Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: Intro - 0:00 1. 1:05 {Our Reign With Christ & Purpose of Authority in Eternity} What does it mean that we will reign with Christ in Heaven? What use will there be for any kind of authority in a sinless universe where our righteousness and wisdom are perfect? 2. 9:54 {Study Resource Recommendations} Are there any non-Calvinist Systematic Theology books you recommend? 3. 11:50 {Biblical Hair Length of Movie Characters?} In Lord of the Rings, would you consider the hair length too long for some characters, such as Aragorn or Legolas? How do I apply 1 Corinthians 11 when designing characters for my own projects? 4. 16:35 {How Was the “Thief on the Cross” Saved?} How was the “good thief” in Luke 23: 42 saved? He died without knowing Jesus' resurrection. Jesus tells him, “Today you will be with me in paradise,” but Christ doesn’t rise for 3 days. Confused! 5. 22:35 {Should We Hate Evildoers?} How do you talk to someone who claims the Christian faith but hates people groups because they are “haters of God and denied Jesus”? My friend won’t talk to me because I don’t hate evil people enough. 6. 26:24 {Meaning of the Leftover Miracle Food} What is the meaning of the 12 and 7 baskets left over from the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000? 7. 28:31 {Should I Leave My Job if I’m Kept from Church?} Due to work, I’m not able to go to church. should I look for another job so I can maintain fellowship, or should I just continue with the job I have now? 8. 31:36 {Why is the NAR Unbiblical?} Please explain why the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is unbiblical. 9. 38:32 {Is Heaven a Choice?} Does Revelation 22: 17 mean that we have a choice to stay in Heaven (the last sentence specifically)? Would we be able to blink out of existence? Would this offend God? 10. 41:05 {How Would Adam & Eve Know Disobedience was Wrong?} If Adam and Eve didn’t have knowledge of good and evil, how would they know it is wrong to disobey God and eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? 11. 43:54 {Can We “Declare” things in Prayer?} What are your thoughts on “declarative prayer” or “positive confession” (e.g., “I declare revival for this city,” “I declare that this day is blessed,” etc.)? 12. 46:59 {About Boycotting Businesses} Should Christians boycott businesses paying for abortion travel? 13. 51:24 {How Deep in Theology to go while Evangelizing} How much of the doctrine of the Trinity do we need to explain while sharing the Gospel (especially when it comes to the hypostatic union)? 14. 52:34 {Was Jesus’ Second Coming Prophesied?} Is it clear in Old Testament prophecies that Jesus will come not only once, but twice? 15. 54:59 {Should We Settle On a Religion that “Feels Right”?} If a friend says they're looking for a religion that "feels right," how do I approach them if they’ve already left Christianity? 16. 59:22 {Will We Remember Unbelievers in Eternity?} After a believer dies, will they remember their loved ones who were unbelievers? I understand "perfect peace," but that doesn’t answer the question. 17. 1:04:29 {Why Do Two Peoples’ Prayers Yield Different Results?} Why do some people have a gift of healing that works when they pray for people, but I can’t do the same? If we are praying to the same God, why do two peoples’ prayers give different results? 18. 1:07:50 {Choosing Biblical Homeschooling Resources} We homeschool, and one of the most popular "Christian" curricula happens to be from a Mormon. I keep going back and forth over if I should use it because it's very solid academically. Advice? 19. 1:09:27 {Handling our Emotions Biblically} What's the difference between suppressing our emotions vs. having self-control over our emotions? I struggle to show positive/negative emotions to God/others, and I seem to distrust God/others with my emotions. 20. 1:13:15 {Did God Rest for More than 1 Day?} In the beginning of Genesis, it says God rested on day 7, but considering no creation happens beyond day 7, didn't He technically rest for more than 1 day, or am I misunderstanding something? Also, is it possible to ask you to pray for me? I'm getting baptized on Sunday and I hope my unsaved friends and family turn to Christ when they watch.
Mike ... I never comment cuz you have so many subs... what arw the chances that youll read this.. but lemme say that I've learned to dissect and understand more deeply, the Bible .. and have leaned so much, did i say so, so much, from your videos ... God bless and thank you ... matter of fact, you're my go-to Bible teacher. LOVE ya. And your kitty also ..
@MikeWinger I don't think we realize how hard your work must be. It takes obedience, responsibility, meticulous work, and a tenacious work ethic. May Christ ever sustain your enthusiasm, faithfulness, love and energy for this ministry. Love you, Pastor Mike!
