Latter-day Saint here. I feel like you were trying to pick a fight with pastor Jeff and egg him on, the same way that non-Latter-Day Saints try to twist our words and create contention for the purpose of proving us wrong. I felt a lot of contention just listening to you. No wonder he resorted to blocking your contention. You did put words in Jeff's mouth. He did not say that the only reason for church is to be a social construct. He didn't even use the word "social." That was your assumption. By your same reasoning, non-Latter-Day Saints could point to plenty of scriptures in the D&C about the saints meeting together often that makes it sound like the purpose of our church gatherings are social only. Did you really want to know why a pastor believes in churches? Or were you just waiting to pounce on another TH-camr so you could build content for your own channel?
You're right, Pastor Jeff did not say that the only reason for church is to be a social construct. But the only reason he originally gave me for his church was that "Christ came to establish the church because the Christian life is meant to be experienced within community with other believers." So I was totally justified to ask him if he honestly believes that the only reason for his church is for socializing. Note, I didn't put any words in his mouth - I asked him if that's what he believed. Since we have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, Latter-Day Saints certainly don't need Pastor Jeff to save us (like he thinks we do). I have nothing against him personally but of course there is some conflict between our doctrine. I don't think I said anything rude or "contentious" as you say I did. All I did was ask him questions - which is exactly what he says he wants us to do! The reason I asked him why he's affiliated with a church is because I know that his Protestant view of "The Church" is non-Biblical. He can't give a Biblical response without contradicting Protestant tradition. THAT'S why he blocked me (twice)! So yes, if you say that I wanted to "pounce on" his doctrine then you are absolutely correct. It's not about me vs. Jeff. It's about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ vs. the doctrines of men found in modern Christianity. And remember, Pastor Jeff is the one who claims that he wants to discuss our differences!
@MormonChristianJoe - I found it contentious because after he answered your question you didn't like his answer so you wanted to argue with his answer. I feel he answered in good faith and your intent was to try and twist his words, the same way that non-members try to twist our words up to make their point. It felt contentious to me. And, it accomplished nothing positive. You already knew what answer you wanted him to give. You were busy patting yourself on your back coz you were already certain that his response would contradict Protestant tradition before you asked the question. Hope you are proud that your approach made him block you, effectively shutting down any productive discussion. I hope didn't use that same approach when you were a missionary.
@@micheleh3851 I didn't argue with Pastor Jeff's answer to my question. I simply asked a follow-up question. I don't think you're giving him enough credit. You act like his feelings are so hurt that he's now scarred for life against the Church. I give him more credit than that! He needs conversations like this! If Pastor Jeff's message never met any resistance then he would mistakenly continue to believe that he needs to guide us all to true salvation - instead of the other way around! And that would be a great disservice to him. So contrary to what you think, I believe that something positive can come from Pastor Jeff having some uncomfortable conversations with Latter-Day Saints. And just because he may feel uncomfortable doesn't necessarily mean it is contentious. We can discuss opposing views without being contentious.
@MormonChristianJoe - Hmm, yes you can discuss opposing views without being contentious. But zero discussion happens when you are blocked. I don't think Jeff's feelings are hurt. I think he blocked you because you were contentious. I felt contention just listening to you read the dialog. Maybe that's just me but I stand by what I felt.
@@micheleh3851 You think Pastor Jeff blocked me because I was "contentious" but I think he blocked me because my legitimate questions compel him to admit that his saving mission to Latter-Day Saints is unnecessary. Well I've got an idea for how we can determine which of us is right! I need you to pull up his video called "Pastor Explains Christian Denominations" and ask him the following two questions in the most kind, loving, and respectful way possible. First tell him how great and awesome he is and how much you love his channel and that you have learned so much from his videos - then ask him the following two questions exactly as follows: 1) Do you believe that people need ordained Church leaders to guide them to true salvation? 2) Do you believe that all the churches of evangelical Christianity are unnecessary to help people gain (and keep) faith sufficient for salvation? There is absolutely NOTHING rude, contentious, or disrespectful about any of that so don't worry at all about Pastor Jeff blocking you! Please report back here with his answers. I will then have one more legitimate follow-up question for you to lovingly ask him after that. Thanks for your willingness to help us solve the mystery as to why he blocked me - and also maybe find out if he truly believes that we need him to guide us to true salvation or not!
