What has the size of Co. Wicklow got to do with anything? I have asked myself that very question already and it is a good question. Is it justified? Well, you must understand that for the duration of the hunt, the fox is a long way ahead of the hounds. It moves away from the disturbance, at speed, what it would normally do, just as if you disturbed it while out walking. The hounds follow the scent it left (from five minutes or more time ago, depending on when the fox passed...
Thanks! Sorry to hear about the horse in your yard. There was a long walk around if you didn't want to go through the ditch which probably looked worse than it was. I photographed a hunt yesterday going across a ditch 3 times as big as this one. The ditch was full of water after the rain which may have caught a few ponies. I agree, it's not nice to laugh at a fallen horse or rider. Thanks again.
At 7:00 she really bit it! That was some ditch. Don't you worry about the horses hurting themselves? My pony and i do ditches all the time but not like that! Hehe, well ridden all! I love hunting.
Hunting (with hounds) does not necessarily mean an animal has to be killed- research fox hunting with hounds in the USA. There a fox is hardly ever killed, and never intentionally. That is because the fox is not classed as a pest in the US, but is regarded as a pest in some of the UK/Ireland. Can you stop being so rude?Just because we have opposing views on one topic doesn't mean that you need to be so nasty. You may disagree with me, but please disagree with me calmly and politely.
There are many good reasons to keep hunting. One, that it manages the fox population, keeping it at a healthy level for both farmers and foxes. Hunts catch around 27750 foxes a year. It is beneficial to the environment, in that hedges are maintained for the horses to jump, when they could be removed, and that coverts are maintained to provide places for foxes to live, so that they are easily found.
you sound like a psycho! yeah the best method of fox control is to get 40 riders on hourseback with hounds and chase them across the country, extremely efficient use of resources. Not to mention the sheer degeneracy and immorality of hunting an animal with other animals, only for that animal to be torn to shreds by the other animals.. You're arguing for this? honestly? and say there are many good reasons to keep hunting?! PSYCHO
...The fox will stop occasionally, then hear disturbance again and move on. It is often caught when it makes a mistake such as heading back towards the hounds. It will tire, but it is not run to the point of exhaustion, merely to the point when the hounds get it in sight, and then will hunt by sight and quickly overtake it (they are faster then as they do not spend time working out the scent). They will then kill it- its doesn't always look nice but it is undeniably quick...
Like I keep saying, Humans encroach on the foxes habitat, the fox returns to eat, and then it's considered fair game for the lamp and the gun, the horse and the hound, all under control of the human animal.
I'm not some school kid, I am 46yrs old, I know a thing or two about what you get up to. Even if the fox is lucky enough to die in minutes, when you're that scared, time appears to freeze, so second seem like minutes and minutes feel like hours. And I'm aware that you know exactly what I mean, but you're choosing to be evasive to ease your conscience... I can understand that.
As for the friends and family bit-this is pure, emotional anthropomorphism and you know it. As for perceiving death- "Comparative neuroscience and comparative psychology combine in supporting the view that both wild and domestic animals lack the complex brain and mental abilities necessary to experience fear as a human would and the human concept of death. These require at least some elements considered unique to man"- Vet. Assoc. for Wildife Management. This may exclude cetaceans and primates.
i Hunt and I Love It I Jump Everything. Im 12 Wiv A 17.hh Horse Called Candi She Is The Best. Shes A Throughrabred X Belgium Draught. I No Bit Odd. Shes Stunning. We Went To Our 1st Show Last Weekend And Come 1st In Evrything. Im So Proud Of My Baby. ;)
first of all you lose more weight by riding and its alot more fun...how is it cowardice to ride on a horse if anything its the most dangerous sport out their.
I'm not a coward either. I don't hunt foxes-that is what the hounds do. The hounds are not mine and I am not in control of them, so therefore I am not hunting the fox. I just enjoy watching the hounds sniffling around on the scent of the fox, and running along after the pack (so do enough exercise). You still don't get what hunting with hounds is about do you? Like I said, the sport side is not about killing. Its about tracking a scent, whether real of artificial with a pack of hounds.
There you go again, ignoring EVERYTHING I say.The odds aren't stacked against the fox, if you'd ever been hunting you'd know that. 65% of hunted foxes escape, that suggests that that the odds are stacked against the hounds. Hunting is beneficial to the whole environment, due to the reasons that I clearly mentioned. It is beneficial to the fox population, keeping at a a manageable (but not too low) level, and often removing the injured/sick.
Our brains are suppose to be impervious to pain, it tells you that other parts of your body have been hurt or are hurting, would you let someone put that theory to the test on you??
The girl at 8:08 took her horse through this obstacle in the most sensible way. IMO these horses are being put at risk of injury otherwise. Seems rather reckless to me. :)
You need many hounds, not to kill the fox (even though more hounds means a quicker death) but to follow the scent of the fox. Otherwise, the scent is really easy to lose (most foxes are lost, not killed) and the more hounds you use the easier it is to find that scent. Following a scent is what hunting with hounds is all about, not killing foxes. In the USA, foxes are pretty much never killed by hounds, because they aren't really pests there. And they're foxhounds, not beagles.
