It's an ethical dilemma. It's not the fish fault they were modified. They deserve love as much as any other fish. But every one you buy the company is encouraged to continue this cruelty.
“The state of California initially balked at the idea of transgenic fish, but in 2015 reversed course and allowed aquarium owners to buy and keep them.” For those in Cali commenting years after this video was uploaded.
The problem I have with glo fish is they shouldn't be kept under a blacklight. They need sunlight from a regular bulb. Blacklight use should be limited for the night time.
Yeah I bought the special glofish tank and I keep the normal light on during the day and lights off at night. Sort of defeating the purpose of the blacklight. Luckily I got the tank on sale.
You could use a blue LED light instead. Or, while using a regular bulb, you could turn on a few blue LED lights. They won't glow nearly as bright but it will make them pop a little more.
I just hate the over breeding part, look what it has done to dogs for example! So many dog breeds are so overbreeded that they have all kinds of health issues, I just hope they don't do that to fish as well. Personally I like the natural version of fish (and other animals) better.
It means that there are too many animals bred, and not enough spayed, for humans to properly take care of, so then you get lots of homeless dogs and cats overrunning the streets. In the case of fish, if someone over breeds them, idiots will put them in a local pond, and some, like goldfish will kill the native fish. @@fctucycy8v8yvy67
Josh Stuchbery no but they are pets, and people have different likes such as with dogs. That’s why they’ve mixed and matched to get different species of dogs for humans liking. It’s a little more cruel for fish but oh well 😔
love feeding my glofish! They're fun to watch and move fast, (especially when they see me walk in the room) I agree that they should be in a decent size tank.
Just wanted to let you know you kept saying black lights. black lights are actually really bad for us to look at especially young kids and the fish. So what most of the tanks have on them are blue lights. Like the ones you find on saltwater tanks.
I don't think there's any difference between glofish and goldfish. Both are unnatural color morphs often marketed for tiny tanks and bowls that are usually obtained for children. Too bad there are so few people who will actually appreciate them in larger, healthier tanks.
Yeah, people forget that mutations which occur naturally over time are the same as ones GMO'd into them. They're both mutations, just different causes.
Yeah I own a 10 gallon Glofish tank and I was only allowed one fish every week until I got three. (First time with fish.) He was a green Skirted Tetra and he wouldn’t really eat or swim around. Then when we got the other two he got really excited and started being normal and started eating, so yeah that was good.
You need to buy a larger tank! 5 gallons is waaaay too small for 3 glofish. Ideally you should have a minimum of 5-6 glofish in a at least a 20 gallon tank.
I have 3 tiger barbs and 10 tetras glofish. - And then 6 white tetras in a 30 gallon tank and its so cool i love feeding them and just watching them swim
i personally love glofish, i had 5 glofish danios in my 10 gallon tank (no blacklight however) but i found that my yellow and green ones survived more than my pinks ones, the pink ones would always die; my two yellow and one green outlived five pinks
Great info Heidi, especially about the unfortunate practice of companies/store chains that push ultra small tanks for fish that do best in numbers with some horizontal space.
First of all, no different than mixing dog breeds, also i do not recommend anything under a 10 gallon tank. Smaller tanks are actually harder to take care of. Like she says they are schooling fish at least 5, again only danios will work in a 10 gallon. I have a 29 gallon tank with 10 barb 4 peppered cory and 1 female betta and they are chilling. Filtration is KEY, I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 danio and 3 platy, with a filter rated for 70 gallons! Makes my like waaaaaaaay easier same size filter in the 29 gallon. You can NEVER have too much filtration! Buy the biggest and best filter you can afford! Glofish are cool, enjoy!
MoreChannelNoise this was an interesting comment at first I didn’t agree with this but then I thought about it more not sure if I agree but it’s keeping me thinking 👍🏻
I think my glofish are in a home that's anything better they've ever seen. 240 gallons and plants,wood..sunlight. You cant say that about wild fish who have to adjust down.
Mercy Santiago Hey lol. Yeah I figured she’d notice a comment on an old video than a comment mixed into all the other comment notifications on new videos. My glow fish is alive and well though so no worries haha.
That was well done, explained in detail I believe. As benign as they may be I enjoy the fish most often worked on in their natural state, not even the long fin varieties of any aquarium fish, and try to replicate their surroundings in as natural a state as possible. I had no idea of the glofish monopoly that includes their proprietary tanks which are as bad for the fish keeping industry as,say, feeder goldfish. In my mind there are some things best left natural, this is not being done for a cure for cancer, simply a selling attraction.
I have a 5.5 gallon tank and I'm getting some glofish. Any tips for keeping them, I think its okay to breed fish with different things AS LONG AS you aren't dying them or painting the fish.
I agree, people don't seem to understand that Glofish are simply white Tetras or Zebra Danios that are injected with a color/glow gene from a jellyfish and to my knowledge they don't even do that once they develop several generations of breeding pairs, they simply breed glowfish and keep perpetuating them. Personally I love Glofish as I like colors that pop (something that is sorely lacking in the freshwater variety IMHO). I have a 10 gallon kit at my work and a few videos posted of it. I have a few of Glofish and they have been doing well for several months months now.
We recently bought a tank off Craigslist, I'm so glad you had posted your nitrogen cycle video, it helped so much with getting the tank established again! The tank we purchased included 2 Glo Fish. I personally wouldn't have purchased them, but our family tries to avoid GMOs, plus I'm just not a huge fan of the look. Love these videos! They're always so informative and well done!!
I just have to say, if you eat any form of produce or grain in 2018, and for many decades before, you have not been avoiding GMOs... GMOs are not inherently bad, just extremely misunderstood.
You said they do best in larger groups? I was going to get a 20 gallon tank with like 5 because they are $10 a peice. Is that not enough. And will they breed? If not, why?
