm watching a TH-cam channel where a family moved from Canada and built a house in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. I wish everyone who came to Russia thanks to faith in God protection and help from our heavenly father.
Thank you, gentlemen, for this fine dialogue, this was so refreshing! I must say, I heard so much sadness in Joe's final narrative. And I share it, though I'm a Russian living in Moscow most of my life. But I"ve spent 7 years of my teenage period in the USA, came to love this country and it's People, and I pray to God that our governments may coexist on friendly terms in some not too distant future! Once again, thank you both, and God bless!
Это невозможно. Никогда! С людоедами невозможно договориться.
Ха, мой коментарий демократическй ютуб удали за правду😂😂😂. С людоедами невозможно договориться.
Этого не будет Никогда! Аминь!
Very interesting. Brilliant interview 👏 God bless Jozef's family! Happy New Year to all!
@@ninobee 🙏❤️
Спасибо за глубокое, насыщенное интервью! Смотрела видео
Джозефа- он заботливый семьянин, умный, эрудированный , красивый обаятельный мужчина. В приоритете которого- семья и духовные ценности. А семья у него- замечательная! Очаровательная супруга, милые дети. Я желаю
Джозефу счастья в
России, осуществления планов, детям получить хорошее образование. Мира, здоровья, успехов и благополучия! Храни вас
@@rab8669 Спасибо Вам за такие добрые слова и пожелания! 🙏
I saw them couple times around the Cathedral. Very nice family and the kids would gain a lot by growing in Moscow. Regarding the language Jozeph should ask in the parish. There is a lot of Russian as a foreign language teachers around. I am sure that community will help to figure it out.
I watch Joseph and his family on TH-cam with interest. I am glad that people with such high moral standards and religious beliefs have chosen our country to live in. I understand how difficult it is for foreigners to settle in a new unfamiliar country, learn the language, etc. Let English become another of the 196 languages of Russia.
благодарность автору канала за хорошие вопросы,которые раскрыли для нас гостя ещё больше)
i worked as a contractor for a company and was assigned on a project and spent 5 weeks in Russia in Magadan, Nov/Dec 2005 and i was impressed with the people. There was a snowstorm, and i was quite surprised early next morning the workmen where out and they had a special type of truck - seems like it cut the ice from the road. Since then, i do not buy the general narrative of Russian people. This doesn't mean i want to go and live there though- it was just so cold. But i enjoyed the experience. One thing i also learned, Russia is large and in Magadan, there are people who look like Chinese, but they don't know any Chinese - thoroughly russian! It was fun trying to order food in a restaurant, when we didn't know Russian, and the waiters didn't know English- but there were photographs in the menu! i enjoyed all of this.
There are 195 nationalities in Russia. And we are all different. ;))
Yeah, for example, people from the Tuva Region of Russia sure do look a lot like North Koreans, but they are Russian!!! Just make a note of this when you read your morning news! LOL
There are many different regions with different climates in Russia. Not all is just cold as per western propaganda.
Magadan is considered a very harsh place in Russia, the center of the Gulag.
There are much nicer places in Russia, for example Sochi.
I’ll basically repeat what other people said to you. There are places with palm trees in Russia. Not everywhere is as cold as Magadan! It’s a bad idea to judge about the climate in Russia by living in Magadan of all places 😅
В России нет культа публичности веры! Как вы говорите "в Америке все ходят в церкви" это публичная демонстрация своей веры, в России верят в Бога практически все... даже атеисты... просто это сугубо личное. У нас не обязательно ходить в церковь чтобы быть верующим! Мы не считаем что для того чтобы верить в Бога необходимо это демонстрировать публично! Это разница менталитетов! Тем временем у нас в каждом городе и в каждой деревне огромное количество церквей... на что по вашему они содержаться? У нас так же считается не правильным публичная демонстрация финансирования церкви, потому что мы считаем что рекламирование или публичная демонстрация своих пожертвований церкви это грех! И истинно верующий никогда не станет демонстрировать свою приверженность к церкви публично! И уж тем более делать из этого рекламу своей щедрости или бескорыстности! Потому что это как раз означает именно... что человек корыстен в своих помыслах и действиях!
