It does, it's his only offense, he's basically useless at any range that ISN'T right in front of him, and when 3 characters he's supposed to shred are basically not shredded for no reason, it's kinda bs.
Yea Roadhog's hook can be made better (like dragging everyone the same distance), but srsly his hook is bugged. Most of the times im hooked I don't even see him, and then get pulled half between a collumn and then over a wall and right into a shotgun in face.. -.- Hook should work with clear hook line of sight imo..
Little trick for Genji's Ult, if you wall climb as he starts putting it away it cancels the animation. You can then go right into shurikens or deflect.
Not even 15 seconds in.. "My hook pushed him away like seriously blizzard fix that"..... *Stares at lucio using his boop right next to him..... *Facepalm
Actually, the last fix to his hook was also made to displace ppl slightly further away from him that before to reduce the amount of "unskilled" instagibs. Meaning if you hook someone very close or from point blank then they will end up further away than before you hooked them. This thing have caused some mildly odd situations when hooking ppl in stairs aso that makes the hooked player end up safe behind a railing from the follow up shot.... Still many bulllshit hooks around though.. fun :D
I don't know how many times I've tried to reflect at the end of my ultimate and I get fucked because I sheath my sword instead. It happens like every day and it's infuriating
And I love the quick pick idea with Widow. I do that quite often on say, Temple of Anubis, to snipe them off the bridge or on Kings Row where I've killed a Pharah and Mercy off spawn before.
So many silver/gold warriors in here raging about Roadhog. Roadhog is an ult pinata. He doesn't see much play at higher levels because his fatass and huge hitbox basically charges every enemy DPS' ult. If you're getting picked/hooked by him, you really need to work on your situational awareness. You can hear him coming from a mile away, listen for his loud footsteps and chain rattling. Also, yes his hook is bugged, but it works in his favor FAR less than it bugs out and works against him. TLDR; Git gud.
Yuri Ogumap the hook kept her in so that she wouldn't fall because roadhogs hook witch takes about 1.5 seconds to finish will take longer thank the quick button press of a book so that his quick hit will go then the .3 ish seconds left in the hook will pull her back ( check your logic)
These were all unknown to me. So I don't see what the problem is. Oh I get it, you jumped on the clickbait bandwagon because you don't have any thoughts of your own mr 20 year old. *edited for spelling.
its pretty easy to block hooks, and playing roadhog: landing hooks on pharah, reaper, rein, and tracer is difficult. so i think the hitbox is fine for the hooks atm.
Condoriano It's broken, for him and others. the fact is, it doesn't even work how it's supposed to. Even when you deserved the hook, sometimes you don't get it because it's broken.
as a non roadhog player. ive been grabbed many times even after dodging the hook on my screen. its pretty retarded. like 90 percent of any time im grabbed.
The fuck? His hook isn't hitscan, are you stupid? Hitscan would mean you're hooked as soon as he throws it. You're not. Roadhog can aim the hook a split second after pressing shift, then it goes in a straight line, then it hits you. The whole "omg I dodged that" thing comes from players jumping around a corner or behind cover and getting hit mid air. You think you're safe, but the pull only sets in after you hit the ground. That's why Roadhog can sometimes hook you from behind cover.
(idk if it's a tip or not) when playing as bastion, jump before turning into a turret, the momentum carries you and by the time you land you're already a turret, use this when going around a corner for a surprise attack
Lordratatosk1 I often tolerate ranting, but not in this case. When you title a video, it should tell you what to expect from the video quite clearly. If this video was supposed to be a rant, he should've put that in the title.
the thing is alot of the people who watch overwatch watch muselk and zylbrad and they don't do everything in this video including the genji ledge boost so this will pop up in the recommended and they still don't know about it, that's all I'm saying
I don't think it's that useful since it's VERY inconsistent and inefficient. Sometimes you can do the ledge boost, sometimes you can't. And even if you can, the results vary. Most of the time, you'll be flung forward, but sometimes you get flung backward, a few meters forward, hell-if the ledge is above the ground, sometimes you immediately get sent to the ground with no delay.
Let's compare them, shall we? Mei counters both Tanks and small fast characters like Tracer and Genji alike, her wall blocks snipers and most ultimates while her own ultimate goes through barriers (and had its radius increased), and she can make herself invulnerable even when you have hooked and reeled her in. Roadhog on the other hand was specifically designed to counter and instakill 200hp characters (watch Jeff Kaplan's interviews) if he can headshot them (but fails with 250 hp Mei and Reaper), the stun from his hook often doesnt last long enough or sometimes doesn't trigger, he only has 4 shots and his hook is slow and only useful against bad Tracers or Genjis who move predictably, he is vulnerable against long-range snipers because he has no barrier, no movement, zero shields or armor, and Zenyatta's discord + attack melts him.
Its meant to be instant kill. The entire hero was based on that premise. If you wanted to play another tank, u can just pick Reinhardt, or a proper DPS like Mcgee. The only problem is 1: The hitbox is ridiculously large that it hooks people even out of line of sight around a corner 2: the position it pulls to is very inconsistent and its very difficult to land a 1 shot kill because it glitches so much. Therefore its both annoying to play against and annoying to play as.
Boris The horizontal hitbox isn't that bad actually, the vertical is. Hooking people around corners has to do with the pull setting in when both players touch the ground, so if you got hit mid air you'll still get pulled from behind your cover as soon as you land. Same goes for roadhog, if he hits you while he's jumping you're getting pulled to where he lands (in theory)
Well in theory it could be patched out by making you wait like 30 seconds to change or something, then you're at a disadvantage while you wait to swap.
