Osaka Yoshiharu kata Unsu Osaka Yoshiharu kata Sochin Osaka Yoshiharu kata GojushihoSho
Osaka Sensei is awesome, the way he moves, the way he explains, the way he connect his body. It seems very easy but it is not. We had the opportunity to train with him at Santa Fe New Mexico, with Koyama Sensei another great master, he taught us a lot of philosophy. Regards from Chihuahua Mexico. Oss!
Osaka Yoshiharu kata Unsu
Osaka Yoshiharu kata Sochin
Osaka Yoshiharu kata GojushihoSho
Osaka Sensei is the creme dela creme of Shotokan karate Sensei. After all these years he continues to be so.
Osaka Sensei is awesome, the way he moves, the way he explains, the way he connect his body. It seems very easy but it is not.
We had the opportunity to train with him at Santa Fe New Mexico, with Koyama Sensei another great master, he taught us a lot of philosophy.
Regards from Chihuahua Mexico.
Best of the best , one of my favorit masters. 💮💮💮
Sensei Osaka is the best kata teacher
Simply the best ever no one will surpass this man for perfection
Gold dust of a genius Sensei Osaka
Great Sensei Osaka ! Oss !
A Budo karate legend
Very good
Thank you !!!!! Oss