As a biochemist I really love the way he gave analogy with chemical reaction. Making a chemical compound indeed involving electron contribution of each elements to create a new compound. Persenyawaan is the right word, means that in the way Indonesia was formed, it required selfless contribution in order to get along towards one goal together. Suppressing egos and individual motives are solid foundation on how this country has united. Shout out to Pak Anies.
From a physics perspective, that concept of "persenyawaan" can also be beautifully explained through the law of energy conservation, deeply through band energy theory. I'm trying not to be too amazed by him, but there's nothing that can hold me back from his narrative on this, though
You know what Andovi? I think you must invite mulyono here and ask him some tips about how to raise successful & well-achieved children. Can't wait for the good news!
Yes, it's true that the President is the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. Until today, we have not found a president who is respected because of his intelligence. They respect him because the business they do benefits them. This is terrible.
Idk, somehow.. kalo ngeliat anak muda ( dovi dan abigail) yang punya podcast seperti ini, terlibat diskusi sama praktisi seperti pak anis sosok yang jelas punya value.. gue jadi punya harapan sama Indonesia.. Thanks for both of you! And also pak Anis yg selalu membawa perspective baru dan berbeda.
Let me drop this here "The young generation it is have hope...this Nation that we dont know yet" thats why we need this kind of podcast to make us unite and have the same vision to our beloved country
yang disampaikan pak anies tentang mendampingi putra putrinya bener-bener ngerangkum tiga aspek utama father involvement (keterlibatan ayah dalam pengasuhan) ; paternal engagement, paternal accessibility, paternal responsibility 😆🙌 langsung flashback waktu dulu bikin skripsi dengan father involvement sebagai salah satu variabelnya, mengkaji masalah fatherless di indo ini emang berasa nggak selesai2... jadii untuk para ayah dan calon ayah bisa banget nih ngikutin apa yang dibiasakan pak anies ke putra putrinya 🤩 langkah kecil untuk nurunin angka fatherless di indonesiaaa ✨
😊kami sudah tau Anies Baswedan ada di level ini (sudah mengikuti beliau dari zaman Indonesia Mengajar), tetapi selalu ada hal baru yang selalu kami dapatkan di setiap perbincangan public figure dengan Anies Baswedan. He’s a gem.. jika ada satu orang di Indonesia public figure, educated, consistent, he is the one..Allahumma Baarik
The way pak anies came to school and said to the principal "no special or privilege treatment to my children" is so meaningful that mulyono will never ever be done
Anies doesnt talk like native ,, but he has a milions vocabulary in his brain, i like his English more than the other two guys.., its sounds natural, and i think this is how the internasional leader should talk like, they re need to be formal, wise, well experienced,
Poin-poin penting: 1. Menjadi elite sesungguhnya membutuhkan rekam jejak yang bagus dan mereka masih bagian dari kita. Hal tersebut berbanding terbalik dengan orang eksklusif karena mereka terpisah dari yang lain. 2. Keunggulan bangsa Indonesia bukanlah keberagaman, melainkan persatuan. Hal itu bahkan tecermin melalui semboyan negara kita, yakni "bhinneka tunggal ika" (dengan penekanan pada kata "tunggal"). 3. Keberagaman memang karunia Tuhan, tetapi persatuan hanya bisa terjadi jika diupayakan. 4. Bahasa Indonesia menjadikan kita setara. 5. Indonesia merupakan hasil persenyawaan, sesuatu yang tidak dapat dipisah-pisahkan. 6. Kita mesti meningkatkan daya baca, stamina untuk menyelesaikan bacaan, karena itu menstimulasi tumbuhnya imajinasi dan kreativitas. Ini bisa dimulai dengan membaca buku berdasarkan topik yang kita suka. 7. Kita tidak bisa menulis dan berbicara jika tidak membaca. 8. Membaca buku melatih kita berpikir analitis. 9. Sebagai individu, kita tidak bisa memisahkan fungsi manajerial dan teknis. Namun, dalam organisasi, makin atas posisinya, kita berfokus pada hal manajerial karena tugasnya makin kompleks. 10. Untuk hal-hal yang sifatnya memberdayakan, seperti pendidikan, subsidi dapat dijalankan. 11. Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan harus dimulai dari peningkatan kualitas pendidik dan pemilihan kepala sekolah yang tepat. Kutipan "He maybe inside, but let that love continue to spark." "It can happen if we have sigma level governor and citizen." "I'm still open to work." Silakan koreksi jika ada yang belum tepat dan tambahkan jika ada yang kurang.
Terimakasih sudah membuat intisari pembicaraan tersebut,kalo dipabrik spt bagian penerjemah Mr,lalu secepat itu membuat intisari ucapan Mr dlm b.indonesia dan langsung mengirim di grup wa.dan mereka di gaji mahal.walawpun mereka tidak tamat SMA karena mereka pernah jadi TKW di Taiwan dll.