Бывало в 90 х
Просто сейчас пошла "мода на веру" . Это как то , что устраивают публично мусульмане в разных странах , делая намазы в огромных количествах где попало .. Это касается любой веры . А сколько истинно верующих людей среди этой толпы ? И когда видишь крутые авто у церкви и лопающиеся лица священников - идти в такую церковь не хочется (да и не обязательно туда ходить) . Как как-то сказал один умный человек "я бы поверил в Бога , да посредники мешают ."😁
Не мода на веру а может потребность в вере ?? В истории всегда был спад и подъем,может сейчас такой духовный подъем и есть?❤❤@amare_naturam
Я тоже разочаровалась в самих " посредниках" между Богом и мной!!😢😢 Привет из Беларуси Минск 🙏✌️🕊️🌍🌍🇧🇾🧑🎄🎀❄️❄️❄️☃️🌲
@@ЕленаШепелева-я9уа у меня наоборот …..😎🙌🏻
Jozef Is right, the battle is coming and we hope and pray that Our Lady Of Fatima Heart will triumph.
God bless you guys. You are an example for all believers
@@VakhidMubarak 🙏
Спасибо большое за интересный разговор!!!!!!
This was so wonderful. Thank you!
Excellent interview! Thank you so much!🙏🏻
Hi gentlemen! Glad to watch you ! As I've understood Josef wife has born child in Russia & this small baby is Russian already!!! Is it true? I admire about you & your family!!! Be happy!!!
Excuse me for my English but I had no English practice long time!!!
@ Hello Alexsandr! Yes, Misha is #7 and our first Russian son!
I cringed at Jimmy Carter, then Bill Clinton, then Barack Obama, now Joe Biden (thankfully he's ending in 4 days and change). Good interview. I knew of Jozef beforehand, but this is the first I've watched of you. I shall subscribe.
❤❤❤😊 спасибо за откровенный разговор! Счастья вам и благополучия!
Happy Old New Year to all involved! 😁
@amare_naturam same also to you!
Cо Старым Новым годом!❤
Jozef, you rock, as always
@@USSR1717 you are very kind. 🙏
Спасибо Ерик. Слава святое Россия и слава Путин
Молодец Джозеф, за два месяца уже начал говорить. И неплохо!😂❤❤❤ И уже, уверена, читает вывески РЕСТОРАН, а не ПЕКТОПА.😂😂😂
13:33 "The battlefield is no place for children". Wise words indeed.
A very interesting conversation with an intellectual interlocutor who made the main choice for his family's life.
I worked on I.B.M. computers midrange and small mainframes for about nine years.Also worked on HSE/ safety projects such s pest control on military bases and hazmat disposal of toxic chemicals on military bases .Also have some security experience in a hotel and Afghanistan,Bagram Air base. Would I be employable in Russia with these skill sets? Also am a practicing Catholic for many years.
Wow, such an impressive career! You can deffenetly find a choice of interesting positions, but you absolutely need to have at least some basic Russian language. And you'll be most welcome here in Mother Russia! God speed!
Однозначно были бы трудоустроены. Если есть желание, дерзайте.
@@peterliggett5233 IT is hot in Russia. As was already said, work on your Russian but you are already welcome. Companies are learning how to work with English speaking foreigners again but they understably want to see people making effort and progress in their language.
The Ark of salvation has a place for everyone.
Fascinating discussion! What a pioneer!
Если взглянуть на историю Америки. Когда-то люди из разных частей Европы, бежали в Новый свет в поисках новой лучшей жизни. На то были разные причины. Возможно настал тот момент, когда пришло время отправится в новое путешествие в поисках лучшего будущего. И этим местом "новым светом" стала Россия.
The best way to learn language is to read books. First for children, than for grown-ups. It will help to learn not only words, but language constructions and so on. There is in Russia so called метод Ильи Франка, Ilya Frank's metod. There are a lot of duo language books, adapted for beginners. But you can read original books in russian language too with a dictionary.
Reading books is just a part of language learning, it's by far not the best way, let alone learning Russian as a foreign language.
And watch tv
Another good way is sent your kids to school right away, and they will speek any new language in1/2 year.
We practiced this metod twice.
First we left Poland with 3kids to Germany, they attended school very next week and 1/2 year later they spoke&understood german well. After 1year they were fluent.
3years later we imigrated to Canada same thing happend.
