This highly rich lady has carved out a cosy place for herself, interviewers pay her tens of thousands just to repeat the same claims and platitudes. Some of it is true, I'm sure, but there is no value in claims without justification and evidence since the listener learns nothing.
What does that tell you? The powerful and rich people are corrupt, aren't they? To me, it's as clear as day and plain to see. They might be rich alright but none have the heart of gold.
If you will that the living God's word and his power may enter you, defile not your body and your spirit; for the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spirit is the temple of God. Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him. "And from all temptations of your body and your spirit, coming from Satan, withdraw beneath the shadow of God's heaven. "Renew yourselves and fast. For I tell you truly, that Satan and his plagues may only be cast out by -fasting and by prayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting to no man. The living God shall see it and great shall be your reward. And fast till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother come and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing. While you fast, eschew the Sons of Men and seek our Earthly Mother's angels, for he that seeks shall find. "Seek the fresh air of the forest and of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall you find the angel of air. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of air to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of air may be brought within you. I tell you truly, the angel of air shall cast out of your body all uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And thus shall all evil-smelling and unclean things rise out of you, as the smoke of fire curls upwards and is lost in the sea of the air. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of air, who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. No man may come before the face of God, whom the angel of air lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again by air and by truth, for your body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit breathes the truth of the Heavenly Father. "After the angel of air, seek the angel of water. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of water to embrace all your body. Cast yourselves wholly into his enfolding arms, and as often as you move the air with your breath, move with your body the water also. I tell you truly, the angel of water shall ca0st out of your body all uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall flow out of you, even as the uncleannesses of garments washed in water flow away and are lost in the stream of the river. I tell you truly, holy is the angel of water who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. No man may come before the face of God whom the angel of water lets not pass. in very truth, all must be born again of water and of truth, for your body bathes in the river of earthly life, and your spirit bathes in the river of life everlasting. For you receive your blood from our Earthly Mother and the truth from our Heavenly Father. "Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight. "Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore. "And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleannesses, seek the angel of sunlight. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of sunlight to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of sunlight may be brought within you. And the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your body all evil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness of night fades before the brightness of the rising sun. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleannesses and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father. "The angels of air and of water and of sunlight are brethren. They were given to the Son of Man that they might serve him, and that he might go always from one to the other. "Holy, likewise, is their embrace. They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother, so do not you put asunder those whom earth and heaven have made one. Let these three brother angels enfold you every day and let them abide with you through all your fasting. "For I tell you truly, the power of devils, all sins and uncleannesses shall depart in haste from that body which is embraced by these three angels. As thieves flee from a deserted house at the coming of the lord of the house, one by the door, one by the window, and the third by the roof, each where he is found, and whither he is able, even so shall flee from your bodies all devils of evil, all past sins, and all uncleannesses and diseases which defiled the temple of your bodies. When the Earthly Mother's angels enter into your bodies, in such wise that the lords of the temple repossess it again, then shall all evil smells depart in haste by your breath and by your skin, corrupt waters by your mouth and by your skin, by your hinder and your privy parts. And all these tpphings you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose and touch with your hands. And when all sins and uncleannesses are gone from your body, your blood shall become as pure as our Earthly Mother's blood and as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight. And your breath shall become as pure as the breath of odorous flowers; your flesh as pure as the flesh of fruits reddening upon the leaves of trees; the light of your eye as clear and bright as the brightness of the sun shining upon the blue sky. And now shall all the angels of the Earthly Mother serve you. And your breath, your blood, your flesh shall be one with the breath, the blood and the flesh of the Earthly Mother, that your spirit also may become one with the spirit of your Heavenly Father. For truly, no one can reach the Heavenly Father unless through the Earthly Mother. Even as no newborn babe can understand the teaching of his father till his mother has suckled him, bathed him, nursed him, put him to sleep and nurtured him. While the child is yet small, his place is with his mother and he must obey his mother. When the child is grown up, his father takes him to work at his side in the field, and the child comes back to his mother o nly when the hour of dinner and supper is come. And now his father teaches him, that he may become skilled in the works of his father. And when the father sees that his son understands his teaching and does his work well, he gives him all his possessions, that they may belong to his beloved son, and that his son may continue his father's work. I tell you truly, happy is that son who accepts the counsel of his mother and walks therein. And a hundred times more happy is that son who accepts and walks also in the counsel of his father, for it was said to you: 'Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon this earth.' But I say to you, Sons of Man: Honor your Earthly Mother and keep all her laws, that your days may be long on this earth, and honor your Heavenly Father that Eternal Life may be yours in the heavens. For the Heavenly Father is a hundred times greater than all fathers by seed and by blood, and greater is the Earthly Mother than all mothers by the body
Just like what we have with the Egyptian pyramids, all the brouhaha and whatnot and their fascinations. They can't even agree who made who or what, just lots of theories. Why won't we just turn our head around and really look at a true wonder, the Nile. She's been serving all since time in memoriam. Y'all dig?
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Yup even when it comes to renewable energy windmills, panels taking landspace away, wildlife, ppl what about them
@Michael, what you someone lie about their qualifications??? Yes indeed, she has PhD in philosophy physics and her dissertation is about quantum physics. Really u r pathetic
@Sachin Pandit The reality of her "dissertation" has been debunked by actual experimental physics. It's quite a disingenuous jump to go from the philosophy of science to calling oneself a scientist, which she is not. She has no academic training in the fields that she "misrepresents". How people can be so gullible is truly mind boggling and sad as well. Shalom.
@@RobynEllyn what s benefit of Labelling of such a good human being a scientist or not when all these sciences Have fucked up the all natural resources And disrespected mother earth. See today condition of world with open mind Not only ur closed mind. People like Shiva who r blessing on this planet must Be respected and listened otherwise We r heading towards sixth main mass Exitinction with all these bullshit science Which is responsible for all misinformation campaign in the world.cant u see what these chemtrials By ur so called scientist has done to Environment . Peoplewith these degrees Have become zombies so dumb and Obssesive about labels with no pratical Wisdom to solve major world crisis and Instead what they do is spitting their crap Out .
