Fury Warrior BfA 3v3 Arena Guide - Best Comps, PvP Talents, Azerite Traits and Playstyle

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ก.พ. 2025

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  • @knockcro
    @knockcro 6 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    I prefer anger management for my Warrior, but strangely When my Warrior dies, I can't manage my anger, therefore my keyboard dies too often, like my Warrior.

    • @h20kdanny
      @h20kdanny 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      under rated

  • @BornWinnerCo.
    @BornWinnerCo. 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great guide, 5:10 when you say seigebreaker gave me a good laugh id end up doing the same thing

  • @letiisaf2171
    @letiisaf2171 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    joe we miss you on twitch ! super nice guide thank you sir!

  • @albanoC23
    @albanoC23 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just started pvp in wow. Thanks for the videos.

  • @mtg_marilia_895
    @mtg_marilia_895 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You rock joe !!!! Nice video, i am a rogue main problably gonna level a warrior to play, loved this fury playstyle ty

  • @lilzyc1
    @lilzyc1 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ive learned a lot,thanks for ur video, will be nice too see more

  • @scottiqbal1027
    @scottiqbal1027 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good guide, thanks for the tips and strategies!

  • @ogreg92
    @ogreg92 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    joefernandes pls come back to youtube or twitch :) it was fun to see your streams.

  • @dylanrussell4158
    @dylanrussell4158 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So the set up I've been running is insane for burst and sustained and generally I just do better with it. I play 3 rampaging blow traits. I swap between fresh meat and endless rage. Typically play fresh meat in twos and rage in 3s. With the rampaging blow traits, inner rages value goes up incredibly. It gives me way better consistent damage and then with 3-4 stacks, my rampage hits like rogue/mage pre nerf. I've never liked sudden death for PvP honestly. The RNG of it doesn't net me a kill or consistency. Then I generally take bladestorm. But I use bladestorm mainly to avoid stuns, disarms or possible uptime on a target (breaks roots). Something dragon's roar doesn't give me. If I'm going to tunnel a healer though, dragon's roar is amazing as it allows you to continue normal rotation as well as awesome burst. I like the burst but bladestorming a kidney shot is just the most satisfying thing ever. You just always want to use it after a rampage if possible to benefit from enraged buff. This is just what works for me and I rather enjoy it. Your azerite could change the way you play though. I play 2200 2s and 2500 3s. I've also seen some people play furious charge but I don't feel it's too great for my playstyle. I have swapped to heroic leap though for cheeky plays against hunters though.

    • @dylanrussell4158
      @dylanrussell4158 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Although this comment isn't to discredit anything said in this video. I play glad rating/mythic raid and this is a Blizzcon champ giving a guide on PvP. I just notice my min maxing of my character more from raiding. If you play a setup like me, then I think it works best. And for stats I try to keep haste and mastery around the same level. For me it's 26% haste and 29% mastery. Then I have I think 8% vers or something like that.

    • @erickubilla3986
      @erickubilla3986 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      x2, on 2s usually i 'open' with bladestorm agains RP or RM for avoid cc and get a good position for fear, thats make ur games sooo easy bc ur healer havent to trinket blind asap (2.3k cr)
      this guide is good in general but there are a lot of things that u can change for certain match ups

    • @dylanrussell4158
      @dylanrussell4158 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@erickubilla3986 typically I just stand on my healer during the opener to get the sap or poly to break. Then I usually bladestorm the smoke bomb kidney. Or I save trinket for that. Once I negate an opener, I go all out and typically, they will try to reset after that so I just force what I can and LoS mage as much as possible. But, I almost always bladestorm as soon as vendetta is used because they generally set up kidney with that. But I also try to keep it for the blind when they need to reset.

    • @xds1140
      @xds1140 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@erickubilla3986 What pvp talent do you switch out generally to get disarm/spell reflect? I play with the 3 listed in the guide and switch out enduring rage to obtain another talent. That rogue? I always forget to go bladestorm...need to make note of that. Endless rage...seems...meh

  • @louiscurtis89
    @louiscurtis89 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Start streaming again please Joe.
    You use rampage off cooldown or always at 100 rage?

    • @connman8d617
      @connman8d617 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm not joe, but I use rampage on cooldown unless I am going to burst soon. When it is burst time I pool 100 rage so that I can pop cds, siegebreaker, rampage, dragon roar, rampage, execute. Can 75% most classes.

  • @dtpnc
    @dtpnc 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you pick bladestorm versus mages?

  • @user-nz2qu6qd3j
    @user-nz2qu6qd3j 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How is Arms/UH DK?? Seems like they would be ridiculously strong with the MS effect, AND the Necrotic Strike healing absorbs. Do those two healing debuffs have good synergy??

    • @erickubilla3986
      @erickubilla3986 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      DK is just bad right now, take a DH or Enha Shammy for insane pressure, pressure is all right now (and oneshot for classes like warlock/mage)

    • @dakotabikes
      @dakotabikes 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Don’t listen to this guy Unh is strong in 3’s watch the action it got at Blizzcon. You’re right about it pairing well with Arms or Fury.

  • @TeamOwndXD
    @TeamOwndXD 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Completely new to warr and decided to go fury, what is my rotation/prioroty?

    • @Atropos06
      @Atropos06 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Depends on what talents you take, but if you go siegebreaker + Dragon roar as suggested here, then your skill priority should generally look like: Siegebreaker > Dragon Roar > Rampage > Raging Blow > Blood Thirst. Obviously you won't be able to open the match with a Rampage because it's 75 rage and you start with 0, but you get the idea. Also, you have to fit Recklessness in there somewhere and it's usually used off CD, but not ALWAYS. So, when you do decide to use it, you should probably use it before Siegebreaker. Also another thing to consider is that if you want to Min-Max your recklessness burst, use it ONLY when you'll have enough rage for a Rampage, so it will look like Recklessness > Siegebreaker > Dragon Roar > Rampage etc. Remember, Rampage requires at minimum 75 rage, so have that banked up or be at like 70 rage when you begin the combo, but honestly just be at 75 rage to be safe. Note: It's best to be at 100 rage when you start the combo because you'll have 25 rage leftover from the rampage which can turn into another 75 rage for another rampage sometimes while you're still under the effects of recklessness. 75 rage is just the minimum you need for a good burst rotation.

  • @vitorribeiro1607
    @vitorribeiro1607 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    what is the stats for fury warr ?

  • @EduCPacheco
    @EduCPacheco 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ret pally pleeeeeeease

  • @jkenn8973
    @jkenn8973 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    he forgot to mention, if you face a frost mage, just /afk. cant use anything against them including bloodthirst as their roots are 100 percent uptime

    • @cDisturbed.
      @cDisturbed. 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re just shit then

  • @0Sweetsugar0
    @0Sweetsugar0 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Balance Druid pls D:

  • @TwoBaze
    @TwoBaze 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    just pve in arena as fury - > easy win lol