5 is fine just know that they get a little nippy on other fish if the school is smaller. You can add the non glow variety to the school too and they’ll school together if price is a problem and you’re having issues with nipping. It is possible for them to breed but typically they eat the eggs or if you have other fish in there they’ll eat them. Typically they aren’t like guppies where they breed a lot on accident though. You have to set out to breed them. The danios are typically the easiest and my understanding is that if they are two different colors breeding the fry will all be albino but I’ve never personally done it. I wouldn’t set out to breed them though because you’ll have more fry than you can keep but also you can’t sell them.
I inherited 4 glofish tetras in a 5 gallon tank along with 5 neons and 2 zebras. i moved them to a 10 gallon where they are much happier. i find the GMO thing a bit freaky but I am loving having them all the same. They are gorgeous fish, very lively, and get on with their tank mates very well. They were very stressed and snippy in the 5 gallon. They are fairly territorial with each other and have their own little hangout spots in the tank, but pay no mind to the other fish.
I'm the extreme opposite of anything GMO, am a Permaculturalist, work at a Co-op, and a vegetarian. GMO's are like the dark evil NWO to me. But my friend brought me a green tetra Glofish... and I have to admit this little green dude is pretty dope. With that said screw GMO's but Glofish are dope.
IMO I think that as long as GMOs are used to prevent the painted fish practice I think it will be fine. Plus it will cause no harm to the enironment if they get released since glow in the dark fish are a sure way to get eaten
i have a moonrise pink glofish, and it is so calm! i call mine, “bubbles”, and she/he stares at themselves all the time haha. i keep bubbles with another tropical fish, i’m not sure what it’s called, but it’s small and they actually get along very well. anyways, thank you for sharing this information for starters that get glofish! :)
Just watch their behavior.I've kept skirt tetras in groups of 2 to 10.the biggest factor is the individuals behavouir/personalities. Basicly if you see nipping you should add more.if there is no nipping they are fine.
I personally don’t care that much for them. I don’t like the way they’re displayed in pet stores and I don’t think it’s right for a fish to live pretty much their entire life under a black light for some kids amusement. Let’s be honest these are marketed toward kids who have an attention span of most gold fish. So when they loose interest most aren’t gonna be returned back to the store. Most are gonna get flushed or set into the wild and I don’t think that’s fair to them or any fish for that matter. I just don’t like the idea of creating a fish under the microscope then putting them in the hands of these young children and not knowing if they are released into the wild what kind of effect they would have on the ecosystems they’d be released into. These are hardy fish that can live in not so favorable conditions so imagine going fishing and catching a 10 ft glowing tiger barb in somebody’s lake lol it’s bad enough we’re out here eating tilapia when ten years ago I’m pretty sure they didn’t exist.
They actually had to do quite extensive research to prove that they wouldn't cause environmental damage should they get released before they were allowed the go ahead to market them. I obviously can't speak for all moms but I can tell you that I wouldn't be in the hobby if it wasn't for my mom and that I got back into it to get my kids fish. I don't necessarily think kids getting fish is bad. I think most parents want to do the right thing for their kids pets. The break down is usually in misinformation received in pet stores and that most fish in big box stores are sick. Not knowing the cycle combined with marketing these tiny tanks are all kind of a perfect storm unfortunately.
I’m prettttttttyyyy sure that the fluorescent color would be a dead giveaway to ANY natural predators in the wild (except maybe for the red? There are studies on freshwater fish not being able to see red)
I have 4 goodish tetras in my 10 gallon and I want one more but would that overcrowd my tank? My existing fish have been in the tank for over a year and sort of leave each other alone. I see them chase one another very rarely and they never hurt each other. I'm wondering if one or even two more tetras would make them more social and happier, or if it would mess up the hierarchy my fish already have. I have no idea and I want at least one more fish because mine tend to hide about half the time and I want them to school. Any advice?
If you are saying glofish tetras yes I personally would feel okay about adding one more in that tank for more of a school if there isn’t anything else in there. I would really make sure I’m keeping on top of frequent water changes though.
Hey. Thanks so much for making this video! I wish I had seen it before buying the 5.5 gallon "glotank" for my 8 year old daughter as her first pet. But anyway, it's currently cycling with an aquatic plant and a nerite snail. I think we're almost ready for the fish, so how many should I get since they need to be schooled? If I get different types (danio, tiger, and tetra) will they not school? Should we pick one type?
I know this is an old comment but I just found this video so what can you do. 5+ is usually the minimum amount suggest for schooling fish but for your 5.5 gallon that would be way way too many. They wouldn't all school together because they're not the same type of fish even though they all glow
you tank is PLENTY big, you could double your population if you wanted to, if keep doing water changes and put on another filter you would triple your population!
I have one that was super expensive. But it doesn't glo under blacklight. Everyone else in the tank is all kinds of glowing, but the pink shark just stays all dark. But he's got personality. Personality goes a long way.
Thank you for explaining things. I was really curious and it was far more entertaining to do other things while you broke this down. I still thought glofish were physically dyed.
Madam I want to keep glow fish but in my area ambient temp go max 50 C and now a days my tank water temp is 34 C here fan not work as they throw hot air and water temp increase so I try to arrange chiller or can I keep glow in 34 or 35 C without chiller.
wow now i just feel plain awful, i got a 1.5 gallon tank with 3 danio glofish and knowing its not big enough.... really sucks and breaks my heart and also that i might not have gotten enough of them to feel safe....... in a few weeks on the 17th when i get my next paycheck, ill be going back to the pet store and getting the 20 gallon tank, let the tank cycle for a week or two and then switching them over ASAP!!! somehow i had a gut feeling i should of gotten the 20 gallon... really nice video!! very informative, and this is my first time taking care of fish, and next time i wont listen to the pet store employees, i did want a smaller tank to save a bit on space, so probably my own fault for trying to be cheap and save on space... they assured me that a 1.5 gallon tank was big enough for 3 danio glofish, so far i havent seen them act aggresive towards one another, ill be watchng very closely until i can get them in the bigger tank! ...... should of done my own research first!!
I have a 10 gallon with glofish. Tiger Barbs, Danios and Tetras. 2 of each. I also have an albino cori dora and albino pleco in the same tank. The maintenance is easy and they all seem to do well in there together. I have lots of glowing plants for them to hide in and it looks great. I suggest the glofish cycle plants and cycle lights that change with white, blue and black light. Very cool setup for my home office. I would like a bigger tank and few more fish, but there is not enough room at the moment for all that.
