Thank you for someone finally saying it! There are going to be so many false conversions! "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!" - C.H. Spurgeon "They will never accept grace till they tremble before a just and holy Law." Charles Spurgeon Blessings, pastor. 🙏✝️❤️💜
That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 For with the heart man believes resulting in righteousness and with the mouth he confesses resulting in salvation. Romans 10:10 CONFESS - Greek word Homologeõ meaning " Same Word " - This is not a prayer from emotion, nor a proclamation from any religious leader, nor even a personal testimony from prideful accomplishment..... no, this a legally binding covenant with All Mighty Jehovah God as to His truth of who Christ really is as Lord of all! Agreeing fully with that Truth and committing one's life and living to that truth. This can only come to us by His gifted grace through His gifted faith. AND Believe..... always both/ And never Either/Or.
There are two sides to every coin. So it is with our faith in Christ. One side has to do with coming to "repentance" from sinful behavior in our lives. The other side of the coin is to combine that "atitude of repentance, with faith in the gospel message of the cross, the saving "grace" of God to us, by putting our faith in Christ, as the "atoning" sacrifice for our sins, at the cross. Its not complicated. Its a simple message. We need not make it more complicated than that. Less we confuse the issue unnecessarily to our detriment.
God forgive me. My great aunt came to me when i was believing the sinners prayer . She wanted to know how to get to heaven so she could be with great uncle. She came with the wrong motivations. She grew up coddled by her dad as if she could do no wrong. Went on to live in sin. If i was a Christian i was a baby one and had only said tge sinners praying multiple times in my life always falling away. No, walking away back to sin. At that point i showed evidece of salvation but later walked away. My great uncle made her feel as though she could do no wrong. She was always like a princess on a pedestal. I told her she had to be sorry for her sins and ask forgiveness. She replied i havent ever done anything wrong". I was scared of her. I didnt know to go through the bible and read to her the things that were sinful that she had done. I told her everyone has sinned. I said have you ever told a little white lie? I knew she had had abortions but i dared not bring it up. It wound up if i remember right with me telling her to pray and ask God to forgive her if anything she had ever done wrong or any sin she had committed. She then, in another state where she lived without telling me , went to get baptized. At the church of scientology of all places! She told me she had done that after the fact. I told her to stay away from that place. And told her a little of why. And that was the end of it. I wish i had known how to take her through the bible. I may have told her to read the bible. I dont know if she was saved. I fear not and i fear its my fault. But she was not coming to me asking because she felt guilt or godly sorrow or God dealing with her as far as i know. She was just getting old and wanted to be with my uncle when she died because she believed he was a Christian. She had an uncle who was a preacher. Most of her family were baptists and church goers and seemed saved. She was made to go to church as a kid. Why didnt she get saved long before? I fear where she may be. I pray God does not hold me accountable. I didnt truly know enough to lead her. I had been taught the sinners prayer. I feel so guilty and afraid. I know about repentance and seeing a change now. I have struggled with assurance all my life. I understand better now. But then i get scared that i am not truly saved when i hear hard preaching because i dont do all i should do and i do some things i shouldnt . Like not reading my bible. Though i listen to good preachers like Paul Washer. I hate the things in the world that i see that are sinful and evil. My husband and i have health issues and looked for a good church here when we moved to the country. Most times we would not be able to go to church if we could get out and look some more. I see so much change in ys now though . We are not like we used to be. We listen to preaching daily. Several sermons most of the time. I often go to sleep listening to my bible. I pray . He prays. Please pray for us. We try to help anyone who needs help. We are getting old. I love the Lord. I want to be with Him for eternity. I want to be where there is no sin or evil. I hate it. This world disgusts me and breaks my heart the way people act. I pray i am saved. I feel like the apostle Paul. Cheif if sinners and doing what i dont want to and not doing what i want to do. I repent every time i remember a past sin i forgot about. From decades ago. I wish i could talk to Paul Washer. Im not physically able to physically sin unless it is from not doing enough due to lying down a lot from pain or high blood pressure. Thoughts and dreams of sinning pop in my head without me wanting them to. One person says the enemy can put thoughts in your head and another says he cant. I wonder how else he would be able to tempt you. But 99.9 percent of the time i hate rge rhoughts and dreams, and 100 percent of the time, i repent of them. I can only throw myself on His mercy and ask for help. And forgiveness. Any thoughts? Is it my fault if my aunt wasnt truly saved? Do i sound saved? I am half afraid to go to church for 2 reasons. 1 wrong teaching that i dont want to fall under. And 2 my health and fear of catching you know what. I dont think i would survive it. Thankfully i didnt get a shot. Dying scares me. The manner of dying. Im afraid too that its possible im not saved but other times i believe i am saved. I woukd not live like the world if i were young and healthy at this point. I couldnt do that because of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Guilt would not let me enjoy it. And its not interesting to me at all. I dont even watch tv anymore. Please pray for me to know for sure if i am saved or not. God bless you.
