Correction. In the state of Texas in the early 90s there was a skeleton of a normal man 30 ft away from a skeleton of a dinosaur. Started off they called this discovery the Mennonite man. The reason why is the man had a tool with him that was made out of iron and a different metal. The only thing is with the way the atmosphere is right now today the two metals would be impossible to forge together. But before the flood there was a canopy and filtered everything that's the reason for the two metals binding. This archaeological Discovery is one of the reasons why Kansas withdrew evolutionary theory from the curriculum in their public school system.
Mennonite Man or Malachite Man (from Utah, 1971). I cannot see how "impossible" it would be create any metal alloy today vs in antediluvian times, putting aside the fact that CMI has paned the canopy theory, to the point we placed it on our list of Arguments we Think a Creationist Should not Use page.
@@rwcarter3434 I first saw it surfing to the channels. Kenneth Copeland was talking about it. That's where I heard it was the Mennonite man. Yes it was in Texas. Didn't know about Utah. Anyway I tried looking it up over the years past couple of decades and I can't find anything about a Mennonite man. I know that it's real because I watch the documentation that Kenneth Copeland did on it and he's had the archaeologist that did the excavation right there with him he was interviewing him. Well the canopy does explain how man lived 900 years. We see what happens to people when they go to the beach and stay out in the sun too long. Apparently the sun didn't do that kind of damage before the flood.
I'm sure there is several reasons why we don't find humans in the foscil record but I think the main reason is because any such finds get quickly dissapeared into the Smithsonian's vaults or destroyed and their existence covered up.
@@J.B.1982 yea unfortunately it's impossible to tell sometimes what is true and what is disinformation these days. There's lies on top of lies on top of lies with other lies that look like lies to make you think the lies you believe are in fact true. Satan has done an excellent job of mudding the waters. Thankfully none of that really matters because the gospel is still the same, Yeshua reigns and we will emerge victorious in the end.
@,nathanhale7444 Is The Smithsonian responsible for removing and hiding 'human fossils' from every site around the world? If so, has it been only them doing this in the hundreds of years that people world-wide have known of fossils? What is the supposed benefit for such an elaborate conspiracy to hide fossils from everyone? If 'science' are making things up to deny some Biblical story, why wouldn't they make it easy on themselves... They would leave all the evidence of human fossils in place, and just use 'unreliable' 'make it say what numbers they want it to say, radiometric dating' on the fossils, they could then claim the dating shows the bones to be tens, or hundreds of thousands of years old. They could also then pretend that they have extra evidence against YEC in the ancient human fossils. This would make much more sense, no?
There is a simple explanation for the number of found human fossis but none of you will accept it as you'd much rather live in your echo chamber of science denial and avoid the difficult truth. Science informs us that a rapid expansion of space, energy and matter occurred some 13-14 billion years old resulting in the formation of the universe, that earth formed some 4.5 billion years ago as an accretion from the solar nebula of the sun, and that the biodiversity of life on this planet is a result of evolutionary processes. Seek the truth (a product of the scientific method) and it shall set you free (from the ignorance and indoctrination of faith based beliefs.)
While listening to you guys I was reminded of a statement from a book from ICR that I'm reading at this time. The point was no remains or fossils were found when the Titanic was found. The author said not a single bone was found
Yes. As we point out in some of our other talks, bones dissolve in sea water over time, so given a few decades after the Titanic, no human remains were found. Of course, there is also the issue of marine worms and other organisms that would have fed on the remains. It is hard to get a fossils in conditions today, but this would have been different in during the Noahic Flood where rapid burial would have been the norm.
One thing scientists seem to miss in this conversation is the fact that things desintegrate under gargantuan amounts of water pressure. Just imagine these people and animals under water and sedimentary pressure. Also, the biofuels explain the amount of carbon and biomaterial buried underground, not fossilized, but turned into black carbon tar.
Good point. And how did all those plants (forests and more) suddenly get buried such that they did not decay - a massive, global flood. We have that to thank God for our current coal reserves.
@Steve_-ob2ne problem is coal takes a long time to form. Even if you matched Noah's flood to the younger dryas theory , 11000 or what ever, it's still not enough time. But the idea of a massive coal layer linked to a global flood makes total sense. There would be a ton on material dumped.
@@annuitcptis3032 A massive worldwide flood would have left geological evidence as did the ice age glaciers. No such evidence exists. So did God just make it all vanish? Presto chango.
I loved this conversation. It really helped a lot for me and gave me some really good points that I can use when talking about these issues. Thank you!
@@BronxCat Its said in the Bible that nothing ate meat until after the flood which God could have commanded all animals to eat plants since he created everything
Imagine the amounts of oxygen needed to support those huge creatures and insects... how different were humans back then too. That had up to 1,000 years to develop themselves. Those humans would not get tired because there was so much oxygen. Everything about them would have been better.
@captainobvious2435 there's been multiple footprints. Ancient pictographs of humans and dinosaurs together. Even some ancient depictions of people riding on dinosaurs.
Proof with the Titanic that Professor Bob Ballard said no skeletons were found at all. Only shoes still perfectly rest right up. Bob found the Titanic.
Exactly. Science is never going to explain God's choices. Mankind became so sinful that He destroyed them. Yes, the fossils could be at the bottom of the ocean, or even deep within the Earth in those places from which the geysers exploded. People get too caught up in science and proof, forgeting that we are supposed to have faith in God and His word first. I don't need fossils to show me that the flood was real. This channel is doing what is not very true to God, most likely to try and appeal to the secular world of unbelievers. Stop compromising faith just to cozy up to those who do not have faith. Belief in God comes deep from within our souls, and no one can take that from us. Now, these guys need to go talk about nonsense like neanderthals and humans mating on some secular channel and stop pretending like this is something God would approve of them saying to His children. They are being false teachers.
@mhankehanke I believe oil and coal are the remains of the Flood. I've SEEN wood in a vacuum (no air , buried underground) shot with a laser (high heat underground) almost instantly turn to 1. Gas 2. Coal 3. Oil It broke down to its constituent parts as soon as the high temp laser hit it. With no air, it didn't "burn", just broke down into oil, gas, and coal. I've also seen where they make fossils in a few days. Fossils that are scientifically identical to "real" fossils. It involves a high tech press. Anyway, we heat our homes with the wicked. And other matter from the flood.
I really appreciate Joel Tay for always reminding Dr. Carter to explain a lot of the words and scientific talk..I know when you are used to talking about these things with colleagues you can easily forget how to relate with the average layman on these subjects so it was such a big help to get the clarity..thanks guys!!
I have a friend that is completely clueless about computers/internet/smartphones. He's clueless about conspiracy theories, he's never Googled something in his life. I'm 100% confident. Now, this man says that very large skeletons were unearthed in the town of San nicolas de ibarra, jalisco. That's in Mexico. The lake of chapala receded a while back, and the waves on the new shore were washing away sand and revealed the skeletons. He says people came to look at them but the bones were not retrieved. Apparently they fell apart like sand when touched. He remembers very large skulls, much bigger than a humans. He also mentioned the femur and how big it was. My friend has no idea that giants used to exsist. So he has no preconceived notion of these things. That's why I believe what he says.
There are stories of giants all over the world but unlike the Harry potter fiction that everyone thinks of when giants are mentioned they were not 25ft tall but around the 9-12ft tall. Considering humans can grow to be 7 ft tall in some rare cases I believe it is proof that the flood didn't wipe out all of them. You read the bible in exodus and they are mentioned as living in the land of Canaan when the Israelites came there from Egypt. The world over you get stories of people surviving a massive flood. Those areas also have stories of giants. We can only guess at when , what, where and how because all other records have been destroyed over the centuries but the fact these skeletons have been found proves they existed at some point.
I'm pausing right off the bat to say this. People are small, people can swim, people can float on a limb. Have you ever seen an elephant climb a tree during a flood? It's likely that humans were the last to die during the flood, and did so in a watery grave. Then 3 days later the bodies came bobbing back up to the surface as fish food. Fast moving water with lots of debri with tear a person apart, but a very large animal. You get my point.
There was a huge shark called the Megladon, they don't exist today. I believe that God created them to clean up the human race during the flood, and it didn't take them long to remove those that didn't want God in their lives...! Here's you a little hint about God's judgment! (Psalms 50:22)
@@DottieWade Im a believer in Jesus. The megalodon thing is wild haha 🤣 totally plausible, along with many other sea critters. Fascinating to study what we can about he pre-flood era
@@motoross9237 I agree that the megalodon is a little over the top, but their are none today and thank God there aren't any today..! Remember that God prepared a fish to swallow Jonah..! (Jonah 1:17)
@@DottieWade The Megalodon was likely outclassed and outmatched by the ancestor of the Great White. A much smaller shark in comparison, which was able to spend a lot less energy on chasing prey. The Megalodon was much, much larger; Therefore it burned up more energy to move. I'm not sure how the Megalodon went extinct *exactly* , but what I know *is* agreed upon, as far as I currently know.
@@geoculus5606 thank you for your comment. but it is nonsense that has been debunked. creationism is wacky. if evolution were shown to be false the person would win the nobel prize. im off to read harry potter opps i forgot im watching science fiction already. king regards and peace to you creationists
Chat GPT - Human fossils are relatively scarce because fossilization is a rare process. Conditions for fossilization, such as rapid burial and the right environmental factors, are not often met. Additionally, erosion and geological processes can destroy or bury fossils deeper over time, making them harder to find.
You must consider, that after the rains stopped, the flood waters continued to prevail on the earth before they covered the highest mountains. The flood was not a weather event. The source of the water was from the Fountains of the Great Deep. The populations of humans (which could have been even greater than we have today) would have naturally gone to the highest hills and mountains to try to escape the rising waters. Many of these people didn't die immediately and were probably alive weeks and maybe even months while the waters were prevailing. They didn't believe this judgement was coming, yet they watched it unfold before their eyes and began to realize they could not save themselves. Slowly but surely they were being squeezed off these high hills and mountains long after the rain had stopped. They would have soon drowned and their bodies would have floated. We erroneously think that the flood waters were deep blue and fresh but in fact they were full of sediments and vegetation, were brown and very muddy so many of these dead bodies that did not get buried initially would be floating in this muck. Anything not buried at this point would be pulverized and ground to nothing by the grit and debris in the slurry. When the waters began to subside they began to roll off the continents causing erosion and even more debris to mix and all be carried into the newly formed ocean basins. Remember, God wanted to wipe man from the face of the earth. It may be possible but unlikely that we find any human fossils.
@@LegalVideoMan The story of Noah and the flood is not history. It originated from the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, which was written down 3,000 years earlier and spread all through Mesopotamia. There was no worldwide flood, it would have left massive geographical evidence, just as the great ice age did. No such evidence exists. At the end of the ice age, the glaciers melted and the sea level rose, flooding coastal areas. With the death of the great herds due to the hostile environment, ice age people began to congregate around coastal areas depending on fish and sea mammals. As the sea levels rose, these areas were flooded and people had to leave. It was not a sudden process. We have hominid fossils dating back 7 million years, long before the evolution of anatomically modern humans.
@@nbenefiel The whole of the Grand Canyon IS one of the massive geographical evidences of the flood, and the ensuing Ice Age was caused by the effect of the Flood, volcanic activity etc. The fact that there is a great flood story in most cultures worldwide indicates an original truth. As people spread out post Flood and post Tower of Babel (which accounts for the origin of so many languages), they took the story of the Flood with them, and all sorts of pagan mythologies arose over the centuries including the Sumerian epic. Interestingly, Noah and his sons, who took preflood knowledge and expertise into the post flood world and then lived on around 500 years, were deified in many cultures - see Gavin Cox of Creation Ministries well received academic papers re 'Horus, a deified Ham". With that knowledge the post flood folk were able to build such cities as Gobekli Tepe and the other amazing structures (now often attributed to aliens!). With the melting of the Ice Age, sea levels rose about 120m and land bridges were cut off and some of these ancient post flood structures and cities were covered with water. Neanderthal man were simply human Flood survivors forced to live in primitive conditions post Flood and Babel, but there are about 30 features of their lives that show they were human, not monkeys, and were clever. Much of this stuff was considered basic history until round the 1700s when thinking turned away from the bible and became more Greek Renaissance, then we had Darwin ff. Leaving aside the erroneous dating, the lay historian (not presenting history as a Christian, though he may be) Paul Cooper's interesting Fall of Ancient Civilisations, Episode 8 Mesopotamia corroborates some of all this.
Ground to nothing? Care to give a demonstration? Start with a turkey. Post the video here. Never been in a kitchen have you? What about human tools? Did the flood waters dissolve steel, bronze & flint too? Why not add them to your turkey video?
@@nbenefielAs Sumeria was bounded by the Tigris & Euphrates rivers - it is believable that all SUMERIA was flooded. Indeed the end of the ice age 7,000 years ago probably resulted in massive flooding across river basins, from glacial meltwater.
@@dianafortune4486 What? The Grand Canyon is the result of the Colorado River wearing down sedimentary rock over about six million years. Did you never take a Geology class?
Note that most humans live within 60 miles of large bodies of water, largely because of the abundance of food. Before the flood, the edges of the continental shelves were likely the shore lines... and these are now over 100 meters below the current sea levels. They have found over 30 miles off of the coast of India, what appears to be submerged cities (small by our standards), and have pulled up tools. Likewise in submerged Doggerland in the North Sea.
@@shdwbnndbyyt low lying land has long flooded. Look at the history of the Netherlands and the other Low Countries. We know that as the glaciers melted, the ocean depths rose, but a slow rising of water is a far cry from a relatively short massive rainstorm flooding the entire planet. Do these people also believe that the sun revolves around the Earth which is covered by a firmament? How did Hubble get out?
My idea was during the flood, I'm sure many people treaded water and tried to hold onto floating debris as long as they could. After they passed away their body would have floated for 3 to 4 days. This alone would have kept most people out of the fossil record. Those people eventually became food for fish, birds, and insects. There parts would have been scattered all over the ocean floor.
My guess would be that the water would not be calm enough to tread. It sounds to me more like major upheavals of subterranean waters and significant continental shifts.
@@jimalexander687 That would mostly affect those in the low areas, but once the water was a couple hundred feet high The water's above would be calmer. I'm sure the arc was built on higher ground for Noah's family and the animals sakes. The water would rise smooth and steady. Of course this is just my idea. 😁
@@jimalexander687 But we're trying to discuss this scientifically, so why would you inject a guess, based on zero evidence? Careful...that's how superstitions and religions get started: someone confidently making up an answer with zero evidence because it seems like a good explanation.
@@brianw.4585 - _"The water's above would be calmer....The water would rise smooth and steady."_ *You are exactly right. It's odd how people have such a warped view of how things might have been. Many don't believe that the ark could have withstood 1000 foot waves traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. The truth? The ark only needed to float. That's all. Also, there is something paradigm-shattering about those calm waters and the sedimentary layers... if you're interested.*
The oceans contain more land than the surface it is likely that if we were ever able to explore and excavate the geology under the water we may find all sorts of exciting evidence.
@@jamese9283 apparently one factor is enough to convince you, but you’re a creationist, so it’s understandable. Apparently “being buried” means skeletal remains don’t decompose? Even though a skeleton lasts max six to eight months in seawater before fully decomposing. But hey! In the name of creationism, it’s possible because you want it to be!
@@mattpringleton7797 You have no idea what I believe. Your arguments have nothing to do with the intent of my comment. Whether you believe in evolution or creation, the oceans cover most of the earth and hide vast geologic layers that surely have many interesting fossils or other buried remnants of the past.
I generally agree that many people likely didn't flee to higher ground. But they DID have constant warnings about the Flood from Noah and didn't listen. Once the flood started, a lot of people might have realized he was right. It may or may not have been too late for some people to head to higher ground, especially for those who lived in the hills and could see what was happening in the valleys. But animals are often THE FIRST to sense disasters and would probably flee to higher ground faster than people.
#1 you assume that the entire world could have heard a warning from one guy (Noah), #2 the flood was big enough so that all the ground was covered (actually not a realistic possibility, but it is in the story) so fleeing wouldn't help.#3 the Babylonians had a flood story 2000 years earlier.#4 there isn't evidence for a worldwide flood ever happening.
There was no Noah. There was no massive world wide flood covering the entire planet. Such an event would have left evidence all over the planet. No such evidence exists. The flood is a MYTH. If only two people survived a cataclysm, the human race would have gone extinct. Two people could not produce enough genetically varied offspring to survive. Brothers and sisters would have to marry, same with first cousins in the second generation. There is a reason we do not marry our close relations. Look at the Hapsburgs.
Remember, it was not normal rain like we see today. Water was exploding from the earths deep repositories, plate technonics were moving the surface of the earth around, nobody would mistake the begining of the flood for normal weather, especially since there had never even been rain before like there is today. I could imagine the people knew very quickly that the flood was happening and that very quickly, they were distroyed.
Most likely, pre-flood man behaved similar to post-flood man and congregated in communities. Thus, if there are fossils of pre-flood humans to be found...they are all in one general location. That definitely makes it more difficult to find, akin to the proverbial needle in a haystack.
Have you ever read any other book but the bible? We already know that early man was a nomadic hunter/gatherer who didn't congregate in towns. Small settlements did not begin until the beginnings of agriculture about 11,000+ years ago.
@@gabemorris6692 humanity had been butchered by the nephilim and driven into hiding, because murder was so rampant that Noah and the total of 8 were the only us corrupted bloodline before the flood. All other dna was tainted by the mixing of fallen Angel and human. That’s what a nephilim is. And it would have been over for humans ever being peaceful together, had God not mercifully provided the flood to wipe out the monsters 👹
For many PreFlood years, the center of everything was within sight of the Garden of Eden. except for the line of Cain which had been banished. The Garden, today, is at the bottom of the Ocean, some say, close to or in, the Philippines.
It's also possible that many of these people fled to boats and were able to stay alive for some time until the boats were destroyed, and then floated on driftwood until they died from exposure late in the flood stages. If their houses were made from wood that would also give them material to hold onto. And since animals aren't usually intelligent enough to grab on to a floating object, they would die first. Of course it doesn't account for all people but it may account for a significant portion.
@@dmcfarland9760 we do find other animals next to dinosaur fossils. That was one of the points in the video. It's just not human fossils next to dinosaurs, which again has many explanations.