Pastor Jeff preys on LDS folks, and he seems unassuming because of his “niceness”, but he is like every other evangelical anti-LDS influencer at his core. His earlier sermon(s) show what he really thinks of Latter-day Saints, which are now deleted. I’ll call him for what he is, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Yes, currently, Pastor Jeff is a false teacher masquerading as a legitimate minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. And yes, that makes his teachings dangerous to vulnerable members of the Church who are not well versed in the Scriptures. Hopefully someday he will realize that, instead of doing God service, he's actually fighting against the very Christ in whom he professes to believe!
I watched hello saints latest, we went to general conference, video and the first half was all about how great they loved it and the 2nd half was how they disagreed with some doctrine and how “they believe” differently. Which is ok I guess because they can believe however they want but that is their point to point out how they believe differently. Maybe because of his anti Mormon sermon preached years ago that he deleted but I get people can change and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that his motives are pure. He seems like a nice guy
Yes I agree, Pastor Jeff seems like a great guy! And I have zero problem with him pointing out his problems with the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But his "pure motives" can be questioned a bit though... since he claims that the purpose of "Hello Saints" is to learn about the restored gospel AND have open dialog with Latter-Day Saints - but yet he blocks some Latter-Day Saints who try to discuss the gospel with him! So his "purpose" seems somewhat disingenuous to me.
@@MormonChristianJoe I don't have a dog in this fight. I watch a lot of videos & YT recommended this one. I've been to both Evangelical Churches and your church. I read the posts between the 2 of you, so maybe I can offer a constructive opinion, if you're willing to hear it. Evangelicals do have a totally different way of looking at the purpose of churches, and it's totally different from the viewpoint of a church like the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, or the LDS Church. Maybe you should go to a different Evangelical pastor online and have a conversation about that because they can explain their position best. If you really, truly want to understand where they're coming from you should do that. I imagine Pastor Jeff has an overwhelming # of comments to respond to, and the only way to decrease his burden is going to be to block some people. I'm not saying that's a good idea, it's just a way to be able to handle overload. Upon reading the online conversation that occurred between the 2 of you, my thinking is that some of your words, due to the way you said them would raise defenses in an Evangelical. Your sentence structure is accusatory. That's not going to help matters any. Second, your communication is an example of "Black and white thinking." It appears that for you there's no middle ground. This isn't a healthy way of thinking and the pastor is probably trained to recognize it and knows there can never be a good outcome with it. Your sentences are symptomatic of perfectionism, and perfection is not something that can be achieved on earth. Rather than continue with an unproductive conversation, the pastor probably decided to cut his losses
@@Decision_Justice Agreed, the questions are the problem. Evangelicals believe that though the church is not needed for salvation it is often where most people learn how to be saved. Most Christians hear the gospel at church. But the thief on the cross is an example of someone that did not need the church to be saved. So you can’t say one statement is true for all. God works in many ways. Church leaders are to teach and to guide but again people can be saved without church leaders. Sometimes people can be saved by a divinely placed Bible or a track that was handed out etc.
@@Decision_Justice Hi, thanks for adding your great perspective! I understand what you're saying about how my questions could seem "accusatory" but honestly I just wanted to have a friendly conversation to see how Pastor Jeff would answer some questions about evangelical churches. Ironically he's actually the one who became somewhat "accusatory" - and that surprised me. But here's the bottom line about the conversation we had: Like you said, evangelicals have a totally different way of looking at the purpose of churches - and I would add that evangelicals have a totally different way of looking at the purpose of churches than what is described in the New Testament. So I guess I was simply hoping to highlight that fact for Latter-Day Saints. That's all.
@@davidweaver1120 The apostle Paul taught that the purpose of legitimately ordained Church leaders is to shepherd the flock of God in the true doctrine of Christ, ESPECIALLY in matters pertaining to salvation. And since the Bible contains contradictory teachings in matters pertaining to salvation, I would submit that EVERYONE (including the thief on the cross) needs legitimately ordained Church leaders to guide them to true salvation! Why do you say the thief on the cross did not need the Church to be saved?
I’m a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for nearly 70 years. I have learned over those years that the type and way you ask questions is not at all productive. I too would have blocked you. He was very patient with you. It’s not important that you been seen as right. It is important that you are loving and kind to all. Personally I did not see or feel that from your questions and tone. Sorry I cannot agree with you in your effort.