Bisa tau dan ngidolain pa Anies adalah sebuah anugrah sih buat gue 😭 karna beliau gue bisa belajar buat lebih wise, lebih sabar, membumi, posititive thinking. Thanks a lottt juga buat pa Anies karna beliau gue jd terinspirasi buat soon ngebesarin anak gue kyk beliau ngebesarin anak2 beliau. Be positive, humble, jangan terlalu ngandelin privilege org tua, buat kebanggaan untuk diri sndiri tanpa pamer2 ke org lain “SIAPA ORG TUA LU” dll 🥹❤️💚
The fact that Mr. ARB speaks English in an Indonesian accent, is so mind-blowing. Be proud, with our identity! What matters most, is the essence. So many lessons learned from this session 👍🏽 Thanks so much for this! 😊
Most of politician do this like Jusuf Kalla. That's actually nice because im having a hard time to reducing american accent since it was the first accent that i have been learning
Exactly, tapi kosa kata nya tetap luas, krn baca buku kali ya, karena pak anies, aku juga jadi lebih PD make bahasa inggris speaking dg bule, nyoba public speaking, dan memperluas kosa kata, such inspiring, guru bangsa yg sebenarnya wkw
correct, one of my ex boss from Uk mentioned that indonesian accent is pretty clear & good to understand compare than other asia's country like japan, india, etc
having 50% skills of English in speaking, writing, and understanding but glad i am 100% understand a whole discussion in this video. but more glad that don't need to read "the buzzer words" here
You guys should add timestamps. Here, I'll do it in the meantime: 1:02 Andovi's disclaimer 1:40 Anies's kids, the origin of 'Anak Abah', and teaching kids to not abuse privilege 14:52 Anies's old academic paper about Indonesian Political Parties and their relationship with Islam 20:55 Does Anies stand by his in-paper arguments? 26:51 What makes Indonesia unique? 33:44 The Indonesian identity as a chemical compound 42:25 Anies's tweet on the Tom Lembong situation 47:17 On literacy crisis in Indonesia 55:38 Doer vs. Thinker 59:51 Giving away free stuff as a political campaign strategy 1:00:22 Sponsor shout-out 1:03:52 The key to improving Indonesia's education system 1:11:55 Can Anies understand brainrot terminologies? 1:14:17 The only solution for better public transport 1:14:35 Memes 1:15:32 Forbidden memes 1:16:00 Anies's closing statement
I had written in my final paper. Indonesia is the third fatherless country in the world according by plenty credible journals. And after that research, our country have Presidential elections and Pak Anies involved as participant it makes me feel like he is a good example for every father we need in this generation.
34:44 what's more amazing is that hydrogen is extremely combustible, as is oxygen. But when they're compounding, they become water which is the complete opposite of combustion. Great analogy from him, insightful as always
Because of pak Anies, I found this channel and subscribed😊 Thank you Pak Anies for always giving motivations, I think not only for "anak abah' but actually for all Indonesian people. Sometimes I still have a dream Pak Anies will be a president , because he has a complete package to be a leader. 1. He is so religious 2. He is smart ( of course we have no doubt about his education 😊). 3.His public speaking is so good (of course also his English) 4. The one that is also important is Ibu Ferry. I think we really need her figure to be "Ibu Indonesia". We can see from her IG, bu Fery is so care about women and children ( education, family etc).
Mr. Anies Baswedan is the real leader both as a husband, as a father and has been proven as a leader in Jakarta, Indonesia should be proud to have Anies Baswedan, .. It's a Good Channel for the Young Indonesia People .. 👍👍
I want to finish to watch this podcast rightaway the time I heard Pak Anies using "we" when he answered Dovi's question about "how he as Anies Baswedan" raise his child. Those little things show how much he respect his wife 🥺
There is no word " saya" in pak Anies' dictionary... when he was governor of DKI Jakarta, pak Anies always talked about "kami" or "kita" when asked about something.
Inilah knp saya sebut abah adalah pemapar yg baik, bukan sekedar pintar bicara like omon2. Karena yang abah ucapkan base of pengetahuan berdasarkan study kasus sehingga saya sbg penyimak selalu mendapat ilmu dan pandangan baru dlm mengilmui something. Semoga selalu sehat lahir&batin abah Anies R.Baswedan
Pak Anies looks so passionate on this podcast. Keliatan banget matanya berbinar ketika menjelaskan apa yg beliau jelaskan. Tp beberapa kali Pak Anies menyela hostnya, sepertinya krn beliau begitu bersemangat dan kepala beliau penuh dengan kalimat yang mau disampaikan. Tp overall, podcast ini keren!! Thumbs up utk WIUI Team 👏🏻
Iya ini udh jadi kebiasaan Pak Anies di tiap podcast kalo lagi menyampaikan sesuatu harus sampai kelar, kalau host mau masuk ke topik lain beliau selalu pengen ngabisin apa yg ada di pikirannya dulu wkkw
Just using my right to state an opinion: Menurutku malahan host podcast2 lain secara umum harus bisa lebih menghargai tipikal yang seperti ini si. Menyelesaikan train of thought mereka, jadi bukan host yg mendominasi pembicaraan. Aku paham mungkin banyak tamu yg kadang kalo dibiarkan malah lompat2 ke topik yang sama sekali irrelevant, tapi setidaknya irrelevansi itu bisa digali lagi sebagai hostnya untuk mengungkap jati diri dari tamu tersebut. Yaaa tapi tergantung target audience lagi si sama konsep acara, just stating that most podcast hosts ironically just want all the spotlight. But I love this WIUI Podcast bcs how genuine the content is, unlike populist content creators justifying their behavior as an act of 'Inclusivity'
Aku gak bisa ngomong inggris tapi bisa baca dan denger orang indo ngomong inggris. Ngak pernah bosen liat pak anis di podcast manapun. Selalu ada cerita baru❤❤❤
oh my the realization about our unity? that's mindblowing to me. this podcast itself showed the perfect example of 3 people from different racial background could perform together in Indonesia and that's crazy because i lived in malaysia for a while and i can feel it, and quite weirded out by it, bcs they have 3 major races and they have their own community 😂 they befriend the same races, they grew up with people of the same races. this is crazy. the unity in us is just as crazy, that's very special indeed. thank you Pak Anies for the enlightenment! 🎉
This man is truly on another level, and we're not ready. Never see young people engage so much with such politician , exchanging ideas, knowledge, experiences etc. Bangga banget sama abah! Hope to see you more in leadership workshop paakk. Props to andovi and abigail, great interview!
Only during the 2024 presidential election, a presidential candidate received many gifts from his fans. Dolls, paintings, books and many other interesting gifts were made by his fans themselves.
Agree.. His level is too far from the average quality of Indonesian people. We're not ready. Btw I nearly cry listening to the history part. 😢 it went so deep.
