I just saw this on my watch later list. This hasn't aged well. I like the fact that all these maskers realized they were wrong. And now they just hide out in society.
I predict that one day we'll all be vaccinated against corona virus, but they'll still push this filthy social distance. That way, we all have less fellowship with each other, and government crushes us more tightly. That all people must forever be 6 feet from all others or they die is not capable of being a fully proven fact of science.
@@MainStreetElectricalParade You want to wear it - you always had, do have and will always have a freedom to wear one. If you aren't comfortable around others, you can choose a mask with N-95 or KN-95 rating, with carbon filters, and others. But please deal with your fears or risks yourself, and don't have the whole society cater to them.
That's the best advise I heard a masker say. Avoid like they have the plague. Pisser. Wonder if he still spouts this shit now the evidence has popped out. Lol
“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan
@think for yourself blah blah blah yeah, its confirmed that a mask will reduce the spread of covid-19, I'm not giving out my personal ideas on medicine.
@Flekk Bone Gnawer I agree, because you don't need to wear a mask anywhere or anytime unless you're actually performing medical care. Masks don't stop COVID-19.
@@americanlegaldefense7789 Yes they do just like condoms stop pregnancy and std's. Human error and carelessness can reduce the efficacy but it is better than nothing and gives us a fighting chance. If you give up so easily now what happens when the next plague hits us? It's only going to get worse from here as the U.S. and other countries turn increasingly to germ warfare.
Lol, people who can't even distinguish gas/particle/droplet OR bacteria/virus talking about their puny science in comments. Please go read about Dunning-Kruger effect.
Yeah put your government mandated muzzle on to keep everyone satisfied. Don't think for yourself because You will upset the geniuses and you have no right at all to do that.. because those not wearing a mask obviously don't have a brain and need to follow the leaders.
@@EmmaLiess-qz6zw If your voice is so weak that it is stopped by a mask you shouldn't be out in public anyway. In your case you don't have anything intelligent to share so it's no big loss.
I was laughing so hard while watching this. Honestly, the government should use this as a PSA for wearing masks :P. I do have one criticism though, you're wearing your mask incorrectly XD. The folds should be facing downwards on the front not upwards, this helps to prevent bacteria from sitting within the folds of the mask.
Kate Cox Thanks for the tip, as it can be difficult to tell which way is supposed to be up, since some of the homemade cloth masks don’t have nose wires (which I don’t find work very well anyway). 🥰😷
I understand him there are 2 options: -1: they dont work it comes in and out -2:they work and protect yourself and others it Blocks it from comeing out or in if you noticed how stupid youre comment was youd propably not comment that Englisch guy is wrong becouse hes right
This doesn’t work for me. Every day I play dodge while walking my dog and at least 1 person on every outing will follow me across the street when I move to avoid them. Especially runners.
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to This is why I don't want to walk mine atm. About 3 people come by without a mask and they normaly walk slower when near the dog for some strange reason and get mad when the dog barks, but still approaches closer to me.
You realize how bad the crazies have gotten? I mean at least flat earthers, people who believe in the NWO and all that are rare. But these people are a lot more common and it kinda concerns me what our society has come too
@markien B. He’s talking about how crazy conspiracy theorists, like flat earthers are being outshined in numbers by the anti-maskers, since they are much more common through their lack of common sense.
@@TheoWerewolf a political agenda is exactly what this is. People are waking up, the wool is being pulled away and they are seeing how everyone has been duped and indoctrinated by this weaponized fear of getting the flu. It's sad to see people walking alone in the park, or driving alone in their cars wearing a mask when it is completely unnecessary. It's media hype telling them to do this. People can easily see through the lies. Nobody watches state paid news any more. Things are going to change soon.
@@TheoWerewolf It was never health advice, Theo. It was a capitulation to hysterical social media mobs. Remember the official party line on masks? "They don't protect you from others, they protect others from you." This came out after studies showed that those wearing masks weren't significantly protected from C 19. But for this claim to be valid, isotropy would have to break down in the laws of motion, as applied to moisture droplets. Those are simply Newton's laws, and they've stood up to centuries of experimentation, as opposed to the consensus re: the Boogaflu, which was a passing fad that only went back to 2020. When that which really is well established Science is being disregarded in order to appease the masses, the word for what results is "Politics," not Science.
Smug face hole acting like he knows the future of the pandemic… condescending and patronizing you for not knowing the future… and being wrong… as always
Great advice. I've had a delivery guy who refused to wear a mask - I work in a long term care facility full of vulnerable people - and he's been very egregious about it, telling me that I'm scared of my own shadow. The Québec government mandated masks on Saturday. Today was the day that guy showed up wearing his. He tried to scurry in and out without being seen, as though he has been forced to wear a bra at work, but I caught him. Did I mock him? Did I laugh? No, neither. I just said hello and tried not to look surprised that he had complied - for the sake of his job. Don't engage these people, don't make it worse.
The CDC website: "Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
@@christysdeals4u Do you understand that there are different viruses with different vectors for transmission? Like, do you realize that condoms don't mitigate the spread of influenza, and hand washing doesn't mitigate the spread of HIV? Do you understand that Sars-Cov-2 is NOT influenza or HIV? I know you feel smart copying and pasting something directly from the CDC, but do you even understand the relevance of what you are posting to the current pandemic?
@@christysdeals4u Right - so you watched a totally debunked clickbaitmentary. If you think public health regulations mean you are in a 'war', then you must have a sadly boring life.
Several laws exist that PROHIBIT businesses from discriminatory practices. The penalty for discrimination in CA is $12,000 per occurrence when in violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act and $35,000 in violation of the hate crimes act.
The popular instructions are that the face mask won't protect the wearer as much as protect the spit (if infected) from being sent to another person. So don't 'take a deep breath with your mask on" if you are too close to people.
@NotADuck You should just wear a full hazmat suit. Since that’s what the scientists wear when working with viruses. Actually pathogens and parasites and the heavy metals etc they work with. Since this virus cannot be isolated outside of the human cell...
@@wm1958 You’re 100% correct. It’s extremely alarming to see masses of people who don’t know history war accounts, and plans that have been used for centuries just like the massive psyop we are in right now. People are extremely stupid.
“A little bit”, harming young people’s facial recognition/emotional development, disrupting social lives and young social development, and lastly - accomplish nothing.
@@malifex9922 Research facial expression and cognitive functioning. Particularly emotional intelligence. There's been hundreds of studies, especially the effects of young children staring at screens.
@@uverpro3598 There have been zero studies on the effects of wearing a protective mask when in a public area for a few minutes. Nice try. By this logic, every child in an Islamic country should be stunted for life, anyway.
@Flekk Bone Gnawer and what authority/qualifications on the subject do you have to assert that? It's not simply "wearing a mask". Are you oblivious to the hundreds of social disruptions that accompany this insane policy? I doubt it, I think you're being deliberately deceitful.