Thanks for the feedback. My intent with Pastor Jeff was certainly not to be unkind or disrespectful. I was simply doing what he asked us to do - that is, ask him questions. Can you help me understand exactly what I said that was unkind or disrespectful in the conversation?
@@MormonChristianJoe I would simply direct you to study again recent conference talks that help us better interact and love others more. I believe that will be the best thing to help.
@@bobahlman6464 Pastor Jeff is a pastor. It's his job to answer gospel questions. And he has clearly requested that we Latter-Day Saints ask him gospel questions! So do you think it's "unloving" or "unkind" for me to ask him gospel questions that might make him uncomfortable? I'm not saying that he should have an answer to every question. I'm just saying that he didn't block me for being "unloving" or "unkind". He blocked me because he didn't like my questions.
Did you read or listen to Elder Renlund’s massage? I believe that it will help you understand what I and others who have commented on and see what answers you are seeking from us. In the eternal scheme of things what truly is important?
You got him in lies, omitting things that proved your point. So, the simple thing to do these days is just block the person you don't feel like dealing with. Great questions.
Did you notice he had a positive reaction to the book of Jacob but quickly stifled it and all future positive reaction to the Book of Mormon? In my mind Jesus told us we need a church when he said he was putting new wine in new bottles. The bottles represent the church.
I haven’t watched any of his Book of Mormon critique videos so I’ll take your word on that. I like your new wine in new bottles symbolism of the Church! Everything the early apostles did was in the context of a physical hierarchical Church organization.
Hey, you seem to be getting more subscribers... and more views! Controversy tends to do that. It's a good business model. Perhaps you are being blocked due to the anonymous name... instead of from a real identity. You know... kinda like David Boice or David Alexander. That would probably help in not getting you blocked.
That's pretty funny! If I cared about getting subscribers and views then I'd need to create much more interesting videos! But I don't care because I created this channel for my kids - so that when they come to me with the CES Letter and other apostate garbage which may contain some facts but leads to spiritual destruction, I can clearly show them that the restored gospel that came to the world from the Lord Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith is the most Biblically sound and superior Christian theology on the planet! Then they will have to reconcile in their minds how a supposed "worthless scheming power-hungry lustful fraud" who was only "pretending" to be a Prophet of the living God could be the greatest Biblical theologian in modern times and - supposedly without any help from heaven - could restore such a magnificent worldwide Church of Jesus Christ that has the power to bring souls unto Christ and keep them rooted in Him as long as they abide by its precepts! The thought that Joseph Smith did all of this so successfully as a "worthless God-less fraudulent scoundrel" defies all human reason! So if you think I created this channel to make any money then that's hilarious! Anyway, please feel free to share your thoughts about the actual content of this video, if you have any. Your friend, Joe
Jeff doesn't want targeted questions. He wants to associate with those members who will treat him with kid gloves. He cant answer hard questions, because his logic doesn't make sense.
I would call you a fun antagonist. If I was him, I would probably block you too! haha. I watch Pastor Jeff's videos some time but in the end, it's clear that we need to be mindful that he can have the doctrine of Sherem as he learns more about the church..."and he was learned, that he had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore he could use much flattery and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil".
Just remember if you decide to comment on any of Pastor Jeff's videos you must fight the urge to reveal even the slightest clues that he has the doctrine of Sherem or you may find yourself blocked too! 🙂
According to the movie Gaslight. He mislead the woman and made her think she was crazy, then snuck around while betraying her and stealing from her. So I would say misleading and making someone think they are crazy or lying and betraying is gaslighting. My my estimation he didn’t gaslight. Maybe jeff is gaslighting with all his misdirection. I think many of the members just watch hoping he will join, when he has made it clear he is not.
Actually, Jeff was doing the gaslighting with redirecting and partial answers. However the authors rather accusational tone and aparent need to go through everything as if we're presenting to the supreme Court would put me off as well.
It seems prideful and dishonest to delete conversations that expose his true beliefs. And his responses seemed mean spirited. Thank you for exposing his true colors. Good video.
Hey thanks for the comment! My intent is not to "expose" Pastor Jeff as a bad person but rather to warn Latter-Day Saints about his false teachings. Yes it's a bit disingenuous for him to block Latter-Day Saints from his channel when he says he wants to have a conversation with us but I still think that overall he's a good guy with a good heart.
@@MormonChristianJoe yeah I don't know. Censorship and seeking truth don't go hand in hand. I don't know where his heart is at, fortunately I'm not his judge. Keep up the good work!
