I feel like, if you are going to pay that price, everyone should have an opportunity to do everything they want, without having to try to get on a wait list. But I'm glad Nate is having fun.
Disney needs to remember we love being there because we can be kids at heart again and one of the things we enjoy about the after hours events is feeling like a kid trick or treating and getting free cookies and hot chocolate and the Mickey bars etc. At that amount of money there most definitely needs to be free items to make you feel extra special and as a thank you for spending that large amount.
I’ve been waiting for this vlog! Thank you for taking one for the team because I think Disney should be embarrassed about this event. Spend $180 to go to a party and then spend hundreds more?!?! Disney failed in every way on this one imo.
Hey Nate! My names Chris! I recently discovered your videos while trying to bring some Disney magic to my life. During this last year I’ve been struggling with my health, the roughest year of my life, yet the moment my girlfriend and I discovered your videos, our year completely made an amazingly positive turn. In the short time since we discovered your videos, you have brought us more smiles than we have had all year! My girlfriend constantly says you’re her best friend and she guesses what you’ll say as she loves Disney just as much as you!! Thank you for being you Nate, please never change. You’re helping make someone who lives entirely across the country from you feel like life is still beautiful despite my health. We plan on making a trip in February if my health improves. Excited to rock our RSVLTS shirts that you convinced us to buy! 😂 Hope we run into you at the parks so we can see that amazing smile in person! You’re amazing Nate!!!!
What they should do is scrap this Jollywood nights concept and go full Muppet! I would do a complete Muppet Christmas party and call it The Very Merry Muppet Christmas Party and bingo bango you have my 180 bucks!
That’s a very steep ticket price without any included snacks or goodies. The Brown Derby looked ok, except the charcuterie was a bit disappointing from the video. Their pricing structure has become charging more and more for less and seeing how far they can go before they tip the scales and attendance begins to drop. I think we are beginning to see this come to fruition. All in all an excellent, honest video Nate!!
Thank you for taking us along, Nate! It was awesome to see the very first Jollywood party. I agree with you, I like Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party better. But I think there is potential there for the Jollywood Party.
This was the one park we didnt care to visit last time we were there. We went to all the others. And loved it. It just doesn't tempt us. Good to see another Nate video tho. Any day!!
First and foremost, I met you at the event (outside of Brown Derby) and you were SO kind! I wanted to thank you again for taking a picture with me! Second, I have to agree that it was not worth $180. Hollywood Studios is not a big park, but it felt like everyone was running around just to wait in line after line. The Hollywood Brown Derby waitlist glitch was a HUGE blunder on Disney's part. The food, drinks, and atmosphere were great, but not worth all that time. I was also surprised that the only exclusive merchandise was a t-shirt. Every other party gets a wide range of products to choose from such as exclusive spirit jerseys, hats, t-shirts, hoodies, etc. and all Jollywood had was a t-shirt (and 2 free coasters that they handed us on the way out). The event has the potential to be awesome, but if they don't change anything they'll be met with more disappointed guests.
WE LOVE YOU NATE!!!!! Even with rain and you were drenched from head to toe trying to film everything for us and I thank you for that. Every video you make is positive and you are uplifting and I appreciate that thank you for this video! Merry Christmas from Ben and Mary! ( and Maxi 🐶 )
I wouldn’t pay a $180 for this event, but I would pay it to hang out with you and your friends. You are a bright light in our world! Thanks so much for being you ❤
We were 100% disappointed. Wouldn't do again. Rise was on queue and broke down just before we were called. The wait list for Brown Derby was a $#!+ show. They could have decorated the city building around the Muppets would have been a nice throwback for Osbourns. About half of the shops were closed. Wasn't happy about it all.😊😊
They need to give snacks and cookies....and extend hours. We just came from the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas party this past Monday and it was outstanding! I brought home so many cookies and had so much hot chocolate at the party and eggnog and apple cider and the theming was amazing and it was a little cool so the weather was great I would not pay for 4 hours for $180 but I thank you so much for sharing jollywood nights because that way we got to see what it looks like
What are the odds that Disney will improve the event to make it better this year? We are planning on going, but now I almost wish we would have waited to buy tickets. Thank you for always being able to find a silver lining and have fun no matter what.
Highly doubt they will change anything. All they see are the dollar signs. As long as people keep paying to attend these events, they will think they're doing great and don't need to improve anything.
