Shutting down Bethesda studios, Did Microsoft make the right decision?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 36

  • @TheGiggityG
    @TheGiggityG 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Bethesda has always been a careening car wreak with just enough momentum to keep the brand lit. Black Isle and Obsidian were a boon to their brand and that pushed them to heights they never had sights on. Microsoft cracking the whip is the best thing for Bethesda BY FAR and the shine of this studio is based upon teams long gone. A lot was lost but there is still a new page to turn and they can make it epic if they don't revert to old habits.

    • @MattAGames
      @MattAGames  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Look how bad the Fallout 4 update is.
      Microsoft should be cracking the whip. Todd has too much creative liberties

  • @Arthur_Grey34
    @Arthur_Grey34 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I agree It made sense to close them down, but your argument that they distracted BGS was odd. They were their own studios and even with them gone it changes nothing for BGS making shitfield and having us wait another 5+ years for the next TES and 10+ for Fallout 5.

    • @MattAGames
      @MattAGames  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bethesda still managed them and put money into them. They weren’t independent studios. They were Bethesda studios

    • @Marcustheseer
      @Marcustheseer 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      shitfield? dude that game is pretty good.

  • @ivann7214
    @ivann7214 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The team working on ESO should push the envelope with that game to keep players coming and Microsoft needs to find 2 other studios to make spin offs for fallout and elder scrolls. Preferably obsidian for fallout and I think ninja theory could be a great studio to make an elder scrolls spin off after hellblade 2

  • @filidhdeklend893
    @filidhdeklend893 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Real talk, MrMatty has always come across as the American Bellular, IE a corporate bell-end receptacle.

  • @aaroncortright9860
    @aaroncortright9860 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I totally got to disagree with you on fallout 76 and ESO the first week they were out I totally decided I aint spendin another dollar on Bethesda bullshit! I will NOT be buying fallout 5 or the new elder scrolls games I personally feel Bethesda it's self should be shut down entirely and the elder scrolls and fallout series should be done away with as nobody will be able to do a new chapter that will be any good! fallout 76 was an atrocity and Eso wasn't much better to be brutally honest! fuck Bethesda!

  • @Marcustheseer
    @Marcustheseer 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i was thinking "am sorry what???" i thought you ment bethesda was closing down instead of some of there studio's.
    and wel its simple is youre studio making money then it can stay open if not then close it,thats the old school busnis way.
    and ya if you make a shitty buggy game then you wil face those consequences,but sometimes the issue isnt that but unnessasery bad word of mouth,starfield did desently but bad word of mouth has unnessaserely impacted sales.
    it a desent to good game and innitialy it got good reviews but some people for some reason started trashing it,and yes the lag that was caused duo to high system demands was bad but that is the only real bad part about the game the rest is just developer choice and with some people out there that demand perfect games that doesnt go so wel.

  • @Dareitus
    @Dareitus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    L takes. Who bought these studios? Who greenlit the projects? Who forced decisions like always online looter shooter on studios that make single player games? Oh right, micrsoft.
    Blaming the studios for doing exactly what they were told is asinine. They arent charity studios, they're missued assets. They would have been making better games if they got better orders. Hell, Hi-Fi rush was a good game, award winning, shut down anyway.
    Not to mention the absolutely disconnected from reality take that Bethesda publishing games has a negative effect on developing skyrim or fallout. The people overseeing publishing arent working on fallout. The publishing team is completely separate. Todd Howard is not distracted checking out redfall. That's not how theyre structured. Just... L's man

    • @tomwhitworth1560
      @tomwhitworth1560 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Microsoft didn't do any of that lol.

    • @Dareitus
      @Dareitus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@tomwhitworth1560 Microsoft didn't buy Bethesda and it's parent company Zenimax? You should probably tell them.

    • @Arthur_Grey34
      @Arthur_Grey34 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Dareitus They obviously wanted BGS and the IP for Fallout, and TES. Thats where the real value was with Bethesda. BGS as bad s they have been with Starfield holds a ton of value unlike the smaller studios under Bethesda.
      The Redfall guys lost the company an insane amount of money with how bad that game was, it would likely take them another 5+ years and whole lot of money to make a new game and idk if that would be worth the risk, time, or investment.
      Tango made fun games, but they did not really sell well even when some people loved them and they were rated well. Their studio was too large (60+) for the number of sales they were getting and the amount of time and money it took them to make the game. Steam numbers for the evil dead and Hi-Fi Rush have been pretty low and both games likely only did as well as they did because of Streamers rather than holding their own when talking about those player numbers.