@@ewaurbaniak6249 💯👍👍
The best way to learn language is to work. When you need to earn money to feed your family you brain turns into a steroid mode and gets new information very quickly.
Давно подписана у Джозефа. Отличная семья. Желаю удачи.
🙏🙏❤❤❤❤🙏🙏 Thank you for this video
I agreed 100%
О, Джозеф... Что там случилось еще? Почему нет роликов, как дела, как Миша, как с работой? Одни вопросы???😮😅😊🎉😂🤔
@@Erdem-x1k Привет! Я работаю над новым видео. Все съемки закончены. Просто у меня уходит много времени на редактирование. Но я работаю над этим! 🙏 У всех хорошо, работа отличная, а Миша - толстяк 😂
@@homeinrussiaThe greatest what I understood from this interview you are expecting 8th baby. Congratulations! You guys are heroes!
Love this❤
For Russians, believe in God doesn't necessary translates into a religious ritualistic obsession.
Jozef is learning Russian. The real question is can he learn to speak Russian with a Scottish accent a-la Sean Connery in "The Hunt For Red October"?
His Russian is actually good. The pronunciation I mean. I'm sure he and his family gonna be good around here.
We already have at least one Scottish guy here in Moscow:
@@1960sergeihere is another one " Non woke bloke'
It would be sadder to learn to speak like Schwarzenegger in "Red Heat": "they are hooligans..." 😃
The reason Russia gives Americans a 3-year visa is reciprocity. US also grants Russians a 3-year tourist visa.
The US didn't let my friend visit her former student there, it had been long before the beginning of the conflict.
@@ОльгаФ-с7и Туристическая виза в США относится к категории B1/B2. Максимальный срок действия - 3 года, но единовременное пребывание не должно превышать 180 дней. Какая виза у Джозефа мы не знаем, поскольку он об этом не говорил, и я ничего про его визу не писал.
Взаимность здесь ни при чём.Трёхлетние визы теперь выдаются гражданам из недружественных стран по идеологическим соображениям,а таких стран в списке не менее двадцати,если не больше.И это,вовсе, не туристическая виза.А какие из этих стран,кроме США, выдают такие визы россиянам?
Это вообще не виза, это вид на жительство трёхлетний с возможностью продления в случае сдачи экзамена по русскому языку
@evelinamilliones пожалуйста, не спорьте со мной. Это раздражает
Уважаемые друзья,наша Россия -это древняя Скифия.Русский народ - это потомки тех древних Готов,Сарматов,Скифов,которые жили на этих территориях многие тысячи лет назад.Вся верхушка Западных стран - это потомки вышедших с территории Русской равнины народов.Так что говорить здесь о великой культуре Америки просто не совсем уместно.Это не умаляет всех тех огромных достижений ,которая Америка принесла всему Миру.Аминь.
Russia is our salvation 🇷🇺🙏😍
56:31 Leroy Jenkins reference that hopefully people appreciate
😂😂😂 Thanks Matt for getting it! 🙏🙏🙏
Got it
Hi Jozel, I saw you on crisis point, Judy, my wife is interested in how you like Russia? what part of Russia are you living in? How does your wife like it? What are you do to make a living? Thank you for any response!
Check out his channel Home in Russia. There are answers to many questions there
Вы задали такие вопросы, на которые Джозеф в этом видео отвечает. При чем на все. А живут они, по нашим меркам, недалеко от центра Москвы.
I am sorry Eric about your views of Russia. I happens to people who watch CNN and read Times.
It's pretty obvious that you don't know my views on Russia.
@@CrisisMag Russia lives rent free in your head.
I'm russian and live in Russia, what about your views on Russia?
@@CrisisMag I am sorry, I overreacted after one of your questions at the start and later on realized that I am wrong.
"In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world." From The Message of Fatima.
Did he say which countries were on his short list? I may have missed, but didn't hear a list.
@@bedrosnersesyan6975 we looked at a few places in South America as well as Mauritius. In all cases, there was no other logical country that could not stand up to the War mongering United States Government besides Russia.
If you have any questions, please contact the Consulate of the Russian Federation in your country.
Common private visa (shared values)
In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 19.08.2024 No. 702 "On the provision of humanitarian support to persons sharing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" (hereinafter referred to as the Decree), the persons mentioned in paragraph 1 of the Decree may be issued single-entry ordinary private visas (purpose of travel - "private") for a period of up to three months.