I get that it was the first night, but for the price it was pretty underwhelming. The experiences and food, at times, made it more of a Jollywait Nights. So many cast members were in the dark about things, it was very disorganized, not many offerings, and for the same price you pay for Mickey’s Christmas Party, it was pretty shameful. The highlight though? Getting to meet you (and probably creating one of the most awkward interactions you’ve had at Disney 🤣) Thanks for sharing your take on things!
I think this party is a great idea, but they definitely need to increase the number of complimentary perks that come with it like MVM. I found this, and the Halloween party lacking in that area for the price you pay.
The stage show looks like a lot of things just pasted together. Some people are in ball gowns, while others are in jumpsuits with weird half-dresses. The dancing looked great, but the set pieces looked like those from a high school production. You’d expect more from such a high ticket item at a theme park belonging to the most powerful entertainment company in the world.
Just love your videos Nate! Im really looking forward to spending this holiday season with you and your friends. Hope we get to see Mom and Bonbon some time too. Youre a lovely guy with a fabulous channel. thanks for the content and keeping it wholesome so the family can watch!
For the price, I'd expect (I guess not really expect, but id prefer) them to cap the attendance a lot lower than what I've seen. Sounds like it was great if you wanted to focus on rides, but if you wanted to try focus on experiencing all of the actual special event stuff it was a let down for some people.
This was horrible!!! I was there. Crazy money for little offerings, crazy crowds, long lines… just bad!!! Disney has a problem, they need to fix this or just cancel it!!!
I wish we would have met you - that would have made the price worth it! 😀 But we were really disappointed with the party. We left early, so at least we missed the rain.
It sounds like there's at least an hour line to do anything at "Jollywood Nights," and even buying a pretzel is a 40 minute line. I think Disney way oversold its tickets and it was way too crowded to be worth the admission price.
We are in Orlando for the informer meetup because of you. It’s my birthday on the 18th and nothing would make me happier at this event then taking a birthday photo with you! We hope to see you tomorrow or Saturday! Thank you soooooo much for turning us on to this 💗💗💗
I absolutely love your enthusiasm and transparency about your experience. I was more excited about being able to walk right on Tower of Terror multiple times in a row but it sounds like it was super crowded! I have done Mickeys Verry Merry Christmas about 4 times and have really enjoyed that. Hopefully Disney will revamp this event to include more freebies and it will be better next year. Thank you for the awesome review!
They need to have some free treat stations, for this price. Maybe even a few samplings of savory appetizers as well, and a ticket for more free adult beverage, even a sample size.
What a great show ! The performers live against the movie background, the props, 'Night Before Christmas ' sing along was like Broadway at its best ! Enjoyed this part of the video much, hopefully I can see it in person one day. Also, the hat looks great on you Nate.
All I have seen from all of the bloggers is how long the lines were, starting from the line to get wrist bands. If you are going to pay that much, you should be able to experience as much as you want.
Thanks for everything you bring to us and you are the best and I appreciate you for bringing us into all your adventures and thanks for letting us know all the prices
Great video! It was helpful to see what you got for the money, and I'm sorry you didn't get more. I wouldn't go to it for that price. Glad you had fun.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us - I love watching you and the Kingdom Krew. I loved the Christmas party. Not knowing what to expect, I would have gone to Jollywood if I had the chance. I hope your camera is OK :)
I'm sorry but that was a poor effort by Disney with all the appearances of a giant money grab. It is insulting that Disney feels that the event is worth $180.00. Thanks for showing us the event Nate, you made my decision so easy on this event. The Disney downward spiral continues.
I was there the first night too! The entertainment was a highlight for me but the lines were crazy long for everything and we couldn’t even get into the Brown Derby.
We went the first night. We enjoyed ourselves and would consider doing it again in the future. Maybe in the future, they will consider making the party longer and I would love if they had jingle bam earlier in the evening (like MK). Hopefully some of the tech issues with the Brown Derby will be fixed as well. Also, maybe have backlot open as well. We loved the decor, the muppet show, and the liveet entertainment was great. I is great to see someone that was enjoying the event, Nate. Especially after seeing so many negative comments. Also, I may need to get that shirt for my brother!
Ha! I was literally telling DNO about this today and wondered if you had experienced it! Loved your last party video Nate, we loved it SO much last year. Santa hat suits you 😊 xxx
$180 is about 4 times what I’d pay. Not enough to do, they need pop up food stands, roving entertainment, activities and lots of side shows along with millions of lights. Perhaps ride overlays.
Btw. Still absolutely loved your video. You always make the most of every moment and still kept things fun. Especially the gratitude moment with Shawn just happy to be there at mkdnight.