What about the thief on the cross? He believed in Jesus and was saved. He wasn't baptized. He didn't beg for salvation. He had a childlike belief. Luke 23:39-43 [39]Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” [40]But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? [41]And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” [42]Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” [43]And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” 🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️ Charles Spurgeon said, "I do abhor from my heart that continual whining of some men about their own little church as the “remnant”-the “few that are to be saved.” They are always dwelling upon strait gates and narrow ways, and upon what they conceive to be a truth, that but few shall enter heaven. . . . I believe there will be more in heaven than in hell . . . because Christ, in everything, is to “have the pre-eminence” (Col. 1:18) and I cannot conceive how he could have the pre-eminence if there are to be more in the dominions of Satan than in paradise. Moreover, it is said there is to be a multitude that no man can number in heaven; I have never read that there is to be a multitude that no man can number in hell." ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
Salvation is by grace, through faith (Eph 2:8-9). The Bible tells us to believe what is done. It is not about asking, but believing. See Acts 16:30-31, Eph 2:8-9, etc.
If you are deeply greived by sin as God sheds Light on it than you're right. Based on 1 John. If you plan to keep sinning taking advantage of grace there are other scriptures In also 1 John, Hebrews etc that prove one a lair, unsaved and should fear judgement
Acts 16:30-31, "...and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
I guess my KJV must have omitted the verses that say in order to be saved you must have the philosophy of a calvinist 😮 HOWEVER it does tell me about carnal CHRISTIANS in I Corinthians 3. It also tells me in order to be saved to have the simple faith of a child and call on the Lord. For calvinist to claim it is grace alone they sure put alot of stock in works. They like to point fingers at everyone else's "big" sins, but seem to overlook their own pride,condescending spirits, lack of love,hardness, failure to serve others,etc PSA calvin is NOT sitting at the right hand of THE FATHER right now.
Read James. Your works do not save you but faith without works is dead . Meaning if you have faith but show no change and continue living like the world, you are not saved.
Beware of the confussion satan is bringing into the body of Christ. Christians need to stop coming against the sinners prayer and alter calls. No one's gone to hell because they said the sinners prayer. People go to hell because they reject Jesus Christ and refuse to repent. Empty prayers not coming from true faith in Christ and repentance that leads to a changed life is in vain. I am so grieved by so many mature believers who are now teaching that to say a sinners prayer is unbiblical as well as alter calls at Christian gatherings. This is bringing so much confussion in the body of Christ. If you have righteous anger over this nonsense as I do it's in order.. Prayer is calling on the name of the Lord. The words used in Salvation prayers are varied and we dont need a word for word formula for God to hear and accept prayers coming from a humble, repentant heart that truly desires to be saved by Jesus . Leading people to Jesus in a prayer of verbally confessing Him as Savior is absolutely biblical. Romans 10:9-10, Acts 2:21... Please don't get involved in the deception that salvation prayer is not biblical.