They are beautiful ,and colorful freshwater fish...back in the day , you had to go saltwater to get those vibrant colors ...I just want to get my purple tetra get along with my yellow one!
Hi i got a 10 gallons glow tank- and some rocks because they said sand will not work with them! Because the filter - anyways what do feed them how do i set this tank up and how many fish do i need for a 10 gallon
I have a 10 gallon GloFish aquarium how many glofish you consider a good amount for a school type so they won’t become aggressive or start picking each other’s?
Hi not sure if you could help me out with information.. I have a blue and yellow GloFish in a tank with a guppy. One day while cleaning the tank I found one little baby fish. It survived and is doing great. Only thing is he is white... his body is the same as my other GloFish but he is white not a color. He’s not fully grown yet but just wondering if this is normal?
Tetras should really be kept with 5+ no matter what tank you put them in. You've probably already tried though since this is an old comment. Hope it worked out :)
I would keep more. They might live but they get very nippy in that small amounts. If you don’t want to pay for that many you can get the none flow variety of white skirts or black skirts and they’ll all school together.
I am about to buy glofish for my daughter. I have a 10 gallon tank and plan to have 6. I also am going to upgrade the tank in a year (is that too long)? Or should I upgrade it before then? I AM NEW TO THIS WHOLE FISH/ GLOFISH THING AND AM RESEARCHING AS MUCH I CAN. WE ARE GETTING OUR FIRST TWO GLOFISH TOMORROW (provided the water text goes well).
I have Glofish in with my Platys. So far so good. I just spotted 3 platys babies yesterday. Will the Glofish eat them? I hope not. I have 6 Glofish and 7 platys in my 20 gallon. Is that sufficient space for that many fish? I’ve set up the tank about 2 mos ago
I have a 40gallon and and 20gallon..the 20gallon was my kids and they had 9 glofish tetra. Well under my husbands supervision 8 died...they were being overfeed. So I completely took down their tank and put survivor fish in my 40. So now what tank mates can be with lil survivor?
We had some of those glass fish back when I was a kid..... they were awful aggressive things that killed a heap of our community tank. The dye did fade, but most of them died before that happened.
I really wish they had nano glofish. Glofish micro rasboras would look amazing and sell amazingly. Or possibly glofish endlers. I would buy the heck out of those.
I love my glofish I have 3 of them in a 5.5 gallon glofish tank right now but I just recently bought a 38 gallon tank. I just have to get all the equipment for that tank before I move them. They are so beautiful. I think mine are the tetra, I was wondering if I could put the striped ones with my tetra? I also have to get a blue light for my 38 tank.
My glofish are healthy and they’re eating properly and I’ve given them an aquarium with multiple glow in the dark plants and a cave and rocks along with a filter and a very small bubble machine. But their activity is very low most of the time and I’m not sure if it’s because they’re each a different color of glofish or maybe the tank isn’t big enough? It’s really worrying me and I could use some help
I'm getting a glofish tank for my niece and it will be a glofish tank she's 7 and the tank is a three gallon tank and she wants the tetras how many do you think I could put in her tank she has picked out?
Unicorn4ever 18 fact is the tank (3 gallons) is too small to keep fish in....why are they made, and sold in pet Stores? Because the manufacturers know that kids will cry for pet fishys, parents not interested in fish, or buying a system that is the correct size because of the expense, so they buy those type of 1, 3, 5 gallon tank kits, but it ain't gonna work, fish will die, but then the pet store sells more fish, it's a way to score some cash from people that are ignorant of the requirements of tropical aquarium fish that cannot afford to purchase a proper set-up, as opposed to getting zero dollars from them by telling them the truth of what is needed. If she will be upset by diseased/dying fish, or her parents will be irritated by a stinking mess, DON'T WASTE your hard earned money on it. PS: The sales staff at the pet store will tell you I don't know squat. Research it yourself and see who is correct.
I would not get glofish for a 3 gallon. While it's possible for maybe one of the glofish danios to survive in a 3 gallon with good maintenance they really are a schooling fish and need more fish in there but having more than one would be very difficult to maintain. If you already have the 3 gallon you could put a betta in there or do a shrimp tank or you could likely return the 3 gallon and get a 10 gallon kit for the same price or even cheaper and have more options. I would also watch my video titled "stop killing your fish" before setting up any tank.
Hi Heidi, I just set up a 75 gallon for community fish. I saw Glow Fish for the first time while doing this. I did my research on community fish.Thanks for educating me further. I am retired and am fascinated with fish. My question is this. If Tetra Barbs are docile with non- aggressive fish, why are they separated in stores from, let’s say friendly fish and aggressive?
Hey, I just got two glo fish at the petsmart today, cleaned my one gallon bowl and put them in the bowl with tap water at about 75 degrees. About half an hour later they started to swim slowly and quickly died. I do not have a filter and only got two fish. Any reason as to why they died so quickly?
Yeah..tap water has harsh chemicals such as Chlorine, which is not safe for fish at all, Chlorine kills fish.. so that's probably what killed them. But it's okay, don't feel bad! I did that my first time too, then I did my research. I now use spring water to fill up my tank and then set up my filter and add Tetra EasyBalance, it regulates the pH, adds minerals, and nutrients for fish. After 24 hours, you can then add the fish to the water. Even though it's spring water, I still wait 24 hours just to make sure the fish will be safe. If you want to have fish, I recommend buying a tank so you can put a filter on it, because you can't put a filter on a fish bowl. You can also use tap water but you should buy Tetra AquaSafe. That dechlorinates and conditions the water for your fish. Also Tetra SafeStart Water treatment, helps to reduce ammonia and nitrate in the water and it also conditions the water for your fish. Good Luck!
I put two in a 240 that otherwise is a naturalistic design. For one thing I have small shoals of Bleeding Hearts and Colombian Tetra's so the glo black tetras that are near pink...sort of fit in. Just the most colorful of the lot. I avoided the long fins since I thought they might be nipped by other fish. Already the two are intershoaling with the other tanks fish. Rainbows and more.