The Nightmare Before Christmas sing along looked like the highlight. Everything else looked pretty underwhelming. Definitely not worth the price! They need to add a parade, character meet and greets, a better fireworks show, free snacks and hot drinks, etc. Thanks for covering it and for your honest opinion!
Got tickets for the beginning of December. Thanks for answering the big question for us...shorter lines!! That's why we got tickets. Love you Mr Morrow :)
I think I’d prefer the Christmas party over Jollywood nights. Of course, I’ve never been to Jollywood, so I’m just comparing by your video. I’m not gonna go this year, so I really appreciate watching through your lines. I thought my dogs had a lot of things, Gracey’s blows them away.
Nate my friend! Excited about this video because we can’t do Jollywood since we got kids…so this video will do! Hope you had a great time and btw, thanks for sportin the hat in your last video 😝 looks good on ya hope Gracey appreciated it lol 😂 cheers 🍻! Have a sunday funday
I’m glad to see a balanced review from a Disney vlogger. A few too many have eternally plastered smiles that make me question if Donald Duck is holding them hostage unless they exclaim their love for paying $20 for a churro with an IP sticker on it. (An over exaggeration but you get the idea.) “I had a great time, but I would’ve at at Magic Kingdom, I don’t feel this is worth it. But it’s the first night and there is room for improvements.” Is valuable commentary.
The Nightmare sing along looks amazing and the other show and fireworks show are nice but that is a very expensive night. If they add a parade next year i might go. I wouldnt sit down in a restaurant though. I dont get to go often so i would go on rides.
The won’t refund a future night?!? Ok, Disney, stick to your policy. I just cancelled $8k of room reservations for next fall and won’t renew the AP. See you 2025…maybe Epcot will be done?
I feel like, if you are going to pay that price, everyone should have an opportunity to do everything they want, without having to try to get on a wait list. But I'm glad Nate is having fun.
I know they need to make money but wheres the line between that and overcrowded parks where it diminishes everyones experience.
@LadyRed31 Yeah I think you are right.
At least you get a rain check.
Agree. I was there…definitely not what we expect from Disney. More like something Six Flags would offer
I liked when it was MGM, open until 11pm and had the Osbourne Christmas Lights without any special ticket.
Exactly, this stuff should be included in regular admission but Disney wanna double dip with these added events
Disney needs to remember we love being there because we can be kids at heart again and one of the things we enjoy about the after hours events is feeling like a kid trick or treating and getting free cookies and hot chocolate and the Mickey bars etc. At that amount of money there most definitely needs to be free items to make you feel extra special and as a thank you for spending that large amount.
I’ve been waiting for this vlog! Thank you for taking one for the team because I think Disney should be embarrassed about this event. Spend $180 to go to a party and then spend hundreds more?!?! Disney failed in every way on this one imo.
Only thing Disney cares about is the almighty buck.
That was just plain sad! Pay almost 200 to get in and have spend a ton more to eat and drink? Disney has hit rock bottom!
That definitely was not worth the $180 price point. It was very underwhelming. They really missed some great opportunities for a lot more fun.
Walt didn't have this is mind when he built parks. I think he said he wanted it to be affordable for everyone. Not just for vloggers and rich.
Hey Nate! My names Chris! I recently discovered your videos while trying to bring some Disney magic to my life. During this last year I’ve been struggling with my health, the roughest year of my life, yet the moment my girlfriend and I discovered your videos, our year completely made an amazingly positive turn. In the short time since we discovered your videos, you have brought us more smiles than we have had all year! My girlfriend constantly says you’re her best friend and she guesses what you’ll say as she loves Disney just as much as you!! Thank you for being you Nate, please never change. You’re helping make someone who lives entirely across the country from you feel like life is still beautiful despite my health. We plan on making a trip in February if my health improves. Excited to rock our RSVLTS shirts that you convinced us to buy! 😂 Hope we run into you at the parks so we can see that amazing smile in person! You’re amazing Nate!!!!
What they should do is scrap this Jollywood nights concept and go full Muppet! I would do a complete Muppet Christmas party and call it The Very Merry Muppet Christmas Party and bingo bango you have my 180 bucks!
that would be iconic
I Love this idea!
This is giving me more New Year’s Eve party vibes, rather than Christmas.
There should also be a special souvenir included for everyone that attends
That’s a very steep ticket price without any included snacks or goodies. The Brown Derby looked ok, except the charcuterie was a bit disappointing from the video. Their pricing structure has become charging more and more for less and seeing how far they can go before they tip the scales and attendance begins to drop. I think we are beginning to see this come to fruition. All in all an excellent, honest video Nate!!