It is when you depend on that prayer and go out to wallow in sin. That is what Paul is saying. Many times in my younger years I said the sinners prayer. Then got bored and lonely from not having any friends in the church and went right back to my old ways where I had friends to talk to and have fun with. That was not true repentance or I would not have returned to sin willfully . Sometimes I would feel guilty but would brush it off . This started at age 13. I was in my 30s and prayed again. All I wanted was to read my Bible and go to church. The preachers wife told me not to read so much or I would get burned out. I listened. If I was saved I was a baby Christian. I made no friends there but her. I thought. She turned on me over some kittens I was looking fir a home for. Told me the Lord had taken me off of her heart etc in a letter. Not even face to face nor on the phone. I tried the church one more time . Felt so unwelcome I didn't go back. They all knew I had no family and didn't seem to care other than to say we are your family now. Nobody ever reached out to me. I was crushed. Things started happening bad for me and I prayed for God not to let them happen. He did not stop them from happening. It hurt me and I think I may have been angry with Him. My only "friend" was living with a new boyfriend and never had time for me. I was still grieving the loss of my family and someone I lived dearly . I felt abandoned. I told Gid if You won't do what I ask why should I do what You want? And I walked right back into sin. After a few years I went back to the Lord. I got married. We attended a great church. Then we moved 200 miles away and looked for another church. We tried one for 5 or 6 years . Never felt wanted. Made no real friends. Nobody really reached out to us except the preacher and tge other pastor. Long story after being there and only feeling loved by the kids , we left. Haven't found a church since. We tried to offer to serve in many ways. Could not get plugged in. Lots of things happened after a while. We almost divorced. But we went back to God. We listen to good preachers on youtube. We pray. Hubby reads the Bible. We were reading together recently. But can't at this point but are trying to get back to that. I listen to the bible as I fall asleep often. I wish I could get the hunger for the bible I once had but now I'm having trouble understanding it as I have learned so much I find I don't know as much as I thought. I think it's deeper things that you don't catch when you first read it. I get confused. Things seem like a contradiction in places. So I turn to preachers on here to understand. Or I look it up on Google to get opinions from various organizations and churches. I do not have 100 percent assurance. How I wish I did. I kinda feel like I out sinned His forgiveness, but i know the bible says nothing is too hard for God and with Him all things are possible. I think I just feel so guilty from going back and forth , backsliding if that is a real thing and doesn't cost your salvation hopefully, that I am scared maybe He doesn't want me now. Other times I believe I am saved. It drives me crazy knowing then not knowing. I so dearly want 100 percent assurance IF I am truly saved. Maybe the enemy is messing with me. Maybe it's my over thinking. But this is too big not to think deeply about. I wish we had a true biblical church we could trust. I wish I had someone to fellowship with. I need Christian friends. I have only my husband and a friend I talk to on occasion who is of a different denomination and we can't talk about our beliefs as on their end it gets heated and my blood pressure can't take it. They are church of Christ. All I can do is throw myself on Jesus' mercy. But I so want to rest finally in assurance.
What is this obsession you "Calvinists" have with spreading lies about what you term the sinner's prayer? Have any of you ever repented in tears, prayed from your heart and responded to Jesus' very own invitation in Revelation 3:20 - "Lo, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come into him and eat with him and He will eat with Me"? Does Jesus not say, "Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened to you, seek and you shall find"? That "if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Please explain HOW one is born again - without which no one will SEE (perceive/understand) the Kingdom of God. Then there is John 14 where Jesus says, "IN THAT DAY," you shall know that the Father is in Me and I am in the Father and I am IN YOU. WHAT DAY - do you know? But I do, as do some others whom you mock.
Calvinists won’t admit it, but their theology is akin to being raped by the Holy Spirit. For who can resist the will of God and His irresistible grace? That theology is an abomination.
@@RepentfollowJesus He not only mocks those who are powerfully saved by the 'sinner's prayer' but Jesus' own words to which we have eagerly responded. Washer sometimes comes across as someone who doubts his own salvation and puts on a desperate act. Or maybe it's real but either way there is much that can be said about his 'sincerity'
So,if an unsaved person goes to a church service,feels the conviction of the holy spirit at the invitation then walks down the isle and prays with someond to accept Christ,he still isnt saved?
If an unsaved person feels drawn to Christ by Christ, hears the gospel sitting in his pew and believes it right then and there…. That person is saved! The Bible doesn’t say you need to go down to the front during the invitation to have a “biblical authority” hireling to pray with you to get you saved. That’s the institutional church hog wash! Christ saves, not the man who calls himself a pastor. Christ saves wherever you are the nanosecond you believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - the Gospel Ephesians 2:8-9 - faith in Him alone Ephesians 4:30 - can’t lose your salvation 1 John 5:13 - in doubt? Remind yourself why you know you’re saved for eternity
Faith is a gift from God. And it is what we do with that gift that determines if we are saved or not. So salvation is by faith AND works. The sinners prayer is not, therefore, scriptural. (notice that I said scriptural as opposed to biblical, as there is a big big difference) Christ said there is a great cost involved if someone wants to be his disciple. Well, that does not fit with the false doctrine of salvation being by faith alone, which also refutes the notion of a sinner's prayer.. The sinner's prayer that is taught today came out of Paulineism.