@@dmcfarland9760 it depends on how you define modern. It's really a catch 22 situation. If you say a fossil must be old because it was found next to a dinosaur, obviously that means you are biased. In the video they explain how many animal fossils have been found which were classified as "ancient" and yet were found alive today with hardly any changes. And then evolutionists simply explain away that fact by saying they just haven't changed in millions of years, and then use carbon dating to show it is the same age as the dinosaur it was found next to. But that just brings you back to the same assumption you already had. It's a ridiculous circular argument that can have any number of exceptions and explanations fit into it willy nilly. Look up ancient drawings and cave paintings of dinosaurs and tell me they didn't exist at the same time. Pretty sure ancient humans didn't just sit around dreaming up the same looking "mythical" creatures by happenstance.
@@PortmanRd Judging by your profile picture, I don't think any number of facts will convince you no matter how solid they are. If you care about the truth above just tearing down Christians, you may want to put away all of your bias and go research it yourself for real. If you care about tearing down Christians over the truth, you are only hurting yourself. And I'm sorry for whatever Christian made you feel this way about Christianity. I hope you realize that Christians are messed up human beings like everyone else, and Christ is the only one worth looking to for the perfect example of Christianity.
@@colbylippincott7173 You do know that many mammals lived at the same time as dinosaurs? These other animals were our own ancestors. But humans did not appear until barely 1/2 million years ago.
I would encourage you to visit Creation Ministries International's website at A quick search there for Gobelki Tepe will provide a bunch of articles. Here's one
@@MatthewPeeters-l7i Pillar18 in Gobekli Tepe proves the prophecy of Genesis 6:3 to be true. This site venerates all things to do with the Flood, in fact the Flood is the bedrock of pagan worship.
Here is an issue which I never remember seeing from creation websites. Erosion! That is erosion in relation to the dates they are giving us, in evolution, for fossils. We are being told that dinosaur bones, for example, are tens of millions of years old. They can be easily found all over the planet, sometimes close to the surface, sometimes sticking out of the surface. It is absurd to think that they would last for tens of millions of years and be easily found by us. Even a mountain isn’t going to last for as much as 1 million years! To me the whole evolutionairy time scale is blown away by simple common sense and common knowledge about erosion.
The Rocky Mountains are 55 to 80 million years old. The Appalachians are about 500 million years old. Not surprisingly, the Appalachians are more eroded than the Rockies.
Where did you learn that a mountain cannot last a million years? The Rocky Mountains formed between 55 and 80 million years ago, and last I looked, they were doing quite well. The much older Appalachians have been around for well over a billion years! Yes, erosion happens, but it acts much more slowly on granite than it does on shale. Read some books, learn something!
@@nbenefiel I did take geology 101 undergrad. They never said a thing about fossils and I don’t remember them saying anything about erosion either. Friend, no doubt you believe in evolution. Do you realize it is not based on science? For example, we are told that inorganic matter produced life. What does the data, real science show? There is in organic matter. all over the place none of it ever comes to life. Not in any ponds, not anywhere. You probably think Charles Darwin was a scientist. No. He was a theology graduate. He never said anything based on science. He believed that a human in utero had a beak and later is snout. He never even talked about the origin of any species in his book. He is the one who proposed the totally fictional and anti science primal pond. He supported the idea of vestigial structures based on no science and no research. We now know that those structures all have a very important function. For example, the so-called the vestigial appendix is very useful to the immunological system. The only time he used the scientific method was in breeding pigeons. he thought he could show evolution. Of course, he only got more pigeons. A real scientist would’ve done his research and would’ve easily found out that pigeons had been bred for thousands of years and they always stayed pigeons. Then there is that other hero in evolution. Richard Dawkins. he says that everything came from nothing. Do you believe that? Is there any evidence for that? He says you came from bacteria. The data is overflowing. Bacteria have been observed since 1670 and fossilized examples have been found from ancient times. No matter how much they change, they stay bacteria in their bacterial domain. They ain’t turning into you. You need to seriously look outside the box and find out who you really are. I will be praying for you. But I know from my own experience that you don’t get over the delusions of evolution in a day usually. so for now, you are on mute. Blessings and bye.
PLease explain The Leviathan specifically is mentioned six times in the Tanakh, in Job 3:8, Job 40:25-41:26, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26 and twice in Isaiah 27:1. Job 41:1-34 is dedicated to describing him in detail: "Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?" -----Job 4:1-34 1 “Can you draw out Leviathan2 with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord? 2 Can you put a rope in his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? 3 Will he make many pleas to you? Will he speak to you soft words? 4 Will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever? 5 Will you play with him as with a bird, or will you put him on a leash for your girls? 6 Will traders bargain over him? Will they divide him up among the merchants? 7 Can you fill his skin with harpoons or his head with fishing spears? 8 Lay your hands on him; remember the battle-you will not do it again! 9 3 Behold, the hope of a man is false; he is laid low even at the sight of him. 10 No one is so fierce that he dares to stir him up. Who then is he who can stand before me? 11 Who has first given to me, that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine. 12 “I will not keep silence concerning his limbs, or his mighty strength, or his goodly frame. ( A CROC?) 13 Who can strip off his outer garment? Who would come near him with a bridle? 14 Who can open the doors of his face? Around his teeth is terror. 15 His back is made of 4 rows of shields, shut up closely as with a seal. 16 One is so near to another that no air can come between them. 17 They are joined one to another; they clasp each other and cannot be separated. 18 His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn. 19 Out of his mouth go flaming torches; sparks of fire leap forth. 20 Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke, (from a crocodile?) as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. 21 His breath kindles coals, and a flame comes forth from his mouth. 22 In his neck abides strength, (From a croc?) and terror dances before him. 23 The folds of his flesh stick together, firmly cast on him and immovable. 24 His heart is hard as a stone, hard as the lower millstone. 25 When he raises himself up, the mighty 5 are afraid; (Afraid of a croc?) at the crashing they are beside themselves. 26 Though the sword reaches him, it does not avail, nor the spear, the dart, or the javelin. (So, a spear, javelin will not kill it?) 27 He counts iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood. ( A CROC?) 28 The arrow cannot make him flee; for him, sling stones are turned to stubble. 29 Clubs are counted as stubble; he laughs at the rattle of javelins. 30 His underparts are like sharp potsherds; (A Croc?) he spreads himself like a threshing sledge on the mire. 31 He makes the deep boil like a pot; (A Croc?) he makes the sea like a pot of ointment. (Croc does not live in the sea) 32 Behind him he leaves a shining wake; one would think the deep to be white-haired. 33 On earth there is not his like, a creature without fear. 34 He sees everything that is high; (How can a croc see everything that is high?) he is king over all the sons of pride.” >>>> And: Job 40:15---15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. 16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! 17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit. T---ell me, when has anyone described the tail of a hippo "v7 Its tail sways like a cedar"???? -I have never seen a hippo with a tail like a cedar!!! btw--a hippo does not eat grass--it eats water plants.. ----FACTS--there have been spear tips found in the bones of mammoths. --
I think I saw somewhere that a dead fall whale is completely consumed in 5 to 6 years, including the bones. The creatures of the sea continue to utilize the dead whale even for minerals until there is nothing left, which might explain why we never find fossilized humans anywhere, from any time. If I'm not mistaken, this dynamic also exists on land, on the serageti today.
IMO the majority of humans were primarily caught in the flood waters and not the massive shifting earth material as gigantic springs erupted and dislodged massive amounts of sediment that buried everything else. In essence, they were a bunch of flailing human corks until they drowned. By then, they just drifted to the bottom or bloated and floated until they decomposed.
@4:16 giants..we don't go there" (?). Genesis 6:4. There were giants in the earth in those days. (Before the flood). So from where do you get your marching orders? Are you like the evolutionists who offer selective results? I understand there are wild goose chases, but you can request photos first.
Exactly! I’ve seen many photos of giant skeletons unearthed all over the world, many of which were found here in the USA. The Smithsonian became the repository for the many giant skeletons. I’ve also seen old news clippings of many giant skeleton discoveries. Because the Smithsonian exclusively supports the theory of evolution, they loaded them onto barges and dumped them into the ocean to get rid of the Biblical evidence.
Lol, do you even know what the condition to fossils to form, is the Africa savana filled with bones from all the animals living there, millions of wilderbeast born and die every year
Great question from someone who didn't bother watching the video and listening to the answer. And why billions upon billions? We've only reached billions in recent history buddy.
Also, not only are there not any fossils of man in the millions of years since the age of the dinasours, but nor are there any mammalian fossils that led to the entire animal kingdom that humans evolved from. That is why the you can piece together evolution as you watch fossils appear at certain time frames in the fossil layers...
the biblical sequence of creation 1. day 5 sea creatures 2. flying creatures (not birds) 3. day 6 Land animals 4. humans. this matches the scientific sequence in the fossil record.
Arguably, we have found Diluvian human fossils or trace fossils (eg. the Paluxy River tracks, the Malachite/Moab Man skeletons etc.) despite the controversies and inadequate alternate explanations surrounding them, which would happen every time such finds are made (at least in the current secular climate).
@@rwcarter3434 With all due respect, that isn't exactly a good or honest counterargument. My conviction isn't swayed by the consensus of any organization (and I'm ashamed of the very poor research and evaluation of these topics by CMI, AIG, and others), but the quality of the evidence itself. The evidence is sufficiently strong to convince the intellectually honest mind, not the deliberately blind and deceptive secularist (eg. Glen Kuban and others) or the creationist with no spine.
@@Xenosaurian I was not attempting an argumentum ad populum but only trying to indicate that an otherwise trustable source has rejected such claims, thus one should wonder why. We have and have had many research scientists on staff here and none of them feel that the evidence stacks up. This has nothing to do with deliberate blindness, spinelessness, or a lack of intellectual honesty and I am quite surprised that you would level such accusations against us. You can disagree, and I would accept that, but, dude, tone it down.
@@rwcarter3434 I apologize for my rude tone, but that is how I've unfortunately perceived my fellow creationist brethren on these particular topics. What I've seen thus far in regards to other creationists' investigation on this has been exceedingly unsatisfactory and I only wish to encourage them to do more, to do better, even if by speaking harshly but honestly.
0:13 god said he will wipe from the face all humans he created except noah and his family. revelation said the sea will give up its dead. the humans killed in the flood got buried deep under the sea only to rise at the great throne judgment. god is serious and mean what he declares.
Great video and conversation. I also appreciate your production value. 2 cameras, text, good mics. The only thing that is not great is your background, still VERY GOOD STUFF.
Great video. Explains very well why fossils are so rare. In my experience the question of why we don’t find human and prehistoric remains together is a rebuttal to “why isn’t there a litany of missing links to show speciation”. This explains the answer to that question as well
My answer is "what if we're overthinking it and the actual living specimens we think are different species actually would have been considered the same species?" Like honesty, how the heck do we know?
There are ‘a litany of missing links’ it’s just that when we find them they are no longer missing. There are remains for 21 different kinds of hominids, all dated to ages that support the evolution of man over time.
Whatchu talkin'bout Willis? Fossils rare? Every respectable university has museum halls full of fossils. And go check out Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park in northeast Nebraska. Literally tons (by weight) of fossils, whole herds of several large species buried by volcanic ash about 12,000,000 years ago, far too many to fit in Morrill Hall in Lincoln.
There is no missing links in the sense you mean it. Every fossil ever found is a transitional fossil. There is no doubt about common descent. It's a fact. Genetics alone is enough to singlehandedly prove common descent to be true, and all other fields of biology, from taxonomy to embriology, tell the same story. There simply is no doubt.. i mean.. other than from creationists, who need it to be wrong. But some people believe the earth is flat too, oftentimes for religious reasons too.. and oftentimes it's christians too. The earth is as much not young, as it is not flat. There was no global flood, and common descent is a reality. All of those are facts. There is no doubt on any of these in the scientific consensus. If a person wants to make it seem like there is, or that it is up to interpretation, or that their story is a viable alternative.. then question their motives.
I like how the inability to find coelacanths & whales together very appropriately answers the question of why humans & dinosaurs are not found buried together.
@@Neferpitou- if I could go back to the mid 90's I could get a source. Didn't know I had to write it down back then. I wasn't in college at the time. I believe the the show he was on was Copeland in TX.
@@cork8843 it was the mid 90's on TV. Didn't know I was supposed to write it down for you. I couldn't see that far in the future. The Book of Job chptr 38 God tells Job to consider the Behemoth with a tail as big as the Cedars of Lebanon. That's about 40' long, the tail. Job knew the Dinosaur He was talking about. Job must have seen them. X CIA spy Steve Q has pictures of Dinosaurs from Easter Island from early 1970's when he was there.
Human fossils are various, numerous and hardly absent from our current understanding of the history of life on this planet. It's sort of telling that those who actually know about such things are in disagreement about when humans became humans, given the plethora of transitional forms that clearly describe a complicated history of change or, in other words, evolution.
@@hairyreasoner I'm not quite sure I understand these people's time frame or if they are just unaware and ignorant to the subject. But we have human fossils that match us modern humans exactly going back 480,000 years. When do they think their diluvian flood took place? As far as I know we have matched history up to certain events quite well. Including the Flood during the younger dryas. What about all the Tepes in Turkey? Why do we have so many cultures that talk about 4 past cycles and resets and us being in the 5th cycle of man. Greeks, Hindu, Hopi being the most prominent out of hundreds. I think creationist aren't aware their pre flood was the 4th cycle and their "7000" year gods plan is the 5th cycle. Only if the Earth is not destroyed as they say, mankind will actually be here for the 6th cycle. Not in "heaven". I am open minded and listen to many creationist but it's no different then a teen arguing how a marvel story could fit into our real world.. There are wise theists who translate the religious text not so literally and I think I will stick with them over this absurd channel.
Lucy was a fake. That was exposed decades ago. Furthermore, all dating methods, have to make assumptions, and have to fit the deep-time evolution narrative. So they just make the numbers up. Now, you personally, YOU can believe what you want. But if you want to get into the New Kingdom, you are toe-ing the wrong line. You cannot teach deceptions and escape accountability.
18:06 “early human off shoot of chimpanzees”. That’s not the way it works. Humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor. Humans did not off shoot from chimpanzees.
7:04 - Regarding attempts to reach higher ground (though not commenting on the validity of the higher ground argument in relation to the lack of human fossils). . . . Wouldn't it be unreasonable to think that the antediluvians made no attempts to reach higher ground, though of course many would have found themselves cut off from reaching it or might only have reached a local high point? For 120 years Noah preached/prophesied about the coming flood. The vast majority didn't believe his preaching and chose not to enter the ark, but it would be reasonable to believe that the antediluvian world was well aware of Noah's preaching. (Based on God's character of implementing perfectly righteous justice/judgment, it could even be reasoned by inference that the entire population of the antediluvian world had an opportunity to make a choice whether or not to be saved in the ark). So when the flood finally came, despite their previous unbelief, they would have quickly realised the deluge was, in fact, the flood Noah had prophesied and then would have attempted to save themselves as best they could . . . Also, a second comment related to time mark 14:40 - erosion would have also resulted from the wind that God caused to blow in Genesis 8:1. Appreciate all the work that CMI do. May God bless your efforts.
@emptyhand77 - You can debate God's decision and express your distaste when you meet Him on Judgment Day. The pre-Flood world had become so wicked that children had basically *zero chance of knowing love, peace, compassion and joy during their lives.* Mankind needed a reset for that to once again be possible. We might even find that those unborn babies were allowed to be born into the post-Flood world - a far better world than was previously awaiting them.
@emptyhand77 - You can debate God's decision and express your distaste when you meet Him on Judgment Day. The pre-Flood world had become so wicked that children had basically *zero chance of knowing love, peace, compassion and joy during their lives.* Mankind needed a reset for that to once again be possible. We might even find that those unborn babies were allowed to be born into the post-Flood world - a far better world than was previously awaiting them.
Ancient figurines, made of jade and turquoise, of modern looking humans riding on top of dinosaurs were found in Mexico. I have seen photos on the internet. Also, there are ancient cave drawings, depicting humans and dinosaurs existing together, which have been found. I have also seen those photos as well on the internet. Fossils are not the only thing we need to look for regarding this subject matter.
Evolution is many things, but any form of presupposition it is not. Evolution swims against a strong current of traditional religious belief and only slowly gained credibility. The scientific method means that it is constantly being critically challenged, by people who do actual real work researching and studying and trying to discover any fault, any weakness, any defect in the existing body of knowledge.
This is where I keep an open mind where answers are not clear and obvious. I believe there are gaps in our understanding of both natural and biblical time lines.
There is always things we dont know.. and scientists readily admit that. But that doesnt just go for every topic, as if we know nothing. We know for a fact earth is not young. We know for a fact it's not flat. We know for a fact no global flood ever happened. These are easily provable. No credible scientist believes any of those, based on the evidence. Yet there is plenty of religiously motivated channels that make it seem as if we didnt know these things.. as if there was doubt.. as if their myths and reality could be merged. Reality disagrees.
I always assumed humans lived in cities and so their fossils would be clustered together if found. If we find one we will probably find many but a couple tsunamis might have destroyed most of them and not formed rock layers.
The first city ever found was Sumer. It dates from around 6000 years ago, not too long after humans developed farming and ways to irrigate land. Before farming humans lived in small nomadic groups, hunting and gathering food. The inability to store food for any length of time, meant these people were constantly on the move following the great herds. During the great ice age, the herds began to die off. Humans began to gather in small clans around coastal areas, living on sea mammals and fish. Around 11,000 years ago, the glaciers began to melt and the oceans began to rise, flooding coastal areas and low lying places,like Doggerland, the area between Britain and the continent of Europe. This is probably where the flood stories came from. The flooding did not kill off all but two human beings. That is ridiculous.
@@stevepierce6467 We listened, but we didn't buy the BS the public schools (woke secular atheist indoctrination centers) were forcing down our throats. Apparently you did.
I watched Unsolved Mysteries and did explain victims were flowed away from where they were dumped or killed at. Plus flood was violent so it was spread around.
Just my opinion to the point of people staying indoors when the flood started: I think the narrative in Genesis 6 understates the events a little. It states the floodgates of the heavens were opened and the fountains of the deep burst forth... I dont think there was any mistaking that a great cataclysm was occurring. There were likely massive earthquakes and tsunamis that washed over the lands... How many of the thousands of people washed out to sea during the Indonesian tsunami were recovered? It is likely that their bodies were pulverized in the churning waters filled with debris. If Noah was able to look out of the window of the ark and witness the destruction taking place... it was likely he saw destruction unrivaled by any event before or since... It wasnt a steady rain with water levels that slowly crept up... It was a fast, violent, upheaval of the entire earth.
