Bye the way. My daughter has passed, but I saw her on a Sunday, and Wednesday, she was gone to glory. She knew the LORD. How I thank HIM. But it's that simple. One day you're alive, the next you are called! Accept JESUS. ITS SO EASY, AND SO VERY WONDERFUL!🙏🏼
I am new to you Pastor Gary, and I love the way you teach the Bible. Thank you for your sermons that are invaluable to my understanding of the Bible. God Bless your church and you!
Pastor Gary, you are my forever best Teacher who makes the Bible so radiant transparent &easy to understand and hold on to..🙏thank you from South Africa
There is no "sin" as we understand it. We are born to behave as we do. But we have to find a way to transcend our negative thoughts and feelings because they separate us from the protection of "Father-Mother Consciousness" and bring us our sicknesses and miseries. When we have learnt how to transcend the selfhood/personality (humanhood) we will create Heaven on Earth. What is born and nurtured in the distorted mind eventually takes on form in the physical world. This is NOT punishment from "Father-Mother Consciousness" as religious teachers may teach us. It is, a SCIENTIFIC FACT OF EXISTENCE. Therefore, there is no "punishment" from on high! There is no such thing as "punishment from "God"-because no such individualized "human thinking" "God" exists. This is a MYTH and a FALLACY which should be erased from people's minds. Humankind, through the willful and harmful exercise of the selfhood/personality (humanhood), draw to themselves their own punishment. All that man does which man calls "sin" is only of this world and is only punished within this world-because it is the Law of Earthly Existence, as you know, that whatever you sow you will reap as a like harvest. Because man draws LIFE and MIND from "Father-Mother Consciousness," man himself is creative in thoughts, words and deeds. Whatever man thinks, says, does and believes, returns to him in like form. Therefore, there is no punishment from "Father-Mother Consciousness"-whatever ills come to humankind is of their own making entirely. "SIN" is the direct result of the interplay of the Bonding-Rejection Impulses within human nature. The Bonding-Rejection Impulses constituted the emotional/mental mask worn by all created individual entities, including birds and animals. You see these impulses at work within all of nature-even within plant life. The Bonding-Rejection Impulses directed/directs the behavior towards survival of all entities in creation. There is no escaping the Bonding-Rejection Impulses. These Twin Impulses are the ephemeral source of all "worldly" comfort, pleasure, "happiness"-and also the source of all sicknesses, miseries and deprivations in the world. "SIN" is an artificial concept expediently devised by men to describe any human activity causing pain to others. Because of their natural make-up of "grabbing" from other people, and of rudely repelling them, in order to get what they want from life, it was inevitable that all human beings will, at some time, cause other human beings some form of distress or suffering. This human propensity to hurt others in no way caused "offense" to Father-Mother Consciousness (what many call "God," "Allah," "Jehovah"-etc)-as affirmed by the Jewish and "Christian" religion. Only humankind understood the meaning of the word "sin" since only humankind and all of "creation subject to humankind," "will ever know the pain, deprivation and misery caused by the two fundamental IMPULSES of INDIVIDUALITY/PERSONALITY-Bonding-Rejection active within the humanhood. Therefore, it was man's inbuilt impulse to protect his own individuality/personality (humanhood) that made him set up rules and laws for human society. The "Universal Creative Power"-UNCONDITIONAL LOVE-had absolutely NOTHING to do with the setting up of human restrictions, limitations, laws and judgement. While FATHER-MOTHER CONSCIOUSNESS is NOT the mythical "God" as depicted in most "Holy Books"-IT is the Infinitely Powerful Reality everywhere present, manifesting ITS own designing, intelligent, evolutionary, loving caring for all that IT has brought into being.
Really important and poignant imperative Pastor Gary that you draw from Acts 24. Good job and I will share this with others. I listen to you online from Florida. Sad to say I have never once heard my preacher in our Methodist church make an altar call for anyone wanting to make a profession of faith or to give their total trust to Jesus. Sad. Sad.
Father help all people know and believe that being right with God comes through faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus and the cross , NOT righteousness by self efforts of keeping their Law. First Cor, 15:1-4.