@nousername I explained it in the original post that you responded to. Faith is a gift from god. And it is what you do with that gift that determines if you will be counted among the sheep or the goats. So salvation is NOT by faith alone. Believing is not enough. Even the demons and wicked spirits believe in Christ and know he is the Son of God. and to claim anything other than this is to be teaching a different gospel than what Christ taught. And, therefore, you will be counted among the heretics on judgement day. Christ made it clear that the law is still in tact. And people who teach it is not still to be followed will be condemned as false teachers. Do you teach many rich Christians will enter the kingdom of God? do you believe a Christian can divorce and then remarry? Do you believe unrepentant Christian adulterers are going to enter the kingdom of God? do you believe people harboring unforgiveness will enter? Because scripture makes it abundantly clear that if you do not forgive, our Father will not forgive us. Clearly, simply believing or having faith is not enough. So you best wake up to the truth before it becomes too late.
@nousername Stop and listen to yourself. Even you can't honestly believe the twists you try to apply in order to remove works from the salvation equation. It really is hilarious to watch you twist things. Unfortunately for you, it will mean you end up being counted among the goats on judgement day.
@@TrustinJC actually he doesn't contradict the rest of scripture.. We're saved by grace through faith and the faith that saves is living faith.. According to James.
How in the world does one "grow in repentance?" I hope Paul Washer has grown in his understanding since this. He's misled more people than a sinners prayer, including me before the Holy Spirit pulled me away from all this manmade legalistic preaching.
@letgodbetrue5581 Was your repentance instantaneously complete and perfect? Ever have any backslides in areas you struggle in? As you grow and repent your biggest faults, did you then have realization of lesser faults that you needed to change?
I don't know why anyone would dislikes Paul washers teaching unless they want to live in sin. Growing in repentance means you repent of things as God sheds Light on them. It does NOT mean Christians are sinless it means they genuinely want to sin less.
@@freddiesalazar2335no he preaches a distorted truth. I watched this a long time ago so I don't know if this was the same video or not but in one teaching he said the sinner's prayer has led more people to hell than anything. Is that truth to you? How do you know it's the truth when he has no way of knowing that.? When the only one who can know that is God why make a statement like that? Is that what we call truth?
@@furyfantoo That's called sanctification or good ole' fashioned learning. That is not what repentance is. I repented ONCE and now I continue each day learning the ways of God. And no, I don't believe in the word "backslide." I don't recall that term used in the Bible unless I'm mistaken. We study and learn, we make mistakes, we get back up, correct the error and keep on serving and trusting in the Lord and then Repeat until we reach perfection. There's no need for continued repentance or growing in repentance in that model. If you remain faithful to God repentance is only done once and there are no different levels of repentance.
@@freddiesalazar2335 So sad what wolves like this man have done to so many No sir, this man speaks pure evil adding to Christ Like I said to the other poster, pick it up around the 5:55 mark and you’ll see where he makes it about self, outside of Christ alone
I agree to disagree with paul because the scripture says in Romans 10 nine if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raises from the dead, you would be safe because God loved the world he gave us Is holy began son God son believing in, should not perish, but having eternal life. I had said this prayer I had no church no fellowship with anyone around me during that time everybody in the churches was talking about prosperity. I was looking for the genuine salvation, preaching the gospel to the lost. God was not saving me to go to church. He was saving me because he knew I would spend the next few years in the Bible and during that time I was on every street in every city in every part of the United States.. scripture was used to lead people to repentance with other scriptures. Psalms 51 is a genuine repented prayer.. when we explain to be believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we explain what we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may believe in the Lord Jesus Christ concerning him being the Christ and being crucified on the cross for our sins, being buried and under 30 day rising again thank you for your proving he is God and flashing offers eternal life to anyone that believes in him. I was never to be famous, but the eyes of God I’m only famous and winning losses for Jesus. See approval of permission to go and win, lost souls, and win, lost souls. Jesus is Lord Jesus saves. A true soul winners not in the podium they’re in the highways in the highways and at my age. I feel the same way I did when I was 20 years old and now I’m 60.
Please fix your post. It is confusing to new believers. It says Jesus rose in under 30 days. You mean He rose on the 3rd day. I would enjoy talking to you. But after you explain James speaking on faith without works us dead.
Thank you for someone finally saying it! There are going to be so many false conversions!
"Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!"
- C.H. Spurgeon
"They will never accept grace till they tremble before a just and holy Law."
Charles Spurgeon
Blessings, pastor. 🙏✝️❤️💜
I believe that if someone sincerely prays the sinner prayer Jesus will save them.
God wants us to pursue him passionately.
The dangers of your unbiblical works based Lordship Salvation
Absolutely true.