Indeed, but the careful management that hunting provides benefits the overall fox population too. The gun and gassing eliminate all foxes, hunting eliminates some, often the weak/sick. Farmers are less likely to shoot all foxes on their land if the hunt passes over it. Hunting also distributes foxes from where they are in high concentration, meaning a healthier overall popn.
Some fox hunt... in Tenessee we actually bag a fox when we go out. By the way, you should have found some place better to cross the creek. Doesn't do any good to nearly kill your horse.
Everybody should just calm down! I have heard alot from you guys about everything and im gunna set you straight: -This is NOT horse abuse! The horses their LOVE it! (I got all this info straight from my irish bestfriend.) If the horses DIDN'T love it they wouldn't be jumping and galloping around! - They DON'T kill the fox ... actually you can get into alot of trouble if you do. - This ISN'T corrupt! like wtf? -The hounds LOVE it aswell ... they love running after the scent ! CALM DOWN!
It doesn't die in minutes-every fox dies in seconds. It is said the with the amount of adrenaline rushing round its body in the last minute or so of the hunt (when the hounds are visible) that it cannot feel pain. The problem is that you are seeing things from a human perspective. A fox thinks and feels differently from a human-it does not understand things to the extent that we do. Like I said though, better a death like that than a painful death lasting days.
@katiemelissax No he's not a complete idiot. The pony isn't scared, he is looking down into the drain to work out how to tackle it;slide into it or jump it. What the kid is doing is trying to tell the pony to jump it, and obsiously you can't tell the pony that in english so you give him a slap to do it. he's trying to get the pony to jump like the grey horse at 4:03 not slide into it and fall. The rider is just helping the pony make a better decision which in this instance the pony ignores.
Also, killing using a natural method (another animal), seems to me to be a fair way of doing it. Better than a gun. After all, hounds are natural hunters just like the fox. The fox kills, and so does the hound. It just so happens that people have domesticated the wolf, and used its natural abilities for their own purposes. But at the end of the day, the hound is just doing something that it would naturally do.
I showed you that you were wrong about the beagle/foxhound issue. And I told you why so many hounds are needed-hunting is about following an animal by scent, and you need that many, otherwise you lose the scent. The fun in hunting is NOT in killing. What don't you understand???? I loathe, hate and despise ignorance. I do, however accept that aspects of hunting (such as terrier work), and hunting carried out improperly (eg use of bagged foxes) can be cruel. That needs to change.
What I'm saying is that by using two dogs, that were smaller in proportion than I was I would not be in the position of a fox. I would be in a much worse position. As for the four minutes thing, A fox is killed by hounds in, I would say, five to ten seconds. It does not experience long, drawn out pain. Four minutes is far too long, and here I would experience long drawn out pain. Understand?
If the sport side is about hunting a scent, why not hunt down the scent of corrupt bankers, politicians, stock brokers, auditors, accountants, insurance companies, taxmen and women, solicitors, barristers, judges, contractors, building contractors, police, doctors, consultant doctors, dentist, consultant dentist, there are plenty of corrupt humans who could do with a good hunting down. Why discriminate, why pick on the fox, do something that would be admired by the people. This takes courage!
If it's all about scent chasing, why not train them to chase down the corrupt, the thieves, the politicians, bankers, solicitors, barristers, auditors, accountants, taxmen, corrupt insurance agencies, contractors, construction contractors, corrupt doctors, corrupt doctor consultants, corrupt dentist, corrupt dental consultants. It would be a sheer joy to see these scum hunted down for the pack of robbing bastards that they are. So if it was all about scent....Why Not!!!
Can you tell what an animals feel can you? So why not start by telling me what they feel when they're aware that their life is about to transpire? I lived in Sussex, I've lived in Colorado, I've been born and raised in Ireland. You cannot tell me anything about a hunt, you on the other hand avoid things like blooding new hunters with the foxes tail. That's real sport man like.
Yeah, its ahead of hounds, panic stricken and scared, because it already knows how things are going to end if it doesn't try to stay ahead of the hounds, and no, you would/ or couldn't hold your own against my two dogs for four seconds let alone four minutes even with my assurance that I'd call them off if they started to bite. You'd be horrified, just like the poor little fox. And just for the record, I'd never sick my dogs on anyone, I just used that to see if you'd even have the nerve!
Humans have messed up our environment, everything you see in this country has been affected by humans. The fox, hare, deer and mink have fewer natural predators (we removed wolves for example, which prey on deer) so it is now our job (using the closest things to wolves, dogs) to manage those populations ourselves. Their habitat is completely affected by us. This does not mean that with our help, it cannot be a healthy, dynamic habitat. Hunting has helped with that.
Why not just put on a track suite and a pair of trainers and go out and hunt the fox yourself without hounds, or horses. Benefits: You'd lose weight, and the fox would live and learn. This would be hunting without cowardice. You must feel so superior to the fox when you're on a huge mount and you've got your 25/30 hounds beside you. But that would never do...right! You'd rather chop liver...right??
