Translation for "Uh-uh:" What am I doing here? They say that my famous lackey caught my husband and I hit his head. But it's not true, I'm innocent. I don't know why Uncle Sam says I did it. I tried to explain it to the police, but they didn't understand
My sister Veronica and I had this double act, and my husband Charlie traveled around with us. Now for the last number in our act we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row: one, two, three, four, five, splits, spread-eagles, back-flips, flip-flops, one right after the other. So this one night we were in Cicero, the three of sittin' up in a hotel room, havin' a few laughs and we ran out of ice, so I went out to get some. I come back, open the door, and there's Veronica and Charlie doing Number 17. Well, I was in such a state of shock that I completely blacked out; I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead.
0:52 Bob Frix Trish Nana Sierreno Vicent! [Ding] You have it coming You have in coming! You only havr yourself to blame If you'd have been fair If you'd have been keen I bet you these pies wouldn't taste the same!!!!!!
0:53 Bob Frix Trish Nana Sierreno Vicent! [Ding] You have it coming You have in coming! You only havr yourself to blame If you'd have been fair If you'd have been keen I bet you thwse pies wouldn't taste the same!!!!!!
Wrap Six Peek Uh-uh Caroling Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas (Tap foot, head, or hand on the beat) Christmas is comin’ Christmas is comin’ The naughty list now has my name If you'd have been there (turn head left) If you'd have seen it (turn head right) I betcha you would be on the same. (Point) Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas (Cameron stand, all look at him) Liz: You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like Buddy. Buddy liked to prepare gifts. No, not prepare. Wrap. Well, I came home this one day and I am really freezing, and I’m looking for a little hot chocolate and there's Buddy sittin' on the couch, drinkin' hot cocoa and preparin'. No, not preparin'. Wrappin'. So, I said to him, I said, "Buddy, you wrap a gift one more time..." And he did! So I took the wrapping paper from him and shipped a special present to the North Pole... ...Inside was his head. (Get up and walk to the back of your chair) Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') No Christmas spirit filled the air (No Christmas spirit filled the air) His care was spotty (His care was spotty) And now we’re “naughty” (And now we’re “naughty”) (turn chairs) Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care (Sit in chair facing forward, all look at Cora) Annie: I met Frosty the Snowman from Santy Claus Lane about two years ago and he told me he was my friend and we hit it off right away. So, we started playing together We would laugh and play, the children say he was alive as he could be. Well, it was like Christmas came early. And then I found out, "My friend" he told me? My friend, bah humbug. Not only did he play with me. ...oh, no, he played with six others. One of those people pleasers, you know. So that day when he came home. I suggested we take a walk. You know, some guys just can't handle a little heat! (Get up and circle your own chair) Christmas is coming ' (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas) Christmas is comin' The Christmas spirits in its prime (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas)I And then they used it (Wrap) (circle neighbors chair) And they abused it (six) Were not naughty, (peek) But we’re not nice. (sit in there chair, look at Elliott) June: Now, Im sitting in the workshop, sharpening up my candy cane for fun (uh-uh) Minding my own business (Caroling) When storms my friend tinsel in a jealous rage (Nicholas) "You’ve been peaking at presents, " he says (wrap) He was crazy (six) And he kept on screamin' (uh-uh) "You’ve been peaking at presents" And then he ran into my candy cane He ran into my candy cane ten times His care was spotty And now we’re “naughty” (throw hands up) Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care (Look towards braylon) Hunyak: ¿cual es mi historia? Quería difundir la alegría navideña, pero mi marido no era otro que el mismísimo scrooge. Traté de ayudarlo a entrar en el espíritu navideño sin éxito. "¡Bah, patraña!" dijo. El santo Nick dijo que yo era la razón por la que consiguió carbón. ¡Pero traté de hacerle entrar en el espíritu navideño! yeah, but was it your fault? uh-uh! not naughty! (Slowly walk towards Noah to be behind the chair) Velma: My sister, twinkle and I had this caroling routine we did with my husband, Joseph, Now, for the songs in our show we did 20 Christmas classics in a row. One, two, three, four, five, Santa Baby, Last Christmas, Silent Night, one right after the other. Well, this one Christmas night, we were in the North Pole village The three of us, wrapping gifts and havin’ a few laughs, and we run out of paper. So I go out to get some. I come back, open the door, and there’s twinkle and Joseph doing our two part harmony, Carol of the Bells. Well, I was in such a state of shock, I completely blacked out. I can’t remember a thing. It wasn’t until later, when I was washing the snow off my hands, I even knew they were frozen! (Walk back to your own chair) Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') They had it comin' all along (they took an elf from it’s shelf) I didn't do it (and then they used it) (pose in like some funny elf way or smth) But if I'd done it (pose pt2) How could you tell me that I was wrong? (Slowly drop pose, look at Evie) Mona: I loved Ol’ Saint Nicholas More than I can possibly say. He was a real honest guy... Attentive...a gift-giver. But he was troubled. He was always trying to find who was naughty or nice. He would go out evey rnight in his sleigh trying to check his lists He would see you when you were… sleeping, awake, Being good or bad. I guess you can say we stopped talking because of privacy differences. He saw the chimney dim. I saw it lit. (As you sing mimic drumming) (Aurelia enters with small drum and plays) Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') they only had themselves to blame (they only had themselves to blame) If you'd have been there (if you'd have been there) (look to le If you'd have seen it (if you'd have seen it) I betcha you would have done the same You wrap one more gift! My friend, bah humbug Ten times! Not Naughty! Three part harmony-Carol of the bells privacy differences I Betcha you would have done the same END
Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! “ - Algumas pessoas têm certos hábitos que levam a gente à loucura! Bernie era assim. Ele tinha mania de mascar chiclete. Mascar não, fazer bola! Um dia cheguei em casa irritada, precisando de carinho, atenção. E Bernie estava lá deitado no sofá tomando cerveja e mascando chiclete... Mascando não, fazendo bola! Aí eu disse pra ele: ‘- Bernie, se você fizer só mais uma bolinha disso aí...! Ele fez! Aí eu peguei a arma na prateleira e dei dois tiros de advertência... Na cabeça dele!’” E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu “ - Eu conheci Ezequiel Young de Salt Lake City há dois anos, ele me disse que era solteiro... A gente se deu bem desde o começo. Fomos viver juntos. Ele ia pro trabalho, voltava pra casa, e eu fazia um drinque pra ele. A gente era um paraíso numa kitnet. Então eu descobri: Solteiro, certo? Solteiro o caralho! Não só ele era casado não, ele tinha seis esposas! Era um desses Mórmons sabe? Aí, naquela noite eu preparei um drinque para ele, como sempre, mas sei lá, tem gente que não se dá muito bem com cicuta, né? Haaa!” E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pra quem despetalou a flor E foi pisada Mas foi vingada E não é crime, pois foi amor “ - Eu tava na cozinha, limpando um frango pro jantar, pensando na vida, quando de repente o Wilbur, meu marido, entrou que nem um louco gritando, tendo um ataque de ciúmes : - Você tá trepando com o leiteiro!’ Tava louco e continuava gritando: ‘- Você está trepando com o leiteiro!’ Aí ele se jogou em cima da minha faca... Ele se jogou em cima da minha faca dez vezes!” Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu “ - Mit keresek, én itt? Azt mondják, hogy a híres lakem lefogta a férjemet én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz, én ártatlan vagyok. Nem tudom miért mondja Uncle Sam, hogy én tettem. Probáltam a rendõrségen megmagyarázni de nem értették meg.” “ -́ Sei, Mas você fez ou não fez?” “ - Hã-hã, inocente!” “ - Eu e minha irmã Verônica tínhamos um show em dupla e meu marido Charlie viajava com a gente. No final do show nós fazíamos vinte acrobacias de uma só vez. Número 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Duplo, Asa de Águia, Flip-Flop, Mortal, um atrás do outro. Bom, naquela noite nós estávamos em Cícero, num quarto de hotel, bebendo e rindo muito juntos. Quando de repente acabou o gelo e então eu saí pra arranjar mais. Quando eu voltei e abri a porta e peguei a Verônica e o Charlie fazendo o número 17: a asa de águia! Eu fiquei em tal estado de choque que eu apaguei totalmente, eu não me lembro de nada do que aconteceu. Só mais tarde quando eu lavava o sangue das minhas mãos é que eu soube que eles tinham morrido” E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Eu não fiz nada Mas se eu fizesse Eu tava certa, pois ele errou E foi bem feito (E foi bem feito) E foi bem feito (E foi bem feito) Pois ele fez e mereceu (Pra quem despetalou a flor) Eu não fiz nada (E foi pisada) Mas se eu fizesse (Mas foi vingada) Eu tava certa, pois ele errou (E não é crime pois foi amor) “ - Eu amava Alvin Lipschitz mais que qualquer coisa nesse mundo, ele era um artista, sensível, era pintor. Mas tinha problemas, ele vivia tentando se encontrar, e saía toda noite para encontrar o seu eu interior. E no caminho acabava encontrando a Maria, a Clarisse, a Carmem...e o Pedro! Eu acho que a gente terminou por diferenças artísticas. Ele se achava bem vivo e eu o achava bem morto!” Covarde, bun-bun-bun-bundão! Covarde, bun-bun-bun-bundão! E foi bem feito (E foi bem feito) E foi bem feito (E foi bem feito) Pois ele fez e se ferrou (Pois ele fez e se ferrou) Atropelada (Atropelada) Despetalada (Despetalada) Eu tava certa, pois ele errou E foi bem feito (E foi bem feito) E foi bem feito (E foi bem feito) Pois ele fez e mereceu (Pois ele fez e mereceu) (Se você visse) (Se você visse) Se convivesse (Se convivesse) Faria muito pior que eu “ - Só mais uma bolinha!” “ - Solteiro o caralho!” “ - 10 vezes!” “ - Miert csukot uncle Sam bortombe!” “ - Número 17: A Asa de Águia!” “ - Diferenças artísticas!” Faria muito pior que eu!
Beng Ups Ciach A-a Cicero Lipszyc Beng Ups Ciach A-a Cicero Lipszyc Beng! Ups! Ciach! A-a! Cicero! Lipszyc! Beng! Ups! Ciach! A-a! Cicero! Lipszyc! /Wszystkie/: Zasłużył sobie, I ma za swoje. Uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał! I jestem pewna, Na moim miejscu Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja! Beng! Ups! Ciach! A-a! Cicero! Lipszyc! /Bang/: Kojarzycie jak ludzie mają takie wkurzające nawyki? Mój Bernard jest doskonałym tego przykładem. Bernard, bardzo lubił... żuć gumę! Aa, może nie tyle żuć, co strzelać balonami. Beng. Beng. Beng! No, ale w każdym razie, wracam pewnego dnia do domu, zmęczona i zmordowana... Jedyne, o czym marzę to cisza i spokój, a co robi mój Berni? Leży. Rozwalony na kanapie. Chleje piwo i... żuje! Nie do końca żuje. Strzela tymi swoimi balonami! I tak sobie pomyślałam: a strzel mi tym balonem jeszcze raz. No i strzelił. I wiecie co? Wyjęłam pistolet z torebki i ja też sobie postrzelałam. /Wszystkie/: Zasłużył sobie. To jego wina. Bo prowokował mnie od lat! Przeżyłam piekło, I jestem pewna Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja! /Ups/: Poznałam Briana jakieś dwa lata temu. Od razu między nami zaiskrzyło. Powiedział mi, że jest bardzo samotny, a ja miałam w domu podwójne łóżko. Więc, zamieszkaliśmy razem. I było jak w bajce. Codziennie wieczorem, gdy wracał z pracy robiłam mu drinka i jedliśmy romantyczną kolację. Nie byłam więc zachwycona, kiedy dowiedziałam się, że mój samotny biedaczek ma sześć innych dziewczyn. Tego wieczora zrobiłam mu specjalnego drinka. Był zachwycony! ... ale nie wiedziałam, że ma alergię na arszenik. Ups... /Wszystkie/: Sąd się pomylił, (beng, ups, ciach) Jestem niewinna. (Cicero, Lipszyc) Uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał. (beng, ups, ciach, Cicero, Lipszyc) Kto by wytrzymał (beng) z takim łajdakiem? (ups) Każdego w końcu by trafił szlag! (ciach, a-a) (Cicero, Lipszyc) /Ciach/: Stoję sobie w kuchni i kroję warzywa na sałatkę Ciach, ciach, ciach, marchewka, sałata, seler, pietruszka. Nagle wpada mój mąż. I zaczyna wrzeszczeć na mnie bez powodu! Że niby go zdradzam! Płakałam, błagałam go, próbowałam go uspokoić, ale on wciąż wrzeszczał. Nie miałam wyjścia. Musiałam coś zrobić, no to go pociachałam. /Wszystkie/: Przeżyłam piekło! I jestem pewna! Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja! /A-a/: Что я ту делаю? // [Co ja tu robię?] Говорят что мой друг держал мойего // [Mówią, że mój przyjaciel trzymał mojego] мужа когда я отрезала ему главу. // [męża kiedy ja odcinałam mu głowę.] Ио это неправда. // [Ale to nieprawda.] Я не знаю почему меня арестовали. // [Nie wiem czemu mnie aresztowali.] Я пробовала им объяснить, // [Próbowałam im wyjaśnić,] но никто меня не понимал. // [ale nikt mnie nie rozumiał.] /jakiś inny głos/: No dobra, dobra. Zrobiłaś to czy nie? /A-a/: А-а! Невиновна! // [A-a! Niewinna!] /Cicero/: Moja siostra Weronika i ja miałyśmy swoje taneczne, obiazdowe show. Jeździłyśmy po całym kraju, a mój mąż Charlie, podróżował z nami. Kulminacyjnym punktem naszych występów było dwadzieścia figur akrobatycznych z rzędu. Raz, dwa, trzy, cztery, rundak, fiflak, gwiazda, szpagat, jedno po drugim. Pewnego dnia siedzimy sobie w hotelu, w uroczym miasteczku Cicero, pijemy, mamy niezły ubaw, a ja wyszłam na chwilę zapalić. No wiecie, te nałogi. Wracam, otwieram drzwi, a tam Weronika i Charlie robią figurę numer dwadzieścia jeden. On cały spocony, ona w szerokim rozkroku. Byłam w takim szoku, że totalnie mnie zamroczyło. Do dziś zawodzi mnie pamięć. Dopiero po chwili, gdy zmywałam krew z moich rąk, zorientowałam się, że... oni chyba nie żyją. Mają za swoje! I nie żałuję! Ktoś musiał im tę lekcję dać! Ja nie zabiłam! A jeśli nawet To ucierpiałam najbardziej ja! /Wszystkie/: Może zabiłam (może zabiłam) Lecz to nie zbrodnia (lecz to nie zbrodnia) Powinni sądzić ich, nie mnie (powinni sądzić ich, nie mnie) Zdrada to zdrada (zdrada to zdrada!) Musi być kara! (musi być kara!) Czy postąpiłam naprawdę źle?! /Lipszyc/: Kochałam Alana Lipszyca bardziej niż można sobie to wyobrazić. Był prawdziwym artystą, wrażliwym malarzem, estetą. Był z nim tylko jeden problem. Wychodził z domu każdego wieczora i mówił, że chce odnaleźć siebie. I odnalazł. Karen. Julię. Annę. I Johnego. Rozstaliśmy się z powodu odmiennych poglądów estetycznych w malarstwie. Jego pociągały akty, a mnie martwa natura. /Wszystkie/: Bo to był cham (cham, cham, cham, cham) Zwyczajny cham (cham, cham, cham, cham) Mają za swoje (mają za swoje) I nie żałuję (i nie żałuję) Ktoś musiał im tę lekcję dać! (ktoś musiał im tę lekcję dać!) Ja nie zabiłam! (ja nie zabiłam!) A jeśli nawet (a jeśli nawet) To ucierpiałam najbardziej ja! Zasłużył sobie! (zasłużył sobie!) To jego wina! (to jego wina!) Uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał! (uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał!) Przeżyłam piekło! (przeżyłam piekło!) I jestem pewna! (i jestem pewna!) Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja! /Beng/ A strzel mi tą gumą jeszcze raz! /Ups/ Nie wiedziałam, że ma alergię na arszenik! /Ciach/ No to go pociachałam! /A-a/ но никто меня не понимал /Cicero/ Figura numer dwadzieścia jeden! /Lipszyc/ Rozstaliśmy się z powodów odmiennych poglądów estetycznych. /Wszystkie/: Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja!
Wrap Six Peek Uh-uh Caroling Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas (Tap foot, head, or hand on the beat) Christmas is comin’ Christmas is comin’ The naughty list now has my name If you'd have been there (turn head left) If you'd have seen it (turn head right) I betcha you would be on the same. (Point) Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas (Cameron stand, all look at him) Liz: You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like Buddy. Buddy liked to prepare gifts. No, not prepare. Wrap. Well, I came home this one day and I am really freezing, and I’m looking for a little hot chocolate and there's Buddy sittin' on the couch, drinkin' hot cocoa and preparin'. No, not preparin'. Wrappin'. So, I said to him, I said, "Buddy, you wrap a gift one more time..." And he did! So I took the wrapping paper from him and shipped a special present to the North Pole... ...Inside was his head. (Get up and walk to the back of your chair) Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') No Christmas spirit filled the air (No Christmas spirit filled the air) His care was spotty (His care was spotty) And now we’re “naughty” (And now we’re “naughty”) (turn chairs) Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care (Sit in chair facing forward, all look at Cora) Annie: I met Frosty the Snowman from Santy Claus Lane about two years ago and he told me he was my friend and we hit it off right away. So, we started playing together We would laugh and play, the children say he was alive as he could be. Well, it was like Christmas came early. And then I found out, "My friend" he told me? My friend, bah humbug. Not only did he play with me. ...oh, no, he played with six others. One of those people pleasers, you know. So that day when he came home. I suggested we take a walk. You know, some guys just can't handle a little heat! (Get up and circle your own chair) Christmas is coming ' (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas) Christmas is comin' The Christmas spirits in its prime (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas)I And then they used it (Wrap) (circle neighbors chair) And they abused it (six) Were not naughty, (peek) But we’re not nice. (sit in there chair, look at Elliott) June: Now, Im sitting in the workshop, sharpening up my candy cane for fun (uh-uh) Minding my own business (Caroling) When storms my friend tinsel in a jealous rage (Nicholas) "You’ve been peaking at presents, " he says (wrap) He was crazy (six) And he kept on screamin' (uh-uh) "You’ve been peaking at presents" And then he ran into my candy cane He ran into my candy cane ten times His care was spotty And now we’re “naughty” (throw hands up) Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care (Look towards braylon) Hunyak: ¿cual es mi historia? Quería difundir la alegría navideña, pero mi marido no era otro que el mismísimo scrooge. Traté de ayudarlo a entrar en el espíritu navideño sin éxito. "¡Bah, patraña!" dijo. El santo Nick dijo que yo era la razón por la que consiguió carbón. ¡Pero traté de hacerle entrar en el espíritu navideño! yeah, but was it your fault? uh-uh! not naughty! (Slowly walk towards Noah to be behind the chair) Velma: My sister, twinkle and I had this caroling routine we did with my husband, Joseph, Now, for the songs in our show we