That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For with the heart man believes resulting in righteousness and with the mouth he confesses resulting in salvation. Romans 10:10
CONFESS - Greek word Homologeõ meaning " Same Word " - This is not a prayer from emotion, nor a proclamation from any religious leader, nor even a personal testimony from prideful accomplishment..... no, this a legally binding covenant with All Mighty Jehovah God as to His truth of who Christ really is as Lord of all! Agreeing fully with that Truth and committing one's life and living to that truth. This can only come to us by His gifted grace through His gifted faith. AND Believe..... always both/ And never Either/Or.
There are two sides to every coin. So it is with our faith in Christ. One side has to do with coming to "repentance" from sinful behavior in our lives. The other side of the coin is to combine that "atitude of repentance, with faith in the gospel message of the cross, the saving "grace" of God to us, by putting our faith in Christ, as the "atoning" sacrifice for our sins, at the cross. Its not complicated. Its a simple message. We need not make it more complicated than that. Less we confuse the issue unnecessarily to our detriment.
God forgive me. My great aunt came to me when i was believing the sinners prayer . She wanted to know how to get to heaven so she could be with great uncle. She came with the wrong motivations. She grew up coddled by her dad as if she could do no wrong. Went on to live in sin. If i was a Christian i was a baby one and had only said tge sinners praying multiple times in my life always falling away. No, walking away back to sin. At that point i showed evidece of salvation but later walked away. My great uncle made her feel as though she could do no wrong. She was always like a princess on a pedestal. I told her she had to be sorry for her sins and ask forgiveness. She replied i havent ever done anything wrong". I was scared of her. I didnt know to go through the bible and read to her the things that were sinful that she had done. I told her everyone has sinned. I said have you ever told a little white lie? I knew she had had abortions but i dared not bring it up. It wound up if i remember right with me telling her to pray and ask God to forgive her if anything she had ever done wrong or any sin she had committed. She then, in another state where she lived without telling me , went to get baptized. At the church of scientology of all places! She told me she had done that after the fact. I told her to stay away from that place. And told her a little of why. And that was the end of it. I wish i had known how to take her through the bible. I may have told her to read the bible. I dont know if she was saved. I fear not and i fear its my fault. But she was not coming to me asking because she felt guilt or godly sorrow or God dealing with her as far as i know. She was just getting old and wanted to be with my uncle when she died because she believed he was a Christian. She had an uncle who was a preacher. Most of her family were baptists and church goers and seemed saved. She was made to go to church as a kid. Why didnt she get saved long before? I fear where she may be. I pray God does not hold me accountable. I didnt truly know enough to lead her. I had been taught the sinners prayer. I feel so guilty and afraid. I know about repentance and seeing a change now. I have struggled with assurance all my life. I understand better now. But then i get scared that i am not truly saved when i hear hard preaching because i dont do all i should do and i do some things i shouldnt . Like not reading my bible. Though i listen to good preachers like Paul Washer. I hate the things in the world that i see that are sinful and evil. My husband and i have health issues and looked for a good church here when we moved to the country. Most times we would not be able to go to church if we could get out and look some more. I see so much change in ys now though . We are not like we used to be. We listen to preaching daily. Several sermons most of the time. I often go to sleep listening to my bible. I pray . He prays. Please pray for us. We try to help anyone who needs help. We are getting old. I love the Lord. I want to be with Him for eternity. I want to be where there is no sin or evil. I hate it. This world disgusts me and breaks my heart the way people act. I pray i am saved. I feel like the apostle Paul. Cheif if sinners and doing what i dont want to and not doing what i want to do. I repent every time i remember a past sin i forgot about. From decades ago. I wish i could talk to Paul Washer. Im not physically able to physically sin unless it is from not doing enough due to lying down a lot from pain or high blood pressure. Thoughts and dreams of sinning pop in my head without me wanting them to. One person says the enemy can put thoughts in your head and another says he cant. I wonder how else he would be able to tempt you. But 99.9 percent of the time i hate rge rhoughts and dreams, and 100 percent of the time, i repent of them. I can only throw myself on His mercy and ask for help. And forgiveness. Any thoughts? Is it my fault if my aunt wasnt truly saved? Do i sound saved? I am half afraid to go to church for 2 reasons. 1 wrong teaching that i dont want to fall under. And 2 my health and fear of catching you know what. I dont think i would survive it. Thankfully i didnt get a shot. Dying scares me. The manner of dying. Im afraid too that its possible im not saved but other times i believe i am saved. I woukd not live like the world if i were young and healthy at this point. I couldnt do that because of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Guilt would not let me enjoy it. And its not interesting to me at all. I dont even watch tv anymore. Please pray for me to know for sure if i am saved or not. God bless you.
What about the thief on the cross? He believed in Jesus and was saved. He wasn't baptized. He didn't beg for salvation. He had a childlike belief.