I have a 32.5-gallon tank with a 1-Betta, 5-Glo -Tetras, 6-glo-Danios & 2-Power Blue Gourami. They get along great, rapidly swim all over the tank and none of them really get around the Betta, who is in his own world.
Great vid... you got a new subscriber! I usually only sub the heavies (Joey etc.) I appreciate dispelling the rumors, i was around back when they tatted fidh and i HATED them.
Just wondering, if I get a green glow fish will it be neon color during the day, like without the black light, will they still be similar to the color that they are under the black light? Also I'm a broke college student so could I just keep one? Or will it get depressed?
I have 2 glofish that was given to me many months ago by a guy who came into my work. Never kept them before. He said that if I didn't take them, then he was going to flush them. A pretty pink, and a pretty purple one. Well I had no where to put them except my goldfish tank. Well it's now may and they are thriving. I live in a state where it's never cold so a heater isn't needed. I am about to move the goldfish into the pond so it will be just them. I love glofish.
In Dallas Texas I have 11 in a 10 gallon and 7 in a 30 gallon with 20 b.aires tetras the ones in the 30 gallon do great 👍 but the 11 in the 10 gallon over 6 months have began to pick at each other as they get bigger may have to take some out
I do understand what your saying got my daughter 2 in a small glofish aquarium and have kept it clean and they seem pretty hardy. The bigger one picked on the smaller one for a day or 2 but not anymore or atleast I hope. I will take care of them like I do my dogs love all lifeforms.
I don't think it's cruel to own them, it's better to give them a good life. Instead of constantly living in a bad tank.
U are so right
Exactly, what’s the different between these and a fancy goldfish, or parrot fish. Where they’re literally bred at a deformity?
It's an ethical dilemma. It's not the fish fault they were modified. They deserve love as much as any other fish. But every one you buy the company is encouraged to continue this cruelty.
i hate it when people get upset against gmo animals or fish. i mean 75% of our current domestic animals have some sort of gmo in them.
Corn was a wild grass
Yea like how most fancy goldfish where selectively breed basically like GMO
“I should do another video about Walmart and fish” the shade is a total mood I cried 😂
She does explain about the ones banned in places are the 'painted' 'tattooed' fish. injected with paint.
Those are NOT GloFish.
Giovanni Hernandez yes
So does that mean GloFish are not dyed?
No they are genetically modified their bodies produce their glow
Umm there are lots of glofish in california
The Random Family / TRF ya you're right there is a lot
+Julian Martinez interesting. Good to know. Last I had heard that wasn't true.
My store sells Glo-Fish. Danio and Tetras.
The store I work at sells them too. Not a ton as they are expensive though.
Sean S-S over at my Walmart they are about 46 cents
While glofish are gmo, they are not a problem considering escaped pets will soon be eaten because they look like swimming highlighters
Bass swims around
Sees gliding
Tells friends
Friends: The frick have you been smoking
J Toonz so relatable
Lmao yasss😁😂🤣😂🤣😂
“The state of California initially balked at the idea of transgenic fish, but in 2015 reversed course and allowed aquarium owners to buy and keep them.”
For those in Cali commenting years after this video was uploaded.
The problem I have with glo fish is they shouldn't be kept under a blacklight. They need sunlight from a regular bulb. Blacklight use should be limited for the night time.
Blonde Repub danio and probably other fish can sense/see uv so I would not use black light at night. It will screw with their sleep cycle
Yeah I bought the special glofish tank and I keep the normal light on during the day and lights off at night. Sort of defeating the purpose of the blacklight. Luckily I got the tank on sale.
Blonde Repub they need blue light
You could use a blue LED light instead. Or, while using a regular bulb, you could turn on a few blue LED lights. They won't glow nearly as bright but it will make them pop a little more.
Blonde Repub not true, blue led lights are the lighting they should be kept under...
Who just came to the comments😂
Lol. There’s always drama in a glofish thread.
Heidi's Fish Tank lol
I just hate the over breeding part, look what it has done to dogs for example! So many dog breeds are so overbreeded that they have all kinds of health issues, I just hope they don't do that to fish as well. Personally I like the natural version of fish (and other animals) better.
You mean inbreeding? Wtf is overbreeding
The Guy Gamer n I think it’s making too much puppy’s but I never heard of it before
It means that there are too many animals bred, and not enough spayed, for humans to properly take care of, so then you get lots of homeless dogs and cats overrunning the streets. In the case of fish, if someone over breeds them, idiots will put them in a local pond, and some, like goldfish will kill the native fish. @@fctucycy8v8yvy67
But here's the thing Dogs have been bred for over 16,000 years. GloFish are recent
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster glo fish were not bred. There gmo
Not in Cali!?? Then what are they selling us . . . Must be glow plastic
Are they fertile or do they sterilize them all? I hear you're not allowed to breed them but have they done anything besides legislate to stop that?
@@FringeWizard2 It's perfectly possible to breed them but selling them is against the law.
@@FringeWizard2 your channel banner tho lol
I'm not keen, I personally think the fish are pretty enough as they are. They're not toys.
goldfish aren't natural. pretty much any fruit or vegetable is way different than its wild ancestor. i could go on and on.
they aren't Aardvarks either... I'm pretty sure over the age of 3 most people dont play catch or tag with them
Josh Stuchbery no but they are pets, and people have different likes such as with dogs. That’s why they’ve mixed and matched to get different species of dogs for humans liking. It’s a little more cruel for fish but oh well 😔
Hi I did I'm the kid that did the how to care for a tiger barb and a betta video remember you commented on my channel
you know glofish were orginally used as tools to indicate pollution?
love feeding my glofish! They're fun to watch and move fast, (especially when they see me walk in the room) I agree that they should be in a decent size tank.
Babies are born with colors I been breeding glow fish for years they always keep the nice colors
They are genetically modified but so are most things anymore.
Painted fish and glofish are different, that was part of her point
How did you get a breeding pair?