Your "Physics" was known to be wrong by people with actual degrees in, "ya know," PHYSICS, which probably shouldn't come as a complete surprise, because the person who dreamed it up (Zeynep Tufekci) had no background in Physics (or any other hard science), whatsoever. She had a terminal bachelor's degree in Sociology, and studied the culture of the Internet, something that no doubt came in handy as she weaponized online mobs in order to silence her better educated detractors. Speaking as one of those people, brittlestar, somebody whose asthma was greatly aggravated because of the confident ignorance of people like you for two years, I can tell you exactly what happened when those of us who actually knew something about Physics tried to reason with the true believers. We got condescended to and talked over by midwits who thought that they could be scientists, too - better scientists, in fact - because they had watched CNN and put an uncritical faith in everything they heard on their TV. Physicists were expected to defer to GED recipients, when the latter decided to follow "the Science" in a manner more than faintly reminiscent of that seen out of the supporters of Lysenko during the rule of Stalin. The fact that you took part in this is not something that you should be proud of.
@@wm1958 imagine being so full of hate, that another human not wearing something on their face causes you to be defensive, sarcastic, and lack a sense of humor.
Be sure to line up before your vaccine and don't ask what's in it. If told you need to go to quarantine Camp then please follow the quarantine police without conflict. When told that you must take a tracking chip under your skin then you must take it because they know what's best for you.
The CDC website: "Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
@@impunkos It's not his fault for accusing you of being a trump supporter he is just simple minded and easy prey for manipulation tactics... The media here has thoroughly convinced the public that anti-vaxers an anti maskers are all trump supporters...I have never worn a mask and will never get a vaccine yet I know politics are just a divide and conquer tactic... Presidents are selected not elected they are all pieces of shit and I don't support any of them
@@cymaticsmoke7658 i suppose however smart you can be (i mean you knoq better than me which i was sad about : /) but maybe. Just maybe if you catch cooties. Youll understand what mistake youv made comrade. Its a very simple device to protect everyone since you arnt in-charge of others health. See its simple. Wear your mask, get a vaccine (iam only 14 i already want one lel) and well. Just be calm and wait for this calamity to end.
@@impunkos Slam dunk! Isn't it amazing how many people automatically assume that TH-cam is "America". I've got that before too, on my videos. They'll yell at me and say "it's a free country". I'm like, "how do you know where I live"?
The maple leaf is an iconic vhoice to have on a mask. Iam an indian and id want the chakra on our flag on my mask but the people dont like it saying its too sacred to be treated like it. Ao i suppose maple leaf it is (i was thinking of a workers hand raising a hammer with the caption "workers of the world unite" but when i think of the maple leaf. I couldnt be happier. It just feels like a positive sbol. A good choice ngl
Some people wear them in the cars to avoid having to take it off, set it down, and make it dirty so they can't wear it again. Maybe they have multiple stops to make and don't want to go through a bunch of masks. Or would that be too simple of an explanation for you?
@@Gothuew actually this argument doesn't hold water... Not a drop... For one a surgeon is in a sterilized room and that plays a large factor in how effective the masks work and are changed roughly every 30 min to an hour when operating... And if you wear gloves I truly have no respect for you... the common blue mask we see doesn't protect against the virus anyway and it says that on the box. The only masks that work, if worn properly, is an n95 or some sort of respiration mask... Cry your self to sleep but if this were so bad (.008 death rate at it's peak) then people would have acted like this was ebola. Masks are only good for an hour or so depending on a lot of factors. And last thing, you claim I deny the science... What if I told you there are no studies that have shown masks or lockdowns work amongst the general public... This is not selective citing this is just the honest truth. Your more likely to die by choking than covid. This is why I couldn't care less
@@Gothuew I didn't say there were no studies and if that's how it sounds then my bad... I said/meant no conclusive studies that prove one side is correct... Many studies are contradictory which ends up being inconclusive aka invalid aka no proof... If I'm biased then so are you
Health provisions is not equal to violating rights. Its good iam an indian. Atleast our frustrated policemen whooped our ass so we wear the mask and finally slow this shit down. Its pathetic how although completely close Inside chinese sources that report of cases struggle to report any now. Thats because they used methods to stop it (now they did use really cruel methods. Its the chinese government and they want perfect so thats expected) but have the decency to understand it helps in slowing the calamity down lel
@@samuelsoliday8241 your a moron. Here's a quick fact. The pcr test to "detect covid". The cdc did a study. How much they amplify it is measured in cycles. After 34 cycles it's 0 percent accurate. Guess how many cycles they use everywhere.......40. a couple states 37. Use your brain.
@@jasonl34 You are talking about how the test is flawed. That does not have anything to do with the seriousness of the virus itself. The fact that you have opted to insult me instead of making yourself clearer tells me that you have no idea what you are talking about and are just repeating random phrases you heard/saw that sounds like it fits your worldview.
Covidity hasn't worked, over a year in and global population of humans still exceeds 500 million.... We are going to have to keep thinking up other ways to get back to sustainable population for environmental reasons
As someone who is an anti masker I find this hilarious on so many levels. He sounds like a high schooler. I wonder when people will actually do real research and stop following blindly.
I keep my distance from people...but when I am in grocery stores getting an item, some antimaskers will walk right up and stand right beside me...yet I need to finish getting my items. When I tell them to move away, they take it as an invitation to talk to me...and without a mask, out spews their contaminated droplets. Remember..."6 feet away or 6 feet under."
@@natelamb573 no they aren’t actually. The virus is in water droplets. Your spit specifically. It’s not to stop the virus. I know the virus is too small to be trapped by the mask. But the virus is inside your spit. And your spit is billions times bigger than a virus and does get caught by the mask. Disprove that. I dare you
@@weirdman9154 simple solution - have common courtesy don't spit on people.. The virus is a attack on America by china and other foreign enemies. Shutting down the country has nothing to do with safety it 100 % directly related with politics and pushing secret socialist agendas to cripple the United States.
@@natelamb573 did you just say don’t spit on people? My guy it is nearly impossible to do that. When you cough, sneeze, or even god damn talk you produce spit. Do you have any idea how the human body works?
Yes that 3 year old riding his tricycle in a 500 acre park with the only person within 100 feet of him was his mother, and little sister in the stroller but he was safe they all wore a mask cause those pesky birds in the trees were anti-maskers
A friend of my sister went down to Alabama this Summer, and, being a good Canadian, went into a store wearing a mask. She was asked to remove the mask or leave the store because "she was scaring the customers"! Trumpism is alive and well.
Josue, you do know that wearing a mask doesn't protect ourselves, it protects others. So if everyone wore a mask, including you, it would make everyone elses lives safer. Just sayin bro
@@johnlascus3498 if these dregs were smart enough to figure that out, they wouldn't make stupid posts that advertise their own complete lack of understanding.
