Jesus never command his father Psm2:7,8 Heb5:7,8 Mt26:39,42 If it is possible Perfect will vs permissive will Israel num11,_6,18,31_33 Psm106:15 No king 1sam8:4,9 They have rejected me Answer will be yes,no, silent, wait Father know what give Pray change us Lk18:1-5 2cor12:7-9 Thorn God gave different answers what he expects We cannot command him Servant can't command master
Jesus never command his father
If it is possible
Perfect will vs permissive will
Israel num11,_6,18,31_33
No king 1sam8:4,9
They have rejected me
Answer will be yes,no, silent, wait
Father know what give
Pray change us
2cor12:7-9 Thorn
God gave different answers what he expects
We cannot command him
Servant can't command master