No, it's you who won't wake up, you ignore the truth. And yes, I agree that poor, poor dog, it was heart wrenching. That is the kind of cruelty that needs to be stopped. Mankind is not all psychotic though, not every human is an animal, or other-human abuser. Just some of them. :(
It is more humane than poisoning, which takes several days and is undoubtedly extremely painful. Gassing is also an unpleasant way to go, and kills non-target species. Shooting, if hit in the right place, is the best method. But there is a risk of wounding which would cause immense pain. If fox numbers need to be controlled on a local scale, hunting is the best way to do it.
Look Earthling, go look for a video on google video called: "Earthlings" it's by a guy called Shaun Monson, it's narrated by one of the Phoenix brothers, go look at that, and I mean all of it, and then tell me those animals don't suffer, one scumbag cuts a circle around the foxes rear leg and pulls it's coat off while bloods is dripping down its body, it's still blinking its eyes for almost an hour afterwards. Look at the video, don't keep making excuses to ease your
...Foxes and most other animals are not believed to have any concept of death- while the hounds may frighten it, it doesn't know it will be killed. Most foxes, it must be said are not caught, but the hounds lose the scent of the fox. If I were a fox I would rather face a quick death by hounds than a painful natural death (if it lost all its teeth due to old age and starved, for example)...
I've told you my view on reincarnation as a fox, and that being wild is a miserable life anyway, hunting or no hunting. Hunting is called a 'sport' because it refers to being 'sportsman like' or a fair player, which means being fair to the fox. That is why we have certain strict rules in hunting. It is not a sport like football or basketball are sports.
And no, I wouldn't want to be a fox, or any wild animal. I'll happily admit it. Being caught by hounds is probably the least of your worries, there are so many dangers. It is an uncomfortable life, and death will pretty much always be painful, no matter what happens. A life in the wild is a life spent avoiding predators, desperately trying to find food and escape death from disease. As for blooding-it is a way of showing respect to the animal. I don't like it much and never had it done to me.
@RachelMoloney1 You said 'innocent little foxes' & also 'pups' in the same paragraph which is pretty close to saying 'cute little puppies' in my book, despite that foxes don't have puppies because they aren't dogs. You also imply you know what I think & feel- please don't do that as it is incorrect . ALL things die, even you will die & millions of animals died for YOU so that you could eat, sit in a car, wipe your arse , watch TV etc etc . and yet you are het up about only ONE of them. Why ?
As for propaganda, I don't own a television, I haven't owned one for around 17yrs now, I grew suspicious of television networks after reading about Hegelian dialect. Of course, I also had my eyes opened in school after having read 1984 by George Orwell. I don't buy into tabloid journalism or television because they get to tell you what they want, when they want and in whatever context they want. The do the bidding of the Globalist, elite scum of the earth. Man is the worst animal on Earth.
@scotzgeezer noo but i neevr said everyone did just saying my opinion. i have mine and you have yours i i just care more for the people of our country that animals that harm small childrens friendsx
The kid that went right after her shouldn't be allowed to ride horses. Why is he whipping it on the neck ? I was hoping he'd fall in the pool head first. :))))
Brings the reality home? It's you who needs the reality brought home! And haven't I told you (about 5 times) that I've already seen Earthlings? Dear me, you desperately need to open your eyes!
There you go justifying what you call a sport again! You'll never wake up! Yes the dog in the dumpster truck was sad, it looked so worn out and resigned by mans continual abuse that it didn't make an effort to get free. And that fox for the fur trade lived for an hour or more after being flayed, you can see the pain they are in, and the poor dolphin being towed behind the tow truck. Man kind is a sick psychotic animal.
Who do you think you are talking to? I'm not some dumb idot, we encroach on their habitat, and then when they come back to feed in places their parents fed, You decide that; that's enough, they're on my turf now, they're fair game. We don't own the earth, and we don't get to do mother natures job for her. Just look at how messed up the world is since man started meddling in things.
You wouldn't want to be reincarnated as a fox, not for all the money in the world, you just won't admit it. Of course a bunch of hounds tearing at your flesh and chewing on you is going to hurt, don't give me shit about a fox with no teeth. I've seen little snobs get blooded with the foxes tail. Where's the love, peace and harmony with that? I'll meet you and set my two dogs on you for four minutes, or you can shout stop when you think you feel pain, are you up for that? I won't put you down.
...I do not believe that in fox hunting, practiced properly causes much suffering to foxes. As I already said, most of the time they don't know they're being hunted. I imagine that you picture hunting with the hounds running up with the fox in view all the time, but that is not the case. The hounds track the scent of the fox. And how am I pathetic for valuing good manners, even with someone you strongly disagree with. I'm polite to you-please be the same back.
Beneficial to who's environment? Certainly not the poor foxes environment! I'd be willing to be that you wouldn't trade places with a fox for all the money in the world. I know what, that you're aware of what I mean, you're not sport like in anyway shape or form, you're a bunch of fools on horse back chasing down one little fox with 25/30 hounds, the Odds are stacked against the fox from the get go. Go watch Earthlings on google video. You get to see the sickest, most cruel animal in alive!!!
It would only be fair if you set dogs that were three times the size of me (the size of a lion), and set 30 of them on me. That's because that is what the fox experiences. Then I'd guarantee I'd have a pretty quick death. Maybe, when I'm old that's the way i'd like to go. But by setting two normal size dogs on me, I would not be in the foxes position. They would bite my legs and arms as I am larger than them, and there are just two. It would be painful, and unlike the fox I wouldn't die.