@@royb5014 I know what you mean... Some people! I call them armchair warriors! Nothing better to do but attack people who think differently. I don't wear a mask, never will do... And don't need to! Attack me as you please, but I don't care. The world is a stage, and you're just another NPC. Put your mask on (ego) and get in line... I'll be watching 👁️
Pepper spray! It has a multi-purpose. It'll keep the anti maskers at a decent distance and it's also good for Karen's! But the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They both are pretty much the same. I would throw in the third purpose and that's for Trump supporters but that's kind of repetitious in the sense but Karen's are pretty much Trump supporters.
what about the senior in Canada that got through his shopping, later the police came to his home, he ended up being shot dead. It started because he didn't wear a mask. The division vids like this is creating is a sin
Get the story straight. It happened in a small town in Haliburton, near me. Yes, he refused to put on a mask to enter the local Valu-Mart, was refused entry, assaulted store staff, and screamed that he was coming back with guns to kill them all!! When police went to his home, he fired multiple shots at an OPP cruiser, and things escalated. So it wasn't being an anti-masker that got him killed. It was acting like an American gun-psycho.
@@t.mcintyre7770 Here we go... No, that's my brother-in-law's version. He lives there. The Valu-Mart is actually in Minden, a town in Haliburton County, with a population of 4100. Everybody knows everybody, so the OPP didn't search for this guy, the store staff probably said, " (Insert name here) was just in threatening to kill us. We all know he owns guns, so pop on by his house and see if you can calm him down." Nope. But I'm probably in on the conspiracy too, right? Stick with the QAnon version. It will fit your worldview better than the truth.
Imagine if we treated people with bipolar or autism or some other mental illness the way you are treating anyone who either chooses or simply cannot wear a mask due to their own psychological or mental cognitive issues. You have absolutely so much compassion for your virtue.
He meant if you are not able to wear a mask stay at home and if you are able to wear one and are lying about it (many people have been making false doctors notes to not wear a mask) you’re a terrible person
@@Ro-wc1ug Why did you waste your time and energy replying to me comment. I don’t care what he meant, what I’ve said is valid and applies to those concerned. You don't get to just assume because someone is not wearing a mask that they are a terrible person which is what some people do.
@@utkarshchoudhary3870 Never mind him. Why don't you check all the 18 to 30 year olds that are pro-mask and all that. See how fast those masks come off on a Friday night while they're surely doing things that could be considered a "corona swap". Never mind the guy with no mask 20 feet away from you at the mall.
Why do you ever leave your home? Masks don't prevent spread 100%. Distancing doesn't prevent spread 100%. The only thing that comes close is staying home. Why don't you permanently stay home? To help others?
Says all that mask less cuz he knows no 1 would understand him with it on lol. Also seriously if masks works so well then u wouldn't care if other don't use them cuz urs alone protects the user right ? lol
@@Bigrich0g How about you wake up and realize. Theres a thing called filter. Plus droplets cant go through the said cloth like butter does when it melts and seeps into the bread.
Most are just scared children(adult) or too ugly to not wear a mask or psychopaths or just plain stupid. I try to keep my distance from them. You never know which type that you'll meet.
@@2pi628 same with anti maskers; I was just walking down the street with my mask, then some crazy lady charged right up to my face shouting at me for simply wearing a mask, I can’t trust anti maskers because their brains don’t function properly.
@mj r I added a link to my "Covid Mask Song" on TH-cam in my comment, but apparently TH-cam doesn't allow links. It's humorous, but definitely not subtle! If you have a moment, please check it out, as well as "You Can't Get There From Here".
Finally, someone who knows. "We wear masks in a clinical setting to protect the patient, and we wear them for a short period of time. A surgeon who may wear a mask for an extended period will often change masks. Masks are a good bacterial block but they do nothing to protect against viruses. A tiny virus will penetrate right through a face mask. We use masks simply to prevent the possibility of giving our patient a bacterial infection. A medical lab technician working with viruses does not wear a paper or cloth face mask but is usually protected by a solid face shield and gloves. If we suspect we may have a virus then we would not come to work or would not put ourselves in a direct patient care scenario. The idea that the public should wear face masks continually to prevent the spread of viruses is outside of sanity. Any such mandate simply spreads fear, could compromise one's immune system and does little to nothing in the prevention of spreading a virus. The most effective prevention is simply to carry out good hygienic practices and refrain from touching your face, especially mucus membranes and wash your hands frequently."
Protect patron from what? It's amazing how many yrs ppl have survived all sorts of flu and other crazy sicknesses . If you have something to have to protect others from then you should just stay home!! Don't go out or to work if you r sick! Use common sense!!
You realize it stops that mucus of yours from flying around? And from ending up on your hands. It's not like it has no purpose at all. You're not smarter than those experts that used a lifetime contemplating these things, and recommend them for a reason. Besides, you don't use them for your own sake. The disease has been proven to spread slower where they use masks and distancing.
@@loveroftruth56 If we can't get people to put on something as simple as a mask you are being entirely unrealistic if you think they are going to stay home. Some people just like attention even if it's negative so they will always go against the grain no matter how stupid they look.
I wrote an article on masks. Go to News With Views Then click on writers, Then scroll down to Ure and you may read about the masks and the corona articles are there. I would be pleased to see your response. I have been a doctor for 40 years and I use common sense. Look at Jon Rappaport. He does a great job explaining why there is no virus.
@@samuelsoliday8241 you see that’s the whole problem here! People might have died from heart attacks but here’s the government telling us it’s covid and people like you are quick to believe it! The numbers are far from realistic. Even CDC admitted it! A person that’s on their deathbed due to bone cancer that contracted covid in hospital is counted as a covid death. A person that dies in car accident and happens to have tested positive upon death is counted as a covid death. There are no longer any other causes of death. I call BS on this whole thing! You can believe it if you want and wrap yourself in Reynolds wrap if you choose to but don’t impose it on anyone else.
@@jrg6356 The fact that you're calling me out for "imposing my beliefs on other people" is fucking hilarious considering that's exactly what you're trying to do. Whenever someone brings up any argument against your beliefs you proceed to dismiss them with some variation of "the government is lying too you" and then try to impose this belief on them while simultaneously insulting their intelligence. People like you are just sad too listen too. Which is why I'm not even gonna bother arguing with you about this matter. Because no matter what I say or bring up, you will, without fail do exactly that.
@@jrg6356 dude. What in bloody hell is wrong with you? They died of heart attacks BECAUSE the covid infection weakened their body,made it hard to breathe and overall removed possibility of survival. Please have the human decency to understand the pain of people who lose their loved ones without heart attacks or intensification of a pre existing illness due to it
I just saw this on my watch later list. This hasn't aged well. I like the fact that all these maskers realized they were wrong. And now they just hide out in society.
You had me at “death cooties” 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️
Always keep a coffin's length away from others--6 feet away or 6 feet under.
666 mark of the beast, Rev 13:16
@@fourteen34 The Bible is accurate when thrown a short distance .
I predict that one day we'll all be vaccinated against corona virus, but they'll still push this filthy social distance. That way, we all have less fellowship with each other, and government crushes us more tightly. That all people must forever be 6 feet from all others or they die is not capable of being a fully proven fact of science.