God nor Jesus cannot "save" you, since, in rebelliousness and stubbornness, you will continue to make the same earthbound mistakes till the end of time-thus creating your own sicknesses and miseries. Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that Christ has RETURNED-explaining WHY he taught the principles of life-which people now need so urgently to save themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster. There will be those who will receive the TRUTH with joy, since in their soul, they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been TRUTH-the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation. You cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualized existence and believe that God or Jesus will "save" you from them. Your only hope of a final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognize and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become "one" with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
MARANATHA 🎉🎶🙌🕊️🤸📖☝️👑 the unspeakable joy and peace believes possess, is the blessed hope we have in Christ alone. Born-again from above. By God's choosing whom He will. Rejoice in your blood bought intimate relationship being found IN CHRIST.❤️🩹 JESUS PAID THE DEBT I COULD NEVER ACCOMPLISH.😞💦💦 salvation
I was a member of a secular national motorcycle organization. A member in another state came to me and said, "God wants me to know something. God is after me." The member was known as PJ and was Jewish, and he knew I was a Christian. I said I'd write to him because it was late and I had a long ride home. A few days later I got a call from another friend who was also a Christian and he knew PJ. He told me I was in trouble with PJ and that I'd be getting a phone call. My friend's wife had seen PJ sitting in his car, reading my letter, and his eyes were wide open as though something was wrong. The next night PJ called and said, "If it had been anyone other than you who wrote that letter, there would be serious trouble." My letter shared the gospel with PJ, and he was livid. We ended up agreeing that what I had said would never be mentioned again. Soon after this I moved to another state far from where PJ lived. Early this year I learned that PJ was killed in a motorcycle crash. I don't know if he thought about the gospel and made a decision, I can only hope that he did accept Christ. On another matter about the Great White Throne Judgment. In my early days of Christianity I joined the Masonic Lodge and eventually became an officer. I had to give a new candidate the apron lecture, part of which says: "And when at last you stand before the Great White Throne, may it be your portion to hear from him who sitteth as Judge Supreme, the welcome words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.'" I didn't know at that time who the White Throne judgment was for, and apparently neither did they.. As I studied the bible I began to see many conflicts between bible teachings and Masonic teachings so I quit the Lodge. One of the conflicts was that when prayer was offered in the Masonic temple, we were not allowed to mention Jesus Christ.
It's clear, how GOD , decides he IS , thought . For us God is thought in life, music , and all that is creation in our thoughts speech and action as we reflect his best recommendations for us the closer you follow HIS ,word the better the world becomes, again his creation , is salvation .
Thank you so much for these words of comfort especially for believers. I have often been curious about how my judgement would play out and I am further reminded that "My righteousness is like a menstrual cloth" I cannot save myself, but thank God Almighty for the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ on the cross. I look forward to the judgment of commendation, not the judgment of condemnation. Thank you Pastor Gary
God nor Jesus cannot "save" you, since, in rebelliousness and stubbornness, you will continue to make the same earthbound mistakes till the end of time-thus creating your own sicknesses and miseries. Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that Christ has RETURNED-explaining WHY he taught the principles of life-which people now need so urgently to save themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster. There will be those who will receive the TRUTH with joy, since in their soul, they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been TRUTH-the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation. You cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualized existence and believe that God or Jesus will "save" you from them. Your only hope of a final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognize and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become "one" with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Thank you for this beautiful teaching and presenting it with so much clarity. Now I truly understand the judgement to come! I happened to come across your message and I decided to click and subscribe. I thank God I did! Blessings to you Pastor Hamrick and your family🙌🏽
I’m struggling.. I know that I’m saved but I’m having such a time of doubt that I am afraid of the rapture and of what’s happening right in front of us. I’ve been saved since I was 17 years old and it took a very traumatic experience to bring me to salvation even though I grew up in church. I feel like a Lot or Lot’s wife who was clinging to the world almost to their demise and I don’t WANT that. I’m not living in some kind of sinful lifestyle, and I read my Bible daily. I’ve been struggling with my prayer life for a couple of years. I have adult children that I’m concerned for their salvation. I’m the caregiver to my beautiful baby daughter(she’s 25). I just don’t know where this doubt is coming from and I don’t want to be weak and fragile for what may come but I feel so unprepared and just afraid.
Hi my sister in the Lord, nothing nothing can pluck us out of God's hand...we are saved by God's grace not our own good works. Remind yourself of these promises. You said clinging to the world if that is the case it certainly would rob you of your peace and your confidence in Jesus Christ.