Why not train them to track down the corrupt bankers and politicians?? That would be something constructive. Why are there so many dogs, is that how many dogs it takes to kill a poor defenseless fox? Now that I know where this takes place,you expect the entire area to pepper bombed, send your stupid beagles off to the vet and let a fox live another day. Someone needs to lend a voice to these dumb animals. And not those hunting them,
It's nice to see kids and grownups doing something together outside and the kids aren't fat and on their cell phones and textmessaging all day like a bunch of stupid robots.
Forcing horses through a ditch & steep embankment could cause strains on horse's legs that could lead to more serious injuries. (You don't care if you lame your horse?) Look at # 7:56 on the redline/timeline. The ;white horse was sensibly offering a refusal. Once more an animal proved that it has more sense than the Irish!
You go wave a stick at a fox and see if it doesn't try to avoid being hit or not.. then get back to me. You're truly pathetic, you're cruising on pure hubris, a fox doesn't comprehend it's impending death. You can bet it's seen many of its family, friends and other foxes meet their end. Otherwise they'd stand their ground like docile cows, I mean if you didn't understand you're about to die, why even bother waste energy running, unless it's to get a meal. Watch Earthlings by Shaun Monson.
@RachelMoloney1 Dogs are canini, foxes are vulpini, ie not dogs. Like I said, thousands of animals die every day so you can eat vegan food so your attitude to fox hunting is childish and ill thought out. As you are actually a child , you may grow out of it, but sadly many people stay childish and without thought throughout their lives.
Whipped, it should have been flayed. Little gobshite conditioned to believe it's better than everyone else in the country because its father works in white collar crime.
And you and proud to be apart of that danger, that's what you keep failing to see! You're a link on the chain of cruelty displayed in: "Earthlings, By Shaun Monson" And I've repeated this because that tit head who put this video up keeps taken down my comments, you'll just continue to try justify your part in this cruelty! I pity you in that this is one of the ways you've found an outlet for you sadistic fun! Wake up!!!
So why does the hunt end when the fox is killed, a hunt, look it up in a dictionary, entails some gobshite going out with the intention of bringing home quarry, or catching quarry or prey. You showed me nothing. You are an imbecile,, you're one link on that chain you're so painfully trying to point out.
You never once answer a question, instead you try to come back with your own crapola, that's why I don't respond to your shit.. I mean, why should I. This channel is biased in favor of fox hunting, every I point out the documentary called: "Earthlings" The comment is spammed, or taken down. So why even pay attention to you?
Okay! Meet me and allow me set my two dogs as appose to 25/30 hounds on you for a mere four minutes, you can even shout stop when you begin to feel the pain, I promise I won't let them really hurt you. Are you up for that, would you care to put yourself in a foxes position?? Then I'll take and respect what you have to say. Otherwise shut up! I know you're a coward, If you weren't you'd hunt the fox by yourself with no toys, that way you'd lose weight and the fox would see another day.
You haven't never shown me to be wrong you imbecile, I loath, hate and despise all animal cruelty. You use twenty to 30 dogs to chase down one poor little fox, how dare you... this is my country too!!! Never ever forget that, I'm going to make as many people aware of the prod wannabes in Wicklow trying their hand at an out dated occupation that should never ever been considered a sport to begin with. I show you lack of intelligence, You be really careful you don't bump into me.
Ireland has around the same land mass as Colorado, and Co. Wicklow is a very small County. Just ask yourself how you'd like to be chased down with your heart in your mouth knowing or not knowing if your life is about to end around the next corner? How would you feel?? Disagree with you calmly or politely.. You're pathetic
Your kind won't know what a fox feels until you've reincarnated as one. Only I don't believe that shit to be true. I sure wish you were incarnated as a fox so you'd really know what it feels. You're just a lame ass looking for good excused to allow you continue your barbaric hunt/ because it's not a sport! not by any measure!! Do yourself a huge favor and watch that video I suggested you watch, and be sure to pass the link on to as many of your friends as possible.
Absolutely fantastic stuff. Keep the videos coming. Well done to all the riders.
Nice video, well riden at 5.20, then some great dismounts at 6 and 7 mins. class, keep em coming!
Great Vid as always Ken :D
Great vid,
Sure, in what way should it be tested on me?
What has the size of Co. Wicklow got to do with anything? I have asked myself that very question already and it is a good question. Is it justified? Well, you must understand that for the duration of the hunt, the fox is a long way ahead of the hounds. It moves away from the disturbance, at speed, what it would normally do, just as if you disturbed it while out walking. The hounds follow the scent it left (from five minutes or more time ago, depending on when the fox passed...
What true light?
Thanks! Sorry to hear about the horse in your yard. There was a long walk around if you didn't want to go through the ditch which probably looked worse than it was. I photographed a hunt yesterday going across a ditch 3 times as big as this one. The ditch was full of water after the rain which may have caught a few ponies. I agree, it's not nice to laugh at a fallen horse or rider.
Thanks again.
This looks like a fun group! Gotta love the kids...
Sorry, I meant to click on reply on your other message but I hit remove. What where you talking about?
madness, absolute madness.
nice to hear every1 on the safe side of the ditch encouraging the up n coming riders
god blwss hunting and the fantastic ppl that do it. May it never EVER go!