Mike, your a treasure and your ministry has been something my son (who is questioning EVERYTHING) will listen to and one of the only Bible teachers he admires- keep it up brother. Your gracious and true to the faith and your being used by God in a big way. Please say a prayer for my sweet son Jordan (15yrs old)…. He is really doubting everything he was raised in🙏🏻❤️
Hey! This is David, 22 from England and it’s on my heart to share some tips / advice (not that I’m a parent or anything) because I was a 15 year old kid once. The biggest thing I’d say is to make sure that he has good male role models in his life. Sometimes teenage boys don’t listen to their mothers- and that’s ok! I needed some good male role model in my life (not just on screens) but I didn’t, so I had no direction or any good Christian men to ask questions to. This one thing brings teenage boys so much fulfilment. He can’t go astray if he regularly connects with good men in real life. Men who exhibit the seven virtues. Because even when he thinks he’s playing football- he’s learning. He’s learning how to be a good man. This world is tough and there’s many instances where we need to be courageous. I had very few in-person male role models, and I struggle greatly with courage, especially in social situations. I’m warning you that this is very, very grave. Don’t be fooled into thinking that it isn’t important to raise great men today. I hope that your intention is to raise Jordan into a man who brings glory to God by way of his embodiment of the seven virtues. Praise God, let it be! Teenage boys need good men in their lives if they’re to have any direction and confidence when going in that direction. If they don’t, this culture, which Satan has a firm grip of right now it seems, will prey on them and cause them to be overly prideful, greedy, lustful, envious, wrathful, and slothful. These seven sins have brought me great misery, and it continues to this day. Do not let the internet decide his role models for him. Ask God where they are in your local community. Avoid the mistake of thinking that women know what it’s like to be a man, and that women can fulfil the role of a father. I honour my mother, but people can learn an important lesson from her: a single mother of a son should humble herself, acknowledge that she might not know how to raise a good man, and seek good men for her son to be around in real life. This culture tries to pretend that men and women are the same, but that’s not true. Don’t give in to pride by thinking that in-person male role models aren’t that important. They are extremely important for young men, in ways that women can never know experientially. To get him in regular contact with good men, I’d recommend that he: goes to church every week, (pastors can often be good life mentors) and plays sport regularly (coaches can often be good life mentors) Make sure he doesn’t go down some of the paths I went down at that age. Marujuana, adult sites, wasting time. Best of luck for your son Jordan. I pray for him that he stays well, I’d love to chat more. David
@@davidreynolds-spirituality6402 I appreciate your time to give such wise and heart felt advice. The Lord has placed two very wonderful Christian men (teachers) who Jordan respects greatly- it is an answer to prayer truly, as his own father does not lead him spiritually. I agree about sports and healthy outlets. Thank you young man
I love you brother, Pastor Mike Winger, I'm so thankful God hooked me up with your ministry. I've struggled with so much wrong thinking, wrong attitude, I'm such a wretch in such need of Jesus 🙏❤️
Why have I always known what you looked like but was genuinely second guessing everything when you held up the mask? 😂 thanks again for all you do to help us think more biblically about things and properly exegete scripture!
On question 12, I appreciated the reference to Corinthians and foods sacrificed to idols. I've thought about this in many areas of life where we have liberty but also ethical dilemmas: if Scripture doesn't make an issue of it, then I don't need to make an issue out of it unless it becomes a matter of testimony. Also though of Eccl. 7:16 -- "Be not overly righteous, and do not make yourself too wise. Why should you destroy yourself?" No need wasting my days trying to make myself legally perfect in regards to which companies with whom I do business -- again, unless it becomes a testimony issue.
I personally have turned down and lost jobs in order to have the freedom of being with brothers and sisters in Christ and I will say it is worth it and if your reason for doing this is for the Lord it is absolutely worth it. The Lord has blessed my choices in this matter and continues to do so.
This video was really hard to find! It popped up the other day in my YT feed & I saved it for later. Later came, and I searched high & low and even went directly to your channel videos & playlists & couldn't find it. Finally when I typed in "Mike Winger 20 Questions", it came up. Wheww
1:01:00 I think they're talking about the scripture that says that He'll wipe every tear from our eyes. The church I used to go to preached that God would wipe your memories to wipe your tears.
Been watching for 500 k. For you. More and more people benefiting from all your hard work. You don’t need anything special to start your podcasts. It’s your content and your thoughtful way of delivering truth. Thank you. You have helped me a lot.
Q #18: We have been using The Good and the Beautiful for our homeschool curriculum, and are so happy with it. Its beautiful pictures and creative tactile ideas make the curriculum really fun (for both math and language arts). The stories have high morality, and reference praying, being blessed, and loving Jesus, but it's not teaching doctrine so we have been really loving it.The only thing that I've come across so far, is in a math lesson (level 2), it briefly mentions 'all people being children of God'. 1 John 3:10 tells us that some are children of the devil and we as Christians know that we are adopted into sonship through Jesus Christ... I think the message they wanted to convey was that God is the creator of man, and all people are important, so it wasn't a huge deal for me, just something I noticed. I'm keeping my eye out though, and if I discover something off, I'll come back to this comment and mention it, but so far, I would highly recommend it.
Agreed! We use TGTB and are really loving it! I love that Mike answered it so simply, biblically, and without bias. He has no idea what a huge topic it is within the homeschool community. Lol!
On the boycotting businesses questions. It gets sooooo complicated. My house has been back and forth on it so far. We dropped disney+ for a while because we thought the broad subscription fee was allowing them to use OUR money however they wanted. We have since went back on that, but are choosing to ONLY watch the content we support. And honestly we would struggling to find businesses that we can support 100% while being able to purchase all the good we need. So complicated. We have to just make this decision based on personal conviction about each company..... Not sure of a better way to do it....
Thank you. I appreciate you very much. When I am discouraged I will watch one of your videos and learn so much from your teachings. Thank you for your willingness to speak truth.
#16: Conditional Immortality is the right answer. We will know that although our loved ones are not with us in the Kingdom, but also that they are not suffering for eternity because they have ceased to exist, and that will give us peace.
This is not an idea I have encountered before and I'm not certain it is supported by scripture. Do you have a place where you're getting this idea that Hell won't be eternal from?
You are a great teacher and have the most beautiful smile and sense of humor. I don't agree with everything you say but boy do you show us how to think biblically! Thank you for all that you do! You could have blacked out some of your teeth just to freak some people out 🤪🤣
I’m sure adding the time stamps and the different sections (is that what they’re called?) is extra work but it is very much appreciated! I don’t always have time to finish a video but I love being able to pick questions to make sure I hear those answers. Thank you!
Thanks Pastor Mike as always! Then thank you again as you answered my question in my head. I was thinking about myself if you have any recommended reading and your answer is guarded very carefully against said recommendations as you cannot vouch for an entire author or book as you study individual subjects from larger works as I understood your comment. So I appreciate the honesty and answer!
37:09 Regarding Joel Osteen, I would recommend a recent video by Justin Peters dealing with his various teachings. It is very comprehensive and eye-opening.
My understanding on the leftover loaves is that Jesus is giving His bread (heavenly manna) to the 12 tribes of Israel and to the 7 nations that represent gentiles (Acts 13:19; Deuteronomy 7:1). I believe it is connected to Rev 10:5 ("Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven"). With the Earth representing Israel and the Sea representing the Gentiles/Nations.