Hello I need help with my addiction i believed in Christ but times would come where I'm tempted and looked at pornography I really want to leave this because I know it's not for believers so please pray for me and do help me in what I should do to get right with God ... thank you and God bless
Don’t give up. Pray and ask people you trust ,will see regularly and be accountable to., to pray for you! Try finding a healthy replacement when you are tempted . I will pray for you -and I know God will deliver you! (as he just recently delivered me) You are being refined and transformed !!
Lord knows exceptional website to Help,please look up Bible- knowledge...A MUST if Seeking...make sure use "-" to find website Many Articles on Spiritual warfare, demons, Holy spirit-filled baptism My Testimony, after sipping and tipping For ME to SEE 🔥✝️ Both spiritually and physically Lord knows my physical vision missing in my Left eye was my spiritual vision missing, as a Christian! Praise God Both Restored in 20/20 🔥 Lord knows Repentance,Prayers and Fasting🙏 Lord knows For change for outside circumstances comes ONLY by God's Word ✝️ 3John2 from the inside t outside...For situation to change Based on our internal intake of what we think and believe is why imperative Word ✝️ If in need of a healing and everyday Daily should listen to scriptures Especially Healing scriptures by John Hagee and Dodie Osteen Also ,A Meal that heals by Perry Stone🙏✝️
Interesting but could be worded better... Those who were fully obedient as a result of having bruised knees because of their pleading for his strength and grace each day thru faith despite failures,lifes struggles will be saved
Question. Matt 22. Parable of the wedding feast. Before there is a wedding feast there has to be a groom and a bride. Then the guests are invited. So, we have a king, a groom, but no bride, and guests mentioned here. Every message that I have heard claims that the guests are the bride. My understanding of scripture is that the SAINTS are the bride of Christ, so who are the guests? The whole wedding event is centered around the groom and the bride.
If I understand correctly there will be 3,5 years of Antichrist wrath (45 days before the 3,5 years end the Antichrist statue will be erected), then Jesus will come to fetch the bride (which are those who chose Him). But then the bride will be having the wedding ceremony in heaven while simultaneously God's wrath will be poured out on earth for 3,5 years (I think it is talked about in Ezekiel lying 3,5 days on his left side and 3,5 days on his right side). And in this time the holy spirit will not be on earth but in heaven? So if the holy spirit is not on earth, there can be no repentance. Or am I missing something?
Please express to me who are the ones that thought they were doing everything the way Christ wanted, but he tells them he never knew them? Not division just asking a question that has haunted me for many years yes i am a beliver and follow of Christ, just confused on this subject. Please answer
Just accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We do our best to live as he wants but we are human and fallible. Ask for his forgiveness of your sins.
He told you, those who fed me when I was hungry, those who clothed me when I was naked, those who visited me when I was sick or in prison……. Then to paraphrase Him , to those believers who actually took action to help the needy and suffering, you did it unto me also. So there! Believe in Him. Yes Jesus is our savior, however our lives are supposed to show others the way through our word And deed. Witness to others daily, and if only absolutely necessary, use words. And finally talk to Jesus daily and ask Him to show you how you can serve Him
Jesus defined those He knew-true members of the family of faith-as those who understood and did God’s will. Conversely, He didn’t know, relationally, people who refuse to obey God’s will. Jesus criticized the Jewish Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy and wicked perversion of God’s Word.
But Jesus said...(“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”). He also said that the end of things would come within the lifetime of the disciples and it didn't. Who can you believe??
Please provide verse and scripture that supports a pre-tribulation rapture? Please provide verse and scripture that the great tribulation is for 7 years? In all of my studies and learnings, the bible clearly shows that the great tribulation is the final 3-1/2 years and the church will be here until the end. Jesus is only coming again once according to the bible. This is shown in several books such as Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelations. When he comes and only then will he call his elect. So how can he come twice to do a pre-tribulations rapture. This is a modern teaching and is not correct. However if you can provide scripture to prove the opposite I will change my belief. I find it dangerous to teach incorrectly about the rapture and tribulation. We are all seeking the truth and the only source that gives us the truth is the bible. People still need to get right with God through the grace of Jesus Christ, but don't expect a free ticket out of tribulation as we all, believers and non-believers, will suffer through tribulation.
Pastor Gary does an extensive series on the Book of Revelation. It provides ample Scriptural support for a pre-Tribulation position. Listen to it if you'd like to better understand the Biblical basis for the belief in a pre-Tribulation .
You think you are worshipping God but you don't care about the Christian brethren in Gaza. Why not ask your representation to appeal Israeli PM to grant safe passage to our brethren??