The said visas are issued for entry into the Russian Federation for the purpose of subsequently applying to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with an application for a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of its legislation.
Visas in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Decree may only be issued to citizens of the following countries included in the list of foreign states and territories implementing policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2024 No. 2560-r:
Australia, Austria, Albania, Andorra, Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain (including the British Crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories), Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Micronesia, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, Slovenia, United States of America, Taiwan (China), Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Japan.
To avoid unforeseen complications when submitting documents to a territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for a temporary residence permit (TRP) without considering the quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language, history, and basics of Russian legislation (hereinafter referred to as TRP under the Decree), it is necessary to obtain, prior to entering the Russian Federation, a document from the competent authorities of the country of citizenship and permanent residence confirming the presence or absence of a criminal record. Such a document must be attached to the application for the TRP under the Decree.
The document must be apostilled, or if issued by a foreign country that is not a party to the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, it must be legalised unless otherwise specified by an international treaty of the Russian Federation. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the document must be submitted in its original form with a notarised translation into Russian, including all pages, marks, stamps, and seals. The accuracy of the translation or a translator's signature must be certified by an authorised employee of a Russian consular office or a notary in Russia in accordance with Russian notarial legislation.
Failure to comply with these requirements, or if more than 3 (three) months have passed since the issuance of the criminal record document by the date of submitting the TRP application, may result in the application being denied.
Additionally, the following conditions are mandatory for obtaining TRP under the Decree:
- Submission of medical documents within 30 days of entry into Russia, either in paper form or as an electronic document, to a territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Such documents must confirm the absence of drug or psychotropic substance use without a doctor’s prescription, absence of new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, and the absence of infectious diseases that pose a danger to others, as well as a certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection. The documents and certificate must be issued based on a medical examination conducted in medical institutions located in Russia, in accordance with Order No. 1079N of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 19 November 2021. If there are valid documented reasons, such medical documents and certificates may be submitted later, but no later than 30 days after the reasons have been resolved.
- Completion of state fingerprint registration and photographing at the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation where TRP under the Decree is issued.
- Payment of a state fee in the amount established by subparagraph 22, paragraph 1, article 333.28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as of November 2024, the fee is 1,920 Rubles) before the TRP issuance.
Если Вы имеете в виду список стран, из которых могут приезжать люди, так он очень большой. Практически из всех стран. Главное традиционные ценности приезжающих.
Basically all western countries, you can check it yourself by googling “Russian shared values visa”
The beginning of religious awakening in Russia is invariably accompanied by a loss of trust and faith in Communism-Communism not first of all as a political and economic system, but as a faith. Belief in God naturally is bound up with disbelief in atheism and Communism, and that is why the religious awakening in Russia today is not merely something personal, but takes on the character of a national movement.
Where do you get this BS from?, where I live we always have had a church and all the time we were going there , nobody prohibited you to believe in God😂
Aren't you irritated that churchmen in Russia have started to interfere in everything, including politics? And when there is a law on the protection of "the rights of believers" - for some reason they forget about the rights of those who do not believe in God... 🤔
You' ve been lied to by your media and you believe this BS. Stalin returned the patriarchy in 1942. Nobody forbade going to churches.
There are haven't r awakining in Russia, thank to g. :)
With Stalin's personal permission, we were allowed to build a huge Buddhist monastery in the Republic of Buryatia in the East Siberian region of Russia right after the war. Yes, you heard right - a Buddhist monastery.
Greece 🇬🇷 , one of the main sources of European civilization, is also an Orthodox country. The Orthodox Christianity came to Russia from Greece centuries ago.
You are wrong there. Orthodox Chistianity was brought to Russia by Knyaz Vladimir from Byzantium and more specifically from Constantinople. The modern Russian alphabet does have some similarities with the Greek and saints Cyril and Methodius who were born in Thessalonica province of Byzantium, which is in today's Greece, played a significant role in introducing that alphabet and translating the Scripture to old Slavic. But it would be a mistake to say that it was them who brought Christianity to Russia or that they came to Russia from Greece!
@@andreyche193 Κωνσταντινούπολις (Constantinople) was a Greek city. It was founded as Byzantium by Greek settlers in the 7th century BC and became a prominent center of Greek culture and civilization. Even after the Roman conquest and its designation as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, it retained its Greek character and language for centuries.