did 20 Christmas classics in a row. One, two, three, four, five, Santa Baby, Last Christmas, Silent Night, one right after the other. Well, this one Christmas night, we were in the North Pole village The three of us, wrapping gifts and havin’ a few laughs, and we run out of paper. So I go out to get some. I come back, open the door, and there’s twinkle and Joseph doing our two part harmony, Carol of the Bells. Well, I was in such a state of shock, I completely blacked out. I can’t remember a thing. It wasn’t until later, when I was washing the snow off my hands, I even knew they were frozen! (Walk back to your own chair) Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') They had it comin' all along (they took an elf from it’s shelf) I didn't do it (and then they used it) (pose in like some funny elf way or smth) But if I'd done it (pose pt2) How could you tell me that I was wrong? (Slowly drop pose, look at Evie) Mona: I loved Ol’ Saint Nicholas More than I can possibly say. He was a real honest guy... Attentive...a gift-giver. But he was troubled. He was always trying to find who was naughty or nice. He would go out evey rnight in his sleigh trying to check his lists He would see you when you were… sleeping, awake, Being good or bad. I guess you can say we stopped talking because of privacy differences. He saw the chimney dim. I saw it lit. (As you sing mimic drumming) (Aurelia enters with small drum and plays) Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin') they only had themselves to blame (they only had themselves to blame) If you'd have been there (if you'd have been there) (look to le If you'd have seen it (if you'd have seen it) I betcha you would have done the same You wrap one more gift! My friend, bah humbug Ten times! Not Naughty! Three part harmony-Carol of the bells privacy differences I Betcha you would have done the same END
Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Pop! Seis! Squish! Há-Hã! Cícero! Lipschitz! Algumas pessoas têm certos hábitos Que levam a gente à loucura! Bernie era assim. Ele tinha mania De mascar chiclete, mascar não Fazer bola! Bom, um dia eu cheguei em casa irritada Precisando de carinho, atenção E Bernie estava lá deitado no sofá Tomando cerveja e mascando chiclete Mascando não, fazendo bola! Aí eu disse Pra ele: Bernie, se você fizer Só mais uma bolinha disso aí! E Ele fez! Aí eu peguei a arma e dei dois tiros De advertência Na cabeça dele! E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu Eu conheci Ezequiel Young De Salt Lake City há dois anos Ele me disse que era solteiro A gente se deu bem desde o começo Fomos morar juntos. Ele ia Pro trabalho, voltava para casa Eu fazia um drinque pra ele, a gente Jantava Ai! Era um paraíso numa kitnet Então eu descobri: Solteiro, certo? Solteiro é o caralho! Não só era casado, não Ele tinha seis esposas! Era um desses mórmons, sabe? Aí, naquela noite, eu preparei um Drinque para ele, como sempre Mas, sei lá Tem gente que não se dá Muito bem com cicuta, né?! E foi bem feito, pop! E foi bem feito, seis! Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse, Squish! Se convivesse Faria pior que eu Eu estava na cozinha limpando um Frango para o jantar, pensando na Vida, quando, de repente, Wilbur O meu marido, entrou que nem um Louco tendo um ataque de ciúmes Você está trepando com o leiteiro! E ele estava louco e continuava Gritando: Você está trepando com O leiteiro! Aí ele se jogou em Cima da minha faca Ele se jogo em cima da minha faca Dez vezes! Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu Mit keresek, én itt? Azt mondják Hogy a híres lakem lefogta a férjemet Én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem Igaz, én ártatlan vagyok Nem tudom miért mondja Uncle Sam Hogy én tettem. Probáltam a rendõrségen Megmagyarázni de nem értették meg É, mas você fez ou não fez? Hã-hã, inocente! Eu e minha irmã Verônica tínhamos um Show em dupla e o meu marido Charlie Viajava com a gente. No final do show Nós fazíamos vinte acrobacias de uma Só vez. Número 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, duplo Asa de águia, flip-flop, mortal Um atrás do outro Bom, naquela noite nós estávamos Em Cícero, nós três, num quarto De hotel, bebendo e rindo muito Juntos. Quando, de repente, acabou O gelo e então eu saí pra arranjar Mais. Quando eu voltei, eu abri a Porta e peguei a Verônica e o Charlie Fazendo a número 17 A ‘asa de águia’! Eu fiquei em tal estado de choque Que eu apaguei totalmente Não me lembro de nada do que aconteceu Só mais tarde, quando eu lavava O sangue das minhas mãos, é que eu soube que eles tinham morrido E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Os dois armaram contra mim Eu não fiz nada Mas se eu fizesse Eu tava certa pois ele errou E foi bem feito, pop! E foi bem feito, seis! Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse, Squish! Se convivesse Faria pior que eu Eu amava Alvin Lipschitz mais que Qualquer coisa neste mundo Ele eraum artista, sensível, era pintor Mas tinha problemas. Ele vivia tentando Se encontrar. Saía toda noite para Encontrar seu eu-interior. E no Caminho acabava encontrando a Maria A Clarisse, a Carmem e o Pedro! Eu acho que a gente terminou por Diferenças artísticas Ele se achava bem vivo E eu o achava bem morto! Covarde bum-bum-bum-bundão Covarde bum-bum-bum-bundão E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu E foi bem feito E foi bem feito Pois ele fez e mereceu Se você visse Se convivesse Faria muito pior que eu Só mais uma bolinha! Solteiro é o caralho! Inocente! Número 17: A Asa de Águia! Diferenças artísticas! Faria muito pior que eu
Ladies and gentlemen, for tonight's entertainment, I will be playing all the parts, thank you :)
Same xdd
True same
just wondering how u did on that hungarian bit 👀😂
@@lonettehendrick9836 i have that part translated into spanish!
Hannah 1:17
Alisia 2:11
Lori 2:59
Emiliano 3:28
Ava 3:48
Mars 5:02
Those aren’t the names at all…
@@justjackie86it was probably something for a production that they did and that’s the name of the actresses that played the characters
Translation for "Uh-uh:"
What am I doing here? They say that my famous lackey caught my husband and I hit his head. But it's not true, I'm innocent. I don't know why Uncle Sam says I did it. I tried to explain it to the police, but they didn't understand
I thought it was cut off his head, lecsaptam means cut off, though maybe it has two meanings
Am I procrastinating? Yes.