Pro tip: when playing as Mercy, set up an illegal key macro that will automatically type "COME AND HELP ME YOU DICKHEADS" in the chat and send it while pinging yourself on the map.
This is why I just use lucio now. At least you have a good time when being chased by 4/6 players while teammates are firing in the air at tracer and genji, or just watching from a distance like it's for their entertainment.
Sam Lytle ana's only defense is a sleep dart that is interupted by any damage, zens only hope is to kill the person on them before they can kill him even though they will usually have the jump on him anyway, and lucio can really only run. Mercy's escape is on a short cooldown, and brings her nearer to a teammate so she can continue doing her job right away. Also, mercy's pistol is really powerful and can surprise kill a squishy if they arent paying attention to you or arent keeping you listed as a lethal target.
One roadhog trick i've picked up is: whenever your ult is ready, hook someone and the second you hear that click or as your reeling them, ult. Unless its a tank you hook, its a guaranteed kill with your ult, and even if it is a tank, thats a good chunk of their health taken down while you're rampaging
lol it is the same guy. based on your two comments I've seen you're not to bright. And saying you have no problems with roadhogs hooks is basically saying you don't play overwatch.
TheCheck7: No you can't. How does this nonsense rumour persist? Blizzard patched that away ages ago because Genji players tried to exploit it. If you had actually taken the 2 minutes to open Overwatch and go to the training map and test it, you would have noticed doing a melee attack probably even increases the time, because if you interupt the reload animation it will play twice, before and after the melee.
only one that actually reduces the reloading time from thisand that is Soldier 76 and there is more who gets more endlag than shrinking it like Zenyatta. Reaper is exactly 100% equal fast, despide attacking on reload or not
A tank that has the ability instant kill combo the majority of the characters from far away should not "cry them self to sleep" when it doesn't work on 3 characters. Roadhog is a fucking broken character in my opinion. He easily gets the second most amount of salt out of me.
Zach Dubs I kinda agree since I main Reaper, but there are still those times where I died in bullshit ways. (Mostly when I hooked through walls) The hook has a huge hitbox, can go through walls, has incredible range, and it's cool down isn't long. It's terrible balancing. Every character has some sort of challenge with powerful weapons. Reaper has to be up close, Tracer has to always move, Bastion can't move when in Turret mode, but Roadhog is just to powerful. Just look in an enemy's general direction and they're most likely fucked. Blizzard really needs to patch the hook.
Zach Dubs It's mainly broken due to how generous it is. Not other ability is like that. An instant kill combo shouldn't have the capability to be done every 5 seconds, and it shouldn't be so easily done. Making it have a longer cool down and giving it a good hitbox would allow players to still perform the combo, but it wouldn't be nearly infuriating to the victim. My brother who is pathetically bad at shooters got a 7 player kill streak his first time playing Overwatch. (as Roadhog of course) There's a limit to how good something can be.
@Chillydogdude: Bullshit. Roadhog was specifically designed to grab abd neutralize 200hp characters (watch Jeff Kaplan's interviews) like Bastion, provided he manages to headshot them; but even hook + headshot don't deal enough dmg to kill a 250 hp Mei and Reaper unless he gets a shot in prior to hooking, and even that often fails because they can use their special ability despite being hooked, so Mei will icicle herself and Reaper will waft away. The hook is nearly useless against good Tracers or Genjis as well, and you only get one attempt due to the cooldown. Roadhog is supposed to be able to kill 200 hp characters, that is his damn role. He is no counter against Tanks. He is weak against snipers and Zenyatta just melts him, because Roadhog has no shield barriers UNLIKE ALL THE OTHER TANKS, no special movement.
One trick I use a lot is D'va rocket boost + melee. When rocketing towards an enemy, I hit them while rocket boosting and simultaneously melee. It only does a little bit more damage, but it also automatically stops your rocket boost and allows you to line up your following shotgun shots a lottttt easier.
That first one annoyed me as I feel roadhog is op as every 6 seconds he gets an instant kill on any squish he can see I think you should be able to shoot him as he drags you in
SuperCatacata well maybe dude but I think that was you will have to turn to face him and shoot him making his hook a careful assassination took which you use with caution like rein's charge and not just an easy kill in any firefight
MrJonyish All they really need to do is correct the hitbox size. I play Zarya and destroy roadhogs all the time. Plus I end up saving teammates from his hooks too. He isn't really overpowered, so I dont see a reason to nerf the only thing he is capable of doing.
MrJonyish Also rein without his charge can still provide amazing utility to the team with his shield. A roadhog without his hook is completely useless for the most part.
I'm not so sure roadhog should be able to instakill people in the first place, maybe 185 damage. Giving 200 hp heroes at least a fighting chance because people play him due to the fact he's the only hero with that 100% chance of an instakill if you hook someone, which is not hard at all.
Yeah the fighting chance is ok and it might not be hard to play but keep in mind that the enemy team will get their ult faster because he is a fucking big sponge.
SuperCatacata yeah, some of the shit I see in kill cams is absurd the radius his hook has is fucked up, and also can go through walls under some special circumstances for some reason
Adam Olekoski I'm fine with the one hit kill "pick".. But at least make them work for it; instead of rewarding them for blindly throwing the hook out in a general direction.