Yes, even the best Christian you can think of - on his or her best day - is gross, depraved, stinky, and putrid compared to Jesus, who is perfect, holy, and righteous.
Please, please, accept the gift of free... salvation, while it is still available. God , loves us so very much, HE, gave HIS only begotten son for our salvation! Did you hear me? Do you understand me? Please!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
God nor Jesus cannot "save" you, since, in rebelliousness and stubbornness, you will continue to make the same earthbound mistakes till the end of time-thus creating your own sicknesses and miseries. Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that Christ has RETURNED-explaining WHY he taught the principles of life-which people now need so urgently to save themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster. There will be those who will receive the TRUTH with joy, since in their soul, they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been TRUTH-the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation. You cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualized existence and believe that God or Jesus will "save" you from them. Your only hope of a final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognize and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become "one" with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Amen, thank You for saving me
Thank You for being my righteousness. Thank You for my children and prayer warriors
Great sermon Pastor Gary. It’s a great reminder that we are not promised tomorrow and we need to repent now.
With what's happening in Israel, Jesus is coming very soon people! Get ready to see our savior ❤
Yes jesus coming soon i am waiting
Amen! 🙏🏻 The second coming of Christ will be here.
@@williambell8093 amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Bye the way. My daughter has passed, but I saw her on a Sunday, and Wednesday, she was gone to glory. She knew the LORD. How I thank HIM. But it's that simple. One day you're alive, the next you are called! Accept JESUS. ITS SO EASY, AND SO VERY WONDERFUL!🙏🏼
I am new to you Pastor Gary, and I love the way you teach the Bible. Thank you for your sermons that are invaluable to my understanding of the Bible. God Bless your church and you!
The most important reward for me is to be in heaven with Jesus, my Lord and Savior for eternity ♥ 🙏😇❤🙏😇❤❤❤❤❤🙏🦋
Very thankful for the accurate teaching of pastor Gary.
I'm looking forward to having my family listen.
Pastor Gary, you are my forever best Teacher who makes the Bible so radiant transparent &easy to understand and hold on to..🙏thank you from South Africa
"we got a sin problem, but God has a cure for this problem 🙏" ❤
There is no "sin" as we understand it. We are born to behave as we do. But we have to find a way to transcend our negative thoughts and feelings because they separate us from the protection of "Father-Mother Consciousness" and bring us our sicknesses and miseries. When we have learnt how to transcend the selfhood/personality (humanhood) we will create Heaven on Earth.
What is born and nurtured in the distorted mind eventually takes on form in the physical world. This is NOT punishment from "Father-Mother Consciousness" as religious teachers may teach us. It is, a SCIENTIFIC FACT OF EXISTENCE.
Therefore, there is no "punishment" from on high!
There is no such thing as "punishment from "God"-because no such individualized "human thinking" "God" exists. This is a MYTH and a FALLACY which should be erased from people's minds.
Humankind, through the willful and harmful exercise of the selfhood/personality (humanhood), draw to themselves their own punishment.
All that man does which man calls "sin" is only of this world and is only punished within this world-because it is the Law of Earthly Existence, as you know, that whatever you sow you will reap as a like harvest. Because man draws LIFE and MIND from "Father-Mother Consciousness," man himself is creative in thoughts, words and deeds. Whatever man thinks, says, does and believes, returns to him in like form. Therefore, there is no punishment from "Father-Mother Consciousness"-whatever ills come to humankind is of their own making entirely.
"SIN" is the direct result of the interplay of the Bonding-Rejection Impulses within human nature.
The Bonding-Rejection Impulses constituted the emotional/mental mask worn by all created individual entities, including birds and animals. You see these impulses at work within all of nature-even within plant life.
The Bonding-Rejection Impulses directed/directs the behavior towards survival of all entities in creation.
There is no escaping the Bonding-Rejection Impulses.
These Twin Impulses are the ephemeral source of all "worldly" comfort, pleasure, "happiness"-and also the source of all sicknesses, miseries and deprivations in the world.
"SIN" is an artificial concept expediently devised by men to describe any human activity causing pain to others. Because of their natural make-up of "grabbing" from other people, and of rudely repelling them, in order to get what they want from life, it was inevitable that all human beings will, at some time, cause other human beings some form of distress or suffering. This human propensity to hurt others in no way caused "offense" to Father-Mother Consciousness (what many call "God," "Allah," "Jehovah"-etc)-as affirmed by the Jewish and "Christian" religion.