@@RobynEllyn - Who cares if it was debunked? It was a damn THEORY - that's what you do with theories you TEST them. Lmao!! Closed minded. She obviously knows what she's talking about, all you have to do is listen to her for 5 minutes to know she is intelligent and articulate. He ideas make sense. People are STARVING - so - do something different!! You know damn well this is about corporate greed - she ain't telling ya nothin new. Lol
@@Свободадляроссии I’m sorry you are still asleep. Food Intelligence is just now getting the light it deserves. We have lost all food intelligence and will lose our humanity because of it.
23 years of me being an extremely aware Indian and I discovered this lady and her incredible work of decades today . She is obviously being censored . This is frankly disturbing .
So how does labour gets rewarded when every ounce of their crop is being sold? If you're saying that they are unable to fulfill basic needs then don't you just want to end the whole no pain no gain thing? There are lots of homeless people who don't have basic needs, why is that? Why is that a middle class man who works as enough as a rich man gets paid lower than him? You're an idiot or more like childish to think world works in a fair way, we pursue idealism that can never exist, you need to accept the fact that we can never make everybody happy. Happiness solely exists because of sadness, if all this misery and suffering is gone, it would also mean that all that happiness and joy you receive would also be gone. Isn't that too naive or selfish to think that nothing but happiness should exist. Grow up
@@satan4817 you have your opinions . I am entitled to mine . Vent your frustrations elsewhere . I saw a point and I upheld it . No need to turn unpleasant over a comment that did no harm to anyone . Calm down .
@@silencieux4464 if I am being honest,I just wanted to try a little test to find out how you who thinks and agrees with her will reply, but it seems pointless to compare our wisdom now btw it's a joke (it's called jojo reference)
@@satan4817 Do you go about making yourself the butt of jokes everywhere? Do you know how much food is literally thrown away by the west before it even appears on the shelves of their hypermarkets? Do you have any idea about the condition of farmers in India?
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
@@Brumtownrandoms not true! They can support local growers and any ppl providing sharing their gifts with eachother and spread the word by website free advertizing mouth to mouth bring and get food for other familys too move to the land occupy Earth and your body and cast out evil and toxins!
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
@@bvegannow1936 Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. That's how you get millions of dead people.
This is what needs to be taught in schools and colleges about the sustainability of food and agriculture. But they won’t do it for reasons so well articulated by Vandana Shiva 👏
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
This type of scenerio never scene before. No one has right to have control on humans basic requirements that is our food, our water, air , sun and land. No one should let this happen.
🌺💐🌺💐 "We create problems. Otherwise, there is no problem. Kṛṣṇa has arranged everything. Īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam [Īśo mantra 1]. Just see how so many fruits are there for the birds, and so sumptuously supplied, they are thrown. Pūrṇam idam [Īśo Invocation]. Everything is sufficient. But these rascals are blind, they do not know. They are trying to adjust. What adjustment? It is already sufficient. You are misusing things. Sufficient land is there, sufficient intelligence is there. Everything is sufficient. They are misusing. In Africa, in Australia, there is sufficient land, and they are raising cattle to kill them. This is their intelligence. And they are growing coffee and tea and tobacco. They know tobacco is bad, and they are utilizing time and energy for growing tobacco and smoking tobacco. This is their intelligence. So these are blind men. Give them intelligence, these rascals. We call them therefore only rascals. People are dying for want of food grains, and they are growing tobacco, which by smoking, they will go to hell. This is their intelligence. Huh? What do you think?"
I am very grateful for the generous and courageous wisdom which flows fresh and free from the fountain of Vandana's heart. May the world heed her voice and thrive...
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living. Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living. Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living. Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
@@jabeentaj7399 I think that’s basically like a farmers market in America except bigger. Besides farmers markets our options are expensive and modified foods
I love you Vananda Shiva! You're such a brave and beautiful voice! In my country they think guns will save freedom but they gave up food sovereignty and their means of production long ago. Now we are on the cusp of world wide famine and your words are proven true.
Glad to hear the discussion. My family had 27,000 acres in Montana, all leased for grain production. As the asset values and relative income decreased they sold out and I stepped in as the very last to give it a go. The current evidence based revolution in plant based nutrition is the only way forward that I can see. Coupled with a greater integration to the health system and local consumption there may be a path forward. Education in evidence based nutrition will become a necessary component of marketing I suspect. A sea change is mandatory not only to preserve incomes but lives.
Hi I-58. Thanks for your post and good luck with it. As one mostly ignorant of the finer points involved, would you have any idea how many head of cattle the entire 27K of land could sustain, as a range area, with a minimum $ input? Could one animal be sustained with most of it's food and water reqirements with one square mile say? It's something I've wondered about of late.
Montana is grassland. Grow free-range bison and elk for regenerative agriculture and premium market. Watch biodiversity return as a result. Run wildlife ecotours.
This woman has let the cat out of the bag in a succinct 3 1/2 minutes. She's speaking the truth folks. Get back to self-sustainable living. If you require outside sources for your basic needs, you are not free, you are a slave.
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living. Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger! Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living. Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
My parents told me that during the depression, there was a shortage of food 🥘 in the cities. The people who lived in the country had lots of food because they grew their own food and hunted for animals like rabbits, squirrels, deer, and other animals-They had cows, pigs, chickens 🐓 and other animals- They had apple 🍎 trees, pear trees-Blue Berry Bushes , Strawberry Bushes, Black Berry Bushes !! They had gardens, with potatoes, cabbage, greens, peppers, tomatoes 🍅, squash, cucumbers 🥒 and a lot of other things-!!
Too many "country" people are posers who don't walk the talk because they've bought into the grid, Walmart supply chain and prepackaged "food".. they are allergic to physical work, mistaking it to be misery because they're prediabetic marshmallows .. guns, camo and pickups aplenty but all make-believe, they might as well just go live in town.
The truth always hurt some people. We have to consider our urgency to respect our Mother Earth - for she will provide. Thank you dear Lady for this much needed T r u t h!