SuperCatacata at some points it's like he throws his hook and watching it back none of his huge hook crosshair was touching me, and I still get hooked around a corner/thru a wall/after a dash/etc. and while this sort of stuff is happening blizzard puts out a patch that nerfs Lucio's speed boost and I'm just left wondering if they want roadhog to be broken or what
You mean an aimbotting Widowmaker? Seriously, it's happened to me a couple of times and every single time, it's really easy to tell that they were snapping to my head.
tarron diehm You're not going to encounter a widowmaker who can kill a leaping Winston mid-air unless you're in a very high skill rating, so yeah, that's what I tink. Not to mention that the killcam pretty much always show the crosshair of the widowmaker in question to snap to my head before firing every time they press the "fire" button. Whenever I'm in one of those games, I don't even care about winning any longer, my sole purpose that entire match is to just fuck over that aimbotting piece of shit as hard as I can until they leave or the game is over while constantly calling them out on it. They never defend themselves and they always leave immediately or as soon as the game is over.
(Complains about the hook pushing people away and blizzard needs to fix it) Bitch, Roadhogs hook needs a fucking nerf, And so does his insta kill combo, Don't fucking complain.
lol the hook-instakill is the only thing that makes Roadhog usefull, without it he is just a giant "Free ult-charge here" sign for every enemy because he has no shield, armor, movement abilities or capability to fight at range. The only thing that should be fixed is the hitbox of the hook. Right now it takes no skill whatsoever to hook someone, you can just do a 360 and randomly press shift to hit the hook because it has a hitbox the size of a schoolbus.
I actually figured the Hook Sandwich combo out on my own in 3v3, where I go into the building with the cryo-pods, take the lower staircase up, which gives me first line-of-sight against an enemy that took the upper staircase opposite me, right-click+hook+left-click, and erase whatever enemy shows up. I fear other Roadhogs in 3v3 about as much as a Rhinoceros fears a mango.
Roadhog's hook DOES push her away, and last I checked, Lucio's boop doesn't have an effect on hooked targets Also, you should say things in a less smarmy way so you don't sound so stupid when you get proven wrong.
In one of his videos, Seagull showed that, if you're too close to Roadhog when he hooks you, it resets you further away. He said he couldn't really understand the mechanics and had to run more tests, yet you can clearly see that after he gets hooked instead of being brought closer he's moved away ^^
+spumwack Tho you are correct Roadhog's hook does push some characters away. In that specific example it was clearly Lucio, I make that claim based on sound, distance traveled and angle. Lucio's knockback does affect targets that have connected to the hook but have yet to be pulled. I would also suggest taking ur own advice regarding smarmy comments especially when you represent such large channel.
First one, it's probably not a bug. Those characters are squishy and are meant for the backlines. It gives them a chance, since you'd probably kill them from that close anyway. It gives those characters a HUGE disadvantage to be pulled all the way, bigger than the others, so that kind of balances it slightly.
Tobias Naulin you do know a tank is someone who's suppose to take in a lot of damage which is his point and if you think about it how are you suppose to survive a full shotgun blast to the face anyways
a really good strat i came up with as tracer is at chokepoint heavy maps such as numbani (i think i have this wrong i mean the one where hanzos shrine to genji is) and eichenwald is to blink past choke straight through and go to point and run around, blink and poke and be annoying forcing them off choke then when 3 or more come back to contest blink off and wait until right before the point timer starts to fall back down and recall on point. odds are they will give you a small amount of time before putting the effort to deal with you and they usually chase off point after you when u blink somewhere not back to teamates but to the flank away from them so u can gurantee a checkpoint while drawing off 3 or more enemy teamates off the choke for your team.
H4rtm4nn if your not a good player you must be playing againsts other bad people, so in conclusion the roadhogs you play againsts prbly don't know how to handle hooker roadhog
I know the Mcgee was a joke but that doesnt explain some of the miss info, plus a lot of people i know and many in the community already know these things
thegreatdarth ryan vadar Well in this case his opinion isn't a valid source because he is making an assumption over the whole group from only his perspective.
Afro Samurai Okay wait it's been a while since I watched the vid and can't remember, what was misinfo in there? I thought, while some weren't fantastic "tips," it was still all correct.
That... was actually useful. Holy fuck, I'm impressed. I finally understand why, as Reaper, I would sometimes get destroyed by the Roadhog's hook and sometimes I'd just vape away relatively unharmed.
No, it was just an example. Most of this video was just him voicing his complaints, the rest were generic gameplay tips, such as the shoot before ulting, which is a basic concept in almost every game with ultimate attacks.
Another Road hog tip is that you can hook and shoot at the same time. So you can alt fire (if they are at range) or just shot and hook and then finish off with the usual shot melee combo.
Everyone probably already knows this but a good kill combo with mcCree is R1 L2 L1 L2, basically stun, empty the whole clip into the character, roll (instant reload) empty another clip.
im proud to had discover by myself the widow tip, sometimes in comp they yell to me due i pick her, but i pick here just to do some shoots and pick another heroe more usefull
felt like i could add in another 'trick' to help out if you're playing as zen; if you hear a high noon and cant stop it in time and have your ult you can pop it to stand in front of the mccree and block all of the bullets with your body B) if you're close enough it'll pretty much cancel his ult out and save the team
I think I just heard yoy say that Roadhog's hook needs improving.
We need words.
It does, it's his only offense, he's basically useless at any range that ISN'T right in front of him, and when 3 characters he's supposed to shred are basically not shredded for no reason, it's kinda bs.
no hero should have a 1 hit kill every 6 seconds
But it is just true that it is completely weird that you have to do a sidestep to oneshot heroes like ana. I mean that cant be Blizzards intention...
Yea Roadhog's hook can be made better (like dragging everyone the same distance), but srsly his hook is bugged. Most of the times im hooked I don't even see him, and then get pulled half between a collumn and then over a wall and right into a shotgun in face.. -.- Hook should work with clear hook line of sight imo..