And have the tombstone ready with the following inscription "Here lies , he died from Covid-19 because he thought the virus was fake".
@T Travis Seeing as how humans behave as of late, hell, all the time, it is better to be a sheep.
"Death cooties" This is what I'm gonna call COVID-19 from now on.
I think kung flu is good enough
thats what caused a surge in violence against asians so no
Your more likely die from a heart attack or aneurism than covid
It hurts me to my Core how stupid humanity has become.
@saddleheadson....And they also show their stupidity on YT
Humanity has always been this stupid. The only difference is now everyone has a tool to display it to billions of people.
I feel you pain friend!
@@MainStreetElectricalParade You want to wear it - you always had, do have and will always have a freedom to wear one. If you aren't comfortable around others, you can choose a mask with N-95 or KN-95 rating, with carbon filters, and others. But please deal with your fears or risks yourself, and don't have the whole society cater to them.
The irony of living with extensive and easy access information
I love how anti-maskers are so triggered by this! That shows this is awesome. More people should watch this!
You know what else it shows? They are the immature people. You don’t see the mask wearers going out and commenting on anti masker’s videos
I love how MaskNazis go into complete hysterics whenever they even HEAR that someone is not wearing the religious garb of the Mask-Church.
@@c.a.g.3130 I mean yeah. You are kinda endangering lives. What do you expect?
@@weirdman9154 Oh, I guess you're one of those Anti-Science moonbats. Afraid of cooties? You just got it from typing that message. HA!!!
@@c.a.g.3130 no... that’s you actually
I love the serious in your snark ;-) (believe me, I think snark is a wonderful thing lol)
No one needs an excuse to not wear a mask.
You’re too easy
Avoid them like the plague" seems like I've heard it before in history
Just making sure to reinforce the propaganda.
That's the best advise I heard a masker say. Avoid like they have the plague. Pisser. Wonder if he still spouts this shit now the evidence has popped out. Lol
What evidence? That people don’t avoid things like the plague. Cause they don’t
@@kippertrace5808 @$$ goblin. It's not a cure its a vaccine! Keep up!
@@felipepineda1585 the point of a vax is...?
1:28 "we all know what an idiot looks like." Yep, it looks exactly like the narrator of this video.
The hell do you mean kiddo.
Says a guy who says yep? A lot of people say that. The F is that? It's either, yes or yup. No BS yep
Deadly FantasyFlu19. Funny, didnt know people are still drinking KoolAid.
“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan
My husband is in end-stage CHF, on oxygen 24/7. When I took him to the doctor, he wore a mask. There is no medical excuse.
My girlfriend who's a cardiologist MD, says you're wrong.
@@TheSMPeto32 wear your mask
@@TheSMPeto32 and your girlfriend, is wrong.
love these little stories 🤣
@think for yourself blah blah blah yeah, its confirmed that a mask will reduce the spread of covid-19, I'm not giving out my personal ideas on medicine.
"How to deal with people who don't wear a mask outside."
*Brought to you by someone who isn't wearing a mask outside.*
@Flekk Bone Gnawer I agree, because you don't need to wear a mask anywhere or anytime unless you're actually performing medical care. Masks don't stop COVID-19.
Oh Sparky....stupid after all these videos....sad
@@americanlegaldefense7789 Yes they do just like condoms stop pregnancy and std's. Human error and carelessness can reduce the efficacy but it is better than nothing and gives us a fighting chance. If you give up so easily now what happens when the next plague hits us? It's only going to get worse from here as the U.S. and other countries turn increasingly to germ warfare.
@@americanlegaldefense7789 Right on! It's all BS.
@@americanlegaldefense7789 with your logic condoms doesn't stop aids or other STDs and pregnancies
"Big Burka"
Lol, people who can't even distinguish gas/particle/droplet OR bacteria/virus talking about their puny science in comments. Please go read about Dunning-Kruger effect.
While your at it, study Munchausen by proxy too. And Stockholm syndrome. That’s a good one..
It’s videos like this that does nothing but create more and more problems in an already volatile situation we all have to endure with.
No you just have to laugh at the moron and ignore it
Yeah put your government mandated muzzle on to keep everyone satisfied. Don't think for yourself because You will upset the geniuses and you have no right at all to do that.. because those not wearing a mask obviously don't have a brain and need to follow the leaders.
@@EmmaLiess-qz6zw Clearly your government mandated muzzle isn't working very well or I wouldn't have to read this drivel.
@@EmmaLiess-qz6zw If your voice is so weak that it is stopped by a mask you shouldn't be out in public anyway. In your case you don't have anything intelligent to share so it's no big loss.
You are obviously a masky. No sense of humour. That is what is making this whole situation volatile. Not some tongue in cheek video
I just saw this. I absolutely LOVE your perspective!
I was laughing so hard while watching this. Honestly, the government should use this as a PSA for wearing masks :P. I do have one criticism though, you're wearing your mask incorrectly XD. The folds should be facing downwards on the front not upwards, this helps to prevent bacteria from sitting within the folds of the mask.
Kate Cox Thanks for the tip, as it can be difficult to tell which way is supposed to be up, since some of the homemade cloth masks don’t have nose wires (which I don’t find work very well anyway). 🥰😷
You realize this Is satire right? lol
@@JayZPimpin101 I've been following Brittlestar for awhile now. So yes, I know that this comedic satire.
You pro mask people are pathetic
Dominion of Opinion And here you are in your mom’s basement, watching a pro-mask video and being a comment troll. Your mama must be so proud 🙄.
if they work sooo well why are we worried
If other”s don’t want to mask up ???
Yup, always someone asking this question and not seeing the irony of their own stupidity.
Ok even other anti maskers can see how your comment is idiotic. If they worked of course you should wear them. And guess what, they do.
@@silverbison3511. Lol, that’s the perfect thing to say
I understand him there are 2 options:
-1: they dont work it comes in and out
-2:they work and protect yourself and others it Blocks it from comeing out or in if you noticed how stupid youre comment was youd propably not comment that Englisch guy is wrong becouse hes right
If the masks work so well why don’t they just wear a mask when dealing with Ebola ?
Just walk away from them, do not engage, just like road rage...
This doesn’t work for me. Every day I play dodge while walking my dog and at least 1 person on every outing will follow me across the street when I move to avoid them. Especially runners.
@Bruce Morris.......Yes, yeah, stay away from such, careful because they bite like snakes and let virus under your skin.
Is it okay to poke at them with a long stick? 😆😆
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to This is why I don't want to walk mine atm. About 3 people come by without a mask and they normaly walk slower when near the dog for some strange reason and get mad when the dog barks, but still approaches closer to me.
FirstName LastName people like you are why we are losing our freedoms...brainwashed sheeple 🙄
You realize how bad the crazies have gotten? I mean at least flat earthers, people who believe in the NWO and all that are rare. But these people are a lot more common and it kinda concerns me what our society has come too
@markien B. He’s talking about how crazy conspiracy theorists, like flat earthers are being outshined in numbers by the anti-maskers, since they are much more common through their lack of common sense.
so your crazy if you question the powers that be?
