B4 - I completely agree that the ace-less wonder is not worth exciting your P. Peter got lucky that his P turned up with an absolute monster for 1S ...... and then unlucky again when the heart gets ruffed. Stupid game!
B1 - I bid 4H after the same auction start. The robots lately have been driving me insane with their appalling bidding and play. Here yours bid grand when it had no right to what so ever and it worked this time! The other day I bid identically to the Expert with an invitational hand with a 5CM after a 1NT opening. Mine passed 2NT, the experts bid 3NT????? I lost the board as 3NT made. FFS!
B4 - I completely agree that the ace-less wonder is not worth exciting your P. Peter got lucky that his P turned up with an absolute monster for 1S ...... and then unlucky again when the heart gets ruffed. Stupid game!
And the two top club losers of course LOL
B1 - I bid 4H after the same auction start. The robots lately have been driving me insane with their appalling bidding and play. Here yours bid grand when it had no right to what so ever and it worked this time! The other day I bid identically to the Expert with an invitational hand with a 5CM after a 1NT opening. Mine passed 2NT, the experts bid 3NT????? I lost the board as 3NT made. FFS!
B5 - Red vs Green, I think 3C is a poor choice. Invert the vulnerability and then its much better. Well you roll the dice I guess
I played 2S but my robot defended badly and it made an overtrick for 0 points too
B3 - Honestly the robots bidding is terrible again. I still won the board though as Peters line of play was not best IMO
And you did the same it appears. Whats wrong with a club hook and if it works ruffing the 3rd round!!!!
B2 - I bid and played identically to yourself. Peter has seriously overbid that anemic hand......another lost board