Amazing Video!! some serious super glue!!
@RachelMoloney1 There is no hunting during the breeding season...
At 7:00 she really bit it! That was some ditch. Don't you worry about the horses hurting themselves? My pony and i do ditches all the time but not like that! Hehe, well ridden all! I love hunting.
Hunting (with hounds) does not necessarily mean an animal has to be killed- research fox hunting with hounds in the USA. There a fox is hardly ever killed, and never intentionally. That is because the fox is not classed as a pest in the US, but is regarded as a pest in some of the UK/Ireland. Can you stop being so rude?Just because we have opposing views on one topic doesn't mean that you need to be so nasty. You may disagree with me, but please disagree with me calmly and politely.
There are many good reasons to keep hunting. One, that it manages the fox population, keeping it at a healthy level for both farmers and foxes. Hunts catch around 27750 foxes a year. It is beneficial to the environment, in that hedges are maintained for the horses to jump, when they could be removed, and that coverts are maintained to provide places for foxes to live, so that they are easily found.
you sound like a psycho! yeah the best method of fox control is to get 40 riders on hourseback with hounds and chase them across the country, extremely efficient use of resources.
Not to mention the sheer degeneracy and immorality of hunting an animal with other animals, only for that animal to be torn to shreds by the other animals.. You're arguing for this? honestly? and say there are many good reasons to keep hunting?!
...The fox will stop occasionally, then hear disturbance again and move on. It is often caught when it makes a mistake such as heading back towards the hounds. It will tire, but it is not run to the point of exhaustion, merely to the point when the hounds get it in sight, and then will hunt by sight and quickly overtake it (they are faster then as they do not spend time working out the scent). They will then kill it- its doesn't always look nice but it is undeniably quick...
I thought you were Irish?
nice save by the guy on the big grey horse lol
Like I keep saying, Humans encroach on the foxes habitat, the fox returns to eat, and then it's considered fair game for the lamp and the gun, the horse and the hound, all under control of the human animal.
I'm not some school kid, I am 46yrs old, I know a thing or two about what you get up to. Even if the fox is lucky enough to die in minutes, when you're that scared, time appears to freeze, so second seem like minutes and minutes feel like hours. And I'm aware that you know exactly what I mean, but you're choosing to be evasive to ease your conscience... I can understand that.
As for the friends and family bit-this is pure, emotional anthropomorphism and you know it. As for perceiving death- "Comparative neuroscience and comparative psychology combine in supporting the view that both wild and domestic animals lack the complex brain and mental abilities necessary to experience fear as a human would and the human concept of death. These require at least some elements considered unique to man"- Vet. Assoc. for Wildife Management. This may exclude cetaceans and primates.
i Hunt and I Love It
I Jump Everything.
Im 12 Wiv A 17.hh Horse Called Candi
She Is The Best. Shes A Throughrabred X Belgium Draught. I No Bit Odd. Shes Stunning. We Went To Our 1st Show Last Weekend And Come 1st In Evrything. Im So Proud Of My Baby. ;)
first of all you lose more weight by riding and its alot more fun...how is it cowardice to ride on a horse if anything its the most dangerous sport out their.
I'm not a coward either. I don't hunt foxes-that is what the hounds do. The hounds are not mine and I am not in control of them, so therefore I am not hunting the fox. I just enjoy watching the hounds sniffling around on the scent of the fox, and running along after the pack (so do enough exercise). You still don't get what hunting with hounds is about do you? Like I said, the sport side is not about killing. Its about tracking a scent, whether real of artificial with a pack of hounds.
There you go again, ignoring EVERYTHING I say.The odds aren't stacked against the fox, if you'd ever been hunting you'd know that. 65% of hunted foxes escape, that suggests that that the odds are stacked against the hounds. Hunting is beneficial to the whole environment, due to the reasons that I clearly mentioned. It is beneficial to the fox population, keeping at a a manageable (but not too low) level, and often removing the injured/sick.
Our brains are suppose to be impervious to pain, it tells you that other parts of your body have been hurt or are hurting, would you let someone put that theory to the test on you??
If you seriously believe that dogs don't love this kind of stuff, then you know nothing about dogs. That's all there is to say.
the irish sure can ride!
The girl at 8:08 took her horse through this obstacle in the most sensible way. IMO these horses are being put at risk of injury otherwise. Seems rather reckless to me. :)
they love it!
You need many hounds, not to kill the fox (even though more hounds means a quicker death) but to follow the scent of the fox. Otherwise, the scent is really easy to lose (most foxes are lost, not killed) and the more hounds you use the easier it is to find that scent. Following a scent is what hunting with hounds is all about, not killing foxes. In the USA, foxes are pretty much never killed by hounds, because they aren't really pests there. And they're foxhounds, not beagles.
Oh Billy! Ill come back! Miss the yard and the horses. Aub. showed me the video.
Lil James still rude...
Indeed, but the careful management that hunting provides benefits the overall fox population too. The gun and gassing eliminate all foxes, hunting eliminates some, often the weak/sick. Farmers are less likely to shoot all foxes on their land if the hunt passes over it. Hunting also distributes foxes from where they are in high concentration, meaning a healthier overall popn.