God bless and keep this wonderful woman! A whole lot of issues to talk about almost every aspect of human basic life amenities if not all especially in the Africa continents and work out solutions. God bless!
If you mean the government should ban GMO and pesticides, then it's a pipe dream. Every government's arm is being bent to allow them. The only way to ban GMO and pesticides is by the people not buying any product that results out of their use and by growing your own organic foods or solely support local organic farms. Starve the chemical corporations!
If we ban them, we would see mass famines the world never saw or can even imagine... How can u ignore the effects of green revolution on India's food security? Yes, I agree that the practices are not sustainable for the long run, but altogether banning them would be a disaster. Need of the hour is to find alternatives, not to ban the existing ones. How can u be soo illogical? Sorry, if that offends u but I am pissed by the comments in this video. All are saying BS. They are asking to ban everything as if it's as simple as turning a switch off....
@@TheSaneInternational-SNI It's fucking frightening how many people seem to be buying into this bollocks. Just look at what has happened to Sri Lanka by following her advice. This comment section is not only filled with the uneducated, but the uneducable. GMOs are our salvation if we want to sustain such a large and growing population and as for "Chemicals" - that great evil: Everything is chemicals you morons, EVERYTHING. The water you drink, the air you breath, the food you eat, chemicals, all of it.
Been following Dr. Shiva for years, ever since I first watched documentaries on GMOs and the global water supplies. She is a David up against a global Goliath. Keep her in prayer!
Wow, just wow. At last the veil is torn for me. I was struggling to understand the agricultural imbalance in today's world, and this lady pulled all the strings together. Thank you. God bless.
It must seem as though I swoon over this wonderful woman but I can't be the only one. She makes me smile and gives me, along with a few other attention worthy pepole, hope for my children's future.
Poeple all around the World must fight together in unity againts those who are destroying our earth, local agriculture, and environement. God bless you.
The reason for world hunger in a nutshell. Dr Vandana, your clear expressions on the reality of what's going on is inspiring. The truth of the matter, the powers that control the system will not change. It is us, the consumers, who will have to make individual efforts to buy more consciously. By our actions, we can bring change.
Catherine ST LOUIS • I agree. But corporate greed goes hand in hand with supply on demand. People want quick fast easy. So the manufacturers became massive in order to supply the insatiable global demand. This is why people have to change. It is a bit of a vicious circle where only the corporate giants win. We the people have unwittingly made them powerful. They just saw a way to make ridiculous amounts of money. Business is business.
@@joanflemmingkendrick1107 Thank you for your insight. If I'm understanding correctly, ultimately we all have played a part in this dilemma. I suspect it will take conscientious, self disciplined, determined human beings to make a difference. OR a crisis that forces us all to do the right thing for the world. I rather the former.
Wonderfully told. This 3 minute video should be translated in every possible language on the Earth and highly propagated which should trigger the revolution for a better tomorrow.
BOOM! That ending... my god. Spot on with everything. She is a pistol. Wonderful woman, truth bombs all the way. I tried ordering her book but not available anywhere over here.. Love this segment, come back to it time to time for year now and show it to everybody.. xx..
0:41 "The same acre of land, using biodiversity, using organic and ecological methods could produce 5 to 10 times more nutrients than a monoculture can." --> I would love to read more about this.. If anyone can share some case studies... thanks!
@@DukeGMOLOL Who shoved a stick up your ass, people are able to be self sufficient with thier food for tiny amounts of land!! The food is infinitely better quality too. Keep on shilling for corporate mass produced watered down food though that leads to barren ecosystems with no pollinators if you love it that much. For sheep it's much easier to be reliant on the corps I guess.
@@fishsteak3246 can you please provide some case study ? I would really love to read more about it. If I ask, it is because I didn't find anything yet. thanks!
We in the West will cry for the last toilet paper roll, but the locusts and our greed will condemn millions to starvation; none of us will really want while the third world will send us it last drop of blood. I hate the internet. -Avenging Earth Angel
@ 😂😂😂 Have you grown anything in your life? Agripesticides and ferts that have, yes, contributed to our massive population explosion has also depleted the biodeversity and fertility of the soils all around the world. When you understand how soil fertility is degraded by the very things that big Agriculture push to sell to make a short term profit regardless of the future outcome, you learn it's a lose-lose situation in the long term to keep pumping toxic ferts into monoculture based systems to keep producing enough yield year after year. What actually happens is productivity will decrease and soils become barren and unusable. Permaculture and biodynamics enhances soil fertility and yields year on year but it doesn't require large companies to make profits to do so if we stopped outsourcing to the extent we do. Would you rather shift gears to something that works for sustainability long term or push all your money to those companies profits and shareholders so they can live it up while ensuring our future food production remains viable only short term? What would you choose?
🌺💐🌺💐 "We create problems. Otherwise, there is no problem. Kṛṣṇa has arranged everything. Īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam [Īśo mantra 1]. Just see how so many fruits are there for the birds, and so sumptuously supplied, they are thrown. Pūrṇam idam [Īśo Invocation]. Everything is sufficient. But these rascals are blind, they do not know. They are trying to adjust. What adjustment? It is already sufficient. You are misusing things. Sufficient land is there, sufficient intelligence is there. Everything is sufficient. They are misusing. In Africa, in Australia, there is sufficient land, and they are raising cattle to kill them. This is their intelligence. And they are growing coffee and tea and tobacco. They know tobacco is bad, and they are utilizing time and energy for growing tobacco and smoking tobacco. This is their intelligence. So these are blind men. Give them intelligence, these rascals. We call them therefore only rascals. People are dying for want of food grains, and they are growing tobacco, which by smoking, they will go to hell. This is their intelligence. Huh? What do you think?"
@@tulayamalavenapi4028 Don't judge others just because they sin differently than you do (tobacco). You missed the point of the video. IF THE HIGHER POWERS DIDN'T MAKE THE FARMERS GIVE AWAY MOST OF THE PRODUCE, THEY COULD ACTUALLY EAT THEMSELVES. It has nothing to do with cattle and tabacoo, but all to do with a plan & business. It is no coincidence which country gets to be rich and which gets dependant. It is decided.. xx..