Keren banget episode ini, daging banget. Banyak belajar deh, mulai dari parenting, sampe berasa juga kayak lagi ikut kuliah kebangsaan, kuliah kepemimpinan, etc. So inspiring! Thanks WIUI ❤
Terharu gw denger sosok ayah dari abah... ga heran anak2nya keren...semoga ke depan bs jadi pemimpin indonesia krn beliau bkn skedar contoh pemimpin yg baik tp juga bapak dan suami yg baik. Rugilah kl kita lewatin orng spt beliau sebagai pemimpin indonesia
Giilllaaa... keren neh podcast, berkelas...Allah punya cara sendiri u Abah Anies dg kekalahannya di Pilpres, rupanya agar beliau menularkan vibes positif u semua kalangan tanpa aturan protokoler.
I like the way Pak Anies speaks English, very clearly. My English is not that good, but when Pak Anies speaks, his speech is clear and not too fast so I can catch his sentences.
Kontennya bagus, bisa buat meningkatkan daya minat anak muda untuk membiasakan berbahasa inggris atau memotivasi mereka untuk belajar dan belajar bahasa inggris.
I really like this episode. How can he be so relatable to everyone he meets? I really like how he talks and explains. I think Pak Anies is not kidding when he said that he loves to learn and never stops learning about new things. This episode is very interesting, this is the best in my opinion. I don't get tired of listening to it and even don't skip any conversation in this episode, and watch it until the end (although sometimes when watching something, i skip some conversations😅). Please, i want more episodes with anies baswedan, I feel like he has a lot more to say?😅. Can't deny that he is a fun and very smart guy, i wish many politicians could be as fun as him.
I quoted a very cool statement from Mr. Anies Baswedan, which goes: "What's unique about us is actually the unity, not the diversity." That's so good, I really like it!
Helpppp! I'm enjoying this video way too much instead of working on my assignments!! It feels like pure daging and is so full of rizz-total skibidi sigma 1000+ aura vibes! And you know what, guys?! I actually changed my answer on my assignment because of this video! Especially when it comes to discussing the uniqueness of our country. It enlightened my perspective in so many ways and, most importantly, reignited my hope for a better Indonesia. WIUI team, you guyssss rock!
yeah i hope Indonesia could be better, but it's very difficult assignments if we have seen sdm Indo now, and law's and policy's regulations how so unfair and broke it's difficult to escape, yk what im sayin, if we educated they won't, like impossible ga sih ?
For me definition of Anak Abah Anies stands for AN Acknowledment for Always BAsed on Analytics and Heuristic dAta, Never relies on Irrational and Emotional Solution
i always always respect him on how he create a programs called indonesia mengajar and his deducation to this nation's education. AND it shows on how he answers the question about our education system :''''''', that i hope we can get it someday. great great episode!
This Video really opened up my view especially about why Indonesia is such a special country because we have something called unity and how important reading books to our life is. Thank you for making this video what is up indonesia
By the way abah firstly i'd like to say: Barakallahu fiykum abah anies sudah meng audio visualkan sejarah tuk anak" yg kategorinya malas membaca. Semoga dengan video video bapak tentang sejarah bahkan ilmu ekonomi atau fisip bisa membuat anak" yg tadi nya malas membaca makin mencari tahu di buku dan pada akhirnya membaca dengan ketagihan. Saluteee tuk Pak Anies yg membuat suatu gebrakan pasti ada makna dan tujuan tersirat yg bermanfaat didalamnya ❤ Sehat selalu abah dan maasyaAllah segitu banyaknya amal jariyah abah tuk bekal di hari akhir kelak bah ❤
Mendengarkan penjelasan Pak Anies tentang Indonesia, membuat optimis dan tambah mencintai Indonesia, di saat banyak kekecewaan melihat berita² seliweran akhir² ini. Thanks WIUI for inviting him 🥰
Ada perempuan hebat DI SAMPING laki-laki hebat. Dan abah menampilkan itu dengan bangga saat menceritakan istrinya, bu Fery. Dan inilah laki-laki gentleman yang jarang ada saat ini.
i actually missed having (and listening) to this kind of stimulating conversation since i graduated from uni a long time ago. need more podcasts with Mr. Anies Baswedan with more diverse topics.
I don't know, it seemed like Abigail was a little teary-eyed with Pak Anies' closing words. Always be healthy Pak Anies, I am always proud to support you for a long time.
tbh i was holding in laughter cause he said what we're doing is "mencerdaskan" after we ambushed him with brainrot gen alpha slang and memes😭 but definitely very flattered and honored.
Banyak yg saya gk pahami, tapi tetap saya dengarkan, karena pengalaman saya sesuatu yg tidak saya pahami bisa dipaham setelah beberapa kali pengulangan.
Not yet finished, but when he talks about Indonesia, he always gives that vibe, like he really loves Indonesia and I have to do the same. So proud of you, Anies Baswedan.
back to my college memory i learn basic culture subject and we learn the language is product of culture. feel goosebump when the line is spoken by mr Anies Baswedan
Tenang buzzer ini Tutorial supaya ada subtitle: 1. Klik simbol roda bergerigi 2. Klik tulisan subtitle / CC 3. Klik terjemahkan otomatis 4. Pilih negara Indonesia 5. Selamat menikmati tayangan ini
btw dikubu mana-pun sebenernya ada BUZZERnya dan ada orang tululnya.... bedanya, Buzzer yang berada pada pihak pemerintah lebih terorganisir karena ada "KAKAK PEMBINA" yang dulu mengorganisir JASMEV dan dananya juga unlimited. Kita juga harus akui klo pemilih pak anies itu kalah strategi dan ga terorganisir dan ga bisa bedain mana isu playing victim, negative campaign, hoax, framing, dst.... Akar rumputnya kacau, makanya kalah telak.