Am I doing a one woman show? Yes.
Will I regret it later?
Alsolutely not!
My sister Veronica and I had this double act, and my husband Charlie traveled around with us. Now for the
last number in our act we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row: one, two, three, four, five, splits,
spread-eagles, back-flips, flip-flops, one right after the other. So this one night we were in Cicero, the three of
sittin' up in a hotel room, havin' a few laughs and we ran out of ice, so I went out to get some. I come back,
open the door, and there's Veronica and Charlie doing Number 17. Well, I was in such a state of shock that I
completely blacked out; I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my
hands, I even knew they were dead.
ok queen
trying to learn the hungrian part for fun
I have to learn it for musical theatre... wish me luck lol 😭
daaangg!! praying lol youll do great @@holy_island_adventurer6068
This is too fast I can't keep up tone it down to 4/4 and I will be able to
You have it coming
You have in coming!
You only havr yourself to blame
If you'd have been fair
If you'd have been keen
I bet you these pies wouldn't taste the same!!!!!!
You have it coming
You have in coming!
You only havr yourself to blame
If you'd have been fair
If you'd have been keen
I bet you thwse pies wouldn't taste the same!!!!!!
3:27 for my hungarians
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
(Tap foot, head, or hand on the beat)
Christmas is comin’
Christmas is comin’
The naughty list now has my name
If you'd have been there (turn head left)
If you'd have seen it (turn head right)
I betcha you would be on the same. (Point)
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
(Cameron stand, all look at him)
You know how people
have these little habits that
get you down? Like Buddy.
Buddy liked to prepare gifts.
No, not prepare. Wrap. Well, I
came home this one day and
I am really freezing, and I’m
looking for a little hot chocolate
and there's Buddy sittin' on
the couch, drinkin' hot cocoa and
preparin'. No, not preparin'.
So, I said to him, I
said, "Buddy, you wrap a
gift one more time..."
And he did!
So I took the wrapping paper from him
and shipped a special present to the North Pole...
...Inside was his head.
(Get up and walk to the back of your chair)
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
No Christmas spirit filled the air (No Christmas spirit filled the air)
His care was spotty (His care was spotty)
And now we’re “naughty” (And now we’re “naughty”) (turn chairs)
Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care
(Sit in chair facing forward, all look at Cora)
I met Frosty the Snowman from
Santy Claus Lane about two years ago
and he told me he was my friend
and we hit it off right away.
So, we started playing together
We would laugh and play, the children say
he was alive as he could be.
Well, it was like Christmas came early.
And then I found out,
"My friend" he told me?
My friend, bah humbug. Not only did he play with me.
...oh, no, he played with six others.
One of those people pleasers,
you know. So that day when
he came home. I suggested
we take a walk.
You know, some guys just can't handle a little heat!
(Get up and circle your own chair)
Christmas is coming ' (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas)
Christmas is comin'
The Christmas spirits in its prime (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas)I
And then they used it (Wrap) (circle neighbors chair)
And they abused it (six)
Were not naughty, (peek)
But we’re not nice.
(sit in there chair, look at Elliott)
Now, Im sitting in the workshop, sharpening up my candy cane for fun (uh-uh)
Minding my own business (Caroling)
When storms my friend tinsel in a jealous rage (Nicholas)
"You’ve been peaking at presents, " he says (wrap)
He was crazy (six)
And he kept on screamin' (uh-uh)
"You’ve been peaking at presents"
And then he ran into my candy cane
He ran into my candy cane ten times
His care was spotty
And now we’re “naughty” (throw hands up)
Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care
(Look towards braylon)
¿cual es mi historia?
Quería difundir la alegría navideña, pero mi marido no era otro que el mismísimo scrooge. Traté de ayudarlo a entrar en el espíritu navideño sin éxito.
"¡Bah, patraña!" dijo. El santo Nick dijo que yo era la razón por la que consiguió carbón. ¡Pero traté de hacerle entrar en el espíritu navideño!
yeah, but was it your fault?
uh-uh! not naughty!
(Slowly walk towards Noah to be behind the chair)
My sister, twinkle and I had this caroling routine we did with my husband, Joseph, Now, for the songs in our show we did 20 Christmas classics in a row. One, two, three, four, five, Santa Baby, Last Christmas, Silent Night, one right after the other. Well, this one Christmas night, we were in the North Pole village The three of us, wrapping gifts and havin’ a few laughs, and we run out of paper. So I go out to get some. I come back, open the door, and there’s twinkle and Joseph doing our two part harmony, Carol of the Bells. Well, I was in such a state of shock, I completely blacked out. I can’t remember a thing. It wasn’t until later, when I was washing the snow off my hands, I even knew they were frozen!
(Walk back to your own chair)
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
They had it comin' all along (they took an elf from it’s shelf)
I didn't do it (and then they used it) (pose in like some funny elf way or smth)
But if I'd done it (pose pt2)
How could you tell me that I was wrong? (Slowly drop pose, look at Evie)
I loved Ol’ Saint Nicholas
More than I can possibly say.
He was a real honest guy...
Attentive...a gift-giver.
But he was troubled.
He was always trying to find who was naughty or nice.
He would go out evey rnight in his sleigh trying to check his lists
He would see you when you were…
Being good
or bad.
I guess you can say we stopped talking because of privacy differences.
He saw the chimney dim. I saw it lit.
(As you sing mimic drumming)
(Aurelia enters with small drum and plays)
Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum
Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
they only had themselves to blame (they only had themselves to blame)
If you'd have been there (if you'd have been there) (look to le
If you'd have seen it (if you'd have seen it)
I betcha you would have done the same
You wrap one more gift!
My friend, bah humbug
Ten times! Not Naughty!
Three part harmony-Carol of the bells
privacy differences
I Betcha you would have done the same
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
“ - Algumas pessoas têm certos hábitos que levam a gente à loucura! Bernie era assim. Ele tinha mania de mascar chiclete. Mascar não, fazer bola! Um dia cheguei em casa irritada, precisando de carinho, atenção. E Bernie estava lá deitado no sofá tomando cerveja e mascando chiclete... Mascando não, fazendo bola! Aí eu disse pra ele: ‘- Bernie, se você fizer só mais uma bolinha disso aí...! Ele fez! Aí eu peguei a arma na prateleira e dei dois tiros de advertência... Na cabeça dele!’”