Only humankind understood the meaning of the word "sin" since only humankind and all of "creation subject to humankind," "will ever know the pain, deprivation and misery caused by the two fundamental IMPULSES of INDIVIDUALITY/PERSONALITY-Bonding-Rejection active within the humanhood.
Therefore, it was man's inbuilt impulse to protect his own individuality/personality (humanhood) that made him set up rules and laws for human society. The "Universal Creative Power"-UNCONDITIONAL LOVE-had absolutely NOTHING to do with the setting up of human restrictions, limitations, laws and judgement.
While FATHER-MOTHER CONSCIOUSNESS is NOT the mythical "God" as depicted in most "Holy Books"-IT is the Infinitely Powerful Reality everywhere present, manifesting ITS own designing, intelligent, evolutionary, loving caring for all that IT has brought into being.
Baruch haba b'shem Adonai, thank you for praying for my people 🙏
Great message as usual! Praying for Israel.
God bless you Pastor🙏❤
Thank you now I understand 5:38
Such an encouraging preach.listening from South Africa
I feel good after watching and listening to all your videos. Thank you
🙏For my family to return to real faith in JESUS🙏
Great teaching on Judgement. This is really very helpful.
Love this message and love the truth that speaks loud and clear!!!!!! Jesus reigns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was truly awesome. Indeed, we don't have tomorrow. Say yes to Jesus this day!
Thank-you so very much Jesus and also Rev Gary❤
Excellent teaching. Thank you
Really important and poignant imperative Pastor Gary that you draw from Acts 24. Good job and I will share this with others. I listen to you online from Florida. Sad to say I have never once heard my preacher in our Methodist church make an altar call for anyone wanting to make a profession of faith or to give their total trust to Jesus. Sad. Sad.
Father help all people know and believe that being right with God comes through faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus and the cross , NOT righteousness by self efforts of keeping their Law. First Cor, 15:1-4.
God nor Jesus cannot "save" you, since, in rebelliousness and stubbornness, you will continue to make the same earthbound mistakes till the end of time-thus creating your own sicknesses and miseries.
Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that Christ has RETURNED-explaining WHY he taught the principles of life-which people now need so urgently to save themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster.
There will be those who will receive the TRUTH with joy, since in their soul, they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been TRUTH-the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation.
You cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualized existence and believe that God or Jesus will "save" you from them.
Your only hope of a final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognize and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become "one" with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
We care for all our Christian family and pray for those in Palastine and Gaza for God's protection and safety at this shocking time 🙏
Which god are u talking about they worship a different god than the GOD of Christianity the GOD of Christianity says if u r not for ME u r against ME
Thank you Pastor Gary
Blessed midweek to you all
Thank you so much for the Bible
This brought me to tears at the end. Thank you. Things need to change
MARANATHA 🎉🎶🙌🕊️🤸📖☝️👑 the unspeakable joy and peace believes possess, is the blessed hope we have in Christ alone. Born-again from above. By God's choosing whom He will. Rejoice in your blood bought intimate relationship being found IN CHRIST.❤️🩹
I was a member of a secular national motorcycle organization. A member in another state came to me and said, "God wants me to know something. God is after me." The member was known as PJ and was Jewish, and he knew I was a Christian. I said I'd write to him because it was late and I had a long ride home. A few days later I got a call from another friend who was also a Christian and he knew PJ. He told me I was in trouble with PJ and that I'd be getting a phone call. My friend's wife had seen PJ sitting in his car, reading my letter, and his eyes were wide open as though something was wrong.
The next night PJ called and said, "If it had been anyone other than you who wrote that letter, there would be serious trouble." My letter shared the gospel with PJ, and he was livid. We ended up agreeing that what I had said would never be mentioned again. Soon after this I moved to another state far from where PJ lived. Early this year I learned that PJ was killed in a motorcycle crash. I don't know if he thought about the gospel and made a decision, I can only hope that he did accept Christ.
On another matter about the Great White Throne Judgment. In my early days of Christianity I joined the Masonic Lodge and eventually became an officer. I had to give a new candidate the apron lecture, part of which says: "And when at last you stand before the Great White Throne, may it be your portion to hear from him who sitteth as Judge Supreme, the welcome words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.'" I didn't know at that time who the White Throne judgment was for, and apparently neither did they..