I'm commenting this from watching halfway of the podcast, and what Pak Anies said is consistent. Kebetulan minggu kemarin ada kuliah umum dengan topik Meningkatkan Rasa Cinta Tanah Air melalui Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, dan poin jawaban yang diberikan sama pesis; Bahasa Indonesia makes us equal and it's an identity. Banyak banget yang bisa dipelajari dari satu kali pertemuan and it's sums up of how a great pendidik he is. I'm willing to learn more from Abah in the future :)
would you please next time invite Rocky Gerung? it would be interesting to hear him speak English and you can explore more about his life, his family, how he raised, his view of education and his experience for more than 20 years as a key people in Universitas Indonesia, and a few tips how to be as genius and as brave as him
topik PERSATUAN-nya bbrp kali dibawakan Pak Anies di bbrp kesempatan. Yg terbaru adalah sewaktu di UPI Bandung Oktober yg lalu. Tap kali ini dibawakan dlm Bhs Inggris. 👍
There are lots of useful insights from this video. Parenting, the power of unity, persenyawaan, the importance of daya baca, etc. Thank you Andovi & Abigail for inviting Pak Anies Baswedan.
There's no Buzzer here.. Buzzer don't understand Enggres.. Great job u guys.. 🎉
i agree wiht you😊😊
Ofc, such as great trick to avoid their stereotypes 🤣😭☝️.
this is 58% buzzer free zone, bisa inggris really is a blessing.
I like it when Pak Anis speaks in English, because it's more normal, direct and to the point, he doesn't use overly complicated words
Waduhh bang nggak semua yang 58% buzzer doang kali😅
@@netizentersesat8003 buzzer+sdm rendah?
@@user-oh9zp8hn6nThe wind doesn't have an ID card
I am that, one of the 24.95% election voters and still proud of it
Are you sure? It could be 40% (or even more).
@@Dr.Stein.Al.Kamaliare u sure? prove it! if u cant prove it, its the same as hoax or omon omon
@@Iruldankafabeware of the buzzerRp
Aku jugaaaaaaaaaa
As a biochemist I really love the way he gave analogy with chemical reaction. Making a chemical compound indeed involving electron contribution of each elements to create a new compound. Persenyawaan is the right word, means that in the way Indonesia was formed, it required selfless contribution in order to get along towards one goal together. Suppressing egos and individual motives are solid foundation on how this country has united. Shout out to Pak Anies.
From a physics perspective, that concept of "persenyawaan" can also be beautifully explained through the law of energy conservation, deeply through band energy theory. I'm trying not to be too amazed by him, but there's nothing that can hold me back from his narrative on this, though
He knows a lot.. Like a lot..
You know what Andovi? I think you must invite mulyono here and ask him some tips about how to raise successful & well-achieved children.
Can't wait for the good news!
I can't imagine lol
can't wait the response 😮
yo i don't know why'd you ask me?
Can't imagine how he would answer 😂
How did we miss this great person as our president 😭😭😭
Yes, it's true that the President is the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the world.
Until today, we have not found a president who is respected because of his intelligence. They respect him because the business they do benefits them. This is terrible.
one mistake makes all good away.
ask the 58%
because most of our people are not 'great'.
@@GoStore-iu7js until today???? Habibi says hi, even Gus Dur, Mega and SBY are well known academia.
Idk, somehow.. kalo ngeliat anak muda ( dovi dan abigail) yang punya podcast seperti ini, terlibat diskusi sama praktisi seperti pak anis sosok yang jelas punya value.. gue jadi punya harapan sama Indonesia..
Thanks for both of you! And also pak Anis yg selalu membawa perspective baru dan berbeda.
i hope we can get through with our problems in the next 5 years..or maybe we can be positive in our journey waiting for 5 years
@@rajabertulang2800 better yet, I wish that it didn't need to come to 5 years. The sooner the better
@@AkalWaras878 This is normal day without buzzer, like this. Top notch quality discussion
@@anmastery if they have the braincell to understand us they would probably says we are not nationalist aka NKRI 😄
Let me drop this here "The young generation it is have hope...this Nation that we dont know yet" thats why we need this kind of podcast to make us unite and have the same vision to our beloved country
No Buzzer, This Normal Life
Buzzers are just so traumatized that somebody can speak english properly to the point that they couldn't even say something 😂
It's a pretty good situation, that we can stay to watch here and scroll the comment sections without toxic distraction 😂💁♀️
Social media without buzzers is very fun 💕
Exactly 😅😅😅
@@800Ms-k6nyeah i had debate on tiktok and someone called me simpanan abah, so i answered english, they are quite😂
yang disampaikan pak anies tentang mendampingi putra putrinya bener-bener ngerangkum tiga aspek utama father involvement (keterlibatan ayah dalam pengasuhan) ; paternal engagement, paternal accessibility, paternal responsibility 😆🙌 langsung flashback waktu dulu bikin skripsi dengan father involvement sebagai salah satu variabelnya, mengkaji masalah fatherless di indo ini emang berasa nggak selesai2... jadii untuk para ayah dan calon ayah bisa banget nih ngikutin apa yang dibiasakan pak anies ke putra putrinya 🤩 langkah kecil untuk nurunin angka fatherless di indonesiaaa ✨
Buat Pemilih Mulyono FufuFafa jangan percaya koment ini. Aslinya Anies menjelek jelekan Mulyono FufuFafa.pake sarkas... Ayoooo seraaaaang. 😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂
😊kami sudah tau Anies Baswedan ada di level ini (sudah mengikuti beliau dari zaman Indonesia Mengajar), tetapi selalu ada hal baru yang selalu kami dapatkan di setiap perbincangan public figure dengan Anies Baswedan. He’s a gem.. jika ada satu orang di Indonesia public figure, educated, consistent, he is the one..Allahumma Baarik
The way pak anies came to school and said to the principal "no special or privilege treatment to my children" is so meaningful that mulyono will never ever be done
let's see 5 years again
Yes...that's the difference between pak Anies and Mulyono.
Mulyono could never..