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
“ - Eu conheci Ezequiel Young de Salt Lake City há dois anos, ele me disse que era solteiro... A gente se deu bem desde o começo. Fomos viver juntos. Ele ia pro trabalho, voltava pra casa, e eu fazia um drinque pra ele. A gente era um paraíso numa kitnet. Então eu descobri: Solteiro, certo? Solteiro o caralho! Não só ele era casado não, ele tinha seis esposas! Era um desses Mórmons sabe? Aí, naquela noite eu preparei um drinque para ele, como sempre, mas sei lá, tem gente que não se dá muito bem com cicuta, né? Haaa!”
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pra quem despetalou a flor
E foi pisada
Mas foi vingada
E não é crime, pois foi amor
“ - Eu tava na cozinha, limpando um frango pro jantar, pensando na vida, quando de repente o Wilbur, meu marido, entrou que nem um louco gritando, tendo um ataque de ciúmes : - Você tá trepando com o leiteiro!’ Tava louco e continuava gritando: ‘- Você está trepando com o leiteiro!’ Aí ele se jogou em cima da minha faca... Ele se jogou em cima da minha faca dez vezes!”
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
“ - Mit keresek, én itt? Azt mondják, hogy a híres lakem lefogta a férjemet én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz, én ártatlan vagyok. Nem tudom miért mondja Uncle Sam, hogy én tettem. Probáltam a rendõrségen megmagyarázni de nem értették meg.”
“ -́ Sei, Mas você fez ou não fez?”
“ - Hã-hã, inocente!”
“ - Eu e minha irmã Verônica tínhamos um show em dupla e meu marido Charlie viajava com a gente. No final do show nós fazíamos vinte acrobacias de uma só vez. Número 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Duplo, Asa de Águia, Flip-Flop, Mortal, um atrás do outro. Bom, naquela noite nós estávamos em Cícero, num quarto de hotel, bebendo e rindo muito juntos. Quando de repente acabou o gelo e então eu saí pra arranjar mais. Quando eu voltei e abri a porta e peguei a Verônica e o Charlie fazendo o número 17: a asa de águia! Eu fiquei em tal estado de choque que eu apaguei totalmente, eu não me lembro de nada do que aconteceu. Só mais tarde quando eu lavava o sangue das minhas mãos é que eu soube que eles tinham morrido”
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Eu não fiz nada
Mas se eu fizesse
Eu tava certa, pois ele errou
E foi bem feito
(E foi bem feito)
E foi bem feito
(E foi bem feito)
Pois ele fez e mereceu
(Pra quem despetalou a flor)
Eu não fiz nada
(E foi pisada)
Mas se eu fizesse
(Mas foi vingada)
Eu tava certa, pois ele errou
(E não é crime pois foi amor)
“ - Eu amava Alvin Lipschitz mais que qualquer coisa nesse mundo, ele era um artista, sensível, era pintor. Mas tinha problemas, ele vivia tentando se encontrar, e saía toda noite para encontrar o seu eu interior. E no caminho acabava encontrando a Maria, a Clarisse, a Carmem...e o Pedro! Eu acho que a gente terminou por diferenças artísticas. Ele se achava bem vivo e eu o achava bem morto!”
Covarde, bun-bun-bun-bundão!
Covarde, bun-bun-bun-bundão!
E foi bem feito
(E foi bem feito)
E foi bem feito
(E foi bem feito)
Pois ele fez e se ferrou
(Pois ele fez e se ferrou)
Eu tava certa, pois ele errou
E foi bem feito
(E foi bem feito)
E foi bem feito
(E foi bem feito)
Pois ele fez e mereceu
(Pois ele fez e mereceu)
(Se você visse)
(Se você visse)
Se convivesse
(Se convivesse)
Faria muito pior que eu
“ - Só mais uma bolinha!”
“ - Solteiro o caralho!”
“ - 10 vezes!”
“ - Miert csukot uncle Sam bortombe!”
“ - Número 17: A Asa de Águia!”
“ - Diferenças artísticas!”
Faria muito pior que eu!
Um br!
Zasłużył sobie,
I ma za swoje.
Uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał!
I jestem pewna,
Na moim miejscu
Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja!
Kojarzycie jak ludzie mają takie wkurzające nawyki?
Mój Bernard jest doskonałym tego przykładem.
Bernard, bardzo lubił... żuć gumę!
Aa, może nie tyle żuć, co strzelać balonami.
Beng. Beng. Beng!
No, ale w każdym razie, wracam pewnego dnia do domu, zmęczona i zmordowana...
Jedyne, o czym marzę to cisza i spokój, a co robi mój Berni?
Leży. Rozwalony na kanapie. Chleje piwo i... żuje!
Nie do końca żuje.
Strzela tymi swoimi balonami!
I tak sobie pomyślałam: a strzel mi tym balonem jeszcze raz.
No i strzelił.
I wiecie co?
Wyjęłam pistolet z torebki i ja też sobie postrzelałam.
Zasłużył sobie.
To jego wina.
Bo prowokował mnie od lat!
Przeżyłam piekło,
I jestem pewna
Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja!
Poznałam Briana jakieś dwa lata temu.
Od razu między nami zaiskrzyło.
Powiedział mi, że jest bardzo samotny, a ja miałam w domu podwójne łóżko.
Więc, zamieszkaliśmy razem. I było jak w bajce.
Codziennie wieczorem, gdy wracał z pracy robiłam mu drinka i jedliśmy romantyczną kolację.
Nie byłam więc zachwycona, kiedy dowiedziałam się, że mój samotny biedaczek ma sześć innych dziewczyn.
Tego wieczora zrobiłam mu specjalnego drinka. Był zachwycony!
... ale nie wiedziałam, że ma alergię na arszenik.
Sąd się pomylił, (beng, ups, ciach)
Jestem niewinna. (Cicero, Lipszyc)
Uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał. (beng, ups, ciach, Cicero, Lipszyc)
Kto by wytrzymał (beng) z takim łajdakiem? (ups)
Każdego w końcu by trafił szlag! (ciach, a-a)
(Cicero, Lipszyc)
Stoję sobie w kuchni i kroję warzywa na sałatkę
Ciach, ciach, ciach, marchewka, sałata, seler, pietruszka.
Nagle wpada mój mąż. I zaczyna wrzeszczeć na mnie bez powodu!
Że niby go zdradzam!