33:29 I believe it was Ezekiel that was hated by the Jews because unlike their (false) prophets, he prophesied about their coming judgment instead of prophesying good things. A test I give myself for hearing God's word is, "Is this something I want to hear/this other person wants to hear?" Because if the answer is no, it's way more likely that it's not just me making things up. Of course, God does tell us what we want to hear too, but I think more often than not he tells us what we don't want to hear lol Btw, "edifying" literally means, "providing moral or intellectual instruction." and "used to express one's disapproval of something." people throw around the word without knowing what it means, "Get rid of that sin in your life" is an edifying prophesy lol
For the question @ 11:50 I think the more important thing to remember for the passage involving long hair or short hair is understanding the entire context from when it was written. Back in biblical times short hair was masculine and the opposite was said for long hair. Because of this there were certain visual aesthetics for that culture that also served a utility in communicating the standard masculine or feminine appearance you desired to have. What i think is most important point the bible is trying to make is make to modesty. “Am i a guy trying to look more like a girl or am i just embracing a more fantasy/primitive/adventurer look that still communicates masculinity as I am a boy.”. Basically as long as you’re not trying to play around with your appearance and play around with gender and communicating that visually, you are dressing in a way God would tolerate. When in doubt just ask yourself “What do I communicate to other people that see my outfit?” And if you think it communicates something God might not appreciate then maybe switch out. But while i cant say with certainty, I dont think a Legolas costume would look girly or try to communicate that you enjoy making people think you look like a girl so I /think/ your good, but it’s more important to take up any doubt you have like that with the Holy Spirit
I just wanted to share a thought about Q 16. Here and NOW is the time to be broken-hearted for friends and family that reject Jesus. As I pray, asking God to save specific people, I have a clear understanding, (that I think He has given), that they truly ARE enemies of God. They are not ‘my’ enemy, but their motivation does not come from the Holy Spirit. I have had to recognize that my child who looks down on me with dismay at my ‘failure’ to accept evolution as the sole basis for life is blind to the truth of God. Even if they are hateful and rude and hurt my feelings I can examine my heart to see if I have acted wrongly in my statement or way of presenting my opinion, but then I accept that very real possibility of their choice to remain an enemy of Christ Jesus. It’s possible that they will not ever come to knowing and believing the Truth. I cannot control that. They must make their own choice. I do NOT, however, stop loving them or ‘give up’ but continue to pray! What if God will rescue them? As long as there is breath, there will be a chance for redemption. 🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️
On Paradise: I've heard this explanation:: There is no punctuation in these ancient languages. It was added by the translation process. So it could be read: Truely I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise.
1:09:40 id say there is very little difference. I suppose the only thing that might make it suppression is when there is the right time and place and yet you still dont let out your emotions.
Mike's productivity on a bad day is leaps and bounds greater than my good day! Just finished his 6+ hour video on 1Cor. 11. Liked the part where he was not going to bring up the far out interpretations but lingered on the hair as a testicle 😂 Other than that, it is well worth watching.
"If possible so far as it depends on you live peaceably with all." Romans 12:18 Follow the perfect example of Jesus. He is the ultimate peacemaker because He made peace between us, sinful humans, and a holy and just God. Let us live in the peace that comes from Christ and the hope we have in Him. Then spread that peace to others when possible. Peace is not the absence of problems but the presence and reality of God in all circumstances. Don't be afraid, rest in Christ. Hopefully this helps and inspires you today. God bless you!
I remember the earliest times I saw you. You played and sang on a fellow seminary grads show. Was great unfortunately the pastor who hosted kinda fell away and has been preaching some different ideas on gospel. God bless and keep you
#18 was probably about Tuttle Twins. It teaches American history, economics, government, and self-government type stuff. I haven't read through all of it, but I am very much looking forward to using it at my first opportunity! I don't foresee it bringing up anything specifically Mormon. (If anybody HAS noticed anything like that, please reply.) But I do fully expect it to come from a conservative, limited-government perspective - if it's biased at all.
They could also be referring to The Good and The Beautiful curriculum. Apparently it’s been reviewed by Christians to ensure it doesn’t actually feed into Mormonism, and it was a good review. Even then, I personally decided against it. 😅
Regarding question 16, I think Isaiah 65:17 may give us the answer to this question: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind." Perhaps the former things we'll forget could include our lost loved ones who we once knew on this Earth perhaps?
#16 Will we remember unsaved loved ones in eternity? My thought process on this is that we will forget those unsaved ones and I base that belief on Rev 21:4. If God wipes away tears and sorrow then how could I possibly remember them because knowing they are in hell would make me extremely sad and something I would shed tears over. In eternity God’s tender mercy allows my memory of them to disappear.
I agree. Of course God's judgment is perfect. Our grief will have nothing to do with us thinking God misjudges our loved ones. Mike misses the fact that we love our family even if they are wrong. But Mike is young so I give him leeway on this subject.
(I didn't watch the video, so maybe what is below was already covered.) I don't believe we will remember this life at all, (though we might remember our names due to something in Revelation I've read). Their is no way to my knowledge, that healing of the miseries of this life can take place unless their is amnesia. Amnesia obliterates the events of the past from our minds. This is universal to the servants of God, regardless of Covenant. “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. -excerpt Isaiah 65 NASB
I think Isaiah 65:17 may give us the answer to this question: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind." Perhaps the former things we'll forget could include our lost loved ones who we once knew on this Earth perhaps?
I would ask that you all go back over Pastor Wingers answer, as I think he provides a good one. You're saying that we can't be happy while our loved ones are in Hell, and while I understand where that thinking is coming from, I also think you're unintentionally doubting the goodness of God's judgement. After all, God loves everyone, including those He judges. I won't ask you to be happy with the thought of your loved ones being in Hell, because honestly I hope that thought spurs you on to do your best to help them see the truth of Jesus and what he has done for us, but I do hope that we can long for a day when we see the beauty of God's judgement and are able to accept it without grief.