People should invite her to speak in Schools and universities. Children need to be inform and educate about such information to build a better healthier future.
This woman sounds intelligent but her method won't empower the farmer at all. In India, we had the Essential Commodities Act which was formulated during the Nehruvian era that aimed to control prices of essential food crops at a time when there was severe food shortage. This persisted even when India became a good surplus country after the green revolution. Today, a country like India is exporting after fulfilling it's domestic needs. And finally, 70% of children are not going hungry in India. This woman needs to get her facts right
Fearless Woman , has the courage to speak the thruth, blessed with the power of Right Education and Social status. So far Our revered Indian Spiritual Gurus have not shown the courage to talk so profoundly as Vandanaji does. Thousand Salutes to her. How can we create a force which will save our Earth and humankind?are we ready... Digital tranformation spread like a wild fire..whether you know it you like it..or you have resources or not everybody was made to become part of it...Similarly can we bring in this Movement this Revolution to save our Mother Earth....Many many many Durgas and many many Shivas to, establish a new world..The world for our children to live in dignity.
The highly intelligent lady has picked the richest and most powerful ppl on earth to fight with. I pray that she stays safe.
She picked a fight with Israel?
This highly rich lady has carved out a cosy place for herself, interviewers pay her tens of thousands just to repeat the same claims and platitudes. Some of it is true, I'm sure, but there is no value in claims without justification and evidence since the listener learns nothing.
They don't all want the same thing. Some want people to be kept weak so they control them for slavery.
Its called standing up for Justice. You do not roll over in the face of tyranny.
What does that tell you? The powerful and rich people are corrupt, aren't they? To me, it's as clear as day and plain to see. They might be rich alright but none have the heart of gold.
“No matter what problem you look at, every ecological problem comes from this illusion that we are separate from nature.” ~ Vandana Shiva
If you will that the living God's word and his power may enter you, defile not your body and your spirit; for the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spirit is the temple of God. Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him.
"And from all temptations of your body and your spirit, coming from Satan, withdraw beneath the shadow of God's heaven.
"Renew yourselves and fast. For I tell you truly, that Satan and his plagues may only be cast out by -fasting and by prayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting to no man. The living God shall see it and great shall be your reward. And fast till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother come and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing. While you fast, eschew the Sons of Men and seek our Earthly Mother's angels, for he that seeks shall find.
"Seek the fresh air of the forest and of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall you find the angel of air. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of air to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of air may be brought within you. I tell you truly, the angel of air shall cast out of your body all uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And thus shall all evil-smelling and unclean things rise out of you, as the smoke of fire curls upwards and is lost in the sea of the air. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of air, who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. No man may come before the face of God, whom the angel of air lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again by air and by truth, for your body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit breathes the truth of the Heavenly Father.
"After the angel of air, seek the angel of water. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of water to embrace all your body. Cast yourselves wholly into his enfolding arms, and as often as you move the air with your breath, move with your body the water also. I tell you truly, the angel of water shall ca0st out of your body all uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall flow out of you, even as the uncleannesses of garments washed in water flow away and are lost in the stream of the river. I tell you truly, holy is the angel of water who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. No man may come before the face of God whom the angel of water lets not pass. in very truth, all must be born again of water and of truth, for your body bathes in the river of earthly life, and your spirit bathes in the river of life everlasting. For you receive your blood from our Earthly Mother and the truth from our Heavenly Father.
"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.
"Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.
"And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleannesses, seek the angel of sunlight. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of sunlight to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of sunlight may be brought within you. And the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your body all evil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness of night fades before the brightness of the rising sun. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleannesses and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father.
"The angels of air and of water and of sunlight are brethren. They were given to the Son of Man that they might serve him, and that he might go always from one to the other.
"Holy, likewise, is their embrace. They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother, so do not you put asunder those whom earth and heaven have made one. Let these three brother angels enfold you every day and let them abide with you through all your fasting.
"For I tell you truly, the power of devils, all sins and uncleannesses shall depart in haste from that body which is embraced by these three angels. As thieves flee from a deserted house at the coming of the lord of the house, one by the door, one by the window, and the third by the roof, each where he is found, and whither he is able, even so shall flee from your bodies all devils of evil, all past sins, and all uncleannesses and diseases which defiled the temple of your bodies. When the Earthly Mother's angels enter into your bodies, in such wise that the lords of the temple repossess it again, then shall all evil smells depart in haste by your breath and by your skin, corrupt waters by your mouth and by your skin, by your hinder and your privy parts. And all these tpphings you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose and touch with your hands. And when all sins and uncleannesses are gone from your body, your blood shall become as pure as our Earthly Mother's blood and as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight. And your breath shall become as pure as the breath of odorous flowers; your flesh as pure as the flesh of fruits reddening upon the leaves of trees; the light of your eye as clear and bright as the brightness of the sun shining upon the blue sky. And now shall all the angels of the Earthly Mother serve you. And your breath, your blood, your flesh shall be one with the breath, the blood and the flesh of the Earthly Mother, that your spirit also may become one with the spirit of your Heavenly Father. For truly, no one can reach the Heavenly Father unless through the Earthly Mother. Even as no newborn babe can understand the teaching of his father till his mother has suckled him, bathed him, nursed him, put him to sleep and nurtured him. While the child is yet small, his place is with his mother and he must obey his mother. When the child is grown up, his father takes him to work at his side in the field, and the child comes back to his mother o nly when the hour of dinner and supper is come. And now his father teaches him, that he may become skilled in the works of his father. And when the father sees that his son understands his teaching and does his work well, he gives him all his possessions, that they may belong to his beloved son, and that his son may continue his father's work. I tell you truly, happy is that son who accepts the counsel of his mother and walks therein. And a hundred times more happy is that son who accepts and walks also in the counsel of his father, for it was said to you: 'Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon this earth.' But I say to you, Sons of Man: Honor your Earthly Mother and keep all her laws, that your days may be long on this earth, and honor your Heavenly Father that Eternal Life may be yours in the heavens. For the Heavenly Father is a hundred times greater than all fathers by seed and by blood, and greater is the Earthly Mother than all mothers by the body
@@sayunasoulmesseng839 Stop smoking crack!