Don't you guys just love mgee
Yeah.. McGee ftw lol
Joe Gower ya mcqueen is awesome
Joe Gower yep he's awesome
I main McQueen
Little trick for Genji's Ult, if you wall climb as he starts putting it away it cancels the animation. You can then go right into shurikens or deflect.
Also concussive blast is being changed.
they r fixing that? i think not being able to do anything is really dumb.
Force2Reckon Fuck. More animation cancelling for blizzard to Nerf.
also if u dash as hes putting it away its canceled
Not even 15 seconds in.. "My hook pushed him away like seriously blizzard fix that"..... *Stares at lucio using his boop right next to him..... *Facepalm
Dinkle Berg Even if that is true The hook stll does that and it is very annoying
Torterrafan619 Don't play Roadhog
he makes me wanna cry
Noel Maldonado
Actually, the last fix to his hook was also made to displace ppl slightly further away from him that before to reduce the amount of "unskilled" instagibs. Meaning if you hook someone very close or from point blank then they will end up further away than before you hooked them. This thing have caused some mildly odd situations when hooking ppl in stairs aso that makes the hooked player end up safe behind a railing from the follow up shot.... Still many bulllshit hooks around though.. fun :D
Did he just say McGhee?
I almost died from laughter
Kyle Seaton I think I cringed, is he not a overwatch channel!??? Like tf
iTzHyPe I think it's intentional because he's said McCree in previous videos haha
ist a joke....where did you grow up in a fucking cave bro ?
Kyle Seaton OH lol then theres 1992 dumbass thinks hes a big lad over here
Pro tip: After hooking a enemy with your roadhog hook, walk towards the enemy a little bit then fire.
Or if its a tracer or a genji, take a step back and fire.
MrSkeezymak or if its a dva just give up
I just like how people stop doing their shit and start taking cover when they hear "It's High Noon!" 😂😂😂
XxACExX lol
i first check the team comp for a sec ;D is there an enemy mccree? yes RUN THE FUCK AWAY XD
XxACExX that's very true m8
I don't know how many times I've tried to reflect at the end of my ultimate and I get fucked because I sheath my sword instead. It happens like every day and it's infuriating
And I love the quick pick idea with Widow. I do that quite often on say, Temple of Anubis, to snipe them off the bridge or on Kings Row where I've killed a Pharah and Mercy off spawn before.
I love it how in the Zarya one the reaper who got bubbled died
So many silver/gold warriors in here raging about Roadhog. Roadhog is an ult pinata. He doesn't see much play at higher levels because his fatass and huge hitbox basically charges every enemy DPS' ult. If you're getting picked/hooked by him, you really need to work on your situational awareness. You can hear him coming from a mile away, listen for his loud footsteps and chain rattling. Also, yes his hook is bugged, but it works in his favor FAR less than it bugs out and works against him. TLDR; Git gud.
i got ranked into platin is that good?
No, try to reach diamond, i'm platinium too and it sucks (84% winrate, i was low gold but full win to plat)
MrSkeezymak actually not
0:13, it's Lucio who is pushing Ana.
Surume man The hook still would have done the same thing - and I'm almost certain that the hook target can't be affected by concussion
then she would've fallen off the map
the hook still pushed her away
+Thronebutt The hook was still attached to the Ana, you can't be moved as far as you can without being hooked.
Yuri Ogumap the hook kept her in so that she wouldn't fall because roadhogs hook witch takes about 1.5 seconds to finish will take longer thank the quick button press of a book so that his quick hit will go then the .3 ish seconds left in the hook will pull her back ( check your logic)
Yuri Ogumap that was directed to someone else
here in 2024. i miss this dude’s ow content
"10 *UNKNOWN* HERO TRICKS IN OVERWATCH" Unknown, tricks, Overwatch, all caps. Gotta get those clicks!
These were all unknown to me. So I don't see what the problem is.
Oh I get it, you jumped on the clickbait bandwagon because you don't have any thoughts of your own mr 20 year old.
*edited for spelling.
Marketing bish
You called?
how about they nerf the hooks hitbox to be the size of the hook and stop it from pulling you around walls
nah that's waaaaaaaay to balanced we can't have that
its pretty easy to block hooks, and playing roadhog: landing hooks on pharah, reaper, rein, and tracer is difficult. so i think the hitbox is fine for the hooks atm.
Um, no? They could also leave the Hanzo's arrow hitboxes untouched then.
Dahak753 or you know, you could git gud and stopping crying over a balanced hero
NinjaTyler he's not balanced...why do you think blizzard is fixing his dumbass hook
Complaining about Roadhog pulls... because it's unfair... to Roadhog?
Condoriano It's broken, for him and others.
the fact is, it doesn't even work how it's supposed to. Even when you deserved the hook, sometimes you don't get it because it's broken.
as a non roadhog player. ive been grabbed many times even after dodging the hook on my screen. its pretty retarded. like 90 percent of any time im grabbed.
Condoriano the fuck really?
Micaiah Reese yeah it's pretty wack.
The fuck? His hook isn't hitscan, are you stupid? Hitscan would mean you're hooked as soon as he throws it. You're not. Roadhog can aim the hook a split second after pressing shift, then it goes in a straight line, then it hits you. The whole "omg I dodged that" thing comes from players jumping around a corner or behind cover and getting hit mid air. You think you're safe, but the pull only sets in after you hit the ground. That's why Roadhog can sometimes hook you from behind cover.