Płakałam, błagałam go, próbowałam go uspokoić, ale on wciąż wrzeszczał.
Nie miałam wyjścia.
Musiałam coś zrobić, no to go pociachałam.
Przeżyłam piekło!
I jestem pewna!
Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja!
Что я ту делаю? // [Co ja tu robię?]
Говорят что мой друг держал мойего // [Mówią, że mój przyjaciel trzymał mojego]
мужа когда я отрезала ему главу. // [męża kiedy ja odcinałam mu głowę.]
Ио это неправда. // [Ale to nieprawda.]
Я не знаю почему меня арестовали. // [Nie wiem czemu mnie aresztowali.]
Я пробовала им объяснить, // [Próbowałam im wyjaśnić,]
но никто меня не понимал. // [ale nikt mnie nie rozumiał.]
/jakiś inny głos/:
No dobra, dobra. Zrobiłaś to czy nie?
А-а! Невиновна! // [A-a! Niewinna!]
Moja siostra Weronika i ja miałyśmy swoje taneczne, obiazdowe show.
Jeździłyśmy po całym kraju, a mój mąż Charlie, podróżował z nami.
Kulminacyjnym punktem naszych występów było dwadzieścia figur akrobatycznych z rzędu.
Raz, dwa, trzy, cztery, rundak, fiflak, gwiazda, szpagat, jedno po drugim.
Pewnego dnia siedzimy sobie w hotelu, w uroczym miasteczku Cicero, pijemy, mamy niezły ubaw, a ja wyszłam na chwilę zapalić. No wiecie, te nałogi.
Wracam, otwieram drzwi, a tam Weronika i Charlie robią figurę numer dwadzieścia jeden. On cały spocony, ona w szerokim rozkroku.
Byłam w takim szoku, że totalnie mnie zamroczyło.
Do dziś zawodzi mnie pamięć.
Dopiero po chwili, gdy zmywałam krew z moich rąk, zorientowałam się, że... oni chyba nie żyją.
Mają za swoje!
I nie żałuję!
Ktoś musiał im tę lekcję dać!
Ja nie zabiłam!
A jeśli nawet
To ucierpiałam najbardziej ja!
Może zabiłam (może zabiłam)
Lecz to nie zbrodnia (lecz to nie zbrodnia)
Powinni sądzić ich, nie mnie (powinni sądzić ich, nie mnie)
Zdrada to zdrada (zdrada to zdrada!)
Musi być kara! (musi być kara!)
Czy postąpiłam naprawdę źle?!
Kochałam Alana Lipszyca bardziej niż można sobie to wyobrazić.
Był prawdziwym artystą, wrażliwym malarzem, estetą.
Był z nim tylko jeden problem.
Wychodził z domu każdego wieczora i mówił, że chce odnaleźć siebie.
I odnalazł.
I Johnego.
Rozstaliśmy się z powodu odmiennych poglądów estetycznych w malarstwie.
Jego pociągały akty, a mnie martwa natura.
Bo to był cham (cham, cham, cham, cham)
Zwyczajny cham (cham, cham, cham, cham)
Mają za swoje (mają za swoje)
I nie żałuję (i nie żałuję)
Ktoś musiał im tę lekcję dać! (ktoś musiał im tę lekcję dać!)
Ja nie zabiłam! (ja nie zabiłam!)
A jeśli nawet (a jeśli nawet)
To ucierpiałam najbardziej ja!
Zasłużył sobie! (zasłużył sobie!)
To jego wina! (to jego wina!)
Uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał! (uwierzcie mi, sam tego chciał!)
Przeżyłam piekło! (przeżyłam piekło!)
I jestem pewna! (i jestem pewna!)
Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja!
/Beng/ A strzel mi tą gumą jeszcze raz!
/Ups/ Nie wiedziałam, że ma alergię na arszenik!
/Ciach/ No to go pociachałam!
/A-a/ но никто меня не понимал
/Cicero/ Figura numer dwadzieścia jeden!
/Lipszyc/ Rozstaliśmy się z powodów odmiennych poglądów estetycznych.
Każdy postąpił by tak jak ja!
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
(Tap foot, head, or hand on the beat)
Christmas is comin’
Christmas is comin’
The naughty list now has my name
If you'd have been there (turn head left)
If you'd have seen it (turn head right)
I betcha you would be on the same. (Point)
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas
(Cameron stand, all look at him)
You know how people
have these little habits that
get you down? Like Buddy.
Buddy liked to prepare gifts.
No, not prepare. Wrap. Well, I
came home this one day and
I am really freezing, and I’m
looking for a little hot chocolate
and there's Buddy sittin' on
the couch, drinkin' hot cocoa and
preparin'. No, not preparin'.
So, I said to him, I
said, "Buddy, you wrap a
gift one more time..."
And he did!
So I took the wrapping paper from him
and shipped a special present to the North Pole...
...Inside was his head.
(Get up and walk to the back of your chair)
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
No Christmas spirit filled the air (No Christmas spirit filled the air)
His care was spotty (His care was spotty)
And now we’re “naughty” (And now we’re “naughty”) (turn chairs)
Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care
(Sit in chair facing forward, all look at Cora)
I met Frosty the Snowman from
Santy Claus Lane about two years ago
and he told me he was my friend
and we hit it off right away.
So, we started playing together
We would laugh and play, the children say
he was alive as he could be.
Well, it was like Christmas came early.
And then I found out,
"My friend" he told me?
My friend, bah humbug. Not only did he play with me.
...oh, no, he played with six others.
One of those people pleasers,
you know. So that day when
he came home. I suggested
we take a walk.
You know, some guys just can't handle a little heat!
(Get up and circle your own chair)
Christmas is coming ' (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas)
Christmas is comin'
The Christmas spirits in its prime (Wrap, six, peek, uh-uh, Caroling, Nicholas)I
And then they used it (Wrap) (circle neighbors chair)
And they abused it (six)
Were not naughty, (peek)
But we’re not nice.
(sit in there chair, look at Elliott)
Now, Im sitting in the workshop, sharpening up my candy cane for fun (uh-uh)
Minding my own business (Caroling)
When storms my friend tinsel in a jealous rage (Nicholas)
"You’ve been peaking at presents, " he says (wrap)
He was crazy (six)
And he kept on screamin' (uh-uh)
"You’ve been peaking at presents"
And then he ran into my candy cane
He ran into my candy cane ten times
His care was spotty
And now we’re “naughty” (throw hands up)
Gifts for nobody, but we don’t care
(Look towards braylon)
¿cual es mi historia?