KASAL RIVERA it is illegal to breed them
@@masoneichhorn8054 nope, it's legal to breed just not sell, you dingus.
Just wanted to let you know you kept saying black lights. black lights are actually really bad for us to look at especially young kids and the fish. So what most of the tanks have on them are blue lights. Like the ones you find on saltwater tanks.
Thankyou Heidi for clearing it up for everyone. I was once confused about the Glofish but now it all makes sense.
I don't think there's any difference between glofish and goldfish. Both are unnatural color morphs often marketed for tiny tanks and bowls that are usually obtained for children.
Too bad there are so few people who will actually appreciate them in larger, healthier tanks.
Yeah, people forget that mutations which occur naturally over time are the same as ones GMO'd into them. They're both mutations, just different causes.
Yeah I own a 10 gallon Glofish tank and I was only allowed one fish every week until I got three. (First time with fish.) He was a green Skirted Tetra and he wouldn’t really eat or swim around. Then when we got the other two he got really excited and started being normal and started eating, so yeah that was good.
We just got a 5 gal glotank with 3 glofish. Should we purchase more to prevent discomfort for them?
They like living in groups so u need 2 more to make 5
You need to buy a larger tank! 5 gallons is waaaay too small for 3 glofish. Ideally you should have a minimum of 5-6 glofish in a at least a 20 gallon tank.
I have 3 tiger barbs and 10 tetras glofish. - And then 6 white tetras in a 30 gallon tank and its so cool i love feeding them and just watching them swim
Nolen Johnson I see your video was a year old, may I ask you how they are doing?
i personally love glofish, i had 5 glofish danios in my 10 gallon tank (no blacklight however) but i found that my yellow and green ones survived more than my pinks ones, the pink ones would always die; my two yellow and one green outlived five pinks
Prince Ruby Red that's a small tank for that many glofish.
You should've put 4
I have a pink fish and blue one and white I got the pink one 3 years ago same with blue
I might get only green cause it is my favorite color and the fish are cool
Got 6 glofish in a 20 gallon. I love them tbh
Great info Heidi, especially about the unfortunate practice of companies/store chains that push ultra small tanks for fish that do best in numbers with some horizontal space.
Painted glass fish! That's a blast from the past, I had a 20 gal full of those when I was a kid.
Great vid, learned some new info from you, thanks!
We don’t have glofish in Australia... nice introduction! Would like to see some video of them too 😁
First of all, no different than mixing dog breeds, also i do not recommend anything under a 10 gallon tank. Smaller tanks are actually harder to take care of. Like she says they are schooling fish at least 5, again only danios will work in a 10 gallon. I have a 29 gallon tank with 10 barb 4 peppered cory and 1 female betta and they are chilling. Filtration is KEY, I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 danio and 3 platy, with a filter rated for 70 gallons! Makes my like waaaaaaaay easier same size filter in the 29 gallon. You can NEVER have too much filtration! Buy the biggest and best filter you can afford! Glofish are cool, enjoy!
Any fish that is man made and commercially bred I am all for, it means less fish taken from the wild.
MoreChannelNoise this was an interesting comment at first I didn’t agree with this but then I thought about it more not sure if I agree but it’s keeping me thinking 👍🏻
I think my glofish are in a home that's anything better they've ever seen. 240 gallons and plants,wood..sunlight. You cant say that about wild fish who have to adjust down.
MoreChannelNoise sorry bruh but you are kinda wrong
Most fish we buy from shops have been bred
Not taken from the wild
@takez L Creationist
@takez L I am a Christian too
Hey! I have a GloFish tetra. I have a few questions and have been researching all night and finding no answers. Is there any way to contact you?
Mercy Santiago Hey lol. Yeah I figured she’d notice a comment on an old video than a comment mixed into all the other comment notifications on new videos. My glow fish is alive and well though so no worries haha.
That was well done, explained in detail I believe. As benign as they may be I enjoy the fish most often worked on in their natural state, not even the long fin varieties of any aquarium fish, and try to replicate their surroundings in as natural a state as possible. I had no idea of the glofish monopoly that includes their proprietary tanks which are as bad for the fish keeping industry as,say, feeder goldfish. In my mind there are some things best left natural, this is not being done for a cure for cancer, simply a selling attraction.
I have a 5.5 gallon tank and I'm getting some glofish. Any tips for keeping them, I think its okay to breed fish with different things AS LONG AS you aren't dying them or painting the fish.
I agree, people don't seem to understand that Glofish are simply white Tetras or Zebra Danios that are injected with a color/glow gene from a jellyfish and to my knowledge they don't even do that once they develop several generations of breeding pairs, they simply breed glowfish and keep perpetuating them. Personally I love Glofish as I like colors that pop (something that is sorely lacking in the freshwater variety IMHO). I have a 10 gallon kit at my work and a few videos posted of it. I have a few of Glofish and they have been doing well for several months months now.
They're genetically modified(gmo)
We recently bought a tank off Craigslist, I'm so glad you had posted your nitrogen cycle video, it helped so much with getting the tank established again!
The tank we purchased included 2 Glo Fish. I personally wouldn't have purchased them, but our family tries to avoid GMOs, plus I'm just not a huge fan of the look.
Love these videos! They're always so informative and well done!!
I just have to say, if you eat any form of produce or grain in 2018, and for many decades before, you have not been avoiding GMOs... GMOs are not inherently bad, just extremely misunderstood.
Danny Gregory-O'shea well said
Hey... How are they doing now?
You said they do best in larger groups? I was going to get a 20 gallon tank with like 5 because they are $10 a peice. Is that not enough. And will they breed? If not, why?
5 is fine just know that they get a little nippy on other fish if the school is smaller. You can add the non glow variety to the school too and they’ll school together if price is a problem and you’re having issues with nipping. It is possible for them to breed but typically they eat the eggs or if you have other fish in there they’ll eat them. Typically they aren’t like guppies where they breed a lot on accident though. You have to set out to breed them. The danios are typically the easiest and my understanding is that if they are two different colors breeding the fry will all be albino but I’ve never personally done it. I wouldn’t set out to breed them though because you’ll have more fry than you can keep but also you can’t sell them.