Orthodox Christianity did spread to Russia from the Byzantine Empire, of which Constantinople was the capital.
Greece after IV century was part of the Byzantine Empire. Most of the priests and monks in the Byzantine Empire were Greeks. They played a key role in spreading Orthodoxy among other peoples of the empire.
Greek language: The New Testament was written in Greek, and early Church services were also conducted in Greek. This established Greek as the language of theology and liturgy in the Orthodox tradition.
Greek philosophy: Greek philosophy, with its emphasis on reason, logic, and the pursuit of truth, profoundly influenced the development of Christian theology.
Byzantium as a Greek-speaking empire: Although multi-ethnic, the Byzantine Empire retained Greek language and culture as the foundation of its identity. This facilitated the spread of the Orthodox faith in its Greek form.
Missionary activity: Byzantine missionaries, many of whom were Greek, actively preached Orthodoxy among other peoples, including the Rus'.
Thus, it can be said that the "waters of Orthodoxy" indeed flowed to Russia from a Greek source, passing through Byzantium. Greek language, culture, and theology played a key role in shaping the Orthodox tradition, which was then embraced by other peoples.
if we talk about the most ancient Orthodox country, it will be ETHIOPIA, not Greece. 😁
@amare_naturam Ethiopia became Orthodox somewhere around 1500. In general, the first Christian country that exists today is Armenia. And the first Orthodox countries are the Byzantine Empire, the Georgian Kingdom, Bulgaria, Serbia and Rus'.
@OluenRival Both Greece and Ethiopia adopted Christianity in the 4th century. However, there's a crucial difference in which branch of Christianity they embraced:
Greece: In the 4th century, Greece became part of the Byzantine Empire, where Chalcedonian Christianity prevailed, which later became the basis for Eastern Orthodoxy.
Ethiopia: In the 4th century, Ethiopia adopted Miaphysite Christianity, which differs from Chalcedonian Christianity in its understanding of the nature of Christ. After the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD, Miaphysite churches separated from Chalcedonian churches and developed independently.
Therefore, although both Greece and Ethiopia adopted Christianity around the same time, they belonged to different branches of Christianity. Greece became part of Eastern Orthodoxy, while Ethiopia became part of Oriental Orthodoxy.
What is the difference between Chalcedonian and Miaphysite Christianity?
Chalcedonian Christianity (professed by Eastern Orthodox churches, including the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches) asserts that Christ has two natures - divine and human - united "unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably".
Miaphysite Christianity (professed by Oriental Orthodox churches, including the Ethiopian Orthodox Church) maintains that in Christ, the two natures are united into one divine-human nature.
This difference in Christology led to the separation of the churches in the 5th century and persists to this day.
Therefore, when speaking of "Orthodoxy" in the context of Greece and Ethiopia, it is important to remember these differences. Although both countries have ancient Christian traditions, they belong to different branches of Christianity.
47:47 От такой информации глаза не только из орбит вышли, но и сквозь руки пробились)))
у Джозефа аж лоб вспотел 😂
Это третий глаз... он прозрел в России!
По всей видимости, из-за установленного фона для картинки
What’s happening with the video when he touches his eye with his fingers? Does he use some app to make his eyes look nicer or something? What’s that about?
It's my video card messing up. I use Nvidia broadcast because it makes production easy. But it has this annoying AI feature that I don't know how to turn off.
@ 🙄🤔 Thanks for the explanation.
The Vatican has approved new guidelines for Italy that say that an applicant for the seminary cannot be rejected simply because he is gay, as long as he remains celibate.
@@VakhidMubarak it's disgusting
Sede Vacante
It was funny to even hear. Allow gays to preach in church on the condition that they stop being naughty. 😄
Crazy 🤦♀️
😂 Господи прости их грешных
47:54 whats going on with his eyes?
@@ssgomad whoa that's super weird. I'm think that's must have been an AI artifiact from my graphics card software. Thanks for calling that out, I'll have to check that out
He might be using a digital background and it might have glitched with the glasses.
Открылся третий глаз
@milasaba 😉😂
Politicians and the media all over the world are basically the same…..