    • @Dareitus
      @Dareitus 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Arthur_Grey34 they didn't just buy BGS. They bought the parent company Zenimax and they did it for a reason. They wanted everything, not just Fallout and TES.
      If they didn't want Redfall or HiFiRush or idGames they could have shut those games down years ago.
      Redfall happened under Microsoft
      HiFi happened under Microsoft
      Starfield happened under Microsoft
      And let's not forget all the wonderful work Xbox has been doing outside of BGS. Halo Infinite was a dud, the latest Gears games didn't move the needle, OuterWorlds missed the mark, literally no one played Avowed, Grounded under performed, they have nothing going for them besides gamepass right now.
      The problem isn't the studios, it's their leadership in Zenimax/Microsoft. They made the EXACT games they were told/greenlit to make. They failed because Xbox decided everything needed to be games as a service and forced stupid shit like always online into games like Redfall.

    • @tomwhitworth1560
      @tomwhitworth1560 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Dareitus And Redfall had already been in development hell for years lol.

  • @hosseldonfearanen4775
    @hosseldonfearanen4775 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dude, you're confused about Bethesda's internal structure. Bethesda Game Studios only worked on Elder's Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield. They can't be distracted by Dishonored, Hi-Fi Rush or Doom because they have nothing to do with them. Bethesda Softworks is the publishing company of all these studios. If you think allowing these studios to make their own games instead of moving everyone to work on BGS games was mismanagement, then you must believe that videogame companies should buy game studios just to cannibalize them. It's all fun and games until they do that to a studio you care about. Is Avowed going to sell as well as Starfield or the Next Elder's Scrolls? No. Does that mean Obsidian is going to be axed and all the developers moved to BGS to work on the next Fallout? We'll see.

    • @MattAGames
      @MattAGames  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dude. Bethesda was managing those other studios, correct?
      Those other studio required money, resources and personnel that could have been allocated to BGS instead, correct?
      Indirectly, those studios were not adding to their IP portfolio in terms of raw success. Arkane was probably the worst decision though.
      Dishonored deserved another chance to gain traction.

    • @MattAGames
      @MattAGames  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Obsidian is a legacy studio man. They’re on a whole different level than Arkane or Tango.
      We’re talking about the OG creators of KOTOR 2 , New Vegas, South Park Stick of Truth, Outer Worlds, Pillars or Eternity. They did it on their own.
      If Microsoft got rid of Obsidian, Obsidian would still be a studio. They’d go Indie again like they always were.

  • @polocatfan
    @polocatfan 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    imagine supporting people losing their jobs.

    • @MattAGames
      @MattAGames  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I mean dude, a business can't just prop up charity studios that aren't accomplishing the goals they have for the brand. lol.
      I also said Microsoft made a huge mistake by not reallocating the jobs to other Bethesda projects.

    • @Techmaster7032Official
      @Techmaster7032Official 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Dude, bethesda have been delivering sub-par products for years. If a business was doing a crap job would you really want to keep supporting them?

    • @primarch316
      @primarch316 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      People lose jobs all the time. You pick yourself up and get another one.

    • @doublecrossedswine112
      @doublecrossedswine112 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Do a better job if you want to keep it.

    • @ParaNoid816
      @ParaNoid816 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I come from a coal mining town. You people CHEER for us losing our jobs. What a hypocrite you all are.

  • @primarch316
    @primarch316 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Yes. Correct decision. They peaked at Skyrim. Fallout 4 was okay. Everything after that has been them operating past their ability.

    • @MattAGames
      @MattAGames  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for understanding my point of view.
      I mean how can you let Bethesda manage a mobile game developer, a Japanese Studio and another studio that put out RedFall, while Fallout 4 update is a total disaster? It’s actually laughable Microsoft are allowing Bethesda to have so much independence. They need more people working on these things. A Billion Dollar franchise, can’t even get a proper update.

    • @primarch316
      @primarch316 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MattAGames I knew this was going to happen as soon Microsoft bought them. Now i just hope that Microsoft get the right people under their umbrella to give us decent follow-ups to Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Bethesda struggled logistically with their growth as a company. Now with such decisions out of their hands, hopefully, they can go back to what they were good at.

    • @Arthur_Grey34
      @Arthur_Grey34 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I 100% agree with you but thats BGS not the studios that where shut down. I do think it makes plenty of sense to shut them down tho, Tango was the only odd one. They where the only ones that made decent games recently but I don't think they made enough money considering their studio size.

    • @primarch316
      @primarch316 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I found this interesting. Sums up modern gaming and why every AAA is suffering. I am aware of BGS and other studios they only produce for but, good or bad, those titles were never my cup of tea. Except for Arkanes' Dishonoured, loved them.

    • @Marcustheseer
      @Marcustheseer 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i think you look at this from a scewerd perception,skyrim was there peak shure but fallout 4 was stil good and starfield is also stil good.
      dont look at someone piek and say ya that was oke no piek means its a great amazing thing which means fallout 4 and starfield are also stil good.
      the only things that exist are not piek and past there ability there are stages in between aswel,whats up with this generation all or nothing there is more between that.