It just occurred to me that claiming that human and dinosaurs were not found buried together, therefore, they were not contemporaneous, is a form of the fallacious argument from silence. Maybe a bit of the argument from incredulity mixed in.
Interesting talk! But I think (and there are many estimations and calculations) that there were more people at the time of the flood than there are today - because of a much longer life span, better conditions, etc
@@creationministriesintl Hmm. I find it hard to believe a gigantic flood could create layers. And I'm still not clear where all the water originated. A month of rain would hardly be enough. And where is the water now? It all seems too fanciful. Better to leave it as legend I think.
It's the other way around. A Flood would cause a lot of layers, including flat gaps. The fact we get flat gaps is indicative that there was no long periods of time before the deposition of the strata, otherwise there was be massive erosion channels between those layers. Similarly, it has been widely recognized that when you have flowing water, water sorting action usually produces multiple layers of stratification. There is also a video on some youtube channels from a video from the 1980s... called "experiment in stratification", where you can see how these layers form in a flume in real time.
Dinosaur (which means 'terrible lizard') is a fairly modern term, first used in 1841 by Richard Owen. But it certainly makes sense of stories like St George and the Dragon, and Beowulf. Most likely they were fighting what we now call dinosaurs. I would recommend reading this article, which talks more about dinosaurs, dragons, and their interactions with people. Dinosaurs and dragons: Stamping on the legends -
@@MatthewPeeters-l7i Yes, an article. Not a peer-reviewed scientific study, an article. Because *clearly* articles are a more valuable source of information. XD
Preflood humans would resemble "Early human offshoot of chimpanzees." Wow, I don't know about that! Unless humans weren't physically and spiritually created in the image of God.
Preflood? Postflood? What flood? There is no evidence of a world wide biblical flood. Early humans were here half a million years ago. Before that they were our slightly more primitive ancestors, some form of primate. I reject the biblical description of god, just as I reject all ancient writings of the Norse, the Greeks, the Sumerians, the Hindus, the Aztecs, the Incas, but I do not know for sure that no god/creator exists. Is it not possible that all living plants and animals were all created in the image of a god who embodies every living thing?
Better question: wouldn’t all of the flora have been killed by the flood? We have trees in low areas that are older than the alleged flood, so this means that there was not a global flood at the time creationists claim. It is much more likely that there was a localized flood in the Fertile Crescent, as is common in that area, and the Noah’s flood story is a “fish tale” that was misinterpreted, exaggerated, and changed. Scientists are great at dating the age of fossils, newer ways than just carbon dating, and dinosaurs are MUCH older than primates.
Is it a coincidence that every major culture around the globe had a "civilization ending" flood myth? And if so, okay.... We'll add that to the literal flood of "coincidences" that collaborate the Bible.
@@therealdannymullenFloods happen a lot, and folks living in these ancient river valley civil actions feared flood more than ANYTHING, while the folks up in the mountains thought that they were pretty safe, and they were. While floods definitely washed away communities in the river valleys, it was never to the extent of covering the entire land area of Earth, and not for a very long duration, wiping out everything. Remember that we have plants alive TODAY that have been verified to be older than the flood MYTHS.
@@therealdannymullen Japan doesn't have a flood myth, surely an island nation would have flooded first, especially when it has such a low average elevation. The continent of Africa barely has any flood myths.
From skeletons to teeth, early human fossils have been found of more than 6,000 individuals. With the rapid pace of new discoveries every year, this impressive sample means that even though some early human species are only represented by one or a few fossils, others are represented by thousands of fossils. From them, we can understand things like: how well adapted an early human species was for walking upright how well adapted an early human species was for living in hot, tropical habitats or cold, temperate environments the difference between male and female body size, which correlates to aspects of social behavior how quickly or slowly children of early human species grew up. While people used to think that there was a single line of human species, with one evolving after the other in an inevitable march towards modern humans, we now know this is not the case. Like most other mammals, we are part of a large and diverse family tree. Fossil discoveries show that the human family tree has many more branches and deeper roots than we knew about even a couple of decades ago. In fact, the number of branches our evolutionary tree, and also the length of time, has nearly doubled since the famed ‘Lucy’ fossil skeleton was discovered in 1974! There were periods in the past when three or four early human species lived at the same time, even in the same place. We - Homo sapiens - are now the sole surviving species in this once diverse family tree.
Hey, that guy was in "Is Genesis History"! He was the marine guy. I always felt that if everyone watched that movie, they'd all be believers and be saved.
Thank you for the excellent video 😊 The Lord’s love + grace be with you Hope you are all well and resting in Jesus saving love + grace 😊 Blessings friends 😊
The Mt St Helens eruption created large mud flows. Within a few years those mud flows became solid rock. The lava flowed under the mud due to its higher density. In some places the water in the mud turned into steam and rose to the surface of the mud. Trees were buried in the mud, which are now embedded in that rock.
I don’t know how people can believe those photos of giants are real, they’re poorly done photoshops. It’s like saying David Lynch 1984 Dune was a real event.
There are biblical accounts of giants and finding one would do much to support the reliability of the Scriptures. Thus, people want the claims to be true and bad people prey upon that longing to peddle misinformation.
@@emptyhand777 You obviously are unaware of what both we and Charles Darwin have written about the survival of plant seeds even after long periods of submersion in salt water. You are also not well informed about the abilities of various fish species to tolerate a wide range of salinities. Also, who says there were no freshwater lenses below the massive floating debris piles or pools on top? Also, just because a fish species today cannot tolerate fresh or saltwater does not mean that this species could not have done so in the past.
When the flood occurred there would of been massive amounts of floating debris so I would think some of the people would of floated on them till they died of starvation or exposure they could of floated for months if they brought food
The question people have brought up is how plants survived and I'm sure they could have been mixed with all the other debris as well as seeds also some plants and trees could have started growing during the flood which would explain Noah's dove having an olive leaf.
On a boat - Constant heavy rain, strong winds/heavy sea wave action - no shelter. It's unlikely anyone would survive for more than a week or 2 in a regular boat, due to lack of food, and hypothermia. And that's assuming you don't get capsized! Pretty miserable way to die!
Interesting discussion. What about that supposed pre flood hammer discovered ? I believe it’s called The London Hammer, orThe London Artifact, found in supposed 400 million year old rock layers. Do you believe this was possibly pre flood?
The petrified hammer is an old argument that nobody at CMI holds to today. We reported on it in the early years of our ministry (decades before I came on board, and I've been here for 15 years) when the ministry was under a different management. Since then, we have tried to tighten our arguments and we intentionally shy away from speculative or undocumented claims as much as possible. See
The London Artifact has a "steel" head with iron mixed with chlorine, and possibly other elements. I don't remember all of them, but it can be demonstrated that the exact ratios could not be accomplished with our current atmosphere. As far as I understand this, the only thing this really suggests is that at some point in mankind's past, the atmosphere was different, assuming the steel in this hammer was formed in the distant past where tools to create a different environment (like creating a vacuum or hyperbaric chamber) would not have existed. The alternative is that the hammer was purposefully/recently formed in an environment unlike Earth's current atmospheric content & pressure. This alternative also assumes that fossilization can happen in a relatively short time period, which it would have had to in order for the wood in the hammer as well as the soil around it to fossilize. Now we know that fossilization can happen rapidly, and you could presume that this means the jury is still out on how it came to be. I believe it could have been pre-flood, but that's my opinion. Ultimately, there are not enough hard facts about the London Artifact to really derive the truth about its origin.
@@livingpicture Genesis 1:6,7 waters above the atmosphere as mentioned at 2 Peter 3:5 , in other words the thermosphere held colossal amount of water in suspension, creating a very different enviroment until it all condensed and caused the flood. This also throws out the carbon dating, and the sedimentary dating methods, both based on assumptions. Pre deluge giant plants & giant herbivores due to different climatic conditions - and possibly even the differing metallurgy of the hammer?
Well of course we still find Coelacanths today, because Noah obviously took two of them on the ark along with two of every species of Whale, Shark, Fish and literally every other sea creature that existed. Man that ark was some boat, not only two of every animal, but a floating sea world as well. I wonder how he managed to catch them all before the flood, never mind scouring the entire planet for specimens of every land animal, insect and fresh water creature, many so rare and remote we still find unrecorded species on a regular basis. Just out of interest, how did Noah manage to get to the Americas, Antarctic, Japan etc and after the flood when the ark was grounded on Mount Ararat how did he take them all back? Do you not think from a practical point of view the whole story of Noah is just that, a story. Just imagine if we tried to do the same thing today with all our technology, it would take fleets of ships and thousands of people working across all Countries around the world. Even then it would probably take decades and end up being a total disaster.
The sea creatures didn't need to go into the ark. They naturally could survive the flood! Some may have died in a massive, sudden upheaval in the ocean floor here and there, but certainly not all.
@@lanemedcalf9506 What about all of the freshwater fish and other fresh water creatures? They would have perished in a saltwater environment. In addition, they would not have been able, as the other animals supposedly did, to travel to Noah, so in this case Noah would have had to journey around the world gathering specimens from every continent, searching every river, lake and inland sea to ensure he had at least two of every “kind”. This alone would have required a boat large enough to contain the numerous storage pools required to accommodate the huge number of different species of fish, many requiring to be separated so that they did not eat each other. Then there would be additional challenges, including how would they be fed on this extremely lengthy voyage, how could Noah have designed and built a boat that was large enough and powered so that it could be navigated around the world, how would the temperature of the various specimens be maintained, as some would require cold water whilst others would need tropical conditions and almost every variation of temperature and environment in between. Remember the Ark was not powered and so was incapable of being navigated to a required destination and therefore was unsuitable for this purpose. So, in conclusion, apart from the many other problems the flood story raises, does not the issue of the fresh water creatures show the absolute folly of the flood myth as described in the Bible? Making an Ark for the creatures of the land and air would have been simple in comparison and yet even ignoring the freshwater creatures the Biblical story is impossible for so many reasons.
@@philiprobinson2011 The flood waters were fresh water. The saltiness of the sea water developed over time after the flood. The animals came to the ark. Noah didn't have to go all over the world to collect the animals.
@@lanemedcalf9506 You say that the flood waters were fresh water and that the saltiness of the sea water developed over time after the flood. I suppose it depends on how long ago you think the flood happened. It may be possible, if you go back far enough, and by far enough we would be talking billions of years, then the seas and oceans may have contained fresh water, or at least far less salty water. However, the assumption that they contained fresh water just raises a whole new set of problems. The deluge we are told occurred relatively quickly, so was the water hot or cold? Fish as we know are very susceptible to temperature and you cannot keep tropical fish in cold water and vice versa. In addition, how would these fish have fed. Living in a river for instance would mean they would have their natural foodstuff on hand, but in a vast flood where would they find the food to sustain themselves? Additionally, many freshwater creatures are bottom dwellers and in a global flood the waters would have necessarily been extremely deep. So how could bottom dwellers from rivers a few feet deep, have survived depths so deep the pressures would have destroyed them? Then there is the issue the saltwater creatures would have faced. They equally could not have lived in freshwater but would also have perished. So again, unless the flood occurred billions of years ago all the saltwater creatures intolerant to fresh water would also have perished.
To me the most plausible reason is the breeding rate of humans Vs the breeding rate of animals, plus there were at least 1000 created kinds of land animals. So the ratio even with the same breeding rate would be at best, 1000 to one for land animals. Plus, I do believe humans were smarter, so while a lot would have been wiped out fairly quickly, many would have figured out ways to keep out of the flood waters longer... Be it via boats or makeshift rafts or whatever tech they may have had back then... So the ratio of land animals to humans would be even worse.
Some animals do have a much longer gestation period compared to humans. More likely, while God started with a human pair, it is likely that there were more than a pair of each created Kind of animals. So for example, God could have started with thousands of beetles from each created beetle Kind. This would allow these creatures to rapidly fill the Earth and different ecological zones. So by the time of the Flood, it would not be surprising that the ratio of animals outnumber the number of humans.
@@joeltay3471 yea, that is true, but reptiles for example (crocs) 80 days with a clutch of around 8 (Vs human 280 days with likely 1 only)... Which may tell us why dinosaurs are more prevalent in the fossil record... Exponential growth would make the disparity in population fairly massive fairly quickly. Even if they had a longer gestation period, many animals have way more offspring per cycle. But yes, my guess is there were probably millions of animals to start with already... I can't really prove that though
The point of the flood story was that only noah believed the flood was coming and everyone else called him crazy and the flood was coming because they never repented of their sins so disturbed god ws filled with anger and he sent the flood to wipe them all out. Except for noah, he got ark blueprints from god how to make the ark so that man was building like there was no tomorrow because soon there wouldnt be for everyone but his own. because when everyone calls you crazy but god gives you the directions you get to follwing the directions and you dont doubt that man jesus for a second every nail hammered along the way because the same stuff happens to me i feel like noah so often i say everyone look at this and they all say im a koolaid drinker!!!!!!!! They all died in nkahs flood because they didnt believe the flood was coming and only noah lived the answers are all in the good book people. God said the rainbow in the sky was a a covenent with the earth that he wouldnt send a flood like that ever again but its still a story that speaks its sends the right messeges in a peculiar way. We dont see fossils becsuse the flood destroyed them all thats why the flood was sent. Noah new it was coming he had zero doubt because god told him what was going to happen and he saw the signs. He had the exact specifications for the ark saying the flood is coming and no one believed him its a messege that speaks deep into us like when i try to get people to buy deep sea freight stops oddly peculisrly enough they call me crazy isnt that quite an interesting alignment now that i think about it. Im called a koolaid drinker a bible thumper. The messege is that god came with the directions to live and only 1 listened out of them all and all the others called him crazy. When jesus showed up himself it was the same way they said he was a crazy guy yelling about how the end is near like some kinda nutcase homeless panhandler that hasnt showed in a year or something. The messege of noah is that you just keep building even when they call you crazy. The messege is you follow the directions JESUS gives us if you want to LIVE. The messege of noah is most people really be cray cray yo. Theres so much to take from it that holds true today you know this jesus man was no nutcase lunatic. Jesus is the 1 God if he calmed the storm when phillip walked in water before sinking in because of his weak faith he is also the one that saved noah because you mever throw out a man who follows gods directions with all those moronic imbiciles who never listen to any directions that are actually good for them like for example god says a flood is coming to wipe out everyone on the earth and the guy saying it hes building an ark like his life depends on it and you say "hes a conspiracy theorisy! Hes a koolaid drinker!" Perhaps the flood had good reason for coming and that messege echos through time. There is a flood coming it isnt going to be like the flood of noah but when an event comes that seperates the ones who listen to christ from the ones who dont, will you he one of the few saved or one of the many perished? Remember that one dude was the only one that made it out of sodom and gomorrah maybe there wss a sodomite on vacation somewhere but im sire for the most osrt god hit them when there was none good left. The guy asked god something along the lines of "will you spare them if there is 8 good men" and god said yes and he said 7 6 5 and god said yes and then sodom and gomorrah was wiped off even the dudes wife turned to stone because she looked back at sodom after god told her specifically not to so the messege is when god gives you directions you listeb lest you drown in a flood or turn to stone. But its in good intention its so we live god tried to save his life he told her dont look back so she wouldnt turn to stone and she did. No looking back only look ahead you dont want to see sodom go it was never supposed to have fallen so far anyway as to even be at risk of peril bit like noah taught us god brings the directions and you follow, but most wont. Thats why sodom was destroyed. Basucally all of them were no different than thd people who called noah crazy. Similar is happening in our socierty today. There will be no global flood but there is nothing new under the sun
Why dont you guys emphasize the effects of the very large impactors and the heat blasts, ejecta effects, crust break up, tsunamis, massive earth quakes, gigantic volcanoes etc that followed
Last year (September 2022) I went on a human fossil-hunting trip to the Southwestern United States. I found human fossils in all of these states (Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington). I live in Northern Idaho which is called the Gem state and has a lot of semi-precious stones. My father was a rock collector and semi-precious gem stone hunter when I was growing up so I have been around rocks and rock-hunting all my life and pretend (in my head) that I am a geologist of sorts (no formal training). So back to the human fossil-hunting trip last year. It takes a little training to be able to spot and collect human fossils and you kinda need to go with someone or watch TH-cam videos to be able to learn to discover them for yourself. On my trip I collected many hearts, other human organs, fingers, toes, etc... which are displayed on a bookcase in my living room. If you want to start looking for human fossils (all buried during the flood) realize that you aren't likely to find fully intact bodies of humans. The geological forces after the flood when the bodies were fossilized, quickly broke up these mineralized bodies. For example after humans and animals became fossilized during the flood, natural ground movements due to underground water movement, landslides, and earthquakes generally broke up the fossilized bodies. This is why only parts of fossilized animals and humans can be found. Nearly every time I go out on a fossil-hunting hike I find human fossils. I search in dry creek beds primarily because this is where you will find the greatest collection of fossilized specimens in general. Rocks are heavy and generally get washed out of hillsides and travel to areas of drainage (creek beds and rivers). When these fossilized human remains get to the creek, they look like every other gray or brown rock but once these rocks are cleaned up details emerge proving what they truly are. I have a human finger that shows a fragment of bone still remaining and peeking out of the rock where the outer skin layer was chipped away -likely during the transit out of its hillside location. I have fossilized hearts still showing dark reddish brown veins at the surface of the heart. These veins have dried blood (now partially mineralized) that can be tested for DNA. These are "fresh" fossils in the sense that the mineralization has occurred turning the body to stone, but this mineralization has not entirely destroyed evidence of the blood and vessels underneath the top layers. If you do a search on TH-cam there are many people now teaching others how to hunt for these fossils.
There was no global flood. There is not enough water on the planet for that to be possible for one thing. There have been extensive localised flooding at various times, and although there are occasions when this covered a large area, it was never global. If the Genesis account of Noah is true, and modern man came from a family of 8 people 4,500 years ago, then we have evidence of quite fantastic and very fast evolution. From this middle eastern family, we have races from Eskimos to Aboriginals, and everything in between, each with rich cultural histories. Yet more evidence for evolution from the bible.
A geologist of sorts, you got that right. Soft tissue making up organs like the heart complete with veins is a figment of your imagination, if true you would be the most famous paleontologist the world has ever seen. That means you would get to take your place above Darwin. The only problem is no serious geologist has ever found or confirmed such fossils. Fossilization does not happen during a flood, burial and decay probably but mineralization is a slower process with soft body parts normally decaying..