No. Our president (I am from Russia) totally different from western politicians, we really live our president. ;)))
politicians are a reflection of their people. you get slimy politicians for that same reason . we have great Leader and you don't like it
@ 💪💪💯💯
In 5 years, he'll be a russian orthodox convert talking about Moscow as the 3rd rome
..and he will lose his "immortal soul"???
Не говорите ерунду. Россия многоконфессиональная страна. У меня друзья разной веры: есть католики, есть мусульмане и даже один индуист. Никто из моих друзей не поменял свою религию на православную и не собирается это делать.
А четвертому не бывать)
What bs comment.Keep on degrading some more
Putiñ graññy & *other were old beliebers. he was-baptised-by the Leñiñgrad Archi*añdrite as a baby because-his-father was-of-the-party.
Skeptical about Trump’s St Michael prayer but confident that former KGB agent is leading a genuine state revival of Christianity lmao.
@@samuelroberts3845 a bit of a red herring don't you think? Who is pushing the LGBT agenda and who is fighting it?
So much negativity
The thing is Russia needs to pump their birth rates up and the church is clearly one of the pillars of that strategy. Trump will take on any ideological position and form to get votes. It's not that funny
Putin’s real crime is that he has refused to play by the rules of globalization. In fact, he has done something rather remarkable, indeed, unheard of these days in most Western countries-he has sought to pursue policies that truly are in Russia’s interest.
Unlike Rick and Hillary, Putin is uninterested in neocon Wilsonian crusades in the Middle East, undermining his own economy with suicidal free-trade pacts, driving down wages with Third World immigration, or turning over Russia’s beloved oil and gas assets to Goldman Sachs and multinational corporations. Putin is doing what he was elected to do: protect Russia.
Putin was never “head of the KGB,” he served as a mid-level intelligence bureaucrat who sat at a desk in Dresden, East Germany, where he was stationed with his family for several years before returning to Leningrad.
His job was to analyze data. Contemporary American intelligence reports confirm this fact. During the abortive Communist coup by the old hands at the KGB in August 1991. Putin, was serving as deputy mayor to pro-American Leningrad mayor, Anatoly Sobchak, one of the fiercest critics of the KGB and the old Soviet system. It was Putin who organized the local Leningrad militia to oppose the attempted KGB coup and protect Mayor Sobchak and the forces of democratic reform.
This signal failure in Russia’s second city doomed the attempted KGB coup and assured the final collapse of the Soviet system and eventual transition of Russia away from Communism. It was Vladimir Putin, then, who was largely responsible for defeating and preventing the return of Communism in Russia. It is very hard to see how a secret supporter of the KGB would take such action, if he were actually favoring the return of Communism.
He knows too little about Vladimir. Under his rule, although he did not have the right to be elected more than twice, we have: 1) Russians are dying out at the rate of a million every year, not counting the war. 2) He issued a decree on migration in 2014, where the term "replacement migration" is literally used, as a result of which the oligarchs lobbied for a visa-free regime with Muslim countries, more than 20 million Wahhabis have already officially arrived. The crime rate and child rape have increased many times over. Yesterday, the mayor of the city gave an apartment to a Wahhabi family, where the husband has two wives and seven children. Putin publicly kissed the Koran. 3) Russia has the largest gap between rich and poor, the oligarchy has merged with the government. 4) Russia is the leader in the number of suicides. And this is only a part of the iceberg of Putin's rule. You know nothing about this devil.
Does this guy have a job?
Listen to the episode - he talks about his job during it.
@@david-nt3cz yup
Are you a Russian?
Very intelligent and educated man!
Agree, Catholics can live in Russia normal life untill wil not involved in real russian life. You are not local there, and that's why your reality will be different
В России более 200 католических церквей. В России более 195 народов, они говорят на 250 языках и диалектах. В России официально в законе равны все мировые религии. В Православной России есть буддистские регионы, мусульманские, есть еврейский автономный округ и так же есть округа где придерживаются шаманизма. И конечно католики. Хотя, вы не в курсе всего этого. Ведь люди с запада такие образованные и знают все на свете, даже лучше чем местные, которые живут на местах😊
Waiting to see how this guy fairs when Russia goes to war.....where will he go then?
@@david-nt3cz what do you mean? There is a war going on between America and Russia right now.