@@steelyfan7745. No, you’re crazy if you question something that’s been proven to be true a million times over.
@@steelyfan7745 No. your crazy if you deny all the undeniable evidence in front of you
How to deal with anti maskers can be summed up in four words: *ignore and move away*
Brittlestar has moved from political comedy to political agenda. At least he did say "Idiot science" to describe mask mandates.
This from someone who thinks health advice is a political agenda.
@@TheoWerewolf You are absolutely right. The whole covid scam is a political agenda. 100% and it's been proven.
@@TheoWerewolf a political agenda is exactly what this is. People are waking up, the wool is being pulled away and they are seeing how everyone has been duped and indoctrinated by this weaponized fear of getting the flu. It's sad to see people walking alone in the park, or driving alone in their cars wearing a mask when it is completely unnecessary. It's media hype telling them to do this. People can easily see through the lies. Nobody watches state paid news any more. Things are going to change soon.
@@TheoWerewolf It was never health advice, Theo. It was a capitulation to hysterical social media mobs.
Remember the official party line on masks? "They don't protect you from others, they protect others from you." This came out after studies showed that those wearing masks weren't significantly protected from C 19. But for this claim to be valid, isotropy would have to break down in the laws of motion, as applied to moisture droplets. Those are simply Newton's laws, and they've stood up to centuries of experimentation, as opposed to the consensus re: the Boogaflu, which was a passing fad that only went back to 2020.
When that which really is well established Science is being disregarded in order to appease the masses, the word for what results is "Politics," not Science.
"For a bit"
Over two weeks and one year later...
Smug face hole acting like he knows the future of the pandemic… condescending and patronizing you for not knowing the future… and being wrong… as always
Great advice. I've had a delivery guy who refused to wear a mask - I work in a long term care facility full of vulnerable people - and he's been very egregious about it, telling me that I'm scared of my own shadow. The Québec government mandated masks on Saturday. Today was the day that guy showed up wearing his. He tried to scurry in and out without being seen, as though he has been forced to wear a bra at work, but I caught him. Did I mock him? Did I laugh? No, neither. I just said hello and tried not to look surprised that he had complied - for the sake of his job. Don't engage these people, don't make it worse.
Well aren't you a virtuous person..
The CDC website: "Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
@@christysdeals4u Do you understand that there are different viruses with different vectors for transmission? Like, do you realize that condoms don't mitigate the spread of influenza, and hand washing doesn't mitigate the spread of HIV? Do you understand that Sars-Cov-2 is NOT influenza or HIV? I know you feel smart copying and pasting something directly from the CDC, but do you even understand the relevance of what you are posting to the current pandemic?
@@HeatherSpoonheim plandemic you mean.. i don't care if I am "smart" or not.. we are in a war...open your eyes.. soon you will not have any freedoms.
@@christysdeals4u Right - so you watched a totally debunked clickbaitmentary. If you think public health regulations mean you are in a 'war', then you must have a sadly boring life.
Several laws exist that PROHIBIT businesses from discriminatory practices. The penalty for discrimination in CA is $12,000 per occurrence when in violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act and $35,000 in violation of the hate crimes act.
I don’t care, if I owned a business and someone refused to wear a mask or visor, they’re out, it’s my business and you need to comply to my rules.
kicking someone out of a store for not wearing a mask isn't a hate crime lmfao
The popular instructions are that the face mask won't protect the wearer as much as protect the spit (if infected) from being sent to another person. So don't 'take a deep breath with your mask on" if you are too close to people.
Mask is just a legal way to illegally discriminate against others that believe different than you, and are perfectly healthy.
Billions eh?
@NotADuck You should just wear a full hazmat suit. Since that’s what the scientists wear when working with viruses. Actually pathogens and parasites and the heavy metals etc they work with. Since this virus cannot be isolated outside of the human cell...
@@wm1958 You’re 100% correct. It’s extremely alarming to see masses of people who don’t know history war accounts, and plans that have been used for centuries just like the massive psyop we are in right now. People are extremely stupid.
@@wm1958 is the flu really not spreading? also if it isn't why isn't it? sorry just questioning so i don't blindly believe everything i read :3
Truly disgusting
“A little bit”, harming young people’s facial recognition/emotional development, disrupting social lives and young social development, and lastly - accomplish nothing.
harming young people's facial recognition? LOL There's a new looney theory every day.
@@malifex9922 Research facial expression and cognitive functioning. Particularly emotional intelligence. There's been hundreds of studies, especially the effects of young children staring at screens.
@@uverpro3598 There have been zero studies on the effects of wearing a protective mask when in a public area for a few minutes. Nice try. By this logic, every child in an Islamic country should be stunted for life, anyway.
Malifex are you saying that unironically???
@Flekk Bone Gnawer and what authority/qualifications on the subject do you have to assert that?
It's not simply "wearing a mask". Are you oblivious to the hundreds of social disruptions that accompany this insane policy? I doubt it, I think you're being deliberately deceitful.
Fascinating thing about what 'most of [you] know,' is that the problem is not that you are ignorant; only that you know sooo much .. that isn't so.
Bro why do you keep talking about yourself in the 2nd person?
LMFAO THE THIRD ONE 💀💀💀 I can’t believe all the anti maskers are pressed
Im an antimasker and I get Mocked but either I ignore them or let them bei embarassed in public
@@Connor-s4y im just a kid and if i didnt wear a mask im afraid someone will remember my face and the next time i walk in a private area they kill me
@@kryptxx okay congratz
@@Connor-s4y they wouldn't be the embarrassed one, unless you are in a crowd of mocking anti maskers, then perhaps
@@-CatAlyst- what
I love that you don’t have to worry about what colour lipstick you wear. And if you have herpes, no one will ever know you’re sporting a cold sore.
Never thought I will learn so much and laugh at the same time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Your "Physics" was known to be wrong by people with actual degrees in, "ya know," PHYSICS, which probably shouldn't come as a complete surprise, because the person who dreamed it up (Zeynep Tufekci) had no background in Physics (or any other hard science), whatsoever. She had a terminal bachelor's degree in Sociology, and studied the culture of the Internet, something that no doubt came in handy as she weaponized online mobs in order to silence her better educated detractors.
Speaking as one of those people, brittlestar, somebody whose asthma was greatly aggravated because of the confident ignorance of people like you for two years, I can tell you exactly what happened when those of us who actually knew something about Physics tried to reason with the true believers. We got condescended to and talked over by midwits who thought that they could be scientists, too - better scientists, in fact - because they had watched CNN and put an uncritical faith in everything they heard on their TV. Physicists were expected to defer to GED recipients, when the latter decided to follow "the Science" in a manner more than faintly reminiscent of that seen out of the supporters of Lysenko during the rule of Stalin.
The fact that you took part in this is not something that you should be proud of.