I inherited 4 glofish tetras in a 5 gallon tank along with 5 neons and 2 zebras. i moved them to a 10 gallon where they are much happier. i find the GMO thing a bit freaky but I am loving having them all the same. They are gorgeous fish, very lively, and get on with their tank mates very well. They were very stressed and snippy in the 5 gallon. They are fairly territorial with each other and have their own little hangout spots in the tank, but pay no mind to the other fish.
Love your videos! Good explanation of some VERY misunderstood fish.
I'm the extreme opposite of anything GMO, am a Permaculturalist, work at a Co-op, and a vegetarian. GMO's are like the dark evil NWO to me. But my friend brought me a green tetra Glofish... and I have to admit this little green dude is pretty dope. With that said screw GMO's but Glofish are dope.
IMO I think that as long as GMOs are used to prevent the painted fish practice I think it will be fine. Plus it will cause no harm to the enironment if they get released since glow in the dark fish are a sure way to get eaten
i have a moonrise pink glofish, and it is so calm! i call mine, “bubbles”, and she/he stares at themselves all the time haha. i keep bubbles with another tropical fish, i’m not sure what it’s called, but it’s small and they actually get along very well. anyways, thank you for sharing this information for starters that get glofish! :)
What the heck iv had nothing but problems with my glofish iv tried everything how u get ur calm lol
if i buy 4 tetra glow fish, will that be okay? and if so how big of a tank?
Isabel Hernandez for tetras is recommend a school of 5 or more and a 20 or 30 gallon tank
Just watch their behavior.I've kept skirt tetras in groups of 2 to 10.the biggest factor is the individuals behavouir/personalities.
Basicly if you see nipping you should add more.if there is no nipping they are fine.
I personally don’t care that much for them. I don’t like the way they’re displayed in pet stores and I don’t think it’s right for a fish to live pretty much their entire life under a black light for some kids amusement. Let’s be honest these are marketed toward kids who have an attention span of most gold fish. So when they loose interest most aren’t gonna be returned back to the store. Most are gonna get flushed or set into the wild and I don’t think that’s fair to them or any fish for that matter. I just don’t like the idea of creating a fish under the microscope then putting them in the hands of these young children and not knowing if they are released into the wild what kind of effect they would have on the ecosystems they’d be released into. These are hardy fish that can live in not so favorable conditions so imagine going fishing and catching a 10 ft glowing tiger barb in somebody’s lake lol it’s bad enough we’re out here eating tilapia when ten years ago I’m pretty sure they didn’t exist.
They actually had to do quite extensive research to prove that they wouldn't cause environmental damage should they get released before they were allowed the go ahead to market them. I obviously can't speak for all moms but I can tell you that I wouldn't be in the hobby if it wasn't for my mom and that I got back into it to get my kids fish. I don't necessarily think kids getting fish is bad. I think most parents want to do the right thing for their kids pets. The break down is usually in misinformation received in pet stores and that most fish in big box stores are sick. Not knowing the cycle combined with marketing these tiny tanks are all kind of a perfect storm unfortunately.
I’m prettttttttyyyy sure that the fluorescent color would be a dead giveaway to ANY natural predators in the wild (except maybe for the red? There are studies on freshwater fish not being able to see red)
There is just so many other cool small fish like Molly’s, guppy’s, platys ect. Without having to genetically modify fish for color 🤷♂️
That would be a problem, except whens the last time you saw a black light in the wild?
I have 4 goodish tetras in my 10 gallon and I want one more but would that overcrowd my tank? My existing fish have been in the tank for over a year and sort of leave each other alone. I see them chase one another very rarely and they never hurt each other. I'm wondering if one or even two more tetras would make them more social and happier, or if it would mess up the hierarchy my fish already have. I have no idea and I want at least one more fish because mine tend to hide about half the time and I want them to school. Any advice?
If you are saying glofish tetras yes I personally would feel okay about adding one more in that tank for more of a school if there isn’t anything else in there. I would really make sure I’m keeping on top of frequent water changes though.
My yellow glo fish killed 4 neon tetra overnight. Bit pieces out of them. Murderer.
Timothy Mason jeez what a horrible thing to wake up to. 🙁
A tetra?
It’s probably something you did... Glow fish need to be in a school or they will be edgy and discontent smh
Hey. Thanks so much for making this video! I wish I had seen it before buying the 5.5 gallon "glotank" for my 8 year old daughter as her first pet. But anyway, it's currently cycling with an aquatic plant and a nerite snail. I think we're almost ready for the fish, so how many should I get since they need to be schooled? If I get different types (danio, tiger, and tetra) will they not school? Should we pick one type?
These are all the same type of questions I have.
I know this is an old comment but I just found this video so what can you do. 5+ is usually the minimum amount suggest for schooling fish but for your 5.5 gallon that would be way way too many. They wouldn't all school together because they're not the same type of fish even though they all glow
I have a 55 gallon tank of glofish I currently have 25 of them is that okay ?
Yeah I think so. Are they getting along? How are your nitrate levels?
you tank is PLENTY big, you could double your population if you wanted to, if keep doing water changes and put on another filter you would triple your population!
They came out with glofish rainbow sharks oh no
Justin H I have a gloshark named Jaws.
awesome name! :D
I have one had to move him from my 20 gal glo tank to my 55 gal planted tank do to size
I have a regular one named sharky in my 55 gal and he has such a great personality.
I have one that was super expensive. But it doesn't glo under blacklight. Everyone else in the tank is all kinds of glowing, but the pink shark just stays all dark. But he's got personality. Personality goes a long way.
I'm from California and we do have glofish
Thank you for explaining things. I was really curious and it was far more entertaining to do other things while you broke this down. I still thought glofish were physically dyed.
