unico nel suo genere questo strumento e' incredibbile. primo di una lunga serie. suono Pazzesco...ma soprattutto una suonabilita' da chitarra elettrica.....
Sir; you are very good however if you wish to impress me regarding your nice new instrument maybe more playing and less, (yes less) talking. I also own a new mandocello and am learning the new chords and songs on it...for it and you could of been helpful. May you play your way to heaven but take your time doing so!
bello e bellissimo
! Très Bien... quel est son diapason ?... quels sont ses principaux avantages?... quel est son prix ?... What is its price please ?
le diapason est 61
Sir; you are very good however if you wish to impress me regarding your nice new instrument maybe more playing and less, (yes less) talking. I also own a new mandocello and am learning the new chords and songs on it...for it and you could of been helpful. May you play your way to heaven but take your time doing so!