@@HSuper_Lee You don't think we can grieve for our loved ones while still believing in God's perfect judgment? What is it that you don't understand about that? Have you ever lost a loved one (spouse, child, parent) who was not saved? If so, what did you do? Just say "oh well" and shrug your shoulders?
What if? The comma is simply moved in order for it to read : I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise?This is how I have made sense out of the fact that Christ didn’t ascend for three days.
On you question about Mormon textbooks for homeschooling. I'd question even if they were "just math books." We used a set of math books from a Christian publisher. How do I know? By the word problems!
Mike, on question 10 concerning the knowledge of good ad evil. Is it possible that this could mean to call something good or evil? As in Isaiah 5:20. Telling God that you can determine what’s right and wrong and right?
In re #16, I've heard the Calvinist view, i.e., that we will rejoice at the knowledge of, say, our mother in hell, but the passage Mike quoted specifically refers to the joy all true believers will experience when harlot Christianity is judged. Thing is, we don't have an emotional attachment to that system. Here's what God allowed me to experience: When we get to heaven we don't lose our ability to feel or remember, per se. What does happen if a loved one doesn't make it is that the "soul ties" with that person will be broken. That means you know about them but your emotional involvement with them no longer exists. It's not that you will be "happy" about it, or even that you won't "care" in the human sense. It's that you will not dwell on your memories of that person bc your emotional attachment to them will supernaturally cease to be. That said, we must pray for our loved ones *now* and believe that God will save them. God is not willing that any should perish, so pray believing the Holy Spirit will prevail in bringing them to Christ.
Can anyone answer this? If I am not only indwelt with the Holy Spirit, but I'm also filled with the Spirit in a moment, then I willfully choose to sin, is it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
I’ve heard blasphemy against the Holy Spirit defined as complete rejection of the cross and Calvary and there would be no forgiveness there because that is the only way to eternal life. So yes and no, if you trusted in the true sacrifice of Christ you are fine, but repent next time (pray and read). Not sure if this answer your question though. I’ll keep you in my prayers if this is a problem, God bless.
I think blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a life long thing. Were you referring to the unforgivable sin? We’re fallen. Even as saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, on this earth, we will keep sinning. The main thing is you know it’s bad and repent.
Mike..I am so thankful for everything that you’ve done. I watch your videos regularly and listen to your podcast on my long commute to work daily. I am beyond grateful to you for the teachings you have put out. My knowledge of God’s Word has increased so much! Thank you!!!
Not me being so entertained by the intro. The cheesy "face reveal"😅😅. More deserving growth to you and this channel Pastor Mike. God bless you tremendously
My interpretation on the Knowledge of Good and Evil is that Adam and Eve gained an internal morality apart from God, thusly explaining their separation from him. So now they have a flesh that attempts to determine right and wrong. This has always been how I've heard and understood it. I would love feedback on whether you agree or disagree and why.
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
Intro - 0:00
1. 1:05 {Our Reign With Christ & Purpose of Authority in Eternity} What does it mean that we will reign with Christ in Heaven? What use will there be for any kind of authority in a sinless universe where our righteousness and wisdom are perfect?
2. 9:54 {Study Resource Recommendations} Are there any non-Calvinist Systematic Theology books you recommend?
3. 11:50 {Biblical Hair Length of Movie Characters?} In Lord of the Rings, would you consider the hair length too long for some characters, such as Aragorn or Legolas? How do I apply 1 Corinthians 11 when designing characters for my own projects?
4. 16:35 {How Was the “Thief on the Cross” Saved?} How was the “good thief” in Luke 23: 42 saved? He died without knowing Jesus' resurrection. Jesus tells him, “Today you will be with me in paradise,” but Christ doesn’t rise for 3 days. Confused!
5. 22:35 {Should We Hate Evildoers?} How do you talk to someone who claims the Christian faith but hates people groups because they are “haters of God and denied Jesus”? My friend won’t talk to me because I don’t hate evil people enough.
6. 26:24 {Meaning of the Leftover Miracle Food} What is the meaning of the 12 and 7 baskets left over from the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000?
7. 28:31 {Should I Leave My Job if I’m Kept from Church?} Due to work, I’m not able to go to church. should I look for another job so I can maintain fellowship, or should I just continue with the job I have now?
8. 31:36 {Why is the NAR Unbiblical?} Please explain why the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is unbiblical.
9. 38:32 {Is Heaven a Choice?} Does Revelation 22: 17 mean that we have a choice to stay in Heaven (the last sentence specifically)? Would we be able to blink out of existence? Would this offend God?
10. 41:05 {How Would Adam & Eve Know Disobedience was Wrong?} If Adam and Eve didn’t have knowledge of good and evil, how would they know it is wrong to disobey God and eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
11. 43:54 {Can We “Declare” things in Prayer?} What are your thoughts on “declarative prayer” or “positive confession” (e.g., “I declare revival for this city,” “I declare that this day is blessed,” etc.)?
12. 46:59 {About Boycotting Businesses} Should Christians boycott businesses paying for abortion travel?
13. 51:24 {How Deep in Theology to go while Evangelizing} How much of the doctrine of the Trinity do we need to explain while sharing the Gospel (especially when it comes to the hypostatic union)?
14. 52:34 {Was Jesus’ Second Coming Prophesied?} Is it clear in Old Testament prophecies that Jesus will come not only once, but twice?
15. 54:59 {Should We Settle On a Religion that “Feels Right”?} If a friend says they're looking for a religion that "feels right," how do I approach them if they’ve already left Christianity?
16. 59:22 {Will We Remember Unbelievers in Eternity?} After a believer dies, will they remember their loved ones who were unbelievers? I understand "perfect peace," but that doesn’t answer the question.
17. 1:04:29 {Why Do Two Peoples’ Prayers Yield Different Results?} Why do some people have a gift of healing that works when they pray for people, but I can’t do the same? If we are praying to the same God, why do two peoples’ prayers give different results?