@MormonChristianJoe I've started watching Jeff from the start. I was a subscriber when a woman called him out for having initially been a mean spirited anti-mormon. She found videos online. He apologised and said he was young at the time. He also took down the videos. The problem of these videos for Jeff is that when he went 'soft' he stated he never knew of the Church until he made the Hello Saints videos. He lied because the videos were proof that he did know about the Church before he started Hello Saints. I didn't like what he said in the Hello Saint videos because they all criticised the Church.. After sending over 140 comments, my son who is aufait with the Internet told me that Jeff had shadowbanner me so as I was the only one who got to see my comments as they were banned for everyone else to see. I had spent many hours studying his comments and questioning him on them but he was laughing at me all along. My son told me that he is probably doing this to many of his subscribers. In other podcasts, I heard other people state that they never get comments to their comments. My son said that he will only allow a few negative to appear as he is controlling the way people think of him. This is very dishonest. While many people are questioning Jeff, he a only allows a few negative one through to make it appear to others that he is widely accepted. Totally, disingenuous. He will let the posts remain which flatter him. He is a manipulator. In one post I compared his 'always right' teachings to a narcissist who I'd 11:26 been involved with for a few years who caused me untold harm. I was sceptible of Jeff from the start. Who in the world needs to know someone's religion that he sets up a podcast, he leaves his pastorship of about 20 people in his home town. He leaves that job and packs his family up and moves to Utah to get closer to the religion he claims to want to know. Who does that? If I wanted to know as much as I could about Islam, I buy a few books. I couldn't give up my job , get my wife to quit hers, uproot the children from their school and their friends and head to Mecca for who knows how long. My wife would have divorce me. She must be mad for the money as he is, because there is no other reason for what he has done and the way he has gone about it. I personally feel that the mask will slip and his phoney character will shine through eventually for all to see. I think he will do his utmost for his subscribers to only ever see Jeff the nice guy liar who can't handle the truth.
Latter-day Saint here. I feel like you were trying to pick a fight with pastor Jeff and egg him on, the same way that non-Latter-Day Saints try to twist our words and create contention for the purpose of proving us wrong. I felt a lot of contention just listening to you. No wonder he resorted to blocking your contention. You did put words in Jeff's mouth. He did not say that the only reason for church is to be a social construct. He didn't even use the word "social." That was your assumption. By your same reasoning, non-Latter-Day Saints could point to plenty of scriptures in the D&C about the saints meeting together often that makes it sound like the purpose of our church gatherings are social only.
Did you really want to know why a pastor believes in churches? Or were you just waiting to pounce on another TH-camr so you could build content for your own channel?
You're right, Pastor Jeff did not say that the only reason for church is to be a social construct. But the only reason he originally gave me for his church was that "Christ came to establish the church because the Christian life is meant to be experienced within community with other believers." So I was totally justified to ask him if he honestly believes that the only reason for his church is for socializing. Note, I didn't put any words in his mouth - I asked him if that's what he believed.
Since we have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, Latter-Day Saints certainly don't need Pastor Jeff to save us (like he thinks we do). I have nothing against him personally but of course there is some conflict between our doctrine. I don't think I said anything rude or "contentious" as you say I did. All I did was ask him questions - which is exactly what he says he wants us to do! The reason I asked him why he's affiliated with a church is because I know that his Protestant view of "The Church" is non-Biblical. He can't give a Biblical response without contradicting Protestant tradition. THAT'S why he blocked me (twice)! So yes, if you say that I wanted to "pounce on" his doctrine then you are absolutely correct. It's not about me vs. Jeff. It's about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ vs. the doctrines of men found in modern Christianity. And remember, Pastor Jeff is the one who claims that he wants to discuss our differences!
@MormonChristianJoe - I found it contentious because after he answered your question you didn't like his answer so you wanted to argue with his answer. I feel he answered in good faith and your intent was to try and twist his words, the same way that non-members try to twist our words up to make their point. It felt contentious to me. And, it accomplished nothing positive. You already knew what answer you wanted him to give. You were busy patting yourself on your back coz you were already certain that his response would contradict Protestant tradition before you asked the question. Hope you are proud that your approach made him block you, effectively shutting down any productive discussion. I hope didn't use that same approach when you were a missionary.
