Sebastian, I was hoping you were going to describe the details of biasing, driving and filtering a non-linear transistor multiplier while looking at the results on a spectrum analyser. This was a bit disappointing.
You didn't explain how a 90re degree phase shift increases frequency. Pretty important thing to gloss over if your videos purpose is to explain frequency multipliers
i thought it was self obvious, when your signal is a quarter phase late, the up of the second signal will combine with the point of neutral signal and you end with a signal that have double the ups, but i'm afraid i'm confused bc you end with double hump camels or something xd
For Me, this high frequency is always like woodoo magic :))) I can't imagine, what those signals are doing inside :) They jumping, reflecting, leaking, drifting, delaying... Oh far bizare for My low freq analog audio brain :)) But, thanks for sharing! Ouuhhmmm, there is some issue with Your video editing software or encoding?.
I don't know the right vocabulary to describe this, but if you drive two frequency multipliers with the same signal, is there anything that would introduce phase differences in the output signal?
Looks like each component in the MiniCircuits multiplier had a dot of red epoxy I assume to increase rigidity. Is this pretty common? Any guidelines for when to do this? Thank you.
Mini circuits is a x4 diode multipler followed by a x3 diode multiplier. All multiplers are mixer type.
Sebastian, I was hoping you were going to describe the details of biasing, driving and filtering a non-linear transistor multiplier while looking at the results on a spectrum analyser. This was a bit disappointing.
You didn't explain how a 90re degree phase shift increases frequency. Pretty important thing to gloss over if your videos purpose is to explain frequency multipliers
i thought it was self obvious, when your signal is a quarter phase late, the up of the second signal will combine with the point of neutral signal and you end with a signal that have double the ups, but i'm afraid i'm confused bc you end with double hump camels or something xd
That is not true though,if you add sin(x) and sin(x+pi/2)
There is no frequency change
For Me, this high frequency is always like woodoo magic :))) I can't imagine, what those signals are doing inside :) They jumping, reflecting, leaking, drifting, delaying... Oh far bizare for My low freq analog audio brain :)) But, thanks for sharing! Ouuhhmmm, there is some issue with Your video editing software or encoding?.
I don't know the right vocabulary to describe this, but if you drive two frequency multipliers with the same signal, is there anything that would introduce phase differences in the output signal?
Looks like each component in the MiniCircuits multiplier had a dot of red epoxy I assume to increase rigidity. Is this pretty common? Any guidelines for when to do this? Thank you.
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