Yerushalayim Shabbaton Part One | YKTH 5783

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • On Friday morning, all the Bochurim excitedly packed their belongings and headed onto the buses for the most exciting trip we have had yet. Our first stop was lunch at Park Britania, from where we entered the caves of Bar Kochva. Climbing through the tunnels in the rock, at some points just tall enough to crawl through on your hands and knees, you really appreciate the fresh air when coming out the end of the tunnels. Our tour guide then took us on a short hike up the nearby mountain, from the top of which we could see the surrounding mountains and valleys of Eretz Yisrael. Returning to the buses, we were greeted with refreshing cold water and snacks.
    From there, we headed on to Kever Rochel, where the Bochurim said some Tehillim, evoking the zechus of Mame Rochel, for many bochurim for the very first time. We then headed, finally, to our most anticipated destination, the holy city of Yerushalayim. The buses pulled up on Har Tzion, the Bochurim unloaded and walked a few steps past Shaar Tzion to the Yeshivat HaTfutzot, where we were to stay, just a few steps away from Kever Dovid HaMelech.
    As Shabbos came in, we headed down to the Kosel HaMaaravi. Everyone felt the emotion of the moment as the golden stones of the last remaining wall of the Beis HaMikdash came into view in the setting sun. The Bochurim gathered their chairs in a circle and sang together Seder Nigunim, with Jews of all backgrounds and types gathering around to join.
    The next day, on Shabbos afternoon, we enjoyed an afternoon walking tour around the old city of Yerushalayim, with our knowledgeable tour guides showing us remains from as far back as the first Beis HaMikdash, to Shuls and buildings from the last few centuries.
    Motzei Shabbos, we enjoyed Melave Malka with Pizza, heard a presentation from General Bentzion Gruber about the ethics of the IDF nowadays. And then, just when we all thought the day was over and it was time for bed, the head counselor announced a surprise trip to the Old City, where many bochurim took the opportunity to enjoy a delicious crepe or iced coffee. Then, it was time to call it a day, for real.
    Video by Mordy Levilev

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