No Buzzer's Zone
Anies doesnt talk like native ,, but he has a milions vocabulary in his brain, i like his English more than the other two guys.., its sounds natural, and i think this is how the internasional leader should talk like, they re need to be formal, wise, well experienced,
Yesss. Millions vocab
Millions vocabs, woww sounds so amazing, I'll be try it!!
yeah, we as indonesian shouldn't leave our natural accent when speaking english.
@@mountslamet yeah, but it sound doesn't feel cool you know, when we are speaking English,we should like native speaker 😂
@@mountslametour natural accent?? ppl from java and sumatera have different accent, idk what natural accent is
Poin-poin penting:
1. Menjadi elite sesungguhnya membutuhkan rekam jejak yang bagus dan mereka masih bagian dari kita. Hal tersebut berbanding terbalik dengan orang eksklusif karena mereka terpisah dari yang lain.
2. Keunggulan bangsa Indonesia bukanlah keberagaman, melainkan persatuan. Hal itu bahkan tecermin melalui semboyan negara kita, yakni "bhinneka tunggal ika" (dengan penekanan pada kata "tunggal").
3. Keberagaman memang karunia Tuhan, tetapi persatuan hanya bisa terjadi jika diupayakan.
4. Bahasa Indonesia menjadikan kita setara.
5. Indonesia merupakan hasil persenyawaan, sesuatu yang tidak dapat dipisah-pisahkan.
6. Kita mesti meningkatkan daya baca, stamina untuk menyelesaikan bacaan, karena itu menstimulasi tumbuhnya imajinasi dan kreativitas. Ini bisa dimulai dengan membaca buku berdasarkan topik yang kita suka.
7. Kita tidak bisa menulis dan berbicara jika tidak membaca.
8. Membaca buku melatih kita berpikir analitis.
9. Sebagai individu, kita tidak bisa memisahkan fungsi manajerial dan teknis. Namun, dalam organisasi, makin atas posisinya, kita berfokus pada hal manajerial karena tugasnya makin kompleks.
10. Untuk hal-hal yang sifatnya memberdayakan, seperti pendidikan, subsidi dapat dijalankan.
11. Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan harus dimulai dari peningkatan kualitas pendidik dan pemilihan kepala sekolah yang tepat.
"He maybe inside, but let that love continue to spark."
"It can happen if we have sigma level governor and citizen."
"I'm still open to work."
Silakan koreksi jika ada yang belum tepat dan tambahkan jika ada yang kurang.
I'm still open to work😭
Terimakasih sudah membuat intisari pembicaraan tersebut,kalo dipabrik spt bagian penerjemah Mr,lalu secepat itu membuat intisari ucapan Mr dlm b.indonesia dan langsung mengirim di grup wa.dan mereka di gaji mahal.walawpun mereka tidak tamat SMA karena mereka pernah jadi TKW di Taiwan dll.
Trm ksh kesimpulannya bagus, membantu yg tidak bisa bahasa inggris
keren, terima kasih saya jadi lebih faham tentang diskus di video ini
Thanks for effort
he is the real "guru bangsa". come on guys, you can improve your english also while watching this podcast. Minimum become passive english.
Bisa tau dan ngidolain pa Anies adalah sebuah anugrah sih buat gue 😭 karna beliau gue bisa belajar buat lebih wise, lebih sabar, membumi, posititive thinking. Thanks a lottt juga buat pa Anies karna beliau gue jd terinspirasi buat soon ngebesarin anak gue kyk beliau ngebesarin anak2 beliau. Be positive, humble, jangan terlalu ngandelin privilege org tua, buat kebanggaan untuk diri sndiri tanpa pamer2 ke org lain “SIAPA ORG TUA LU” dll 🥹❤️💚
Im anak abah and im proud about that...😊
Anak Abah its devil
seengganya masih manusia , 2019 malah dipanggil cebong, kampret
I'm not, but I also proud of that
I am also proud to be Anak Abah ❤
ya gpp
tapi ga usah saling senggol n menjatuhkan aja
The fact that Mr. ARB speaks English in an Indonesian accent, is so mind-blowing. Be proud, with our identity!
What matters most, is the essence. So many lessons learned from this session 👍🏽
Thanks so much for this! 😊
Most of politician do this like Jusuf Kalla. That's actually nice because im having a hard time to reducing american accent since it was the first accent that i have been learning
Yeah, that's heard Indonesia accent 😂
Cause the words sounded so easy 😂
Exactly, tapi kosa kata nya tetap luas, krn baca buku kali ya, karena pak anies, aku juga jadi lebih PD make bahasa inggris speaking dg bule, nyoba public speaking, dan memperluas kosa kata, such inspiring, guru bangsa yg sebenarnya wkw
correct, one of my ex boss from Uk mentioned that indonesian accent is pretty clear & good to understand compare than other asia's country like japan, india, etc
Couldnt agree more!!!
Bravo Abigail, Andovi, and team! A great episode as always
Thank youuu 🥺
having 50% skills of English in speaking, writing, and understanding but glad i am 100% understand a whole discussion in this video. but more glad that don't need to read "the buzzer words" here
Anies Baswedan is such an inspirational leader. Much love from Singapore 🇸🇬
You guys should add timestamps. Here, I'll do it in the meantime:
1:02 Andovi's disclaimer
1:40 Anies's kids, the origin of 'Anak Abah', and teaching kids to not abuse privilege
14:52 Anies's old academic paper about Indonesian Political Parties and their relationship with Islam
20:55 Does Anies stand by his in-paper arguments?
26:51 What makes Indonesia unique?
33:44 The Indonesian identity as a chemical compound
42:25 Anies's tweet on the Tom Lembong situation
47:17 On literacy crisis in Indonesia
55:38 Doer vs. Thinker
59:51 Giving away free stuff as a political campaign strategy
1:00:22 Sponsor shout-out
1:03:52 The key to improving Indonesia's education system
1:11:55 Can Anies understand brainrot terminologies?