@@micheleh3851 I didn't argue with Pastor Jeff's answer to my question. I simply asked a follow-up question. I don't think you're giving him enough credit. You act like his feelings are so hurt that he's now scarred for life against the Church. I give him more credit than that! He needs conversations like this! If Pastor Jeff's message never met any resistance then he would mistakenly continue to believe that he needs to guide us all to true salvation - instead of the other way around! And that would be a great disservice to him. So contrary to what you think, I believe that something positive can come from Pastor Jeff having some uncomfortable conversations with Latter-Day Saints. And just because he may feel uncomfortable doesn't necessarily mean it is contentious. We can discuss opposing views without being contentious.
@MormonChristianJoe - Hmm, yes you can discuss opposing views without being contentious. But zero discussion happens when you are blocked. I don't think Jeff's feelings are hurt. I think he blocked you because you were contentious. I felt contention just listening to you read the dialog. Maybe that's just me but I stand by what I felt.
@@micheleh3851 You think Pastor Jeff blocked me because I was "contentious" but I think he blocked me because my legitimate questions compel him to admit that his saving mission to Latter-Day Saints is unnecessary. Well I've got an idea for how we can determine which of us is right! I need you to pull up his video called "Pastor Explains Christian Denominations" and ask him the following two questions in the most kind, loving, and respectful way possible. First tell him how great and awesome he is and how much you love his channel and that you have learned so much from his videos - then ask him the following two questions exactly as follows:
1) Do you believe that people need ordained Church leaders to guide them to true salvation?
2) Do you believe that all the churches of evangelical Christianity are unnecessary to help people gain (and keep) faith sufficient for salvation?
There is absolutely NOTHING rude, contentious, or disrespectful about any of that so don't worry at all about Pastor Jeff blocking you! Please report back here with his answers. I will then have one more legitimate follow-up question for you to lovingly ask him after that. Thanks for your willingness to help us solve the mystery as to why he blocked me - and also maybe find out if he truly believes that we need him to guide us to true salvation or not!
Pastor Jeff preys on LDS folks, and he seems unassuming because of his “niceness”, but he is like every other evangelical anti-LDS influencer at his core. His earlier sermon(s) show what he really thinks of Latter-day Saints, which are now deleted. I’ll call him for what he is, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Yes, currently, Pastor Jeff is a false teacher masquerading as a legitimate minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. And yes, that makes his teachings dangerous to vulnerable members of the Church who are not well versed in the Scriptures. Hopefully someday he will realize that, instead of doing God service, he's actually fighting against the very Christ in whom he professes to believe!
I watched hello saints latest, we went to general conference, video and the first half was all about how great they loved it and the 2nd half was how they disagreed with some doctrine and how “they believe” differently. Which is ok I guess because they can believe however they want but that is their point to point out how they believe differently. Maybe because of his anti Mormon sermon preached years ago that he deleted but I get people can change and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that his motives are pure. He seems like a nice guy
Yes I agree, Pastor Jeff seems like a great guy! And I have zero problem with him pointing out his problems with the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But his "pure motives" can be questioned a bit though... since he claims that the purpose of "Hello Saints" is to learn about the restored gospel AND have open dialog with Latter-Day Saints - but yet he blocks some Latter-Day Saints who try to discuss the gospel with him! So his "purpose" seems somewhat disingenuous to me.
@@MormonChristianJoe I don't have a dog in this fight. I watch a lot of videos & YT recommended this one. I've been to both Evangelical Churches and your church. I read the posts between the 2 of you, so maybe I can offer a constructive opinion, if you're willing to hear it. Evangelicals do have a totally different way of looking at the purpose of churches, and it's totally different from the viewpoint of a church like the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, or the LDS Church. Maybe you should go to a different Evangelical pastor online and have a conversation about that because they can explain their position best. If you really, truly want to understand where they're coming from you should do that. I imagine Pastor Jeff has an overwhelming # of comments to respond to, and the only way to decrease his burden is going to be to block some people. I'm not saying that's a good idea, it's just a way to be able to handle overload.
Upon reading the online conversation that occurred between the 2 of you, my thinking is that some of your words, due to the way you said them would raise defenses in an Evangelical. Your sentence structure is accusatory. That's not going to help matters any.
Second, your communication is an example of "Black and white thinking." It appears that for you there's no middle ground. This isn't a healthy way of thinking and the pastor is probably trained to recognize it and knows there can never be a good outcome with it. Your sentences are symptomatic of perfectionism, and perfection is not something that can be achieved on earth.