Some fox hunt... in Tenessee we actually bag a fox when we go out. By the way, you should have found some place better to cross the creek. Doesn't do any good to nearly kill your horse.
love this vid especially because its all on my land :p
Everybody should just calm down! I have heard alot from you guys about everything and im gunna set you straight:
-This is NOT horse abuse! The horses their LOVE it! (I got all this info straight from my irish bestfriend.) If the horses DIDN'T love it they wouldn't be jumping and galloping around!
- They DON'T kill the fox ... actually you can get into alot of trouble if you do.
- This ISN'T corrupt! like wtf?
-The hounds LOVE it aswell ... they love running after the scent !
Wow loved it! :L
and the way that wenever someone fell off an got coverd in mud they just luaghed :L x
It doesn't die in minutes-every fox dies in seconds. It is said the with the amount of adrenaline rushing round its body in the last minute or so of the hunt (when the hounds are visible) that it cannot feel pain. The problem is that you are seeing things from a human perspective. A fox thinks and feels differently from a human-it does not understand things to the extent that we do. Like I said though, better a death like that than a painful death lasting days.
@katiemelissax No he's not a complete idiot. The pony isn't scared, he is looking down into the drain to work out how to tackle it;slide into it or jump it. What the kid is doing is trying to tell the pony to jump it, and obsiously you can't tell the pony that in english so you give him a slap to do it. he's trying to get the pony to jump like the grey horse at 4:03 not slide into it and fall. The rider is just helping the pony make a better decision which in this instance the pony ignores.
I sort of agree with you here.
Also, killing using a natural method (another animal), seems to me to be a fair way of doing it. Better than a gun. After all, hounds are natural hunters just like the fox. The fox kills, and so does the hound. It just so happens that people have domesticated the wolf, and used its natural abilities for their own purposes. But at the end of the day, the hound is just doing something that it would naturally do.
I saw only ONE person give their horse so much as a pat on the neck for going through the ditch.
I showed you that you were wrong about the beagle/foxhound issue. And I told you why so many hounds are needed-hunting is about following an animal by scent, and you need that many, otherwise you lose the scent. The fun in hunting is NOT in killing. What don't you understand???? I loathe, hate and despise ignorance. I do, however accept that aspects of hunting (such as terrier work), and hunting carried out improperly (eg use of bagged foxes) can be cruel. That needs to change.
What I'm saying is that by using two dogs, that were smaller in proportion than I was I would not be in the position of a fox. I would be in a much worse position. As for the four minutes thing, A fox is killed by hounds in, I would say, five to ten seconds. It does not experience long, drawn out pain. Four minutes is far too long, and here I would experience long drawn out pain. Understand?
If the sport side is about hunting a scent, why not hunt down the scent of corrupt bankers, politicians, stock brokers, auditors, accountants, insurance companies, taxmen and women, solicitors, barristers, judges, contractors, building contractors, police, doctors, consultant doctors, dentist, consultant dentist, there are plenty of corrupt humans who could do with a good hunting down. Why discriminate, why pick on the fox, do something that would be admired by the people. This takes courage!
oh wow ha ha i feel so bad for the Riders and horses that fell down at the Mini Mud pool but at least they had fun
I don't need to, I lived in Colorado!!!
If it's all about scent chasing, why not train them to chase down the corrupt, the thieves, the politicians, bankers, solicitors, barristers, auditors, accountants, taxmen, corrupt insurance agencies, contractors, construction contractors, corrupt doctors, corrupt doctor consultants, corrupt dentist, corrupt dental consultants. It would be a sheer joy to see these scum hunted down for the pack of robbing bastards that they are. So if it was all about scent....Why Not!!!
Can you tell what an animals feel can you? So why not start by telling me what they feel when they're aware that their life is about to transpire? I lived in Sussex, I've lived in Colorado, I've been born and raised in Ireland. You cannot tell me anything about a hunt, you on the other hand avoid things like blooding new hunters with the foxes tail. That's real sport man like.
Yeah, its ahead of hounds, panic stricken and scared, because it already knows how things are going to end if it doesn't try to stay ahead of the hounds, and no, you would/ or couldn't hold your own against my two dogs for four seconds let alone four minutes even with my assurance that I'd call them off if they started to bite. You'd be horrified, just like the poor little fox. And just for the record, I'd never sick my dogs on anyone, I just used that to see if you'd even have the nerve!
Humans have messed up our environment, everything you see in this country has been affected by humans. The fox, hare, deer and mink have fewer natural predators (we removed wolves for example, which prey on deer) so it is now our job (using the closest things to wolves, dogs) to manage those populations ourselves. Their habitat is completely affected by us. This does not mean that with our help, it cannot be a healthy, dynamic habitat. Hunting has helped with that.
Why not just put on a track suite and a pair of trainers and go out and hunt the fox yourself without hounds, or horses. Benefits: You'd lose weight, and the fox would live and learn. This would be hunting without cowardice. You must feel so superior to the fox when you're on a huge mount and you've got your 25/30 hounds beside you. But that would never do...right! You'd rather chop liver...right??
what a great day out, and well done to all the young un's for having a bash.
