Wow impressive development indeed! I sure will visit when I am ready both financially and time, but I will tour both Island for sure! Mark my word n S Korea really SHOULD extend up to MILE, why not, hu?, ALL around the islands in BOTH Dokdo n Ulendo island to construct housing projects 11,000 rooms both on surface N under water MUCH better than artificial Island S China sea, but Ulendo n Dokdo island is real! Also, build two times size of Olympic pools and diving WITHOUT DIVIDER and I am SURE there will EXTRA thousands of tourist who wants to enjoy therapeutic and fun swimming REAL ocean water under a PROTECTED salt water (mostly) swimming poor that would be basically 1-of-kind-ocean-swimming-pool-tourists-sought-after-N-S-Korea-will-have-tough-time-to-accommodate all that tourists n the ONLY viable solution is as many surrounding areas as possible to build above-below-N-5 kilometer extended ocean n build hotels n certain areas housings, but mostly hotels, N some resident housings who needs live these islands! And swimming such environment like huge OCEAN swimming pool that can go underwater of ocean, with super strong glass protected UP CLOSE to marine life! I certain swim in the Dokdo N Ulendo, to accommodate BOTH islands salt water REAL, WITHOUT dam clorine will be selling point or majority sea water with human bacteria killng minimum clorine as some swimmers will pea not neceasrily they want to but do exercise and or still feel cold. FACT, swimming mostly saltwater IN middle of ocean is SUCH first class fun N therapeutic indeed n it will be tourists destination and hard time to keep up with building new room via extending 3-miles radius ALL around Doko n Ulendo Island n for the last time, S Korea SHOULD build airport without taking up space by 1-mile or certain areas even 3-miles for Marado can dock n enjoy the Island they protect n ocean swim n wonderful fresh pacific island Dokdo n Ulendo grown food will be second to none and underwater tunnel driving n connecting both Dokdo N Ulendo is another imaginative, turly is, n unique experience driving ocean underwater driving between Dokdo N Ulendo AND WHY NOT also eventually connecting underwater super long highway tunnel to connect South Korea and Dokdo n Ulendo Islands! It is truly BOLD IDEA, but it can be done JUST LIKE Chinese wanted to build an underwater highway between Russia n Alaska under bloody cold and tough Barring sea, so compared that, it is FAR less challenging underwater highway tunnel between Dokdo N mainland S Korea! Start as soon as possible n Japan will NO longer out cry when that under water tunnel highway is complete connecting between Dokdo-Ulendo-mainland-father or mother land S Korea! Do it today n yes indeed it seems monumental but it can be done and it should be done asap! Capital of Silicon Valley, CA, USA
울릉도 독도 우리땅!
화이팅하세요 🙌 🙌
👍 ❤👍 ❤👍
활기차고 생동감 넘치는
목소리 반갑습니다
진해에 한성기 입니다
👍 👍 👍
11월3일 크루즈로 다녀왔습니다. 11월5일 독도입항, 11월6일 돌아왔어요. 보석같은 을릉도 다시 가고싶어요.
신비롭고 아름다운 울릉......!!!
대한 국민이 지켜 내야 할 독도....!!!
우리 모두 함께 사랑하고 사랑 합시다. 홍보 영상 감사 합니다.
우리 두 노인 8순 여행을
8월5일 포항에서 울릉도
3박4일 관광을 하고
참 좋은 여행 이였습니다
진해 한성기
울릉도 관광 오시면.. 제발 쓰레기좀 길에 버리지마세요.. 관광객들 아무 생각없이 쓰레기 무단 투기 하는데.. 일반 도시처럼 치워주는 환경미화원 없습니다.. 섬이 썪어요 쓰레기때문에..
특히 물병, 음료병, 커피캔 산길에 투기 하지마세요.. 누가 줍습니까??
공항 도착 1시간환경교육수료인들에게만 관광허가 합시다
쓰레기는 어디나 문제입니다. 아직도 국민의식이...
전 아직 안가봤지만 만약에 가면 쓰레기좀 주워 가야겠네요.
근데 관광지로 사업할도시가 환경미화원이 없다는게 이상하네요.
울릉도의 수려한 풍광을 잘 감상하였습니다- 🙏
내 고향 울릉도! 언제쯤 가보려나. 일주 도로가 개통되었으니 걸어서, 아니 자전거 타고 한 바퀴 돌아보았으면 좋겠네...옛 친구 만나면 밥도 먹고...
식은밥에 이까회가 그립군요.
홍보영상 최고 입니다
나래이션 목소리가
많이 낯이 익은 목소리
진해에서 혹시 7순 영상
편집하신 목소리인것
같아 보이네요.
그리고 청주한씨 문중
2021년 5월 울릉도는 공사중 -- 여행은 충분히 알아보고 가세요. 계절과 날씨 매우 중요 합니다.