Oh god. You actually taught me something. In fact, this is the only video with this title I've ever watched that delivered. Good on you
Wow, this video was much more informative than I expected. Thanks dude!
just wanted to mention in the beginning the ana got pushed from Lucio but you know...
Even when Lucio doesn't push them it still happens
Lucios boop doesnt affect hooked targets
@@brendanswords4659 roadhog's hook had already let go of the ana
>50% when cancelling ult as mgee
hold the fuck up
fizz the footage must be older. It used to leave 50% if you cancelled
Newbies don't remember
+Matthew “Matt” Anderson Too laty for party but it is no more 50% on cancel??? I mean I do not play it but I remeber it...
Vladimir Zabunov McCree's ult charge drops down to 0 ℅ in 0.25 seconds the moment it is used.
(idk if it's a tip or not) when playing as bastion, jump before turning into a turret, the momentum carries you and by the time you land you're already a turret, use this when going around a corner for a surprise attack
I expected a guide, not a rant.
I expected a comment with constructive criticism, not a rant
MediaMix1 I like it when he rants
Lordratatosk1 I often tolerate ranting, but not in this case. When you title a video, it should tell you what to expect from the video quite clearly. If this video was supposed to be a rant, he should've put that in the title.
MediaMix1 okay then you must be the guy complaining about every single clickbait video out there
"So you now When youre playing mcgee" Im dead inside of laughter.
Spum you forgot the genji ledge boost you're not the pro genji I thought you were
bedo saad saad "unknown". even noob know about genji edge boost they don't
we know about it, we just can't do it, is all.
the thing is alot of the people who watch overwatch watch muselk and zylbrad and they don't do everything in this video including the genji ledge boost so this will pop up in the recommended and they still don't know about it, that's all I'm saying
I don't think it's that useful since it's VERY inconsistent and inefficient. Sometimes you can do the ledge boost, sometimes you can't. And even if you can, the results vary. Most of the time, you'll be flung forward, but sometimes you get flung backward, a few meters forward, hell-if the ledge is above the ground, sometimes you immediately get sent to the ground with no delay.
here's a good youtuber, no stupid intro's, no bullshit asking for likes, just hop straight into it. love that.
"Roadhog's hook is supposed to be an instant kill"
Right he is like asking for a buff on one of the most cancer character 2nd after Mei...
It is though. That's why it is one. Because it's supposed to be one. The problem is that it's inconsistent as fuck
Let's compare them, shall we? Mei counters both Tanks and small fast characters like Tracer and Genji alike, her wall blocks snipers and most ultimates while her own ultimate goes through barriers (and had its radius increased), and she can make herself invulnerable even when you have hooked and reeled her in. Roadhog on the other hand was specifically designed to counter and instakill 200hp characters (watch Jeff Kaplan's interviews) if he can headshot them (but fails with 250 hp Mei and Reaper), the stun from his hook often doesnt last long enough or sometimes doesn't trigger, he only has 4 shots and his hook is slow and only useful against bad Tracers or Genjis who move predictably, he is vulnerable against long-range snipers because he has no barrier, no movement, zero shields or armor, and Zenyatta's discord + attack melts him.
Its meant to be instant kill. The entire hero was based on that premise. If you wanted to play another tank, u can just pick Reinhardt, or a proper DPS like Mcgee.
The only problem is 1: The hitbox is ridiculously large that it hooks people even out of line of sight around a corner 2: the position it pulls to is very inconsistent and its very difficult to land a 1 shot kill because it glitches so much.
Therefore its both annoying to play against and annoying to play as.
Boris The horizontal hitbox isn't that bad actually, the vertical is. Hooking people around corners has to do with the pull setting in when both players touch the ground, so if you got hit mid air you'll still get pulled from behind your cover as soon as you land. Same goes for roadhog, if he hits you while he's jumping you're getting pulled to where he lands (in theory)
Expected the usual list of stuff everyone already knows. Got some actually great info out of this! Thanks man! Loved it!
Don't know why ppl are complaining, thank you for the tips I learnt a lot!
Fucking Brits.
actually solid tips here thanks
worst part about the Genji reflect, is that he doesnt even use his ult sword to reflect, so why does he have to stop reflecting to put it away? lool
No Soup For You He does use it when hes using his ultimate...
Incorrect, when he is ulting he uses his ulting sword to deflect. When he is not ulting, he uses his short wakizashi that is also used for melee.
i hate the fact that u cant do anything while putting the sword away.
He actually does when he is dragonblade-ing. Fuck that.
no he has 2 swords one for the ult and one for the reflect
9:39 that is seriously a good idea. To make that winston does more damage/knockback when you have already punched a person ones
I like that Widow tip, could also apply to Hanzo
Hanzo is not hitscan tho
Plus it can't ever be patched out. Otherwise the whole idea of changing character on the situation goes out the window.
Well in theory it could be patched out by making you wait like 30 seconds to change or something, then you're at a disadvantage while you wait to swap.
NukeML doesn't matter, if you can one shot from a decent distance then it applies
they most likely wouldn't patch it out unless someone found a way to abuse and break the game based off it
Pro tip: when playing as Mercy, set up an illegal key macro that will automatically type "COME AND HELP ME YOU DICKHEADS" in the chat and send it while pinging yourself on the map.
I play Mercy as a sniper. Usually the team asks me to help them, instead.
This is why I just use lucio now. At least you have a good time when being chased by 4/6 players while teammates are firing in the air at tracer and genji, or just watching from a distance like it's for their entertainment.