The fact is that if Russia goes to war, then this fate will not bypass anyone, including you. Do you think you will stay away if Russia goes to war? He has a better chance of survival than you do.
and where will you go? Or do you think the missiles won't reach you?
@@xalekcey at least Russia is 2.5 larger
Considering Russian advanced air defenses, Jozef and his family have a better chance of survival than yours and mine.
Not a good idea.
Great idea and there’s thousands Western traditional families escaping to Russia
@ Really?
@@ryanscottlogan8459 Really. But not you. You must to stay where you are. That's what the whole plan was about.
More Russia shilling from Eric. Weirdo
No, Eric is interviewing his guest and letting him speak with his own voice. They actually talked about what was good, bad, or just different about Russia. I think that you would call anything that doesn't condemn Russia as being pro-Russian.
@@sanjivjhangiani3243 Amen
Spoken like a true neocon.
@@leohorvat4311 not at all
Alcholism is a real problem in Russia
Yes Russia is number 3 in the world. America is number 5. I just found this out from Joe McClane the other day. Had no idea!
@ homeinrussia. ,do you live in Russia?
Total alcohol per capita (>= 15 years of age) consumption (litres of pure alcohol)
(21st place) Russia -10.5 litres
(29th place) U.S.A - 9.9 litres
World Health Organization Data
The nonsense and propaganda of American TV.
@@david-nt3cz the LGBT agenda is a real problem in America. Which would you rather deal with? I'll take a natural vice over an unnatural one... Every day of the week.
This interview reminds me of Vice President Kamala Harris’s interview by Reverend Al Sharpton. No hard questions asked. If I remember correctly, Mr Sammons is critical of those who see Franco’s Spain as some Catholic utopia. And he is right in being critical of criminal actions taken by the Nationalists against the Republicans. Some Catholics in the 60s moved to Spain, such as the Brent Bozell family of Triumph magazine, and my own, when my father took a year sabbatical there. Mr. Schutzman’s is just another search by Catholics again for a better place to live out the Faith. Franco’s Spain by the 60s was a mild authoritarian regime, compared to Russia today. In Spain, opposition politicians, and journalists were not being pushed out of windows to their death. Why were not hard questions asked? Franco’s Spain is gone, but Mr. Sammons could warn those who are seeking the next religious utopia? As a Ukrainian Greek Catholic, there is a strong sense that the Roman rite Catholics of America (Pope Francis could be thrown in with you) have betrayed the Ukrainian nation, in their blindness to the real Russia, beyond its facade. Why not such questions concerning: The persecution of the Catholic Church, especially the Greek rite, in Russian-occupied Ukraine, within Russia and Russia’s evil twin sister, Lukashenko’s Belarus? The proclamation of the Knights of Columbus in Russian-occupied Ukraine, as an illegal organization? The rampant corruption, chauvinism, and brutality of the Russian state? What will Mr Schutzman do, when the Russian state requires his sons to serve in their military, where there is brutal hazing of new recruits beyond anything most can imagine? Will Mr. Schutzman teach his children that Stalin was an evil dictator and that communism in Russia destroyed the nation, which could get Mr. Schutzman fined or imprisoned? Will he sit by and watch his children take part in the glorification of Stalin parades and march with the hammer and sickle flags? What will he do, when he spends years trying to get legal documents for property he bought and when he does, some local oligarch takes it away? I smiled when he spoke about how Russians seek "true friends." I remember how “Soviet Blat” was the norm in Ukraine (“Blat” is a Russian term that refers to a system of informal agreements, exchanges of favors, and personal connections that people use to get ahead. It can also refer to a form of corruption). That is the friendship I picture. One of corruption that invades even your so-called “friendships”. Of course, perhaps his “Blat” through friends will help him avoid the daily corruption most Russians face from their government bureaucracy. Being a Moscow resident, he can like all the ”upper class” Russians, avoid having his sons conscripted. Moscow, and any large Russian city, are mere modern “Potemkin villages” not the real Russia of grinding poverty, pollution, drunkenness, and a brutal life with few comforts. What do Mr Sammons and Mr Schutzman think of Putin’s regime and war in Ukraine? Nearly 1,000,000 dead or wounded Russians, the brutal killing of Ukrainian prisoners, civilians? The total destruction of civilian buildings, hospitals, and churches? Where in this discussion are any questions concerning Catholic Social Teaching lived out in Russia? I could go on with much more, such as compared to the USA, where abortion, divorce, and alcoholism are much more rampant. God protect the Schutzmans. I really doubt they and their children will live there forever.