All of you should take a deep breath through at least 3 masks, maybe 4, heck why not 25 :D
"if you can't breathe you will never contract covid, it just makes common sense"
~ An infectious disease expert probably
@@wm1958 imagine being so full of hate, that another human not wearing something on their face causes you to be defensive, sarcastic, and lack a sense of humor.
@@wm1958 Indeed indeed my friend 😌👌
@@Nathan-yq7zl I’ve destroyed many anti masker’s wishes and dreams, they feed my happiness and entertainment, thanks for feeding my entertainment
Be sure to line up before your vaccine and don't ask what's in it.
If told you need to go to quarantine Camp then please follow the quarantine police without conflict.
When told that you must take a tracking chip under your skin then you must take it because they know what's best for you.
Thank you. I shared it publicly, in hopes that all the covidiots on my Facebook friend list see it. You’re doing a critical public service. Well done.
The CDC website: "Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
I love this this is hilarious with it being so serious
3 had me laughing so hard!!!!
This video made me not want to wear a mask even more than I did before. Thanks!
trump supporter i wonder?
How does not wearing a mask make me a Trump supporter? I'm not even American lmao
@@impunkos It's not his fault for accusing you of being a trump supporter he is just simple minded and easy prey for manipulation tactics... The media here has thoroughly convinced the public that anti-vaxers an anti maskers are all trump supporters...I have never worn a mask and will never get a vaccine yet I know politics are just a divide and conquer tactic... Presidents are selected not elected they are all pieces of shit and I don't support any of them
@@cymaticsmoke7658 i suppose however smart you can be (i mean you knoq better than me which i was sad about : /) but maybe. Just maybe if you catch cooties. Youll understand what mistake youv made comrade. Its a very simple device to protect everyone since you arnt in-charge of others health. See its simple. Wear your mask, get a vaccine (iam only 14 i already want one lel) and well. Just be calm and wait for this calamity to end.
@@impunkos Slam dunk! Isn't it amazing how many people automatically assume that TH-cam is "America". I've got that before too, on my videos. They'll yell at me and say "it's a free country". I'm like, "how do you know where I live"?
Since hockey is almost back, I got my Toronto Maple leaf mask. I'll probably get jumped before I get covid19 now, thanks to Brittlestar! 🤣
I'm just focussing on hockey being back 🤷♀️
@@SuperJk94 😍
What do you think of Seattle joining?
@@SuperJk94 I think its great, more teams = more games to watch! :)
The maple leaf is an iconic vhoice to have on a mask. Iam an indian and id want the chakra on our flag on my mask but the people dont like it saying its too sacred to be treated like it. Ao i suppose maple leaf it is
(i was thinking of a workers hand raising a hammer with the caption "workers of the world unite" but when i think of the maple leaf. I couldnt be happier. It just feels like a positive sbol. A good choice ngl
The people who actually believe in masks are as smart as the people wearing them backwards or in their CARS.
oh and p.s. the flu (influenza) is still deadlier than coronavirus
Some people wear them in the cars to avoid having to take it off, set it down, and make it dirty so they can't wear it again. Maybe they have multiple stops to make and don't want to go through a bunch of masks. Or would that be too simple of an explanation for you?
@@Gothuew actually this argument doesn't hold water... Not a drop... For one a surgeon is in a sterilized room and that plays a large factor in how effective the masks work and are changed roughly every 30 min to an hour when operating... And if you wear gloves I truly have no respect for you... the common blue mask we see doesn't protect against the virus anyway and it says that on the box. The only masks that work, if worn properly, is an n95 or some sort of respiration mask... Cry your self to sleep but if this were so bad (.008 death rate at it's peak) then people would have acted like this was ebola. Masks are only good for an hour or so depending on a lot of factors. And last thing, you claim I deny the science... What if I told you there are no studies that have shown masks or lockdowns work amongst the general public... This is not selective citing this is just the honest truth. Your more likely to die by choking than covid. This is why I couldn't care less
@@Gothuew I didn't say there were no studies and if that's how it sounds then my bad... I said/meant no conclusive studies that prove one side is correct... Many studies are contradictory which ends up being inconclusive aka invalid aka no proof... If I'm biased then so are you
@@ohioflyer_12 Why would you waste all your time researching something I won’t give a sh** to?
Your wrong & you should be ashamed of yourself!
Way to buy the BS! Waste of a platform!
You are a Box of Rocks. Congrats
and you're a bone head..LMAO
I'm not an idiot just because I exercise my rights
Health provisions is not equal to violating rights.
Its good iam an indian. Atleast our frustrated policemen whooped our ass so we wear the mask and finally slow this shit down. Its pathetic how although completely close
Inside chinese sources that report of cases struggle to report any now. Thats because they used methods to stop it (now they did use really cruel methods. Its the chinese government and they want perfect so thats expected) but have the decency to understand it helps in slowing the calamity down lel
19 months later, is it still just "a little bit?"
This face hole knows how the future of the pandemic will play out? That’s cool! We should listen to him!
Maybe you should ask Dolores Cahill about it? Or maybe the 2 kids in china in the same week who died being forced to wear them in gym class......
You're right. They should never have even been in gym class. How could a school be so careless as to remain open during these times.
@@samuelsoliday8241 your a moron. Here's a quick fact. The pcr test to "detect covid". The cdc did a study. How much they amplify it is measured in cycles. After 34 cycles it's 0 percent accurate. Guess how many cycles they use everywhere.......40. a couple states 37.
Use your brain.
@@jasonl34 I fail to see how this in any way discredits the virus itself.
@@samuelsoliday8241 then you lack the ability to think for yourself. Have someone you know explain it to you.
@@jasonl34 You are talking about how the test is flawed. That does not have anything to do with the seriousness of the virus itself. The fact that you have opted to insult me instead of making yourself clearer tells me that you have no idea what you are talking about and are just repeating random phrases you heard/saw that sounds like it fits your worldview.
I love this. I will use this audio and connect this on my speaker whenever theres an idiot who dont wear their mask properly...🤣
Like the guy in the video u will look like an idiot too lol
Remember to also wear your government issued condom and bullet proof vest at all times
Reasons to not wear a mask:
Because I dont have to.
yep they will kill you faster than covid which has 99.8 survival chance
@@kryptxx attack of the killer mask? You’re joking, right?
@@kryptxx can you name one such incident that was recorded. Well covid killed 4.4 million prople
As well as stores don't have to service you. Why because they don't HAVE to either. They also have rights. Or did you think you were special?
Covidity hasn't worked, over a year in and global population of humans still exceeds 500 million.... We are going to have to keep thinking up other ways to get back to sustainable population for environmental reasons
*recording intensifys*
You get the hint
Tape them bitches (wink wink)
I love this. You're a brilliant Canadian!
No mask for me.
I dont wear a mask but I would like to say to everyone who does thanks for protecting me. 👍
@@roksanaskorupa I know just what you mean I got foot decay from wearing shoes.
That is right. We are protecting you. I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic but that mindset is dangerous, irresponsible and unkind.
@@kassandrakid9440 That's your belief system but thanks for sharing .