@@93CurrentYou may be wrong. They have recently discovered that there are oceans beneath the surface of the earth that contain more water than all the oceans on the surface. So, it my very well be that those where the "waters of the deep" mentioned in Genesis.
@@t_qwheezzyy What, you mean those idiot scientists who know nothing have discovered that ringwoodite, a hydrous rock deep below the Earth's mantle, may store large quantities of water. Of course, this rock is not wet, and does not drip water, so quite how all this water was released only to be absorbed again a few months later you don't know. Well, it seems it can't really happen like that, but then if a scientific discovery seems to support your dogma then, hey, let's go with it. Mind you if they were to discover a giant plug so all this water could drain away again like a bathtub emptying, then you may have something. The problem of the quantity of water necessary is only one problem with the concept of a global flood.
The mass of water was so great anything thay got hit was destroyed but the clams and shells were just riding in nehind the wake as it washed in snd they fell to the bottom amd the water rushed back out. Plus it was a time of fewer people by a lot and many many wildlife so no suprise most almost all of it is clams
Everything was buried together by the same set of mega sequences of sediment deposition as a result of the global flood. The continents then broke apart 100 years after the global flood. The centrifugal force caused these new continents to spread out moving north from the south pole subsequently forcing the northern extremities into the Arctic region instantly freezing the animal life and entire forests. India was shoved into Asia and it still has the glacial markings from the time that it was joined to Antarctica. The Pacific plates were compressed causing the Marianas Trench to buckle under as the mountains in the Americas were pushed up. (Fossils and sediment layers line up between continents.) Jaguars were separated from leopards, greater grisons were separated from the honey badgers, crocodiles, cammels, possums were separated and the lemurs of Madagascar were isolated as well as all the Australian animals. Then people separated into family groups and began speaking their own languages so that they began spreading out around the world. There's a lot to learn from rocks.
Centrifugal would move things towards the equator, not away from it, nor would we expect such a prolonged centrifugal force of any kind (even if this is a phenomenon) unless the spin of the earth kept increase over a whole period of time. This explanation does not work.
@@creationministriesintl 😃 Keep in mind that the northern continents are still not at the north pole after having been moved north. The spread was also east and west as they broke apart. It's quite clear that the continents moved north after the separation of the continents. Of course the question is when? There are still glacial markings in India on top of the sediment layers from the global flood. Plant and animal fossils were separated as well as the the flood sediment layers lining up after the deposition from the global flood. (No big deal, just sharing my observations.) Living animals were separated too. People were too busy trying to build a tower to reached heaven.
@@creationministriesintl Another solution solves the time light problem *and* the dark matter/dark energy problem. I will try to condense it. When you see a galaxy, you are looking at differing rates of time and differing measures of distance. No dark matter is needed because time speeds up on the outer edges of the galaxy. No need for dark energy because distance expands where there is no matter. What delays light *as we see it* is the gravity in the vicinity that slows down the *rate* of time. (It’s not that light slows down, it’s the rate of time that slows down.) So what happens where there is no gravity is that the rate of time speeds up compared to our rate of time so that starlight travels the same (or greater) distance at a faster rate of time. It’s still traveling the *same relativistic frame speed* but an entire second passes by from our perspective in a fraction of a second *where there is no gravity* to slow down time. So for most of the distance, starlight is traveling through space at a faster rate of time compared to our slower rate of time inside the galaxy. That means starlight arrives much more instantaneously because the rate of time is free from the effects of gravity for most of the way. With no mass of its own, starlight arrives instantaneously as it experiences no time of its own traveling at the speed of light. We only see things in slow motion *where time is slowed down* by gravity. This relativistic effect allows for a young earth since billions of years pass by in outer space while simultaneously only thousands of years pass where we are inside of the galaxy. Starlight arrives instantaneously through the *void* of space where there is no matter to slow down *time.*
@@JungleJargon Not really an appropriate discussion beneath a "Where are all the human fossils" video, but still interesting. I believe your model is not bulletproof, however, and most creationist cosmologists will disagree, for several reasons that cannot be explained here.
@@rwcarter3434 It has everything to do with where people are found. I presented the evidence that makes it interesting. There is no evidence to the contrary. I’m not going to repeat the evidence that I already presented. There’s no denying that the continents broke apart after the flood sediments were deposited. I don’t know what your point is.
From skeletons to teeth, early human fossils have been found of more than 6,000 individuals. With the rapid pace of new discoveries every year, this impressive sample means that even though some early human species are only represented by one or a few fossils, others are represented by thousands of fossils. The oldest known Homo sapiens fossils are from the Jebel Irhoud site in Morocco and are estimated to be around 315,000 years old
I grew up on a farm and saw how snails move up to highest points on the walls. Also saw earthworms coming out of ground onto higher pla es like our front porch. Roughly two weeks later extremely heavy rain broke out. Our farm is close to the sea. I suppose the water table was rising too high for the earthworms. What warned the snails to flee I can only guess at.
You said you didn't like the high ground theory but didn't seem to take into account that before the flood there was no rain. So when water started pouring from the sky it would have been terrifying and people would have headed for high ground. They might have also had boats and ships they could have taken refuge in. The difference is that the ark was designed to survive the flood while any ships they built wouldn't have been built for extreme bad weather since there was none. So those vessels and their occupants wouldn't have survived
@Dr-Jonathan-Sarfati-FM I suppose we are both making assumptions then. I'm assuming that because the earth was only watered by mist before Adam was created and it doesn't say anything changed that there was no rain up until the flood. You are making the assumption that there was rain after Adam was created even though there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that. At least not that I know of.
How do you know it never rained before this mythical flood? How do you know there was a single great flood? Major catastrophic floods are actually fairly common.
The idea that it never rained before the flood, is not one I completely neglect, for certain reasons, BUT, it should be noted that the only time it says that is when it's about to talk about the creation of Adam. It's right at the very begining when it's explaining that there was no one to work the land. So it certainly could have rained in that 1750 years. It's not necessarily saying it didn't.
@@stevepierce6467 there's plenty of evidence to support the biblical account of a global flood and that's the difference between common yet catastrophic floods and the great flood. The great flood was world wide. Unfortunately you are comfortable believing the lies so when the truth is presented to you you automatically dismiss it. Not very scientific. Whereas I've seen the evidence for both sides and am comfortable in concluding evolution is false and the biblical account is correct.
@@stevepierce6467 because that is what the Bible said. It didn't specify there no rain after the fall of man so I'm assuming the dew continued to water the earth as the Bible says until the flood. BTW there is much more evidence to support the biblical theory than evolution and the fairytale of millions of years. That has been disproven and only has unverifiable evidence to support it. Carbon dating is debunked.
The entire surface of the earth was changed at the Flood. A third dreadful curse rested upon it in consequence of sin. As the water began to subside, the hills and mountains were surrounded by a vast, turbid sea. Everywhere were strewn the dead bodies of men and beasts. The Lord would not permit these to remain to decompose and pollute the air, therefore He made of the earth a vast burial ground. A violent wind which was caused to blow for the purpose of drying up the waters, moved them with great force, in some instances even carrying away the tops of the mountains and heaping up trees, rocks, and earth above the bodies of the dead. By the same means the silver and gold, the choice wood and precious stones, which had enriched and adorned the world before the Flood, and which the inhabitants had idolized, were concealed from the sight and search of men, the violent action of the waters piling earth and rocks upon these treasures, and in some cases even forming mountains above them. God saw that the more He enriched and prospered sinful men, the more they would corrupt their ways before Him. The treasures that should have led them to glorify the bountiful Giver had been worshiped, while God had been dishonored and despised.
@@BrookDesHarnais there was no flood. There were certainly small localized floods at the end of the ice age when the glaciers melted, but a flood covering the whole planet would have left evidence. There is none. The Sumerian story of Gilgamesh predated the story of Noah by at least 3,000 years. Noah obviously was borrowed from the flood story in Gilgamesh. Around 7,000 years ago, there was a flood n coastal areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. That’s probably what inspired these stories. Anyone who takes them literally needs to have their head examined. How would Noah have had polar bears and tigers on the same boat? How could he feed them. How could he provide them with totally different environments? What did he do with all that faeces? There is no way one could fit two of every animal on a ship of 40 cubits. A little common sense please. It’s an allegory.
@@BrookDesHarnais -yes , however yu must take th Nephilim into account (th giant geneticly mutated hybrid creatures) - th main reason God sent th Flood
@@Tom-gv2eo Do you want to cling to the hollywood version of the Bible, or do you want the Bible's interpretation of what the giants (nephilim) really are? Please choose carefully; what if this is your last chance to learn what is truth as the expense of self-magnification?
human bones were found in the Ashley phosphate beds with dinosaurs. FS Holmes wrote about it in his book John Watson wrote a book called dinosaurs man and mammals also about the findings of the Ashley phosphate beds.
I would have thought the reason for all the marine fossils were because they were the LAST to die, and only after the waters receded from the land. Doesn't that make the most sense? Why would all the marine creatures have died at all? They were in their ideal environment. They weren't on the ark because they didn't need saving. They were all that would have survived the flood. The flooding waters pushed these marine creatures to places that were and now are land, which is another reason why we find so many marine fossils inland. Once the waters receded, the marine animals pushed there then would have perished.
"it's like listening to a 2nd grader deliver a science lecture " This video is old compared to the newest science that is showing evidence that The Bible is historic and abio. and evo. are not correct. Some of the newest data can be found online if you are truly seeking to find the truth. Just remember, Jesus died on the cross for our sins and stands at the door of our hearts, knocking waiting for us to answer.
Then show us any skeletons or remains of the apostles. It's surprising that despite living just 2000 years ago in a known place like Israel, there are no such remains. It's interesting to think about how we have thousands of fossils from millions of years ago scattered in random places, but none from the apostles who lived relatively recently.
Here in Australia several human remains complete skeletons found 15 to 20 ft below the soil, mostly found by farmers digging irrigation channels or dams. None of them are aboriginals remain. The skeletons are always whisked away and nothing more is heard about it.
Purely from a literal Biblical perspective, Sumerians would be Shinarians, which in the four hundred years or so post Flood before Abraham, are unlikely to have changed their antediluvian phenotype, thus Sumerians, of whom we have many illustrations, and bones, are almost certainly the same people who lived before the Flood. I think the changes wrought upon other creatures before and after the Flood by adaption can be extreme, but, apart from Neanderthals, humans largely avoided major changes of appearance, and not even any significant hybridization. It's possible that some of the animals living today also are little changed, depending I guess on whether the circumstances they found themselves in required it.
My Dad has what he swears looks like "a giant human molar". And was never able to identify it. He's a creationist, he knows his Bible, but he looked at me like I had two heads when I mentioned giants. Some topics are just very, very hard for folks to breach in their mind. You will cross over to full-on conspiracy nut if you believe in this stuff. So I just told him, never send it to the Smithsonian 🤣
@@Ayverie4 that's a fact! The Smithsonian is a demonic construct. It's purpose is to cast doubt on the Bible by removing all evidence and propogating alternatives like the blatant, obvious insanity called "evolution". We are absolutely surrounded by evidence of God and creation. 💜🙏💜
Good thing you changed the subject when you were talking about dead bloated whales with parts falling off, I was getting hungry. But seriously folks, I learned some useful material and this video would be useful in the 12 February Question Day toolkit.
There would be a need for proper documentation of the human fossil and its location in situ. That is, it cannot be claimed to have been found and then thrown away (as the popular story goes in this instance) and accept skeptics to just accept it. Then we will also have to demonstrate that the fossil is not from a reworked sediment or an intrusive burial. More importantly, the fossils in these locations do seem to consist of mostly post-Flood fossils, especially with the huge amount of mammal bones in the area. Thus, the onus would then be on the one who claims to have found a human bone to document that this is a pre-Flood and not post-Flood find. If this is more consistent with a post-Flood deposit, then the unusual discovery is not the alleged human fossil, but the discovery of a dinosaur fossil in the area. This too would have to be documented in situ. Furthermore, even if a dinosaur fossil is found, this would only demonstrate a post-Flood dinosaur rather than a pre-Flood human-unless it can be shown that this layer is only consistent with a pre-Flood deposit.
@@joeltay3471 thank you for the reply. So you don't consider Professor Holmes (Prof of Natural History) written testimony in a book as credible evidence? We all expect primary sources, you can't get a more PRIMARY SOURCE than the person finding and writing about it. I believe there were several newspaper articles about it at the time also. What would Prof Holmes motivation be for writing such a wild concocted story? But I respect your position on this.
@@georgebond7777 Regardless of who is making a claim, it has to be properly documented for the purposes of peer review and checks and balances. As creationists, we are held to a higher standard. That is, There is a need for continual peer-review and verification of scientific claims, including the role of peer-reviewed research and publication. Part of this process requires proper documentation. In addition to our carefully checked family magazine Creation, our refereed Journal of Creation has become, a major forum for creationists to be able to formally present/debate various positions. Creationists are encouraged to present articles/papers for peer review and possible publication so that theories, evidence, etc. can be tested by mainstream creationist experts in their field. If Professor Holmes is able to substantiate these claims through the peer-reviewed process and defend his thesis with proper documentation, we welcome his submission through these channels. Note that we are not saying his claims are false, but that for an argument to be useful (rather than just 'my word against yours'), it must first be shown to be sound. It may be worth pointing out the obvious: If these arguments don’t convince fellow creationists, why would any creationist think they are going to convince evolutionists?
Correction. In the state of Texas in the early 90s there was a skeleton of a normal man 30 ft away from a skeleton of a dinosaur. Started off they called this discovery the Mennonite man. The reason why is the man had a tool with him that was made out of iron and a different metal. The only thing is with the way the atmosphere is right now today the two metals would be impossible to forge together. But before the flood there was a canopy and filtered everything that's the reason for the two metals binding. This archaeological Discovery is one of the reasons why Kansas withdrew evolutionary theory from the curriculum in their public school system.
The love of God
Mennonite Man or Malachite Man (from Utah, 1971). I cannot see how "impossible" it would be create any metal alloy today vs in antediluvian times, putting aside the fact that CMI has paned the canopy theory, to the point we placed it on our list of Arguments we Think a Creationist Should not Use page.
@@rwcarter3434 I first saw it surfing to the channels. Kenneth Copeland was talking about it. That's where I heard it was the Mennonite man. Yes it was in Texas. Didn't know about Utah.
Anyway I tried looking it up over the years past couple of decades and I can't find anything about a Mennonite man. I know that it's real because I watch the documentation that Kenneth Copeland did on it and he's had the archaeologist that did the excavation right there with him he was interviewing him.
Well the canopy does explain how man lived 900 years. We see what happens to people when they go to the beach and stay out in the sun too long. Apparently the sun didn't do that kind of damage before the flood.
@@rymillerjr50 Please see
Wow. Thanks for sharing Ray
I'm sure there is several reasons why we don't find humans in the foscil record but I think the main reason is because any such finds get quickly dissapeared into the Smithsonian's vaults or destroyed and their existence covered up.
Same with the giant bones. I’m not one to operate as though everything we are told is true or accurate and that other things are not being hidden.
@@J.B.1982 yea unfortunately it's impossible to tell sometimes what is true and what is disinformation these days. There's lies on top of lies on top of lies with other lies that look like lies to make you think the lies you believe are in fact true. Satan has done an excellent job of mudding the waters. Thankfully none of that really matters because the gospel is still the same, Yeshua reigns and we will emerge victorious in the end.
Just like when they found a dinosaur bone in the wrong layer and threw it into a river.
Is The Smithsonian responsible for removing and hiding 'human fossils' from every site around the world? If so, has it been only them doing this in the hundreds of years that people world-wide have known of fossils?
What is the supposed benefit for such an elaborate conspiracy to hide fossils from everyone?
If 'science' are making things up to deny some Biblical story, why wouldn't they make it easy on themselves... They would leave all the evidence of human fossils in place, and just use 'unreliable' 'make it say what numbers they want it to say, radiometric dating' on the fossils, they could then claim the dating shows the bones to be tens, or hundreds of thousands of years old.
They could also then pretend that they have extra evidence against YEC in the ancient human fossils.
This would make much more sense, no?
There is a simple explanation for the number of found human fossis but none of you will accept it as you'd much rather live in your echo chamber of science denial and avoid the difficult truth. Science informs us that a rapid expansion of space, energy and matter occurred some 13-14 billion years old resulting in the formation of the universe, that earth formed some 4.5 billion years ago as an accretion from the solar nebula of the sun, and that the biodiversity of life on this planet is a result of evolutionary processes. Seek the truth (a product of the scientific method) and it shall set you free (from the ignorance and indoctrination of faith based beliefs.)
While listening to you guys I was reminded of a statement from a book from ICR that I'm reading at this time. The point was no remains or fossils were found when the Titanic was found. The author said not a single bone was found
Yes. As we point out in some of our other talks, bones dissolve in sea water over time, so given a few decades after the Titanic, no human remains were found. Of course, there is also the issue of marine worms and other organisms that would have fed on the remains. It is hard to get a fossils in conditions today, but this would have been different in during the Noahic Flood where rapid burial would have been the norm.
@Jonathan Sarfati very interesting stuff!
At that depth , not likely and who could look ?
@@creationministriesintl And the Flood water would not have been salty ?
@@creationministriesintlseek the Lord's face for a new heart
One thing scientists seem to miss in this conversation is the fact that things desintegrate under gargantuan amounts of water pressure. Just imagine these people and animals under water and sedimentary pressure. Also, the biofuels explain the amount of carbon and biomaterial buried underground, not fossilized, but turned into black carbon tar.
Good point. And how did all those plants (forests and more) suddenly get buried such that they did not decay - a massive, global flood. We have that to thank God for our current coal reserves.
If the flood was in the area where Noah lived ,there should be some evidence of God's word and deed. To destroy the world. WOW !
@Steve_-ob2ne problem is coal takes a long time to form. Even if you matched Noah's flood to the younger dryas theory , 11000 or what ever, it's still not enough time. But the idea of a massive coal layer linked to a global flood makes total sense. There would be a ton on material dumped.
@@Steve_-ob2ne Yes Steve, God knows the end from the beginning.
Our God reigns!
@@annuitcptis3032 A massive worldwide flood would have left geological evidence as did the ice age glaciers. No such evidence exists. So did God just make it all vanish? Presto chango.
I loved this conversation. It really helped a lot for me and gave me some really good points that I can use when talking about these issues. Thank you!