Just like what we have with the Egyptian pyramids, all the brouhaha and whatnot and their fascinations. They can't even agree who made who or what, just lots of theories. Why won't we just turn our head around and really look at a true wonder, the Nile. She's been serving all since time in memoriam. Y'all dig?
Yup even when it comes to renewable energy windmills, panels taking landspace away, wildlife, ppl what about them
This lady is highly intelligent. I salute her simply because she states the truth
@Michael, what you someone lie about their qualifications??? Yes indeed, she has PhD in philosophy physics and her dissertation is about quantum physics. Really u r pathetic
Look her up. She is amazing. Been telling the truth for a looong time.
@Sachin Pandit The reality of her "dissertation" has been debunked by actual experimental physics. It's quite a disingenuous jump to go from the philosophy of science to calling oneself a scientist, which she is not. She has no academic training in the fields that she "misrepresents". How people can be so gullible is truly mind boggling and sad as well. Shalom.
@@RobynEllyn what s benefit of
Labelling of such a good human being
a scientist or not when all these sciences
Have fucked up the all natural resources
And disrespected mother earth. See today condition of world with open mind
Not only ur closed mind. People like
Shiva who r blessing on this planet must
Be respected and listened otherwise
We r heading towards sixth main mass
Exitinction with all these bullshit science
Which is responsible for all misinformation campaign in the world.cant u see what these chemtrials
By ur so called scientist has done to
Environment . Peoplewith these degrees
Have become zombies so dumb and
Obssesive about labels with no pratical
Wisdom to solve major world crisis and
Instead what they do is spitting their crap
Out .
@@RobynEllyn - Who cares if it was debunked? It was a damn THEORY - that's what you do with theories you TEST them. Lmao!! Closed minded. She obviously knows what she's talking about, all you have to do is listen to her for 5 minutes to know she is intelligent and articulate. He ideas make sense. People are STARVING - so - do something different!! You know damn well this is about corporate greed - she ain't telling ya nothin new. Lol
How can anyone give this talk a thumbs down? "Thank you Vandana Shiva," food as a weapon", "hunger as an instrument of war"...what a world!
The thumbs down are from the food cartels
Because everything she says is horseshit maybe?
@@patriziapreite8875 "Food cartels" get a grip... Please tell me where
MIT of
N.I.S.A.I. by
N.I.N.E. ; . . .3Sq
@@Свободадляроссии I’m sorry you are still asleep. Food Intelligence is just now getting the light it deserves. We have lost all food intelligence and will lose our humanity because of it.
23 years of me being an extremely aware Indian and I discovered this lady and her incredible work of decades today . She is obviously being censored . This is frankly disturbing .
So how does labour gets rewarded when every ounce of their crop is being sold? If you're saying that they are unable to fulfill basic needs then don't you just want to end the whole no pain no gain thing? There are lots of homeless people who don't have basic needs, why is that? Why is that a middle class man who works as enough as a rich man gets paid lower than him? You're an idiot or more like childish to think world works in a fair way, we pursue idealism that can never exist, you need to accept the fact that we can never make everybody happy. Happiness solely exists because of sadness, if all this misery and suffering is gone, it would also mean that all that happiness and joy you receive would also be gone. Isn't that too naive or selfish to think that nothing but happiness should exist. Grow up
@@satan4817 you have your opinions . I am entitled to mine . Vent your frustrations elsewhere . I saw a point and I upheld it . No need to turn unpleasant over a comment that did no harm to anyone . Calm down .
@@silencieux4464 if I am being honest,I just wanted to try a little test to find out how you who thinks and agrees with her will reply, but it seems pointless to compare our wisdom now
btw it's a joke (it's called jojo reference)
@@satan4817 sure . Whatever you'd like to tell yourself . Joke elsewhere . Don't bother people without necessity .
@@satan4817 Do you go about making yourself the butt of jokes everywhere? Do you know how much food is literally thrown away by the west before it even appears on the shelves of their hypermarkets? Do you have any idea about the condition of farmers in India?
Vandana, you are a blessing to this world. And very timely too.
She is telling/teaching us the same things last 30 years but we educated idiots not taking any action 😅🤣😜
Too late to resist coz they have been successful keeping us all dumb ....
Victoria s . Yes she is truly a blessing.
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Ask her to speak on untouchablility of India.. why brahmins overlook Indians not being Indians??
I'm getting into ecological growing because of this brilliant, loving women!
Self sustainability is the only way
Support local farming and if able, get involved yourself.
I love the solution she discusses and fully agree!
@Inu Yasha No it doesn't, it never did
@@red_boum you become what you think you are
There are less options for the average modern individual
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
@@Brumtownrandoms not true! They can support local growers and any ppl providing sharing their gifts with eachother and spread the word by website free advertizing mouth to mouth bring and get food for other familys too move to the land occupy Earth and your body and cast out evil and toxins!
Brilliant woman. Time to get rid of Bayer Monsanto.
And Bill Gates pushing GMOs in India, Africa. Pushing mandatory vaccines. Extremely perverse.
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
fyi: Bill Gates!!!!! Do Not Take Any Vaccine------Farrakhan Warned Africans
Viable Tv yt
Monsanto has paid politicians to protect them from crimes against humanity.
@@bvegannow1936 Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
That's how you get millions of dead people.
This is what needs to be taught in schools and colleges about the sustainability of food and agriculture. But they won’t do it for reasons so well articulated by Vandana Shiva 👏
Shop , home ec and fitness are no longer standard curriculum
@@davidgough3512 dang!
However; they're teaching pronouns and what women are.