PerfectTangent perfect example as to way mercy is the worst healer. She can't defend herself well at all and relies on her team mates to save her
PerfectTangent heh to bad I’m on console
Sam Lytle ana's only defense is a sleep dart that is interupted by any damage, zens only hope is to kill the person on them before they can kill him even though they will usually have the jump on him anyway, and lucio can really only run. Mercy's escape is on a short cooldown, and brings her nearer to a teammate so she can continue doing her job right away. Also, mercy's pistol is really powerful and can surprise kill a squishy if they arent paying attention to you or arent keeping you listed as a lethal target.
First time I actually learn something new from a tricks video, great job!
"Pick Widow, get a pick and switch to an actually usefull character" - Picks McCree
I just stared at the screen for a bit and forgot I was living.
One roadhog trick i've picked up is: whenever your ult is ready, hook someone and the second you hear that click or as your reeling them, ult. Unless its a tank you hook, its a guaranteed kill with your ult, and even if it is a tank, thats a good chunk of their health taken down while you're rampaging
This Comment section is full of cry Babys that think Roadhog is op
German Gamer No his not. He just hooks through the walls and one shots you.
German Gamer definitely not op. Just not fun to play against, which honestly might be worse.
I love Roadhog. He's free ult charge! Keep on healing buddy. I'll just continue to shoot till I have my ult up :)
Not op just the least skilled class
Just found this channel, love it, keep up the sarcastic stuff man you're gonna be A STAR
Hendomac20 yeah it's been a while.
Dude, I loved this. It was so humorous that it literally had me lol
I've had zero issues with Roadhog's hooks...
... is the biggest lie i've ever heard
That's like saying "I have zero issues with no mans sky"
No, it's like saying that I basically main Roadhog and I've never dealt with hook issues.
lol it is the same guy. based on your two comments I've seen you're not to bright. And saying you have no problems with roadhogs hooks is basically saying you don't play overwatch.
I had very low expectation for this video, but it both entertaining and informative. Thanks!
Bonus tip: While playing Reaper do a melee attack in the middle of reloading to reduce the reload time
TheCheck7 that was debunked ages ago
although i think that the overall damage increases with a melee while reloading
TheCheck7 it doesn't.
TheCheck7: No you can't. How does this nonsense rumour persist? Blizzard patched that away ages ago because Genji players tried to exploit it. If you had actually taken the 2 minutes to open Overwatch and go to the training map and test it, you would have noticed doing a melee attack probably even increases the time, because if you interupt the reload animation it will play twice, before and after the melee.
only one that actually reduces the reloading time from thisand that is Soldier 76 and there is more who gets more endlag than shrinking it like Zenyatta.
Reaper is exactly 100% equal fast, despide attacking on reload or not
Your comedic sense is on point! Subbed.
Why are you calling McCree McGee xD
Pressley Edenfield exactly!!! That triggered me haha
Pressley Edenfield It's a nickname.
Its what he calls mcree because blizzard hates mgee
Love your delivery on this. Super informative too!
A tank that has the ability instant kill combo the majority of the characters from far away should not "cry them self to sleep" when it doesn't work on 3 characters. Roadhog is a fucking broken character in my opinion. He easily gets the second most amount of salt out of me.
Chillydogdude I mean except for the fact that Reaper eats Roadhog for breakfast, I might see where you're coming from.
Zach Dubs I kinda agree since I main Reaper, but there are still those times where I died in bullshit ways. (Mostly when I hooked through walls) The hook has a huge hitbox, can go through walls, has incredible range, and it's cool down isn't long. It's terrible balancing. Every character has some sort of challenge with powerful weapons. Reaper has to be up close, Tracer has to always move, Bastion can't move when in Turret mode, but Roadhog is just to powerful. Just look in an enemy's general direction and they're most likely fucked. Blizzard really needs to patch the hook.
Chillydogdude I would absolutely support a smaller chain hitbox and more cooldown. Anything other than making the combo impossible altogether.
Zach Dubs It's mainly broken due to how generous it is. Not other ability is like that. An instant kill combo shouldn't have the capability to be done every 5 seconds, and it shouldn't be so easily done. Making it have a longer cool down and giving it a good hitbox would allow players to still perform the combo, but it wouldn't be nearly infuriating to the victim. My brother who is pathetically bad at shooters got a 7 player kill streak his first time playing Overwatch. (as Roadhog of course) There's a limit to how good something can be.
@Chillydogdude: Bullshit. Roadhog was specifically designed to grab abd neutralize 200hp characters (watch Jeff Kaplan's interviews) like Bastion, provided he manages to headshot them; but even hook + headshot don't deal enough dmg to kill a 250 hp Mei and Reaper unless he gets a shot in prior to hooking, and even that often fails because they can use their special ability despite being hooked, so Mei will icicle herself and Reaper will waft away. The hook is nearly useless against good Tracers or Genjis as well, and you only get one attempt due to the cooldown. Roadhog is supposed to be able to kill 200 hp characters, that is his damn role. He is no counter against Tanks. He is weak against snipers and Zenyatta just melts him, because Roadhog has no shield barriers UNLIKE ALL THE OTHER TANKS, no special movement.
knew about the hook turn and silenced tire, but thanks for sharing the rest! definitely learned some stuff here
One trick I use a lot is D'va rocket boost + melee. When rocketing towards an enemy, I hit them while rocket boosting and simultaneously melee. It only does a little bit more damage, but it also automatically stops your rocket boost and allows you to line up your following shotgun shots a lottttt easier.
That first one annoyed me as I feel roadhog is op as every 6 seconds he gets an instant kill on any squish he can see I think you should be able to shoot him as he drags you in
That would make him completely useless.. Just use zarya bubbles and rein shields effectively.