So so agree with you !
Very merry party hands down better...thanks for the vlog
Can't wait to see what you thought. I loved the Muppets show, but the rest of the night was a pretty big letdown for the price of the ticket.
$180??? SCAM. Come on Disney this is just straight up extortion
I've never seen such a panned Disney event on social media. 😮
Thanks for your honest opinion, Nate. It was nice to see you enjoying the season with friends.🎄Happy Holidays🎅
Thank you for taking us along, Nate! It was awesome to see the very first Jollywood party. I agree with you, I like Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party better. But I think there is potential there for the Jollywood Party.
This was the one park we didnt care to visit last time we were there. We went to all the others. And loved it. It just doesn't tempt us. Good to see another Nate video tho. Any day!!
First and foremost, I met you at the event (outside of Brown Derby) and you were SO kind! I wanted to thank you again for taking a picture with me!
Second, I have to agree that it was not worth $180. Hollywood Studios is not a big park, but it felt like everyone was running around just to wait in line after line. The Hollywood Brown Derby waitlist glitch was a HUGE blunder on Disney's part. The food, drinks, and atmosphere were great, but not worth all that time. I was also surprised that the only exclusive merchandise was a t-shirt. Every other party gets a wide range of products to choose from such as exclusive spirit jerseys, hats, t-shirts, hoodies, etc. and all Jollywood had was a t-shirt (and 2 free coasters that they handed us on the way out). The event has the potential to be awesome, but if they don't change anything they'll be met with more disappointed guests.
we need a muppet only show. MORE MUPPES MORE MUPPETS
Nate you always have such a wonderful attitude. You always make me smile.
But how good was the singer at 14:38??? The voice, the dress, the charisma!!! Loved, loved, LOVED her. And the video, too, of course😉
WE LOVE YOU NATE!!!!! Even with rain and you were drenched from head to toe trying to film everything for us and I thank you for that. Every video you make is positive and you are uplifting and I appreciate that thank you for this video! Merry Christmas from Ben and Mary! ( and Maxi 🐶 )
I wouldn’t pay a $180 for this event, but I would pay it to hang out with you and your friends. You are a bright light in our world! Thanks so much for being you ❤
We were 100% disappointed. Wouldn't do again. Rise was on queue and broke down just before we were called. The wait list for Brown Derby was a $#!+ show. They could have decorated the city building around the Muppets would have been a nice throwback for Osbourns. About half of the shops were closed. Wasn't happy about it all.😊😊
They need to give snacks and cookies....and extend hours.
We just came from the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas party this past Monday and it was outstanding! I brought home so many cookies and had so much hot chocolate at the party and eggnog and apple cider and the theming was amazing and it was a little cool so the weather was great I would not pay for 4 hours for $180 but I thank you so much for sharing jollywood nights because that way we got to see what it looks like
What are the odds that Disney will improve the event to make it better this year? We are planning on going, but now I almost wish we would have waited to buy tickets. Thank you for always being able to find a silver lining and have fun no matter what.
Highly doubt they will change anything. All they see are the dollar signs. As long as people keep paying to attend these events, they will think they're doing great and don't need to improve anything.
No one can answer that lol you'll just have to wait tbh
The lake and Gertie are so festive. Very cute.
What a great vlog!!! I loved your hat and your black shirt!!! Also, the Roosevelt shirt too!!! Gracie girl is beautiful!!!!
i feel like the shows were the thing i would have gone for. hopefully things like this continue. I would see these shows year round
I get that it was the first night, but for the price it was pretty underwhelming. The experiences and food, at times, made it more of a Jollywait Nights. So many cast members were in the dark about things, it was very disorganized, not many offerings, and for the same price you pay for Mickey’s Christmas Party, it was pretty shameful.
The highlight though? Getting to meet you (and probably creating one of the most awkward interactions you’ve had at Disney 🤣)
Thanks for sharing your take on things!
I agree 💯 percent…the highlight for me was also meeting Nate and a few other vloggers but between waiting for food and characters the night flew by
I think this party is a great idea, but they definitely need to increase the number of complimentary perks that come with it like MVM. I found this, and the Halloween party lacking in that area for the price you pay.
Merry Christmas! who is watching Gracie? Great party! awesome vlog!
Probably nobody this time. This was local to his house, so it was just like him going out for a few hours for dinner or something.
