How Do They Recycle Paper?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- In How Do They Recycle Paper?, find out what happens to all that paper we put in our recycling boxes. Film without words.
Directed by Winston Washington Moxam - 1999 | 4 min
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I'm 36 years old, and randomly in the office thought to myself, how is paper made? how is it recycled? how do we keep up with growing trees and cutting them down for paper?! So I took to google and found this, great video :)
I love coming to comment sections with ancient comments before the reply option or the time stamps.
It would be great if you would explained what each process that was going on.
and that explained..... nothing.
Matt McNeice
deforestation perhaps
It's a six step Process.
Step 1: Collection after recycle.
Step 2: Sorting and transportation with lift cart.
Step 3: Shredding and pulping with liquids.
Step 4: Floatation tank with bleach for de-inking.
Step 5 :whitening, adding in fresh wood dust for texture, emulsifiers/glues.
Step 6.: rolling thinly,
Drying / finishing for reuse.
@@Bryan5288 recycled paper has new wood added to it? :(
How is that recycling :(((
Looks nothing like the mill where I work.We make 100% recycled paper (brown paper for box'es).Bales of cardboard are dumped into a pulper (giant blender) where the cardboard dissolves into a slush (stock).The stock is run through several cleaning processes.Lots of different equipment,think big refinery.Cleaned stock is then turned into paper.Like I said,we make 100% recycled at 30 to 36 tons an hour.A sheet 16 feet wide and running at about 1800 to 2100 feet per minute.And we're a small mill.
That was a lot more informative than the video. Thumbs up.
Haha, so true! Thanks for that paragraph of info!
the editing deserve an Oscar nomination !
It’s crazy to think some of these comments are almost as old as me
I loved the soundtrack.
+dan iel lol.
thank you for not putting a dumb song over the video.
Well done but not sure everyone will understand the process without a little information - for example who would understand why there are short bits of pine transported along a chute if this is about recycled paper?
This deserves more views.
me too
2:41 ahhhhhh that feels so refreshing for some reason
Randy Do like just wiped your ass refreshing
Great video, thanks for sharing. I always enjoy seeing things getting recycled, because it both saves landfill space (although paper is biodegradable), and it saves limited resources (trees). God Bless you all.
Trees are not limited resources they are plants, we can regrow them, and it’s exactly water the paper and tree product industry do. They grow more trees so they can sustain their paper production. And we end up for more trees than before (at least in the USA)
@@moonjae-in12thpresidentofr20 shouldn’t you be more concerned with trees in Korea? Poor form Moon Jae….poor form….
That was 4:02 of my life that I'm never getting back.
@taimgomaith, by recycling they use less tree to produce the same amount of paper
Just incredible :~)
That is a damn good point!
That's amazing.
O my those comments are 9 years ago when I was 1 year old lol
this is just part waste paper recycling, they still use wood to make paper, good job, really nice video
I really wish there would have been a voice over to explain the Different steps.
Those would make nice toilet paper rolls lol 2:50
Why are you assuming I haven't?
This is the most interesting thing to man.
No talking? Let's save the world from noise pollution!
Narration please?
i’m definitely going to try this haha.
Wow I love these How do they? vids. I don't know why. Maybe because there strangely relaxing.
Can you post more Winston Moxam content?
Recycle old paper and save trees.🌱♥️
It's simple! They stack the paper before it is turned into pulp. Then it turns into wood I guess, so they can chop it up again for funsies. Afterwards, they turn it back into pulp and it's turned into paper. They roll it (I'm assuming they waste the paper that gets crumpled), and it gets shipped off.
Perplexed Ferret I think the trees we saw were added into it. I don’t think they turned the paper back into trees. Not completely sure though. I think the trees were added for consistency purposes maybe
Wow. Always wondered how.
but HOW ?
so share it. simple.
1:28 - 1:30 one piece of wood tried to escape
I may sound stupid but I thought the point of recycling paper was so we save trees... so why are they using trees
They are using a mix of virgin trees and recycled paper pulp. The actual percentage of the recycled and post-consumer recycled content is important to note when considering how "green" a paper is. e.g. 50% recycled 20% PCW, means 50% comes from virgin wood, 30% is pre-consumer recycled and 20% is post-consumer recycled. We do our best to find paper products, which are 100% PCW recycled and are either unbleached or bleached without using chlorine or chlorine derivatives.
Its cheaper and more environmentally friendly to cut down trees to make paper and replant them. Recycling paper is bad for the environment, and expensive.
Yes, cutting down trees, burning waste paper, and planting new trees is actually carbon neutral and sustainable. Recycling on the other hand requires bleach and may use more energy. (I could be wrong, but that's what I heard.)
Partly true.. But not really.
The main problem that we try to solve with recycling is: reducing the need for more landfill. If it were not for it, most of the population would be living next to landfills, and those themselves are bad for the environment. Not primarily because they are hazardous or polluting (which they still are), but because they take a lot of place.
***** incorrect. We are no where near running out of landfill space. In fact to put it into perspective the US could put all their garbage in one centralized spot for a thousand years and it would only take up a little over 30 miles (no one is talking about doing that it's just for perspective). Also don't forget as technology advances so does our ability to compact and store garbage better than ever before. Also almost all landfill spaces once they are no longer in use and have gone through the reclamation process are environmentally safe and normally looks quite nice. Plus, even if landfill space was a problem (which it isn't), recycling paper does not reduce landfill. More than 90% of everything you put into recycling cans gets thrown into landfills anyways, and recycling paper creates a chemical waste that also gets placed into landfills. Not to mention recycling paper takes away incentives to replant trees. Contrary to popular belief trees actually increase by logging since loggers have an incentive to replant what they cut down to maintain an abundant supply.
Kyle P "More than 90% of everything you put into recycling cans gets thrown into landfills anyways"
This is total rubbish. In europe what is put in the recycling bins IS recycled as in it's processed and reused. Maybe USA is retarded at recycling.....
***** that's not true. It's impossible, because the majority of what is placed in a recycling bin is impossible to recycle. Don't let the recycling propaganda feed you a bunch of bullshit so that you continue supporting their subsidies.
how does the paper not break while it's wet?
how they remove the tint???
what the hell. there is no one talking and tell me step by step whats going on
Wonders 5 months later if I need meditation.
y is there no sound? and y duz every1 think that the vid is SOOOOOOOOO amazing? Y duz it deserve more views? Y is it "how do they do that"? Would sum1 enlighten me?
What a waste of water
That's where all California's water disappeared
umm no actually they all went to cows
Ah my forest!!!!!
Ya that's the recycling newspaper part fr canada
Hey, hey, how come this got so many negative votes? and y r u so angry, phubans? I wasn't saying anything bad about the vid.... i jus told u to share it!
where is the lava ?
Goooddd one
wow this movie is so bad what a waste of time
Narration plz
@phubans lol its juz paper i think it has enough views anyway
Nothing explained, I didn't learn anything from here.
my teacher made me watch his
Hey can u c me????
that doesnt say how paper is recycled any narrator please??
i did not understand anything
This is just superb, I have been researching "companies that cut down on paper usage graphs" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Banraysarn Peculiar Builder - (search on google )?
It is a good one of a kind product for discovering how to replace paper towels and unwanted toxic cleaners minus the headache. Ive heard some super things about it and my neighbour got cool results with it.
Cool I know what else to say okay
Yeah... Just a bunch of pictures! Typical "Duh" journalism today...
Why where trees being put into the recycled paper machine? Useless Vid
This isn't ur best vid
uhhh thanks I guess. but it didn't explained nothing.
so fkn dirty factory
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