As I studied the bible I began to see many conflicts between bible teachings and Masonic teachings so I quit the Lodge. One of the conflicts was that when prayer was offered in the Masonic temple, we were not allowed to mention Jesus Christ.
Masonic lodge is diametrically opposite Christian beliefs. Glad you quit before it was too late to do so.
It's clear, how GOD , decides he IS , thought . For us God is thought in life, music , and all that is creation in our thoughts speech and action as we reflect his best recommendations for us the closer you follow HIS ,word the better the world becomes, again his creation , is salvation .
Thank you so much for these words of comfort especially for believers. I have often been curious about how my judgement would play out and I am further reminded that "My righteousness is like a menstrual cloth" I cannot save myself, but thank God Almighty for the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ on the cross. I look forward to the judgment of commendation, not the judgment of condemnation. Thank you Pastor Gary
God nor Jesus cannot "save" you, since, in rebelliousness and stubbornness, you will continue to make the same earthbound mistakes till the end of time-thus creating your own sicknesses and miseries.
Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that Christ has RETURNED-explaining WHY he taught the principles of life-which people now need so urgently to save themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster.
There will be those who will receive the TRUTH with joy, since in their soul, they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been TRUTH-the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation.
You cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualized existence and believe that God or Jesus will "save" you from them.
Your only hope of a final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognize and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become "one" with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Thank you for this beautiful teaching and presenting it with so much clarity. Now I truly understand the judgement to come! I happened to come across your message and I decided to click and subscribe. I thank God I did! Blessings to you Pastor Hamrick and your family🙌🏽
I’m struggling.. I know that I’m saved but I’m having such a time of doubt that I am afraid of the rapture and of what’s happening right in front of us. I’ve been saved since I was 17 years old and it took a very traumatic experience to bring me to salvation even though I grew up in church. I feel like a Lot or Lot’s wife who was clinging to the world almost to their demise and I don’t WANT that. I’m not living in some kind of sinful lifestyle, and I read my Bible daily. I’ve been struggling with my prayer life for a couple of years. I have adult children that I’m concerned for their salvation. I’m the caregiver to my beautiful baby daughter(she’s 25). I just don’t know where this doubt is coming from and I don’t want to be weak and fragile for what may come but I feel so unprepared and just afraid.
Hi my sister in the Lord, nothing nothing can pluck us out of God's hand...we are saved by God's grace not our own good works. Remind yourself of these promises. You said clinging to the world if that is the case it certainly would rob you of your peace and your confidence in Jesus Christ.
Jesus lead that guy to you for a reason. I think he got saved. Jesus was calling him.
Hello I need help with my addiction i believed in Christ but times would come where I'm tempted and looked at pornography I really want to leave this because I know it's not for believers so please pray for me and do help me in what I should do to get right with God ... thank you and God bless
Don’t give up. Pray and ask people you trust ,will see regularly and be accountable to., to pray for you! Try finding a healthy replacement when you are tempted . I will pray for you -and I know God will deliver you! (as he just recently delivered me) You are being refined and transformed !!
Lord knows exceptional website to Help,please look up Bible- knowledge...A MUST if Seeking...make sure use "-" to find website
Many Articles on Spiritual warfare, demons, Holy spirit-filled baptism
My Testimony, after sipping and tipping
For ME to SEE 🔥✝️ Both spiritually and physically
Lord knows my physical vision missing in my Left eye was my spiritual vision missing, as a Christian!
Praise God Both Restored in 20/20 🔥
Lord knows Repentance,Prayers and Fasting🙏
Lord knows For change for outside circumstances comes ONLY by God's Word ✝️
3John2 from the inside t outside...For situation to change
Based on our internal intake of what we think and believe is why imperative Word ✝️
If in need of a healing and everyday Daily should listen to scriptures
Especially Healing scriptures by John Hagee and Dodie Osteen
Also ,A Meal that heals by Perry Stone🙏✝️
Prayer's for strength and self controll
When judgement day comes will only they who are fully obedient to Jesus be saved?
Interesting but could be worded better...
Those who were fully obedient as a result of having bruised knees because of their pleading for his strength and grace each day thru faith despite failures,lifes struggles will be saved
Matt 22. Parable of the wedding feast.
Before there is a wedding feast there has to be a groom and a bride.
Then the guests are invited.
So, we have a king, a groom, but no bride, and guests mentioned here.
Every message that I have heard claims that the guests are the bride.