That bill was probably like 300 bucks for 5 bites of food each lol
The stage show looks like a lot of things just pasted together. Some people are in ball gowns, while others are in jumpsuits with weird half-dresses. The dancing looked great, but the set pieces looked like those from a high school production. You’d expect more from such a high ticket item at a theme park belonging to the most powerful entertainment company in the world.
So exciting!! 1st ever Jollywood Nights!! Can’t wait to watch and see it all! 🎄
Hope you enjoy it!
Just love your videos Nate! Im really looking forward to spending this holiday season with you and your friends. Hope we get to see Mom and Bonbon some time too. Youre a lovely guy with a fabulous channel. thanks for the content and keeping it wholesome so the family can watch!
I wish I hadn’t already bought tickets to Jollywood Nights. Considering not going, sure wish Disney had a return policy 😕
For the price, I'd expect (I guess not really expect, but id prefer) them to cap the attendance a lot lower than what I've seen. Sounds like it was great if you wanted to focus on rides, but if you wanted to try focus on experiencing all of the actual special event stuff it was a let down for some people.
Great times !!! ❤love the hat!
Fall out because of your pure joy and love of Disney as I do call beans brother I’ll be watching you
This was horrible!!! I was there. Crazy money for little offerings, crazy crowds, long lines… just bad!!! Disney has a problem, they need to fix this or just cancel it!!!
"Oh is that the finale but my batt..." got me lol
Hello Nate it’s great to see you in your holiday hat. Thanks for sharing the party with us. It was a classy evening. 💯
I wish we would have met you - that would have made the price worth it! 😀 But we were really disappointed with the party. We left early, so at least we missed the rain.
It sounds like there's at least an hour line to do anything at "Jollywood Nights," and even buying a pretzel is a 40 minute line. I think Disney way oversold its tickets and it was way too crowded to be worth the admission price.
Don’t think I would do Jollywood Party this year. Love seeing Gracie girl. Another great video.
We are in Orlando for the informer meetup because of you. It’s my birthday on the 18th and nothing would make me happier at this event then taking a birthday photo with you! We hope to see you tomorrow or Saturday! Thank you soooooo much for turning us on to this 💗💗💗
I absolutely love your enthusiasm and transparency about your experience. I was more excited about being able to walk right on Tower of Terror multiple times in a row but it sounds like it was super crowded! I have done Mickeys Verry Merry Christmas about 4 times and have really enjoyed that. Hopefully Disney will revamp this event to include more freebies and it will be better next year. Thank you for the awesome review!
They need to have some free treat stations, for this price. Maybe even a few samplings of savory appetizers as well, and a ticket for more free adult beverage, even a sample size.
What a great show ! The performers live against the movie background, the props, 'Night Before Christmas ' sing along was like Broadway at its best ! Enjoyed this part of the video much, hopefully I can see it in person one day. Also, the hat looks great on you Nate.
All I have seen from all of the bloggers is how long the lines were, starting from the line to get wrist bands. If you are going to pay that much, you should be able to experience as much as you want.
Camping in a tent at Wilderness campground and the rain just keeps coming! I’ve never seen rain like this in November unless there was a hurricane.
HEY FRIENDS!! 🤗HEY NATE!!🤗 Let's go do this!!🤓
Hey Friends Hey Johnny!
I would definitely pick the Christmas party over this.
I saw that the shrimp cocktail was $14 and literally was 3 shrimp 😂
Thanks for everything you bring to us and you are the best and I appreciate you for bringing us into all your adventures and thanks for letting us know all the prices
Thanks for the honesty. That seemed like a complete waste of money. Thank you for showing so I know not to go. 😊
Great video! It was helpful to see what you got for the money, and I'm sorry you didn't get more. I wouldn't go to it for that price.
Glad you had fun.
Morning Nate! Hope jollywood nights was a blast. Have a great Sunday. Appreciate you buddy.
Thanks Nate! Great coverage of the event.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us - I love watching you and the Kingdom Krew. I loved the Christmas party. Not knowing what to expect, I would have gone to Jollywood if I had the chance. I hope your camera is OK :)
I'm sorry but that was a poor effort by Disney with all the appearances of a giant money grab. It is insulting that Disney feels that the event is worth $180.00. Thanks for showing us the event Nate, you made my decision so easy on this event. The Disney downward spiral continues.
I was there the first night too! The entertainment was a highlight for me but the lines were crazy long for everything and we couldn’t even get into the Brown Derby.
Just based on seeing it Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party has more value and more things to do also the cookies and hot chocolate.
Loved watching from your perspective!