18. 1:07:50 {Choosing Biblical Homeschooling Resources} We homeschool, and one of the most popular "Christian" curricula happens to be from a Mormon. I keep going back and forth over if I should use it because it's very solid academically. Advice?
19. 1:09:27 {Handling our Emotions Biblically} What's the difference between suppressing our emotions vs. having self-control over our emotions? I struggle to show positive/negative emotions to God/others, and I seem to distrust God/others with my emotions.
20. 1:13:15 {Did God Rest for More than 1 Day?} In the beginning of Genesis, it says God rested on day 7, but considering no creation happens beyond day 7, didn't He technically rest for more than 1 day, or am I misunderstanding something? Also, is it possible to ask you to pray for me? I'm getting baptized on Sunday and I hope my unsaved friends and family turn to Christ when they watch.
Hey, Sarah. Thanks for all of the work you do for and with Pastor Mike. Just want you to know we all appreciate you!
@@TaylorTheBibleNerd Aw, thank you so much!! I’m blessed to serve!
Thank you Brother/Pastor Mike for everything you do for His flock.
God bless you, your loved ones and the whole body of Christ.
Pastor Mike,
you make me smile and you are so easy to love ❣️
God bless your teaching ❣️
4) Amen Christ never sleeps, glory to King Jesus.👑💝
Mike ... I never comment cuz you have so many subs... what arw the chances that youll read this.. but lemme say that I've learned to dissect and understand more deeply, the Bible .. and have leaned so much, did i say so, so much, from your videos ... God bless and thank you ... matter of fact, you're my go-to Bible teacher. LOVE ya. And your kitty also ..
God bless you my friend
He is a special teacher- we ask, seek, knock and God brings the truth through His faithful servant. We are truly blessed.
One thing's for sure you'll receive the proper doctrine and you'll receive direction and it is indeed for God's glory
@MikeWinger I don't think we realize how hard your work must be. It takes obedience, responsibility, meticulous work, and a tenacious work ethic. May Christ ever sustain your enthusiasm, faithfulness, love and energy for this ministry. Love you, Pastor Mike!
Mike, your a treasure and your ministry has been something my son (who is questioning EVERYTHING) will listen to and one of the only Bible teachers he admires- keep it up brother. Your gracious and true to the faith and your being used by God in a big way. Please say a prayer for my sweet son Jordan (15yrs old)…. He is really doubting everything he was raised in🙏🏻❤️
Adding Jordan to my Saturday prayer list. ❤. It is the ones who doubt that have the strongest faith.
I speak from experience 😊
Hey! This is David, 22 from England and it’s on my heart to share some tips / advice (not that I’m a parent or anything) because I was a 15 year old kid once.
The biggest thing I’d say is to make sure that he has good male role models in his life. Sometimes teenage boys don’t listen to their mothers- and that’s ok! I needed some good male role model in my life (not just on screens) but I didn’t, so I had no direction or any good Christian men to ask questions to.
This one thing brings teenage boys so much fulfilment. He can’t go astray if he regularly connects with good men in real life. Men who exhibit the seven virtues.
Because even when he thinks he’s playing football- he’s learning. He’s learning how to be a good man. This world is tough and there’s many instances where we need to be courageous. I had very few in-person male role models, and I struggle greatly with courage, especially in social situations. I’m warning you that this is very, very grave.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that it isn’t important to raise great men today. I hope that your intention is to raise Jordan into a man who brings glory to God by way of his embodiment of the seven virtues. Praise God, let it be!
Teenage boys need good men in their lives if they’re to have any direction and confidence when going in that direction.
If they don’t, this culture, which Satan has a firm grip of right now it seems, will prey on them and cause them to be overly prideful, greedy, lustful, envious, wrathful, and slothful. These seven sins have brought me great misery, and it continues to this day.
Do not let the internet decide his role models for him. Ask God where they are in your local community.
Avoid the mistake of thinking that women know what it’s like to be a man, and that women can fulfil the role of a father. I honour my mother, but people can learn an important lesson from her: a single mother of a son should humble herself, acknowledge that she might not know how to raise a good man, and seek good men for her son to be around in real life.
This culture tries to pretend that men and women are the same, but that’s not true. Don’t give in to pride by thinking that in-person male role models aren’t that important. They are extremely important for young men, in ways that women can never know experientially.
To get him in regular contact with good men, I’d recommend that he: goes to church every week, (pastors can often be good life mentors) and plays sport regularly (coaches can often be good life mentors)
Make sure he doesn’t go down some of the paths I went down at that age. Marujuana, adult sites, wasting time. Best of luck for your son Jordan. I pray for him that he stays well, I’d love to chat more.
@@davidreynolds-spirituality6402 You are quite wise for 22 and your advise is so sound!!! We need 1000 more of you for our generation.
@@davidreynolds-spirituality6402 I appreciate your time to give such wise and heart felt advice. The Lord has placed two very wonderful Christian men (teachers) who Jordan respects greatly- it is an answer to prayer truly, as his own father does not lead him spiritually. I agree about sports and healthy outlets. Thank you young man
I love the 500k subs face! 😂😂
On a serious note, thank you Pastor Mike for all the work you put into these videos. Greatly appreciated!
"I have no spiritual comment about mullets...its just my cultural comment is 'yech'" HA HA HA HA!
Perhaps grow a mullet for 600k subscribers
Totally, lol!
I love you brother, Pastor Mike Winger, I'm so thankful God hooked me up with your ministry. I've struggled with so much wrong thinking, wrong attitude, I'm such a wretch in such need of Jesus 🙏❤️
Amen me too
Me too, friend. ❤️
Why have I always known what you looked like but was genuinely second guessing everything when you held up the mask? 😂 thanks again for all you do to help us think more biblically about things and properly exegete scripture!