@@kassandrakid9440 u got beat up a lot in school didn’t u?😂
@@mochafudgetruffle Well that's not very nice is it?
AAHAHAHAAH!!! Thanks I needed this so much this godawful day!
As someone who is an anti masker I find this hilarious on so many levels. He sounds like a high schooler. I wonder when people will actually do real research and stop following blindly.
Look at this little troll pushing the face diaper😂 how cute
If it's a face diaper, put one on so others with common sense don't have to listen to the bullshit coming out of your mouth
@@Gothuew did you know with a mask. Countries have slowed down the spread?
@@awesomegaming1991 just incase you didnt realize
This virus havs taken away 4.4 million lives from families and loved ones. Have some human decency
Big burka gonna cash in😂😂
I keep my distance from people...but when I am in grocery stores getting an item, some antimaskers will walk right up and stand right beside me...yet I need to finish getting my items. When I tell them to move away, they take it as an invitation to talk to me...and without a mask, out spews their contaminated droplets. Remember..."6 feet away or 6 feet under."
But you've got a mask on right so how on Earth are you going to get infected through your personal immune system?
@@DarrylHart A mask reduces but does not block "all" droplets. Do the research before you comment.
@Don Phillips 😂😂
@@DarrylHart Your personal immune system won’t protect you 100% from everything, it isn’t good to rely on it.
@@m.taylor you talking research well I think you need to do a heck of alot more and maybe even try the right places
I don't care what anyone says I'm not wearing a mask
Ah yes i knew one of you would be here
Big Burka! I knew it!
Big Burka used to be my stripper name. 😐
Just keep hammering on the droplets.
Refuse to let them change the subject from the droplets.
So why do you even leave your home? You could be spreading droplets. Why are you leaving your home and potentially infecting others???
Derek Fournier I’m confused. Do you think everyone has the choice to stay home instead of going to work or school?
Like a chain link fence stopping a mosquito. That’s how useful they are.
Damn. Didn’t know a chain link fence was so effective against mosquitos
@@weirdman9154 dummy mask are pointless
@@natelamb573 no they aren’t actually. The virus is in water droplets. Your spit specifically. It’s not to stop the virus. I know the virus is too small to be trapped by the mask. But the virus is inside your spit. And your spit is billions times bigger than a virus and does get caught by the mask. Disprove that. I dare you
@@weirdman9154 simple solution - have common courtesy don't spit on people.. The virus is a attack on America by china and other foreign enemies. Shutting down the country has nothing to do with safety it 100 % directly related with politics and pushing secret socialist agendas to cripple the United States.
@@natelamb573 did you just say don’t spit on people? My guy it is nearly impossible to do that. When you cough, sneeze, or even god damn talk you produce spit. Do you have any idea how the human body works?
I don't wear a mask so stay out of my Fuckin Way!
Yes that 3 year old riding his tricycle in a 500 acre park with the only person within 100 feet of him was his mother, and little sister in the stroller but he was safe they all wore a mask cause those pesky birds in the trees were anti-maskers
I Love This One! Thank You!
As someone at high risk who works retail, thank you.
Remember to wear your government issued condom and bullet proof vest.
A friend of my sister went down to Alabama this Summer, and, being a good Canadian, went into a store wearing a mask. She was asked to remove the mask or leave the store because "she was scaring the customers"! Trumpism is alive and well.
Yeah no one is buying that
Trumpism lmao. Typical sheep. Keep wearing the mask for the rest of your life because trust me, Covid isn’t going anywhere
Sad because I like canadiens... but they want to inbred alabama. Where siblings get down, YUCK!!!!
Death cooties" lol
Are you Stuart Smalley's brother?
Josue, you do know that wearing a mask doesn't protect ourselves, it protects others. So if everyone wore a mask, including you, it would make everyone elses lives safer. Just sayin bro
@@johnlascus3498 if these dregs were smart enough to figure that out, they wouldn't make stupid posts that advertise their own complete lack of understanding.
@@royb5014 I know what you mean... Some people! I call them armchair warriors! Nothing better to do but attack people who think differently.
I don't wear a mask, never will do... And don't need to!
Attack me as you please, but I don't care. The world is a stage, and you're just another NPC. Put your mask on (ego) and get in line... I'll be watching 👁️
Yeah but maybe not all the people you infected by your stupidity and negligence
@@johnlascus3498 I have the feeling that you don't understand that either it goes and comes in or stays and dosent get in.
Pepper spray! It has a multi-purpose. It'll keep the anti maskers at a decent distance and it's also good for Karen's! But the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They both are pretty much the same. I would throw in the third purpose and that's for Trump supporters but that's kind of repetitious in the sense but Karen's are pretty much Trump supporters.
It's intriguing how bigots like you just box people up into rigid categories so that you don't need to hold positions that are nuanced at all.
@@derekfournier8172 My guy, stop being a dumba**, they have a point
You sound like stoner lol
@@benjr6214 they have a point! This person said something CNN said, therefore he’s right!
@@poptartthefourth7295 That was 4 months ago, I didn’t need a response.
Still very relevant. His vids need to go viral.
who else came here after jimmy dore roasted this yay-who on youtube?? just me? hahaha
Yes social distance away from me. Thank you. Wearing a mask is very brave.
@Black Wall Whats wrong with you? Jesus
Black Wall Oh, so you sleep with it on ? 😂
Shark Pond I think Black Wall is joking lol, if not there’s something wrong
@@kaleidojess hopefully yeah,lmao
@Black Wall masks do not do a thing.. viruses go right through them.. it says right on the box...
what about the senior in Canada that got through his shopping, later the police came to his home, he ended up being shot dead. It started because he didn't wear a mask. The division vids like this is creating is a sin
Wow.... fear monger much?
Get the story straight.
It happened in a small town in Haliburton, near me. Yes, he refused to put on a mask to enter the local Valu-Mart, was refused entry, assaulted store staff, and screamed that he was coming back with guns to kill them all!! When police went to his home, he fired multiple shots at an OPP cruiser, and things escalated.
So it wasn't being an anti-masker that got him killed. It was acting like an American gun-psycho.
@@FrankieX01 thank you
@@FrankieX01 Is that the official report
@@t.mcintyre7770 Here we go...
No, that's my brother-in-law's version. He lives there. The Valu-Mart is actually in Minden, a town in Haliburton County, with a population of 4100. Everybody knows everybody, so the OPP didn't search for this guy, the store staff probably said, " (Insert name here) was just in threatening to kill us. We all know he owns guns, so pop on by his house and see if you can calm him down."
But I'm probably in on the conspiracy too, right? Stick with the QAnon version. It will fit your worldview better than the truth.
You Sir, through your video, are beyond parody. I first thought this an extremely clever and sly joke. I was wrong.
I can barely look at myself in the mirror after watching this guy… imaging BEING this guy
love this video, what is the song used in the background?
Gomer Pyle!😁🤪🙈😂
prayers & stay safe everyone
Imagine if we treated people with bipolar or autism or some other mental illness the way you are treating anyone who either chooses or simply cannot wear a mask due to their own psychological or mental cognitive issues. You have absolutely so much compassion for your virtue.