울릉군수는 여행객을 위해 공사의 속도를 내야할 것 같습니다.
우릉도 정보 감사합니다. ^^
아름다운 곳입니다
울릉도에 가면 렌트카와 트레킹을 추천합니다
너무 아름다운 신세계네
Wonderful video 👌
공항생기면 꼭 방문할께요
현장에서 본 경치보다 여기 드론으로 찍은 홍보 영상이 훨 낫다 .
울릉도 넘 멋져요~
또"또디시 찻곳싶은곳 이십대중후반 추억 함께
오십초반 의 울릉도 느껴보고싶다
성인봉 오징어 쇠주 생라면 민박 구둘장
서울식당 할매 된장국........ .
해도 해도 물가 진짜 너무 비싸요. 밥은 주먹만하게 주고 성게알도 작은데
1만 5천원이라니 비싼 물가 때문에 안가요
물가만 좀 싸지면 정말 좋을텐데... 육지의 두개 가격이니
Wow impressive development indeed! I sure will visit when I am ready both financially and time, but I will tour both Island for sure! Mark my word n S Korea really SHOULD extend up to MILE, why not, hu?, ALL around the islands in BOTH Dokdo n Ulendo island to construct housing projects 11,000 rooms both on surface N under water MUCH better than artificial Island S China sea, but Ulendo n Dokdo island is real! Also, build two times size of Olympic pools and diving WITHOUT DIVIDER and I am SURE there will EXTRA thousands of tourist who wants to enjoy therapeutic and fun swimming REAL ocean water under a PROTECTED salt water (mostly) swimming poor that would be basically 1-of-kind-ocean-swimming-pool-tourists-sought-after-N-S-Korea-will-have-tough-time-to-accommodate all that tourists n the ONLY viable solution is as many surrounding areas as possible to build above-below-N-5 kilometer extended ocean n build hotels n certain areas housings, but mostly hotels, N some resident housings who needs live these islands! And swimming such environment like huge OCEAN swimming pool that can go underwater of ocean, with super strong glass protected UP CLOSE to marine life! I certain swim in the Dokdo N Ulendo, to accommodate BOTH islands salt water REAL, WITHOUT dam clorine will be selling point or majority sea water with human bacteria killng minimum clorine as some swimmers will pea not neceasrily they want to but do exercise and or still feel cold. FACT, swimming mostly saltwater IN middle of ocean is SUCH first class fun N therapeutic indeed n it will be tourists destination and hard time to keep up with building new room via extending 3-miles radius ALL around Doko n Ulendo Island n for the last time, S Korea SHOULD build airport without taking up space by 1-mile or certain areas even 3-miles for Marado can dock n enjoy the Island they protect n ocean swim n wonderful fresh pacific island Dokdo n Ulendo grown food will be second to none and underwater tunnel driving n connecting both Dokdo N Ulendo is another imaginative, turly is, n unique experience driving ocean underwater driving between Dokdo N Ulendo AND WHY NOT also eventually connecting underwater super long highway tunnel to connect South Korea and Dokdo n Ulendo Islands! It is truly BOLD IDEA, but it can be done JUST LIKE Chinese wanted to build an underwater highway between Russia n Alaska under bloody cold and tough Barring sea, so compared that, it is FAR less challenging underwater highway tunnel between Dokdo N mainland S Korea! Start as soon as possible n Japan will NO longer out cry when that under water tunnel highway is complete connecting between Dokdo-Ulendo-mainland-father or mother land S Korea! Do it today n yes indeed it seems monumental but it can be done and it should be done asap! Capital of Silicon Valley, CA, USA
aMAZING !! Like and sub
을릉도에 중국 관광객 제주도처럼 몰려오면..끝입니다..
싸구려 팩케지 관광으로 메뚜기떼처럼 몰려와서..다 쓰레기 더미로 만들고..ㅠㅠ
중국이 아닌곳으로만 해외 명품관광 상품을 계발 홍보해야힙니다..괸광객 40만이 중국인이면..울릉도의 아름다움은 파괴되겠죠
울릉도는 뱀이 없다던데
물가가 넘 비싸고 교통이 무지 혼란스럽다.
차가 생각외로 많다.
차랜트는 곤란한점이 도로가 협소하고 굽이가 많아 왠만한 운전솜씨가 아니면 버스를 추천함다.
요즘은 울릉도 친절하나?바가지 상술은 어째 좀개선됫나? 편의점엔 김밥.라면.도시락 등등 요기거리판매하나?ㅋ몇년전에갔는데 ㅋㅋ불친절.바가지.편의점 ㅋㅋ
자꾸 개발한답시고. 장부가 천혜의 을룽도를. 파해치고 망가트리고 오염시킬까 심히 걱정되네요..ㅠㅠ
그만좀 개발해라~~콘크리트 보러 가게 생겼다