Luke 23:39-43
[39]Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.”
[40]But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?
[41]And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.”
[42]Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”
[43]And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
Charles Spurgeon said,
"I do abhor from my heart that continual whining of some men about their own little church as the “remnant”-the “few that are to be saved.” They are always dwelling upon strait gates and narrow ways, and upon what they conceive to be a truth, that but few shall enter heaven. . . . I believe there will be more in heaven than in hell . . . because Christ, in everything, is to “have the pre-eminence” (Col. 1:18) and I cannot conceive how he could have the pre-eminence if there are to be more in the dominions of Satan than in paradise. Moreover, it is said there is to be a multitude that no man can number in heaven; I have never read that there is to be a multitude that no man can number in hell."
When you sin ask for forgiveness and God will forgive you
Jesus died for our sin once and for all.
Salvation is by grace, through faith (Eph 2:8-9). The Bible tells us to believe what is done. It is not about asking, but believing. See Acts 16:30-31, Eph 2:8-9, etc.
God will not forgive you unless you’re born again by the Spirit and your faith is in Jesus Christ.
If you are deeply greived by sin as God sheds Light on it than you're right. Based on 1 John. If you plan to keep sinning taking advantage of grace there are other scriptures In also 1 John, Hebrews etc that prove one a lair, unsaved and should fear judgement
What does a person do. If they are on their death bed, and don't have enough time to hear a sermon?
Acts 16:30-31, "...and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
Repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
I guess my KJV must have omitted the verses that say in order to be saved you must have the philosophy of a calvinist 😮 HOWEVER it does tell me about carnal CHRISTIANS in I Corinthians 3. It also tells me in order to be saved to have the simple faith of a child and call on the Lord.
For calvinist to claim it is grace alone they sure put alot of stock in works. They like to point fingers at everyone else's "big" sins, but seem to overlook their own pride,condescending spirits, lack of love,hardness, failure to serve others,etc
PSA calvin is NOT sitting at the right hand of THE FATHER right now.
Read James. Your works do not save you but faith without works is dead . Meaning if you have faith but show no change and continue living like the world, you are not saved.
Beware of the confussion satan is bringing into the body of Christ. Christians need to stop coming against the sinners prayer and alter calls. No one's gone to hell because they said the sinners prayer. People go to hell because they reject Jesus Christ and refuse to repent. Empty prayers not coming from true faith in Christ and repentance that leads to a changed life is in vain. I am so grieved by so many mature believers who are now teaching that to say a sinners prayer is unbiblical as well as alter calls at Christian gatherings. This is bringing so much confussion in the body of Christ. If you have righteous anger over this nonsense as I do it's in order.. Prayer is calling on the name of the Lord. The words used in Salvation prayers are varied and we dont need a word for word formula for God to hear and accept prayers coming from a humble, repentant heart that truly desires to be saved by Jesus . Leading people to Jesus in a prayer of verbally confessing Him as Savior is absolutely biblical. Romans 10:9-10, Acts 2:21... Please don't get involved in the deception that salvation prayer is not biblical.
It is when you depend on that prayer and go out to wallow in sin. That is what Paul is saying. Many times in my younger years I said the sinners prayer. Then got bored and lonely from not having any friends in the church and went right back to my old ways where I had friends to talk to and have fun with. That was not true repentance or I would not have returned to sin willfully . Sometimes I would feel guilty but would brush it off . This started at age 13. I was in my 30s and prayed again. All I wanted was to read my Bible and go to church. The preachers wife told me not to read so much or I would get burned out. I listened. If I was saved I was a baby Christian. I made no friends there but her. I thought. She turned on me over some kittens I was looking fir a home for. Told me the Lord had taken me off of her heart etc in a letter. Not even face to face nor on the phone. I tried the church one more time . Felt so unwelcome I didn't go back. They all knew I had no family and didn't seem to care other than to say we are your family now. Nobody ever reached out to me. I was crushed. Things started happening bad for me and I prayed for God not to let them happen. He did not stop them from happening. It hurt me and I think I may have been angry with Him. My only "friend" was living with a new boyfriend and never had time for me. I was still grieving the loss of my family and someone I lived dearly . I felt abandoned. I told Gid if You won't do what I ask why should I do what You want? And I walked right back into sin. After a few years I went back to the Lord. I got married. We attended a great