This woman speaks love
She is Love
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
She over looks fellow citizens Indian as an untouchables. Here talking bullshit...ask her to speak on untouchablility
And life.💕🍀
Love commercial now, let's just say she is talking about reality
Clever women, respect and gratitude. The truth has set me free.
did it really?
@@gaussminigun7095 I am unconditional, no fear. Addiction.ha haha. Respect and gratitude
Vandana Shiva we want to hear and see you more!!
This type of scenerio never scene before. No one has right to have control on humans basic requirements that is our food, our water, air , sun and land. No one should let this happen.
but they do for sure. they have claimed pretty much every good wild place left as a park or reserve.
Its happening.
@@Psartz it has happened and Now we are here to never alow it to happen again
Dr Vandana needs our support , we can all do something ❤️
"We create problems. Otherwise, there is no problem. Kṛṣṇa has arranged everything. Īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam [Īśo mantra 1]. Just see how so many fruits are there for the birds, and so sumptuously supplied, they are thrown. Pūrṇam idam [Īśo Invocation]. Everything is sufficient. But these rascals are blind, they do not know. They are trying to adjust. What adjustment? It is already sufficient. You are misusing things. Sufficient land is there, sufficient intelligence is there. Everything is sufficient. They are misusing. In Africa, in Australia, there is sufficient land, and they are raising cattle to kill them. This is their intelligence. And they are growing coffee and tea and tobacco. They know tobacco is bad, and they are utilizing time and energy for growing tobacco and smoking tobacco. This is their intelligence. So these are blind men. Give them intelligence, these rascals. We call them therefore only rascals. People are dying for want of food grains, and they are growing tobacco, which by smoking, they will go to hell. This is their intelligence. Huh? What do you think?"
I am very grateful for the generous and courageous wisdom which flows fresh and free from the fountain of Vandana's heart. May the world heed her voice and thrive...
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
Modi is involved in genocide of innocent people of Kashmir.
2:00 i pray for her longer health . Please dont stop being truthful.
She is a goddess. Bold charming and truth 😌😌😌😌😌
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
I'm honored to live in an era where this woman is speaking and leading the movement for good food and farming practices.
True. She is such a powerful voice for this planet.
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
She's a powerful voice for idiocy, socialism and nut-case theories on farming.
@@ruthc8407 says who?the genius of wts app university.
Our champion that was long overdue on this planet.
Buy food from your local farmers markets and organic co ops that source local farms; the food is fresher, more nutritious and often less expensive.
1234constantine government is preventing these local farmers to sell to the community, now we only can access food from a grocery store
In india it is cheaper to buy in a supermarket than a roadside vendor, hence most people prefer huge supermarkets.
@@jabeentaj7399 I think that’s basically like a farmers market in America except bigger. Besides farmers markets our options are expensive and modified foods
I hope this goes viral
Her wisdom is so powerful and gentle at once, I pray for her 👑🌹🥇❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖💝
*"The use of food as the ultimate weapon of control"* !!!!
I love you Vananda Shiva! You're such a brave and beautiful voice! In my country they think guns will save freedom but they gave up food sovereignty and their means of production long ago. Now we are on the cusp of world wide famine and your words are proven true.
Be a warrior for change.
Glad to hear the discussion. My family had 27,000 acres in Montana, all leased for grain production. As the asset values and relative income decreased they sold out and I stepped in as the very last to give it a go. The current evidence based revolution in plant based nutrition is the only way forward that I can see. Coupled with a greater integration to the health system and local consumption there may be a path forward. Education in evidence based nutrition will become a necessary component of marketing I suspect. A sea change is mandatory not only to preserve incomes but lives.
Hi I-58. Thanks for your post and good luck with it. As one mostly ignorant of the finer points involved, would you have any idea how many head of cattle the entire 27K of land could sustain, as a range area, with a minimum $ input? Could one animal be sustained with most of it's food and water reqirements with one square mile say? It's something I've wondered about of late.
Montana is grassland. Grow free-range bison and elk for regenerative agriculture and premium market. Watch biodiversity return as a result. Run wildlife ecotours.
Ur doing a good thing... This is good Karma... God bless you...
Google carbon farming.
Google. Black soldier fly larve
This woman has let the cat out of the bag in a succinct 3 1/2 minutes. She's speaking the truth folks. Get back to self-sustainable living. If you require outside sources for your basic needs, you are not free, you are a slave.
@Neil Mo Thinking about is a step in the right direction...Better than being a slave to technology!!
i need gasoline and oil tho
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
@ just some few veggie plants in your backyard or balcony can do wonders, you don't need a farm to be self sustainable.
Agreed! Put another way, self sufficiency and regenerative sustainability are actually two sides of the same coin.
I could listen to Vandana forever. Stunning sensibility.
Hello Meg
This brilliant soul has picked the lock to the safe.
GOVERNMENT is one of the real main causes of hunger!
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
A plant based diet is more efficent and uses less resources on av. If all the resources used to feed livestock was used to feed humans world hunger would end.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, tax deductible chairty and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Be vegan Watch earthlings the movie its free on TH-cam
I appreciate her being especially in this crisis.We need to spread her insightful speech out so that more people realize what has been happening.
I dont know much about cricket but this is a homerun in plain and simple.
My parents told me that during the depression, there was a shortage of food 🥘 in the cities. The people who lived in the country had lots of food because they grew their own food and hunted for animals like rabbits, squirrels, deer, and other animals-They had cows, pigs, chickens 🐓 and other animals- They had apple 🍎 trees, pear trees-Blue Berry Bushes , Strawberry Bushes, Black Berry Bushes !! They had gardens, with potatoes, cabbage, greens, peppers, tomatoes 🍅, squash, cucumbers 🥒 and a lot of other things-!!
City life is made by man, whereas country life is made by God. 🍇🍊👍🏻🌼🥕🍠💐💐💐🙏🏻
Too many "country" people are posers who don't walk the talk because they've bought into the grid, Walmart supply chain and prepackaged "food".. they are allergic to physical work, mistaking it to be misery because they're prediabetic marshmallows .. guns, camo and pickups aplenty but all make-believe, they might as well just go live in town.