1:14:17 The only solution for better public transport
1:14:35 Memes
1:15:32 Forbidden memes
1:16:00 Anies's closing statement
have a good day!
It's pretty useful
you dropped this 👑
been looking for this, thanks!
Great work! ❤
Tayang di hari ayah, dengan intro yang well said
Sy membayangkan tamu berikutnya ada pak tom... We missed him
Kalau aku sih inginnya pak Jokowi kak
@@irmahalimah1316 i just cant imagine Tom Lembong saying gen alpha's term with Abigail and Andovi 😂
@@LiaSuryani-o9c I don't think this podcast need to bring a con artist to their stream
Pak Dino Patti Jalal
48:12 how He actually break down every problem is always makes me, 'wow, I never thought about that'
The way Pak Anies answerd it.. wow.. so mindblowing. I get A LOT of new prespectives of many sectors
I had written in my final paper. Indonesia is the third fatherless country in the world according by plenty credible journals. And after that research, our country have Presidential elections and Pak Anies involved as participant it makes me feel like he is a good example for every father we need in this generation.
Smart, I totally agree with you.
Yess... That's true
Sadly, Nepotism won 😰
But sadly most father in Indonesia are like Jokowi, who use his power to make sure his son get a good job 🤣
34:44 what's more amazing is that hydrogen is extremely combustible, as is oxygen. But when they're compounding, they become water which is the complete opposite of combustion. Great analogy from him, insightful as always
@@masbrambo that is so true.. thx u..
Hai para anak abah, proud to be anak abah 🫰
Of course.
Of course, iam very proud to be anak abah, always
Pak Anies just said don't be exclusive, don't exclude everyone from you. Embrace people
Because of pak Anies, I found this channel and subscribed😊
Thank you Pak Anies for always giving motivations, I think not only for "anak abah' but actually for all Indonesian people.
Sometimes I still have a dream Pak Anies will be a president , because he has a complete package to be a leader.
1. He is so religious
2. He is smart ( of course we have no doubt about his education 😊).
3.His public speaking is so good (of course also his English)
4. The one that is also important is Ibu Ferry. I think we really need her figure to be "Ibu Indonesia". We can see from her IG, bu Fery is so care about women and children ( education, family etc).
Mr. Anies Baswedan is the real leader both as a husband, as a father and has been proven as a leader in Jakarta, Indonesia should be proud to have Anies Baswedan, .. It's a Good Channel for the Young Indonesia People .. 👍👍
I want to finish to watch this podcast rightaway the time I heard Pak Anies using "we" when he answered Dovi's question about "how he as Anies Baswedan" raise his child. Those little things show how much he respect his wife 🥺
There is no word " saya" in pak Anies' dictionary...
when he was governor of DKI Jakarta, pak Anies always talked about "kami" or "kita" when asked about something.
Inilah knp saya sebut abah adalah pemapar yg baik, bukan sekedar pintar bicara like omon2.
Karena yang abah ucapkan base of pengetahuan berdasarkan study kasus sehingga saya sbg penyimak selalu mendapat ilmu dan pandangan baru dlm mengilmui something. Semoga selalu sehat lahir&batin abah Anies R.Baswedan
Pak Anies looks so passionate on this podcast. Keliatan banget matanya berbinar ketika menjelaskan apa yg beliau jelaskan. Tp beberapa kali Pak Anies menyela hostnya, sepertinya krn beliau begitu bersemangat dan kepala beliau penuh dengan kalimat yang mau disampaikan. Tp overall, podcast ini keren!! Thumbs up utk WIUI Team 👏🏻
Iya ini udh jadi kebiasaan Pak Anies di tiap podcast kalo lagi menyampaikan sesuatu harus sampai kelar, kalau host mau masuk ke topik lain beliau selalu pengen ngabisin apa yg ada di pikirannya dulu wkkw
@@kapini8569betul. beliau gak mau ada salah paham kalo tidak tuntas dijelaskan
Just using my right to state an opinion:
Menurutku malahan host podcast2 lain secara umum harus bisa lebih menghargai tipikal yang seperti ini si. Menyelesaikan train of thought mereka, jadi bukan host yg mendominasi pembicaraan.
Aku paham mungkin banyak tamu yg kadang kalo dibiarkan malah lompat2 ke topik yang sama sekali irrelevant, tapi setidaknya irrelevansi itu bisa digali lagi sebagai hostnya untuk mengungkap jati diri dari tamu tersebut. Yaaa tapi tergantung target audience lagi si sama konsep acara, just stating that most podcast hosts ironically just want all the spotlight. But I love this WIUI Podcast bcs how genuine the content is, unlike populist content creators justifying their behavior as an act of 'Inclusivity'
Aku gak bisa ngomong inggris tapi bisa baca dan denger orang indo ngomong inggris. Ngak pernah bosen liat pak anis di podcast manapun. Selalu ada cerita baru❤❤❤
oh my the realization about our unity? that's mindblowing to me. this podcast itself showed the perfect example of 3 people from different racial background could perform together in Indonesia and that's crazy because i lived in malaysia for a while and i can feel it, and quite weirded out by it, bcs they have 3 major races and they have their own community 😂 they befriend the same races, they grew up with people of the same races. this is crazy. the unity in us is just as crazy, that's very special indeed.
thank you Pak Anies for the enlightenment! 🎉
"Bersenyawa" is a very genius way to describe Indonesia, what an analogy pak anies!!
This man is truly on another level, and we're not ready. Never see young people engage so much with such politician , exchanging ideas, knowledge, experiences etc. Bangga banget sama abah! Hope to see you more in leadership workshop paakk.
Props to andovi and abigail, great interview!
Only during the 2024 presidential election, a presidential candidate received many gifts from his fans. Dolls, paintings, books and many other interesting gifts were made by his fans themselves.
Agree.. His level is too far from the average quality of Indonesian people. We're not ready.