Madam I want to keep glow fish but in my area ambient temp go max 50 C and now a days my tank water temp is 34 C here fan not work as they throw hot air and water temp increase so I try to arrange chiller or can I keep glow in 34 or 35 C without chiller.
wow now i just feel plain awful, i got a 1.5 gallon tank with 3 danio glofish and knowing its not big enough.... really sucks and breaks my heart and also that i might not have gotten enough of them to feel safe....... in a few weeks on the 17th when i get my next paycheck, ill be going back to the pet store and getting the 20 gallon tank, let the tank cycle for a week or two and then switching them over ASAP!!! somehow i had a gut feeling i should of gotten the 20 gallon... really nice video!! very informative, and this is my first time taking care of fish, and next time i wont listen to the pet store employees, i did want a smaller tank to save a bit on space, so probably my own fault for trying to be cheap and save on space... they assured me that a 1.5 gallon tank was big enough for 3 danio glofish, so far i havent seen them act aggresive towards one another, ill be watchng very closely until i can get them in the bigger tank! ...... should of done my own research first!!
I have glofish. Wondering what I should change? I have 3 glofish and 2 dalmatian mollies in a 10gal.
How many Glofish can I put in a 5 gallon tank ?
I have a 10 gallon with glofish. Tiger Barbs, Danios and Tetras. 2 of each. I also have an albino cori dora and albino pleco in the same tank. The maintenance is easy and they all seem to do well in there together. I have lots of glowing plants for them to hide in and it looks great. I suggest the glofish cycle plants and cycle lights that change with white, blue and black light. Very cool setup for my home office. I would like a bigger tank and few more fish, but there is not enough room at the moment for all that.
I want to have an octopus sometimes.
They are beautiful ,and colorful freshwater fish...back in the day , you had to go saltwater to get those vibrant colors ...I just want to get my purple tetra get along with my yellow one!
Hi! We have 9 glo-tetra fish in our 37 gallon tank. What would be the very best tankmates to add in?
Hi i got a 10 gallons glow tank- and some rocks because they said sand will not work with them! Because the filter - anyways what do feed them how do i set this tank up and how many fish do i need for a 10 gallon
Mann I love my glofish. I have 9 glo fish tetras and one black molly in a 10-gallon vertical tank
Did you have any issues with 9 glofish tetras in 10gal tank?
There are glow fish in California!!!😋
I have a 10 gallon GloFish aquarium how many glofish you consider a good amount for a school type so they won’t become aggressive or start picking each other’s?
Hi not sure if you could help me out with information.. I have a blue and yellow GloFish in a tank with a guppy. One day while cleaning the tank I found one little baby fish. It survived and is doing great. Only thing is he is white... his body is the same as my other GloFish but he is white not a color. He’s not fully grown yet but just wondering if this is normal?
the lady at the fish store assured me I could by 3 and put in a 5-gallon tank so I did today..... ugh I asked her if it's for sure ok...
Hi Can i keep 2 glow fish (green tetras) in my 29 gallon community tank?
Tetras should really be kept with 5+ no matter what tank you put them in. You've probably already tried though since this is an old comment. Hope it worked out :)
@@AlysiaTribeca Thanks a lot
I would keep more. They might live but they get very nippy in that small amounts. If you don’t want to pay for that many you can get the none flow variety of white skirts or black skirts and they’ll all school together.
I am about to buy glofish for my daughter. I have a 10 gallon tank and plan to have 6. I also am going to upgrade the tank in a year (is that too long)? Or should I upgrade it before then? I AM NEW TO THIS WHOLE FISH/ GLOFISH THING AND AM RESEARCHING AS MUCH I CAN. WE ARE GETTING OUR FIRST TWO GLOFISH TOMORROW (provided the water text goes well).
So should i get a glofish in my 20 or 10 gallon tank?
supreme boy if it’s just regular light and no black light I would do it you might even help have a more normal life
I have Glofish in with my Platys. So far so good. I just spotted 3 platys babies yesterday. Will the Glofish eat them? I hope not. I have 6 Glofish and 7 platys in my 20 gallon. Is that sufficient space for that many fish? I’ve set up the tank about 2 mos ago
My glofish has been living for 2 years so far
That’s awesome!
Mine too!!! Love my glofish 🧡💚💛💜💖
Cade Gentry how many do you have?
I have a 40gallon and and 20gallon..the 20gallon was my kids and they had 9 glofish tetra. Well under my husbands supervision 8 died...they were being overfeed. So I completely took down their tank and put survivor fish in my 40. So now what tank mates can be with lil survivor?
Can they stay with goldfish??? I have glo purple tetra fish.
I was thinking of getting a 125 gallon tank n putting 60 different kinds of glowfish in there
Sounds decent .. not overstocked
would it be possible to breed nrmal fish and glofish of the same species
The barbs are really cool looking, but they don't seem to be nearly as healthy as the regular tiger barbs.
I have 8 tiger barb Glo fish. and i have them in a 5 gallon tank. I want to know if that is too small of a tank?
Pit bull Maybe to small mabe a 20 to 30 gallon
just got a 20gallon tank. thanks
what is a Find?
Pit bull Maybe fins sorry autocorrect
We had some of those glass fish back when I was a kid..... they were awful aggressive things that killed a heap of our community tank. The dye did fade, but most of them died before that happened.
I really wish they had nano glofish. Glofish micro rasboras would look amazing and sell amazingly. Or possibly glofish endlers. I would buy the heck out of those.
What is the lowest tank gallon you would recomend for glofish
Is a 5 gallon glo tank good enough for 2 tretra glo fish? Help
Hope this helps but tetras should be kept in groups of 6 and in a 10 gallon tank but 15 gallons would be better
I love my glofish I have 3 of them in a 5.5 gallon glofish tank right now but I just recently bought a 38 gallon tank. I just have to get all the equipment for that tank before I move them. They are so beautiful. I think mine are the tetra, I was wondering if I could put the striped ones with my tetra? I also have to get a blue light for my 38 tank.
My glofish are healthy and they’re eating properly and I’ve given them an aquarium with multiple glow in the dark plants and a cave and rocks along with a filter and a very small bubble machine. But their activity is very low most of the time and I’m not sure if it’s because they’re each a different color of glofish or maybe the tank isn’t big enough? It’s really worrying me and I could use some help
Where are your sources?