Rather than continue with an unproductive conversation, the pastor probably decided to cut his losses
Agreed, the questions are the problem.
Evangelicals believe that though the church is not needed for salvation it is often where most people learn how to be saved. Most Christians hear the gospel at church.
But the thief on the cross is an example of someone that did not need the church to be saved.
So you can’t say one statement is true for all. God works in many ways.
Church leaders are to teach and to guide but again people can be saved without church leaders.
Sometimes people can be saved by a divinely placed Bible or a track that was handed out etc.
@@Decision_Justice Hi, thanks for adding your great perspective! I understand what you're saying about how my questions could seem "accusatory" but honestly I just wanted to have a friendly conversation to see how Pastor Jeff would answer some questions about evangelical churches. Ironically he's actually the one who became somewhat "accusatory" - and that surprised me. But here's the bottom line about the conversation we had: Like you said, evangelicals have a totally different way of looking at the purpose of churches - and I would add that evangelicals have a totally different way of looking at the purpose of churches than what is described in the New Testament. So I guess I was simply hoping to highlight that fact for Latter-Day Saints. That's all.
@@davidweaver1120 The apostle Paul taught that the purpose of legitimately ordained Church leaders is to shepherd the flock of God in the true doctrine of Christ, ESPECIALLY in matters pertaining to salvation. And since the Bible contains contradictory teachings in matters pertaining to salvation, I would submit that EVERYONE (including the thief on the cross) needs legitimately ordained Church leaders to guide them to true salvation! Why do you say the thief on the cross did not need the Church to be saved?
I’m a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for nearly 70 years. I have learned over those years that the type and way you ask questions is not at all productive. I too would have blocked you. He was very patient with you. It’s not important that you been seen as right. It is important that you are loving and kind to all. Personally I did not see or feel that from your questions and tone. Sorry I cannot agree with you in your effort.
Thanks for the feedback. My intent with Pastor Jeff was certainly not to be unkind or disrespectful. I was simply doing what he asked us to do - that is, ask him questions. Can you help me understand exactly what I said that was unkind or disrespectful in the conversation?
I would simply direct you to study again recent conference talks that help us better interact and love others more. I believe that will be the best thing to help.
A good one to start with is Elder Renlund’s October 2020 Conference address entitled “Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God”.
@@bobahlman6464 Pastor Jeff is a pastor. It's his job to answer gospel questions. And he has clearly requested that we Latter-Day Saints ask him gospel questions! So do you think it's "unloving" or "unkind" for me to ask him gospel questions that might make him uncomfortable? I'm not saying that he should have an answer to every question. I'm just saying that he didn't block me for being "unloving" or "unkind". He blocked me because he didn't like my questions.
Did you read or listen to Elder Renlund’s massage?
I believe that it will help you understand what I and others who have commented on and see what answers you are seeking from us. In the eternal scheme of things what truly is important?
You got him in lies, omitting things that proved your point. So, the simple thing to do these days is just block the person you don't feel like dealing with. Great questions.
Did you notice he had a positive reaction to the book of Jacob but quickly stifled it and all future positive reaction to the Book of Mormon?
In my mind Jesus told us we need a church when he said he was putting new wine in new bottles. The bottles represent the church.
I haven’t watched any of his Book of Mormon critique videos so I’ll take your word on that. I like your new wine in new bottles symbolism of the Church! Everything the early apostles did was in the context of a physical hierarchical Church organization.
Hey, you seem to be getting more subscribers... and more views! Controversy tends to do that. It's a good business model.
Perhaps you are being blocked due to the anonymous name... instead of from a real identity. You know... kinda like David Boice or David Alexander. That would probably help in not getting you blocked.
That's pretty funny! If I cared about getting subscribers and views then I'd need to create much more interesting videos! But I don't care because I created this channel for my kids - so that when they come to me with the CES Letter and other apostate garbage which may contain some facts but leads to spiritual destruction, I can clearly show them that the restored gospel that came to the world from the Lord Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith is the most Biblically sound and superior Christian theology on the planet! Then they will have to reconcile in their minds how a supposed "worthless scheming power-hungry lustful fraud" who was only "pretending" to be a Prophet of the living God could be the greatest Biblical theologian in modern times and - supposedly without any help from heaven - could restore such a magnificent worldwide Church of Jesus Christ that has the power to bring souls unto Christ and keep them rooted in Him as long as they abide by its precepts! The thought that Joseph Smith did all of this so successfully as a "worthless God-less fraudulent scoundrel" defies all human reason! So if you think I created this channel to make any money then that's hilarious! Anyway, please feel free to share your thoughts about the actual content of this video, if you have any.