If I was a human living in the dinosaur times I think I would definitely try to avoid living in an area where a T-Rex and raptors roamed.
Why, they ate plants until after the flood did they not, doesn't mean they might not be a grumpy creature though.
They were carnivores, after the fall , humans ate meat too
@@BronxCat Its said in the Bible that nothing ate meat until after the flood which God could have commanded all animals to eat plants since he created everything
Imagine the amounts of oxygen needed to support those huge creatures and insects... how different were humans back then too. That had up to 1,000 years to develop themselves. Those humans would not get tired because there was so much oxygen. Everything about them would have been better.
@captainobvious2435 there's been multiple footprints. Ancient pictographs of humans and dinosaurs together. Even some ancient depictions of people riding on dinosaurs.
One explanation I thought of during the video was that maybe the bodies ended up in areas that are now deep in the ocean. Good video
Proof with the Titanic that Professor Bob Ballard said no skeletons were found at all. Only shoes still perfectly rest right up. Bob found the Titanic.
Exactly. Science is never going to explain God's choices. Mankind became so sinful that He destroyed them. Yes, the fossils could be at the bottom of the ocean, or even deep within the Earth in those places from which the geysers exploded. People get too caught up in science and proof, forgeting that we are supposed to have faith in God and His word first. I don't need fossils to show me that the flood was real.
This channel is doing what is not very true to God, most likely to try and appeal to the secular world of unbelievers. Stop compromising faith just to cozy up to those who do not have faith. Belief in God comes deep from within our souls, and no one can take that from us. Now, these guys need to go talk about nonsense like neanderthals and humans mating on some secular channel and stop pretending like this is something God would approve of them saying to His children. They are being false teachers.
@mhankehanke I believe oil and coal are the remains of the Flood. I've SEEN wood in a vacuum (no air , buried underground) shot with a laser (high heat underground) almost instantly turn to
1. Gas
2. Coal
3. Oil
It broke down to its constituent parts as soon as the high temp laser hit it. With no air, it didn't "burn", just broke down into oil, gas, and coal.
I've also seen where they make fossils in a few days. Fossils that are scientifically identical to "real" fossils. It involves a high tech press.
Anyway, we heat our homes with the wicked. And other matter from the flood.
I really appreciate Joel Tay for always reminding Dr. Carter to explain a lot of the words and scientific talk..I know when you are used to talking about these things with colleagues you can easily forget how to relate with the average layman on these subjects so it was such a big help to get the clarity..thanks guys!!
Nah guy in glasses come off as arrogant.
@@Gilvidslol..that is a possibility..we all have our shortcomings
I have a friend that is completely clueless about computers/internet/smartphones. He's clueless about conspiracy theories, he's never Googled something in his life. I'm 100% confident.
Now, this man says that very large skeletons were unearthed in the town of San nicolas de ibarra, jalisco. That's in Mexico. The lake of chapala receded a while back, and the waves on the new shore were washing away sand and revealed the skeletons. He says people came to look at them but the bones were not retrieved. Apparently they fell apart like sand when touched. He remembers very large skulls, much bigger than a humans. He also mentioned the femur and how big it was. My friend has no idea that giants used to exsist. So he has no preconceived notion of these things. That's why I believe what he says.
- - Th remains of th Nephilim (which th Smithsonian Inst doesn't want people to see, B cos this contradicts Darwin ism & shows th Bible is right.
Smithsonian and the papacy, making history disappear since established...
There are stories of giants all over the world but unlike the Harry potter fiction that everyone thinks of when giants are mentioned they were not 25ft tall but around the 9-12ft tall. Considering humans can grow to be 7 ft tall in some rare cases I believe it is proof that the flood didn't wipe out all of them. You read the bible in exodus and they are mentioned as living in the land of Canaan when the Israelites came there from Egypt. The world over you get stories of people surviving a massive flood. Those areas also have stories of giants. We can only guess at when , what, where and how because all other records have been destroyed over the centuries but the fact these skeletons have been found proves they existed at some point.
I believe it!
@@Tom-gv2eoThe Nephilim were large robust humans that were here way before the Watchers fell to earth!
When they discovered the Titanic they were puzzled to find no humans skeletons. Bones don't preserve under certain conditions.
don't try to use deductive reasoning and the scientific method on me...the easter bunny and santa clause are real dam you
@@cbriangilbert1978 COO COO FOR CHOCO PUFFS.
@@richardwood5262 there's also a worm that eats bones.
They found their shoes though didn't they😂
Yet we have dinosaur bones...
I'm pausing right off the bat to say this. People are small, people can swim, people can float on a limb. Have you ever seen an elephant climb a tree during a flood? It's likely that humans were the last to die during the flood, and did so in a watery grave. Then 3 days later the bodies came bobbing back up to the surface as fish food. Fast moving water with lots of debri with tear a person apart, but a very large animal. You get my point.
But he said the fish were first to die- therefore no "fishfood"
There was a huge shark called the Megladon, they don't exist today. I believe that God created them to clean up the human race during the flood, and it didn't take them long to remove those that didn't want God in their lives...! Here's you a little hint about God's judgment! (Psalms 50:22)
@@DottieWade Im a believer in Jesus. The megalodon thing is wild haha 🤣 totally plausible, along with many other sea critters. Fascinating to study what we can about he pre-flood era
@@motoross9237 I agree that the megalodon is a little over the top, but their are none today and thank God there aren't any today..! Remember that God prepared a fish to swallow Jonah..! (Jonah 1:17)
@@DottieWade The Megalodon was likely outclassed and outmatched by the ancestor of the Great White.
A much smaller shark in comparison, which was able to spend a lot less energy on chasing prey.
The Megalodon was much, much larger; Therefore it burned up more energy to move.
I'm not sure how the Megalodon went extinct *exactly* , but what I know *is* agreed upon, as far as I currently know.
In Glen Rose Texas you can see a human footprint fossilized in stone right next to a dinosaur footprint!
well i felt depressed but reading this nonsense perked me up
@@simonroe-ko8yxVery witty. But is it nonsense? Did you look into it?
@@geoculus5606 thank you for your comment. but it is nonsense that has been debunked. creationism is wacky. if evolution were shown to be false the person would win the nobel prize. im off to read harry potter opps i forgot im watching science fiction already. king regards and peace to you creationists
True! I have been there and saw this for myself.
It is not true.
There are footprints that look vaguely human. And there are fake casts that were sold.
Chat GPT - Human fossils are relatively scarce because fossilization is a rare process. Conditions for fossilization, such as rapid burial and the right environmental factors, are not often met. Additionally, erosion and geological processes can destroy or bury fossils deeper over time, making them harder to find.
To quote Tony stark “SHIT”
You must consider, that after the rains stopped, the flood waters continued to prevail on the earth before they covered the highest mountains. The flood was not a weather event. The source of the water was from the Fountains of the Great Deep. The populations of humans (which could have been even greater than we have today) would have naturally gone to the highest hills and mountains to try to escape the rising waters. Many of these people didn't die immediately and were probably alive weeks and maybe even months while the waters were prevailing. They didn't believe this judgement was coming, yet they watched it unfold before their eyes and began to realize they could not save themselves. Slowly but surely they were being squeezed off these high hills and mountains long after the rain had stopped. They would have soon drowned and their bodies would have floated. We erroneously think that the flood waters were deep blue and fresh but in fact they were full of sediments and vegetation, were brown and very muddy so many of these dead bodies that did not get buried initially would be floating in this muck. Anything not buried at this point would be pulverized and ground to nothing by the grit and debris in the slurry. When the waters began to subside they began to roll off the continents causing erosion and even more debris to mix and all be carried into the newly formed ocean basins. Remember, God wanted to wipe man from the face of the earth. It may be possible but unlikely that we find any human fossils.
@@LegalVideoMan The story of Noah and the flood is not history. It originated from the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, which was written down 3,000 years earlier and spread all through Mesopotamia. There was no worldwide flood, it would have left massive geographical evidence, just as the great ice age did. No such evidence exists. At the end of the ice age, the glaciers melted and the sea level rose, flooding coastal areas. With the death of the great herds due to the hostile environment, ice age people began to congregate around coastal areas depending on fish and sea mammals. As the sea levels rose, these areas were flooded and people had to leave. It was not a sudden process. We have hominid fossils dating back 7 million years, long before the evolution of anatomically modern humans.
@@nbenefiel The whole of the Grand Canyon IS one of the massive geographical evidences of the flood, and the ensuing Ice Age was caused by the effect of the Flood, volcanic activity etc. The fact that there is a great flood story in most cultures worldwide indicates an original truth. As people spread out post Flood and post Tower of Babel (which accounts for the origin of so many languages), they took the story of the Flood with them, and all sorts of pagan mythologies arose over the centuries including the Sumerian epic. Interestingly, Noah and his sons, who took preflood knowledge and expertise into the post flood world and then lived on around 500 years, were deified in many cultures - see Gavin Cox of Creation Ministries well received academic papers re 'Horus, a deified Ham". With that knowledge the post flood folk were able to build such cities as Gobekli Tepe and the other amazing structures (now often attributed to aliens!). With the melting of the Ice Age, sea levels rose about 120m and land bridges were cut off and some of these ancient post flood structures and cities were covered with water. Neanderthal man were simply human Flood survivors forced to live in primitive conditions post Flood and Babel, but there are about 30 features of their lives that show they were human, not monkeys, and were clever. Much of this stuff was considered basic history until round the 1700s when thinking turned away from the bible and became more Greek Renaissance, then we had Darwin ff. Leaving aside the erroneous dating, the lay historian (not presenting history as a Christian, though he may be) Paul Cooper's interesting Fall of Ancient Civilisations, Episode 8 Mesopotamia corroborates some of all this.
Ground to nothing? Care to give a demonstration? Start with a turkey. Post the video here. Never been in a kitchen have you?
What about human tools? Did the flood waters dissolve steel, bronze & flint too? Why not add them to your turkey video?
@@nbenefielAs Sumeria was bounded by the Tigris & Euphrates rivers - it is believable that all SUMERIA was flooded.
Indeed the end of the ice age 7,000 years ago probably resulted in massive flooding across river basins, from glacial meltwater.
@@dianafortune4486 What? The Grand Canyon is the result of the Colorado River wearing down sedimentary rock over about six million years. Did you never take a Geology class?
Note that most humans live within 60 miles of large bodies of water, largely because of the abundance of food. Before the flood, the edges of the continental shelves were likely the shore lines... and these are now over 100 meters below the current sea levels. They have found over 30 miles off of the coast of India, what appears to be submerged cities (small by our standards), and have pulled up tools. Likewise in submerged Doggerland in the North Sea.
@@shdwbnndbyyt low lying land has long flooded. Look at the history of the Netherlands and the other Low Countries. We know that as the glaciers melted, the ocean depths rose, but a slow rising of water is a far cry from a relatively short massive rainstorm flooding the entire planet. Do these people also believe that the sun revolves around the Earth which is covered by a firmament? How did Hubble get out?
My idea was during the flood, I'm sure many people treaded water and tried to hold onto floating debris as long as they could. After they passed away their body would have floated for 3 to 4 days. This alone would have kept most people out of the fossil record. Those people eventually became food for fish, birds, and insects. There parts would have been scattered all over the ocean floor.
But animals would have done the same
My guess would be that the water would not be calm enough to tread. It sounds to me more like major upheavals of subterranean waters and significant continental shifts.
@@jimalexander687 That would mostly affect those in the low areas, but once the water was a couple hundred feet high The water's above would be calmer. I'm sure the arc was built on higher ground for Noah's family and the animals sakes. The water would rise smooth and steady. Of course this is just my idea. 😁
@@jimalexander687 But we're trying to discuss this scientifically, so why would you inject a guess, based on zero evidence? Careful...that's how superstitions and religions get started: someone confidently making up an answer with zero evidence because it seems like a good explanation.
@@brianw.4585 - _"The water's above would be calmer....The water would rise smooth and steady."_
*You are exactly right. It's odd how people have such a warped view of how things might have been. Many don't believe that the ark could have withstood 1000 foot waves traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. The truth? The ark only needed to float. That's all. Also, there is something paradigm-shattering about those calm waters and the sedimentary layers... if you're interested.*
The oceans contain more land than the surface it is likely that if we were ever able to explore and excavate the geology under the water we may find all sorts of exciting evidence.
Wishful thinking
@@mattpringleton7797 No, it's a good idea based on math. More than 70% of Earth's surface is under water, which means lots of undiscovered burials.
@@jamese9283 apparently one factor is enough to convince you, but you’re a creationist, so it’s understandable.
Apparently “being buried” means skeletal remains don’t decompose? Even though a skeleton lasts max six to eight months in seawater before fully decomposing.
But hey! In the name of creationism, it’s possible because you want it to be!
@@mattpringleton7797 You have no idea what I believe. Your arguments have nothing to do with the intent of my comment. Whether you believe in evolution or creation, the oceans cover most of the earth and hide vast geologic layers that surely have many interesting fossils or other buried remnants of the past.
@@jamese9283 and if the earth is as young as these people claim it is, that isn’t the case at all.
I generally agree that many people likely didn't flee to higher ground. But they DID have constant warnings about the Flood from Noah and didn't listen. Once the flood started, a lot of people might have realized he was right. It may or may not have been too late for some people to head to higher ground, especially for those who lived in the hills and could see what was happening in the valleys. But animals are often THE FIRST to sense disasters and would probably flee to higher ground faster than people.
#1 you assume that the entire world could have heard a warning from one guy (Noah), #2 the flood was big enough so that all the ground was covered (actually not a realistic possibility, but it is in the story) so fleeing wouldn't help.#3 the Babylonians had a flood story 2000 years earlier.#4 there isn't evidence for a worldwide flood ever happening.
There was no Noah. There was no massive world wide flood covering the entire planet. Such an event would have left evidence all over the planet. No such evidence exists. The flood is a MYTH. If only two people survived a cataclysm, the human race would have gone extinct. Two people could not produce enough genetically varied offspring to survive. Brothers and sisters would have to marry, same with first cousins in the second generation. There is a reason we do not marry our close relations. Look at the Hapsburgs.
Remember, it was not normal rain like we see today. Water was exploding from the earths deep repositories, plate technonics were moving the surface of the earth around, nobody would mistake the begining of the flood for normal weather, especially since there had never even been rain before like there is today. I could imagine the people knew very quickly that the flood was happening and that very quickly, they were distroyed.
The Bible doesn't say that Noah warned people, in fact it stated that it happened very suddenly to all of them except Noah and his family.
@@barrettabney correct me if im wrong, it is written in Genesis that everything that had breath outside the ark perished.
Most likely, pre-flood man behaved similar to post-flood man and congregated in communities. Thus, if there are fossils of pre-flood humans to be found...they are all in one general location. That definitely makes it more difficult to find, akin to the proverbial needle in a haystack.
Have you ever read any other book but the bible? We already know that early man was a nomadic hunter/gatherer who didn't congregate in towns. Small settlements did not begin until the beginnings of agriculture about 11,000+ years ago.
@@gabemorris6692 humanity had been butchered by the nephilim and driven into hiding, because murder was so rampant that Noah and the total of 8 were the only us corrupted bloodline before the flood. All other dna was tainted by the mixing of fallen Angel and human. That’s what a nephilim is. And it would have been over for humans ever being peaceful together, had God not mercifully provided the flood to wipe out the monsters 👹
For many PreFlood years, the center of everything was within sight of the Garden of Eden. except for the line of Cain which had been banished.
The Garden, today, is at the bottom of the Ocean, some say, close to or in, the Philippines.
@@stevepierce6467 the human evidence you refer to is all post flood human activity less than 4,400 years old. Don’t fall for the propaganda.
Really great questions and even better answers! Great job guys.
It's also possible that many of these people fled to boats and were able to stay alive for some time until the boats were destroyed, and then floated on driftwood until they died from exposure late in the flood stages. If their houses were made from wood that would also give them material to hold onto. And since animals aren't usually intelligent enough to grab on to a floating object, they would die first.
Of course it doesn't account for all people but it may account for a significant portion.
@@dmcfarland9760 we do find other animals next to dinosaur fossils. That was one of the points in the video. It's just not human fossils next to dinosaurs, which again has many explanations.
@@dmcfarland9760 it depends on how you define modern. It's really a catch 22 situation. If you say a fossil must be old because it was found next to a dinosaur, obviously that means you are biased. In the video they explain how many animal fossils have been found which were classified as "ancient" and yet were found alive today with hardly any changes. And then evolutionists simply explain away that fact by saying they just haven't changed in millions of years, and then use carbon dating to show it is the same age as the dinosaur it was found next to. But that just brings you back to the same assumption you already had. It's a ridiculous circular argument that can have any number of exceptions and explanations fit into it willy nilly.
Look up ancient drawings and cave paintings of dinosaurs and tell me they didn't exist at the same time. Pretty sure ancient humans didn't just sit around dreaming up the same looking "mythical" creatures by happenstance.
@@PortmanRd Judging by your profile picture, I don't think any number of facts will convince you no matter how solid they are. If you care about the truth above just tearing down Christians, you may want to put away all of your bias and go research it yourself for real. If you care about tearing down Christians over the truth, you are only hurting yourself.
And I'm sorry for whatever Christian made you feel this way about Christianity. I hope you realize that Christians are messed up human beings like everyone else, and Christ is the only one worth looking to for the perfect example of Christianity.
@@colbylippincott7173 You do know that many mammals lived at the same time as dinosaurs? These other animals were our own ancestors. But humans did not appear until barely 1/2 million years ago.
A lot probably got vaporized you know it happens all the time a tsunami hits and a bunch of people are never seen again
I want the various Creation ministries to tackle Gobekli Tepe and the other sites in same region that resemble it.
I would encourage you to visit Creation Ministries International's website at A quick search there for Gobelki Tepe will provide a bunch of articles.
Here's one
they'll spout the normal YEC bollocks that carbon dating is wrong
@@MatthewPeeters-l7i Pillar18 in Gobekli Tepe proves the prophecy of Genesis 6:3 to be true. This site venerates all things to do with the Flood, in fact the Flood is the bedrock of pagan worship.
Here is an issue which I never remember seeing from creation websites. Erosion! That is erosion in relation to the dates they are giving us, in evolution, for fossils.
We are being told that dinosaur bones, for example, are tens of millions of years old. They can be easily found all over the planet, sometimes close to the surface, sometimes sticking out of the surface.
It is absurd to think that they would last for tens of millions of years and be easily found by us. Even a
mountain isn’t going to last for as much as 1 million years!