church. Then we moved 200 miles away and looked for another church. We tried one for 5 or 6 years . Never felt wanted. Made no real friends. Nobody really reached out to us except the preacher and tge other pastor. Long story after being there and only feeling loved by the kids , we left. Haven't found a church since. We tried to offer to serve in many ways. Could not get plugged in. Lots of things happened after a while. We almost divorced. But we went back to God. We listen to good preachers on youtube. We pray. Hubby reads the Bible. We were reading together recently. But can't at this point but are trying to get back to that. I listen to the bible as I fall asleep often. I wish I could get the hunger for the bible I once had but now I'm having trouble understanding it as I have learned so much I find I don't know as much as I thought. I think it's deeper things that you don't catch when you first read it. I get confused. Things seem like a contradiction in places. So I turn to preachers on here to understand. Or I look it up on Google to get opinions from various organizations and churches. I do not have 100 percent assurance. How I wish I did. I kinda feel like I out sinned His forgiveness, but i know the bible says nothing is too hard for God and with Him all things are possible. I think I just feel so guilty from going back and forth , backsliding if that is a real thing and doesn't cost your salvation hopefully, that I am scared maybe He doesn't want me now. Other times I believe I am saved. It drives me crazy knowing then not knowing. I so dearly want 100 percent assurance IF I am truly saved. Maybe the enemy is messing with me. Maybe it's my over thinking. But this is too big not to think deeply about. I wish we had a true biblical church we could trust. I wish I had someone to fellowship with. I need Christian friends. I have only my husband and a friend I talk to on occasion who is of a different denomination and we can't talk about our beliefs as on their end it gets heated and my blood pressure can't take it. They are church of Christ. All I can do is throw myself on Jesus' mercy. But I so want to rest finally in assurance.
What is this obsession you "Calvinists" have with spreading lies about what you term the sinner's prayer?
Have any of you ever repented in tears, prayed from your heart and responded to Jesus' very own invitation in Revelation 3:20 - "Lo, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come into him and eat with him and He will eat with Me"?
Does Jesus not say, "Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened to you, seek and you shall find"?
That "if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."
Please explain HOW one is born again - without which no one will SEE (perceive/understand) the Kingdom of God.
Then there is John 14 where Jesus says, "IN THAT DAY," you shall know that the Father is in Me and I am in the Father and I am IN YOU.
WHAT DAY - do you know?
But I do, as do some others whom you mock.
Calvinists won’t admit it, but their theology is akin to being raped by the Holy Spirit. For who can resist the will of God and His irresistible grace?
That theology is an abomination.
Jesus said Repent and believe. It's in Matthew. John the Baptist said Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins in Matthew.
He isn't mocking. He is afraid fir our eternal salvation.
@@RepentfollowJesus He not only mocks those who are powerfully saved by the 'sinner's prayer' but Jesus' own words to which we have eagerly responded.
Washer sometimes comes across as someone who doubts his own salvation and puts on a desperate act. Or maybe it's real but either way there is much that can be said about his 'sincerity'
So,if an unsaved person goes to a church service,feels the conviction of the holy spirit at the invitation then walks down the isle and prays with someond to accept Christ,he still isnt saved?
If an unsaved person feels drawn to Christ by Christ, hears the gospel sitting in his pew and believes it right then and there…. That person is saved!
The Bible doesn’t say you need to go down to the front during the invitation to have a “biblical authority” hireling to pray with you to get you saved.
That’s the institutional church hog wash!
Christ saves, not the man who calls himself a pastor.
Christ saves wherever you are the nanosecond you believe
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - the Gospel
Ephesians 2:8-9 - faith in Him alone
Ephesians 4:30 - can’t lose your salvation
1 John 5:13 - in doubt? Remind yourself why you know you’re saved for eternity
Your life will be changed. You won't act like you once did wallowing in sin with no guilt.
The start of the jouis baptis.
Faith is a gift from God. And it is what we do with that gift that determines if we are saved or not. So salvation is by faith AND works.
The sinners prayer is not, therefore, scriptural. (notice that I said scriptural as opposed to biblical, as there is a big big difference)
Christ said there is a great cost involved if someone wants to be his disciple. Well, that does not fit with the false doctrine of salvation being by faith alone, which also refutes the notion of a sinner's prayer..
The sinner's prayer that is taught today came out of Paulineism.
@nousername Try reading something other than Paul's epistles. Paul is the only one that taught works is not part of the salvation equation.