Lol! Me too 😅
It would have been cool if he removed his glasses for the reveal 😄
Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈You are a treasure. May Our Lord continue to bless you, your bride, and ministry
Ridiculous, RIDCULOUS!! We need this in our lives every day : Bible questions answered and laughter
On question 12, I appreciated the reference to Corinthians and foods sacrificed to idols. I've thought about this in many areas of life where we have liberty but also ethical dilemmas: if Scripture doesn't make an issue of it, then I don't need to make an issue out of it unless it becomes a matter of testimony. Also though of Eccl. 7:16 -- "Be not overly righteous, and do not make yourself too wise. Why should you destroy yourself?" No need wasting my days trying to make myself legally perfect in regards to which companies with whom I do business -- again, unless it becomes a testimony issue.
Well deserved Pastor Mike--- what a blessing you have been in my life!!! God Bless!!!!
I personally have turned down and lost jobs in order to have the freedom of being with brothers and sisters in Christ and I will say it is worth it and if your reason for doing this is for the Lord it is absolutely worth it. The Lord has blessed my choices in this matter and continues to do so.
Q&A #7: 😮 If you can’t go to church because of work, then get a different job (not a direct quote). God bless you, Pastor Mike!!!
I just clicked the like button to turn it to 1,000 likes 👍🏻… congratulations on the 500K milestone!
I'll be grateful when it's over too. I'm ready for Hebrews
Half way to 1,00,000 congratulations keep up the LORD's work
@@HenrikBSWE Yes
I pray that all of them are Saved and sharing the Word of God!
Thank you Pastor Mike! Rest and be well! You so look like an apostle !
wow! gz on so many subs! so many people hearing the TRUTH of our Savior and the Bible!!!! yay!!!
Dude! You are so grounded.
Thank you for your ministry. I have learned so much!
I was hoping the face reveal would be of his wife. We've seen him and his cats now we need to be introduced to Mrs. Winger!
This video was really hard to find! It popped up the other day in my YT feed & I saved it for later. Later came, and I searched high & low and even went directly to your channel videos & playlists & couldn't find it. Finally when I typed in "Mike Winger 20 Questions", it came up. Wheww
1:01:00 I think they're talking about the scripture that says that He'll wipe every tear from our eyes. The church I used to go to preached that God would wipe your memories to wipe your tears.
Congratulations. Praise the Lord for the growing number of people who are interested in sound doctrine shared by a sober minded teacher 🙌🏻🙌🏻🎊🎉❣️
Been watching for 500 k. For you. More and more people benefiting from all your hard work. You don’t need anything special to start your podcasts. It’s your content and your thoughtful way of delivering truth. Thank you. You have helped me a lot.
God bless and protect you and your family always, Pastor. Your ministry has been such a blessing to me and so many.
Thanks Mike, appreciate you!
I love the way "you had grey areas" when it comes to hair.
I've found the older I get, the more grey areas I have.
Q #18: We have been using The Good and the Beautiful for our homeschool curriculum, and are so happy with it. Its beautiful pictures and creative tactile ideas make the curriculum really fun (for both math and language arts). The stories have high morality, and reference praying, being blessed, and loving Jesus, but it's not teaching doctrine so we have been really loving it.The only thing that I've come across so far, is in a math lesson (level 2), it briefly mentions 'all people being children of God'. 1 John 3:10 tells us that some are children of the devil and we as Christians know that we are adopted into sonship through Jesus Christ... I think the message they wanted to convey was that God is the creator of man, and all people are important, so it wasn't a huge deal for me, just something I noticed. I'm keeping my eye out though, and if I discover something off, I'll come back to this comment and mention it, but so far, I would highly recommend it.
Same here. We have really enjoyed TGTB. I also, keep an eagle eye for anything Mormon in it.
Agreed! We use TGTB and are really loving it! I love that Mike answered it so simply, biblically, and without bias. He has no idea what a huge topic it is within the homeschool community. Lol!
Congratulations mike. Praise God for how he's used your ministry
Oh my Pastor Mike! I have been deceived this whole time by your appearance!!! 😂😂😂
Finally I had been missing your Fridays 20Q's
The greatest reveal of ever
On the boycotting businesses questions. It gets sooooo complicated. My house has been back and forth on it so far. We dropped disney+ for a while because we thought the broad subscription fee was allowing them to use OUR money however they wanted. We have since went back on that, but are choosing to ONLY watch the content we support. And honestly we would struggling to find businesses that we can support 100% while being able to purchase all the good we need. So complicated. We have to just make this decision based on personal conviction about each company..... Not sure of a better way to do it....
Thank you. I appreciate you very much. When I am discouraged I will watch one of your videos and learn so much from your teachings. Thank you for your willingness to speak truth.
Congrats Mike God Bless!
My husband had a mullet when I first met him decades ago. He Rocked It. And I, generally, don't like mullets. 😂
#16: Conditional Immortality is the right answer. We will know that although our loved ones are not with us in the Kingdom, but also that they are not suffering for eternity because they have ceased to exist, and that will give us peace.
This is not an idea I have encountered before and I'm not certain it is supported by scripture. Do you have a place where you're getting this idea that Hell won't be eternal from?
You are a great teacher and have the most beautiful smile and sense of humor. I don't agree with everything you say but boy do you show us how to think biblically! Thank you for all that you do! You could have blacked out some of your teeth just to freak some people out 🤪🤣
Yes 😂
I’m sure adding the time stamps and the different sections (is that what they’re called?) is extra work but it is very much appreciated! I don’t always have time to finish a video but I love being able to pick questions to make sure I hear those answers. Thank you!
God bless your ministry. 🙏
You have been of life saving help. 😁
I am listening to this while waiting for my friend to get his award for his 10k. He got 2nd place overall!
Yea Mike and Jesus!!! 500,000!!! 👏👏👏👏
Thanks Pastor Mike as always! Then thank you again as you answered my question in my head. I was thinking about myself if you have any recommended reading and your answer is guarded very carefully against said recommendations as you cannot vouch for an entire author or book as you study individual subjects from larger works as I understood your comment. So I appreciate the honesty and answer!