She reminds me of my Mom. She's so intelligent & speaks well. I need to check out more of her work. She's LOVELY!!
The truth always hurt some people. We have to consider our urgency to respect our Mother Earth - for she will provide.
Thank you dear Lady for this much needed T r u t h!
You are an under utilised asset. Wish you take over the Agriculture Ministry permanently
Love this woman's mind
She's sooooo well read 🙏🏻
It seems like she's reading stuff.
We need more people like her. We need to unite to fight for our future
women of the world - this is your inspiration - take heed and take check , much respect and love to V Shiva.
God bless and keep this wonderful woman! A whole lot of issues to talk about almost every aspect of human basic life amenities if not all especially in the Africa continents and work out solutions. God bless!
Logical thinker that speaks simple as it really is. To wake the world is a huge job. Thank you
We need to ban GMOS and pesticides
You're doing gods work my brother!
If you mean the government should ban GMO and pesticides, then it's a pipe dream. Every government's arm is being bent to allow them.
The only way to ban GMO and pesticides is by the people not buying any product that results out of their use and by growing your own organic foods or solely support local organic farms. Starve the chemical corporations!
If we ban them, we would see mass famines the world never saw or can even imagine... How can u ignore the effects of green revolution on India's food security? Yes, I agree that the practices are not sustainable for the long run, but altogether banning them would be a disaster. Need of the hour is to find alternatives, not to ban the existing ones.
How can u be soo illogical? Sorry, if that offends u but I am pissed by the comments in this video. All are saying BS. They are asking to ban everything as if it's as simple as turning a switch off....
@@TheSaneInternational-SNI It's fucking frightening how many people seem to be buying into this bollocks. Just look at what has happened to Sri Lanka by following her advice. This comment section is not only filled with the uneducated, but the uneducable. GMOs are our salvation if we want to sustain such a large and growing population and as for "Chemicals" - that great evil: Everything is chemicals you morons, EVERYTHING. The water you drink, the air you breath, the food you eat, chemicals, all of it.
Yes Ma'am, i am learning so much form you. Here in the USA too, hunger is a growing concern
im watching this for school but wow this is amazing.
Been following Dr. Shiva for years, ever since I first watched documentaries on GMOs and the global water supplies. She is a David up against a global Goliath. Keep her in prayer!
The WHOLE WORLD is getting ready to feel this “weapon” so very sad...
Refreshingly sober and inspiring!
Deepest gratitude.
Wow, just wow. At last the veil is torn for me. I was struggling to understand the agricultural imbalance in today's world, and this lady pulled all the strings together. Thank you. God bless.
I literally did not know about her until recently why is this not being broadcast? I know the powers that be don’t want it but still
You answered your own question.
@ Everything she says makes sense. She understands the meaning of balance and harmony. If we dont look for balance and harmony , we are doomed.
My favorite human. Thank you Vandana.
Farm locally and organically and yes she is 100% right money shouldn’t be used for economic purposes
Love her speaches
A big salute from a true Indian, A Teacher, A Farmer's son.
It must seem as though I swoon over this wonderful woman but I can't be the only one. She makes me smile and gives me, along with a few other attention worthy pepole, hope for my children's future.
Well stated and on target. V Shiva.. We should ban these immoral criminals from touching and tampering with our food supply.
I have seen many videos of this woman. She is strong and honourable
Truth succinctly articulated. 👍❤️🙏
She is genuinely amazing. I have all the time in the world for beings like this. I stand by her side 🙏🏼
Poeple all around the World must fight together in unity againts those who are destroying our earth, local agriculture, and environement. God bless you.
You make a lot of sense. I believe you more than I believe the government. Good video 👍 new subscriber here 😀
Very true and completely agree with her .. bless her 🙏🙏
I just found this wonderful lady I have such admiration for her and would love to help her in her fight.
That's how real HEROs look! And villains look like Gates and Klaus Schwab!
The reason for world hunger in a nutshell. Dr Vandana, your clear expressions on the reality of what's going on is inspiring. The truth of the matter, the powers that control the system will not change. It is us, the consumers, who will have to make individual efforts to buy more consciously. By our actions, we can bring change.
Catherine ST LOUIS • I agree. But corporate greed goes hand in hand with supply on demand. People want quick fast easy. So the manufacturers became massive in order to supply the insatiable global demand. This is why people have to change. It is a bit of a vicious circle where only the corporate giants win.
We the people have unwittingly made them powerful. They just saw a way to make ridiculous amounts of money. Business is business.
@@joanflemmingkendrick1107 Thank you for your insight. If I'm understanding correctly, ultimately we all have played a part in this dilemma. I suspect it will take conscientious, self disciplined, determined human beings to make a difference. OR a crisis that forces us all to do the right thing for the world. I rather the former.
Fantastic stuff
This beautiful lady Is amazing. a real warrior, bless her
People starve because billionaires never get enough.
There is enough for everyone's need, but not their greed. 🙏🏻💐
Deep 👏
I think Michael Moore once said something like "enough is the dirtiest word in capitalism."
As well as their agenda for population control so genocide from poverty,famine, pandemics and abortion.
We need truth tellers like this highly educated women. She is so incredibly intelligent and beatiful soul @❤🙏🇦🇺😇
Dear Vandana.....
Hunger is a blessing....
Poverty is a blessing....
Because it is a catalyst from within...
And most importantly it will keep us humble while the world journeys onward.
Thank you sooooo much!!
Wonderfully told. This 3 minute video should be translated in every possible language on the Earth and highly propagated which should trigger the revolution for a better tomorrow.
Capitalism and corporate greed does not care..
@🌟༻🅹🅰🆈🅵🅰༺ ✓ • 5 years ago yes, interesting thought
BOOM! That ending... my god. Spot on with everything. She is a pistol. Wonderful woman, truth bombs all the way. I tried ordering her book but not available anywhere over here.. Love this segment, come back to it time to time for year now and show it to everybody.. xx..
The whole world eats Oats from one brand for breakfast.
Therein that is a serious problem in and by itself.