Your friend,
Jeff doesn't want targeted questions. He wants to associate with those members who will treat him with kid gloves. He cant answer hard questions, because his logic doesn't make sense.
Christ organized his church. He has a church. He never authorized men to create their own churches!
I would call you a fun antagonist. If I was him, I would probably block you too! haha. I watch Pastor Jeff's videos some time but in the end, it's clear that we need to be mindful that he can have the doctrine of Sherem as he learns more about the church..."and he was learned, that he had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore he could use much flattery and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil".
Just remember if you decide to comment on any of Pastor Jeff's videos you must fight the urge to reveal even the slightest clues that he has the doctrine of Sherem or you may find yourself blocked too! 🙂
I totally get why he blocked you. You are totally gaslighting him.
If gaslighting means teaching by asking questions then I guess I'm guilty as charged.
@@MormonChristianJoe yeah, your doing it again.
I guess I need to lookup the definition of gaslighting so I can know what I’m doing.
According to the movie Gaslight. He mislead the woman and made her think she was crazy, then snuck around while betraying her and stealing from her. So I would say misleading and making someone think they are crazy or lying and betraying is gaslighting. My my estimation he didn’t gaslight. Maybe jeff is gaslighting with all his misdirection. I think many of the members just watch hoping he will join, when he has made it clear he is not.
Actually, Jeff was doing the gaslighting with redirecting and partial answers. However the authors rather accusational tone and aparent need to go through everything as if we're presenting to the supreme Court would put me off as well.
It seems prideful and dishonest to delete conversations that expose his true beliefs. And his responses seemed mean spirited. Thank you for exposing his true colors. Good video.
Hey thanks for the comment! My intent is not to "expose" Pastor Jeff as a bad person but rather to warn Latter-Day Saints about his false teachings. Yes it's a bit disingenuous for him to block Latter-Day Saints from his channel when he says he wants to have a conversation with us but I still think that overall he's a good guy with a good heart.
@@MormonChristianJoe yeah I don't know. Censorship and seeking truth don't go hand in hand. I don't know where his heart is at, fortunately I'm not his judge. Keep up the good work!
Very well said. Thank you!
I've started watching Jeff from the start. I was a subscriber when a woman called him out for having initially been a mean spirited anti-mormon. She found videos online. He apologised and said he was young at the time. He also took down the videos. The problem of these videos for Jeff is that when he went 'soft' he stated he never knew of the Church until he made the Hello Saints videos. He lied because the videos were proof that he did know about the Church before he started Hello Saints.
I didn't like what he said in the Hello Saint videos because they all criticised the Church.. After sending over 140 comments, my son who is aufait with the Internet told me that Jeff had shadowbanner me so as I was the only one who got to see my comments as they were banned for everyone else to see. I had spent many hours studying his comments and questioning him on them but he was laughing at me all along. My son told me that he is probably doing this to many of his subscribers. In other podcasts, I heard other people state that they never get comments to their comments. My son said that he will only allow a few negative to appear as he is controlling the way people think of him. This is very dishonest. While many people are questioning Jeff, he a only allows a few negative one through to make it appear to others that he is widely accepted. Totally, disingenuous. He will let the posts remain which flatter him. He is a manipulator.
In one post I compared his 'always right' teachings to a narcissist who I'd 11:26 been involved with for a few years who caused me untold harm.
I was sceptible of Jeff from the start. Who in the world needs to know someone's religion that he sets up a podcast, he leaves his pastorship of about 20 people in his home town. He leaves that job and packs his family up and moves to Utah to get closer to the religion he claims to want to know. Who does that? If I wanted to know as much as I could about Islam, I buy a few books. I couldn't give up my job , get my wife to quit hers, uproot the children from their school and their friends and head to Mecca for who knows how long. My wife would have divorce me. She must be mad for the money as he is, because there is no other reason for what he has done and the way he has gone about it.
I personally feel that the mask will slip and his phoney character will shine through eventually for all to see. I think he will do his utmost for his subscribers to only ever see Jeff the nice guy liar who can't handle the truth.