Btw I nearly cry listening to the history part. 😢 it went so deep.
Great question! Starting the discussion about how Pak Anies is a father as well, exactly on the father's day!
Keren banget episode ini, daging banget. Banyak belajar deh, mulai dari parenting, sampe berasa juga kayak lagi ikut kuliah kebangsaan, kuliah kepemimpinan, etc. So inspiring! Thanks WIUI ❤
Terharu gw denger sosok ayah dari abah... ga heran anak2nya keren...semoga ke depan bs jadi pemimpin indonesia krn beliau bkn skedar contoh pemimpin yg baik tp juga bapak dan suami yg baik. Rugilah kl kita lewatin orng spt beliau sebagai pemimpin indonesia
Pak Anies selalu menyenangkan kalo ngobrol bareng dengan siapapun❤❤❤❤
Pak Tom, all of us want you to have a fresh air again sooner, and deliver social justice in the country we all love. This country needs you .
Giilllaaa... keren neh podcast, berkelas...Allah punya cara sendiri u Abah Anies dg kekalahannya di Pilpres, rupanya agar beliau menularkan vibes positif u semua kalangan tanpa aturan protokoler.
Couldn’t agree more
I like the way Pak Anies speaks English, very clearly. My English is not that good, but when Pak Anies speaks, his speech is clear and not too fast so I can catch his sentences.
Watching this entire conversations warms my heart. Thank you and we proud of you, Pak Anies. Thank you WIUI! You rockss!!!
Daging semua. Mindblowing. Cara pandang anies mengubah cara pandangku dalam banyak hal.
Diversity is a blessing of god, but Unity is reflection of our own effort - Anies Baswedan
i'm so touched about this part
make it a mem
Wow, goosebumps man
I love that words,,
Tongkrongan yg HIGH LEVEL ...... ngobrol santai tp sangat Berkelas .....❤❤❤❤❤❤ .......
Alhamdulilah masih ada orang" cerdas dan iklas diindonesia
Ngobrol sm Pak Anies 😍 menyenangkan sekali mendengarkan obrolan beliau❤
Mr Anies Baswedan Thank you for being such a great person.
Kontennya bagus, bisa buat meningkatkan daya minat anak muda untuk membiasakan berbahasa inggris atau memotivasi mereka untuk belajar dan belajar bahasa inggris.
I really like this episode. How can he be so relatable to everyone he meets? I really like how he talks and explains. I think Pak Anies is not kidding when he said that he loves to learn and never stops learning about new things. This episode is very interesting, this is the best in my opinion. I don't get tired of listening to it and even don't skip any conversation in this episode, and watch it until the end (although sometimes when watching something, i skip some conversations😅). Please, i want more episodes with anies baswedan, I feel like he has a lot more to say?😅. Can't deny that he is a fun and very smart guy, i wish many politicians could be as fun as him.
I quoted a very cool statement from Mr. Anies Baswedan, which goes:
"What's unique about us is actually the unity, not the diversity."
That's so good, I really like it!
Helpppp! I'm enjoying this video way too much instead of working on my assignments!! It feels like pure daging and is so full of rizz-total skibidi sigma 1000+ aura vibes! And you know what, guys?! I actually changed my answer on my assignment because of this video! Especially when it comes to discussing the uniqueness of our country. It enlightened my perspective in so many ways and, most importantly, reignited my hope for a better Indonesia. WIUI team, you guyssss rock!
yeah i hope Indonesia could be better, but it's very difficult assignments if we have seen sdm Indo now, and law's and policy's regulations how so unfair and broke it's difficult to escape, yk what im sayin, if we educated they won't, like impossible ga sih ?
I'm also anak abah. You'll always be part of our heart and future dreams ☺️
I like these words from u. “Part of our heart and future dreams.” Wow. Thank u for this 🫡
For me definition of Anak Abah Anies stands for AN Acknowledment for Always BAsed on Analytics and Heuristic dAta, Never relies on Irrational and Emotional Solution
He truly is the people's President. Keep up the good work guys, enlightens the skibidi gyat rizz generation!
literally enjoy every second of the convo, it's both insightful and amusing! thank you for inviting pak Anies to WIUI!!
i always always respect him on how he create a programs called indonesia mengajar and his deducation to this nation's education. AND it shows on how he answers the question about our education system :''''''', that i hope we can get it someday. great great episode!
This Video really opened up my view especially about why Indonesia is such a special country because we have something called unity and how important reading books to our life is. Thank you for making this video what is up indonesia
setuju dengan kalimat penutup pak anies
Proud to be Anak Abah, thanks WIUI for making this podcast. 😃
Abah sehat sehat. Abah saya ikut desak anies waktu abah ke ambon. Suatu pengalaman hidup yang berkesan buat saya.
gue yg nonton aja cape lliatnya megangin mic, ini doi ga keberatan loh. terhura akutuh :" sehat2 manusia cerdas
Thanks WIUI!! Finally I found the beautiful podcast🎉
By the way abah firstly i'd like to say:
Barakallahu fiykum abah anies sudah meng audio visualkan sejarah tuk anak" yg kategorinya malas membaca.
Semoga dengan video video bapak tentang sejarah bahkan ilmu ekonomi atau fisip bisa membuat anak" yg tadi nya malas membaca makin mencari tahu di buku dan pada akhirnya membaca dengan ketagihan.