@nousername I explained it in the original post that you responded to. Faith is a gift from god. And it is what you do with that gift that determines if you will be counted among the sheep or the goats. So salvation is NOT by faith alone. Believing is not enough. Even the demons and wicked spirits believe in Christ and know he is the Son of God. and to claim anything other than this is to be teaching a different gospel than what Christ taught. And, therefore, you will be counted among the heretics on judgement day. Christ made it clear that the law is still in tact. And people who teach it is not still to be followed will be condemned as false teachers. Do you teach many rich Christians will enter the kingdom of God? do you believe a Christian can divorce and then remarry? Do you believe unrepentant Christian adulterers are going to enter the kingdom of God? do you believe people harboring unforgiveness will enter? Because scripture makes it abundantly clear that if you do not forgive, our Father will not forgive us. Clearly, simply believing or having faith is not enough. So you best wake up to the truth before it becomes too late.
@nousername For crying out loud. You are describing salvation being by faith AND works.
@nousername Stop and listen to yourself. Even you can't honestly believe the twists you try to apply in order to remove works from the salvation equation. It really is hilarious to watch you twist things. Unfortunately for you, it will mean you end up being counted among the goats on judgement day.
@@TrustinJC actually he doesn't contradict the rest of scripture..
We're saved by grace through faith and the faith that saves is living faith..
According to James.
At least he got something right
How in the world does one "grow in repentance?" I hope Paul Washer has grown in his understanding since this. He's misled more people than a sinners prayer, including me before the Holy Spirit pulled me away from all this manmade legalistic preaching.
He tells the truth
@letgodbetrue5581 Was your repentance instantaneously complete and perfect? Ever have any backslides in areas you struggle in? As you grow and repent your biggest faults, did you then have realization of lesser faults that you needed to change?
I don't know why anyone would dislikes Paul washers teaching unless they want to live in sin.
Growing in repentance means you repent of things as God sheds Light on them. It does NOT mean Christians are sinless it means they genuinely want to sin less.
@@freddiesalazar2335no he preaches a distorted truth. I watched this a long time ago so I don't know if this was the same video or not but in one teaching he said the sinner's prayer has led more people to hell than anything. Is that truth to you? How do you know it's the truth when he has no way of knowing that.? When the only one who can know that is God why make a statement like that? Is that what we call truth?
@@furyfantoo That's called sanctification or good ole' fashioned learning. That is not what repentance is. I repented ONCE and now I continue each day learning the ways of God. And no, I don't believe in the word "backslide." I don't recall that term used in the Bible unless I'm mistaken. We study and learn, we make mistakes, we get back up, correct the error and keep on serving and trusting in the Lord and then Repeat until we reach perfection. There's no need for continued repentance or growing in repentance in that model. If you remain faithful to God repentance is only done once and there are no different levels of repentance.
Pure heresy!
Run from this man, he clearly adds to faith alone and is to be accursed
Why is he a heretic? Do you have any evidence that he is a heretic?
He once said it gives God great pleasure to send people to hell and heaven applauds when people are sent to hell
He tells the truth
Start around the 5:55 mark and you’ll hear him adding to faith alone
It actually wasn’t that bad up until that point
So sad what wolves like this man have done to so many
No sir, this man speaks pure evil adding to Christ
Like I said to the other poster, pick it up around the 5:55 mark and you’ll see where he makes it about self, outside of Christ alone
I agree to disagree with paul because the scripture says in Romans 10 nine if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raises from the dead, you would be safe because God loved the world he gave us
Is holy began son God son believing in, should not perish, but having eternal life. I had said this prayer I had no church no fellowship with anyone around me during that time everybody in the churches was talking about prosperity. I was looking for the genuine salvation, preaching the gospel to the lost. God was not saving me to go to church. He was saving me because he knew I would spend the next few years in the Bible and during that time I was on every street in every city in every part of the United States.. scripture was used to lead people to repentance with other scriptures. Psalms 51 is a genuine repented prayer.. when we explain to be believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we explain what we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may believe in the Lord Jesus Christ concerning him being the Christ and being crucified on the cross for our sins, being buried and under 30 day rising again thank you for your proving he is God and flashing offers eternal life to anyone that believes in him. I was never to be famous, but the eyes of God I’m only famous and winning losses for Jesus. See approval of permission to go and win, lost souls, and win, lost souls. Jesus is Lord Jesus saves. A true soul winners not in the podium they’re in the highways in the highways and at my age. I feel the same way I did when I was 20 years old and now I’m 60.
Please fix your post. It is confusing to new believers. It says Jesus rose in under 30 days. You mean He rose on the 3rd day. I would enjoy talking to you. But after you explain James speaking on faith without works us dead.
I am so glad you did not get sucked in to the prosperity gospel if you can call it a gospel.