And that same brand funds university research labs and think tanks. Something about that makes me very uncomfortable.
I'm speechless ,overwhelmed ...
..Enlightened really we need such people ,who want to make this world beautiful & divine.
0:41 "The same acre of land, using biodiversity, using organic and ecological methods could produce 5 to 10 times more nutrients than a monoculture can." --> I would love to read more about this.. If anyone can share some case studies... thanks!
The quote is absolute crap.
Research permaculture!
@@fishsteak3246 Another low yielding waste of land.
@@DukeGMOLOL Who shoved a stick up your ass, people are able to be self sufficient with thier food for tiny amounts of land!! The food is infinitely better quality too.
Keep on shilling for corporate mass produced watered down food though that leads to barren ecosystems with no pollinators if you love it that much. For sheep it's much easier to be reliant on the corps I guess.
@@fishsteak3246 can you please provide some case study ? I would really love to read more about it. If I ask, it is because I didn't find anything yet. thanks!
God bless Vandana Shiva that she may only become stronger, more brilliant and successful in her struggle.
We in the West will cry for the last toilet paper roll, but the locusts and our greed will condemn millions to starvation; none of us will really want while the third world will send us it last drop of blood. I hate the internet. -Avenging Earth Angel
Strongly agreed ma'am .
You are awesome
Practise permaculture end hunger, No GMO, no chemicals, no fertilizers. Feed the world. KEEP OFF AFRICA BILL GATES
@ 😂😂😂 Have you grown anything in your life? Agripesticides and ferts that have, yes, contributed to our massive population explosion has also depleted the biodeversity and fertility of the soils all around the world.
When you understand how soil fertility is degraded by the very things that big Agriculture push to sell to make a short term profit regardless of the future outcome, you learn it's a lose-lose situation in the long term to keep pumping toxic ferts into monoculture based systems to keep producing enough yield year after year. What actually happens is productivity will decrease and soils become barren and unusable. Permaculture and biodynamics enhances soil fertility and yields year on year but it doesn't require large companies to make profits to do so if we stopped outsourcing to the extent we do.
Would you rather shift gears to something that works for sustainability long term or push all your money to those companies profits and shareholders so they can live it up while ensuring our future food production remains viable only short term? What would you choose?
@@AmitArtz No it's not importent weather we are growing anything or not.But it's very importent to support a right intended person.
Your every word is priceless Dr Vandana.
They should be called former colonized countries not developing countries.
That Goddess I love her she is right on point what she is saying is on the highest level period 💚✅
What’s wrong with human being just eat a little less and actually start to appreciate the good food ?
"We create problems. Otherwise, there is no problem. Kṛṣṇa has arranged everything. Īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam [Īśo mantra 1]. Just see how so many fruits are there for the birds, and so sumptuously supplied, they are thrown. Pūrṇam idam [Īśo Invocation]. Everything is sufficient. But these rascals are blind, they do not know. They are trying to adjust. What adjustment? It is already sufficient. You are misusing things.
Sufficient land is there, sufficient intelligence is there. Everything is sufficient. They are misusing. In Africa, in Australia, there is sufficient land, and they are raising cattle to kill them. This is their intelligence. And they are growing coffee and tea and tobacco. They know tobacco is bad, and they are utilizing time and energy for growing tobacco and smoking tobacco. This is their intelligence. So these are blind men. Give them intelligence, these rascals. We call them therefore only rascals. People are dying for want of food grains, and they are growing tobacco, which by smoking, they will go to hell. This is their intelligence. Huh? What do you think?"
@@tulayamalavenapi4028 Don't judge others just because they sin differently than you do (tobacco). You missed the point of the video. IF THE HIGHER POWERS DIDN'T MAKE THE FARMERS GIVE AWAY MOST OF THE PRODUCE, THEY COULD ACTUALLY EAT THEMSELVES. It has nothing to do with cattle and tabacoo, but all to do with a plan & business. It is no coincidence which country gets to be rich and which gets dependant. It is decided.. xx..
Thank you Dr. Vandana Shiva. You are a brilliant light for all Truth & Global well being!! ❤🌏🙏
Hello carolann
I love you so much lady! You're so cool! 😎🥑🍉🍑🍇🍊🍎🍓🍏🍌🍍🍋🍒
Happy to have met you in Rome Dr. are my inspiration ❤💙💚💛💜💖
Destabilizing a country & make it depending on aid.
Gov does the same to some of its citizens.
Thank you Dr. Shiva, we humans need to wake up.
These days world hunger has evolved into world obesity...
Vandana Shiva is a treasure!!
Greetings from Slovakia, now a police state again!!!
CAPITALISM is the crisis!!!b
People should invite her to speak in Schools and universities. Children need to be inform and educate about such information to build a better healthier future.
This woman sounds intelligent but her method won't empower the farmer at all. In India, we had the Essential Commodities Act which was formulated during the Nehruvian era that aimed to control prices of essential food crops at a time when there was severe food shortage. This persisted even when India became a good surplus country after the green revolution. Today, a country like India is exporting after fulfilling it's domestic needs. And finally, 70% of children are not going hungry in India. This woman needs to get her facts right
I love the vigor with which you speak those, well, maybe not so simple truths, but thruths. 110 % agreed. We shall overcome.
Fearless Woman , has the courage to speak the thruth, blessed with the power of Right Education and Social status. So far Our revered Indian Spiritual Gurus have not shown the courage to talk so profoundly as Vandanaji does. Thousand Salutes to her. How can we create a force which will save our Earth and humankind?are we ready...
Digital tranformation spread like a wild fire..whether you know it you like it..or you have resources or not everybody was made to become part of it...Similarly can we bring in this Movement this Revolution to save our Mother Earth....Many many many Durgas and many many Shivas to, establish a new world..The world for our children to live in dignity.
Absolutely find this woman fascinating and inspiring!
You’re lucid, clear and a breath of fresh air. Salute.
An amazing lady speaks the truth and puts it simply
I am in love with this youtuber (platonically) and have subscribed. She has earned her subscribers!