Saluteee tuk Pak Anies yg membuat suatu gebrakan pasti ada makna dan tujuan tersirat yg bermanfaat didalamnya ❤
Sehat selalu abah dan maasyaAllah segitu banyaknya amal jariyah abah tuk bekal di hari akhir kelak bah ❤
Anies Baswedan... Is very very Smart... He's my favorit President 👍
Mendengarkan penjelasan Pak Anies tentang Indonesia, membuat optimis dan tambah mencintai Indonesia, di saat banyak kekecewaan melihat berita² seliweran akhir² ini. Thanks WIUI for inviting him 🥰
The way he explained about Elite and Exclusive, also between diversity and unity ... omg .. so interesting
Ada perempuan hebat DI SAMPING laki-laki hebat. Dan abah menampilkan itu dengan bangga saat menceritakan istrinya, bu Fery. Dan inilah laki-laki gentleman yang jarang ada saat ini.
i actually missed having (and listening) to this kind of stimulating conversation since i graduated from uni a long time ago. need more podcasts with Mr. Anies Baswedan with more diverse topics.
Pertanyaannya bagus-bagus.. jarang dibahas di podcast lain.. great job!
Podcast berkelas, smga mkin kdpan rakyat indonesia mkin mngedepankan akal sehat nya dlm memilih pemimpin
I don't know, it seemed like Abigail was a little teary-eyed with Pak Anies' closing words. Always be healthy Pak Anies, I am always proud to support you for a long time.
tbh i was holding in laughter cause he said what we're doing is "mencerdaskan" after we ambushed him with brainrot gen alpha slang and memes😭 but definitely very flattered and honored.
Not the diversity, but the unity. Always learning something new from this man. Inspiring. Very.
Banyak yg saya gk pahami, tapi tetap saya dengarkan, karena pengalaman saya sesuatu yg tidak saya pahami bisa dipaham setelah beberapa kali pengulangan.
Di sini saya paham maksud Ika dlm Bhineka tunggal Ika 😅
plis yang rajin upload ya!! seneng banget bisa menikmati podcast berbahasa inggris sekalian melatih kami yang belum lancarr ❤
I was crying when pak anies mentioned the unity.
thank you pak Anies and wibu team! insightful💯
Not yet finished, but when he talks about Indonesia, he always gives that vibe, like he really loves Indonesia and I have to do the same. So proud of you, Anies Baswedan.
28:26 saya merinding waktu pak anies bilang, "yg bikin Indonesia unik bukanlah keberagaman tapi KESATUAN". Bhinneka tunggal ika.
Omon2 kesatuan dia sendiri mengingkari sumpah pemuda dgn pakai bahasa orang asing
Ya kaann selamanya bisa ga ini podcastnya 😭 very inspiring, very insightful
Wait a minute, there's no buzzers in here? Ohhh i love that.. Well done What is up, Indonesia teams for using english on this podcast
Aaah suka bangeet episodenya. Selalu dapat insight dan pelajaran baru dari pak anies. Semoga sehat selalu pak 🤗
back to my college memory i learn basic culture subject and we learn the language is product of culture. feel goosebump when the line is spoken by mr Anies Baswedan
No buzzer what a relief🎉
Terimakasih banyak yg sdh mengundang pak anies ini vlog yg luar biasa
Saya bangga sebagai anak Abah ❤
Tenang buzzer ini Tutorial supaya ada subtitle:
1. Klik simbol roda bergerigi
2. Klik tulisan subtitle / CC
3. Klik terjemahkan otomatis
4. Pilih negara Indonesia
5. Selamat menikmati tayangan ini
Wkwkwkwk 👏
But they still confused how to comment here 😮
@@hanynoviasari721 pake gugel translet 😂
btw dikubu mana-pun sebenernya ada BUZZERnya dan ada orang tululnya.... bedanya, Buzzer yang berada pada pihak pemerintah lebih terorganisir karena ada "KAKAK PEMBINA" yang dulu mengorganisir JASMEV dan dananya juga unlimited. Kita juga harus akui klo pemilih pak anies itu kalah strategi dan ga terorganisir dan ga bisa bedain mana isu playing victim, negative campaign, hoax, framing, dst.... Akar rumputnya kacau, makanya kalah telak.
Iya euy ga seru ga baca komenan buzzer. . 😂
Broo, I need more podcasts like this one ❤❤
Precious podcast with precious peoples, makes me love this country more❣
And i am proud to be teacher🥰
Hello Mr. Anies Baswedan, I am your fan from Central Java.❤
Re-shared! Let's get this episode viral
Wah ada kamu
Thank you very much for inviting Pak Anies , we need real Guru Bangsa like him
Inggrisku kacau tapi nonton ini jadi banyak belajar bahasa
Bahasan nya keren banget
Yang buat Idonesia unik is not diverse but Unity ❤❤
ah iya lagi😊
I'm commenting this from watching halfway of the podcast, and what Pak Anies said is consistent. Kebetulan minggu kemarin ada kuliah umum dengan topik Meningkatkan Rasa Cinta Tanah Air melalui Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, dan poin jawaban yang diberikan sama pesis; Bahasa Indonesia makes us equal and it's an identity. Banyak banget yang bisa dipelajari dari satu kali pertemuan and it's sums up of how a great pendidik he is. I'm willing to learn more from Abah in the future :)
Presiden sesungguhnya Indonesia
would you please next time invite Rocky Gerung?
it would be interesting to hear him speak English
and you can explore more about his life, his family, how he raised, his view of education and his experience for more than 20 years as a key people in Universitas Indonesia,
and a few tips how to be as genius and as brave as him
Yes please make it happen 😭🙏
Yesss... would love it... make it happen!!!
Gibran sama bapaknya coba undang ke podcast ini😮😅😊
I really like how Pak Anies gives an analogy of Persenyawaan.
Tiba-tiba we learn about irreversible reaction about water
wow.. this is a breakthrough, a full english podcast is a great idea to reduce the buzz from ignorant people.
topik PERSATUAN-nya bbrp kali dibawakan Pak Anies di bbrp kesempatan. Yg terbaru adalah sewaktu di UPI Bandung Oktober yg lalu. Tap kali ini dibawakan dlm Bhs Inggris. 👍
There are lots of useful insights from this video. Parenting, the power of unity, persenyawaan, the importance of daya baca, etc.
Thank you Andovi & Abigail for inviting Pak Anies Baswedan.