SuperCatacata well maybe dude but I think that was you will have to turn to face him and shoot him making his hook a careful assassination took which you use with caution like rein's charge and not just an easy kill in any firefight
All they really need to do is correct the hitbox size. I play Zarya and destroy roadhogs all the time. Plus I end up saving teammates from his hooks too. He isn't really overpowered, so I dont see a reason to nerf the only thing he is capable of doing.
Also rein without his charge can still provide amazing utility to the team with his shield. A roadhog without his hook is completely useless for the most part.
It's been over a year science I watched you...good to see you doing Overwatch
I'm not so sure roadhog should be able to instakill people in the first place, maybe 185 damage. Giving 200 hp heroes at least a fighting chance because people play him due to the fact he's the only hero with that 100% chance of an instakill if you hook someone, which is not hard at all.
Yeah the fighting chance is ok and it might not be hard to play but keep in mind that the enemy team will get their ult faster because he is a fucking big sponge.
Adam Olekoski
Or they could make it so his hook hitbox isn't the size of China.
SuperCatacata yeah, some of the shit I see in kill cams is absurd the radius his hook has is fucked up, and also can go through walls under some special circumstances for some reason
Adam Olekoski
I'm fine with the one hit kill "pick".. But at least make them work for it; instead of rewarding them for blindly throwing the hook out in a general direction.
SuperCatacata at some points it's like he throws his hook and watching it back none of his huge hook crosshair was touching me, and I still get hooked around a corner/thru a wall/after a dash/etc. and while this sort of stuff is happening blizzard puts out a patch that nerfs Lucio's speed boost and I'm just left wondering if they want roadhog to be broken or what
Even as someone who plays this game all the time at the diamond level, this was very helpful and interesting! Thank you!
*harambe counters widowmaker* (True but not vs a main widowmaker which can 2 shot you while you fly)
You mean an aimbotting Widowmaker? Seriously, it's happened to me a couple of times and every single time, it's really easy to tell that they were snapping to my head.
...well if thats what you think
tarron diehm You're not going to encounter a widowmaker who can kill a leaping Winston mid-air unless you're in a very high skill rating, so yeah, that's what I tink. Not to mention that the killcam pretty much always show the crosshair of the widowmaker in question to snap to my head before firing every time they press the "fire" button. Whenever I'm in one of those games, I don't even care about winning any longer, my sole purpose that entire match is to just fuck over that aimbotting piece of shit as hard as I can until they leave or the game is over while constantly calling them out on it. They never defend themselves and they always leave immediately or as soon as the game is over.
Abigail Archer-Addams Hightier? In qp? You are joking right?
Congratulation on hitting 100K subscribers Spum!
I don't care but you can pull people around and through walls with the hook, so it shouldn't work. Like at 5:05 nice job..?
A youtuber produced a genuinely funny and informative overwatch video; My word, I didn't think it was possible...
10 unknown tricks
Now known by 440k people
Thanks for bringing up the Widow thing. Cause I do that for an entry pick and usually get yelled at even though i switch lol
First time I watch him. He shouts so much.
Yo that Reaper/Pharah ult tip was really useful. Thanks!
(Complains about the hook pushing people away and blizzard needs to fix it) Bitch, Roadhogs hook needs a fucking nerf, And so does his insta kill combo, Don't fucking complain.
well said
It annoys me when people think roadhog is too OP... Just fucking be careful when playing against him and know what youre up against
lol the hook-instakill is the only thing that makes Roadhog usefull, without it he is just a giant "Free ult-charge here" sign for every enemy because he has no shield, armor, movement abilities or capability to fight at range. The only thing that should be fixed is the hitbox of the hook. Right now it takes no skill whatsoever to hook someone, you can just do a 360 and randomly press shift to hit the hook because it has a hitbox the size of a schoolbus.
VenomXplayz aww sounds like someone has the case of butthurt elo player, my prescription is git gud
Dude, you're great. Totally subbing you deserve way more
if you pronounce McCree as McGee one more time im going to crubstomp your grandparents
I actually figured the Hook Sandwich combo out on my own in 3v3, where I go into the building with the cryo-pods, take the lower staircase up, which gives me first line-of-sight against an enemy that took the upper staircase opposite me, right-click+hook+left-click, and erase whatever enemy shows up. I fear other Roadhogs in 3v3 about as much as a Rhinoceros fears a mango.
Is calling him McGee a joke???
Of course.
Tyler Kupcho no I think the guy is just a dumbass
lookbackatit says the dumbass
Whaaaaaaaaat? Spumwack in my recommended videos with an Overwatch video? Flashback to 2012 when I became depressed that the minecraft muse was ending.
Dude, Lucio pushed Ana away, not your hook. It's obvious. Can you just...just watch your own video?
Roadhog's hook DOES push her away, and last I checked, Lucio's boop doesn't have an effect on hooked targets
Also, you should say things in a less smarmy way so you don't sound so stupid when you get proven wrong.
How did you fuck this up so badly?
In one of his videos, Seagull showed that, if you're too close to Roadhog when he hooks you, it resets you further away. He said he couldn't really understand the mechanics and had to run more tests, yet you can clearly see that after he gets hooked instead of being brought closer he's moved away ^^
+spumwack Tho you are correct Roadhog's hook does push some characters away. In that specific example it was clearly Lucio, I make that claim based on sound, distance traveled and angle. Lucio's knockback does affect targets that have connected to the hook but have yet to be pulled. I would also suggest taking ur own advice regarding smarmy comments especially when you represent such large channel.