To me the whole evolutionairy time scale is blown away by simple common sense and common knowledge about erosion.
Ones we would find on the surface have been petrified.
The Rocky Mountains are 55 to 80 million years old. The Appalachians are about 500 million years old. Not surprisingly, the Appalachians are more eroded than the Rockies.
Where did you learn that a mountain cannot last a million years? The Rocky Mountains formed between 55 and 80 million years ago, and last I looked, they were doing quite well. The much older Appalachians have been around for well over a billion years! Yes, erosion happens, but it acts much more slowly on granite than it does on shale. Read some books, learn something!
Take Geology 101.
@@nbenefiel I did take geology 101 undergrad. They never said a thing about fossils and I don’t remember them saying anything about erosion either.
Friend, no doubt you believe in evolution. Do you realize it is not based on science? For example, we are told that inorganic matter produced life.
What does the data, real science show? There is in organic matter. all over the place none of it ever comes to life. Not in any ponds, not anywhere.
You probably think Charles Darwin was a scientist. No. He was a theology graduate. He never said anything based on science.
He believed that a human in utero had a beak and later is snout. He never even talked about the origin of any species in his book.
He is the one who proposed the totally fictional and anti science primal pond. He supported the idea of vestigial structures based on no science and no research.
We now know that those structures all have a very important function. For example, the so-called the vestigial appendix is very useful to the immunological system.
The only time he used the scientific method was in breeding pigeons. he thought he could show evolution. Of course, he only got more pigeons.
A real scientist would’ve done his research and would’ve easily found out that pigeons had been bred for thousands of years and they always stayed pigeons.
Then there is that other hero in evolution. Richard Dawkins. he says that everything came from nothing. Do you believe that? Is there any evidence for that?
He says you came from bacteria. The data is overflowing. Bacteria have been observed since 1670 and fossilized examples have been found from ancient times. No matter how much they change, they stay bacteria in their bacterial domain. They ain’t turning into you.
You need to seriously look outside the box and find out who you really are. I will be praying for you. But I know from my own experience that you don’t get over the delusions of evolution in a day usually. so for now, you are on mute. Blessings and bye.
PLease explain The Leviathan specifically is mentioned six times in the Tanakh, in Job 3:8, Job 40:25-41:26, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26 and twice in Isaiah 27:1. Job 41:1-34 is dedicated to describing him in detail: "Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?"
-----Job 4:1-34 1 “Can you draw out Leviathan2 with a fishhook
or press down his tongue with a cord?
2 Can you put a rope in his nose
or pierce his jaw with a hook?
3 Will he make many pleas to you?
Will he speak to you soft words?
4 Will he make a covenant with you
to take him for your servant forever?
5 Will you play with him as with a bird,
or will you put him on a leash for your girls?
6 Will traders bargain over him?
Will they divide him up among the merchants?
7 Can you fill his skin with harpoons
or his head with fishing spears?
8 Lay your hands on him;
remember the battle-you will not do it again!
9 3 Behold, the hope of a man is false;
he is laid low even at the sight of him.
10 No one is so fierce that he dares to stir him up.
Who then is he who can stand before me?
11 Who has first given to me, that I should repay him?
Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.
12 “I will not keep silence concerning his limbs,
or his mighty strength, or his goodly frame.
( A CROC?)
13 Who can strip off his outer garment?
Who would come near him with a bridle?
14 Who can open the doors of his face?
Around his teeth is terror.
15 His back is made of 4 rows of shields,
shut up closely as with a seal.
16 One is so near to another
that no air can come between them.
17 They are joined one to another;
they clasp each other and cannot be separated.
18 His sneezings flash forth light,
and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.
19 Out of his mouth go flaming torches;
sparks of fire leap forth.
20 Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke,
(from a crocodile?) as from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
21 His breath kindles coals,
and a flame comes forth from his mouth.
22 In his neck abides strength,
(From a croc?)
and terror dances before him.
23 The folds of his flesh stick together,
firmly cast on him and immovable.
24 His heart is hard as a stone,
hard as the lower millstone.
25 When he raises himself up, the mighty 5 are afraid;
(Afraid of a croc?)
at the crashing they are beside themselves.
26 Though the sword reaches him, it does not avail,
nor the spear, the dart, or the javelin.
(So, a spear, javelin will not kill it?)
27 He counts iron as straw,
and bronze as rotten wood.
( A CROC?)
28 The arrow cannot make him flee;
for him, sling stones are turned to stubble.
29 Clubs are counted as stubble;
he laughs at the rattle of javelins.
30 His underparts are like sharp potsherds;
(A Croc?)
he spreads himself like a threshing sledge on the mire.
31 He makes the deep boil like a pot;
(A Croc?)
he makes the sea like a pot of ointment.
(Croc does not live in the sea)
32 Behind him he leaves a shining wake;
one would think the deep to be white-haired.
33 On earth there is not his like,
a creature without fear.
34 He sees everything that is high;
(How can a croc see everything that is high?)
he is king over all the sons of pride.”
And: Job 40:15---15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. 16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! 17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
T---ell me, when has anyone described the tail of a hippo "v7 Its tail sways like a cedar"????
-I have never seen a hippo with a tail like a cedar!!!
btw--a hippo does not eat grass--it eats water plants..
----FACTS--there have been spear tips found in the bones of mammoths. --
@@mitchellosmer1293 its a picture of Satan.
I think I saw somewhere that a dead fall whale is completely consumed in 5 to 6 years, including the bones. The creatures of the sea continue to utilize the dead whale even for minerals until there is nothing left, which might explain why we never find fossilized humans anywhere, from any time. If I'm not mistaken, this dynamic also exists on land, on the serageti today.
IMO the majority of humans were primarily caught in the flood waters and not the massive shifting earth material as gigantic springs erupted and dislodged massive amounts of sediment that buried everything else. In essence, they were a bunch of flailing human corks until they drowned. By then, they just drifted to the bottom or bloated and floated until they decomposed.
exactly - just as happened to the 250,000 of the 2004 tsunami.
There was no flood that covered the world. It would have left geological evidence all over the planet.
@4:16 giants..we don't go there" (?). Genesis 6:4. There were giants in the earth in those days. (Before the flood). So from where do you get your marching orders? Are you like the evolutionists who offer selective results? I understand there are wild goose chases, but you can request photos first.
Exactly! I’ve seen many photos of giant skeletons unearthed all over the world, many of which were found here in the USA. The Smithsonian became the repository for the many giant skeletons. I’ve also seen old news clippings of many giant skeleton discoveries. Because the Smithsonian exclusively supports the theory of evolution, they loaded them onto barges and dumped them into the ocean to get rid of the Biblical evidence.
It should be his job to "go there".
Evolution would require billions upon billions of dead humanoid skeletons. Where are they? That's the question. We can't find even one.
That's a great point!
Lol, do you even know what the condition to fossils to form, is the Africa savana filled with bones from all the animals living there, millions of wilderbeast born and die every year
Great question from someone who didn't bother watching the video and listening to the answer. And why billions upon billions? We've only reached billions in recent history buddy.
Also, not only are there not any fossils of man in the millions of years since the age of the dinasours, but nor are there any mammalian fossils that led to the entire animal kingdom that humans evolved from. That is why the you can piece together evolution as you watch fossils appear at certain time frames in the fossil layers...
the biblical sequence of creation 1. day 5 sea creatures 2. flying creatures (not birds) 3. day 6 Land animals 4. humans. this matches the scientific sequence in the fossil record.
I live in ga. and I remember all the rain and flooding we had. Then helping give cleaning supplies, water and other goods that people needed.
Much appreciate the open- mindedness and refreshing "casual" / non dogmatic approach. That earmarks true truth-seeking.
Arguably, we have found Diluvian human fossils or trace fossils (eg. the Paluxy River tracks, the Malachite/Moab Man skeletons etc.) despite the controversies and inadequate alternate explanations surrounding them, which would happen every time such finds are made (at least in the current secular climate).
I think all such evidence is weaker than "arguably". Nobody at CMI holds to these examples.
@@rwcarter3434 With all due respect, that isn't exactly a good or honest counterargument. My conviction isn't swayed by the consensus of any organization (and I'm ashamed of the very poor research and evaluation of these topics by CMI, AIG, and others), but the quality of the evidence itself. The evidence is sufficiently strong to convince the intellectually honest mind, not the deliberately blind and deceptive secularist (eg. Glen Kuban and others) or the creationist with no spine.
@@Xenosaurian I was not attempting an argumentum ad populum but only trying to indicate that an otherwise trustable source has rejected such claims, thus one should wonder why. We have and have had many research scientists on staff here and none of them feel that the evidence stacks up. This has nothing to do with deliberate blindness, spinelessness, or a lack of intellectual honesty and I am quite surprised that you would level such accusations against us. You can disagree, and I would accept that, but, dude, tone it down.
@@rwcarter3434 I apologize for my rude tone, but that is how I've unfortunately perceived my fellow creationist brethren on these particular topics. What I've seen thus far in regards to other creationists' investigation on this has been exceedingly unsatisfactory and I only wish to encourage them to do more, to do better, even if by speaking harshly but honestly.
@@Xenosaurian Apology accepted. I fall prey to the same foible. Let's both strive to be better communicators.
Great explanations and great video. Thanks gentlemen!
Hey Donny
Donny is out there lying for jeebus.
0:13 god said he will wipe from the face all humans he created except noah and his family. revelation said the sea will give up its dead. the humans killed in the flood got buried deep under the sea only to rise at the great throne judgment. god is serious and mean what he declares.
@@GraceYow-z5z acceptable biblical response
Great video and conversation. I also appreciate your production value. 2 cameras, text, good mics. The only thing that is not great is your background, still VERY GOOD STUFF.
Great video. Explains very well why fossils are so rare. In my experience the question of why we don’t find human and prehistoric remains together is a rebuttal to “why isn’t there a litany of missing links to show speciation”. This explains the answer to that question as well
My answer is "what if we're overthinking it and the actual living specimens we think are different species actually would have been considered the same species?"
Like honesty, how the heck do we know?
There are ‘a litany of missing links’ it’s just that when we find them they are no longer missing. There are remains for 21 different kinds of hominids, all dated to ages that support the evolution of man over time.
Whatchu talkin'bout Willis? Fossils rare? Every respectable university has museum halls full of fossils. And go check out Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park in northeast Nebraska. Literally tons (by weight) of fossils, whole herds of several large species buried by volcanic ash about 12,000,000 years ago, far too many to fit in Morrill Hall in Lincoln.
There is no missing links in the sense you mean it. Every fossil ever found is a transitional fossil. There is no doubt about common descent. It's a fact. Genetics alone is enough to singlehandedly prove common descent to be true, and all other fields of biology, from taxonomy to embriology, tell the same story. There simply is no doubt.. i mean.. other than from creationists, who need it to be wrong. But some people believe the earth is flat too, oftentimes for religious reasons too.. and oftentimes it's christians too. The earth is as much not young, as it is not flat. There was no global flood, and common descent is a reality. All of those are facts. There is no doubt on any of these in the scientific consensus. If a person wants to make it seem like there is, or that it is up to interpretation, or that their story is a viable alternative.. then question their motives.
Nice work gentleman! Biblical history matches very well with modern evidence. The modern synthesis of deep time just doesn't make the cut.
You think you can refute it? Lets see what you got troll.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Nothing.
How do you know what the methane gas was like? Assumptions, bruh.
Funny how you wont confront Dr.Carter, but hide in the comments.
I like how the inability to find coelacanths & whales together very appropriately answers the question of why humans & dinosaurs are not found buried together.
Mid 1990's in Texas. Dinosaur with human
@@rymillerjr50 source?
@@rymillerjr50 a source would be great.
@@Neferpitou- if I could go back to the mid 90's I could get a source. Didn't know I had to write it down back then. I wasn't in college at the time. I believe the the show he was on was Copeland in TX.
@@cork8843 it was the mid 90's on TV. Didn't know I was supposed to write it down for you. I couldn't see that far in the future.
The Book of Job chptr 38 God tells Job to consider the Behemoth with a tail as big as the Cedars of Lebanon. That's about 40' long, the tail. Job knew the Dinosaur He was talking about. Job must have seen them.
X CIA spy Steve Q has pictures of Dinosaurs from Easter Island from early 1970's when he was there.
Human fossils are various, numerous and hardly absent from our current understanding of the history of life on this planet. It's sort of telling that those who actually know about such things are in disagreement about when humans became humans, given the plethora of transitional forms that clearly describe a complicated history of change or, in other words, evolution.
@@hairyreasoner I'm not quite sure I understand these people's time frame or if they are just unaware and ignorant to the subject. But we have human fossils that match us modern humans exactly going back 480,000 years.
When do they think their diluvian flood took place?
As far as I know we have matched history up to certain events quite well. Including the Flood during the younger dryas.
What about all the Tepes in Turkey?
Why do we have so many cultures that talk about 4 past cycles and resets and us being in the 5th cycle of man. Greeks, Hindu, Hopi being the most prominent out of hundreds.
I think creationist aren't aware their pre flood was the 4th cycle and their "7000" year gods plan is the 5th cycle. Only if the Earth is not destroyed as they say, mankind will actually be here for the 6th cycle. Not in "heaven".
I am open minded and listen to many creationist but it's no different then a teen arguing how a marvel story could fit into our real world..
There are wise theists who translate the religious text not so literally and I think I will stick with them over this absurd channel.
Professor Leakey discovered Lucy in the Olduvi George. The fossil is 3.2 million years old.
Lucy was a fake. That was exposed decades ago.
Furthermore, all dating methods, have to make assumptions, and have to fit the deep-time evolution narrative. So they just make the numbers up.
Now, you personally, YOU can believe what you want. But if you want to get into the New Kingdom, you are toe-ing the wrong line. You cannot teach deceptions and escape accountability.
18:06 “early human off shoot of chimpanzees”. That’s not the way it works. Humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor. Humans did not off shoot from chimpanzees.
7:04 - Regarding attempts to reach higher ground (though not commenting on the validity of the higher ground argument in relation to the lack of human fossils). . . . Wouldn't it be unreasonable to think that the antediluvians made no attempts to reach higher ground, though of course many would have found themselves cut off from reaching it or might only have reached a local high point? For 120 years Noah preached/prophesied about the coming flood. The vast majority didn't believe his preaching and chose not to enter the ark, but it would be reasonable to believe that the antediluvian world was well aware of Noah's preaching. (Based on God's character of implementing perfectly righteous justice/judgment, it could even be reasoned by inference that the entire population of the antediluvian world had an opportunity to make a choice whether or not to be saved in the ark). So when the flood finally came, despite their previous unbelief, they would have quickly realised the deluge was, in fact, the flood Noah had prophesied and then would have attempted to save themselves as best they could . . . Also, a second comment related to time mark 14:40 - erosion would have also resulted from the wind that God caused to blow in Genesis 8:1. Appreciate all the work that CMI do. May God bless your efforts.
@emptyhand77 - You can debate God's decision and express your distaste when you meet Him on Judgment Day.
The pre-Flood world had become so wicked that children had basically *zero chance of knowing love, peace, compassion and joy during their lives.* Mankind needed a reset for that to once again be possible. We might even find that those unborn babies were allowed to be born into the post-Flood world - a far better world than was previously awaiting them.
@emptyhand77 - You can debate God's decision and express your distaste when you meet Him on Judgment Day.
The pre-Flood world had become so wicked that children had basically *zero chance of knowing love, peace, compassion and joy during their lives.* Mankind needed a reset for that to once again be possible. We might even find that those unborn babies were allowed to be born into the post-Flood world - a far better world than was previously awaiting them.
Dr. Robert Ballard's work on the Black Sea Fresh water meets salt water is interesting. Worth the search.
Ancient figurines, made of jade and turquoise, of modern looking humans riding on top of dinosaurs were found in Mexico. I have seen photos on the internet. Also, there are ancient cave drawings, depicting humans and dinosaurs existing together, which have been found. I have also seen those photos as well on the internet. Fossils are not the only thing we need to look for regarding this subject matter.
Good Q & A. Loved the statement about the flood boundary layer. Never thought of that.
Evolution is a presupposition of history that needs to be critical challenged. Great work!
Evolution is many things, but any form of presupposition it is not. Evolution swims against a strong current of traditional religious belief and only slowly gained credibility. The scientific method means that it is constantly being critically challenged, by people who do actual real work researching and studying and trying to discover any fault, any weakness, any defect in the existing body of knowledge.
This is where I keep an open mind where answers are not clear and obvious. I believe there are gaps in our understanding of both natural and biblical time lines.
There is always things we dont know.. and scientists readily admit that. But that doesnt just go for every topic, as if we know nothing. We know for a fact earth is not young. We know for a fact it's not flat. We know for a fact no global flood ever happened. These are easily provable. No credible scientist believes any of those, based on the evidence. Yet there is plenty of religiously motivated channels that make it seem as if we didnt know these things.. as if there was doubt.. as if their myths and reality could be merged. Reality disagrees.
I always assumed humans lived in cities and so their fossils would be clustered together if found. If we find one we will probably find many but a couple tsunamis might have destroyed most of them and not formed rock layers.
@Jonathan Sarfati yes,for resources
The first city ever found was Sumer. It dates from around 6000 years ago, not too long after humans developed farming and ways to irrigate land. Before farming humans lived in small nomadic groups, hunting and gathering food. The inability to store food for any length of time, meant these people were constantly on the move following the great herds. During the great ice age, the herds began to die off. Humans began to gather in small clans around coastal areas, living on sea mammals and fish. Around 11,000 years ago, the glaciers began to melt and the oceans began to rise, flooding coastal areas and low lying places,like Doggerland, the area between Britain and the continent of Europe. This is probably where the flood stories came from. The flooding did not kill off all but two human beings. That is ridiculous.
@@nbenefiel It always amazes me how little these creationists listened in school or ever read any books.
@@stevepierce6467 We listened, but we didn't buy the BS the public schools (woke secular atheist indoctrination centers) were forcing down our throats. Apparently you did.
I watched Unsolved Mysteries and did explain victims were flowed away from where they were dumped or killed at. Plus flood was violent so it was spread around.
Thank you for this video. I really enjoyed it!
I thought I'd heard that we HAD found human remains buried next to dinosaur remains. The kind of thing no one ever brings up.
Just my opinion to the point of people staying indoors when the flood started:
I think the narrative in Genesis 6 understates the events a little. It states the floodgates of the heavens were opened and the fountains of the deep burst forth... I dont think there was any mistaking that a great cataclysm was occurring.