Congratulations Pastor Mike. I have been following you for the past year. I have learned a lot. Thank you. Greetings from South Australia 🇦🇺.
Love the q and a, thanks so much
Congratulations 🎉 ❤🎉
37:09 Regarding Joel Osteen, I would recommend a recent video by Justin Peters dealing with his various teachings. It is very comprehensive and eye-opening.
Question #9, Rev 22 there is speaking of present reality. Mike did well here.
Love the intro :) I got a good chuckle out of it.
My understanding on the leftover loaves is that Jesus is giving His bread (heavenly manna) to the 12 tribes of Israel and to the 7 nations that represent gentiles (Acts 13:19; Deuteronomy 7:1). I believe it is connected to Rev 10:5 ("Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven"). With the Earth representing Israel and the Sea representing the Gentiles/Nations.
Remember be ye followers of Paul, he will show you the fellowship of the mystery
#16 is really good answer. I've often had this question.
WOOAAAAH! His face looks just like that Mike Winger guy on TH-cam!
Another great video 👏🏾👏🏾 and congratulations on the milestone!
Best thumbnail ever!
33:29 I believe it was Ezekiel that was hated by the Jews because unlike their (false) prophets, he prophesied about their coming judgment instead of prophesying good things. A test I give myself for hearing God's word is, "Is this something I want to hear/this other person wants to hear?" Because if the answer is no, it's way more likely that it's not just me making things up. Of course, God does tell us what we want to hear too, but I think more often than not he tells us what we don't want to hear lol
Btw, "edifying" literally means, "providing moral or intellectual instruction." and "used to express one's disapproval of something." people throw around the word without knowing what it means, "Get rid of that sin in your life" is an edifying prophesy lol
For the question @ 11:50 I think the more important thing to remember for the passage involving long hair or short hair is understanding the entire context from when it was written. Back in biblical times short hair was masculine and the opposite was said for long hair. Because of this there were certain visual aesthetics for that culture that also served a utility in communicating the standard masculine or feminine appearance you desired to have. What i think is most important point the bible is trying to make is make to modesty. “Am i a guy trying to look more like a girl or am i just embracing a more fantasy/primitive/adventurer look that still communicates masculinity as I am a boy.”. Basically as long as you’re not trying to play around with your appearance and play around with gender and communicating that visually, you are dressing in a way God would tolerate. When in doubt just ask yourself “What do I communicate to other people that see my outfit?” And if you think it communicates something God might not appreciate then maybe switch out. But while i cant say with certainty, I dont think a Legolas costume would look girly or try to communicate that you enjoy making people think you look like a girl so I /think/ your good, but it’s more important to take up any doubt you have like that with the Holy Spirit
“But your feelings are just wrong. That’s the good news..” 😂
Congratulations on making 500K
I just wanted to share a thought about Q 16. Here and NOW is the time to be broken-hearted for friends and family that reject Jesus.
As I pray, asking God to save specific people, I have a clear understanding, (that I think He has given), that they truly ARE enemies of God. They are not ‘my’ enemy, but their motivation does not come from the Holy Spirit.
I have had to recognize that my child who looks down on me with dismay at my ‘failure’ to accept evolution as the sole basis for life is blind to the truth of God. Even if they are hateful and rude and hurt my feelings I can examine my heart to see if I have acted wrongly in my statement or way of presenting my opinion, but then I accept that very real possibility of their choice to remain an enemy of Christ Jesus.
It’s possible that they will not ever come to knowing and believing the Truth. I cannot control that. They must make their own choice.
I do NOT, however, stop loving them or ‘give up’ but continue to pray! What if God will rescue them? As long as there is breath, there will be a chance for redemption.
On Paradise:
I've heard this explanation::
There is no punctuation in these ancient languages. It was added by the translation process.
So it could be read:
Truely I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise.
Yay! Friday 20 Questions is back!
Helping us to think biblically is doing something special. We don't need more
1:09:40 id say there is very little difference. I suppose the only thing that might make it suppression is when there is the right time and place and yet you still dont let out your emotions.
Mike's productivity on a bad day is leaps and bounds greater than my good day!
Just finished his 6+ hour video on 1Cor. 11. Liked the part where he was not going to bring up the far out interpretations but lingered on the hair as a testicle 😂 Other than that, it is well worth watching.
"If possible so far as it depends on you live peaceably with all." Romans 12:18
Follow the perfect example of Jesus. He is the ultimate peacemaker because He made peace between us, sinful humans, and a holy and just God. Let us live in the peace that comes from Christ and the hope we have in Him. Then spread that peace to others when possible. Peace is not the absence of problems but the presence and reality of God in all circumstances. Don't be afraid, rest in Christ. Hopefully this helps and inspires you today. God bless you!
I love you pastor Mike, but the NAR are not making little mistakes, at least the mistakes I've seen them make, or heard them say.
#4 - Tim Mackie recently did a talk on this verse and when and where "paradise" is.
I remember the earliest times I saw you. You played and sang on a fellow seminary grads show. Was great unfortunately the pastor who hosted kinda fell away and has been preaching some different ideas on gospel. God bless and keep you
Wish I could like twice, second time for number 5
Romans 11:11-20 specifically addresses how Gentiles are supposed to behave towards Jews as being grafted in.
Glad you're feeling a little better!
Face reveal finally! Never clicked so fast in my life
Welcome back love stream! I missed these videos man
I’m laughing so hard at the beginning
Regarding question 1. Sean McDowell just did a great interview with Randy Alcorn on the new heaven and the new earth. Really good.
I'll bet he has no idea what it means.
Despite seeing Mike in his videos for quite a while now I never knew what he really look like till this face reveal!
God bless
(Btw, I'm kidding)
#18 was probably about Tuttle Twins. It teaches American history, economics, government, and self-government type stuff. I haven't read through all of it, but I am very much looking forward to using it at my first opportunity! I don't foresee it bringing up anything specifically Mormon. (If anybody HAS noticed anything like that, please reply.) But I do fully expect it to come from a conservative, limited-government perspective - if it's biased at all.