What did that comment do for you? lol just wondering because the only thing it did for me was make me notice how much offensive language you used.
No, it's you who won't wake up, you ignore the truth. And yes, I agree that poor, poor dog, it was heart wrenching. That is the kind of cruelty that needs to be stopped. Mankind is not all psychotic though, not every human is an animal, or other-human abuser. Just some of them. :(
We could say the same thing for any sport this has more point than any other
Question avoided by OfficialJong ^
Finally, we seem to have found something that we agree on!
Good save 5:16 or so.
Damn Good Fun!!!!!!!!!!!
It is more humane than poisoning, which takes several days and is undoubtedly extremely painful. Gassing is also an unpleasant way to go, and kills non-target species. Shooting, if hit in the right place, is the best method. But there is a risk of wounding which would cause immense pain. If fox numbers need to be controlled on a local scale, hunting is the best way to do it.
Nope! You need to take off your rose coloured glasses and look at this in their true light.
Look Earthling, go look for a video on google video called: "Earthlings" it's by a guy called Shaun Monson, it's narrated by one of the Phoenix brothers, go look at that, and I mean all of it, and then tell me those animals don't suffer, one scumbag cuts a circle around the foxes rear leg and pulls it's coat off while bloods is dripping down its body, it's still blinking its eyes for almost an hour afterwards. Look at the video, don't keep making excuses to ease your
...Foxes and most other animals are not believed to have any concept of death- while the hounds may frighten it, it doesn't know it will be killed. Most foxes, it must be said are not caught, but the hounds lose the scent of the fox. If I were a fox I would rather face a quick death by hounds than a painful natural death (if it lost all its teeth due to old age and starved, for example)...
Ten minuets of foxhunting and foxhounds and not one fox was even seen! No hound music or tracking, just a bunch of horse riders getting wet and muddy.
I've told you my view on reincarnation as a fox, and that being wild is a miserable life anyway, hunting or no hunting. Hunting is called a 'sport' because it refers to being 'sportsman like' or a fair player, which means being fair to the fox. That is why we have certain strict rules in hunting. It is not a sport like football or basketball are sports.
And no, I wouldn't want to be a fox, or any wild animal. I'll happily admit it. Being caught by hounds is probably the least of your worries, there are so many dangers. It is an uncomfortable life, and death will pretty much always be painful, no matter what happens. A life in the wild is a life spent avoiding predators, desperately trying to find food and escape death from disease. As for blooding-it is a way of showing respect to the animal. I don't like it much and never had it done to me.
@RachelMoloney1 You said 'innocent little foxes' & also 'pups' in the same paragraph which is pretty close to saying 'cute little puppies' in my book, despite that foxes don't have puppies because they aren't dogs. You also imply you know what I think & feel- please don't do that as it is incorrect . ALL things die, even you will die & millions of animals died for YOU so that you could eat, sit in a car, wipe your arse , watch TV etc etc . and yet you are het up about only ONE of them. Why ?
As for propaganda, I don't own a television, I haven't owned one for around 17yrs now, I grew suspicious of television networks after reading about Hegelian dialect. Of course, I also had my eyes opened in school after having read 1984 by George Orwell. I don't buy into tabloid journalism or television because they get to tell you what they want, when they want and in whatever context they want. The do the bidding of the Globalist, elite scum of the earth. Man is the worst animal on Earth.
@scotzgeezer noo but i neevr said everyone did just saying my opinion. i have mine and you have yours i i just care more for the people of our country that animals that harm small childrens friendsx
The kid that went right after her shouldn't be allowed to ride horses. Why is he whipping it on the neck ? I was hoping he'd fall in the pool head first. :))))
Brings the reality home? It's you who needs the reality brought home! And haven't I told you (about 5 times) that I've already seen Earthlings? Dear me, you desperately need to open your eyes!
There you go justifying what you call a sport again! You'll never wake up! Yes the dog in the dumpster truck was sad, it looked so worn out and resigned by mans continual abuse that it didn't make an effort to get free. And that fox for the fur trade lived for an hour or more after being flayed, you can see the pain they are in, and the poor dolphin being towed behind the tow truck. Man kind is a sick psychotic animal.
some of those poor horses at the ditch
Who do you think you are talking to? I'm not some dumb idot, we encroach on their habitat, and then when they come back to feed in places their parents fed, You decide that; that's enough, they're on my turf now, they're fair game. We don't own the earth, and we don't get to do mother natures job for her. Just look at how messed up the world is since man started meddling in things.
You wouldn't want to be reincarnated as a fox, not for all the money in the world, you just won't admit it. Of course a bunch of hounds tearing at your flesh and chewing on you is going to hurt, don't give me shit about a fox with no teeth. I've seen little snobs get blooded with the foxes tail. Where's the love, peace and harmony with that? I'll meet you and set my two dogs on you for four minutes, or you can shout stop when you think you feel pain, are you up for that? I won't put you down.