I'm getting a glofish tank for my niece and it will be a glofish tank she's 7 and the tank is a three gallon tank and she wants the tetras how many do you think I could put in her tank she has picked out?
Unicorn4ever 18 Zero
Unicorn4ever 18 fact is the tank (3 gallons) is too small to keep fish in....why are they made, and sold in pet Stores? Because the manufacturers know that kids will cry for pet fishys, parents not interested in fish, or buying a system that is the correct size because of the expense, so they buy those type of 1, 3, 5 gallon tank kits, but it ain't gonna work, fish will die, but then the pet store sells more fish, it's a way to score some cash from people that are ignorant of the requirements of tropical aquarium fish that cannot afford to purchase a proper set-up, as opposed to getting zero dollars from them by telling them the truth of what is needed. If she will be upset by diseased/dying fish, or her parents will be irritated by a stinking mess, DON'T WASTE your hard earned money on it. PS: The sales staff at the pet store will tell you I don't know squat. Research it yourself and see who is correct.
I would not get glofish for a 3 gallon. While it's possible for maybe one of the glofish danios to survive in a 3 gallon with good maintenance they really are a schooling fish and need more fish in there but having more than one would be very difficult to maintain. If you already have the 3 gallon you could put a betta in there or do a shrimp tank or you could likely return the 3 gallon and get a 10 gallon kit for the same price or even cheaper and have more options. I would also watch my video titled "stop killing your fish" before setting up any tank.
None. 3 gallons is too small for any of the species of glofish
Hi Heidi, I just set up a 75 gallon for community fish. I saw Glow Fish for the first time while doing this. I did my research on community fish.Thanks for educating me further. I am retired and am fascinated with fish. My question is this. If Tetra Barbs are docile with non- aggressive fish, why are they separated in stores from, let’s say friendly fish and aggressive?
In my experience barbs are aggressive. They will nip on others until they kill them.
Love your videos!
Hey, I just got two glo fish at the petsmart today, cleaned my one gallon bowl and put them in the bowl with tap water at about 75 degrees. About half an hour later they started to swim slowly and quickly died. I do not have a filter and only got two fish. Any reason as to why they died so quickly?
Tap water is filled with nasty chemicals - unless you treat it, it will kill off the fish pretty quickly.
Sean McMenamin you need a filter,tap water is not safe,one gallon is way to small,never use a bowl for a fish.
Yeah..tap water has harsh chemicals such as Chlorine, which is not safe for fish at all, Chlorine kills fish.. so that's probably what killed them. But it's okay, don't feel bad! I did that my first time too, then I did my research. I now use spring water to fill up my tank and then set up my filter and add Tetra EasyBalance, it regulates the pH, adds minerals, and nutrients for fish. After 24 hours, you can then add the fish to the water. Even though it's spring water, I still wait 24 hours just to make sure the fish will be safe. If you want to have fish, I recommend buying a tank so you can put a filter on it, because you can't put a filter on a fish bowl. You can also use tap water but you should buy Tetra AquaSafe. That dechlorinates and conditions the water for your fish. Also Tetra SafeStart Water treatment, helps to reduce ammonia and nitrate in the water and it also conditions the water for your fish. Good Luck!
I put two in a 240 that otherwise is a naturalistic design. For one thing I have small shoals of Bleeding Hearts and Colombian Tetra's so the glo black tetras that are near pink...sort of fit in. Just the most colorful of the lot. I avoided the long fins since I thought they might be nipped by other fish.
Already the two are intershoaling with the other tanks fish. Rainbows and more.
Very good information on glo fish. Thank you very much. new sub
Excellent job I've subbed
I have a 32.5-gallon tank with a 1-Betta, 5-Glo -Tetras, 6-glo-Danios & 2-Power Blue Gourami. They get along great, rapidly swim all over the tank and none of them really get around the Betta, who is in his own world.
Can I house a betta with glofish if the tank is large, like a 40 gallon?
Rachel Speedy putting any fish with a Betta is taking a chance. Sometimes they adapt and sometimes they kill
Can these glofish breed with a normal danio or tetra?
They can. My understanding is the offspring usually comes out albino but I’ve never personally done it.
I wish she would post more!!!
Very interesting topic.
Great vid... you got a new subscriber! I usually only sub the heavies (Joey etc.) I appreciate dispelling the rumors, i was around back when they tatted fidh and i HATED them.
I have a school of glofish in my 30 gallon tank and they’re just fine, I’m 16 so I didn’t just buy them for my kids amusement haha
Lots of people love them. They are super interesting for sure. Real expensive though for freshwater in my opinion.
@@heidisfishtank7543 i just got a few for my little sister and the tetras were like $8.50 what the heck
please get back to me if you can! i want a glow fish only 3 or 4 what size of tank?
Just wondering, if I get a green glow fish will it be neon color during the day, like without the black light, will they still be similar to the color that they are under the black light? Also I'm a broke college student so could I just keep one? Or will it get depressed?
They are not a glowy without black light and u need 4 of each species u r keeping cuz they are schoolers
can glofish live in brackish water
I have 2 glofish that was given to me many months ago by a guy who came into my work. Never kept them before. He said that if I didn't take them, then he was going to flush them. A pretty pink, and a pretty purple one. Well I had no where to put them except my goldfish tank. Well it's now may and they are thriving. I live in a state where it's never cold so a heater isn't needed. I am about to move the goldfish into the pond so it will be just them. I love glofish.
In Dallas Texas I have 11 in a 10 gallon and 7 in a 30 gallon with 20 b.aires tetras the ones in the 30 gallon do great 👍 but the 11 in the 10 gallon over 6 months have began to pick at each other as they get bigger may have to take some out
i am a kid im getting a dwarf cray will glofish be mean or vice versa?
55 and I luv glo fish especially @ night under the pale blue moonlight !
I do understand what your saying got my daughter 2 in a small glofish aquarium and have kept it clean and they seem pretty hardy. The bigger one picked on the smaller one for a day or 2 but not anymore or atleast I hope. I will take care of them like I do my dogs love all lifeforms.