They could also be referring to The Good and The Beautiful curriculum. Apparently it’s been reviewed by Christians to ensure it doesn’t actually feed into Mormonism, and it was a good review. Even then, I personally decided against it. 😅
I was thinking The Good and Beautiful as well.
Regarding question 16, I think Isaiah 65:17 may give us the answer to this question:
"For behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth;
and the former things shall not be remembered
or come into mind."
Perhaps the former things we'll forget could include our lost loved ones who we once knew on this Earth perhaps?
Lol! Love the face reveal.
Thank you Mike for all you do. May God bless and guide you always!
Be ye followers of Paul, for paul is of Christ
#16 Will we remember unsaved loved ones in eternity? My thought process on this is that we will forget those unsaved ones and I base that belief on Rev 21:4. If God wipes away tears and sorrow then how could I possibly remember them because knowing they are in hell would make me extremely sad and something I would shed tears over. In eternity God’s tender mercy allows my memory of them to disappear.
I agree. Of course God's judgment is perfect. Our grief will have nothing to do with us thinking God misjudges our loved ones. Mike misses the fact that we love our family even if they are wrong. But Mike is young so I give him leeway on this subject.
(I didn't watch the video, so maybe what is below
was already covered.)
I don't believe we will remember this life at all, (though
we might remember our names due to something in
Revelation I've read).
Their is no way to my knowledge, that healing of the
miseries of this life can take place unless their is amnesia.
Amnesia obliterates the events of the past from our minds.
This is universal to the servants of God, regardless of Covenant.
“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.
-excerpt Isaiah 65 NASB
I think Isaiah 65:17 may give us the answer to this question:
"For behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth;
and the former things shall not be remembered
or come into mind."
Perhaps the former things we'll forget could include our lost loved ones who we once knew on this Earth perhaps?
I would ask that you all go back over Pastor Wingers answer, as I think he provides a good one. You're saying that we can't be happy while our loved ones are in Hell, and while I understand where that thinking is coming from, I also think you're unintentionally doubting the goodness of God's judgement. After all, God loves everyone, including those He judges. I won't ask you to be happy with the thought of your loved ones being in Hell, because honestly I hope that thought spurs you on to do your best to help them see the truth of Jesus and what he has done for us, but I do hope that we can long for a day when we see the beauty of God's judgement and are able to accept it without grief.
@@HSuper_Lee You don't think we can grieve for our loved ones while still believing in God's perfect judgment? What is it that you don't understand about that? Have you ever lost a loved one (spouse, child, parent) who was not saved? If so, what did you do? Just say "oh well" and shrug your shoulders?
With reference to Joel Olsten The bible speak about those who lead persons astray
Mullets are awesome.
Love your new look, Mike!😂😆
What if? The comma is simply moved in order for it to read : I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise?This is how I have made sense out of the fact that Christ didn’t ascend for three days.
On you question about Mormon textbooks for homeschooling. I'd question even if they were "just math books."
We used a set of math books from a Christian publisher. How do I know? By the word problems!
Isaiah 65:17 say "New heavens new earth ..the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.
Mike, on question 10 concerning the knowledge of good ad evil. Is it possible that this could mean to call something good or evil? As in Isaiah 5:20. Telling God that you can determine what’s right and wrong and right?
In re #16, I've heard the Calvinist view, i.e., that we will rejoice at the knowledge of, say, our mother in hell, but the passage Mike quoted specifically refers to the joy all true believers will experience when harlot Christianity is judged. Thing is, we don't have an emotional attachment to that system.
Here's what God allowed me to experience: When we get to heaven we don't lose our ability to feel or remember, per se. What does happen if a loved one doesn't make it is that the "soul ties" with that person will be broken. That means you know about them but your emotional involvement with them no longer exists. It's not that you will be "happy" about it, or even that you won't "care" in the human sense. It's that you will not dwell on your memories of that person bc your emotional attachment to them will supernaturally cease to be.
That said, we must pray for our loved ones *now* and believe that God will save them. God is not willing that any should perish, so pray believing the Holy Spirit will prevail in bringing them to Christ.
Can anyone answer this? If I am not only indwelt with the Holy Spirit, but I'm also filled with the Spirit in a moment, then I willfully choose to sin, is it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
I’ve heard blasphemy against the Holy Spirit defined as complete rejection of the cross and Calvary and there would be no forgiveness there because that is the only way to eternal life. So yes and no, if you trusted in the true sacrifice of Christ you are fine, but repent next time (pray and read). Not sure if this answer your question though. I’ll keep you in my prayers if this is a problem, God bless.
I think blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a life long thing. Were you referring to the unforgivable sin? We’re fallen. Even as saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, on this earth, we will keep sinning. The main thing is you know it’s bad and repent.
No. It means you are in unrepentant sin. Surrender it to Christ, don’t be tormented over this.
Mike..I am so thankful for everything that you’ve done. I watch your videos regularly and listen to your podcast on my long commute to work daily. I am beyond grateful to you for the teachings you have put out. My knowledge of God’s Word has increased so much! Thank you!!!
Not me being so entertained by the intro. The cheesy "face reveal"😅😅. More deserving growth to you and this channel Pastor Mike. God bless you tremendously
There it is ladies and gentlemen. Mike is going to grow a mullet for a 600k special.
Q: How can we reconcile verses 1John 1:8,10 and 1John 3:6,9 and 1John 5:18?
My interpretation on the Knowledge of Good and Evil is that Adam and Eve gained an internal morality apart from God, thusly explaining their separation from him. So now they have a flesh that attempts to determine right and wrong.
This has always been how I've heard and understood it. I would love feedback on whether you agree or disagree and why.
Congrats on the half million subscribers, Mike! The face reveal! Always wanted to know how you realy look like xD
Congratulations brother. Lol