Keep up the good work and don't you Dare LOSE HOPE don't you GIVE UP don't STOP and most importantly don't let YOURSELF DOWN!!!!!!!! FROM THE HOUSEHOLD OF KHALID BIN AL WALEED R.A
Absolutely beautiful, I’m going through a real battle but I can honestly say with confidence, the Lord Jesus helped me every step of the way, he turned the impossible into possible, he broke the walls down, he shattered the worries, he awoke a faith in me I never knew I had, he helps me to remain calm, Jesus listens to me when I had enough, Jesus talked to me and reminded me not to give up, even when I was at the edge of my hope, at the end of my line, at a excruciating point where anybody would give up, I’m honestly living a nightmare and cards are stacked against me and I can’t get into details, but remember this whoever is reading this, The Lord Jesus loves you, he cares for you, he’s with you wherever you go, he will lift the weight of the world off of you, he will tell you what to say, the Lord Jesus will help you to love, to care, to listen, to remain in a peace of mind, he will show you the way, I say all these things with such confidence, I know he’s working, I know he’s real, he is the Son of God, he is the Messiah, he’s our Rock, he’s the true and living God, he’s everything he says he is, he will set you free, set you free from worries, from financial struggles, he will ultimately take control of your life and yes it will be challenging at times but it’s so worth it !
This song Is doing something.... my heart is melting... And that titanic scene 😢
thank u
Omg i loved
Keep up the good work and
don't you Dare LOSE HOPE
don't you GIVE UP
don't STOP
and most importantly don't let YOURSELF DOWN!!!!!!!!
Bu müzikle hayal kurması çok güzel oluyor...
sen ne îşi var bürda
Güzel şarkı ve nazik
Benim kalp dan çok yaralar var💔
Vreau și eu partitura ptr vioară.
Absolutely beautiful, I’m going through a real battle but I can honestly say with confidence, the Lord Jesus helped me every step of the way, he turned the impossible into possible, he broke the walls down, he shattered the worries, he awoke a faith in me I never knew I had, he helps me to remain calm, Jesus listens to me when I had enough, Jesus talked to me and reminded me not to give up, even when I was at the edge of my hope, at the end of my line, at a excruciating point where anybody would give up, I’m honestly living a nightmare and cards are stacked against me and I can’t get into details, but remember this whoever is reading this, The Lord Jesus loves you, he cares for you, he’s with you wherever you go, he will lift the weight of the world off of you, he will tell you what to say, the Lord Jesus will help you to love, to care, to listen, to remain in a peace of mind, he will show you the way, I say all these things with such confidence, I know he’s working, I know he’s real, he is the Son of God, he is the Messiah, he’s our Rock, he’s the true and living God, he’s everything he says he is, he will set you free, set you free from worries, from financial struggles, he will ultimately take control of your life and yes it will be challenging at times but it’s so worth it !