Except for the fact that he can act as smarmy as he wants cause that's basically his entire channel.
First one, it's probably not a bug. Those characters are squishy and are meant for the backlines. It gives them a chance, since you'd probably kill them from that close anyway. It gives those characters a HUGE disadvantage to be pulled all the way, bigger than the others, so that kind of balances it slightly.
aaaaw a tank doesnt 1hit half of the heros? how sad
Tobias Naulin you do know a tank is someone who's suppose to take in a lot of damage which is his point and if you think about it how are you suppose to survive a full shotgun blast to the face anyways
Kwolf a tank i suppose to take in a lot of damage, not deal a lot
tanks deal high damage and, have more health but lower mobility
The Marshmallow as far as I know tanks deal less damage as the assn (attack heros)
When he was talking about road hog, I was thinking in my head,"Well,you are completely missing headshots,so you know ."
0:14 no the Lucio did xD
I really enjoy this especially the beginning. Fun!
Why does this video have so few dislikes?
8:06 very smooth transition. intended right? ;D
Hmmm steal gifs off reddit I SEE
TheAlienAdventures His content was stolen from the leaderboard so hate on them abd plus so many people take gifs from all websites so yea
poop_head yeah
a really good strat i came up with as tracer is at chokepoint heavy maps such as numbani (i think i have this wrong i mean the one where hanzos shrine to genji is) and eichenwald is to blink past choke straight through and go to point and run around, blink and poke and be annoying forcing them off choke then when 3 or more come back to contest blink off and wait until right before the point timer starts to fall back down and recall on point. odds are they will give you a small amount of time before putting the effort to deal with you and they usually chase off point after you when u blink somewhere not back to teamates but to the flank away from them so u can gurantee a checkpoint while drawing off 3 or more enemy teamates off the choke for your team.
All these guys crying in here... Im not even a really good player and have no problem with dodging hogs hook
H4rtm4nn if your not a good player you must be playing againsts other bad people, so in conclusion the roadhogs you play againsts prbly don't know how to handle hooker roadhog
It really depends on who you're playing. Although i agree with u its not hard to dodge it.
Over Verch
idk so everybody or even just most people complaining here are diamond or higher? thats hard to believe although some for sure are.
Right half the time you know they are going to throw it because they are walking up to you not shooting just back away the chain only goes so far.
H4rtm4nn nah, most whiners are stuck in elo hell
Hi, thx for the video. As I am rather new to Overwatch i didn't know the tricks and new things to know are always helpful ^^
Change the title to "10 WELLknown hero tricks in Overwatch with mispronunciations and some false facts."
Most of these are pretty unknown. A couple are correct, and the McGee thing is obviously a joke.
your opinion is wrong :o
I know the Mcgee was a joke but that doesnt explain some of the miss info, plus a lot of people i know and many in the community already know these things
thegreatdarth ryan vadar
Well in this case his opinion isn't a valid source because he is making an assumption over the whole group from only his perspective.
Afro Samurai
Okay wait it's been a while since I watched the vid and can't remember, what was misinfo in there? I thought, while some weren't fantastic "tips," it was still all correct.
That... was actually useful. Holy fuck, I'm impressed. I finally understand why, as Reaper, I would sometimes get destroyed by the Roadhog's hook and sometimes I'd just vape away relatively unharmed.
McGee? An-nuh? No, it's McCree and Ah-nuh!
Why can't people pronounce names correctly?
BNSF1995 Its a joke
BNSF1995 just like nenji
Fair-uh? You mean Far-uh, right?
why does it matter in a video game
Why can't people understand memes?
That zarya trick was absolutely heartless 😂😂 Love it
I love clickbait, don't you?
not exactly clickbait
Coroi Radu-Adrian
Not really clickbait,fair enough if you knew these tricks, i never.
How is changing your character an unkown trick to anyone?
SMthegamer1 So out of like 10 tricks you pick 1 out of it to complain about. -_-
No, it was just an example.
Most of this video was just him voicing his complaints, the rest were generic gameplay tips, such as the shoot before ulting, which is a basic concept in almost every game with ultimate attacks.
For the Genji ult:
Befor you ult ends you have to do a swift strike so that the swift strike is longer then the last little time in your ultimate.
absolutely love these videos. this is fresh, most overrated ow channels are just news haha. this is great!
The way you say damage. "Deymage". Love it
Another Road hog tip is that you can hook and shoot at the same time.
So you can alt fire (if they are at range) or just shot and hook and then finish off with the usual shot melee combo.
i really enjoyed this, subscribed
Did you know that if you charge Zenyatta's right-click (LT for me), you can cancel it with a melee and the orbs don't shoot, but it still uses ammo.
that Zarua tip is actually pretty nice, I'll be sure to use it.
Wow, didn't expect to learn stuff but this was really helpful.
Everyone probably already knows this but a good kill combo with mcCree is R1 L2 L1 L2, basically stun, empty the whole clip into the character, roll (instant reload) empty another clip.
im proud to had discover by myself the widow tip, sometimes in comp they yell to me due i pick her, but i pick here just to do some shoots and pick another heroe more usefull
"Roadhogs hook is supposed to be an instakill combo
Jeff in 2017: Boy do i have some news for you
That smash reference at the end really haunts me, oh man I didn't want to think about marth today.
felt like i could add in another 'trick' to help out if you're playing as zen; if you hear a high noon and cant stop it in time and have your ult you can pop it to stand in front of the mccree and block all of the bullets with your body B) if you're close enough it'll pretty much cancel his ult out and save the team
I didn't expect that this video would be so hilarious