There were likely massive earthquakes and tsunamis that washed over the lands... How many of the thousands of people washed out to sea during the Indonesian tsunami were recovered?
It is likely that their bodies were pulverized in the churning waters filled with debris.
If Noah was able to look out of the window of the ark and witness the destruction taking place... it was likely he saw destruction unrivaled by any event before or since... It wasnt a steady rain with water levels that slowly crept up... It was a fast, violent, upheaval of the entire earth.
Paluxy River basin -- heard nothing about this human and dinosaur footprint since I read and saw photo in Henry Morris' The Genesis Flood. How come?
Because it has been refuted by actual scientists.
It just occurred to me that claiming that human and dinosaurs were not found buried together, therefore, they were not contemporaneous, is a form of the fallacious argument from silence. Maybe a bit of the argument from incredulity mixed in.
@@kyledonahue2 Thanks for the assumptions and another fallacious argument.
Interesting talk! But I think (and there are many estimations and calculations) that there were more people at the time of the flood than there are today - because of a much longer life span, better conditions, etc
Thank you for the discussion, very interesting. God bless!
What about the Ashley phosphate beds? There are humans and dinosaurs and everything else found together there.
A giant flood would mix everything together like a washing machine I think, rather than neat layers.
Real-world research produces fascinating insights into this. For your interest:
@@creationministriesintl Hmm. I find it hard to believe a gigantic flood could create layers. And I'm still not clear where all the water originated. A month of rain would hardly be enough. And where is the water now? It all seems too fanciful. Better to leave it as legend I think.
@@charlo90952 you must mean a legend, as in the sense that George Washington as an example was a legendary man.
It's the other way around. A Flood would cause a lot of layers, including flat gaps. The fact we get flat gaps is indicative that there was no long periods of time before the deposition of the strata, otherwise there was be massive erosion channels between those layers.
Similarly, it has been widely recognized that when you have flowing water, water sorting action usually produces multiple layers of stratification.
There is also a video on some youtube channels from a video from the 1980s... called "experiment in stratification", where you can see how these layers form in a flume in real time.
@@bobdalton2062 I meant in the sense of legend of King Arthur.
There are some human fossils on the Island of Guadeloupe and in Moab, Utah.
❤❤❤ Danke für den
Beitrag ! 😊
Apparently never heard of Otzi
I often wonder if some dinosaurs lived in the medieval era and they mistook them and called them dragons
Dinosaur (which means 'terrible lizard') is a fairly modern term, first used in 1841 by Richard Owen. But it certainly makes sense of stories like St George and the Dragon, and Beowulf. Most likely they were fighting what we now call dinosaurs.
I would recommend reading this article, which talks more about dinosaurs, dragons, and their interactions with people.
Dinosaurs and dragons: Stamping on the legends -
Leviathans seem pretty wild in the Bible. Fire breathing multi headed beasts. Behemoths too!
@@MatthewPeeters-l7i Yes, an article.
Not a peer-reviewed scientific study, an article.
Because *clearly* articles are a more valuable source of information. XD
To me its odd how we have evidencd of gresy flood due to clams and shit on dry land but in that shell there isnt like a human femur 😂😂😂😂😂
What do do mean mistook? Dragons, are what they called them back then. So how is that a mistake? lol u doorknob.
Very good info easy to understand . God bless you guys keep up the good job.
Preflood humans would resemble "Early human offshoot of chimpanzees." Wow, I don't know about that! Unless humans weren't physically and spiritually created in the image of God.
Preflood? Postflood? What flood? There is no evidence of a world wide biblical flood. Early humans were here half a million years ago. Before that they were our slightly more primitive ancestors, some form of primate. I reject the biblical description of god, just as I reject all ancient writings of the Norse, the Greeks, the Sumerians, the Hindus, the Aztecs, the Incas, but I do not know for sure that no god/creator exists. Is it not possible that all living plants and animals were all created in the image of a god who embodies every living thing?
Or God could resemble an "Early human offshoot of chimpanzees."
@@iriemon1796 Yep, we were created in the image of god=a chimp...Small g.
Maybe these people really don’t believe in the Bible
effing-eh, I'm with you Brother.
Better question: wouldn’t all of the flora have been killed by the flood? We have trees in low areas that are older than the alleged flood, so this means that there was not a global flood at the time creationists claim. It is much more likely that there was a localized flood in the Fertile Crescent, as is common in that area, and the Noah’s flood story is a “fish tale” that was misinterpreted, exaggerated, and changed.
Scientists are great at dating the age of fossils, newer ways than just carbon dating, and dinosaurs are MUCH older than primates.
Is it a coincidence that every major culture around the globe had a "civilization ending" flood myth? And if so, okay.... We'll add that to the literal flood of "coincidences" that collaborate the Bible.
@@therealdannymullenFloods happen a lot, and folks living in these ancient river valley civil actions feared flood more than ANYTHING, while the folks up in the mountains thought that they were pretty safe, and they were. While floods definitely washed away communities in the river valleys, it was never to the extent of covering the entire land area of Earth, and not for a very long duration, wiping out everything. Remember that we have plants alive TODAY that have been verified to be older than the flood MYTHS.
@@therealdannymullen Japan doesn't have a flood myth, surely an island nation would have flooded first, especially when it has such a low average elevation. The continent of Africa barely has any flood myths.
Is this Abbot and Costello?? The “human fossils have melted down”, “the fossil record is fickle’ 😂 I’m dying
From skeletons to teeth, early human fossils have been found of more than 6,000 individuals. With the rapid pace of new discoveries every year, this impressive sample means that even though some early human species are only represented by one or a few fossils, others are represented by thousands of fossils. From them, we can understand things like:
how well adapted an early human species was for walking upright
how well adapted an early human species was for living in hot, tropical habitats or cold, temperate environments
the difference between male and female body size, which correlates to aspects of social behavior
how quickly or slowly children of early human species grew up.
While people used to think that there was a single line of human species, with one evolving after the other in an inevitable march towards modern humans, we now know this is not the case. Like most other mammals, we are part of a large and diverse family tree. Fossil discoveries show that the human family tree has many more branches and deeper roots than we knew about even a couple of decades ago. In fact, the number of branches our evolutionary tree, and also the length of time, has nearly doubled since the famed ‘Lucy’ fossil skeleton was discovered in 1974!
There were periods in the past when three or four early human species lived at the same time, even in the same place. We - Homo sapiens - are now the sole surviving species in this once diverse family tree.
Hey, that guy was in "Is Genesis History"! He was the marine guy. I always felt that if everyone watched that movie, they'd all be believers and be saved.
Thank you for the excellent video 😊
The Lord’s love + grace be with you
Hope you are all well and resting in Jesus saving love + grace 😊
Blessings friends 😊
The Mt St Helens eruption created large mud flows. Within a few years those mud flows became solid rock. The lava flowed under the mud due to its higher density. In some places the water in the mud turned into steam and rose to the surface of the mud. Trees were buried in the mud, which are now embedded in that rock.
Interesting discussion 🤔
I don’t know how people can believe those photos of giants are real, they’re poorly done photoshops. It’s like saying David Lynch 1984 Dune was a real event.
There are biblical accounts of giants and finding one would do much to support the reliability of the Scriptures. Thus, people want the claims to be true and bad people prey upon that longing to peddle misinformation.
@@emptyhand777 You obviously are unaware of what both we and Charles Darwin have written about the survival of plant seeds even after long periods of submersion in salt water. You are also not well informed about the abilities of various fish species to tolerate a wide range of salinities. Also, who says there were no freshwater lenses below the massive floating debris piles or pools on top? Also, just because a fish species today cannot tolerate fresh or saltwater does not mean that this species could not have done so in the past.
@@emptyhand777 How long submerged? Depends on locality.
Half of the replies are hidden?? YT always with their thumb on the scale...
When the flood occurred there would of been massive amounts of floating debris so I would think some of the people would of floated on them till they died of starvation or exposure they could of floated for months if they brought food
The question people have brought up is how plants survived and I'm sure they could have been mixed with all the other debris as well as seeds also some plants and trees could have started growing during the flood which would explain Noah's dove having an olive leaf.
On a boat - Constant heavy rain, strong winds/heavy sea wave action - no shelter. It's unlikely anyone would survive for more than a week or 2 in a regular boat, due to lack of food, and hypothermia. And that's assuming you don't get capsized! Pretty miserable way to die!
Interesting discussion. What about that supposed pre flood hammer discovered ? I believe it’s called The London Hammer, orThe London Artifact, found in supposed 400 million year old rock layers. Do you believe this was possibly pre flood?
The petrified hammer is an old argument that nobody at CMI holds to today. We reported on it in the early years of our ministry (decades before I came on board, and I've been here for 15 years) when the ministry was under a different management. Since then, we have tried to tighten our arguments and we intentionally shy away from speculative or undocumented claims as much as possible. See
The London Artifact has a "steel" head with iron mixed with chlorine, and possibly other elements. I don't remember all of them, but it can be demonstrated that the exact ratios could not be accomplished with our current atmosphere. As far as I understand this, the only thing this really suggests is that at some point in mankind's past, the atmosphere was different, assuming the steel in this hammer was formed in the distant past where tools to create a different environment (like creating a vacuum or hyperbaric chamber) would not have existed.
The alternative is that the hammer was purposefully/recently formed in an environment unlike Earth's current atmospheric content & pressure. This alternative also assumes that fossilization can happen in a relatively short time period, which it would have had to in order for the wood in the hammer as well as the soil around it to fossilize. Now we know that fossilization can happen rapidly, and you could presume that this means the jury is still out on how it came to be. I believe it could have been pre-flood, but that's my opinion. Ultimately, there are not enough hard facts about the London Artifact to really derive the truth about its origin.
@@livingpicture Genesis 1:6,7 waters above the atmosphere as mentioned at 2 Peter 3:5 , in other words the thermosphere held colossal amount of water in suspension, creating a very different enviroment until it all condensed and caused the flood. This also throws out the carbon dating, and the sedimentary dating methods, both based on assumptions.
Pre deluge giant plants & giant herbivores due to different climatic conditions - and possibly even the differing metallurgy of the hammer?
Well of course we still find Coelacanths today, because Noah obviously took two of them on the ark along with two of every species of Whale, Shark, Fish and literally every other sea creature that existed. Man that ark was some boat, not only two of every animal, but a floating sea world as well. I wonder how he managed to catch them all before the flood, never mind scouring the entire planet for specimens of every land animal, insect and fresh water creature, many so rare and remote we still find unrecorded species on a regular basis. Just out of interest, how did Noah manage to get to the Americas, Antarctic, Japan etc and after the flood when the ark was grounded on Mount Ararat how did he take them all back? Do you not think from a practical point of view the whole story of Noah is just that, a story. Just imagine if we tried to do the same thing today with all our technology, it would take fleets of ships and thousands of people working across all Countries around the world. Even then it would probably take decades and end up being a total disaster.
Your understanding of Creationism is so ignorant it’s hard to even read through. Get educated so you don’t sound like a clown!
The sea creatures didn't need to go into the ark. They naturally could survive the flood! Some may have died in a massive, sudden upheaval in the ocean floor here and there, but certainly not all.
@@lanemedcalf9506 What about all of the freshwater fish and other fresh water creatures? They would have perished in a saltwater environment. In addition, they would not have been able, as the other animals supposedly did, to travel to Noah, so in this case Noah would have had to journey around the world gathering specimens from every continent, searching every river, lake and inland sea to ensure he had at least two of every “kind”. This alone would have required a boat large enough to contain the numerous storage pools required to accommodate the huge number of different species of fish, many requiring to be separated so that they did not eat each other. Then there would be additional challenges, including how would they be fed on this extremely lengthy voyage, how could Noah have designed and built a boat that was large enough and powered so that it could be navigated around the world, how would the temperature of the various specimens be maintained, as some would require cold water whilst others would need tropical conditions and almost every variation of temperature and environment in between. Remember the Ark was not powered and so was incapable of being navigated to a required destination and therefore was unsuitable for this purpose.
So, in conclusion, apart from the many other problems the flood story raises, does not the issue of the fresh water creatures show the absolute folly of the flood myth as described in the Bible?
Making an Ark for the creatures of the land and air would have been simple in comparison and yet even ignoring the freshwater creatures the Biblical story is impossible for so many reasons.
@@philiprobinson2011 The flood waters were fresh water. The saltiness of the sea water developed over time after the flood. The animals came to the ark. Noah didn't have to go all over the world to collect the animals.
@@lanemedcalf9506 You say that the flood waters were fresh water and that the saltiness of the sea water developed over time after the flood. I suppose it depends on how long ago you think the flood happened. It may be possible, if you go back far enough, and by far enough we would be talking billions of years, then the seas and oceans may have contained fresh water, or at least far less salty water. However, the assumption that they contained fresh water just raises a whole new set of problems. The deluge we are told occurred relatively quickly, so was the water hot or cold? Fish as we know are very susceptible to temperature and you cannot keep tropical fish in cold water and vice versa. In addition, how would these fish have fed. Living in a river for instance would mean they would have their natural foodstuff on hand, but in a vast flood where would they find the food to sustain themselves? Additionally, many freshwater creatures are bottom dwellers and in a global flood the waters would have necessarily been extremely deep. So how could bottom dwellers from rivers a few feet deep, have survived depths so deep the pressures would have destroyed them?
Then there is the issue the saltwater creatures would have faced. They equally could not have lived in freshwater but would also have perished. So again, unless the flood occurred billions of years ago all the saltwater creatures intolerant to fresh water would also have perished.
Great video, thank you.
It's amazing to me that the earth was flooded yet we still have fresh water and salt water
@blahblahblah I can't explain the specifics with this, but that take is very ignorant, nothing is that simple.
@@coldbrew6104 yes I don't believe in magic either
@betty4018 So, what's the meaning of the flood story then, if not taken literal?
In the Beginning all water was fresh. "Salt water" was created by the Flood.
Huge deposits of salt under Lake Michigan, they have been selling it for years.
3:19 "as it was a watery event the things that lived in the water were the first things to die".
To me the most plausible reason is the breeding rate of humans Vs the breeding rate of animals, plus there were at least 1000 created kinds of land animals. So the ratio even with the same breeding rate would be at best, 1000 to one for land animals. Plus, I do believe humans were smarter, so while a lot would have been wiped out fairly quickly, many would have figured out ways to keep out of the flood waters longer... Be it via boats or makeshift rafts or whatever tech they may have had back then... So the ratio of land animals to humans would be even worse.
Some animals do have a much longer gestation period compared to humans.
More likely, while God started with a human pair, it is likely that there were more than a pair of each created Kind of animals. So for example, God could have started with thousands of beetles from each created beetle Kind. This would allow these creatures to rapidly fill the Earth and different ecological zones. So by the time of the Flood, it would not be surprising that the ratio of animals outnumber the number of humans.
@@joeltay3471 yea, that is true, but reptiles for example (crocs) 80 days with a clutch of around 8 (Vs human 280 days with likely 1 only)... Which may tell us why dinosaurs are more prevalent in the fossil record... Exponential growth would make the disparity in population fairly massive fairly quickly.
Even if they had a longer gestation period, many animals have way more offspring per cycle.
But yes, my guess is there were probably millions of animals to start with already... I can't really prove that though
The point of the flood story was that only noah believed the flood was coming and everyone else called him crazy and the flood was coming because they never repented of their sins so disturbed god ws filled with anger and he sent the flood to wipe them all out. Except for noah, he got ark blueprints from god how to make the ark so that man was building like there was no tomorrow because soon there wouldnt be for everyone but his own. because when everyone calls you crazy but god gives you the directions you get to follwing the directions and you dont doubt that man jesus for a second every nail hammered along the way because the same stuff happens to me i feel like noah so often i say everyone look at this and they all say im a koolaid drinker!!!!!!!! They all died in nkahs flood because they didnt believe the flood was coming and only noah lived the answers are all in the good book people. God said the rainbow in the sky was a a covenent with the earth that he wouldnt send a flood like that ever again but its still a story that speaks its sends the right messeges in a peculiar way. We dont see fossils becsuse the flood destroyed them all thats why the flood was sent. Noah new it was coming he had zero doubt because god told him what was going to happen and he saw the signs. He had the exact specifications for the ark saying the flood is coming and no one believed him its a messege that speaks deep into us like when i try to get people to buy deep sea freight stops oddly peculisrly enough they call me crazy isnt that quite an interesting alignment now that i think about it. Im called a koolaid drinker a bible thumper. The messege is that god came with the directions to live and only 1 listened out of them all and all the others called him crazy. When jesus showed up himself it was the same way they said he was a crazy guy yelling about how the end is near like some kinda nutcase homeless panhandler that hasnt showed in a year or something. The messege of noah is that you just keep building even when they call you crazy. The messege is you follow the directions JESUS gives us if you want to LIVE. The messege of noah is most people really be cray cray yo. Theres so much to take from it that holds true today you know this jesus man was no nutcase lunatic. Jesus is the 1 God if he calmed the storm when phillip walked in water before sinking in because of his weak faith he is also the one that saved noah because you mever throw out a man who follows gods directions with all those moronic imbiciles who never listen to any directions that are actually good for them like for example god says a flood is coming to wipe out everyone on the earth and the guy saying it hes building an ark like his life depends on it and you say "hes a conspiracy theorisy! Hes a koolaid drinker!" Perhaps the flood had good reason for coming and that messege echos through time. There is a flood coming it isnt going to be like the flood of noah but when an event comes that seperates the ones who listen to christ from the ones who dont, will you he one of the few saved or one of the many perished? Remember that one dude was the only one that made it out of sodom and gomorrah maybe there wss a sodomite on vacation somewhere but im sire for the most osrt god hit them when there was none good left. The guy asked god something along the lines of "will you spare them if there is 8 good men" and god said yes and he said 7 6 5 and god said yes and then sodom and gomorrah was wiped off even the dudes wife turned to stone because she looked back at sodom after god told her specifically not to so the messege is when god gives you directions you listeb lest you drown in a flood or turn to stone. But its in good intention its so we live god tried to save his life he told her dont look back so she wouldnt turn to stone and she did. No looking back only look ahead you dont want to see sodom go it was never supposed to have fallen so far anyway as to even be at risk of peril bit like noah taught us god brings the directions and you follow, but most wont. Thats why sodom was destroyed. Basucally all of them were no different than thd people who called noah crazy. Similar is happening in our socierty today. There will be no global flood but there is nothing new under the sun
I'm glad that I watched this video. It wasn't what I thought it would be.
