Since I came across this video the other day, I’ve watched it a fair few times! Cos at 1.09, those 12 seconds… it was me Brandon came down to and he gave me 1 of his rings ❤ He is an absolute awesome human. It was a milestone Killers show for me and he found out pre show... his gesture is an unforgettable memory, so sweet of him to do what he and the band did… and your video really captures more than what I had seen back of it. Whoever says ‘wow’, sums up the feelings in 1 word.
Since I came across this video the other day, I’ve watched it a fair few times! Cos at 1.09, those 12 seconds… it was me Brandon came down to and he gave me 1 of his rings ❤ He is an absolute awesome human. It was a milestone Killers show for me and he found out pre show... his gesture is an unforgettable memory, so sweet of him to do what he and the band did… and your video really captures more than what I had seen back of it. Whoever says ‘wow’, sums up the feelings in 1 word.
His voice didn't change much, it's just that he appears to be permanently gasping for breath... Still pretty good