My understanding of scripture is that the SAINTS are the bride of Christ, so who are the guests?
The whole wedding event is centered around the groom and the bride.
lol, a graphic showing the family tree would help. 😅
If I understand correctly there will be 3,5 years of Antichrist wrath (45 days before the 3,5 years end the Antichrist statue will be erected), then Jesus will come to fetch the bride (which are those who chose Him). But then the bride will be having the wedding ceremony in heaven while simultaneously God's wrath will be poured out on earth for 3,5 years (I think it is talked about in Ezekiel lying 3,5 days on his left side and 3,5 days on his right side). And in this time the holy spirit will not be on earth but in heaven? So if the holy spirit is not on earth, there can be no repentance. Or am I missing something?
Please express to me who are the ones that thought they were doing everything the way Christ wanted, but he tells them he never knew them? Not division just asking a question that has haunted me for many years yes i am a beliver and follow of Christ, just confused on this subject. Please answer
Just accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We do our best to live as he wants but we are human and fallible. Ask for his forgiveness of your sins.
He told you, those who fed me when I was hungry, those who clothed me when I was naked, those who visited me when I was sick or in prison……. Then to paraphrase Him , to those believers who actually took action to help the needy and suffering, you did it unto me also. So there! Believe in Him. Yes Jesus is our savior, however our lives are supposed to show others the way through our word And deed. Witness to others daily, and if only absolutely necessary, use words. And finally talk to Jesus daily and ask Him to show you how you can serve Him
Jesus defined those He knew-true members of the family of faith-as those who understood and did God’s will. Conversely, He didn’t know, relationally, people who refuse to obey God’s will. Jesus criticized the Jewish Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy and wicked perversion of God’s Word.
But Jesus said...(“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”). He also said that the end of things would come within the lifetime of the disciples and it didn't. Who can you believe??
Why not ask your representative to appeal to Israeli PM to grant safe passage to our brethren in Gaza before the mayhem?? Are we one body in Christ? 😔
Is this prerecorded?
Yes this is sunday's teaching
Get ready the rapture is here
What if there is only a gathering after the Tribulations? No pre-Trib rapture of escapism.
Why some who goes to church never heard or seen the LORD GOD 🤔
Not every chruch does the will of God sadly. Many are secular and woke in current times
Sadly sounds very similar to what is happening now against the Jews😂
Please provide verse and scripture that supports a pre-tribulation rapture? Please provide verse and scripture that the great tribulation is for 7 years? In all of my studies and learnings, the bible clearly shows that the great tribulation is the final 3-1/2 years and the church will be here until the end. Jesus is only coming again once according to the bible. This is shown in several books such as Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelations. When he comes and only then will he call his elect. So how can he come twice to do a pre-tribulations rapture. This is a modern teaching and is not correct. However if you can provide scripture to prove the opposite I will change my belief. I find it dangerous to teach incorrectly about the rapture and tribulation. We are all seeking the truth and the only source that gives us the truth is the bible. People still need to get right with God through the grace of Jesus Christ, but don't expect a free ticket out of tribulation as we all, believers and non-believers, will suffer through tribulation.
Pastor Gary does an extensive series on the Book of Revelation. It provides ample Scriptural support for a pre-Tribulation position. Listen to it if you'd like to better understand the Biblical basis for the belief in a pre-Tribulation .
You think you are worshipping God but you don't care about the Christian brethren in Gaza. Why not ask your representation to appeal Israeli PM to grant safe passage to our brethren??
What are you doing besides pointing fingers
I'm sure many have. Did you? God help us we lost our way
That is so gross and stinky
Yes, even the best Christian you can think of - on his or her best day - is gross, depraved, stinky, and putrid compared to Jesus, who is perfect, holy, and righteous.
Please, please, accept the gift of free... salvation, while it is still available. God , loves us so very much, HE, gave HIS only begotten son for our salvation! Did you hear me? Do you understand me? Please!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
God nor Jesus cannot "save" you, since, in rebelliousness and stubbornness, you will continue to make the same earthbound mistakes till the end of time-thus creating your own sicknesses and miseries.
Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that Christ has RETURNED-explaining WHY he taught the principles of life-which people now need so urgently to save themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster.
There will be those who will receive the TRUTH with joy, since in their soul, they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been TRUTH-the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation.
You cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualized existence and believe that God or Jesus will "save" you from them.
Your only hope of a final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognize and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become "one" with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.