Why dont you guys emphasize the effects of the very large impactors and the heat blasts, ejecta effects, crust break up, tsunamis, massive earth quakes, gigantic volcanoes etc that followed
😮 -also The Nephilim.
Last year (September 2022) I went on a human fossil-hunting trip to the Southwestern United States. I found human fossils in all of these states (Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington). I live in Northern Idaho which is called the Gem state and has a lot of semi-precious stones. My father was a rock collector and semi-precious gem stone hunter when I was growing up so I have been around rocks and rock-hunting all my life and pretend (in my head) that I am a geologist of sorts (no formal training).
So back to the human fossil-hunting trip last year. It takes a little training to be able to spot and collect human fossils and you kinda need to go with someone or watch TH-cam videos to be able to learn to discover them for yourself. On my trip I collected many hearts, other human organs, fingers, toes, etc... which are displayed on a bookcase in my living room.
If you want to start looking for human fossils (all buried during the flood) realize that you aren't likely to find fully intact bodies of humans. The geological forces after the flood when the bodies were fossilized, quickly broke up these mineralized bodies. For example after humans and animals became fossilized during the flood, natural ground movements due to underground water movement, landslides, and earthquakes generally broke up the fossilized bodies. This is why only parts of fossilized animals and humans can be found.
Nearly every time I go out on a fossil-hunting hike I find human fossils. I search in dry creek beds primarily because this is where you will find the greatest collection of fossilized specimens in general. Rocks are heavy and generally get washed out of hillsides and travel to areas of drainage (creek beds and rivers). When these fossilized human remains get to the creek, they look like every other gray or brown rock but once these rocks are cleaned up details emerge proving what they truly are.
I have a human finger that shows a fragment of bone still remaining and peeking out of the rock where the outer skin layer was chipped away -likely during the transit out of its hillside location. I have fossilized hearts still showing dark reddish brown veins at the surface of the heart. These veins have dried blood (now partially mineralized) that can be tested for DNA. These are "fresh" fossils in the sense that the mineralization has occurred turning the body to stone, but this mineralization has not entirely destroyed evidence of the blood and vessels underneath the top layers. If you do a search on TH-cam there are many people now teaching others how to hunt for these fossils.
There was no global flood. There is not enough water on the planet for that to be possible for one thing. There have been extensive localised flooding at various times, and although there are occasions when this covered a large area, it was never global. If the Genesis account of Noah is true, and modern man came from a family of 8 people 4,500 years ago, then we have evidence of quite fantastic and very fast evolution. From this middle eastern family, we have races from Eskimos to Aboriginals, and everything in between, each with rich cultural histories. Yet more evidence for evolution from the bible.
You are the only person in history to have found fossilized human organs. Way to go.
A geologist of sorts, you got that right. Soft tissue making up organs like the heart complete with veins is a figment of your imagination, if true you would be the most famous paleontologist the world has ever seen. That means you would get to take your place above Darwin. The only problem is no serious geologist has ever found or confirmed such fossils. Fossilization does not happen during a flood, burial and decay probably but mineralization is a slower process with soft body parts normally decaying..
@@93CurrentYou may be wrong. They have recently discovered that there are oceans beneath the surface of the earth that contain more water than all the oceans on the surface. So, it my very well be that those where the "waters of the deep" mentioned in Genesis.
@@t_qwheezzyy What, you mean those idiot scientists who know nothing have discovered that ringwoodite, a hydrous rock deep below the Earth's mantle, may store large quantities of water. Of course, this rock is not wet, and does not drip water, so quite how all this water was released only to be absorbed again a few months later you don't know. Well, it seems it can't really happen like that, but then if a scientific discovery seems to support your dogma then, hey, let's go with it. Mind you if they were to discover a giant plug so all this water could drain away again like a bathtub emptying, then you may have something. The problem of the quantity of water necessary is only one problem with the concept of a global flood.
Ever think that humans were consumed by sharks, whales, and fish that survived in the water?
The mass of water was so great anything thay got hit was destroyed but the clams and shells were just riding in nehind the wake as it washed in snd they fell to the bottom amd the water rushed back out. Plus it was a time of fewer people by a lot and many many wildlife so no suprise most almost all of it is clams
Everything was buried together by the same set of mega sequences of sediment deposition as a result of the global flood. The continents then broke apart 100 years after the global flood.
The centrifugal force caused these new continents to spread out moving north from the south pole subsequently forcing the northern extremities into the Arctic region instantly freezing the animal life and entire forests.
India was shoved into Asia and it still has the glacial markings from the time that it was joined to Antarctica. The Pacific plates were compressed causing the Marianas Trench to buckle under as the mountains in the Americas were pushed up. (Fossils and sediment layers line up between continents.)
Jaguars were separated from leopards, greater grisons were separated from the honey badgers, crocodiles, cammels, possums were separated and the lemurs of Madagascar were isolated as well as all the Australian animals.
Then people separated into family groups and began speaking their own languages so that they began spreading out around the world. There's a lot to learn from rocks.
Centrifugal would move things towards the equator, not away from it, nor would we expect such a prolonged centrifugal force of any kind (even if this is a phenomenon) unless the spin of the earth kept increase over a whole period of time. This explanation does not work.
@@creationministriesintl 😃 Keep in mind that the northern continents are still not at the north pole after having been moved north. The spread was also east and west as they broke apart.
It's quite clear that the continents moved north after the separation of the continents. Of course the question is when? There are still glacial markings in India on top of the sediment layers from the global flood. Plant and animal fossils were separated as well as the the flood sediment layers lining up after the deposition from the global flood. (No big deal, just sharing my observations.) Living animals were separated too. People were too busy trying to build a tower to reached heaven.
@@creationministriesintl Another solution solves the time light problem *and* the dark matter/dark energy problem. I will try to condense it.
When you see a galaxy, you are looking at differing rates of time and differing measures of distance. No dark matter is needed because time speeds up on the outer edges of the galaxy. No need for dark energy because distance expands where there is no matter.
What delays light *as we see it* is the gravity in the vicinity that slows down the *rate* of time. (It’s not that light slows down, it’s the rate of time that slows down.)
So what happens where there is no gravity is that the rate of time speeds up compared to our rate of time so that starlight travels the same (or greater) distance at a faster rate of time. It’s still traveling the *same relativistic frame speed* but an entire second passes by from our perspective in a fraction of a second *where there is no gravity* to slow down time. So for most of the distance, starlight is traveling through space at a faster rate of time compared to our slower rate of time inside the galaxy.
That means starlight arrives much more instantaneously because the rate of time is free from the effects of gravity for most of the way. With no mass of its own, starlight arrives instantaneously as it experiences no time of its own traveling at the speed of light.
We only see things in slow motion *where time is slowed down* by gravity. This relativistic effect allows for a young earth since billions of years pass by in outer space while simultaneously only thousands of years pass where we are inside of the galaxy.
Starlight arrives instantaneously through the *void* of space where there is no matter to slow down *time.*
@@JungleJargon Not really an appropriate discussion beneath a "Where are all the human fossils" video, but still interesting. I believe your model is not bulletproof, however, and most creationist cosmologists will disagree, for several reasons that cannot be explained here.
@@rwcarter3434 It has everything to do with where people are found. I presented the evidence that makes it interesting. There is no evidence to the contrary. I’m not going to repeat the evidence that I already presented. There’s no denying that the continents broke apart after the flood sediments were deposited. I don’t know what your point is.
From skeletons to teeth, early human fossils have been found of more than 6,000 individuals. With the rapid pace of new discoveries every year, this impressive sample means that even though some early human species are only represented by one or a few fossils, others are represented by thousands of fossils.
The oldest known Homo sapiens fossils are from the Jebel Irhoud site in Morocco and are estimated to be around 315,000 years old
I grew up on a farm and saw how snails move up to highest points on the walls. Also saw earthworms coming out of ground onto higher pla es like our front porch. Roughly two weeks later extremely heavy rain broke out.
Our farm is close to the sea. I suppose the water table was
rising too high for the earthworms. What warned the snails to flee I can only guess at.
You said you didn't like the high ground theory but didn't seem to take into account that before the flood there was no rain. So when water started pouring from the sky it would have been terrifying and people would have headed for high ground. They might have also had boats and ships they could have taken refuge in. The difference is that the ark was designed to survive the flood while any ships they built wouldn't have been built for extreme bad weather since there was none. So those vessels and their occupants wouldn't have survived
@Dr-Jonathan-Sarfati-FM I suppose we are both making assumptions then. I'm assuming that because the earth was only watered by mist before Adam was created and it doesn't say anything changed that there was no rain up until the flood. You are making the assumption that there was rain after Adam was created even though there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that. At least not that I know of.
How do you know it never rained before this mythical flood? How do you know there was a single great flood? Major catastrophic floods are actually fairly common.
The idea that it never rained before the flood, is not one I completely neglect, for certain reasons, BUT, it should be noted that the only time it says that is when it's about to talk about the creation of Adam. It's right at the very begining when it's explaining that there was no one to work the land. So it certainly could have rained in that 1750 years. It's not necessarily saying it didn't.
@@stevepierce6467 there's plenty of evidence to support the biblical account of a global flood and that's the difference between common yet catastrophic floods and the great flood. The great flood was world wide. Unfortunately you are comfortable believing the lies so when the truth is presented to you you automatically dismiss it. Not very scientific. Whereas I've seen the evidence for both sides and am comfortable in concluding evolution is false and the biblical account is correct.
@@stevepierce6467 because that is what the Bible said. It didn't specify there no rain after the fall of man so I'm assuming the dew continued to water the earth as the Bible says until the flood. BTW there is much more evidence to support the biblical theory than evolution and the fairytale of millions of years. That has been disproven and only has unverifiable evidence to support it. Carbon dating is debunked.
The entire surface of the earth was changed at the Flood. A third dreadful curse rested upon it in consequence of sin. As the water began to subside, the hills and mountains were surrounded by a vast, turbid sea. Everywhere were strewn the dead bodies of men and beasts. The Lord would not permit these to remain to decompose and pollute the air, therefore He made of the earth a vast burial ground. A violent wind which was caused to blow for the purpose of drying up the waters, moved them with great force, in some instances even carrying away the tops of the mountains and heaping up trees, rocks, and earth above the bodies of the dead. By the same means the silver and gold, the choice wood and precious stones, which had enriched and adorned the world before the Flood, and which the inhabitants had idolized, were concealed from the sight and search of men, the violent action of the waters piling earth and rocks upon these treasures, and in some cases even forming mountains above them. God saw that the more He enriched and prospered sinful men, the more they would corrupt their ways before Him. The treasures that should have led them to glorify the bountiful Giver had been worshiped, while God had been dishonored and despised.
@@BrookDesHarnais there was no flood. There were certainly small localized floods at the end of the ice age when the glaciers melted, but a flood covering the whole planet would have left evidence. There is none. The Sumerian story of Gilgamesh predated the story of Noah by at least 3,000 years. Noah obviously was borrowed from the flood story in Gilgamesh. Around 7,000 years ago, there was a flood n coastal areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. That’s probably what inspired these stories. Anyone who takes them literally needs to have their head examined. How would Noah have had polar bears and tigers on the same boat? How could he feed them. How could he provide them with totally different environments? What did he do with all that faeces? There is no way one could fit two of every animal on a ship of 40 cubits. A little common sense please. It’s an allegory.
@@BrookDesHarnais -yes , however yu must take th Nephilim into account (th giant geneticly mutated hybrid creatures) - th main reason God sent th Flood
I'm anoyd : I just tryd To do a reply but - not shown : consider th Nephilim .
@@Tom-gv2eo Do you want to cling to the hollywood version of the Bible, or do you want the Bible's interpretation of what the giants (nephilim) really are? Please choose carefully; what if this is your last chance to learn what is truth as the expense of self-magnification?
human bones were found in the Ashley phosphate beds with dinosaurs. FS Holmes wrote about it in his book John Watson wrote a book called dinosaurs man and mammals also about the findings of the Ashley phosphate beds.
Hi there i tried looking for this book can you tell me where to get one please and how much thanks . Greetings from Wales UK .
@@indianatone218I got a free PDF copy
@@indianatone218 I found it on Amazon . But I also had the free PDF version on my old phone
Thanks! First time viewer. Subscribed! Rob is as real and personable and humble as he is brilliant! At conferences he is very approachable.
I would have thought the reason for all the marine fossils were because they were the LAST to die, and only after the waters receded from the land. Doesn't that make the most sense? Why would all the marine creatures have died at all? They were in their ideal environment. They weren't on the ark because they didn't need saving. They were all that would have survived the flood. The flooding waters pushed these marine creatures to places that were and now are land, which is another reason why we find so many marine fossils inland. Once the waters receded, the marine animals pushed there then would have perished.
Why are there no Coelocanths buried with whales?
Question 423 that an evolutionist will never ask.
The evolutionist might have to say, well, the fossil record is fickle and then you've got em!
@@PatrickKniesler Strawman?
I belive that there is a strawman.
Also, instead of calling us "evolutionists", call us 'normal people'.
Very good. Thanks guys.
Glad you enjoyed it
Dear god, it's like listening to a 2nd grader deliver a science lecture 😂
"it's like listening to a 2nd grader deliver a science lecture "
This video is old compared to the newest science that is showing evidence that The Bible is historic and abio. and evo. are not correct. Some of the newest data can be found online if you are truly seeking to find the truth. Just remember, Jesus died on the cross for our sins and stands at the door of our hearts, knocking waiting for us to answer.
@@TheOtiswood or so the story goes
@@billybobwombat2231 "or so the story goes"
So you know "the story" why are you against it?
@TheOtiswood it's a fabricated story that's been used to destroy thousands of indigenous cultures around the world
Holy cow, it's like watching someone bash people without making any points of their own!!!
Then show us any skeletons or remains of the apostles. It's surprising that despite living just 2000 years ago in a known place like Israel, there are no such remains. It's interesting to think about how we have thousands of fossils from millions of years ago scattered in random places, but none from the apostles who lived relatively recently.
Here in Australia several human remains complete skeletons found 15 to 20 ft below the soil, mostly found by farmers digging irrigation channels or dams. None of them are aboriginals remain. The skeletons are always whisked away and nothing more is heard about it.
Purely from a literal Biblical perspective, Sumerians would be Shinarians, which in the four hundred years or so post Flood before Abraham, are unlikely to have changed their antediluvian phenotype, thus Sumerians, of whom we have many illustrations, and bones, are almost certainly the same people who lived before the Flood. I think the changes wrought upon other creatures before and after the Flood by adaption can be extreme, but, apart from Neanderthals, humans largely avoided major changes of appearance, and not even any significant hybridization. It's possible that some of the animals living today also are little changed, depending I guess on whether the circumstances they found themselves in required it.
There absolutely are giant skeletons? How can you possibly say otherwise?
My Dad has what he swears looks like "a giant human molar". And was never able to identify it. He's a creationist, he knows his Bible, but he looked at me like I had two heads when I mentioned giants. Some topics are just very, very hard for folks to breach in their mind. You will cross over to full-on conspiracy nut if you believe in this stuff. So I just told him, never send it to the Smithsonian 🤣
@@Ayverie4 that's a fact! The Smithsonian is a demonic construct. It's purpose is to cast doubt on the Bible by removing all evidence and propogating alternatives like the blatant, obvious insanity called "evolution".
We are absolutely surrounded by evidence of God and creation. 💜🙏💜
But i meam how giant you talking bro because humams be small as a toddler or big lime shaq
@@Ayverie4 exactly true. The Smithsonian is responsible for the cover up of giants. They are of the devil and anti Christ.
@@TheAnnoyingBoss in talking like up to 30' tall. The nephelim.
Good thing you changed the subject when you were talking about dead bloated whales with parts falling off, I was getting hungry. But seriously folks, I learned some useful material and this video would be useful in the 12 February Question Day toolkit.
Why do you dismiss the Ashley Phosphate Beds and the fossils of human bones with dinosaurs in the same layer?
Yes I would like an answer to that as well 🤔
There would be a need for proper documentation of the human fossil and its location in situ. That is, it cannot be claimed to have been found and then thrown away (as the popular story goes in this instance) and accept skeptics to just accept it. Then we will also have to demonstrate that the fossil is not from a reworked sediment or an intrusive burial. More importantly, the fossils in these locations do seem to consist of mostly post-Flood fossils, especially with the huge amount of mammal bones in the area. Thus, the onus would then be on the one who claims to have found a human bone to document that this is a pre-Flood and not post-Flood find. If this is more consistent with a post-Flood deposit, then the unusual discovery is not the alleged human fossil, but the discovery of a dinosaur fossil in the area. This too would have to be documented in situ. Furthermore, even if a dinosaur fossil is found, this would only demonstrate a post-Flood dinosaur rather than a pre-Flood human-unless it can be shown that this layer is only consistent with a pre-Flood deposit.
@@joeltay3471 Thank you for the reply, Keep up the good work Brother, Really appreciate all your efforts at CMI
@@joeltay3471 thank you for the reply. So you don't consider Professor Holmes (Prof of Natural History) written testimony in a book as credible evidence?
We all expect primary sources, you can't get a more PRIMARY SOURCE than the person finding and writing about it.
I believe there were several newspaper articles about it at the time also. What would Prof Holmes motivation be for writing such a wild concocted story?
But I respect your position on this.
@@georgebond7777 Regardless of who is making a claim, it has to be properly documented for the purposes of peer review and checks and balances.
As creationists, we are held to a higher standard. That is, There is a need for continual peer-review and verification of scientific claims, including the role of peer-reviewed research and publication. Part of this process requires proper documentation.
In addition to our carefully checked family magazine Creation, our refereed Journal of Creation has become, a major forum for creationists to be able to formally present/debate various positions. Creationists are encouraged to present articles/papers for peer review and possible publication so that theories, evidence, etc. can be tested by mainstream creationist experts in their field.
If Professor Holmes is able to substantiate these claims through the peer-reviewed process and defend his thesis with proper documentation, we welcome his submission through these channels. Note that we are not saying his claims are false, but that for an argument to be useful (rather than just 'my word against yours'), it must first be shown to be sound. It may be worth pointing out the obvious: If these arguments don’t convince fellow creationists, why would any creationist think they are going to convince evolutionists?
Probably because we haven't found them yet,or we have and scientists think the dates don't correlate....
The amount of water we're talking about is way more intense than any heavy downpour we can imagine .
Going to high ground would be next to impossible.