Ukraine (in Russian - on the edge) - toponymic name of the area - near the edge. Ukrainians have never been such a people. There was Kievan Rus - there were never any Ukrainians.
Вот это вы нагородили ,интересно из какой святой страны вы нам глаза открываете 🤣?
I love that you think that this conversation between Eric and myself should have been some sort of interrogation. This is my experience and yes I live in Moscow, but I have had plenty of experiences outside of Moscow.
It's funny you should bring up Franco, I just met a very kind Russian Orthodox gentleman on Sunday who is a somewhat famous Orthodox author who actually wrote a book praising Franco. It's just a side note and funny that you should bring it up.
Sadly, it's clear that there is a lot of anger that is built up here (I'm not exactly sure where it comes from), but all Ukrainians do not agree with you, in fact the greater portion of the eastern block would disagree with you. Imagine for a moment that Washington D.C. was bombing Texas for years (Like Kiev bombed the Donbass for years)'s really not a way to improve your nationalist pride across the country. They have their own opinions that completely contradict yours.
I have friends who go to the Donbass, one of them, the father of 10 children who has been there 17 times on humanitarian missions. These people in places like the Donbass are all Ukrainians that despise the Kiev government and corruption. These people get 1 hour of water a day then it has to be preserved and turned off. They are hungry and cold. These are the victims and the Russians take care of them. Destruction is all around them...and they were getting bombed by their own people since 2014. Yet, I hear nothing about this.
If you are an independent person, you should probably reconsider your position but it doesn't sound to me like you are exactly on the ground in Ukraine but just reading (perhaps even listening to homilies about things happening in Ukraine from the Nationalist perspective).
I am not going to deconstruct the litany of complaints that you have but it is a minefield of fallacies and you really should do some research (the claim for example that 1,000,000 Russians have died or wounded is wildly inaccurate), maybe some independent media consumption could help. I am familiar with most of these talking points and they just don't hold water. In fact, we are at a turning point that more and more people everyday are realizing that these accusations are not only inaccurate but are inversely characteristic of the Ukrainian Government & AFU. I'm not saying there aren't bad actors everywhere, there are. But these accusations are symptomatic and permeate throughout the Ukraine.
If you were planning on convincing anybody about Russia's faults you should have at least started by pointing out the blatant disregard for human life, sending children to fight a man's war. You should have been outraged by America and the UK stopping Zelensky from making peace (which is why he won a landslide election because he promised to make peace with Putin....this is why the UKRAINIANS voted him in)
Regardless of what you think of Eric and myself independently, nobody is claiming religious utopia...there is no such thing. Paradise is the next life. I am sure you love your country in which you do not live, but many many of the Ukrainians live there think of themselves as victims of their own government...not Russia. So I'm really quite tired of the persecution complex and all the untruths that follow that. There is a war, it's certain. It's a sad civil war that American and the West created and promised to continue sending money to Ukraine till Ukrainians were exterminated. It's a scenario wherein evil Western corporations working with the Military Complex to come in and steal the land and resources from Ukraine. It's a destroyed country, and the true enemy of Ukraine has clearly been Western governments. I came here to escape that and I am truly humbled and grateful to find refuge for my family here.
In closing you should stay close to the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima, continue to pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the end, Her Immaculate Heart WILL triumph. Till then, expect more perversions and destruction not only of the body but more importantly of the immortal souls throughout the world that are being lost in the most unnatural ways that are protected and promoted by Western Governments.
In 2020 number of abortions in Russia was 450 000, which per capita was higher than in USA. Don't forget about that side of Russia.
A legacy of Soviet-era thinking, and a mixture of modern consumerism ("Oh kids are so *expensive* mentality). There is certainly not a culture of abortion among real Russians outside of the big cities, unlike in the USA where it's prevalent everywhere.
Which is 1/3rd of what it was in 2009. They have also caped it at 12 weeks.
Russia has been moving the right direction on this.
@acrxsls1766 yeah, after it went back to the states we saw how popular abortion is here in the US, even red states like Kansas
@@mrjustadude1 France also has cape at 12 week and said the need to be extended to the 14 week, but who will think that France is a good example?