Quería difundir la alegría navideña, pero mi marido no era otro que el mismísimo scrooge. Traté de ayudarlo a entrar en el espíritu navideño sin éxito.
"¡Bah, patraña!" dijo. El santo Nick dijo que yo era la razón por la que consiguió carbón. ¡Pero traté de hacerle entrar en el espíritu navideño!
yeah, but was it your fault?
uh-uh! not naughty!
(Slowly walk towards Noah to be behind the chair)
My sister, twinkle and I had this caroling routine we did with my husband, Joseph, Now, for the songs in our show we did 20 Christmas classics in a row. One, two, three, four, five, Santa Baby, Last Christmas, Silent Night, one right after the other. Well, this one Christmas night, we were in the North Pole village The three of us, wrapping gifts and havin’ a few laughs, and we run out of paper. So I go out to get some. I come back, open the door, and there’s twinkle and Joseph doing our two part harmony, Carol of the Bells. Well, I was in such a state of shock, I completely blacked out. I can’t remember a thing. It wasn’t until later, when I was washing the snow off my hands, I even knew they were frozen!
(Walk back to your own chair)
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
They had it comin' all along (they took an elf from it’s shelf)
I didn't do it (and then they used it) (pose in like some funny elf way or smth)
But if I'd done it (pose pt2)
How could you tell me that I was wrong? (Slowly drop pose, look at Evie)
I loved Ol’ Saint Nicholas
More than I can possibly say.
He was a real honest guy...
Attentive...a gift-giver.
But he was troubled.
He was always trying to find who was naughty or nice.
He would go out evey rnight in his sleigh trying to check his lists
He would see you when you were…
Being good
or bad.
I guess you can say we stopped talking because of privacy differences.
He saw the chimney dim. I saw it lit.
(As you sing mimic drumming)
(Aurelia enters with small drum and plays)
Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum
Oooh, Rum, pum, pum, pum pum
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
Christmas is comin’ (Christmas is comin')
they only had themselves to blame (they only had themselves to blame)
If you'd have been there (if you'd have been there) (look to le
If you'd have seen it (if you'd have seen it)
I betcha you would have done the same
You wrap one more gift!
My friend, bah humbug
Ten times! Not Naughty!
Three part harmony-Carol of the bells
privacy differences
I Betcha you would have done the same
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
Algumas pessoas têm certos hábitos
Que levam a gente à loucura!
Bernie era assim. Ele tinha mania
De mascar chiclete, mascar não
Fazer bola!
Bom, um dia eu cheguei em casa irritada
Precisando de carinho, atenção
E Bernie estava lá deitado no sofá
Tomando cerveja e mascando chiclete
Mascando não, fazendo bola! Aí eu disse
Pra ele: Bernie, se você fizer
Só mais uma bolinha disso aí!
E Ele fez!
Aí eu peguei a arma e dei dois tiros
De advertência
Na cabeça dele!
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
Eu conheci Ezequiel Young
De Salt Lake City há dois anos
Ele me disse que era solteiro
A gente se deu bem desde o começo
Fomos morar juntos. Ele ia
Pro trabalho, voltava para casa
Eu fazia um drinque pra ele, a gente
Ai! Era um paraíso numa kitnet
Então eu descobri: Solteiro, certo?
Solteiro é o caralho!
Não só era casado, não
Ele tinha seis esposas!
Era um desses mórmons, sabe?
Aí, naquela noite, eu preparei um
Drinque para ele, como sempre
Mas, sei lá
Tem gente que não se dá
Muito bem com cicuta, né?!
E foi bem feito, pop!
E foi bem feito, seis!
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse, Squish!
Se convivesse
Faria pior que eu
Eu estava na cozinha limpando um
Frango para o jantar, pensando na
Vida, quando, de repente, Wilbur
O meu marido, entrou que nem um
Louco tendo um ataque de ciúmes
Você está trepando com o leiteiro!
E ele estava louco e continuava
Gritando: Você está trepando com
O leiteiro! Aí ele se jogou em
Cima da minha faca
Ele se jogo em cima da minha faca
Dez vezes!
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
Mit keresek, én itt? Azt mondják
Hogy a híres lakem lefogta a férjemet
Én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem
Igaz, én ártatlan vagyok
Nem tudom miért mondja Uncle Sam
Hogy én tettem. Probáltam a rendõrségen
Megmagyarázni de nem értették meg
É, mas você fez ou não fez?
Hã-hã, inocente!
Eu e minha irmã Verônica tínhamos um
Show em dupla e o meu marido Charlie
Viajava com a gente. No final do show
Nós fazíamos vinte acrobacias de uma
Só vez. Número 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, duplo
Asa de águia, flip-flop, mortal
Um atrás do outro
Bom, naquela noite nós estávamos
Em Cícero, nós três, num quarto
De hotel, bebendo e rindo muito
Juntos. Quando, de repente, acabou
O gelo e então eu saí pra arranjar
Mais. Quando eu voltei, eu abri a
Porta e peguei a Verônica e o Charlie
Fazendo a número 17
A ‘asa de águia’!
Eu fiquei em tal estado de choque
Que eu apaguei totalmente
Não me lembro de nada do que aconteceu
Só mais tarde, quando eu lavava
O sangue das minhas mãos, é que eu soube que eles tinham morrido
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Os dois armaram contra mim
Eu não fiz nada
Mas se eu fizesse
Eu tava certa pois ele errou
E foi bem feito, pop!
E foi bem feito, seis!
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse, Squish!
Se convivesse
Faria pior que eu
Eu amava Alvin Lipschitz mais que
Qualquer coisa neste mundo
Ele eraum artista, sensível, era pintor
Mas tinha problemas. Ele vivia tentando
Se encontrar. Saía toda noite para
Encontrar seu eu-interior. E no
Caminho acabava encontrando a Maria
A Clarisse, a Carmem e o Pedro!
Eu acho que a gente terminou por
Diferenças artísticas
Ele se achava bem vivo
E eu o achava bem morto!
Covarde bum-bum-bum-bundão
Covarde bum-bum-bum-bundão
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
E foi bem feito
E foi bem feito
Pois ele fez e mereceu
Se você visse
Se convivesse
Faria muito pior que eu
Só mais uma bolinha!
Solteiro é o caralho!
Número 17: A Asa de Águia!
Diferenças artísticas!
Faria muito pior que eu