...I do not believe that in fox hunting, practiced properly causes much suffering to foxes. As I already said, most of the time they don't know they're being hunted. I imagine that you picture hunting with the hounds running up with the fox in view all the time, but that is not the case. The hounds track the scent of the fox. And how am I pathetic for valuing good manners, even with someone you strongly disagree with. I'm polite to you-please be the same back.
they're jumping because they are trying to get away
7:02 Man that sucks.
gosh... i understand the pleasure of this but wtf... wonder how many of the horses had leg injury after crossing this ditch... so f... stupid :(
Beneficial to who's environment? Certainly not the poor foxes environment! I'd be willing to be that you wouldn't trade places with a fox for all the money in the world. I know what, that you're aware of what I mean, you're not sport like in anyway shape or form, you're a bunch of fools on horse back chasing down one little fox with 25/30 hounds, the Odds are stacked against the fox from the get go. Go watch Earthlings on google video. You get to see the sickest, most cruel animal in alive!!!
It would only be fair if you set dogs that were three times the size of me (the size of a lion), and set 30 of them on me. That's because that is what the fox experiences. Then I'd guarantee I'd have a pretty quick death. Maybe, when I'm old that's the way i'd like to go. But by setting two normal size dogs on me, I would not be in the foxes position. They would bite my legs and arms as I am larger than them, and there are just two. It would be painful, and unlike the fox I wouldn't die.
Why not train them to track down the corrupt bankers and politicians?? That would be something constructive. Why are there so many dogs, is that how many dogs it takes to kill a poor defenseless fox? Now that I know where this takes place,you expect the entire area to pepper bombed, send your stupid beagles off to the vet and let a fox live another day. Someone needs to lend a voice to these dumb animals. And not those hunting them,
Don't keep responding to me silly cow! You're just another link on that Earthling chain! But you're in denial.
It's nice to see kids and grownups doing something together outside and the kids aren't fat and on their cell phones and textmessaging all day like a bunch of stupid robots.
Forcing horses through a ditch & steep embankment could cause strains on horse's legs that could lead to more serious injuries. (You don't care if you lame your horse?) Look at # 7:56 on the redline/timeline. The ;white horse was sensibly offering a refusal. Once more an animal proved that it has more sense than the Irish!
Blah blah blah blah blah
Christ the music is torture
You go wave a stick at a fox and see if it doesn't try to avoid being hit or not.. then get back to me. You're truly pathetic, you're cruising on pure hubris, a fox doesn't comprehend it's impending death. You can bet it's seen many of its family, friends and other foxes meet their end. Otherwise they'd stand their ground like docile cows, I mean if you didn't understand you're about to die, why even bother waste energy running, unless it's to get a meal. Watch Earthlings by Shaun Monson.
@RachelMoloney1 Dogs are canini, foxes are vulpini, ie not dogs. Like I said, thousands of animals die every day so you can eat vegan food so your attitude to fox hunting is childish and ill thought out. As you are actually a child , you may grow out of it, but sadly many people stay childish and without thought throughout their lives.
Whipped, it should have been flayed. Little gobshite conditioned to believe it's better than everyone else in the country because its father works in white collar crime.
And you and proud to be apart of that danger, that's what you keep failing to see! You're a link on the chain of cruelty displayed in: "Earthlings, By Shaun Monson" And I've repeated this because that tit head who put this video up keeps taken down my comments, you'll just continue to try justify your part in this cruelty! I pity you in that this is one of the ways you've found an outlet for you sadistic fun! Wake up!!!
So why does the hunt end when the fox is killed, a hunt, look it up in a dictionary, entails some gobshite going out with the intention of bringing home quarry, or catching quarry or prey. You showed me nothing. You are an imbecile,, you're one link on that chain you're so painfully trying to point out.
You never once answer a question, instead you try to come back with your own crapola, that's why I don't respond to your shit.. I mean, why should I. This channel is biased in favor of fox hunting, every I point out the documentary called: "Earthlings" The comment is spammed, or taken down. So why even pay attention to you?
Okay! Meet me and allow me set my two dogs as appose to 25/30 hounds on you for a mere four minutes, you can even shout stop when you begin to feel the pain, I promise I won't let them really hurt you. Are you up for that, would you care to put yourself in a foxes position?? Then I'll take and respect what you have to say. Otherwise shut up! I know you're a coward, If you weren't you'd hunt the fox by yourself with no toys, that way you'd lose weight and the fox would see another day.
You haven't never shown me to be wrong you imbecile, I loath, hate and despise all animal cruelty. You use twenty to 30 dogs to chase down one poor little fox, how dare you... this is my country too!!! Never ever forget that, I'm going to make as many people aware of the prod wannabes in Wicklow trying their hand at an out dated occupation that should never ever been considered a sport to begin with. I show you lack of intelligence, You be really careful you don't bump into me.
Ireland has around the same land mass as Colorado, and Co. Wicklow is a very small County. Just ask yourself how you'd like to be chased down with your heart in your mouth knowing or not knowing if your life is about to end around the next corner? How would you feel?? Disagree with you calmly or politely.. You're pathetic
Your kind won't know what a fox feels until you've reincarnated as one. Only I don't believe that shit to be true. I sure wish you were incarnated as a fox so you'd really know what it feels. You're just a lame ass looking for good excused to allow you continue your barbaric hunt/ because it's not a sport! not by any measure!! Do yourself a huge favor and watch that video I suggested you watch, and be sure to pass the link on to as many of your friends as possible.