Timestamps: 00:00 Aurora 04:01 Sunrise 08:42 Artificial planet 12:23 August skies 15:45 Stratosphere 20:55 Visions of a Distant Winter 24:36 Sunset 29:10 Darkened Shadows 36:45 Midnight Drive 40:34 Pulsating Pulsar Pulse 44:07 I am a child of the '80s 47:55 Cosmic Fantasy 51:55 Neon Phantoms 55:40 Echoes from the Past 58:20 Lost Echoes
00:00 Aurora 04:01 Sunrise 08:42 Artificial planet 12:23 August skies 15:45 Stratosphere 20:55 Visions of a Distant Winter 24:36 Sunset 29:10 Darkened Shadows 36:45 Midnight Drive 40:34 Pulsating Pulsar Pulse 44:07 I am a child of the '80s 47:55 Cosmic Fantasy 51:55 Neon Phantoms 55:40 Echoes from the Past 58:20 Lost Echoes