That's the first time I've seen the new motor mount assembly, it's been a while since I built Estes rockets. Looks fun! You've got me interested in restarting the hobby!
I have the first release of Estes Mini Bertha, that I built back in the 1990's. Great sport flyer, that has balsa fins, nose cone, no plastic and a level 1 build. Had to sand, seal, glue and paint it back in the day. Launched it 6 times until a motor CATO destroyed the body and have been putting off repairs until recently. Great mini build video.❤
Easy build! As long as you are using glue, I would seal the two motor can halves together (although I would use liquid vs. tube glue for this) to avoid some of the leaking ejection charge you experienced on the Mini Alpha. Thanks for sharing the build on this model.
Funny to see it that small mine is 43 inches tall ,never had noticed that those stickers are german flags with the yellow that rocket was Vern Estes favorite rocket he had one he launched 50 times.
Great little build! I like the fact that the fin can snaps into the tube, allowing you to pop it out and replace the shock cord when the time comes to. Eventually the rubber will wear out, but now it’s accessible. Very nice design! Looking forward to seeing it fly!
I am considering the mercury Redstone liberty bell Estes rocket. I had came to you before about the space shuttle and you said to get it and I am very impressed with it. I don’t know if you have it but you probably do looking at your other rockets. I like the way it can be assembled compared to other designer rockets but I am curious if it might be tricky. Thank you
@@aidanmarshall8469mine only failed once as I didn’t check the shock cord. Big LAWN DART 3/4 buried. Still one of the nicest kits I flown other than Centri’s LONG TOM. (Kissed that goodbye on maiden launch. What a flight. And what a “drift”. 🤣. Brother found it 2 years later in tall oak some 1/4 mike away. Good times
Well This gives me an idea for a simpler build next year for our Cyber Camp. Had middle school build Alpha IIIs. “Build” was redefined “ 🫢 Read instructions 1st,,,,,, Ask questions if ya don’t know….. and use Glue. Let’s just say all had successful launches. (Up). I made sure they were safe. I think these kits might be easier for them. But they had FUN. and so didn’t I. First time I got to launch about 80 kits that morning. Fun and perfect weather. Thanks Keith.
That's the first time I've seen the new motor mount assembly, it's been a while since I built Estes rockets. Looks fun! You've got me interested in restarting the hobby!
I like it. Gotta get one of these.
I have the first release of Estes Mini Bertha, that I built back in the 1990's. Great sport flyer, that has balsa fins, nose cone, no plastic and a level 1 build. Had to sand, seal, glue and paint it back in the day. Launched it 6 times until a motor CATO destroyed the body and have been putting off repairs until recently. Great mini build video.❤
Easy build! As long as you are using glue, I would seal the two motor can halves together (although I would use liquid vs. tube glue for this) to avoid some of the leaking ejection charge you experienced on the Mini Alpha. Thanks for sharing the build on this model.
Hugs it 😊
Funny to see it that small mine is 43 inches tall ,never had noticed that those stickers are german flags with the yellow that rocket was Vern Estes favorite rocket he had one he launched 50 times.
Great little build! I like the fact that the fin can snaps into the tube, allowing you to pop it out and replace the shock cord when the time comes to. Eventually the rubber will wear out, but now it’s accessible. Very nice design! Looking forward to seeing it fly!
Wonderful- always enjoy to see these videos. Happy Memorial Day!
I am considering the mercury Redstone liberty bell Estes rocket. I had came to you before about the space shuttle and you said to get it and I am very impressed with it. I don’t know if you have it but you probably do looking at your other rockets. I like the way it can be assembled compared to other designer rockets but I am curious if it might be tricky. Thank you
I also have the big Bertha from a gift and was an outstanding rocket to build and launch. It has been launched quite a few times and hasn’t failed yet
@@aidanmarshall8469mine only failed once as I didn’t check the shock cord. Big LAWN DART 3/4 buried. Still one of the nicest kits I flown other than Centri’s LONG TOM. (Kissed that goodbye on maiden launch. What a flight. And what a “drift”. 🤣. Brother found it 2 years later in tall oak some 1/4 mike away. Good times
I'm with you on using glue on "no-glue" models. Better safe than finless!
Well This gives me an idea for a simpler build next year for our Cyber Camp. Had middle school build Alpha IIIs. “Build” was redefined “ 🫢
Read instructions 1st,,,,,, Ask questions if ya don’t know….. and use Glue.
Let’s just say all had successful launches. (Up). I made sure they were safe.
I think these kits might be easier for them. But they had FUN. and so didn’t I.
First time I got to launch about 80 kits that morning. Fun and perfect weather.
Thanks Keith.