I LOVE this so much!!!!
We went the first night. We enjoyed ourselves and would consider doing it again in the future. Maybe in the future, they will consider making the party longer and I would love if they had jingle bam earlier in the evening (like MK). Hopefully some of the tech issues with the Brown Derby will be fixed as well. Also, maybe have backlot open as well. We loved the decor, the muppet show, and the liveet entertainment was great.
I is great to see someone that was enjoying the event, Nate. Especially after seeing so many negative comments. Also, I may need to get that shirt for my brother!
It was great seeing you there last night, my wife and I love your videos
I think if I was paying that much I think food and drink should be included 😂 it’s a lot of money as an add on! Great vlog as always !!!
Ha! I was literally telling DNO about this today and wondered if you had experienced it! Loved your last party video Nate, we loved it SO much last year. Santa hat suits you 😊 xxx
Awww that makes me so happy I know how much you love the party
I always look forward to your viedos everyday they make me feel so happy!!
$180 is about 4 times what I’d pay. Not enough to do, they need pop up food stands, roving entertainment, activities and lots of side shows along with millions of lights. Perhaps ride overlays.
Great vlog Nat , thank you ! The shows were so good ! I’m with you I think it’s too pricey
Btw. Still absolutely loved your video. You always make the most of every moment and still kept things fun. Especially the gratitude moment with Shawn just happy to be there at mkdnight.
Thank you your one of the best to showcase Disney i would love it if you went over to universal and see what they have on for Christmas
Nate my friend. Always look forward to your vloggs. Your the best vloger out there on whole off uTube
Wow Thank you!!
The Nightmare Before Christmas sing along looked like the highlight. Everything else looked pretty underwhelming. Definitely not worth the price! They need to add a parade, character meet and greets, a better fireworks show, free snacks and hot drinks, etc. Thanks for covering it and for your honest opinion!
Hi. Would it be worth it for the price if short ride times were your focus? Thanks so much.
Hey Nate, loving the Christmas Videos !! Keep them coming :) . Cheers to a great day .
Magic kingdom was “testing” firework 11pm-2am or more possibly for the Christmas tv special that was filming this weekend at magic kingdom.
You got the Christmas bucket hat!🎉🎅🏼Love it!
Got tickets for the beginning of December. Thanks for answering the big question for us...shorter lines!! That's why we got tickets. Love you Mr Morrow :)
I think I’d prefer the Christmas party over Jollywood nights. Of course, I’ve never been to Jollywood, so I’m just comparing by your video. I’m not gonna go this year, so I really appreciate watching through your lines. I thought my dogs had a lot of things, Gracey’s blows them away.
A new festive long vlog!! It made my day, thank you Nate 😊💖
Awww ❤️
I wouldn’t pay it. Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you for the amazing and honest content
It seems like you had a better time than some. Appreciate your honesty and positive spirit
Are all rides open ? And what were the average wait times for some of the popular ones?
Nate my friend! Excited about this video because we can’t do Jollywood since we got kids…so this video will do! Hope you had a great time and btw, thanks for sportin the hat in your last video 😝 looks good on ya hope Gracey appreciated it lol 😂 cheers 🍻! Have a sunday funday
Cheers! I hope you like it and Gracie loved it
I’m glad to see a balanced review from a Disney vlogger. A few too many have eternally plastered smiles that make me question if Donald Duck is holding them hostage unless they exclaim their love for paying $20 for a churro with an IP sticker on it. (An over exaggeration but you get the idea.)
“I had a great time, but I would’ve at at Magic Kingdom, I don’t feel this is worth it. But it’s the first night and there is room for improvements.” Is valuable commentary.
I didn't catch every word, but did Nate disclose if he was there for the media event part? Just wondering about possible conflicts.
Thank you Nate fir showing so much, it really helps to decide what to do or not. We would pass on the Derby, and hope your camera survived the rain.
Hi Nate! 👋 thanks for the video 📹 😀
Don't tell JoJo but you have more fun at these events I love it so shhhh lol😊
That Hat tho ❤️💚❤️💚❤️
Your channel is my favourite on TH-cam
The Nightmare sing along looks amazing and the other show and fireworks show are nice but that is a very expensive night. If they add a parade next year i might go. I wouldnt sit down in a restaurant though. I dont get to go often so i would go on rides.
The won’t refund a future night?!? Ok, Disney, stick to your policy. I just cancelled $8k of room reservations for next fall and won’t renew the AP. See you 2025…maybe Epcot will be done?
Going on Dec 6, we’re excited!