He meant if you are not able to wear a mask stay at home and if you are able to wear one and are lying about it (many people have been making false doctors notes to not wear a mask) you’re a terrible person
@@Ro-wc1ug Why did you waste your time and energy replying to me comment. I don’t care what he meant, what I’ve said is valid and applies to those concerned. You don't get to just assume because someone is not wearing a mask that they are a terrible person which is what some people do.
@@romeosra hamburbur
@@-CatAlyst- yEs, PlEaSe - W/ cHeEsE
i can promise you that being an antimasker is not a mental illness. idiocy isn't in the DSM-5
Thank you real Jesus (not republican Jesus) that I have basic intelligence. 🙌🏻
"Republican Jesus"
Just don't wear masks and you'll be safe
the souls of 4.4 million dead: *bitch say that again?*
@@utkarshchoudhary3870 Never mind him. Why don't you check all the 18 to 30 year olds that are pro-mask and all that. See how fast those masks come off on a Friday night while they're surely doing things that could be considered a "corona swap". Never mind the guy with no mask 20 feet away from you at the mall.
Why do you ever leave your home? Masks don't prevent spread 100%. Distancing doesn't prevent spread 100%.
The only thing that comes close is staying home. Why don't you permanently stay home? To help others?
Thats very good indeed.
Atleast this one makes sense
Says all that mask less cuz he knows no 1 would understand him with it on lol. Also seriously if masks works so well then u wouldn't care if other don't use them cuz urs alone protects the user right ? lol
Probably done before it was discovered to be airborne.
Yea over a year latter lmfao like a cloth going to protect you
I’m assuming high school didn’t work out well for you?
@@Hunter-gw9vg what does high school have to do with cloth useless as byden mask ? Tell me buddy o pall go follow order's sheep _!_
@@Bigrich0g - You know, a book might protect you More! That's BIDEN, you @$$hat!
@@felipepineda1585 Don't understand you bro are you okay?must be the byden syndrome 😂
How about you wake up and realize. Theres a thing called filter. Plus droplets cant go through the said cloth like butter does when it melts and seeps into the bread.
Still not wearing a mask. You want to wear a mask go right ahead you do you. But I'm not doing it.
Love it. Thank you.
We need more shit like this in advert and regular PSA's and shit.
Not all people who wear face masks are kind.
Most are just scared children(adult) or too ugly to not wear a mask or psychopaths or just plain stupid. I try to keep my distance from them. You never know which type that you'll meet.
@@2pi628 same with anti maskers; I was just walking down the street with my mask, then some crazy lady charged right up to my face shouting at me for simply wearing a mask, I can’t trust anti maskers because their brains don’t function properly.
@@Juanmantt Ha Ha...the Krazies come in all flavors!
@@2pi628 yeah
@@Juanmantt maybe because you’re wearing one outside?? Idk seems kinda crazy to me
Got the ad traffic to get that money eh
Well said! Far more subtle than my approach.
@mj r I added a link to my "Covid Mask Song" on TH-cam in my comment, but apparently TH-cam doesn't allow links. It's humorous, but definitely not subtle! If you have a moment, please check it out, as well as "You Can't Get There From Here".
How do we make this required viewing for the whole country?
*fox news sounds intensify*
This is the best thing i've seen all week!!
Wow, when did you become so shallow and gullible?...
AREA UNSOLVED : Streets of the community hardcover...
Finally, someone who knows.
"We wear masks in a clinical setting to protect the patient,
and we wear them for a short period of time.
A surgeon who may wear a mask for an extended period will often change masks.
Masks are a good bacterial block but they do nothing to protect against viruses.
A tiny virus will penetrate right through a face mask.
We use masks simply to prevent the possibility of giving our patient a bacterial infection.
A medical lab technician working with viruses does not wear a paper or cloth face mask but is usually protected by a solid face shield and gloves.
If we suspect we may have a virus then we would not come to work or would not put ourselves in a direct patient care scenario.
The idea that the public should wear face masks continually to prevent the spread of viruses is outside of sanity.
Any such mandate simply spreads fear, could compromise one's immune system and does little to nothing in the prevention of spreading a virus.
The most effective prevention is simply to carry out good hygienic practices and refrain from touching your face, especially mucus membranes and wash your hands frequently."
Protect patron from what? It's amazing how many yrs ppl have survived all sorts of flu and other crazy sicknesses . If you have something to have to protect others from then you should just stay home!! Don't go out or to work if you r sick! Use common sense!!
You realize it stops that mucus of yours from flying around? And from ending up on your hands. It's not like it has no purpose at all. You're not smarter than those experts that used a lifetime contemplating these things, and recommend them for a reason. Besides, you don't use them for your own sake. The disease has been proven to spread slower where they use masks and distancing.
@@loveroftruth56 If we can't get people to put on something as simple as a mask you are being entirely unrealistic if you think they are going to stay home. Some people just like attention even if it's negative so they will always go against the grain no matter how stupid they look.
Flawed comment. China is a perfect example as number of infections have dropped compared to US. Stop posting this BS
Just a little bit? Delta. Just a little bit? Omicron. Wake up Brittlestar this has to end now
I wrote an article on masks. Go to News With Views Then click on writers, Then scroll down to Ure and you may read about the masks and the corona articles are there. I would be pleased to see your response. I have been a doctor for 40 years and I use common sense. Look at Jon Rappaport. He does a great job explaining why there is no virus.
Yes, those 279k people in the U.S. just died of hear attacks.
@@samuelsoliday8241 you see that’s the whole problem here! People might have died from heart attacks but here’s the government telling us it’s covid and people like you are quick to believe it! The numbers are far from realistic. Even CDC admitted it! A person that’s on their deathbed due to bone cancer that contracted covid in hospital is counted as a covid death. A person that dies in car accident and happens to have tested positive upon death is counted as a covid death. There are no longer any other causes of death. I call BS on this whole thing! You can believe it if you want and wrap yourself in Reynolds wrap if you choose to but don’t impose it on anyone else.
@@jrg6356 The fact that you're calling me out for "imposing my beliefs on other people" is fucking hilarious considering that's exactly what you're trying to do. Whenever someone brings up any argument against your beliefs you proceed to dismiss them with some variation of "the government is lying too you" and then try to impose this belief on them while simultaneously insulting their intelligence. People like you are just sad too listen too. Which is why I'm not even gonna bother arguing with you about this matter. Because no matter what I say or bring up, you will, without fail do exactly that.
@@jrg6356 dude.
What in bloody hell is wrong with you?
They died of heart attacks BECAUSE the covid infection weakened their body,made it hard to breathe and overall removed possibility of survival. Please have the human decency to understand the pain of people who lose their loved ones without heart attacks or intensification of a pre existing illness due to it
@@Gothuew atleast it slows down you know
Thats what we need to do
Slow it down
And kill it
Arthur Koestler
The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage